• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 4,999 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

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Chapter 16: Reconcile

"After I was captured by my enemies, I make yet another encounter with both Kyuubi Lilith and Tempest Shadow. Both of them share the story with me.

For Kyuubi Lilith, she and her siblings - The Chaos Heralds were tasked on making preparation for Demon God's return. While they prepare some ritual across the Equestria, she was tasked to not only capture me and Shadow Dragon for holding the Elemental Elements of Light and Darkness, but also corrupted them as well as other Elements of Harmony. So, she has been manipulated and tricked my friends to argue and fight among ourselves, causing our Elements of Harmony to get corrupted and lost its hope.

She caught me when I was alone and isolated especially my Elemental Elements of Light and Magic have lost its hope and power. And only left is that Shadow Dragon come to rescue me while his Elemental Element of Darkness corrupted and raged.

For Tempest Shadow, I learned and found out of why she betrayed and sold Equestria to the enemies. Not only her horn was broken, her friends abandoned her when she needed the most. But that's not the worse case. Even though she was made to be Commander of Royal Guards without her magical horn, she and her Bonecrusher Squad were abandoned and left for dead by her general. Thus, she decided to turn her back on them while getting her horn back.

I feel sorry for her. It reminds me so much of me except I turn my back on them. Some friend I turned out to be...

While I was losing my hope and despair over my failures and Equestria's at the edge of losing, I was visited by Iris Crystal. And this time, she's real and spiritual. She encouraged and pleaded not to lose hope because believing her friends will be back for me.

I sure hope she's right. I hope my friends and Dragon Strike Force reconcile and get their act together now before it's too late. I also hope they especially Applejack and Pinkie forgive me for hurting them..."

SCREAM! Kyuubi Lilith was thrown to her quarter's walls hard. She coughed painfully while spilling some blood out. Her face is bruised and scarred. And at the same time, her face slowly de-aging into old facial. She panted heavily as she looked up and faced at the angry holographic form of Dark Lord. Maul and his Demon Changelings were standing there and kept quiet.

Kyuubi Lilith panted fearfully as she quickly get and bowed down, "My lord, please forgive me!"

"I gave you a simple order yet you defy me!" Dark Curse asked angrily as he fired Dark Magic Attack on her. She yelped in pain as she got pushed and slammed on the walls hard. He continued, "This is the reason why we've lost the Great Multiverse War because of you! You have caused everything we have prepared for! Your ignorance and obsession knows no bounds!"

Kyuubi Lilith hissed as she bowed down again, "I beg of you, my lord! I didn't mean it. I just wanted some part of her beauty, making me more beautiful."

Dark Curse snarled as he fired Dark Magic Attack again on her, "Unless I give you permission to do so, you will not harm her until we completed our mission. Do you understand, witch?!"

Kyuubi Lilith hissed in anger and frustration, "U-Understood..."

"Maul. You were supposed to make sure she doesn't do anything foolish." Dark Curse snarled angrily. Maul turned and looked at him. He lowered his head in 'shame'. He sighed, "Make sure she doesn't do it again. If she does, punish her. Everything must be go according to our plan. We cannot fail..."

Maul chuckled amusingly as he bowed humbly, "Leave it to me, my lord."

Dark Curse's hologram dispersed at once. Kyuubi Lilith hissed in anger as she approached to her closet. She found various items, potions and cosmetic items. She took moisturizing cream as she placed its cream on her face, adding it with herbs and dark magic. She chanted it a bit. Her face slowly restored back to her beauty self again.

Turning and looking at the mirror, her face was beautiful and perfect. Kyuubi Lilith sighed in relief, "That's better." She turned and glared at Maul, "You could have warn me if that mortal was spying on me."

Maul shrugged, "Well, you don't always listen to me like a few times. So, you have to learn the hard way."

"How amusing..."

"Either way, like the Dark Lord said, we need her life for Dark Sacrificial Ritual. Killing her too early before the ritual start? Not a good time."

"I know that, fool." Kyuubi Lilith snarled angrily as she put her fox mask on her face again, "And don't worry, I won't make mistake again. I won't kill her yet..."

Maul smirked, "Yeah, you'd better not. I'm watching you."

"Don't concern yourself, Envy..." Kyuubi Lilith said dryly and annoyingly.

"I hope you're right, sis..."

At the Basalt Beach, Four of Mane Six, sad and upset, sitting alone on the beach after the big argument with Dragon Strike Force about not taking situation serious or even thinking about saving the Equestria.

Fluttershy sighed, "This whole journey was such a mistake." She gasped in shame, "All we wanted was somepony to help us. But instead, we drove our own friends and even my own husband out because we weren't working together as a team."

"No reinforcement at all..." Rarity said in concern and upset.

"Yeah..." Rainbow agreed sadly, "Now there's no way we can stop Dark Curse and the Storm King..."

While sadly looking at the sea, Pinkie couldn't help but feel sad yet guilty and shame over what Twilight and Laxtinct has said to her. She sighed as she turned and looked at her friends. She asked, "Do you think that we should talk with Twilight and others?"

"Why?" Rainbow asked in disappointed and upset, "We weren't really friends or even in this together. Laxtinct was right. We doing this for ourselves..."

Rarity sighed, "Indeed. All because of our selfishness and inconsiderate of our friends, families and even each other especially Shorty."

"I know," Pinkie admitted in concern. She continued, "But they didn't mean those horrible words to us. In fact, Twilight really didn't try to steal the Orb, at all. Not to mention, she did protect and save Queen Novo from Blazefist's rampage. I am willing to talk and forgive them because they wanted to help and save Equestria. It's something we should do now."

While Rarity and Rainbow were giving some thoughts, Fluttershy spoke, "She's right. We should talk with them. They're our friends and somepony we loved so much."

"Yeah," Rainbow agreed.

Rarity sighed, "Let's find Twilight and Applejack first, and then we talk with others."

"She's! Been! Taken!" Spike's voice cried.

Mane Four were alerted by Spike's scream. They turned to their back, where the found Saber, holding injured Applejack on his back, Flare Tiger and the children were heading towards them.

Fluttershy gasped, "Applejack! What happened to her?"

"Where're Twilight, Shadow Dragon and Iris?" Rainbow asked in concern.

"We were attacked!" Lance exclaimed and panted heavily, "My mom wasn't really my mom! She was Kyuubi in disguise."

Saber hissed while looking at Applejack, "And not to mention, she wounded Applejack, and nearly drown us to death when she destroyed the cliff's edge!"

"My mummy's been taken!" Nyx added on, "Temepst! Kyuubi! They grabbed her! And took her on their ship!"

"Shadow Dragon went after them! All by himself!" Spike exclaimed in concern.

Mane Four gasped in shock and concern to hear it. Rarity groaned as she stomped her hoof on the ground, "Damn it! That witch has us all fooled! Just like what Chrysalis did to us!"

Flare Tiger sighed, "It's all my fault! I'm supposed to remember this event, and prevent it from happening! But that witch somehow manipulated and altered my mind! I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, Flare. It's not your fault. It's all of us..." Rainbow said in shame. She gritted her teeth firmly, "We gotta get her back!"

"And we will," Applejack said weakly as she slowly got off from Saber's back. She sighed, "But we need all the help we can get."

Saber nodded, "She's right. We need Dragon Strike Force back on the action now."

With her three friends smiling, Pinkie smiled, "Leave it to us, Saber. We'll get them on hoof. Count on it!"

