• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 4,999 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Seaponies

"This has gotten a lot of worse and unexpected since our arrival to Kludgetown. After we got Capper to cooperate with us, we headed to get more tools and materials for Armor Strike-I's repairs. We came across to the Hero's Day Festival, a festival about every creatures can be a hero for a day, and also worshiping and giving tribute to their hero and god - Chaos Herald of Ronin: Yami.

Things were supposed to be smooth during the festival, but it doesn't. When Fluttershy was on the stage; she was humiliated by a cruel prank, setting up by Maul. We did our best to help and rescue her, but we got caught in the cruel prank. We would have been captured by Tempest Shadow, if not for Capper, Soul Sweetie and Roughneck Rumble.

After our escape, we make the most shocking discovery. We found out that two sisters aren't really ponies. They are the Seaponies..."

After Mane Six and their allies were rescued and saved by both Capper and Two Sisters, they escaped to another area, where Dark Curse, Storm King and their army could not find. They're now at the undersea church-like. And to their biggest shock about two discoveries, the ponies are now Seaponies for breathing undersea and even their rescuers - Soul Sweetie and Roughneck Rumble are also Seaponies.

"Welcome to our Lake Destiny's Sanctuary," Soul Sweetie said firmly and calmly.

"Whoa... I seriously don't believe it!" Laxtinct asked in shock and surprise. He squealed happily and wildly, "We were rescued by the Seaponies?! That is amazing!"

Pinkie squealed happily, "I know, right!" She then looked at her script, "Truthfully, this isn't even on the movie script too! It was supposed to be during our visit to Seaquestria, where we get these Seapony forms! This is shocking and surprising."

Flare Tiger sighed, "Pinkie, I told you before. This is an adaptation, not copycat movie."

"Don't they ever quit doing that?" Tailtech asked in concern and annoyance.

"And not to mention, it's annoying and frustrating," Shorty commented in frustration.

Saber sighed, "I think it's best we don't ask too much, otherwise, we get a big headache. Again..."

Shorty and Tailtech groaned, "Good point..."

"Still... This is incredible..." Twilight said in shock and surprise. She looked down at her fin, "I'd never thought we'd become the Seaponies."

Shadow Dragon nodded looked at his fin, "Me too. I'd never thought I would breathe and swim under the sea. I was terrible at it."

Iris laughed happily while looking at her fin, "Could take some time of getting use to it or even liked the new form."

The ponies looked at their bodies. While most of the ponies have their tails replaced with caudal tails and has fin with cutie marks on their backs, but some of them with wings have turned into wing-like fins. They marveled and commented about their new forms. They couldn't believe that they have turned into Seaponies.

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck smiled happily as they not only have rescued their new friends from danger, but also relieved that the ponies liked their new forms. They gave each other a hoof-bump.

"Hope you like your new forms," Soul Sweetie said calmly, "It's the only way to escape and hide from Storm King and his army. They won't find us here in our Lake Destiny's Sanctuary."

Roughneck scoffed while crossed her hooves, "Yeah! They were dumb to think we're just ordinary ponies, not Seaponies."

"I must say! This is amazing!" Rarity exclaimed happily as she looked at her fins. She marveled happily, "These fins are divine!"

"I know. They're beautiful!" Icy exclaimed happily while looking at her body, "I love it!"

"And not to mention, awesome too!" Rainbow exclaimed happily. She then swam around some pillars. She laughed happily, "Oh yeah! I was the fastest in flying, running and now swimming! I love it! I'm gonna be the fastest pony in the world! No one can beat me!"

Applejack scoffed, "As if that's gonna happen."

"Yeah," Aqua agreed confidently. While pointed at herself, she bragged, "You're dealing with the real champion like me! I'm the best at swimming!"

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow asked arrogantly, "How about I'll race you two to that coral?!"

"You're on!" Applejack agreed proudly.

"No way! I'm gonna lose to you!" Aqua exclaimed firmly. Rainbow and Applejack swam at once. She tried to follow them, however, she's unable to swim faster and catch up to them. She struggled with flapping and swinging her fins. She groaned, "If only I had hooves than this fin, I would have won the race at ease!"

