• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 5,000 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

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Chapter 20: Battle

"Storm King has taken all both mine and Shadow Dragon's Elements of Magic, Light and Darkness. Unfortunately, Dark Curse use the Dark Sacrificial Ritual to assist and powered Storm King's Staff of Sacanas, absorbing and getting the rest of Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony and its Mystic Counterpart, and even our friends. He has all the Elements of Harmony.

Just before Dark Curse and Kyuubi Lilith could initiate the Dark Sacrificial Ritual, the Storm King quickly turned and fired his Staff of Sacanas at them, forcing them to escape. He never has the intention of working with them. I did not expect that.

To our relief, our friends managed to return and rally both Equestria Rebellion Army and Southern Equestria Army to fight back. With the help of Sergei Mobile Fortress, they have defeated first wave of 120,000 Soldiers and lured most of them out to attack them. And at the same time, Team Fighters guide and lead both Hippogriffs and Seapony Team to infiltrate and rescue the prisoners and hostages in time.

Despite their effort, the Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic Force were too strong and powerful for our forces to breakthrough. They almost died until something unexpected yet relief happens..."

Yuko, Black Alpha and Susano were gathered at the War Council Chamber, along with some ministers and military officers. The technicians and intelligence officers were communicating and leading the Mystic Army, engaging and battling the enemy force. They were standing before the council table, where they're watching and witnessing 'The Battle of Canterlot' unfolding between Mystic-Equestria Alliance and Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic Force.

While three Mystic Councilponies and their officers were discussing and planning of how they could assist their army to fight back the enemy troops, they heard the doors were opened very hard. They turned and found Nezha and his Ultimate Warriors marched into the area.

"How dare you all went behind my back?!" Nezha demanded angrily as he and his warriors approached to three Councilponies, "You've sent the reinforcement to the Equestria, even though I have gave the strict order?!"

Yuko scoffed a bit, "And you honestly believe that we should listen to you?"

"You should." Nezha said dryly and angrily, "I am the grandson to Jade Emperor Takei, and heir to the throne. And you will and must obey me!"

"Though you have good intention for protecting our realm and citizens from danger, you do not understand the grieve situation you have put us through," Susano said dryly.

Black Alpha nodded, "Indeed. As they have explained before, the enemy will achieved their victory, and will come to invade our realm sooner or later. They possessed the powers of Elements of Harmony. We cannot afford to let that happen."

"I am well aware of that," Nezha said dryly and angrily yet softly.

"Really?" Yuko asked amusingly yet dryly and suspiciously, "If you knew that they were telling the truth, why do you not send reinforcement?"

"Indeed..." Black Alpha said dryly, "Could you've been plotting to destroy the Equestria Realm from the start?"

Nezha remained silent yet angry and annoyed. Susano sighed in disappointment, "Nezha, I'm truly disappointed in you. You still have yet let go of your anger after many years have passed. You still desire revenge?!"

"I have, master." Nezha answered rudely and angrily. Everyone was unfazed by his anger. He continued, "It was their arrogance and ignorance caused everything including my body and my family. Why should we rescue when they caused the problem? They deserve the punishment."

"I see..." Yuko said dryly, "Such ignorant spoiled rotten brat. Your grandfather and the council have been weary of your attitude and ambition. We were hoping that you will let go of it. You leave us no choice."

Nezha snarled angrily, "What's that supposed to be mean?!"

"For such behavior and putting personal grudge before others will not to be tolerated," Black Alpha said firmly, "Your authority over politics and military will be diminished. You are not allowed to give order, making decision or judge, without the council's vote and approval. Failed to do so, we will remove you from your throne."

"This is not only your punishment," Susano said dryly, "But also your lesson and training. Do you understand, apprentice..."

Nezha snarled angrily. And just before he could do anything, he was held by Death Tactic, who shook his head firmly and calmly.

"Do not be rash and foolish," Death Tactic said dryly, "Obey their orders for now, Nezha."

As much as he wanted to attack and kill the council for diminishing and denying his right, Nezha sighed in defeat, "Very well. I shall comply. For now..."

"Very good..." Susano said firmly. He turned his attention to war council table, "Let us return to the battlefield. We must prevent the Demon God's return!"

Black Alpha, Yuko and some of the officials and even three Ultimate Warriors turned their attention to the war council table. While their attention have been diverted on the battlefield, Nezha gritted his teeth as his eyebrow narrowed angrily. His shoulder was held by Death Tactic. Both Sushi Tsunami and Ripper shook their heads firmly.

"Remember, my lord, do not act rash..." Death Tactic said calmly yet firmly, "I assure you that everything will be in place."

After calming himself down, Nezha sighed calmly, "Very well. We shall play their rules. For now..."

Mane Five and the army of both E.R.A.s and AxeKnight Warriors Corp regrouped with both Hippogriffs Army and Seapony Army. They're all marched into the capital city, and engaged the fierce battle against the vast army of Storm Kingdom and Dark Mystic Ponies.

Having just arrived at the battlefield; the massive fleets of Mystic Prime Starships, Light Cruisers, Assault Cruisers, and many more of creatures' airships and battleships were preparing to launch the attack, under the command of the Mystic Councilpony of Fire, who is acting as the Chief Commander of the Alliance Reinforcement.

Azure Phoenix and his remaining Imperial Phoenix Army are currently in the large blazing blue colored phoenix themed Mystic Prime Starship. He is sitting on his command chair, with remote control on its right handler and keyboard on its left side. Strikespell, Anger and Rhino Armor were standing besides him. Both Schemetrick and Master Ratio were looking through the computers, as well as leading the technicians and engineers, operating the ship.

Pushing the red button, Azure Phoenix spoke through the microphone to announce, "This is General-in-Chief Azure Phoenix of Imperial Phoenix Army. All forces report in."

"[Virtue Dragon] General, this is Dragoon Republic Leader standing by. [Courage Tiger] This is Water Tiger Leader, standing by. [Cunning Fury] Sovereign Lion Leader, standing by. [Iron Brave] Metal Armor Sentinel Leader, standing by. [Frozen Sage] This is Ice Amazon Leader, preparing to attack. [Lightning Wisdom] This is Thunder Science Leader, standing by. [Princess Leaf] This is Peace Nature Guardian Leader, standing by. [Thorax] Changeling King, standing by. [Ember] Dragon Lord, ready. [Prince Ruthford] Yak Prince, ready to smash! [Chief Thunderhooves] This is the Buffalo Chief, awaiting the command. [King Kutta] King of the Apes, ready! [Seabreeze] Breezie Leader, ready. [Rover] This is Diamond Dog Commander, ready to pounce! [Grandpa Gruff grumbled] Damn those codenames. This is completely stupid and waste of my time! This is Old Griffon Papa. Ready to kick some asses, so I can get some goodnight sleep!"