Mane Four turned and headed off to find the rest of Dragon Strike Force, as well as talking and reconciling with them. They need their help more than ever.

"I just hope those guys are forgiving as you are, Saber." Applejack said in concern, "Because if they don't, then..."

"They will, Applejack. They will." Saber said calmly as he patted on Applejack's shoulder, "Don't worry. The team will be back in one piece. Everything will be fine, Applejack. It's not over yet."

Though wanted to believe in him, Applejack looked at the sky with concerns and uneasy, "Still... We'll be all alone to face Storm King, Dark Curse and their army. We already lost our homes. All of our friends and families from Equestria and Mystic are gone. We might be too late to save Twilight and Shadow Dragon." She sighed in defeat, "It's impossible..."

"Impossible?" Saber asked in surprise yet annoyed. He scoffed, "Applejack, if there's one thing I learn from my experience, nothing is impossible. Plus, no matter how bad the odds, we'd never give up until this case closed. In fact, I know you and your friends would never give up without the fight. Just like Bright Mac and Pear Butter..."

Saber looked up and stared at the sky as he recalled of Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Despite their families are rivals to the core, they're brave and kind ponies for standing besides with their loved ones. He even claimed that the children are happy to have such parents, making Applejack felt touched and inspired.

Saber: I know a couple from two farms
They're brave and kind ponies
They stand besides with their loved ones
The children are proud to have them

Saber sighed as he looked down in guilt and pain. He remembered the day Applejack's parents died at the hoof of General Metric and Colonel Cobra while he was taking her home safely. Though he was hurt and guilty for failing them, he was forgiven by the Apple and Pear Family.

Saber: Even though they're no longer standing here
The tragic may leave a scar
But scars can heal and reveal just
Where you are

Saber turned and looked at Applejack. He listed down about benefits her parents have left behind for her to learn and carry on to become the pony she is now.

Saber: The parents you love will stay with you
The lessons you have learned will guide you
And now you are carrying on their legacy
You have their great strength inside you
And when you're hitting the rock bottom,
Ask yourself this, Applejack,
"What will you do now?
Do you want to give up?"

Applejack shook her head as she began her singing about her for loving farm and family, which is essential part of her.

Applejack: Give up? No...
I am a girl who loved her farm
I am a girl who loved her family
It's part of me

Applejack even talked about her parents, despite they're gone, their legacy and morality lived in her. Saber nodded in agreement with her.

Applejack: I am the daughter of Apple & Pear
Who are no longer part of this world
But their legacy and moral lived on
Through me

Applejack recalled all the situation and struggles she has faced especially her personal demon and matters, she nearly gave up. She then remembered about her parents and legacy that made her strong and never give up, and then overcome her struggles.

Applejack: Their bravery gave me a great strength
Their kindness made me to have hope
Their legacy taught me to be honest
I can't give up!

Sensing presence getting close to her, Applejack turned and looked up. She found spiritual forms of Bright Mac and Pear Butter stood there and smiled sincerely at her. Seeing them has reignited and gave her strength to be strong and never give up.

Applejack: Their spirit has never left me at all
It's inside me
It's like the wind
Always falling and rising

Applejack recalled about most of her friends especially Twilight and Saber, whom she considered to be closest sister and brother she ever had. She struggled and slowly getting up to declared that she will save them and never give up from saving them.

Applejack: My best friends are depending on me
Coz they're my family
So, no matter the odds
I will protect them
Coz I won't give up!

Applejack yelped in pain, feeling her chest's wounds, "Ouch! I think I break my rip cage!"

Saber sighed while shaking his head, "Honestly..."

"No kidding. Right now, you need more bandages and medicine," Flare Tiger said seriously as she put Applejack down. She smiled as she took out the medic kit, "Lucky for you, partner. There's a doctor in the house."

Applejack sighed calmly as she closed her eyes for relax. Flare Tiger and Saber began putting some medication on her chest. The children stayed close to them, providing some cover.

Pinkie has returned to the beach, where she and her friends left Laxtinct alone. She even called out for his name while pleading to come out for a talk. By the time she reached her destination, she gasped in shock and concern. She was looking at Laxtinct's statue form with despair and angry looks.

"Laxtinct! No..." Pinkie said in concern and fear. She called out again while approaching towards the statue, "Laxtinct, if you can hear me, I wanna talk with you about the mess we make!"

Suddenly, the rocky spikes suddenly emerged out and struck from the land, scaring and blocking Pinkie off. And at the same time, the Laxtinct's statue mode made a growling noise and his eyes glowed in red. She noticed it. She became worried and scared about it.

"Okay! Don't talk with me. But just hear me out for the moment, please." Pinkie said in concern and worry, "I'm sorry for everything back at Mount Aris and here. And you were right about us not being friends and in this together."

Laxtinct remained unresponsive, though he hasn't make a threat like summoning the boulders, spike attacks, making growl noise or showing his crimson angry eyes. Pinkie sighed in relief as she realized that she managed to reach him. She has to keep on talking with him.

"Thanks for not trying to kill me," Pinkie said in relief. She continued, "You've got right to be mad at me, Blazefist or anyone else for making fun of you or even us started blaming and arguing with each other for the mess. In fact, it was Iris's fault. But she turned out to be faker and it was Kyuubi Lilith be with us from the start! She used and turned us against each other, and made it like it's everyone is for their own."

Laxtinct is yet again remained unresponsive, however, the spiked rocks slowly removed and submerged from the ground. The statue remained still again.

Pinkie continued, "But still, that doesn't excuse the mess we have made. But I want you to know one thing. Even though we fight and argue a lot, we're still friends till the end, no matter what." She sighed, "And I know you one thing for sure. You liked Skystar a lot. And I wish I could have done something better, or at least, tried to talk Blazefist out from hating Hippogriffs. I just want you smile. Not for me. For her. You and her are a thing."

Pinkie cried tearfully and happily yet sadly about her speech to Laxtinct. He's still remained statue again. He hasn't made a move. Disappointed and upset yet expected, Pinkie sighed as she already gave it all to get through to him.

Unknown to her, tears appeared and formed from Laxtinct's statue face. It then flowed down on his cheek. At the same time, he sang calmly and sincerely. He recalled how lonely he gets whenever he looked at his friends dating with the lovers during the night. He wished he could have that.

Laxtinct: So many times out there
I've watched a happy pair
Of lovers walking in the night
They've had a special glow around them
I wish I could have that Bless of Love

As he was singing about finding a love, Laxtinct's statue started to crack, adding in with more lights to shine. The spiky rocks slowly submerged and vanished to the ground.

Laxtinct: Who knew I would have felt
That warm and loving glow
Though I might pray with all my hope
Nopony as funniest and happy as me
Was ever meant for Bless of Love

Hear the cracking and singing noise, Pinkie slowly turned her head to her back. She gasped upon finding and looking at Laxtinct's statue breaking and cracking like he's trying to break free.

Laxtinct: But suddenly an angel came to my life
And befriend with me without a trace of fright

As Pinkie slowly approached to Laxtinct, the statue is breaking and cracking before it exploded to pieces. The light has engulfed the whole scenery, blinding her eyes for the moment. As soon as the light dimmed down, she found Laxtinct posed his dancing end pose with pride and happy yet sad looks.

