• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 5,000 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

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Chapter 13: Love

"After our long journey from Equestria, we have finally arrived at Mount Aris. Just like Captain Celaeno has said, the Hippogriffia was indeed invaded and conquered by Storm Kingdom and Dark Mystic Ponies. And not to mention, it was deserted. No life around here.

To our luck, we've found and met Princess Skystar, who is willing to help and led us to the Hidden City. We also get to meet with Queen Novo, who seems less pleasant and happy to meet the outsiders like us, no thanks to Tempest and Grubber. When we asked for her help and the Orb of Lost Soul, she refused. She gave us the darkest tale behind the Orb of Lost Soul, which turns out to be the Chaos Herald's Weapon of Mass Destruction and Ritual. Yeesh! I hate to think of what our enemies can do with it.

Needless to say, we've got nothing from the Hippogriffs. No help. No relic. No reinforcement. Equestria is doom now. What can we do now?"

After Queen Novo refused the ponies' request of alliance and relic, she left the Throne Chamber for her seaweed wrap and massage. The rest of Hippogriff Guards and Servants also left as well. Mane Six and their friends could only do is stare and looked at the throne chair. They all couldn't believe that they have come so far, but all for nothing. Have they failed their mission?

"So that's it? We left home for nothin'?" Applejack asked in upset and disappointed tone.

"Not quite. We already learn that Hippogriffs won't bother to help us," Blazefist said firmly and calmly. Everyone looked and glared at him. He looked confused and exclaimed, "What? It's the truth! You saw that!"

"Plus, we still have Skullitron and some buddies of ours to help us out," Laxtinct exclaimed happily.

Capper, Captain Celaeno and her crew, and even Seapony Sisters nodded in confirmation due to the ponies helped gave them hope to become friends and fight for them.

Applejack scoffed, "I don't trust him. He did lie to us about the Orb of Lost Soul, and even the story about Yami and Hikari."

"I know. But we still need him," Twilight said firmly, "He and his army are the only reinforcement we have to depend on since Queen Novo won't help us."

"I fear it will not work," Terrorcreep said dryly, "Without the Orb of Lost Soul, Lord Skullitron will not send help to us."

Soul Sweetie was about to speak, Saber interrupted, "I doubt Soul Sweetie and Roughneck can convince him to join us. Demons are very strict and tricky when it comes to negotiation and deals. They will not do anything until they get what they wanted."

Shorty sighed, "Like Applejack has said, all for nothing..."

"Ooh. He beat you, sis," Roughneck joked.

Soul Sweetie groaned, "I hate it when he was right."

Rainbow groaned, "So, uncool! Totally uncool!"

"I know," Aqua said sadly.

While the ponies were muttering and moaning in defeat and sad over the failed mission, Princess Skystar was playfully thinking. She gasped as if she has the idea.

"Oh, my gosh! Best... idea!" Princess Skystar exclaimed happily, "You can stay with us! Forever!"

Princess Skystar laughed heartily and happily. Most of ponies looked uneasy and uncertain by her 'idea', though Laxtinct looked happy and lovely about it, and even Pinkie also happy about it.

Princess Skystar brought some items that are made of shells, "There are so many things we can do! We can make friendship bracelets out of shells and... picture frames outta shells and... decorative wastebaskets out of shells... Oh, I have so many projects that involve shells, haha!"

"Wow. This Hippogriff sure loved seashell a lot," Nyx commented in surprise.

Spike nodded in agreement, "Yeah. You could say that again." He turned and looked at Seapony Sisters, "So, why is your cousin loved the seashells so much?"

Roughneck groaned, "Soul Sweetie gave the present to Skystar on her 12th Birthday. And believe me, she's obsessed with the seashells! And only seashells! That's crazy!"

Soul Sweetie groaned in annoyance as she nudged Roughneck's chest, "At least, she's happy and make sue of them, Roughneck. That's all that matters."

"Whatever. She is worse as Silverstream and Bubbles," Roughneck remarked dryly and annoyingly.

Lance hissed, "That's kinda rude of you, you know."

Roughneck scoffed, "Like I said. Whatever..."

"Now I have someone new to share them with! I mean, aside from my friends, Shelly and Sheldon." Princess Skystar giggled a bit as she shown both red and purple shells with eyes. She laughed happily, "Right? 'Shelly'? And 'Sheldon'? Get it?"

Laxtinct sighed happily, "Who doesn't?"

"I think I fall in love with shells," Pinkie said happily.

"How is that solve our problem?!" Blazefist demanded angrily and fury, scaring Princess Skystar off. He groaned, "Did you honestly think that all of us will be happy for staying here forever?! And forgetting of what's more important than some stupid shells?!"

Everyone looked worry and scared to see Blazefist to get angry. Princess Skystar was scared and uneasily to say, "I... I... I didn't mean to-!"

"Well, guess what?!" Blazefist asked angrily, "We don't have time for playing hide'n'seek game or even making some stupid seashells! We have our home, our friends and our family to protect and save! And I will not wait around and do nothing when my daughter needs me the most! I can't and won't let her die again! Not on my watch!"

"Blazefist, calm down," Saber pleaded Blazefist, "She didn't mean it."

Shadow Dragon nodded, "You don't need to get angry. We know what's important. We get it."

"And believe us, we felt the same way too," Twilight agreed in concern.

"But not her. Not her mother. Not all of their kind," Blazefist said darkly and angrily. It shocked and hurt Princess Skystar. He continued, "All of them are nothing but bunch of selfish and pathetic cowards, who only cared for themselves and not for others. I will never forgive them for they have done and do now especially if it's my son!"

Everyone gasped in shock and concern while Princess Skystar looked hurt to hear what Blazefist has said to her. The Hippogriff Princess formed some tears coming out and flowing down on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry about what our ancestors have ever done to you," Princess Skystar snapped tearfully and angrily, "But believe me. I really want to help you guys. I really do! I don't even want to hide here and doing nothing for the rest of my life! I hate hiding and running from problems!"

Princess Skystar cried tearfully and sadly as she trotted off and exited the throne chamber. Everyone couldn't believe of what they saw. They turned and glared at Blazefist.

"What?!" Blazefist asked angrily.

"How could you?!" Laxtinct asked angrily.

"Blazefist, you really push too far," Aqua said dryly.

"Do you really have to go that far?!" Rainbow asked angrily.