Azure Phoenix turned and looked at Strikespell and Anger, "My son, Anger, lead the ground assault. Help them reach to Canterlot City. Take the strongest and best officers with you."

"Yes, father," Strikespell reported firmly.

Anger saluted, "Will be done."

Strikespell and Anger turned and exited the command bridge. They're both heading to hangar bay, where they're gathering and preparing both soldiers and military transports for battle. Azure Phoenix turned and faced at the front. He took a deep breathe.

"This is going to be one hell of the fight..."

Within the Ares's Shield Gate Station; Krennic, leader of the station, has seen everything. He was in deep shock and concern of what he just saw. His technicians were working and accessing the station's computer system.

"Bloody hell. That bitch told me that Mystic Ponies won't send the reinforcement because of Nezha's paranoid! I knew she can't be trusted!" Krennic cursed angrily. He turned to the technician, "Lock down the city!"

"But sir, we haven't receive any order from the Dark Lord or Storm King!" Technician Leader said in concern.

Krennic scoffed, "The Dark Lord entrusted the station to me, not that stupid Storm King! And I order you to lock down the city! We cannot let those army enter it! The Dark Sacrificial Ritual must be performed today! Do it!"

"Understood! Activating the Shield Gate now!" Technician Leader exclaimed in concern.

Krennic added angrily, "Inform Amon, Psychopath Joker, Warstrike and Grimcrush to engage the enemies! We must not let them in!"

Technicians began typing and accessing the computer as they're activating the shield gate at once. They're also contacting four commanders to engage the enemy fleets. Krennic muttered and mumbled angrily as he hoped that the Dark Sacrificial Ritual begins.

Receiving the order from Krennic, Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic Force fleets were flying towards the Mystic-Equestria Alliance fleets. They also launched Stinger Jets, Armored Beetle Strikes and Bonecrusher Bombers were launched, flying and attacking the fleets.

Seeing the enemy fleets launching the fighters from the Imperial Phoenix Starship's window, Azure Phoenix suspected the battle has begun.

He announced, "All forces, prepare for battle! Water Tiger, Metal Sentinels and Thunder Science Unit, engage the enemy fleet. Changelings and Griffons defend the fleet! Yaks, Buffalos, Apes and Diamond Dogs begin the assault from your own direction. Dragoon Republic, Sovereign Lion, Ice Amazon, Nature Peace Guardians, Dragons, Breezie; begin landing and reinforcing our allies. Strikespell will lead the ground assault. Follow his lead!"

"Yes, sir!" Leaders reported firmly.

30-50 Black Hawk Gunships and Carriers carrying Armored Tanks, HAM Wakers and Scout Walkers including various starfighters emerged out from the Imperial Phoenix Starship. They were accompanied by Falcon Jets, Wasp Strikes and Stingray Bombers. They're all heading straight to Canterlot City.

"Copy, General-in-Chief!" Strikespell said firmly within his leading decorated phoenix themed Falcon Jet, "This is Blue Phoenix One! Fighters and Ground Assault Unit, on me! To battle!"

"Copy that, Strikespell!" Ember's voice exclaimed firmly.

"We'd better make a quick!" Seabreeze's voice exclaimed in concern.

Prince Rutherford's voice roared, "All charge! Now! YAK SMASH!"

As instructed by both Azure Phoenix and Strikespell, Mystic-Equestria Alliance have split their forces, engaging Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic Force.

Imperial Phoenix, Water Tiger, Metal Sentinels and Thunder Science are engaging the enemy fleet, sending our their fighters. Changelings and Griffons assisted the fleet to fight the enemies. Most of the fleet send the gunships and carriers descending straight down to the ground; joining in by Dragoon Republic, Ice Amazon, Sovereign Lion, Nature Peace Guardians, Dragons and Breezies. Yaks of North, Buffallos of South, Diamond Dogs of East and Apes of West charged straight to the capital city.

Responding to enemy invasion, the Ares's Shield Gate was activating and raising down its powerful magical force-field. Strikespell's squadron and unit have managed to get through it, followed by Dragoon Republic and Ice Amazon cruisers, and half forces of four Ground Assault Units from the ground. Unfortunately, the magical barrier was too fast to form around Canterlot City. Not only preventing invasion from entering the capital city, it also killed 5 - 20 fighters and troopers for touching the magical barrier. This caused most of them to back off from it at once.

From his Imperial Phoenix Cruiser's window, Azure Phoenix saw Canterlot City being covered by magical barrier.

"What happen?" Azure Phoenix demanded firmly.

Looking through his computer screen, Schemetrick hissed, "Not good unfortunately, my lord. Ares's Shield Gate has been activated and prevented any reinforcement. I'd never thought that our own space station would turn on us."

"Neither do I," Master Ration agreed in concern, "And the only way to breakthrough the barrier is to destroy the station."

Azure Phoenix hummed firmly and calmly before showing his serious face, "So be it." He then contacting his other allies, "All forces, do not falter! Focus on engaging with Dark Devastator Cruisers and the fleets. We also must destroy the station too! Engage the enemies now!"

"Yes, sir!" Leaders reported.

"Begin the attack!" Azure Phoenix commanded firmly.

And so, the fierce battle has begun. Mystic Cruisers and their Fighters are now engaging the fleet of Dark Devastator Cruisers and the large numbers of fighters. The remaining forces of Ground Assault Units were finding a way to breakthrough the magical barrier, without getting themselves hurt and killed by the force field.

Thanks to Mystic Army's Fleet destroying the defense, the Sergei Mobile Fortress have breached the city walls, knocking and bringing them down. And at the same time, they also launched the turrets and arsenals firing and destroying enemy artillery, saving their allies. The fortress opened its entrance as the E.R.A.s and AxeKnight Warriors Corp emerged out and charged into the capital city. Mane Five, Dragon Strike Force and their friends meet up with Queen Novo and Soul Sweetie.

"You made it!" Soul Sweetie exclaimed in relief. She sighed, "Thank goodness. Sorry for not able to destroy the defense down in time."

Queen Novo nodded, "If those reinforcement hadn't come in time, we'd be finished."

"Yeah. Looks like our talk got through them," Applejack said in relief and happy, "We have the chance to win this!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow and Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"Wait. Where're the Team Fighters?" Fluttershy asked in concern and realization. She gasped, "Oh no! Don't tell me!"

Terrorcreep groaned, "Unbelievable. I have the feeling that they're gonna do something recklessly."

Saber sighed, "I think they do, TC."

"Yup. They went on ahead without us," Soul Sweetie said in concern.