Laxtinct: I dare to dream that she
Might even love for me
And as I sing this song for her someday
My sad, lonely world seems so bright
I swear it must be Bless of Love

Laxtinct looked at Pinkie, who looked sad yet happy to smile. Both of them were silent for the moment. They then trotted towards each other. They then hugged happily and warmly.

"Pinkie, thank you," Laxtinct said in relief, "And so sorry for what I have said to you and others."

Pinkie shushed Laxtinct gently and calmly, "It's okay, Lax. It's okay. I'm glad we're good."

"Yeah..." Laxtinct nodded happily as he departed from hugging his best friend. He sighed before showing his rocky fist, "Where is that bitch?"

Pinkie smiled in relief, "We'll get her. We need others first."

Laxtinct sighed, "I just hope he's not mad at me for what I said to him."

Fluttershy looked around as she was calling out and searching for Terrorcrep. But she hasn't found him at all. She looked worry and scared as she feared for his safety. Rather than panicking and worrying, she calmed herself down as she gave some thoughts if she were Terrorcreep, where would he go and hide.

While surveying her surroundings, Fluttershy looked up and found a cave, deep within the rocky mountains. She flew straight into it. As she landed before the cave, she found a familiar crest on the ground before its entrance.

Fluttershy called, "Terrorcreep?"

"Go away! Leave me alone!" Terrocreep's voice shouted angrily.

Annoyed by his attitude and tone, Fluttershy took a deep breathe and marched into the cavern. She began searching for him from ceiling, sides and bottom.

"You're quite stubborn, you know?" Terrorcreep's voice asked in annoyance and angry, "I sometimes hate it when you do that for getting what you wanted."

Fluttershy sighed, "That's because I wanted to talk with my husband."

"After what is happening," Terrocreep's voice said in shock, "You still call me 'your husband'? You forgive me for what I did is necessary?"

"Of course, I do," Fluttershy agreed, "Though I'm still not happy with your ruthless tactics, I knew you did it to protect me. I really wish you could have consult with me. We could have avoided bloodshed."

"Fluttershy, you know we can never avoid bloodshed especially when we're at war. If I were to become monster to protect you, then so be it. I am not gonna lose you, just like how I lost my mother."

"Don't, Terrorcreep! It's not what your mother wanted! It's not what I wanted. Terrorcreep, I don't want a monster to protect me. I want a husband to be there for me. I want him loved and cared for me. I want him support and help me out. I want him save me when I'm alone. In fact, I want him be the pony I loved."

"Do you really mean it so much?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. I always love you." Fluttershy said tearfully while looking around, "And do you know who give me the courage and strength?"

"I know..." Terrorcreep said calmly. Fluttershy was surprised for hearing the voice so close to her. She turned to her back. She found him standing before him. He dropped and approached her. He held her hoof as he spoke, "In fact, it was you, who give me courage and strength to accept my religion and heritage."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked in surprise, "How?"

Terrorcreep smiled, "You give me the chance to be a monster with heart of pony..."

As he began singing calmly, Terrorcreep recalled the events he has been through - the loss of his mother, struggled to survive and strive to become tactician to military and witnessing how cruel and dark the world is. He admitted that he never think about how much kind the world is.

Terrorcreep: All those days running away from a nightmare
All those years living in a gray
All that time never truly seeing
How much kind the world becomes

Terrorcreep turned and looked at Fluttershy. He sang lots of good things about her especially being a moonlight to her. It made her blush a bit.

Terrorcreep: Now you're here shining in the moonlight
Now you're here, suddenly I realize
If you're here I finally understand
Where my destiny now lies

Terrorcreep and Fluttershy held each other hooves. They both sang together gently yet harmonically and peacefully. Fluttershy even returned the Christian Crest to Terrorcreep, who gently take and worn it around his neck.

Both: And at last I see the Moonlight

Terrorcreep: And it's like my curse has lifted

Both: And at last I see the Moonlight

Fluttershy: And it's like our wounds is healed

Closing to the end of song, Terrorcreep and Fluttershy moved their heads closed to each other. While blushing in red, they both held and hugged passionately. They then gave a deep yet warmly and gently kiss on lips.

Both: And it's warm and real and bright
And the Moonlight becomes more beautiful
All at once, everything is clear now
Now that I see you
Now that I see you...

After the kiss, both Terrorcreep and Fluttershy departed from hugging. They both smiled happily and warmly. They nuzzled each other's muzzles.

"Your mother would be proud of you, Terrorcreep" Fluttershy said calmly.

"Thank you. In fact, I'm proud and happy to have wife like you, Fluttershy," Terrorcreep asked. Fluttershy blushed a bit. He sighed before showing his serious looks, "Are you ready?"

Fluttershy sighed, "I hate killing. But when my friends need me, I have to do it to protect them and my new family."

Terrorcreep smiled and nodded in understanding. Both him and Fluttershy exited out the cavern. They headed off to regroup with the rest of their team.

Rarity called out for Shorty as she was walking down the beach. So far, she found no sign of him or even his assistants. She became scared and worried for him as she feared for their safety. She can't help but feel guilty and shame for accusing and arguing with Shorty because of his suspicious and jealousy with Capper. She wished that she could have talked with him that she still loved him.

BOOM! Rarity yelped in concern to hear the explosion. She looked up and saw the black smoke coming out and flowing up to the sky. She gasped before forming tears. She screamed and called out for his name while running towards it.

Upon arriving to her destination, Rarity found something shocking and annoying yet relief. Shorty, Tailtech and Icy were still alive, though they all got burnt marks during repairs on Armor Strike-I Gunship.

Shorty coughed heavily as he wiped the dirt off, "Tailtech! Icy! I told you before not to use the welding torch on the engine part!"

Tailtech groaned, "Sorry for that, jackass!"

"What was that?!" Shorty asked angrily.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault if you hadn't been such a jackass! Just like how you did with Rarity and Capper!"

"Don't you dare bring that up to me again! I don't want to hear or talk about it especially that mare! After everything I've done for her, she turned her back on me while choosing that stupid cat over me! Never once she apologized to me."

"Hey! Maybe if you had told her about how you feel, she could have understand and apologized! But instead, you just go and rant about not trusting Capper because you were jealous and hated cats a lot."

"I don't hate cats! I don't like them get too close to me when I'm allergic to them!"

"Yeah. That doesn't convince me at all! You keep up like this, she won't apologize to you about your feelings and jealousy over Capper! Heck! You and her might as well."

"Well, I don't care anymore! In fact, she broke up with me already. She doesn't even want to come and see me after what has happened."

Icy yelped as she noticed Rarity's standing before them, "You'd better hope she doesn't go Dramaty right in front of us! She heard you!"

Shorty and Tailtech turned back and found Rarity standing before them. While the white unicorn waved to them awkwardly and uneasily, Tailtech and Icy were surprised while Shorty annoyed as he turned and worked on repairs of gunship.

"Talk now. You only have 5 minutes," Shorty said dryly. He was repairing on the communication console, "I'm very busy."

Rarity sighed, "Alright, Shorty. I overheard of what you have said before. I do admit that I didn't consider about your feelings, but that doesn't excuse of you acted and behaved towards Capper. It is unacceptable and immature of you! And don't you dare add your stupid allergy in!"

Shorty scoffed, "Well, excuse me for 'behaving' like that when my girlfriend spend too much time with street rat like him!"

"Technically, he's a cat, Shorty," Rarity corrected firmly.