Blazefist laughed as he patted Aqua, "Take it easy, honey. You'll win the race. You should try practice your swimming with new skills first. And then, you'll kick their asses."

Though annoyed and frustrated about losing to Rainbow and Applejack, Aqua smiled a bit, "I suppose you're right. Let's get start practicing."

Blazefist and Aqua headed off to start practicing in flapping and swimming with their fins now. Rainbow and Applejack were busy racing.

Terrorcreep looked at his fins, which are not Seapony's kind, but sharper and scary fins-like. He was amazed and surprised by his appearance. He then noticed Fluttershy looked uneasy and scared. He knew what scared her off.

"Fluttershy, you're okay?" Terrorcreep asked. She turned and looked at him. She nodded weakly. He sighed as he held her hooves, "I am so sorry."

"For what?" Fluttershy asked.

"For not being there for you. I should have saved you before the cruel prank started. I should have done something. As husband, it's my job to look after my wife and not let her being harmed. I'm ashamed of myself."

"Don't talk like that. Besides, none of us think they could do such a thing during the festival. It was supposed for everyone to enjoy being heroes and help each other."

"But still-!"

"No one could predict it. Not even tactician could," Fluttershy interrupted while holding her hoof on his lip. She smiled, "As long you come and save me, I'm fine."

Though still guilty and shame of the event, Terrorcreep smiled at Fluttershy's kindness. They both gave each other a deep passionate kiss.

"Hey, has anyone seen Spike and Capper?" Nyx asked curiously.

Lance nodded, "Yeah, I thought they were with us."

Shorty yelped in realization, "Damn it! He got away again! I knew that cat can't be trusted." He took his remote device out, "I'm gonna find him. I'm gonna electrocute him!"

Rarity halted Shorty's pressing buttons, "Shorty, stop it! Capper saved our lives! We should be grateful of that!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I am not! He risked his life to stand up to Storm King and Dark Curse, and no creature could dare! He can be trusted!"

"Why are you defending him?! He's not worth to us! He cause us the problems! Not to mention, I'm allergic to cats!"

"He is to me! He's worth to our friendship! He's our friend!"

"Not to me." Shorty disagreed dryly, "He's a threat to our mission. I don't trust him. Never will. Not after what he tried to do to us. I'll never forgive him!"

"Shorty..." Rarity said in shock yet pained.

"Guys. We're down here!" Capper's voice called.

The ponies looked down and found Capper and Spike were beneath them. The quivered and worried Capper held and climbed the pillar to the top as he hated water and can't swim very well, despite him turned into a catfish. Spike was a puffer fish, instead of sea dragon.

"What is..." Spike asked in concern before his puffer fish puffed like a balloon. He groaned, "...happening?! Why am I a fish?!"

"Aw, so cute!" Fluttershy commented.

Nyx laughed, "And not to mention, he's funny too."

Lance laughed happily, "Yeah. I think it's good look for you, Spike."

Slowly deflating air out and returning to normal, Spike groaned, "Very funny."

"I really hate water..." Capper commented in fear and worried while holding tight with the pillar. He groaned, "Especially I can't swim! And I'm a damn fish!"

"Oh, and look! Capper's become a 'catfish'!" Pinkie exclaimed happily. She then snorted and giggled happily, "Get it?! A catfish!"

Everyone then joined in laughter while looking at annoyed Capper, who disliked being catfish and make fun of himself.

Laxtinct laughed, "Okay, okay! We get it."

Capper scoffed as he remarked sarcastically and dryly, "Like what your little dragon said, very funny."

"Yeah, sorry about that one," Soul Sweetie apologized calmly, "We didn't want to have sea monstrous dragon in our sanctuary. It scared our citizens a lot. It reminded them too much of dangerous sea monsters like Hydragoons, Death Sharks, Spinogators and Whalemongers. They're deadliest Ancient Beasts we hated the most."