Queen Novo nodded, "If we were ambushed by the enemies, then they maybe in grave danger. My daughter needs my help now!"

"Then, we'd better move quickly to find and save them," Shining Armor said firmly as he turned and looked at the Canterlot Castle. He hissed, "We don't have much time. We have to retake our capital city, and rescue Twiley and Shadow Dragon ASAP."

Jason chuckled a bit as he reloaded his blasters, "Yeah. It's time to finish this."

"Agreed," Blazefist said firmly. He turned to E.R.A.s and S.E.A.s, "All units, charge! It's time to take back our home! Take no prisoners!"

E.R.A.s and S.E.A.s gave the loud battle cry. Mane Five, Dragon Strike Force and their allies moved out at once while leading their army to move out and charge into the battlefield. HAM Walkers, Scout Walkers, Armored Tanks, Cannons, Arbalests and Catapults were deployed. The large army of Storm Kingdom and Dark Mystic Force responded to the invasion, with the help of their military transports - Neutron Death Tanks, Mammoth Destroyers, MHC Tanks, Armored Spider Scouts, which also were deployed and engaged them as well.

Upon their fierce clash, both sides of the army began the ferocity battle. Soldiers swung and struck their swords, spears, pikes and even throwing punches and kicks at each other. Archers unleashed the volley of arrows. Rifle ponies launched the barrages of bullets and laser beams. Military Transports have fired their powerful shots and blasts at the enemy troops and arsenals.

Mane Five and their friends helped and fought the enemy army as well. Shining Armor screamed in anger as he swung and struck his Crystallized Royal Sword to block four to five attacks from enemy troops before unleashing his powerful Magical Barrier to repel them off. He even fired his multiple Unicorn Bursts in knocking them down before punched and kicked them off. Storm Guards roared wildly as they charged and attacked him. He used his Magical Barrier to withstand the attack, but felt not strong enough to hold it off. Luckily, Princess Cadance came to his aid by activating her Love Enhancing Spell, giving him strength to block and repel them off. And at the same time, she angrily unleashed and fired her Unicorn Burst in defeating some of Dark Mystic Ponies. The enemy soldiers were about to shoot him down, but they got sniped and shot down by Jason and Rexstrike.

Blazefist swung and struck his Falcon Spear at Dark Mystic Soldiers one-by-one. He then got smacked and thrown to the ground as the Chimera Berserker swung and slammed his axe at his head. But halted and pushed him off by Aqua, she then threw some punches before kicking at the brute. As she helped her husband to get up, Demon Elite screeched out loud as he was about to swing his bladed pole at them but got stabbed by Indigo and her thrusted her Wind Naginata. They both smiled at her as three of them turned and faced off the large numbers of enemy troops. Luckily, Rainbow charged and rammed them through. They joined her and charged into the battlefield.

Applejack swung and struck down her Mind Whiplash at the enemy troops, and even lassoed them up one-by-one. This allowed Saber charged in and defeated them at ease, and even protected and saved her for quite some time. The Demon Elite approached and grabbed her high before trying to kill her. Saber tripped and injured the monster's legs, allowing Applejack to stomp on him. Shorty, Rarity, Tailtech and Icy led the rifle ponies to fire and shoot down the incoming enemy troops. Laxtinct swung and slammed his Rock Hammer at the enemy troops while Pinkie fired the multiple cupcakes at them. Flare Tiger used her Time Spell to halt, move forward and reverse the event that allowed her to defeat them and saving her allied troops at ease. While Terrorcreep has summoned and struck his army of Grizzly Wings at the Dark Mystic Ponies, A Storm Guard approached and gave the scare on Fluttershy, who screamed in fear. And just before Mystic Vampire could do anything, his wife spoke and consulted the guard, who agreed to talk with her about his problem. It surprised and shocked him.

Sunset and Starlight worked together by firing their Unicorn Bursts in knocking them, as well as levitating and throwing them off, and also using their shield spells to repel the attack. Sunburst used and fired the Armored Tank in taking down the enemy arsenals and transports. When the enemy troops tried to infiltrate and kill him, Flash came and thrust his spear in killing them one-by-one. Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare fired their blasters at them while Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet covered and protected them.

Soul Sweetie and Queen Novo led both Seaponies and Hippogriffs to fight off the enemies. When facing off enemy brutes and Storm Guards, Skullitron and AxeKnight Warriors came and assisted them at once. Capper used and fired his sniper in taking down on enemy snipers. Captain Celaeno and her pirates stole and use the weapons on the enemy troops.

Shining Armor grunted as he hold off the Demon Elite's Sword. He turned and looked at Applejack, Blazefist and Saber, "Head for the castle! We'll hold them off!"

"We don't have much time!" Princess Cadance exclaimed as she repelled the enemy troops, "Find and rescue Team Fighters!"

Applejack nodded firmly, "Understood! Mane Five and Dragon Strike Force, let's go!"

"You heard her! Move it!" Blazefist ordered firmly, "Capper, Skullitron, on us!"

"We'll follow you!" Skullitron exclaimed.

Mane Five and Dragon Strike Force moved out at once, joined in by AxeKnight Warrior Corps to cover them reaching to Canterlot Castle. While the army of E.R.A.s and S.E.A.s continued and struggles fighting back the enemy troops, they also having trouble with enemy fighters and more of military transports.

Luckily, Strikespell and the reinforcement have arrived in time to save them. Strikespell and the rest of his squadron were now dealing with enemy fighters.

"Alright, this is it," Strikespell said firmly in his Falcon jet, "Heatwave, Aero and Solflare, I hope you're ready for this dogfight. Take down enemy fighters before they hit out reinforcement! Bella, Arcee and Rak helped our allies and push them back!"

"Copy, Blue Leader," Voices of Heatwave, Aero and Solflare responded firmly.

"We'll do our best!" Voices of Arcee, Rak and Bella reported.

"I've got the bad feeling about it," Kindy's voice said in concern.

The cruisers, gunships and carriers descended and landed on the ground, unloading the troops and military transports including Imperial Phoenix, Dragoon Republic, Ice Amazon, Pillars of Old Equestria and even some newly young recruits. Yaks, Buffalos, Apes and even Diamond Dogs have arrived and joined the battlefield.

The E.R.A.s and S.E.A.s gave the loud battle cry and cheers as they got reinforcement before engaging the battle. Anger and his units arrived and regrouped with Shining Armor and his allies.

"Well, it's about time," Shining Armor exclaimed in relief.

Anger saluted firmly, "Sorry for being late. Having trouble with the temporary Emperor." He looked up and found Ares's Shield Gate was activated and covered the shield on the capital city. He hissed, "Damn it. They cut off our reinforcement!"