Shorty turned off his welding torch as he turned and faced at Rarity, "The point is I am not only jealous, but I'm also angry and upset at you for abandoning and leaving me alone! You spend more time with Capper than me!" Rarity looked shocked and worried. He continued sadly, "Do you have any idea of how lonely and hurt I felt? And not to mention, never even get someone to love me."

Rarity looked down in shame and guilty as she spoke, "I do... A lot..."

"W-What? Are you kidding me?"

"I wish I was. I've been hurt and betrayed by other stallions I thought I've found and loved with. But none of them is perfect for me until Sweetie Belle set up the blind date for me and you. I started to fall for you, darling."

"Really?" Shorty asked in surprise yet touched. Rarity nodded. He sighed, "I felt the same way. And you know what? I'm glad your sister and my assistants set the blind date for us than being alone."

Rarity nodded, "Indeed, darling. Thanks to our little blind date..."

Shorty began singing about if he hadn't met and see Rarity in his life. He told her how lonely and sad he was during his time as first incarnation and reincarnation about not finding his love. Nopony has ever loved him.

Shorty: If I never met you
If I never have this feeling
I would have this cold stone
Ignoring my heart's calling
If I never knew you
I would never share this moment
For the first time, I have found
The missing part of me

Shorty recalled the first day of their first blind date, which turned out to be unexpected yet surprising moment and worthwhile to him. He thanked Rarity for the date. It touched Rarity's heart to cry tearfully and happily.

Shorty: And I'm so thankful to you
I'd have spent years in loneliness
Life is meaningless
If I never met you

Rarity then began her singing about her experience of not able to get her love since Prince Blueblood and Trenderhoof. It was disaster for her to handle and move on from rejection. And the day her younger sister and assistant set up the blind date during Hearth's Warming Eve, Rarity believed that she has found her love.

Rarity: I thought I don't deserve to be loved
Thinking that I was a nopony to be worthwhile
So, I believed nopony would ever get to know and love me
All I heard the whispers of rejection in my ears
But still my heart believed there is someone out there

Both Shorty and Rarity sang together calmly and harmonically how much they mean to each other. They were meant to be together.

Rarity: For If I never met you

Shorty: There's no moment I regret

Rarity: If I never have this love

Shorty: Since the moment that we met

Rarity: I would have been ignorant to

Shorty: If our time has gone too fast

Rarity: How precious life can be...

Shorty: I've lived at last...

Reaching to the end of song, Shorty and Rarity leaned their muzzle close to each other. They both gave each other a deep passionate kiss.

Shorty & Rarity: Life is wonderful
I'm glad I've met you

Tailtech and Icy sighed happily to see Shorty and Rarity have reconciled and rekindled their love together. They sang the song briefly.

Tailtech: Well, it's about time.

Icy: Well, thank the Mystic God

Tailtech: Hate to imagine bad.

Icy: Hate it indeed.

Tailtech: Glad to see they reconcile and come together on their own

Icy: It's so peculiar.

Tailtech and Icy: So whatever happen, let us just hope
These silly couples always stay and be together till the end

Tailtech: Let's hope they stay and be together till the end

Icy: Let's hope they stay and be together till the end

While the unicorns were busy and distracted, the communication console gave a little shock of static. It comes with the familiar sound, that shocked and surprised the group to stop what they're doing.

"Hello?! Can anypony hear me?! This is Indigo Zap from Ponyville! I repeat! Can anyone hear me?! Mom! Dad! You there?! Please talk to me!"

Rarity gasped in shock and concern, "What in the world?!"

"T-That's impossible..." Shorty said in shock, "How?!"

Rainbow was flying across the corridor of mountains. She was calling out for both Blazefist and Aqua. She gets no response from them. While still searching and calling for them, she then noticed something amiss at cliff, which is near to the ocean. She gasped as she found them both.

As she flew down and landed on the cliff, Rainbow found both Blazefist and Aqua were sitting on each other's opposite direction. While not looking at each other, they were glaring at the ocean, and also kept silent for the moment. She was relieved and happy that they didn't have go too far for her to find. Now she can talk to them.

"Get lost, Rainbow Dash," Blazefist snapped in anger yet calmly, "You're not welcome here."

Aqua nodded, "He's right. You shouldn't be here. We're not in mood to talk with you now."

"Agreed," Blazefist said dryly. He turned and glared at Aqua, "I wish I could say the same thing to you! You just have to pick this spot, didn't you?! For what?! Annoying me?!"

Aqua turned and blew raspberry at Blazefist, "In your ass! I came here for some peace and quiet, as well as getting my mind off you!"

"Funny! I was thinking the same thing, but instead, you got in the way! So, why don't you get off my back and get lost?!"

"Go to hell! This is my right to come here, not you!"

"Oh! Like how you said that isn't your right to avenge Indigo's death?! But you backed off!"

"Hey, don't you dare bring her into this again! I don't want to be part of your revenge to kill the Hippogriffs!"

"Yeah. Too coward to avenge her?!"

"No! I don't want to become a monster like you! I will never go back again! This is not what she wanted! It won't bring her back!"

"I don't care! She deserve retribution! I will avenge her! Cowardly bitch!"

"Monstrous jerkass!"

"You're the worst wife I ever had," Blazefist snapped angrily.

Aqua snarled, "The feeling is mutual because you're the worst husband I ever had!"

"Will you just shut up for once?!" Rainbow screamed angrily. Aqua and Blazefist stopped their argument as they turned and looked at her. She continued angrily, "The only reason why you two blamed each other being jackass and worst parents ever is because you guys think you know what is the best for Indigo! You guys don't at all! You guys are more monsters than the parents she wanted!"

"How dare you?!" Blazefist snapped angrily.

Aqua snarled, "You don't even know what I wanted for her at all!"

"All I want is to see her grow up!" Blazefist and Aqua exclaimed in union, "I will do anything to protect and keep her safe! No matter the cost!"

"Oh yeah?! Tell that to Ruby!" Rainbow snapped angrily, shocked yet angered Blazefist and Aqua. She yelped, "Sorry! Didn't mean it to do that."

Blazefist was annoyed and frustrated to exclaim, "No, you are not!"

"That is not cool, Dash," Aqua snapped in annoyance.

Rainbow sighed, "I know. I'm so sorry. But think about it for once. Is this what Ruby and Indigo wanted? Do you want to become monsters for revenge? And you think they're happy with their parents now?"

While still angry and annoyed, both Blazefist and Aqua gave some thoughts as they slowly realized and understand what Rainbow was talking about.

Rainbow continued, "You guys are good parents. It's obvious that you loved them so much, and you wanted to watch them grow up and become the better ponies with better lives. I get that. But you're both doing it all wrong."

"Really? Like you're an expert of it?" Blazefist asked dryly.

"Yeah. Because I've been there before in my life..." Rainbow said sadly and upset, shocking the couples. She continued, "My parents acted that way when I lost first race. They wanted to cheer me up, but instead, they've gotten into a big fight. It scared me, and even make me shouted at them to stop it. So, they stopped it and did their best to cheer me out instead."

"Rainbow..." Aqua said in shock.

"As long you guys fight, argue and even wanted revenge and killing everyone so badly; the kids will be scared of you. Or worst, they can't even love you anymore when you're both are more monsters than parents," Rainbow said calmly and seriously, "All they want is to make you proud of them. How could they if you guys act more monsters than parents? Is this what you want?"

While still angry with Rainbow's accusation, both Aqua and Blazefist gave some thoughts as they realized and understood of what she meant. They couldn't believe in their eyes and ears. They're ashamed of themselves for what they have done now especially they wanted for their children.