Fluttershy nodded, "I agreed. And I understand that you have some issues with Hippogriffs. But Princess Skystar doesn't seem look like a bad creature."

"I concurred! She's the best cousin we ever had," Soul Sweetie agreed, "Sure, she's not smartest or bravest Hippogriff. She's very nice and funny too."

Roughneck scoffed, "Just blame Aunt Novo, not her, dummy."

Pinkie nodded angrily, "Yeah! And also, you can't blame Queen Novo for not trusting us or even wanted to send help either. You can blame Tempest for that mess too. She's just doing what is best for her subjects. Just like what ours and even Twilight did."

"Her?" Blazefist asked in annoyance before scoffed, "Not a chance."

Laxtinct sighed, "You really need to let go of your anger issue, bro. Seriously..."

Terrorcreep scoffed, "Unlike her, they're not cowards. They're brave and strong leaders, who never back down from the fight until they know when the end is near."

"I have to admit. He's right about it," Saber agreed, "All Queen Novo did is hide and let the world die."

Shorty nodded, "75 percent confirmed that if she keeps on hiding her for the rest of her lives, she not only let her civilization to be destroyed, but also the world."

"Terrorcreep/Saber/Shorty!" Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity scolded angrily, "How could you?!"

"You know they have the point, girls," Tailtech supported the idea, "Just face the facts."

Icy groaned, "Tailtech! Did you forget why she did it?"

Tailtech shrugged, "Hey. I'm just pointing it out only."

"Pointing out?! Pointing out?! Are you kidding me, you guys?!" Pinkie asked angrily and annoyingly.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Blazefist asked angrily.

Pinkie groaned, "You guys saw how disappointed Princess Skystar was. Couldn't we stay and help her for just a little longer?"

"Yeah! She needs friends. She needs me," Laxtinct said sincerely with a blush. Everyone looked at him oddly. He yelped before cleared his throat, "As friends, of course."

"Why do we care about them?" Terrorcreep asked annoyingly.

Saber nodded, "It's not like they care about us."

"We probably should leave them rot here since they don't want to help us," Shorty agreed.

"Okay! That is harsh!" Rarity snapped angrily.

"Care or not! We should at least and try to help them!" Applejack said firmly.

Fluttershy nodded firmly, "Like Pinkie said, we should help them out. And who knows? We might change their mind to help us out."

Aqua hummed thoughtfully, "You know. They have the point. We could try and help them."

Blazefist groaned, "Are you kidding me, Aqua?! Not a million years I ever want to help those monsters!"

Pinkie groaned, "You're so unbearable and selfish pony!"

Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force gotten into a heated argument about the Hippogriffs. Twilight, Shadow Dragon, Flare Tiger and the children did their best to calm their team down from arguing with each other. The rest of creatures were in deep shock and concern. Iris remained calm and amusingly about the situation.

"Wow. I did not expect that," Captain Celaeno said in concern.

Capper nodded nervously, "Yeah. I thought they would be get along and help everyone else." He sighed, "Guess when you have some hated other creature, there's bound to be some big disagreement and fight."

"That is true. With them like this, there's no way we can help saving our home," Soul Sweetie said in concern, "We need to do something."

"Like fighting?" Roughneck asked, making the pirates squawked amusingly. Capper, Captain Celaeno and Soul Sweetie turned and glared at her. She groaned, "What? You've got a better idea?"

Both Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force continued their argument, making Twilight infuriating and annoying to shout. And at the same time, she also has some thoughts of what Pinkie has said about 'helping Princess Skystar'. It gives her some idea.

"Everypony, stop!" Twilight shouted angrily. Everyone stopped at once. She sighed, "I know all of us are frustrated and upset with what's been happening. But we will save our home. I can promise you for that."

"So, you have the plan, Twilight?" Applejack asked in surprise.

Twilight nodded, "We're doing Pinkie's plan."

Everyone was in shock and surprised by Twilight's plan. Blazefist groaned, "You're not serious about it, aren't you?"

"Is she serious?" Capper asked Captain Celaeno.

Captain Celaeno shrugged, "To be honest, that is the craziest plan I ever heard of."

"If she is, I just hope she's not following the original script," Flare Tiger said hopefully.

"Well, we still need to come up with a plan to get back." Twilight explained, "A few minutes won't make a huge difference. And if there's anypony who can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Pinkie Pie and Laxtinct! Spoiler alert, he likes her."

Everyone turned and looked at him. Laxtinct's face turned in red with smoke blowing out, "Aw, come on! That's my secret crush!"

"Dude. All of us knew it since we got here," Lance said amusingly.

"You've said it," Nyx agreed slyly.

"Oh no! Not a chance!" Blazefist disagreed.

Terrorcreep nodded, "I doubt they will change their mind to help us out."

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to try," Twilight said calmly. She turned and looked at Pinkie and Laxtinct, "Pinkie, go ahead and show Skystar the best time ever! Lax, make your move on her."

Laxtinct gulped, "I don't know..."

Pinkie squealed happily as she held Laxtinct close to her, "We won't let you down! Let's do this, everypony!"

"YEAH!" Mane Six and the children cheered happily and wildly.

Aqua smiled, "I'm in, girls."

"Count me in," Icy cheered happily.

"So, are we," Capper added, with his crew chatted and nodded in agreement.

Flare Tiger laughed happily, "Yeah. I'd better go. Making sure that everything is alright." She then turned and whispered to Applejack, "Between you and me, we should stay here for the moment."

though uncertain and concern of what Flare Tiger has said, when she turned to Twilight, who looked worry and uneasy, it has make Applejack realized something. She nodded calmly, "Good thinking. I'm worried that she's gonna do something she regrets."

"No way! Forget it. I will never befriend them!" Blazefist snapped angrily. He turned and exited the throne chamber, "If anyone needs me for returning home and planning to take down our enemies, I'd be at my quarter."

"I would need to get more materials and tools," Shorty said calmly and firmly, "For repairs on Armor Strike-I."

Tailtech nodded, "I'll go with him."

Terrorcreep scoffed, "I have more important things to do than this. I would take a walk now."

"Terrorcreep..." Fluttershy said in concern. She sighed, "If it makes you feel better, then I will go with you."

"Fluttershy..." Terrorcreep said in shock and surprise. Fluttershy smiled. He sighed, "Thank you..."

Shadow Dragon was about to say, Saber interrupted and hold back, "Shadow Dragon and I need to do some talking about other matters first." He laughed uneasily while looking at Iris, "Hope you don't mind leaving privacy for both of us."