Mane Six and their allies yelped in concern and shock to hear it. Shadow Dragon whistled nervously and concernedly as he held and kept his Summoner Gem inside Spike's small bag. Best not to tell and scare them about having Dragoking with them.

"But that would be awesome for me to pick a big fight!" Roughneck exclaimed happily, "I loved challenges especially fighting with big monsters!"

Soul Sweetie groaned, "Always pick a big fight. That's what always get us into trouble."

Roughneck scoffed, "Shut up, sis..."

"Speaking of which," Twilight said in realization as she turned and looked at Soul Sweetie and Roughneck, "What are you Seaponies doing here? Why aren't you at the Seaquestria? And more importantly, how did we transform? Seaponies don't have magic powers."

Iris hummed in concern, "I also wondered the same thing as well. Did something happen?"

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck looked at each other for the moment. They looked concern and uneasy as they have the feeling that they're gonna have to explain this story sooner or later. They sighed in defeat.

"Alright, we'll talk." Soul Sweetie said calmly and firmly. Everyone turned and looked at her. She continued, "First of all, I'm Soul Sweetie the eldest. That's my sister - Roughneck Rumble while other younger sister - Melody Bubbles is looking after our aunt and cousins for now. We're not just Seaponies. We're royal princesses."

"WHAT?!" Everyone sans Roughneck asked in shock and concern.

Roughneck nodded calmly, "It's true. We are or were the princesses of Equestria." She approached to her new friends. She whispered to them, "Between you and me, I hate being princess. I'd prefer to be an awesome heroic general."

Mane Six and their allies awed in surprise and amazement.


Under the sea, there lies a large decorated sea lantern castle-like, along with some lantern shaped cities that surrounded the castle. It was called Seaquestria. Lots and lots of Seaponies were happy as they happily do their works and activities such as doing their business and sells, helping each other a lot on construction and projects, singing and dancing happily while having fun. Not only that, they often received some visits from Hippogriffs from Mount Aris's surface or even visited them.

But one day, Seaponies and Hippogriffs were gathered at Mount Aris's beach. They all worn their suits and dresses as they were partying and celebrating a special occasion. Most of them were chatting with each other, a few and even children were playing music, games and so on and having fun, some were just eating some foods.

Soul Sweetie, Roughneck and their younger blue colored Seapony Sister with blond mane in two pigtails and has a unicorn horn-like were among their kin as they were chatting and having great time with each other and even Hippogriffs. They went to find their parents.

"I remember it like it was yesterday," Soul Sweetie narrated, "Seaquestria was once a beautiful kingdom for both Seaponies and other Sea Creatures. We worked! We helped! We played! We sang! We danced! We party! And best of all, we made good friends with Hippogriffs from the Mount Aris. It was right above our sea kingdom."

They then come across to them - white strong-build Seapony with black combed mane unicorn horn, transparent wing-like fins named King Triton and his wife Lady Ella - an orange-red colored Seapony with with reddish curvy mane and has a unicorn horn were talking with the light pinkish majestic Hoppogriff with dark reddish spiky-like mane and tail with purple diamond shaped streaks within them while wearing a golden crown with three blue feathers and silver feathered chest plate. Three of them laughed and chatted happily.

Seapony Sisters swam towards their parents, who greeted them for their arrival. The young princesses warmly and humbly greeted them and even Queen Novo. They even asked them about the stories of how Hippogriffs and Seaponies became friends. Their parents and Queen Novo happily agreed and talked about it.

Seapony Sisters listened to their parents' story of how Seaponies and Hippogriffs were enemies, fighting each other over the control of Mount Aris for years.

Roughneck added, "Yeah. Seaponies and Hippogriffs were once enemies. They have been fighting over their land for a few years."

"Hmm... That sounds familiar..."

Aqua commented in surprise.

"It is. That's when Princess Celestia and Lord Azure helped and led the Hippogriffs to Mount Aris." Saber agreed, "Those two species were fighting over it."

Laxtinct commented, "Guess who start the problem since that day you became the 'Scourge of Hippogriffs'."

Blazefist grunted, "Shut up, Lax!"