"What are we gonna do now?" Princess Cadance asked in concern.

"Keep fighting. That's all we can do now," Anger said firmly, "Hope cousin figure a way to breakdown that space station."

"Unless we're lucky enough to blow that shit off," Jason joked.

Shining Armor nodded, "Alright, press forward!"

The E.R.A.s and their allies army charged and engaged the enemies on the ground, providing covering fire for Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force getting to the Canterlot Castle. Strikespell and the allied fighters continued firing at the enemy units.

On midair battlefield, Mystic-Equestria Alliance fleets were engaging and firing their cannons and turrets at the Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic's while their fighters were having fierce dogfight with each other.

While most of Falcon Jets were firing and engaging Stinger Jets, Armored Beetle Strikes and even Storm Kingdom Airships; some of them were covering the Stingray Bombers for bombing and destroying enemy fleets, and even Ares's Shield Gate. Wasp Strikes were formed into one large flying wedge formation as they fired and shot down enemy fighters. Griffons and Changelings also joined the air battlefield by attacking and knocking down the fighters, invading and taking over the airships and some carried the large detonators to drop and bombed the station. Gilda and Pharynx were leading the strike team, taking down the station.

"Alright, let's drop some shit on them!" Gilda ordered firmly. She turned and looked at the armored young blue colored Griffon, who was struggling to dodge the blasts and holding the detonator. She called, "Come on, Gallus, stay with me!"

"I'm trying!" Gallus exclaimed in concern and fear.

"Try harder, kid! We're going in! Take that stupid station down!" Pharynx exclaimed wildly, " Let's do this! Bombs away, kiddies!"

Gilda and Pharynx led their strike team straight to Ares's Shield Gate station. Its turrets and cannons turned and fired at them. Two to five of them got hit and shot down. Despite some soldiers got hit, they have managed to drop the detonators to explode on the station. They were soon joined by squadron of Stingray Bombers.

After launching exploding detonators and missiles on Ares's Shield Gate, it has no effect or damages by the attacks, so far. Gallus noticed more fighters blasted off from the station.

Gallus squawked, "Company! We've got company!"

Pharynx groaned, "I hate it when that happens!"

"Take evasive action!" Gilda ordered firmly, "Watch your six! Those things bites!"

Gilda and Pharynx's squadron quickly split up and will taking evasive maneuver from enemy fighters' shots and missiles.

Luckily, some of them got hit and crushed by the rocks, large arrows and cannonballs. Gallus turned and found some of ground assault units were using their arsenals in shooting and taking down enemy fighters. Mystic Tao and his Sacred Light Wizards unleashed and fired powerful magical spells, Yaks used the catapults launching some large boulders, Diamond Dogs used and fired the arbalests' large arrows, Apes activated and fired the cannons and Buffalos used Armored Tanks and HAM Walkers.

Prince Rutherford laughed happily. He turned and looked at the young brownish haired female yak with twin braided hair. He patted the young yak's shoulder, "Nice shot, Yona! Yona got good shot!"

Yona laughed happily as she put the giant boulder on the catapult, "Yona loved catapult! Yona loved smashing! This is fun!"

"Yes, Smash them! Smash them!" Prince Rutherford laughed happily before glared at the Ares's Shield Gate, "Yak smash that stupid station!"

While firing their arsenals at the enemy fighters and cruisers, the main Ground Assault Units tried to take down the Ares's Shield Gate down. However, yet again, there's no effect on the station.

"Imperial Phoenix Leader, this is Changeling King!" King Thorax called out as he was leading the squadron of his Changelings, "We're starting the attack on Ares's Shield Gate now!"

King Thorax dived down at once while holding the detonators, followed by his squadron. They all dropped the detonators and nukes on the station. And once again, no damages has impacted on the station.

Unfortunately for them, they were being followed by five Storm Kingdom's Airships. They were shooting the Changelings down. This caused a young pale arctic blue colored Changeling with light amaranth mane and tail panicked and breakaway from the group. A small squadron of few Stinger Jets went after her.

King Thorax noticed her running off, "Ocellus, stay close ! Get back now!"

"I can't!" Ocellus panicked in fear as she flew and dodged the blasts, "I need help now! Somepony! Help!"

Suddenly, a familiar blue Griffin flew towards in grabbing and moving her away from the fighters. Leopardos and Jesuits appeared as they easily cut down and destroyed the fighters. Both Gallus and Ocellus flew away from the battlefield as they regrouped with their squadron.

Gallus sighed in relief, "Phew! That was close! Glad we saved you!"

"Thanks, Mr. Griffon." Ocellus thanked in relief.

"Yeah, whatever," Gallus said arrogantly, "Stay close with the group! These guys are no pushover! And the name's Gallus!"

Ocellus nodded, "Okay. I'm Ocellus! But seriously, thanks!"

King Thorax, Gilda's squadron and Hippogriff Squadron continued engaging and fighting off the enemy troops, as well as assisting their allies on the battlefield.

Inside the Imperial Phoenix Cruiser, Azure Phoenix and his allies continued watching the air battlefield, as well as looking at the Ares's Shield Gate. So far, there is no good result from destroying the station, other than the fierce battle against enemy fleets.

"Any news?" Azure Phoenix asked.

"No sir. We have no effect on Ares's Shield Gate," Schemetrick said in concern, "We still cannot contact our allies either."

The starship's quaked due to it gotten hit by the blasts, Master Ratio yelped and fell on his back. He grunted as he got back up and looked at his computer, "Deflected shield's down to 70 percent!"

Azure Phoenix grunted, "Keep trying. My son, my family and my pupil are down there! They can't hold much longer!" He then noticed how two Dark Devastator Cruisers close to the Ares's Shield Gate. He gasped, "That's it. I have a better idea. Get me Dr. Ciel, D.E.C.K. and Mano now! I need their expertise and technologies!"

"On it!" Schemetrick reported firmly.

Azure Phoenix sighed as he turned and looked at the window, "Hang on, my friends. We're coming."

Team Fighters, Grubber, Roughneck, Princess Skystar and their units are being surrounded by Phasma and her squadron of Storm Guards. With her gesture of tightening fist, her squadron armed and readied with the shields and spears. Two and three units lined up with their rifles armed. Team Fighters and their allies armed themselves for the fight.

"Traitor!" Phasma exclaimed in anger as she armed with her blaster, "I will rip you apart, you filthy pig!"

"Seriously? A Pig?" Spike asked in annoyance, "She can't tell the difference, can she?"

Grubber groaned in anger, "For the last time, I AM A HEDGEHOG, YOU STUPID BUCKETHEAD!"

Phasma scoffed as she armed herself with her blaster, "All units, open fire!"