Iris hummed in annoyance, "I supposed so..."

"Well, you can follow Lance and the kids. Get to know more about them," Shadow Dragon suggested, "Help them to cheer up Princess Skystar. It's what you're good at."

Everyone chatted in agreement and happily. Twilight, Applejack and the children looked carefully at her as they wanted to see her reaction and answer.

"Maybe another time. And besides, Lance is big boy to handle by himself." Iris said calmly. This has alerted Twilight, Applejack, the children and even both Saber and Shadow Dragon. This is not how Iris would respond especially to her own son. She sighed, "Which any case, I will follow Blazefist. Just making sure he doesn't do something stupid and irrational."

Aqua sighed, "That would be great since he won't listen to me."

Blazefist groaned, "It is not like that." He sighed as he looked at Iris, "Thank you, Princess. I would need some thinking of how we can overcome the odd and save the day."

Iris smiled, "I'm happy to help. Who needs those monsters?"

Blazefist smiled, "Yeah. You're right about it."

The 'monster' word shocked and surprised Shadow Dragon. He doesn't recall of her calling any creature and even Hippogriffs 'monster' before. There's something wrong with her. Saber or Twilight might know something amiss.

"Then, it's settle. Let's do this," Twilight said calmly. She nudged Nyx, "You should go with them."

"What about you?" Nyx asked.

Spike nodded, "Yeah. You should join too. You need some rest, Twilight."

Twilight smiled, "Don't worry. I just need to check on something else. I'll be there soon."

Five of Mane Six, Laxtinct, Aqua, Icy, Flare Tiger, the children and their new friends headed off to find Princess Skystar. Blazefist and Iris headed to quarter. Terrorcreep and Fluttershy have a night walk. Shorty and Tailtech went to market for tools and materials. Shadow Dragon and Saber headed to another chamber for some privacy discussion involving of Iris Crystal.

Twilight remained behind at the throne chamber as she was looking at the left hallway, where Stratus Skyranger placed the Orb of Lost Soul back to Vault. What is Twilight planning now?

Blazefist and Iris have left the throne chamber and the group behind. They both were heading straight to their own quarter for their next planning.

"Thanks, Princess Iris. I appreciate for accompanying me," Blazefist said calmly yet relieved, "Talking about making friends with those... Creatures... Almost make me boil up my temper. And believe me, princess. It's not pretty since the last time I was that angry."

Iris smiled and nodded calmly, "It's understandable, Blazefist. It's only natural for everyone to get angry when talk about your hated enemy."

"Yeah. You have no idea..."

"Either way, think we should check around the area. We might find something useful, effective and rare for us to use and exchange with Skullitron for his alliance."

"You know. I was thinking the same thing too, Princess Iris. As much as I hate Queen Novo and her cowardice, she has the point about the Orb of Lost Soul. It's too dangerous to be used. It could cost the lives of innocents."

"And not to mention, we don't even know if Skullitron and his army can be trusted either. He did lie to us about the Orb of Lost Soul. And who knows? He could be lying about the story."

"I don't like making assumption on him a lot. One thing for sure is that his kind is better than Hippogriffs."

"Good point. So, where do we start?"

Blazefist hummed thoughtfully, "Let's check on the armory. They may have some strong and powerful weapon to trade with Skullitron. And hopefully, she let us keep it."

Iris smirked slyly, "Yeah. I hope so too..."

Blazefist and Iris headed off to the armory, hoping to find and get the rarest and effective weapon or relic for Skullitron's alliance now...

After leaving the Hidden City's Palace, Shorty and Tailtech went to the market street, hoping to find more tools and materials for repairs on Armor Strike-I. They have not only successfully bought new tools and materials, but also some food supply and fuel tank for the team and the gunship.

"This is good news." Shorty exclaimed in relief, "We have all the necessary tools and materials for the repairs on Armor Strike-I. We can leave Mount Aris soon."

"Yeah, I supposed..." Tailtech agreed in uncertain and worried tone.

Noticed his tone, Shorty turned and looked at Tailtech, "What's wrong, Tailtech?"

"Huh? Oh. Sorry about that, Shorty. Didn't mean to make you worry." Tailtech apologized. He sighed, "To be honest, Shorty, we should have help our friends to cheer up Princess Skystar. And who knows? We might have the chance to convince Queen Novo to help us out."

Shorty sighed in concern, "Tailtech, I wish I could agree with you to help them. But right now, we need to fix the gunship first. That's our main priority. Otherwise, we won't able to outrun Tempest again or even return home."

"Hmm... I guess you're right."

"Don't worry, Tailtech. Everything will be fine. Rarity and others can convinced Princess Skystar and Queen Novo to help us, though I'm still having doubts that they can change their minds. But I only hope that stupid cat is not up to his tricks."

Tailtech groaned, "Shorty, relax. Rarity can handle it. And besides, he can be trusted. No need to worry so much."

"I supposed so." Shorty reluctantly agreed. He sighed, "Alright, we'd better get some more tools and materials now."

Tailtech nodded, "Roger that!"

Terrorcreep and Fluttershy left the Hidden City's Palace as they were taking out for a night walk. They have arrived at the beautiful garden, which was filled with a cleaned lake with some lotus and lily pad, makeshift bushes-like, trees and flowers. They even found some Hippogriffs were enjoying their moments at the park such as chatting, exercising, playing games and having picnic. Some children were playing games as well.

Fluttershy awed as she looked around and marveled at the beautiful sights of garden. Terrorcreep remained silent throughout the event as if he was thinking of something else.

"Oh my... This place is truly beautiful. It reminds me of our home. I miss it so much. Don't you agree, Terrorcreep?" Fluttershy commented happily with a sigh. Didn't get respond from her husband, she turned and looked at Terrorcreep was staring at the mother Hippogriff and her children were having picnic. She cleared her throat, "Terrorcreep?"

"Hmm? Oh." Terrorcreep responded in realization. He turned and looked at Fluttershy, "Sorry, Fluttershy. Didn't mean to get space out so much. You were saying?"

"I was talking about how much the garden reminded me of home," Fluttershy answered calmly yet worried. Terrorcreep nodded in understanding. She then asked, "Terrorcreep, is there something bothering you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem distracted ever since we've arrived at the garden. Is something wrong, Terrorcreep?"

"What? No! Nothing's wrong."