One day, Princess Celestia and Azure Phoenix have arrived to stop the war and negotiated between two kingdoms. Thus, they became friends and allies by exchanging each other gifts for peace, and even make the agreement - Seaponies ruled Seaquestria while Hippogriffs control of Mount Aris. They have been doing it for many years.

"But thanks to Princess Celestia and Lord Azure," Soul Sweetie continued narration, "they helped make peace between two species by exchanging gifts to each other for maintaining peace and harmony between two clans. So, Seaponies have the control of Seaquestria and Hippogriffs has Mount Aris as their home."

CHEERS! Seapony Sisters, their parents and Queen Novo turned and looked at the stage, where a purple strong-build male Hippogriff with spiky silver mane and tail named Sky Beak and a yellowish female Hippogriff with purple and pink streaks of mane and tail worn a ocean-themed chest plate with pearl jewel named Ocean Flow stood before them. They waved to the their kins, who applaud and cheered wildly to them.

Years later, both Sky Beak and Ocean Flow soon give birth of two children. They're proud and happy to have children. And their kingdoms were also happy that they're allies.

Roughnecks continued narration, "And the latest event is that both our Aunt Ocean Flow fallen in love and married with Uncle Sky Beak as they symbol of peace and love between our kingdoms. And of course, they've got kids too."

"It was best moment ever happen for all of us. We enjoy the peaceful moments until... Until..."

Years later...

While Seaponies were enjoying their peaceful moments; one of Seapony Patrols, patrolling the walls with his comrades, heard the beeping and beating drum noise. He turned and looked ahead, where he found a large yet demonically scary Apocalypse Battleships and some Arleigh Burke-classed Assault Battleships have launched the army of scuba-diving Dark Mystic Ponies, Storm Guards and even their scary-like armored sea transports - Dark Submarines. Shockwave and Deadlock are leading the invasion army. All of them are heading towards Seaquestria's walls now.

Scared and worried, Seapony Patrol sounded the bells, alerting both the army and citizens that they're under attacked. Most of the citizens fearfully and frantically swam and hidden within their homes and cities, avoiding the battles. Seapony Guards emerged out from their kingdom. They charged and engaged the army at once. During the fierce battlefield, Dark Mystic Ponies and Storm Guards have easily defeated and massacred Seapony Guards, thank to their weapons and war transports.

Arriving to their destination, enemy force have breached the walls, and then entered Seaquestria Kingdom. They began to kill any resistance while capturing surrendered soldiers and innocents. And at the same time, they looted and stolen most of jewels, gems and golds from Seapony's properties.

"Storm King and Dark Mystic Ponies came. Just out of nowhere, they invaded and destroyed our homes. They and their technologies especially these 'submarines' are too strong and powerful for me and the army to stop. They really pack a big power punches to us. We barely able to hold them off."

Sensed the end has come to his kingdom, King Triton and Lady Ella have ordered the evacuation for all Seaponies from their kingdom. Most of them including Seapony Sister have escaped via swimming through the secret tunnel. And at the same time; King Triton, Lady Ella and their remaining soldiers stood firm and held the enemy force till their last breathe.

"So, we left no choice but to abandon our home and kingdom. Our father, mother and some of brave soldiers stayed behind to hold the enemies off while we make our escape."

After escaping Seaquestria, Seapony Sisters and their kind have arrived to the surface. Reaching to the Southern Equestria's beach, they were taking breathe and resting after escaping with their lives. They also sent messengers to seek help from Queen Novo and check on their parents' survival, hoping everything went well.

After minutes have passed, the messengers have returned to report. And to their shock and concerns, they have found out that Queen Novo has refused to sent reinforcement due to fear of Storm King may come and invade their kingdoms. And the worst they have to hear - King Triton, Lady Ella and their soldiers were all killed.

"Yeah. And the worst thing happen to us is that damn Queen Novo and her Hippogriffs didn't come and rescue us! Our parents died during the great fight for us to escape! We got our fins kicked!"