Imagining about his children's growing up and getting their own careers, Blazefist would be proud and supportive to them as their father, who is proud of them.

Blazefist: Proud of My Kids
I want to be their Proud Father
Believe me, whatever path they take,
I'll be supportive and caring to them

Blazefist sighed as he looked down in shame and upset. He won't be there to see his dream come true because his children are gone. Blazefist then lamented that he was ashamed and angry at himself for being a terrible father because of his personal vendetta and messed everything up. He feared that his children would fear and resent of him as monster than loving him.

Blazefist: But I've lost my chance
I've lost myself
So say I'm bad being father
A slow learner, Okay, I agree
That I've been one angry pony
Some father, some pride and some joy
But I'll get over these lousin' up
Messin' up, screwin' up times

As Blazefist turned and looked at Mount Aris, he imagined of how much hardworking, determined and loving Indigo and Ruby are when they're following his hoofstep, and also avoiding disappointing him. To him, it doesn't matter because he will be proud of them.

Blazefist: I know my kids are doing their best
To follow my hoofstep
Not to disappoint me
But I want them to know that I'm always
Proud of My Kids

Aqua approached and comforted Blazefist. She lamented about her too share the mutual feeling as he is about being bad parent. To her husband, he was in shock and surprised that she and him are sharing similar problems and feelings.

Aqua: You're not the only one being bad parent
You're not alone to feel so bad
They say mothers know, doing and being best
But that couldn't be all that I am

Aqua turned and looked at the sky. She then talked about her didn't want Indigo and Ruby feel pressured because of her expectation. She wanted them to be happy and feel free while not being angry and sad about their failures.

Aqua: I want them no expectation
But be happy and feel free
There's no good reason that they should be
Sad and angry with themselves
I believe and know

Aqua then gave a loud yet proud singing that she wanted to be a mother, who is proud of her children with their lives. She also doesn't want to make them feel bad and embarrassed about her because she wasn't smarter, beautiful and wise as anyone else.

Aqua: Someday and soon
I want to be their Proud Mother
Though I can't make myself better
Or smarter or beautiful or wise

As Aqua cried and sniffed tearfully, Blazefist approached and comforted her that both of them did their best to be parents. And deep in their hearts, they wanted to tell their children that they will always be proud of Indigo and Zap no matter what.

Blazefist: We both did our best to be good parents

Aqua: Since we weren't born perfect like our families

Blazefist and Aqua: Oh, Indigo and Ruby,
I want them know that
We're Proud of Our Kids

Both Blazefist and Aqua held and hugged each other while sobbing tearfully. As Rainbow approached to them, they grabbed her for holding and hugging her. This surprised yet shocked her. It also relieved her that they couldn't stay mad at her now. She hugged them back.

As three Pegasi departed from hugging, Aqua spoke, "Rainbow... Thank you for being there for us. You're a best sister and protege I could count on."

Rainbow was touched by Aqua's sentimental speech. Blazefist patted her by shoulder, "Yeah. We're thankful of that. No matter what I said, you are like family to me and Aqua."

Rainbow sobbed tearfully yet heartily, "Thanks..." She wiped her tears off, "Ready to kick that jerk Iris's flank?!"

"Iris?!" Blazefist and Aqua asked in surprise and confusion.

Rainbow sighed, "I'll explain on the way. Come on. Gotta regroup with others now!"

Three Pegasi flew off at once. They're returning to Basalt Beach at once, regrouping and reuniting with the rest of their friends now.

Back at the beach, Flare Tiger and Saber have managed to patch up on Applejack's injuries. They both helped her stand up. The children approached and hugged her warmly that they're glad that she's alright. She hugged them back as well.

"I'm alright. I'm alright," Applejack said warmly yet weakly.

"Glad to hear it," Saber said warmly, "Too bad that witch took your hat when we're trying to save her."

Applejack sighed, "Don't worry about it. It's just a hat. Nothing important than saving Twilight."

Flare Tiger patted Applejack's head, "Don't worry. We'll get it back. Count on it."

"Hey! Look! They're back!" Spike called happily.

Applejack and her team looked up. They found rest of their friends are coming back to them now. They all looked relieved as well as showing serious and determined face. Mane Four have not only convinced and apologized to Dragon Strike Force, but also told them about Iris was an impostor.

Just before anyone could start, Blazefist approached to Laxtinct, "Lax..."

"Blazefist..." Laxtinct said in guilty tone. He sighed as he gave his older brother a warm hug, "I'm sorry for everything I said to you. I'm sorry about Indigo. She's the best kid..."

"I know..." Blazefist said calmly as he patted his younger brother's back. He continued, "And I'm also sorry about messing your life up and almost killing your girlfriend. Both you and her definitely deserve each other."

Lax sighed as he wiped his tears off, "Thanks. Best brother ever."

"Best family ever," Aqua said happily.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Shorty added in. Everyone looked at him. He continued, "We managed to fix the communication console, we received the call. It came from Ponyville."

Everyone sans Rarity, Icy and Tailtech gasped in shock and surprised.

"It's true! Everyone we know at Ponyville Town is alive! Indigo too!" Rarity confirmed, "Kyuubi lied to us! She tricked us, Blazefist and Aqua to attack Queen Novo as distraction for her to get the Orb of Lost Souls!"

Shocked yet angry, Blazefist slammed his hoof against the rock, "She's alive?! Damn it! What have I done?!"

"It's not your fault. None of us knew what really happen to Ponyville Town while we were away," Aqua said firmly, "So, whatever happened is done. For now, we have to get back home."

Blazefist nodded in understanding, "Agreed. We have to get back home!"

"Glad that everyone is back on hooves," Terrorcreep said firmly, "But we've got the situation."

"Yeah! We've gotta get Twilight back!" Rainbow exclaimed firmly. Everyone exclaimed and cheered in agreement. She continued, "We owe her a big apology for our mess up."

"I agree but we have the problem," Shorty said in annoyance and concern, "Armor Strike-I is not fully repaired! And we don't even have enough time to fix it!"

"Even we did, we won't able to catch up!" Tailtech said in concern.

Icy nodded, "Yeah. Not to mention, we're outnumbered and outmatched against Storm Kingdom and Dark Mystic Ponies."

"Hate to add more bad news," Rarity said in concern, "We don't have reinforcement either. All because of us..."

"No... It can't be..." Nyx said in concern and sad.

Seeing his friends looking down in defeat, Blazefist shook his head. He refused to let the defeat and mistake get to him and them. It is time for them to stand up and fight back.

"No! It's not over!" Blazefist snapped firmly and determinedly. Everyone turned and looked at him. He continued, "We're not giving up because of Kyuubi tricked and used us like pawns to hurt each other! We have faced lots of worse dire situation than this, but we've overcome it! We beaten the bad guys! So, no matter the odds and danger we faced, we will fight and overcome it! Because if we don't do it, then everything we know will truly be lost and dead! I will not let it happen! I have my daughter to see again! I won't waste that chance! What about you guys?! Don't you have something to fight for?!"

"He's right," Lance agreed firmly, "We've come this far! We're not giving up!"

Spike nodded, "Yeah! Twilight is depending on us. It's time we save her!"

Blazefist nodded firmly, "That's the spirit, guys. We will get back home. We're gonna show them that the magic of friendship still live and fighting! Count on it."