"Terrocreep, I'm not stupid. I'm your wife..."

Taking out his Christian Crest necklace from beneath of his black shirt, Terrorcreep looked at it before sighed, "Sorry. This place... The family... It's reminding me of my mother..."

"Your mother?" Fluttershy asked in surprise and realization, "Oh... I see. You missed her, don't you?"

Terrorcreep nodded, "A lot. My mother and I often come to the garden for peace and quiet especially away from my filthy father. Here, we often talk, having picnic, training and teaching me about the Christianity and having fun. And sometimes, we helped out some ponies. Those were good days."

"That was sweet of you..."

"I haven't done it since her death."

"Oh... right..." Fluttershy said in realization. As she gave some thoughts, she then smiled as if she has the idea. She turned and looked at her husband, "Guess what, Terrorcreep? We can do like what you did with your mother."

"Really? Do you mean it?" Terrorcreep asked in surprise. Fluttershy smiled and nodded happily. He sighed happily as he gave her a warm hug, "I would love that. Thank you for being my wife."

Fluttershy smiled as she hugged him back, "Whatever problem you have, you can always ask me to help."

Terrorcreep smiled, "I know..."

Suddenly, Fluttershy and Terrorcreep heard some banging, knocking and sawing noise like something or someone was attacking the tree trunk. They then decided to look around of the area to find the source. They went deep within the forest, which led them straight to the open area.

Eventually, Fluttershy and Terrorcreep have found a blue Hippogriff with silver-gray mane and tail was punching and clawing on the tree trunk. He then stopped for the moment as he was taking a breathe. As tears flowing down, he covered his face. He then cried tearfully while slowly dropping to his knee.

"Oh my. What happen?" Fluttershy asked.

Terrorcreep hummed, "I don't know. We shouldn't be bother about it."

"Terrorcreep!" Flutteshy scolded firmly.

Terrorcreep groaned, "Fine. We'll go now."

Fluttershy smiled in relief as she and her husband approached to the blue Hippogriff, who is still crying tearfully. They both stood before him. He stopped crying as he looked up and face them. They greeted him warmly. However, he couldn't be bother about it.

"What do you want?" The blue Hippogriff demanded calmly.

"Just wondering of why do you attack the tree? If you don't mind me asking," FLuttershy asked calmly.

The blue Hippogriff sighed, "I was angry, frustrated and sad over my losses. I couldn't get over it, no matter how hard I tried." Terrorcreep and Fluttershy looked concern while wondering curiously at the same time. He continued, "I've missed them so much. I wish I could see them again. My family. My beautiful Ocean Flow, and my children - Silverstream and Terramar."

Fluttershy gasped in shock and surprise, "Could it be? Are you Sky Beak?"

Sky Beak looked confuse and surprise, "Yes. Yes, I am. How did you know about me?"

"Our apology, Sky Beak. My name is Terrorcreep and this is Fluttershy," Terrorcreep introduced calmly, "We know your name because we met your family."

Sky Beak gasped in shock and surprise. Fluttershy nodded in confirmation, "It's true. We found and met them from Kludgetown's Lake Destiny's Sanctuary. We even helped treated your wife. All of them are well and alive."

"Really? They're alive?" Sky Beak asked hopefully.

Terrorcreep nodded as he took out the card as he passed it to Sky Beak, "And your children asked us to deliver this to you."

Sky Beak took the card. As he opened it, he gasped in surprise and shock. He looked at the card that is filled with birthday decoration and picture of him and his family. The words are 'Happy Birthday, Dad. Love, Silverstream, Terramar and Mom'. And once again, he cried tearfully yet happily. For the first time in his life, he finally smiled as he held and hugged the card close to him.

Sky Beak sniffled while wiping tears off. He looked at Fluttershy and Terrorcreep, "Thank you so much. I am in your debt, Mr and Mrs. Terror."

Terrorcreep and Fluttershy smiled and nodded happily. And at the same time, both of them nuzzled on each other's heads warmly and calmly.

Saber and Shadow Dragon were at the art and sculpture gallery. They were alone now, with no one and not even Iris were there to listen. They were discussing of Iris Crystal and her 'unusual' behavior lately, as well as who else was aware of it. It shocked and concern Shadow Dragon.

"I don't believe it..." Shadow Dragon said in concern, "Why didn't they tell me about her? If they have-?!"

Saber interrupted, "If they did, you would refused to listen and push their concerns aside. Unless they has the evidence to convince you and others, no one is convinced that this Iris isn't her."

Shadow Dragon hummed in concern, "Good point. I don't even recall how mysterious and rude she is when it comes to Indigo or any creature."

"I also don't recall any of that either," Saber admitted firmly, "But either way, be weary of her. I have no doubts that she's up to something again. She could be working for our enemies."

Shadow Dragon hissed, "Yeah. You're right. I just hope that Iris is being mind controlled or impostor, not the real one."

"Yeah, me too. Hate to think that," Saber agreed in concern while crossed his hooves. He sighed, "Either way, I'm glad you're aware of Iris's behavior. And maybe it's time you should spend some time with Twilight, you know."

"Twilight?" Shadow Dragon asked in surprise yet confuse.

"Yeah. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that she's been lonely, sad, upset and jealous lately ever since you spent a lot of time with 'Iris'."

"Seriously? I wasn't aware of that."

"Oh boy... You sometimes can be oblivious..." Saber remarked in concern, making his best friend glared at him. He cleared his throat, "Sorry. But maybe you should spent some time with her now. And knowing Iris, she would have wanted you to move on with someone else than self-pity over your failures and missing her too much."

Shadow Dragon hummed thoughtfully, "Guess you're right about that. I haven't spend some time with her. And to be honest, maybe I should have. Plus, she did save my life."

Saber smiled, "Good to hear it, buddy. Let's go."

Shadow Dragon and Saber left the art gallery. They're heading to the throne chamber, where Twilight was stationing at.

Exiting Queen Novo's Throne Chamber, Twilight has entered the left hallway, which led her straight to the Vault, which was a vault with golden Hippogriff statue with two giant claws holding two doors, and it also has two unique claw-like keyholes and unique ancient patterns. The vault also has some holes on the walls. She observed and studied it carefully as she was trying to figure a way to open it, without alerting the Hippogriffs.