Soul Sweetie held the Pearl of Transformation above them. She used its power, turning all of her kind including herself and her sisters into regular ponies. They all began their journey to the north, evading both Dark Mystic Ponies and Storm Kingdom finding and capturing them alive.

Almost three weeks of searching new place to settle, the Seaponies have arrived to Kludgetown, which they believed to be their new homes. However...

"We knew that our enemies would probably looking for us. So, we have to transformed ourselves into ponies. It worked well for us because nothing suspect us to be Seaponies. We then began to search and find a new place for us to settle down. We came across to Kludgetown. And it wasn't very nice and great place to stay..."

As the Seaponies entered Kludgetown, they received unfriendly and cruel welcome greetings from Kludgetowners. The Humanoid Creatures refused to help them, not even giving either money, shelter or food to them. The Kludgetowners have taunted, assaulted, mistreated and even hurt the Seaponies a lot. The Seaponies struggled to survive in the town, fearing that they will not survive much longer. Until...

"Yeah. No one came and help us. Those Humanoids looked down on us because we're just ponies. They wouldn't care or even bother to help us. Until he came..."

Skullitron and his AxeKnight Warriors Corp stood before the Seaponies. The skeletal commander approached to them as he took and passed some loaf of breads to them. At first, the ponies were reluctant and feared of him. However, Melody was the first Seapony to approach and grab it as she was hungry. And to their shock and surprise, AxeKnight Warriors provide food and drinks for the Seaponies to eat and drink, which they did happily.

Eventually, AxeKnight Warriors guide and led the Seaponies to East Kludgetown, where Humanoid Creatures treated them gently and nicely. They even provide the Seaponies sanctuary, shelter and home, as well as hiding from their enemies. In-return, they worked for AxeKnight Warriors as either slaves and workers especially if it's Hero's Day Festival.

"Skullitron and his army saved our lives. And thanks to him, the Eastern Kludgetowners treated us nicely and gently. And best of all, we're safe from Storm King and his minions for quite some time. Nothing bad has ever happen to us..."

Flashback Ends

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck have finished with narrating the story. Mane Six and their allies were in shock and concern. They all couldn't believe of what they just heard. The Hippogriffs abandoned their own allies for their safety. But not to Blazefist, he knows and fought them before since he earned his title.

"Hippogriffs abandoned Seaponies? What a shock." Blazefist remarked with a scoff, making his wife and Laxtinct to nudge on his elbows. He yelped in pain, "What?! It's the truth."

"Could have been nicer, genius," Aqua snarled a bit.

Laxtinct nodded firmly while looking dryly at Blazefist, "Seriously, bro. You really need to let go of your issue with Hippogriffs."

"I can't believe it..." Fluttershy said in concern, "How could Queen Novo do this?"

Twilight nodded, "But... Celestia... The map. They have to be the one we're finding and asking for help. They have to be." Shadow Dragon approached to give her comfort hug, which annoyed Iris,. She looked down in concern, "They have to be."

Roughneck scoffed, "Trust me, princess. That queen betrayed all of us, and left us to dead." Soul Sweetie was about to scold her sister. She snapped, "Come on, sis! Let's face it! If she really cared for her family so much, then she would have come and rescue us, instead of 'preparing the defense against Storm King'. She got some funny ways of caring and loving her family especially our cousins and little sis. She only loved herself."

Soul Sweetie sighed in defeat, "Can't argue you with that."

"Damn it..." Icy said in shock.

Rarity turned and looked at Capper, "So, it is true."

Capper shrugged, "It was just a rumor, not really the truth or news report."

Tailtech nodded, "You could say that again, guys. I always thought Blazefist was just mad and angry over his son's death because of Hippogriffs. Guess they really are selfish and arrogant creatures."

"Still, what are we gonna do?" Applejack asked in concern, "We can't just go back home with empty hooves."

Rainbow nodded in agreement, "There has to be some other creatures or something that can help us."

"There is no one else. Most of creatures were forced to return and defend their own kingdoms including Mystic Ponies," Shorty said in concern.

Everyone groaned in defeat as they realized that they have no help and reinforcement to help their home now.