And just before they could do anything, Phasma and her squadron got shot and hit by pixie dusts and flamethrower blast. This caused some of them panicked and ran away from the attacks. Others remained firm as they put out the fire and dusts. She and her squadron, and even their enemies looked up and found two familiar units flying down.

Spike gasped, "Ember! She made it!"

"Breezies here too!" Nyx exclaimed in relief.

"Team Fighters," Lance ordered as he summoned both Oblivion Dragon Blade and Oathkeeper Blossom Blade, "Take them down!"

Roughneck gave a loud cheer, "Wooo! Time for ass-kicking! Get ready to taste some Roughneck Style!"

Team Fighters and their allies charged and engaged the enemies at once. Breezies and Dragon also joined the battlefield as well. The Dragon fought against Storm Guards fiercely and wildly. Breezies flew around as they distracted and annoyed the Storm Guards attacking and killing each other.

Lance charged and swung his Dual Blades at the enemies one-by-one. Shiroi transformed into her Kasai as she fired her guns while covering fire for her boyfriend. Red Arsenal fired his arrows and Cybernetic Cannon at the enemies. Steel Blaze came to his aid as he engaged a fierce blazing combat against enemy troops. Metalgear and his Metal Ponies began firing the enemies at once. Nyx and Cutie Mark Crusaders kept on running away from the Storm Guards while finding and using some heavy objects, dropping and slamming them to death and even using cannons at them. Princess Skystar came to their aid as she rammed and knocked them hard.

Spike, Grubber and Drake Trio gave the loud battle cry as they jumped and attacked the enemies at once. Storm Guard grabbed and slammed Spike against the wall. And just before he could finish the little dragon off, Ember jumped and slammed him to the ground. She turned to Spike, she then grabbed and hugged him.

"Oh, thank goodness! You're alright! I thought you're goner after three days passed! I was so worried and scared." Ember exclaimed in concern. She then sneezed on her friend's spikes, shocking Spike. She yelped, "Sorry! Didn't mean that!"

Spike chuckled uneasily as he blew the flames off. He then hugged her, "It's okay. I'm cool. I'm glad you came and help us. I knew you won't abandon us."

Ember blushed and smiled, "Of course, Spike. We're friends, after all. We look out for each other."

Spike blushed, "Yeah..."

"Spikey Wikey and Ember-!" Boomer was interrupted upon looking at Ember and Spike glaring at him. He chuckled uneasily, "Sorry, gotta go!"

Boomer turned and helped his allies as they fought and battled against the enemy troops.

Ember groaned with her cheeks burning in red, "Why does everyone keep thinking we're couple?! I mean I'm a teenager while you're a kid."

"Tell me about it." Spike agreed in annoyance. He turned and found some of his friends in trouble. He spoke, "Come on. We'd better go!"

"Yeah! I've been itching for a big fight for a very long time," Ember said amusingly.

Ember and Spike charged and joined into the battlefield as they help and assisted their friends to fend off the enemies.

Jumping and slamming 10 Storm Guards down, Roughneck has easily punched and snapped their necks hard. She then fought off couple of enemy troops one-by-one or even fought and killed three to five of them.

"Woohoo! Who wants to piece of me?! Roughnecks Rumble is gonna kick your ass!" Roughneck cheered out loud. She turned and found more Storm Guards have arrived to engage the enemies. She smirked as she cracked her neck and hooves, "Oh yeah! Bring it on, assholes! More fun for me to play!"

Lance whistled, "What a mare!" He noticed Kasai was annoyed. He cleared his throat, "I mean! Thank goodness that mine is Shiroi!"

Kasai sighed, "You'd better, boy!" She then found Phasma came behind him. She gasped, "Lance, behind you!"

Lance turned to his back as he found Phasma armed and aimed her blaster at him. Kasai charged and rammed her away from him. Kasai quickly fired her Gem Blasters at the Storm Guard's Captain but the armor was too thick and strong to block and deflect the blasts off. Storm Creature gave a powerful slap on the mare to the ground hard. And just before Phasma could execute Shiroi, Lance charged and rammed her off.

Phasma recovered from the attack as she activated and readied with her Chrome Pike. With his Dual Blades armed, he charged and attacked the Storm Guard's Captain. Both of them swung and clashed their weapons at each other fiercely and determinedly for few times. As they both have the clashed for the moment, he gave a powerful headbutt on her head before kicked her first, followed by punching her for five times. He then stabbed her Dual Blades at Phasma's chest, making her yelled in pain yet anger. She grabbed and slammed him to the ground hard. He grunted in pain as he struggled to get out before slammed and struck his blades on her feet, making her screamed in pain. Phasma punched him until his muzzle bleed out.

And just before Phasma could finish Lance off, Kasai fired her Hikari Shots in hitting the Storm Captain's back. But her armor was too thick and strong for her attack. Phasma turned and approached to Shiroi, who readied herself for the fight. Both of them began the fierce punches and kicks at each other for few times. Kasai gave a throw kick at Phasma, who dodged down and grabbed her. She thrown her at Lance, who just recovered from the attack. Both of them got slammed and knocked on the walls hard.

Phasma loaded up her blaster as she was about to finish Lance and Kasai off. She got her helmet hit by small rocks. She turned and found Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike threw some rocks at her. She then fired her blast at them. They yelped and hid behind the barracks for cover. During the fight against the enemy troops, Grubber turned and found the children and Spike were under attacked.

While still scared of Phasma due to enormous size, Grubber refused to see his friends to get killed, and also he still hated her calling him 'pig'. While grabbing a large club, Grubber grabbed and thrown a stone at her head. Phasma snarled angrily as she turned and glared at him being worried and scared when facing and looking at her angry looks.

"Leave my friends alone, grub!" Grubber shouted firmly.

Phasma snarled as she activated and readied with Chrome Pike, "I should have finish you when we conquer your worthless town, pig! You're a bug in the system!"

While scared and worried, Grubber gave a loud breath as he readied with his giant club, "Let's go, Chrome Dome! I ain't afraid of you!"

Phasma and Grubber yelled wildly and angrily. They charged and slammed their weapons at each other. Grubber determinedly yet struggled attacking and taking the captain down, unfortunately, she has proven too much for him. She fiercely and relentlessly attacking her by fists and swinging her pike at scared Grubber, who got hit and slammed to the ground hard for too many times. She then grabbed and thrown him at the cannon hard.

"Grubber!" Spike and Cutie Mark Crusaders cried.

Phasma turned and fired her blaster at the children. They quickly move and hid behind the barrack. While she was busy in firing at them, Lance and Kasai recovered as they jumped and attacked her at once. She grunted angrily as she struggled and engaged them.