After thinking a long time, Twilight sighed as she has the idea. She lighted up her unicorn magically as she is aiming it at the Vault's keyholes. She began tapping and unlocking it slowly and cautiously. She almost there. Unknown to her, the Vault's Hippogriff Statue's eyes glowed in red as it slowly opened and extended out its claws. It was about to grab Twilight.

Luckily, someone has lassoed on the Princess of Friendship before pulling it away from the Vault's giant claws clasping each other hard. Twilight yelped in shock of what she just saw.

"What the?!" Twilight asked in shock and concern.

"That was close..." Applejack's voice said in relief. Twilight turned and found the cowgirl's standing before her. She helped her best friend up, "You okay, Twilight?"

Twilight sighed, "Yeah, I am."

"Good. So, I can do this," Applejack said calmly. She then shouted out loud angrily at Twilight, "What the heck were you thinkin'?! I mean, stealin' the Orb?! Didn't you listen to what Queen Novo and Princess Skystar have said about it?"

Twilight sighed in defeat, "It was the only way to save Equestria."

"'Cept it wasn't!" Flare Tiger disagreed angrily. She sighed, "That Orb could have corrupt or kill you if you tried to take it! Or worse, it could take the lives of millions!"

Applejack nodded in concern, "Flare's right. Twilight, it's too dangerous. And I don't think that we should give the Orb to Skullitron."

"But we need him, Applejack." Twilight insisted in concern, "He's the only one, who agreed to help us. He has the army. He saved Seapony Sisters and their kind. He was nice and generous demon."

"I know. But he lied to us." Applejack firmly reminded Twilight, "He knew what the Orb can do, and he also knew that we'd be too worry and scared to do it. So, he did. He can't be trusted, Twilight. You know that."

As much as she wanted to argue, Twilight knew her best friend was right. She sighed, "You're right. But what can we do to get him and his help? I still don't believe Queen Novo would change her mind to help us."

"I still don't trust him," Applejack said in concern and serious. Twilight looked disappointed and upset. She sighed, "I don't know how are we gonna do it. But I'm pretty sure we'll figure it out. We always do especially you."

Not the answer she expected, Twilight smiled to see Applejack agreed with her. She gave the cowgirl a warm hug, "Thanks, Applejack. I knew you understand the situation."

Applejack sighed, "I just hope I don't regret it. I still think he can't be trusted."

"Either way, I'm glad we stop this repeated big mess again," Flare Tiger said in relief. Twilight and Applejack looked confuse and uncertain. She continued as she shown the 'MLP Movie Orignal Script' to her friends, "I was talking about other versions of you making the same mistake like you almost did. Otherwise, you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life. Trust me, it's not pretty. That is one big spoiler alert from last two years."

Twilight and Applejack looked shock and surprised by Flare Tiger's randomness. They're not sure if they understand her at all or thinking she's a bit crazy.

"That's a bit of craziness, but she has the point." Applejack remarked. She turned and looked at Twilight, "I'm just glad we stopped you in time."

Twilight sighed in relief, "Yeah, me too. I'm glad to have friends like you."

"There you are!" Saber's voice called. Twilight and her friends turned to their back as they found Shadow Dragon and Saber arriving to the scene. The detective looked surprise as he asked, "What are you girls doing here?"

Twilight looked nervous and worried. Applejack laughed a bit, "It's a long story."

"Well, it doesn't matter," Shadow Dragon said calmly as he turned and looked at Twilight, "In fact, I came here for you, Twi."

"Really?" Twilight asked in surprise. She cleared her throat a bit, "I mean. Don't you want to spend some time with Iris? It's not like I'm jealous, angry, upset or sad about you spending more time with her than me!"

Everyone glared at nervous Twilight, who was smiling uneasily for the moment. They already know she's jealous. She groaned in defeat as she hoped that they don't figure it out.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "Twilight, I already know that Iris wasn't herself." Twilight looked surprise. He nodded, "Yeah. Ever since we got here, she gotten more cold and ruthless. She doesn't sounded herself. And also, Saber clued me in."

Twilight sighed while looking down, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the truth. But I didn't want you to get angry with me for accusing the wrong pony. I just don't want to make same mistake again."

"Yeah. I know," Shadow Dragon nodded understandingly, "And I'm sorry that I didn't spend some time with you. I didn't mean to make you jealous."

"I know you didn't. You just want to spend some time with your wife. You missed her."

"But still, that doesn't excuse me for not thinking about you. I still love you, Twilight."

"Me too, Shadow Dragon. Me too..."

Shadow Dragon smiled as he held his hoof up before his girlfriend, "So, what say? We spend time together. Just us? How about it?"

Touched by Shadow Dragon's gentleness and sincerity, Twilight smiled as she held his hoof, "I would love too, Shadow Dragon."

Both Shadow Dragon and Twilight looked at each other for the moment. And to their surprise, a familiar white flashed and passed over their pupils while their hearts beat hard with passion and love. They haven't had that since their first meeting. They both blushed a bit before laughed. They both then smiled as they exited the Throne Chamber for their date now.

Saber, Applejack and Flare Tiger smiled before laughed for the moment. They were happy that Shadow Dragon and Twilight are together again.

Shadow Dragon took Twilight to the garden. He bowed down before her while raising his hoof before her. Twilight was touched and happy as she took his hoof while taking a deep breathe. He then pulled her close to him. They both began their gentle and passionate dance while going around and around of the garden.

Shadow Dragon: May I have this dance with you?
Take my hoof, take a breath
Now, princess, let me take the lead
And let the music touch your heart

Shadow Dragon faced and looked at Twilight's eyes. She blushed in red before looked away for the moment. They then departed and distanced themselves while holding each other's hooves. He held and pulled her hoof, turning her spin thrice before he grab and held her. They then continued dancing.

Shadow Dragon: I'll be by your side
Never take my eyes off you
No matter how far apart we are,
We'll always be together

Both Shadow Dragon and Twilight continued dancing happily around for few times. He then grabbed and held her up for the moment before bringing her down for five times. They both held and continued dancing passionately and lovely for the moment.

Saber, Applejack and Flare Tiger have arrived at the scene. Three of them found Shadow Dragon and Twilight dancing and singing happily and passionately. This make them smiled happily and proudly especially Applejack, who shed some tears of joy to see her best friend finally be together with him.