"Wait a minute, guys. There is something that can help us to save our home," Saber spoke firmly. Everyone looked at him. He turned and looked at Soul Sweetie's jewel, "What about that jewel? It did turn us into Seaponies."

Everyone gasped in realization. Terrorcreep spoke, "Saber's right. With that jewel, we could turn everypony into more powerful creatures to face off both Storm King's and Dark Mystic Army! We can save Equestria!"

"Or we can turn into cutie animals!" Pinkie said happily. Everyone turned and glared at her. She looked surprise and confuse, "What?"

Flare Tiger sighed, "Pinkie. When it comes to save the world or fighting ugly bad guys, never put some jokes. That's lesson one."

Pinkie shrugged, "I was trying to lighten up the mood."

"Either way, we do have the chance!" Twilight said happily. She approached to Soul Sweetie. She held the jewel necklace up while saying happily, "Princess Soul Sweetie, if you could lend us some jewels, then we could-!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Timeout! Timeout, Princess Twilight Sparkle! Are you out of your mind?!" Soul Sweetie asked frantically and fearfully, making Twilight to back off. She sighed calmly, "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to get freak out. But what you're suggesting is crazy and dangerous."

Twilight was confused and concern. Roughneck continued, "Trust me, sis. What if Storm King ambush you and your guys when you're on the way back home, they could use that power into something dangerous and powerful that no one, and not even Mystic Ponies could beat."

"But..." Twilight said in concern.

Soul Sweetie sighed, interrupting Twilight's words, "Look, Twilight. I really wish we could help you. But using the Pearl of Transformation is not gonna help you save your home. It's gonna destroy them."

Twilight looked down in concern. Shadow Dragon held and patted Twilight's back while looking at Seapony Sisters. He asked, "But you could help us, right?"

"Yeah," Applejack nodded in agreement, "I mean you did save us from Tempest."

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck looked uneasy and concern. Fluttershy nodded, "Maybe, you could ask Skullitron. I mean he and his corp did saved you all."

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck, again, shown concern and uneasy looks to each other. The older Seapony sighed, "Fluttershy, it's not easy as you think."

Roughneck nodded, "Yeah. Skullitron... He's kinda-!"

"SOUL SWEETIE! ROUGHNECK RUMBLE!" Skullitron's voice called.

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck yelped in concern as they panicked and shouted frantically and fearfully of what they have to do especially they grabbed and hidden Mane Six and their friends in Sanctuary. Eventually, they quickly led and took their new friends to the small village, where Seaponies are living now.

"Stay here!" Soul Sweetie commanded firmly.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked in concern.

"I'll explain later," Soul Sweetie said firmly and calmly, "But for now stay here and don't cause commotion. If you need anything, our family and servants will help you out."

Roughneck nodded fearfully, "Yeah. And the last we ever want is causing more problems to Skullitron and his dealing with Storm King especially today was a big mess."

Everyone was uncertain and confused by Seapony Sisters' words. Soul Sweetie sighed, "We'll try to talk with Skullitron about it. We'll let you know soon. But for now. Stay here."

Mane Six and their friends were still uncertain and concern about it. Nevertheless, they obliged and agreed to stay put. And so, Seapony Sisters swam off to meet up with Skullitron at once. They all gathered around and looked at each other.

"So, what now?" Laxtinct asked in concern.

Terrorcreep sighed, "Nothing. There's nothing we can do."

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Yeah. Since we're gonna wait for our Seapony Friends, we just have to look around do something else."

"I'm afraid that's the best thing we can do," Iris said firmly and calmly.

"Guess you and I can have fun together, right, mom?" Lance asked calmly. Iris turned and looked at him. He smiled innocently, "For old time's sake."

Nyx nodded, "Yeah. We would like to get to know more about you, Iris. I mean if Shadow Dragon planned to get you and my mummy lived together."

Iris laughed heartily and amusingly, shocking Lance and Nyx, "That might be silly but also great too." She cleared her throat as she swam towards Shadow Dragon, "We'll do that later. But for now, your father and I need to do some swimming practice. I'm still rusty with it."