Grubber grunted and recovered from the impact. He found Phasma ha defeated Lance and Kasai while firing her blaster at Cutie Mark Crusaders' barrack.

While thinking a way to defeat her, Grubber noticed a damaged Armored Tank, which he believed it could be his advantage. He approached and climbed the tank to the top. He armed and readied with his club. He whistled at Phasma, who turned and looked back at him. He screamed angrily as he swung and slammed his club at her mask, causing her to fell and dropped on the floor hard.

Clenching both of her fists, Phasma grunted angrily as she slowly recovered and getting herself up. Her mask has a hole on left side, which revealed a blue demonic eye. She turned and glared at Grubber, who is still standing on Armored Tank. Both three Storm Guards and ten Dark Mystic Soldiers have arrived and surrounded him. They aimed their blasters at him.

"Grubber!" Lance, Nyx and Spike exclaimed in concern.

"Disobedient! Disrespectful! Traitor!" Phasma snapped angrily, "Cowardly pig as always!"

At first he was scared and worried by surroundings, Grubber became annoyed and angry as he has enough of being insulted. He then found Nyx, who readied with her horn magically glowed. He took a deep breathe as he decided to make his stand.

"Oh yeah?" Grubber asked in annoyance, "I'm not the only traitor for turning back on Storm King! You are!"

Storm Guards and Dark Mystic Soldiers were confused and uncertain. Phasma was annoyed, "What are you talking about? I am loyal to my king, unlike you and Tempest!"

"Don't bet on it. Wanna know how we managed to take down your forces so easily?!" Grubber rebuffed firmly. He then pointed at Phasma, "You did it! You told me you wanted to overthrow the Storm King and take over his kingdom for your own! So, you told me what to do to take down the king for you to get the power! You even threatened to kill me if I speak out about this! So, what now? What are you gonna do if someone find out about it?"

Phasma scoffed and rebuffed, "Who would believe the story like that?"

Nyx fired her Illusion Spell in front of everyone in the area. She shown Grubber's 'memory scene', which is exactly what he has described. Since Strife's betrayal and Tempest's ascension to become Storm King's Second-in-Command, she plotted to take him down by means of necessary. She even plotted the plans of how to take him down, and also threatened and forced her to do it. This shocked and scared Storm Guards and Dark Mystic Soldiers, and even Phasma.

As the soldiers slowly turned and glared at her, Phasma became uneasy, worried and paranoid as her claws are shaking. Ad just before they could do anything, the Storm Guard's Captain quickly fired her blasters, killing all of her troops at once. Grubber jumped off as he slammed his club, in cutting off her claw. Phasma screamed in pain, losing her left claw.

As Grubber was about to swing his club, Phasma retaliated and strike back at him. He jumped and slammed on dead Storm Guards. She approached and armed with her Chrome Pike.

"You were always scum." Phasma snarled.

Grubber scoffed, "I'm Hero Scum, bitch!"

Phasma raised her Chrome Pike, readied to finish him off. Grubber grabbed and armed with a bazooka, which scared her off. He fired the missile at her, sending her off the Canterlot Castle's edge. She was falling straight down to waterfall.

"I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!" Phasma screamed angrily and agony.

Upon making an impact on the large lake, it unleashed a powerful explosion on it, killing her once and for all.

Grubber sighed in relief as he lied down on enemy troops' corpses, "It's about damn time that she got it right."

"Nice one, Grubber!" Spike cheered happily as he and his friends have arrived and approached him. He whistled, "Wow. You were right. Tricking everyone thinking that she's a real traitor."

"And she fell for it. Good job, Grubber," Nyx cheered.

Grubber smiled and blushed, "It was nothing. I got help from my friends."

Mane Five, Dragon Strike Force, AxeKnight Warriors Corp and Capper have arrived at the scene. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow approached and gave the hug to their young sisters, glad seeing them being alright and safe with their friends.

"Everyone's alright?" Blazefist asked firmly.

Lance nodded, "We are. But we should get a move on now."

"He's right. Twilight and Shadow Dragon won't hold much longer," Applejack exclaimed in concern, "Come on, y'all. Let's move it now!"

And just before Mane Five and their allies could do anything, they heard more battle cry from the east. They realized enemy reinforcement have arrived to stop them.

"Go! We'll hold them!" Skullitron exclaimed firmly. Applejack nodded firmly as she and her friends quickly moved out at once. Both Roughneck and Princess Skystar remained behind with him. They found enemy reinforcement have arrived and entered the battlefield. He held his Skeletal War Staff up high, "Warriors, form up! Let us show them the passage to pits of hell!"

With his allies gave the loud battle cries and cheers, Skullitrom led them to charge and engage the enemies at once fiercely and bravely, giving enough time for Mane Five and their allies to reach to Canterlot Castle.

After contacting Dr. Ciel, D.E.C.K and Mano for their assistance, Azure Phoenix gave them the instruction of what they have to do. Three scientists quickly set up and placed their new experimental devices, attaching to the Stingray Bombers. Three of them gotten into their fighters. ZeekCrimson accompanied them as well. They led the squadron of bombers straight to Dark Devastator Cruisers.

"Green Squadron, this is Green Leader," Ciel's voice called out, "Prepare your EMP Torpedoes now! We're going in!"

"Roger, Ciel! Targeting Dark Devastator Cruisers now!" ZeekCrimson responded firmly.

As instructed the Stingray Bombers Squadron launched and fired the EMP Torpedoes straight to two Dark Devastator Cruisers, which got hit by powerful electrical shocks. This has caused them to go blackout.

Seeing everything from his cruiser, Azure Phoenix smiled, "It is time. Schemetrick, Ratio, order the evacuation. I will do the rest!"

"My lord, are you certain of this?" Master Ratio asked in concern.

Schemetrick nodded, "It's too dangerous, my lord."

"If we do nothing, there will be danger," Azure Phoenix said firmly, "Now order the evacuation. I will handle it."

Master Ratio and Schemetrick reluctantly nodded firmly. They then ordered the Imperial Phoenix Crew and Soldiers to evacuate and abandon the ship at once. Two advisors saluted and headed off to lead the rest out. Azure Phoenix turned and looked at Rhino Armor and five pilots, who shook their head while held his hoof against his chest.

Rhino Armor snorted out loud, "We're staying here, my lord."

Azure Phoenix smiled in relief, "Let's do this, old friend."

Rhino Armor and his pilots quickly gotten into their seats while Azure Phoenix sat on his command chair. They're piloting the Imperial Phoenix Cruiser now.