Shadow Dragon: You Are My Destiny
A Light that shined my Darkest Hour
No one to tell us no
Or decide our fate
Or say we're only dreaming

As Shadow Dragon and Twilight were dancing, the former spun the latter around for the moment. She then distanced herself from him as she performed spinning dance. He stood there and watched her dancing and spinning around happily and passionately. After 15 rounds have passed, he approached and grabbed her hoof, halting the spinning dance. He then dragged her back to him. Both of them smiled as they continued dancing passionately and lovely.

Twilight: You Are My Destiny
A joyous heartbeat I never felt
But when I'm with you here
It's crystal clear
That now You Are My Destiny in this World

While minding their own business and having their own time, more Hippogriffs family and couples halted as they noticed Twilight and Shadow Dragon. They halted their doing at once. They turned and looked at the couple dancing. They couldn't help but marveled and chatted happily about it.

Shadow Dragon: Now You Are My Destiny in this World

Twilight: Unbelievable moments
Indescribable feeling

Shadow Dragon: Feeling

Twilight climbed on top of the flower garden box's as she performed and posed some elegant yet beautiful dancing pose before Shadow Dragon. She then grabbed him to get up. They both held each other hooves as they moved and swung theirs around gently and passionately.

Shadow Dragon grabbed and held her hoof as he gave a spin around her. Letting go of his hoof, Twilight spun around while heading towards at the end of garden box's edge. He quickly grabbed and held her waist before learning towards her down, barely reach to the ground.

Twilight: Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause my heart is wherever you are
You Are My Destiny

Shadow Dragon: Don't you dare close your eyes

Twilight: I will never be afraid when I'm with you

Shadow Dragon: With every step together, we'll be better

For the brief moment, both Shadow Dragon and Twilight gave each other a lovely looks. He brought her up. He climbed down the garden's box before getting her down. They both continued dancing passionately and happily such as each turn they spun each other, they held each other to spin themselves, they then ran through the long flow or riverbank till the end, and finally, they then danced around casually and calmly.

Twilight: I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
So, no matter what I face, I'll be brave

Inside the spa, Queen Novo was relaxing and sleeping on the message bed. She also has a seaweed warp on her eyes for resting her eyes. Her Hippogriff Masseur was massaging her back. She then heard some commotions and noise. She climbed down from the bed as she approached to the window. She witnessed Hippogriffs surrounded and marveled at Shadow Dragon and Twilight dancing.

Though distrust and suspicious, Queen Novo couldn't help but to feel surprise yet amazed and marvel at the dancing sight. It reminds her of Sky Beak's and Ocean Flow's dancing during their wedding.

Shadow Dragon: You Are My Destiny

Twilight: No mountains too high enough

Shadow Dragon: We'll breakthrough our Darkest Hour

Twilight: No oceans too wide

Twilight and Shadow Dragon: 'Cause every moment I spend with you,
It worths everything to me.
Let me share this dreaming moment with you

Reaching the end, Shadow Dragon took a small Cherry Blossoming Petal. He placed it on her left ear, making Twilight blush. Both fot hem held each other's hooves as they faced each other for the moment. They both smiled. They then danced slowly and calmly while spin themselves each other for the moment.

As they slowly stopped their dancing, they then approached to each other. Both of them smiled happily and lovely, with their eyes filled with white flashes on the pupils. They then moved close to each other. They gave deep passionate and lovely kiss by lips.

Shadow Dragon: You Are My Destiny

Twilight: You Are My Destiny

Shadow Dragon: A Love of My Life

Twilight: A Love of My Life

Shadow Dragon: A Heartwarming Dream

Twilight: A Beautiful World

Shadow Dragon and Twilight: For you and me

Hippogriffs gave the round of applause and cheers for Twilight and Shadow Dragon's romantic dancing and singing performance. Saber smirked happily while crossed his hooves. Applejack smiled proudly and happily while forming tears of joy. Flare Tiger sighed as she took picture of both of them kissing each other.

Queen Novo has witnessed everything. She sighed while smiling sadly, "Maybe... There is hope..."

Queen Novo turned away and returned to her massage as she needs more time to think about Twilight's offer of alliance. She believed there is a chance for them to retake their home and defeat Storm King and Dark Mystic Ponies for good.

Blazefist and Iris have seen Shadow Dragon and Twilight's singing and dancing from the second building. The Commander was impressed and happy for their friends together. However, Iris remained annoyed yet fury and hostile to look at both of them being close and even kissed together.

Blazefist sighed, "Gotta admit one thing. They do look like a couple."

"Yeah, right..." Iris remarked dryly.

Blazefist noticed Iris's odd response. He questioned, "Princess, are you alright? You don't sound your usual self?"

"Hmm? I don't know what are you talking about, Commander."

"Don't blame dumb with me, Iris. I noticed something off about you. And there is one thing I'm very aware of. You'd never agreed with me about calling anyone or even my hated enemies 'monsters'. And not to mention, you never call me by my title. You always call anyone their names, regardless by positions and title."

Iris yelped in concern, "I... I..." She then noticed something behind of Blazefist's back. She gasped, "Something behind you!"

Blazefist turned to his back. He gasped in shock and concern. He saw mysterious shadowy figure stood before the entrance. He turned and walked away at once.

"I don't like it. Follow him," Blazefist commanded.

Iris smirked darkly, "Yes, Commander. Follow him..."

Blazefist and Iris headed off as they went after the mysterious shadowy figures. They even alerted Stratus Skyranger and his guards in alert to find and capture the intruder at once.

Princess Skystar has returned to her bedroom on the Hidden City Palace's West Wing. Her bedroom is filled with decorated and beautiful seashells, sea animal toys, lamps, drawer, books and more, chandelier and water bed. She was crying tearfully while lying down on the bed.

Unknown to her; Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, Laxtinct, Aqua, Icy, the children and their new friends have followed her all the way to her bedroom. They opened the door as they peeked and looked at the scene. They can hear her crying tearfully of Blazefist's racism insults to her.

Princess Skystar sniffled as she took the tissue to wipe it off, " It's probably for the best."

While Princess Skystar was sulking sadly, Mane Three and their friends chatted and discussed of who will be the pony to go. Eventually, they have gotten into argument while fighting and pushing each other for the moment until they accidentally kicked both Pinkie and Laxtinct into Princess Skystar's room.

The fighting and argument surprised and shocked Princess Skystar to be alerted. She found Laxtinct grumbled angrily as he armed himself with his Boulder-like Fists. Pinkie tried to plead and ask him not to start the fight.