Inspired by Blazefist's speech, Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force gave the loud cheer and battle cry as they too won't give up fighting!

"Now that's an amazing speech!" The familiar yet smooth voice exclaimed. Everyone turned to their back. They found Capper standing on top of the mountain. He smiled, "It's a good thing I happen to know of a group of mighty heroes that could handle this easily!"

"Oh great! Look what the cat dragged in! Himself!" Shorty said in annoyance. Rarity gave him the glare. He groaned, "Working on it, Rarity. Okay?"

Capper smiled as he proudly gave speech, "These heroes have faced the Storm King's army and escaped! I've seen them tackle the streets of the roughest towns, break out of the tightest situations, and inspire others to join their cause!"

While the rest of Mane Six and the children awed in amazement and surprise, Dragon Strike Force and Applejack were annoyed about it.

"Now don't get too excited. He's just talkin' about us." Applejack said in annoyance.

Rest of Mane Six and the children awed in disappointment. Shorty asked, "What exactly you're trying to tell us? What makes you think we inspire others to join our cause? There were none."

"Not to mention, all we did is running away fro our lives," Flare Tiger added in concern.

"Wow. Someone didn't do the homework. There were more than you think, my friends," Capper said amusingly with a scoff. He then slide down the small hill's slide. He jumped and landed before his friends, "The best part is you guys challenged them and escaped certain doom at the hooves of Commander Tempest and Kyuubi Lilith!"

"Uh, what about it?" Laxtinct asked in confusion.

Capper sighed, "No one have ever done that before until you guys did. And let me tell you. You all are amazing! Plus, I am the friend you truly need now."

"Capper..." Rarity was touched to say.

Shorty sighed, "For once, he's right. I'm glad he's on our side."

"Yeah, he is," Rainbow said happily, "What we did before. It was pretty great."

"Are you kidding me?!" The confident yet cocky voice exclaimed in shock. The ponies turned to the mountain, where Captain Celaeno and her pirates climbed down it. She exclaimed, "That was awesome!"

As Squabble squawked happily, Boyle laughed happily, "You said it, Squabble! Figured you could use a claw!"

Captain Celaeno nodded, "We're on board to help you fight the Storm King! Just not on board our... actual ship."

Everyone turned and looked at Blazefist, who blushed in red while looking away. Mullet laughed while looking at Rainbow, "Well, it doesn't matter! We're with you now!"

"That's right," Lix said happily, "You can count on us to to kick some booty."

Captain Celaeno smirked, "After all, it's time to be awesome!"

"Yeah! It is awesome..." Rainbow said happily.

The pirates cheered out wildly and laughed heartily in agreeing with her. Rainbow smiled happily that the pirates are with them. She turned and looked at Blazefist and Aqua, who smiled and nodded happily as they're proud of it.

BUBBLED! The ponies and their new friends were alerted. They turned to their back to the beach, where they saw and found two familiar sisters and group of 7,000 Seapony Soldiers jumped out of the water. They all transformed into their Equestria Ponies forms. They all landed on the beach before them. They all gasped in surprise yet relief.

"Princess Soul Sweetie! Roughneck!" Fluttershy exclaimed in surprise, "You too?!"

"What?! You're expecting Santa Hooves or Easter Bunny?!" Roughneck asked amusingly. She laughed heartily as she patted Fluttershy's mane, "Of course, we came, silly shy! Think we would bail out on the biggest fight we're about to go?! No way!"

Soul Sweetie sighed in amusement before smiled, "Always with the violence, but my sister's right. Fluttershy, we owe you a lot. When we lost everything and our home, you gave us hope and faith. You even pray to the Mystic Guardian of Light, believing that we will get our home back. And the most surprising of all, you never give up, even when you at the lowest point and darkest hour."

Roughneck snickered, "Here's a hint. Time for us to stand up and do what we should have done."

Soul Sweetie nodded happily, "We're gonna stand by your side. We're gonna help you get your home back!"

"Soul Sweetie... Roughneck..." Fluttershy said tearfully yet joyfully. Terrorcreep approached and gave her a hug. She sighed, "Thank you."

"Oh, we still have someone else you need to meet," Soul Sweetie said calmly.

Capper laughed heartily and uneasily, "And trust us, it wasn't easy to get him here too."

"Takes some couple of blows and words get to through his thick skull," Captain Celaeno laughed uneasily before muttered, "I cannot believe I used that word literally on him."

"Pretty he's not happy, but he has to face it," Roughneck said uneasily.

While the ponies and Spike were confuse and uncertain, Soul Sweetie pointed them to the right direction. As they did, they found Skullitron and AxeKnight Warriors Corp stood before them. They were in shock and surprised to see them here.

"Skullitron?!" The ponies and Spike asked in shock and surprised.

"Yes, me. I have return..." Skullitron admitted in shame yet reluctantly. He knelt down to the ground. He continued, "I know you will not believe in me. But you will listen. I have a confession to make. Whatever you read from the journal, none of them is true. It has been fabricated."

Though everyone is willing to listen to Skullitron, they also knew someone won't because of her concern and suspicious on him. They turned and looked at confused Applejack.

"What are you'all looking at?" Applejack asked in confusion, "Let's just listen to him. I'm sure he has the real reason of not telling us the truth about Hikari's death."

Everyone sans Saber was shocked and surprised by her answer. Saber smiled, "You heard her."

"Thank you," Skullitron said in relief while slowly standing up, he looked at the ponies and creatures. He sighed, "Applejack was right about one thing. I was jealous and angry, but not at Hikari but my arch-rival - Honest Jack."

Everyone was in shock and surprised by the answer. Skullitron continued with his story.


During the Great Multiverse War, Hikari and her trusted general - Honest Jack were standing before the large army of Light. They were working together with the rest of Mystic Guardians as they waged ward against the Chaos Heralds and their minions. As depicted, Honest Jack has always been standing besides with her for either strategy or fighting together with her against the enemies. She is also protective and watching out for her like an older sister.

During most of the battlefield, Skullitron and Honest Jack often met and encountered as they fought and dueled with each other a lot, and even leading their assault to invade and defend the fortress and villages. Despite them being enemies and adversaries, they deeply respected and humbled to each other for leading the soldiers to battlefield honorably and also caring and protecting their leaders very much.

"Honest Jack is Hikari's most trusted and honest general, and also her closest sister for giving advice and saving her life for multiple times." Skullitron narrated, "Since the beginning of Great Multiverse War, I've encountered her, fought her and berated her a lot during the wars. And let say that we really hated each other a lot, but we also respect to each other for defending our master from the enemies at any cost."

Ever since Yami and Hikari met and married in secret, their forces became allies and friends in secrets. So, they all did their best not to harm each other, as well as avoiding suspicious from their brethren. Despite that, Honest Jack was suspicious and alienated against mostly Skullitron and his army, which annoyed and angered him a lot.

"Since both Lord Yami and Mistress Hikari married in secret, both of our forces became allies and friends. Though Honest Jack trusted my master, she doesn't trust me and my kind. She alienated me, discredited me and even mistreated me; the worst is that she insulted my kind, despite we have proven my loyalty to both Yami and Hikari."

Tired of being insulted and mistreated, Skullitron has decided to eliminate her by making an accidents or assassination on Honest Jack. He decided to lure her to the secret meeting place, and also secretly informed Kyuubi to ambush and kill her one and for all."