As Imperial Phoenix Cruiser approached to two immobilized Dark Devastator Cruisers, couple of fighters, gunships and carriers launched out from the ship. They flew and distanced themselves away from the cruiser. The Mystic Prime Cruiser aligned itself while aiming at two enemy ships.

"Are you ready?" Azure Phoenix asked firmly. Rhino Armor and the pilots saluted and exclaimed 'yes'. He nodded, "Engine Thrusters, full power. Ram those ships straight to the station! Prepare for impact!"

Rhino Armor and the pilots pushed some buttons before pulling down the handler, activating the Imperial Phoenix Cruiser's engines at full power. It blasted off and charged straight at two immobilized cruisers. As soon as it rammed them both; it began pushing and moving two Dark Devastator Cruisers, knocking and damaging each other, heading straight to Ares's Shield Gate.

With everything has been set, Azure Phoenix and his team quickly exited the command bridge at once. They headed straight to the cruiser's hangar bay, where they boarded and gotten into the Black Hawk Gunship. It lifted off and left the cruiser and regrouped with its crew. The Imperial Phoenix Cruiser was still pushing and moving immobilized cruisers towards the Ares's Shield Gate.

Inside the Ares's Shield Gate, Krennic and his technicians were panicking and screaming in fear of what they just saw.

"Shoot them down! Shoot them down now!" Krennic ordered angrily, "Don't let them near to our station!"

Dark Mystic Technician gasped, "Too late!"

Krennic and his technicians looked up and found three ships are heading towards them. And all they did is scream in fear and shock. Three damaged ships crashed and made an impact on the Ares's Shield Gate, causing it exploded and destroyed into pieces. Its debris fell upon on the capital city. It killed dozens of enemy soldiers and destroyed the arsenals. This has removed the magical barrier at once.

Seeing the magical barrier removed, Azure Phoenix stood up and spoke, "All forces, attack! Take down Storm King and Dark Curse! Don't let up the siege!"

"Yes, sir!" Mystic-Equestria Alliance exclaimed.

As ordered, Mystic-Equestria Alliance have mobilized and charged into Canterlot City. They all gone out for all attack against the army of Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic, with everything they've got. The Alliance relentlessly, determinedly and bravely fought, defeated and killed most of enemy troops while charging and making their way to Canterlot Castle.

Mane Six, Dragon Strike Force, Team Fighters, Capper, Grubber, Breezies and Dragons are taking the lead. They then come across to Chaos Slayer, who charged and chased them off. Storm Elite Guards and Demon Elites were guarding the entrance.

Moving to the left block of city, Nyx and Cutie Mark Crusaders got separated from the group. They then heard some familiar screeching noise. They then approached to the cage, where they found something familiar within in. They quickly opened the cage as Dragoking emerged out from it. He gave the loud roar.

Nyx smiled, "Come on, Dragoking. Let's ride!"

"Cutie Mark Ancient Beast Riders! Here we come!" Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered wildly.

Dragoking gave a loud roar. Nyx and Cutie Mark Crusaders got on his back as they nudged and led him straight to the festival area now.

While Mane Six and their allies continued running away from Chaos Slayer, the Tyranno Chaos got hit by his helmet from Mystic Dragon Flames. He turned and found Dragoking roared and charged straight at him. Both monsters resumed their monstrous duel again, and this time, one of them will survive and win. Both of them relentlessly and fiercely attacked each other by struck the claws, biting and unleashing the elemental powers.

With Dragoking and Chaos Slayer were battling, Mane Six and their allies resumed the attack on the entrance. The Dragons launched and fired their Dragon Flames and Breezies spread their dusts at the Storm Elite Guards and Demon Elites, followed by Mane Six and their allies engaging and defeating them. They're getting close to the Canterlot Castle.

At the throne chamber's balcony, Storm King and Tempest were in shock and surprise of what they just saw. And they couldn't believe it. Both Twilight and Shadow Dragon, surprised, were happy and relieved that Mystic-Equestria Alliance have come together and taken most of enemy forces down.

"What?! How?!" Tempest asked angrily, "This isn't what we have planned!"

"They've made it," Shadow Dragon said calmly, "And look, Applejack's there! I told you that she's alive."

Twilight sighed, "Applejack's alive? Thank goodness. Now this is the Magic of-?!"

"DON'T SAID IT!" Storm King exclaimed in frustration and anger, "I don't want to hear 'Friendship, and flowers, and ponies', and bleh!" He smirked as he armed and readied with his Staff of Sacanas "I'm so totally over the cute pony thing. This... ends... now! Elements of Harmony, do your thing! Blow them up!"

As commanded, Storm King laughed happily and manically as he raised and fired the Staff of Sacanas at the sky. The dark clouds began approached and slowly formed together before unleashing the power of destructive yet terrifying forces. It then summoned and struck out different kind of darker Elemental Elements of Harmony around the capital city.

"Oh no..." Shadow Dragon said in concern.

Twilight hissed, "He's insane. With so much power, he could destroy the world!"

Mane Six and their allies have managed and defeated most of enemy troops. They have arrived and reached to the castle. And just before they could do anything, they looked up at the sky as they found clouds were formed and unleashed several terrifying dangerous different kind of elemental powers on both air and ground including both Mystic-Equestria Alliance and Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic.

Fire spread and burnt down the cities. Ground was shaking and quaking wildly while creating lots of cracks and holes. Vines emerged from the ground and attacked everyone. Thunderstorm and windstorm were unleashed and destroyed everything including both forces of cruisers and fighters. Water were formed into tsunami for striking and drowning most of Storm Guards and Dark Mystic Soldiers. Ice were hailed and killed the soldiers. Metals were summoned and created into sentinels to attack everyone. Light and Darkness shot out and attack everything and everyone.

Seeing how the destructive powers Storm King has unleashed, Applejack shouted, "Everyone, run! Run now!"

As ordered, everyone including Mystic-Equestria Alliance Cruisers and Ground Assault Units were forced to turn away and retreat from the battlefield while taking shelter to hide. Dragoking quickly swung his tail at Chaos Slayer straight into tornado, which spun him and the rest of Storm Kingdom-Dark Mystic Soldiers around it wildly and crazily.

Everyone managed to escape and taken shelter within the large building. Unfortunately, the armored orange female dragon with wings, yellowish horns and purple spikes on head screamed for help. Spike turned and quickly grabbed her hand while holding the pillar. He screamed in pain and agony while trying to pull her towards him. Luckily; Ember, Lance, Nyx and Drake Trio have arrived and pulled Spike and orange dragon into the building time. All of them gasped and panted heavily.

"Hey, you alright?" Spike asked.

Orange dragon coughed heavily, "Yeah. Thanks. I'm alright."