"Pinkie? Lax?" Princess Skystar asked in surprised, halting Laxtinct and Pinkie from doing anything else. She then approached to them as she asked, "Is everything alright?"

"NO!" Laxtinct exclaimed in concern, making all of his friends groaned in annoyance. Pinkie nudged him by chest. He cleared his throat, "I mean 'yes'! Everything is alright! Nothing could have gone wrong! Absolutely nothing at all!"

Pinkie groaned in annoyance, "Laxtinct..."

"I mean. Just checking on you if you alright," Laxtinct said uneasily and fearfully. He cleared his throat, "Hope my brother didn't hurt you."

Princess Skystar sighed, "Unfortunately, he did. I'm still upset by his insult."

Laxtinct sighed, "I'm really sorry for what he just did. He's having trouble to like the Hippogriffs after what has happened to my nephew."

"It's okay, Lax. I understand it." Princess Skystar said calmly yet sadly as she turned and faced to him. She continued, "I can't imagine of how much angry and hatred you have after losing the family you really love to the enemies. If I was in his position, I would never forgive him."

Laxtinct hissed, "Yeah. It's terrible. I honestly think that it's terrible."

"Still, what are you doing here? I thought you're going home to save it."

"Well, we were. Twilight thought that we should check on you first, and maybe help cheer you up. After all, you did help us."

"Aw. That's very sweet and kind of you, Lax. Thank you," Princess Skystar said calmly. She sniffled as she wiped some tears off, "And you know? You're very different from your brother. You don't really hate me and my kind so much."

Laxtinct yelped, "What?! No! Of course not! I would never think like that, princess. Believe me. You're so kind, beautiful and funny girl I ever met."

Princess Skystar smiled and blushed in red, "Thanks, Lax. You're quite a funny guy too. I loved funny guy."

Her face burnt in red, Laxtinct awed happily, "She likes funny guy. That's amazing."

Pinkie cleared her throat as she held both Shelly and Sheldon. She began to sing playfully and happily, making Princess Skystar giggled while Laxtinct groaned in embarrassment.

Pinkie Pie: (Shelly) Hey, now, don't be sad
(Sheldon) I know we cannot stay
(normal voice) But we've got a couple minutes
And a little time to play

Princess Skystar sighed: I know you have important things
So it's okay, just go

Laxtinct nodded nervously and worriedly as he dragged Pinkie away from Princess Skystar. The last thing he wants is embarrassment in front of her. But they both were stopped and pushed back by the rest of their friends.

Rarity: Laxtinct, don't be so shy.

Capper: She's waiting for you

Seapony Sisters: Think of something to say

Icy: Think of something to do

Aqua gave her some thoughts. She took out the metallic ball. She approached to Laxtinct before passed it to her.

Aqua: I know...
Show her the view!

"View?" Laxtinct asked in confusion. He looked at the metallic ball, "Oh! View!"

"What? What is it?" Princess Skystar asked in confusion.

"Just follow us! You'll love the world," Pinkie said happily, "There's so many wondrous things you've got to see. Trust me you'll like it."

Laxtinct nodded nervously, "We just need some bigger space first."

Princess Skystar smiled happily as she dragged and took all of her friends to the large area for them to use and show her 'the world'.

Princess Skystar took her friends to downtown street's center, where the large water fountain if located. Laxtinct looked nervous and uneasy as he turned and looked at the Hippogriff Princess. She nodded happily that this is the place. He turned to his friends, who nodded happily and confidently to do it.

Laxtinct gulped a bit before taking a deep breathe. He then approached to the water fountain, where he placed the metallic ball on top of water fountain. He then activated it. It then revealed itself the holographic pictures of the world and adventures Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force have been through.

Princess Skystar and other creatures awed in amazement and surprise of what they just see. Some Hippogriffs also noticed it. They all chatted and muttered of what they saw.

"Wow. So this is what the world looks like?" Princess Skystar asked in surprise. She awed, It's so beautiful. I bet my mother never get the chance to see how amazing and wondrous the world is! I really wanna be part of the world."

Princess Skystar looked at how beautiful and different the city and land, and even how friendly ponies and creatures are to each other. She even saw many adventures and battles Mane Six and their friends have been through

Princess Skystar: Looking upon the Beauty of the World
Suddenly seeing something new and different
Quaint and pretty and friendly and fair
Seen at the Beauty of the World

Princess Skystar sighed in concern as she recalled the teachings by her mother about how dark and scary the world is. She turned and held Laxtinct's face while looking at him happily. He awed happily while blushed in red.

Princess Skystar: When I was told that the world is dark
And I was scared to take a good look at it
But someone show me how bright the world
That someone is you

Princess Skystar continued looking around of her surroundings. She was amazed and impressed of the world. She truly wants to be part of the world.

Princess Skystar: To show me life from the Beauty of the World
Nothing needs to be worried and no one needs scared
Thanks for giving me new point of view
Now, I feel want to be part of
Here at the Beauty of the World

Princess Skystar was still looking at the world view. Laxtinct stood there to look at her. As much as he wanted to talk with her or at least say 'I like you', Laxtinct groaned in frustration as he looked away. He was too shy and nervous to talk with her. Luckily, his friends were there to encourage him to talk with her now.

Rainbow: Why are you standing like a statue made of stone?

Rarity: Laxtinct

Pinkie: Say something!

Captain Celaeno: You're with a girl

Mullet and Boyle: (And what a girl!)

Lix: So you and her looking

Seapony Sisters: At the Beauty of the World!

Lance and Nyx: She looked at you

Spike: Right at you!

Rainbow: And she didn't scream...

Aqua: ... or faint ...

Pinkie: ... or lose her feed

All: What more proof that
She likes you
Could anyone possibly need?

Rarity: She wants you!

Lance, Nyx and Spike: What are you waiting for?

Icy: Don't waste this precious chance

All: Laxtinct, do something!

Aqua: Blazefist's gone...

Rarity: And here's a girl made for romance...

Nyx: Ev'ry curve so well curled

All: At the Beauty of the World

Pinkie found more Hippogriffs arrived at the scene as they looked at the World View. They all wondered and chatted happily how great and beautiful the world is. Pinkie gasped happily as she decided to talk with them and convince them how beautiful the world is. Her friends also joined the fun as well.