"Eventually I grow tired of it, I decided to kill her once and for all. I gave her a false information to meet me at the very same place Hikari and Yami met. I even informed Kyuubi to set an ambush to kill her off."

As his plan was expected, Honest Jack did came to meet him at the secret meeting, but she wasn't alone. Hikari and her four other friends also followed her as well. Skullitron, hidden within the tree, was in shock and worried as his plan is in jeopardy with Hikari in the way. He was too late to stop them.

Kyuubi Lilith and her brethren emerged and ambushed Hikari and her friends. All of them were killed during the night attack.

"My plan work well, but I didn't expect Hikari and her friends to be there with her. And so, they all died..."

Ashamed and guilty of what he has done, Skullitron was in great despair for letting Hikari and her friends died because of his hatred for Honest Jack. In order to make up of his mistakes, he advice his master and army to join Mystic Guardians and rebelled Chaos Heralds.

"I was ashamed and shocked of what I have saw and done. I want to make up of mistakes. I helped and advised my master to turn back on our brethren while helping Mystic Guardians to win the war."

After the Great Multiverse War, Skullitron revealed the truth to Yami, who was in shock yet hurt and angry as the leader punished his own commander for deception. Eventually, Chaos Herald of Ronin left and abandoned his army as he wandered the world, all by himself.

Skullitron, now commander and leader of his army, lead and protect his kind for over millennia years until the right time for them to rise and seek redemption...

"After the war, I told Yami the truth. As expected, he was hurt and angry at me for betrayal and secrecy. He abandoned and left me and his army behind. I couldn't blame him for it. All I can do now is keep my brethren and army alive until the right moment to redeem my mistakes and shame."

Flashback Ends...

The ponies and their allied creatures were in shock yet pitiful and sad to hear the story. They especially Applejack have now finally understand and know the true face of Skullitron and his AxeKnight Warrior Corp.

"I'm not asking forgiveness, my friends I just want you all to know and understand of what I've been through, and why I helped and protected the East Kludgetown and Seaponies, Even though you failed to get the Orb for me, I am willing to help you all. I just want to redeem it." Skullitron said calmly. He sighed, "I understand if you cannot forgive me..."

While Skullitron is bowing to the ground, his AxeKnight Warriors' Officers also joined in. The ponies were debating and wondering if they should allow Yami's Demon Army to join them or not. Nevertheless, Applejack approached towards the Commander as she held her hoof before him. This shocked and surprised her friends.

"I forgive you..." Applejack said calmly, surprising everyone. She continued with a sad smile, "And I'm also sorry for insulting you. I was... just worried and jealous of you taking Twilight away from me. The last thing I want is losing her. She was like a sister to me."

While shocked and surprised by her answer, Skullitron cleared his throat and spoke calmly, "I know the feeling as well. So, are you willing to accept my help?"

Applejack smiled, "I do."

Skullitron smiled as he grabbed and shook the pony's hand, "Thank you, my friend! The AxeKnight Warriors Corp is fighting on your side!"

AxeKnight Warriors gave a loud cheer and applause. The ponies and their allied creatures also cheered happily as well. Not only Applejack and Skullitron have put their difference aside as well as becoming friends, they have now the large army.

Suddenly, the ponies and their allied creatures have heard some flapping and screeching noise. They turned to their back, where they saw and found a large shadowy clouds floating towards them. They were in shock and worried. And just before they could do anything, Blazefist held his hoof out, gesturing his friends not to fight and attack.

As the large shadowy clouds approaching the ponies, it slowly revealed the large army of 7,000 Hippogriff Soldiers including Stratus Skyranger, Skybeak and Seaspray; led by a familiar yellow Hippogriff Princess. They were in shock and surprised as they couldn't believe of what they just saw. The Hippogriffs descended and landed on the beach.

"Hellooooooo! Me again!" Princess Skystar greeted happily. She then giggled as she approached to both Laxtinct and Pinkie, "I'm gonna get so grounded, but I talked things over with Shelly and Sheldon and they pointed out that you were just trying to help your friends. In fact, I owe it to Twilight and Rainbow for saving my life and even my mom's from rampaging parents."

While ponies especially Blazefist and Aqua were embarrassed and uneasy by the event, nevertheless, they're relieved that Princess Skystar wasn't angry with them at all. Laxtinct looked happy with 'falling-in-love' looks as he was happy that she forgave him. Pinkie giggled happily to hear it.

Blazefist bowed to the ground, "Please, forgive me and my wife's rampage and foolishness."

"What?" Princess Skystar asked in confusion.

Aqua sighed as she explained, "We just found out that our families, our friends and our home are alive. Because of Kyuubi's manipulation and lies, we fell prey to her illusions and nearly massacred your kind!"

"But that doesn't excuse of what we did." Blazefist added firmly, "I'm not asking forgiveness, but I beg you not to punish my friends and my family. It's not their fault. It's just mine alone. Punish and finish me off."

"Blazefist. No..." Rainbow said in concern.

The Hippogriffs chatted and muttered about Blazefist's willingly to accept his punishment. Some wanted justice and revenge on him. Others believed that he should be given a chance.

"I'm really upset and angry with you for insulting me and my kind, and even nearly killed us," Princess Skystar said seriously and firmly. She sighed, "But if my mom or me were in your position, we would do the same thing. We did it for our loved ones. And also, we're alive. I won't kill you."

"Y-You forgive me?!" Blazefist asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Plus, you're Laxy's brother. And I would never want to harm you. But I wanna help too. 'Cause ya know... one small thing... can make a really big difference!" Princess Skystar said happily, "And also, I want to see more Beauty of the World."

Laxtinct smiled as he held her claws happily, "You will get it."

"What about your mom?" Pinkie asked in concern.

Princess Skystar scoffed, "Don't worry about my mom. That's not important. Helping you guys is what I should do, not hiding and running away from the fight like my mom!"

"I couldn't agree more.." The strict voice said dryly, shocking everyone at the Basalt Beach. They turned and found Queen Novo was in midair before them. She descended and landed on the ground. She turned and looked at her daughter, "As for you, young lady..."

Princess Skystar interrupted, "I get it, mom! I'm grounded for going out and help the outsiders! But I don't care! These guys need our help, and I won't back away from it! You can't make me!"

Queen Novo groaned, "I was gonna say that I'm coming with you to lead the army."

Everyone was in shock and surprised by her answer. They didn't expect her to change her mind and help them at once, not after what Blazefist and Aqua have done to her and her kind.

"Y-You're willing to help us?!" Blazefist asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm willing to help. To make up for my mistakes and my cowardice," Queen Novo said firmly and calmly. She turned and glared at Blazefist and Aqua, "I can't forgive you two for what you have done. But I understand your pain and anger of deception and hurt for losing the ones you loved so much. You'd do anything to avenge them. I would feel the same way if I was in that position."

Blazefist was in shock and surprise to protest, "But still-!"

Aqua added in concern, "Kyuubi Lilith lied to us! Used us to attack you!"

"Yes. She did it because I refused to accept the assignment. So, I did not sent my soldiers to attack Ponyville Town, at all. I heard what you have said." Queen Novo said calmly and firmly, surprised everyone. She continued, "Like my daughter have said before, 'helping you all is what we should do'. It's time to make up of my mistakes, secrets and cowardice. I owe my life to Twilight for saving me from rage. Where is she and her boyfriend?"

"She's been taken by Tempest and Kyuubi Lilith," The familiar yet cute and gruff voice spoke. Everyone yelped in surprise. They turned to the right again, where they found Grubber stood before them. He smiled and waved awkwardly, "Hi!"