"Smolder!" A dragon cried out. Everyone turned and found Garble approached and hugged the female orange dragon close to him. He exclaimed, "Thank goodness! You're okay, sis! I was so worried that I'm gonna lose you."

"I'm fine, Garble," Smolder smiled as she pointed at Spike, "All thanks to him."

Garble was in shock, as well as everyone and even Spike else. Spike saved Garble's sister - Smolder?! Garble took a deep breathe while glaring at Spike. His friends came and formed perimeter around him while glaring at him.

"Relax. I'm not here for the fight," Garble said firmly yet humbly. He bowed down while looking at Spike reluctantly and uneasily, "Thanks, Spike. For saving my sister."

"Uh, sure. No problem. Friends?" Spike asked uneasily.

"Whatever," Garble grumbled.

"Focus here!" Tailtech exclaimed in concern. He turned and looked through the window. Canterlot Castle is surrounded by elemental power attacks. He hissed, "This isn't good! We're stuck!"

"No kidding!" Rainbow agreed, "You'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through that wind!"

Thinking of what Rainbow has said, Pinkie gasped as she took out and put the helmet on her head, "Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash! I need Big Guy for a Big Help."

Everyone was confused and uncertain of what Pinkie's thinking. Blazefist hissed, "I've got a bad feeling about it."

Storm King laughed triumphantly and happily as he was witnessing how destructive and powerful Elements of Harmony has brought upon the capital city, enemy forces and allies. Twilight and Shadow Dragon were scared and worried as they feared for their friends' safety. Tempest remained firm and calm as she knew that she has the chance to kill him.

"Now I truly am the Storm King!" Storm King declared happily while holding his Staff of Sacanas, "And the entire world will bow to my ba-ba-ba-boom, baby!"

"Yes, yes, you are every bit as powerful as I promised, Sire, Tempest said firmly as she approached to Storm King. She then bowed down to the ground as she pretended to plead in hurry, "Now, restore my horn and I swear to use my magic to serve you!"

The Storm King laughed while glaring at her, "Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn?!"

As Storm King walked away from Tempest, the commander remained firm and angry as she activated her Electrical Shock Blast energy. She snarled, "So... You used me?"

"Well duh?!" Storm King exclaimed manically as he turned and glared at her, "Get with the program! I used you! It's kind of what I do!"

Tempest scoffed, "I'm not surprised because I'm going to kill you now, by order of my true allegiance!"

"I see. You never meant to work for me from the start?"

"Never. You're nothing but pawn to both Dark Curse and my lord."

Storm King roared, "Die, traitor!"

Tempest snarled, "No, you die. Barbarian scum!"

Storm King fired his Staff of Sacanas at Tempest, who dodged and evaded the attacks for few times. She then unleashed and fired her powerful Thunderstorm Power Beam. Both powers clashed and exploded, knocking them both aside hard. Storm King slammed on the wall while Tempest barely grabbed and held the balcony's pillar, and also the vines got burnt and freed Shadow Dragon and Twilight to the ground.

Seeing Storm King's down while holding the Staff of Sacanas, Shadow Dragon gave a loud battle cry as he charged and grabbed the staff. But the Satyr quickly held his staff. Both of them were on tug-of-war for getting the staff.

Twilight was about to help her boyfriend to get the Staff of Sacanas from Storm King, but also found Tempest struggled to hold and getting to the balcony. What's she gonna do now?! Help her boyfriend to fight off Storm King or deal with Tempest?

Losing a grip on balcony's pillar, Tempest grunted and gasped in shock and fear as she was about to thrown straight into the tornado. It could be the end of her life. Surprisingly, Twilight quickly grabbed and held Tempest's left hoof. This shocked and surprised Tempest.

Shadow Dragon noticed it as he was in shock and confusion. Storm King roared as he was about to land a punch but he dodged down and rammed him straight to the walls hard. He turned and approached to Twilight.

"Twilight, what the hell are you doing?!" Shadow Dragon demanded in shock and concern, "Let it go, Twi!"

Twilight shook her head, "No! I won't!"

"W-Why?" Tempest asked in shock and confusion, "Why are you saving me? I'm your enemy!"

"Because this is what friends do." Twilight said firmly yet sincerely and calmly.

Her statement shocked and surprised both Shadow Dragon and Tempest. She can't be serious about helping Tempest to realize and understand how important and great friendship is?!

"Twilight, y-you can't be serious!" Shadow Dragon protested, "Look all the mess and destruction she has caused especially her master she's working for!"

"He's right." Tempest agreed firmly and calmly, "I've destroyed everything for my revenge and to get my horn back, no matter the cost! I sacrificed everything for this. You shouldn't have helped me! You should let me die with dignity."

"No, Tempest," Twilight said sincerely and calmly, surprised Shadow Dragon and Tempest. She smiled, "For what I've seen and been through, everyone deserve the second chance, no matter how bad they have from their past. It's a matter they're willing to take or turn back on it. And after what you've been through, you need a friend to help you. I'm willing to be one. You are not alone, Tempest. I'm here fr you, my friend."

Shadow Dragon and Tempest couldn't believe in their own ears and eyes. Twilight still believed in friendship, and willing to give second chance to everyone and even her, despite the destruction she has caused for revenge and regaining her loss horn?!

Tempest sighed as she nodded a bit that she allowed Twilight and Shadow Dragon to help her. Twilight struggled to pull the commander in. Still annoyed with Twilight's willingly helping the enemy and the least to befriend with her, Shadow Dragon groaned in frustration as he doesn't want her to get killed. He quickly grabbed and held on Tempest's hoof.

"I hate this! If you turned on us, I will kill you!" Shadow Dragon snapped firmly.

Tempest sighed before nodded, "Do not worry. I won't attack her. I promised."

"Yeah, right," Shadow Dragon grumbled in annoyance.

"Shadow Dragon!" Twilight scolded.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "I was looking out for you. I don't want to lose you. I still don't trust her."

"Fair enough," Twilight nodded understandingly.

Shadow Dragon and Twilight grunted as they brought Tempest to the balcony. They all sighed in relief that they're safe. They looked up and found Storm King stood before them. Shadow Dragon moved to the front as he blocked and covered Twilight and Tempest behind him.

"Awwww! Isn't that just so sweet!" Storm King remarked sarcastically. He then laughed for the moment. He readied and aimed his Staff of Sacanas at Shadow Dragon, Twilight and Tempest. He smirked, "Yeah. See ya!"

While Twilight and Tempest became worried and scared, Shadow Dragon snarled firmly and bravely as they're facing their fate. Is this the end of them?!

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1) The Battle of Canterlot City is based on Rogue One's Battle of Scarif, The Last Samurai (2003)'s climax battle & Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Battle of Pelennor Fields.