Pinkie: One small thing, it's a good place to start

All: Just one small thing

Pinkie: One small thing, and we don't seem so far apart

All: Don't seem apart

Pinkie: Soon, one small thing leads to more
It's so much more than there was before
Just one small thing, and you will see
The start of something big for you and me

After leaving the garden; Twilight, Shadow Dragon, Applejack, Saber and Flare Tiger have arrived to see the scene. Fluttershy, Terrorcreep, Shorty and Tailtech also arrived as well. Even Queen Novo has come since she heard some rumors from her guards and servants. All of them were amazed and impressed to see Pinkie and her group have managed to gather the Hippogriffs to see how beautiful and great the world is. And at the same time, all of them were dancing and singing happily and wildly

All of them sans Queen Novo joined the fun and singing.

Pinkie: One small thing

Hippogriffs: Just one small thing

Lance and Capper: Or a tall thing

Hippogriffs: Just one tall thing

Nyx and Seapony Sisters: Or a sing thing

Hippogriffs: Just one sing-y thing

Rarity: Or a bling thing

Hippogriffs: Just one bling-y thing

Spike: A conga thing

Hippogriffs: Yeah, a conga thing

Rainbow and Captain Celaeno: Or a longah thing

Hippogriffs: Just one longah thing

Pinkie and Princess Skystar: A blue thing, true thing, you thing (Oooh-oooh)
A whee thing, sea thing, me thing (Oooh-oooh-oooh!)
So many things and everything until our time is done
There's one small thing for each and everyone!

Laxtinct hasn't say or sing anything except staring and looking at how beautiful and amazing Princess Skystar. Twilight and her group looked at each other. They smiled and helped encouraging Laxtinct to speak and sing to Princess Skystar.

Fluttershy: Say something romantic

Terrorcreep: That's stupid and ridiculous

Fluttershy slapped Terrorcreep's head, making him yelped in pain, "OW! Fluttershy!"

Shorty: It's making us frantic

Tailtech: The seconds are flitting

Saber: See how the clock can tick

Applejack: She may take up knitting

Flare Tiger: Please take our advice here

Twilight and Shadow Dragon: You have to entice here

All: We don't mind admitting
We want to throw rice here...

Inspired and touched by his friends' encouragement, Laxtinct took a deep breathe as he turned and faced to Princess Skystar. He was about to say his first words to her. Everyone got excited to see how he talked to her.

But he stopped at once. His whole body is burning up in red, and he hasn't say a word to her. Laxtinct groaned in defeat before looked down in defeat and falling down on the ground. Everyone groaned in defeat to see Laxtinct unable to muster his courage to speak up of his mind. Queen Novo approached and patted him from his back.

Queen Novo: Oh well, I guess silence
Will have to suffice here

"Pri-Princess Skystar!" Laxtinct called.

His shout got everyone alerted and surprised. Princess Skystar turned and looked at him. He blushed in red again while pointing his hooves on each other as he sang. She joined the singing as she held his hoof up. Both Laxtinct and Princess Skystar blushed to look at each other. Everyone and even Queen Novo cheered happily to see Laxtinct finally got Princess Skystar like him.

Laxtinct: I-It's nice here
The two of us watching

Princess Skystar: The two of us watching

All: The two of you watching
At the Beauty of the World

As Hippogriffs continued cheering and applauding to Laxtinct and Princess Skystar, they both yelped in surprise to see everyone gathered here for their performance.

Pinkie gasped, "Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, you've made it! Where were you all?! You missed all the fun!"

Twilight giggled, "It's a long story, Pinkie. It seems you not only cheer Princess Skystar, but also all of Hippogriffs. Well done."

Pinkie smiled, "Thanks.

Queen Novo sighed as she looked at Twilight and her friends, "Well, I guess there is one small thing we can do."

Mane Six and their friends gasped in surprise of what they just heard. Has Queen Novo truly change her mind?

Twilight asked, "You mean that-?"

"Yes, Twilight. I am willing to send reinforcement as the token of our friendship and alliance. General Seaspray, Captain Stratus Skyranger and my brother will be leading our forces. I shall join the lead as well," Queen Novo said calmly. Mane Six and their friends cheered wildly and happily. She whispered to them, "But as for trading with Skullitron, I advice that Orb of Lost Soul remains here. I have special rare treasure he won't resist."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "T-That's great!"

Aqua grabbed and gave a noogie on Shadow Dragon's head, "Yeah! Can't wait to tell Blazefist about this! Lax and Skystar are on the tree! And we got help now!"

Applejack sighed, "Nothing can get any worse..."

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" Stratus Skyranger called. Everyone turned and looked at him. He reported, "We have intruder at the Vault! She's back! The Chaos Herald of Lust is back!"

Everyone gasped in shock and concern while Queen Novo snarled angrily to hear the name. All of them trotted off as they're heading back to the Hidden City's Palace.

Upon their arriving to throne chamber, Mane Six and all of their new friends regrouped with Blazefist and Iris, who were both in battle positions.

"Where the hell were you all?!" Blazefist demanded in fury. He sighed, "Never mind. We've got situation!"

Mane Six and their allies turned and faced at Kyuubi Lilith, who is sitting down on her throne chair. The floor is filled with more dead Hippogriff Guards. Some have died in wounds. Others looked dried up. The Chaos Herald's mouth, and even her mask, claws and dress are filled with blood. She smirked darkly and amusingly while looking at her enemies.

"I've been expecting you, my friends..." Kyuubi Lilith said amusingly and darkly.

Twilight gasped, "Kyuubi Lilith..."

Question now is will Twilight and her friends survived Kyuubi Lilith and prevent her from reaching the Orb of Lost Souls? In fact, how the heck did she get here?

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1) Surprise! This is the biggest change I ever did in this story, and not to mention adding new song into it as well. It is my decision to do it differently. So, don't criticize me about it! And don't worry, the friendship will be broken. I assure you for that.

2) 'Other Versions of Twilight' Flare Tiger is reference to both the original My Little Pony the Movie & other FIMFiction/Fanfiction counterparts using their own friends to get the 'Pearl of Transformation'.

3) 'You Are My Destiny' is based on 'A Whole New World 2019 Version' from Aladdin 2019. And the dancing scene is based on both High School Musical 3's - 'Can I have this Dance' Scene and also 'China Got Talents' - 'Tim and Taisia's Endless Love Scene'.

4) 'Beauty of the World' is based on 'Top of the World' from 'Hunchback of Notre Dame Musical', and with some lyrics from 'One Small Thing' from My Little Pony the Movie.