"You again?!" Lance asked angrily, making everyone groaned and snarled at Grubber. He demanded, "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to get out!"

Grubber sighed, "I know. I came back to make up for what I did."

"And you expect us to believe in you?" Nyx asked suspiciously.

Spike snorted angrily, "Yeah. Not after what you did to Twilight!"

"Believe me. I'm very sorry for that. And I know the feeling too," Grubber admitted in shame, making everyone confuse and curious. He continued, "The only reason I joined the Storm Kingdom was because..."

"The Storm King offered you food?" Pinkie asked happily while showing the plate of cupcakes.

"Besides that. It was for my mother." Grubber explained, shocking the ponies and their allies. He continued, "Yes, and she's the Storm King's prisoner. And if I don't do the right stuff..." He started tearing up sadly, "...I may never see her again."

Everyone was in shock, surprise and pitiful, though some were suspicious and uncertain. Fluttershy cried tearfully as she approached and gave Grubber a warm and comfort hug. Lance, Nyx and Spike looked at each other as they have discussion if they should trust him or not.

Grubber sighed, "And that's why... I want to help too."

"Hmm... I don't know..." Blazefist said in concern and suspiciously.

"Let him help us," Terrorcreep said calmly, surprising his friends. He continued, "I understand his feeling of losing a mother. And we will help him get her back. Plus, he has more information of our enemies and their formation."

"Yeah. With him on our side, we can win," Lance said firmly.

Nyx nodded, "Yeah. I believed he's telling the truth. Storm King won't know what hit him before it's too late."

"After all, the more the merrier," Spike said happily as he held his hand out before Grubber, "Right?"

Grubber was surprised yet happy. He shook Spike's hand, "Yeah. Thanks."

"This is it! I can feel it!" Flare Tiger said happily. Everyone turned and looked at her. She smiled, "I remember now. This is the moment. We can do this! We can win, with his and our new friend's help."

"Whoever that is, hopefully, he's friendly," Lance said calmly and amusingly.

Nyx nodded, "Yeah, we need all the help we can get."

Grubber nodded, "Hopefully, it's not Phasma. I hate that monster. She always call me pig. I'm not really that fat."

"That's it, right? We didn't make friends with anypony else?" Spike asked in annoyance. Everyone turned and glared at him. He looked surprise, "What? I'm just saying!"

"14,000 soldiers..." Queen Novo said calmly after counting down both Hippogriff and Seapony Soldiers. She smiled, "I believe it's enough."

Soul Sweetie nodded, "Definitely it's enough to take down Storm King and Dark Curse for good."

"It won't be enough. Our enemies are strong and deadly, as well as they have more powerful and dangerous arsenals and weapons of mass destruction." Skullitron said firmly. Everyone turned and looked at him. He smiled, "Do not worry, I came prepared. Follow me."

Skullitron turned and climbed the mountain. The ponies and their allied creatures were uncertain and confused of what he meant. Nevertheless, they followed him at once.

After climbing up the mountain, the ponies and their allied creatures have reached to the top. They found Skullitron standing on the edge of cliff, looking and marveling proudly at something. As they approached to him on the cliff, they gasped in surprise of what they just found. As the war horn was sounded, they're all looking at the largest formation of AxeKnight Warrior Soldiers including Kludgetowners, Abyssians and also humanoid birds, who were cheering and gave battle cries. The army also have several armored largest spaceships and armored tanks.

Skullitron smiled, "As promised, I have gathered and recruited my best warriors for the army."

"Wowza! That's a lot of them!" Grubber exclaimed in shock.

"Not to mention, our kind..." Capper said in surprise.

Captain Celaeno nodded, "You've been busy. How many of them you have recruited?"

"40,000 Warriors..." Skullitron proudly commented, shocking and surprising the ponies and their allies. He smirked, "While Storm King is busy with marveling at himself with magic powers and conquest, I took my sweet time to rescue some poor souls and persuading most of Kludgetown Westerners to join us. I have turned them into mightiest warriors I ever built!"

"Incredible..." Queen Novo said in shock and surprise.

Soul Sweetie smiled, "And that is why we trusted him, Aunt Nova."

Skullitron held his claw up, gesturing his minions to be silent. He began his speech,

"Soldiers and citizens of Equestria's Southern Land! My friends and my brothers-in-arms! For many years, I was born to serve my lord Yami faithfully and loyally, and willingly to sacrifice my life for him and his cause! It was only my sole purpose to serve and protect my master. But ever since his disappearance, I was lost, just like all of you. Instead of disbanding and leaving me behind, you all stayed with me till the end. Not only that, we came across and rescued the lost souls. Like my brothers, they too stayed with me as well. I thought they looked up to me because I was bravest and strongest leader. But I realized they looked up to me because I was like a father to them, just as Lord Yami to me. I realized now that I must rise to not only lead you, but to protect you and our new friends. But I cannot do it alone. You all must rise as well! Rise to face our fears! Rise to show them what we're made of! Rise to face and defeat our greatest threat! Rise and become strong and noble heroes, like these ponies!"

The army of AxeKnight Warriors Corp gave a loud cheers, battle cries and applauds to Skullitron's speech. The army of Seapony Soldiers and Hippogriff Soldiers also joined in as well.

"Brave and Mighty Soldiers of AxeKnight Warriors! Now, it's our time to rise and defeat our enemies! All for One! And One for All!" Skullitron declared proudly and firmly, "For Hikari! For Yami! For Princess Twilight and Shadow Dragon!

The army of AxeKnight Warriors, Seaponies and Hippogriffs gave the loud battle cries while waving their battle flags. All of them are ready for war.

Nyx whistled, "That's one hell of the army."

"Makes me wonder if this is good idea." Spike said in surprise and fear.

Flare Tiger smiled, "Well, consider this a backup plan if we don't get help from others."

Skullitron turned and looked at his new friends, "Our army is ready for war. Our course is clear. Are we ready?"

Applejack smiled, "We are! We're coming, Twilight!"

The ponies and their allied creatures cheered and gave battle cries out loud. All of them are ready for the upcoming war, as well as saving Twilight and Shadow Dragon.

"As soon as we bake up a plan!" Pinkie remarked happily.

"Seriously, Pinkie?!" Blazefist asked in annoyance. Pinkie shrugged playfully. He groaned, "Honestly, I hope she doesn't mean baking a cake literally..."

"Who knows? It could happen." Flare Tiger said playfully.

Blazefist groaned, "I really hate asking that..."

To be Continued...

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Author's Note:

1) Yet another big changes here is Queen Novo join the gang and win the war. We all know that Queen Novo will obviously not wanting to help Twilight and her friends after the Pearl of Transformation being stolen until the end, she came back and joined the party. Right... Some leader she is in the original...

2) There's plenty of Disney Songs I have based on and used it here:
i) 'I Won't Give Up' is based on 'I am Moana' from Moana.
ii) 'Bless of Love' is based on 'Heaven's Light' from Hunchback of Notre Dame.
iii) 'I See The Moonlight' is based on 'I see the Light' ending from Tangled.
iv) 'If I Never Met You' is based on deleted/extended song 'If I Never Knew You' from Pocahontas.
v) 'Let's Hope' is based on 'Something There' ending from Beauty and The Beast.
vi) 'Proud of My Kids' is based on deleted song 'Proud of Your Boy' from Aladdin.