Shadow Dragon blushed and laughed uneasily while muttering, "Don't mind if I do."

Twilight grunted in annoyance to see Shadow Dragon and Iris are being too close especially him teaching his former wife of how to swim. Applejack, again, nudged Twilight's shoulder. The Princess of Friendship turned and looked at the Apple Farmer, who sincerely and calmly shook her head while smiled calmly. This made Twilight sighed in defeat and agreed.

"Either way," Blazefist said calmly, "Let's take a break and do what you want until they come back."

Everyone chatted in agreement. They split up and went to their direction to check out about the Seapony's Home and Culture.

Twilight and Applejack were about to head off, but held by Nyx. She, Lance and Spike shown their uneasiness and scared looks. This made two girls worries about them.

Twilight approached to Nyx, whom she held her little one's chin up and asked, "What is it, Nyx?"

"Did something bad happen?" Applejack asked.

Lance sighed, "Yeah. It's my mom."

Twilight and Applejack were in shocked yet concerned. Nyx nodded, "There's something you need to know about her. And only three of us noticed it."

"Yeah. We should go to a hiding place for our private discussion," Spike said in concern, "The last thing I want is us to get blamed and rejected about our worries for nothing, and end up abandoned."

Knowing what Spike was talking, Twilight and Applejack looked ashamed and upset to remember it. Two mares nodded in understanding. Five of them swam and headed to another place for their discussion.

This leaves Fluttershy and Terrorcreep. They spotted two Seaponies were swimming in a hurry while carrying the basket of oyster, seaweed, jar of sea salt, jar of jelly juice, sea cucumber and coral's weeds. One of them is an pinkish older Seapony with mane and tail that has streaks of cyan and blue, and has transparent wings. Another is an apple greenish white colored Seapony with mane and tail of both moderate cyan and pale turquoise streaks. They're heading straight to a small hut.

"Something is happening," Fluttershy said in concern. She turned and looked at her friends, "We should probably check it out."

Terrorcreep nodded firmly, "Alright. But I won't let you off my sight again."

Fluttershy smiled, knowing her husband will be there for her. Both of them headed off and followed two Seaponies, which led them to a small hut. They come to the window, where they see and found two Seaponies approached to a sickly familiar Seapony Mother, who was coughing and resting on the bed. Seapony Children were worried and scared when looking at their mother.

"Silverstream, do you think she'll be fine?" The younger Seapony asked.

"Oh, I don't know, Terramar. I just hope that these ingredients can help them out." Silverstream admitted in concern. She then looked at her mother, "I don't know which one that is suitable for her. I'm worried that mom won't get any better."

"Maybe we can help out," Fluttershy said calmly. Silverstream and Terramar turned and looked back as they found Fluttershy and her friends stood before them. They looked worry and scared. She spoke, "It's okay. We won't hurt. In fact, we want to help."

"Really? Why?" Terramar asked in surprise.

Silverstream nodded, "Yeah. Who are you? We never seen you before."

Fluttershy smiled, "Because we want to help. Leave it to us."

"Do not fear. She knows what she's doing," Terrorcreep said calmly, "After all, she knows the medication and sickness. She's the best medic we have."

Though Silverstream and Terramar were uncertain and worried, they reluctantly allowed Fluttershy to help checking on their sickly mother. The Shy Pegasus was checking and analyzing of how bad the condition is. Terrorcreep was standing by to help and assist her. The Seapony Children can do is watch and hope their mother gets well soon...

After leaving the Seapony Sanctuary, Soul Sweetie and Roughneck swam all their way to the surface. Upon ascending and arriving to the surface, they both transformed into their pony forms. They then emerged and climbed out of watery pond. They have arrived at the decorated religious-themed study chamber. They even found Skullitron was reading some book from the library shelf.

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck approached to Skullitron. They greeted him calmly and warmly. He closed down his book. He turned his attention to them.

"There you are," Skullitron said calmly, "I was wondering where you have disappeared to after disastrous of Hero's Day Festival."

"Sorry about that, Lord Skullitron," Soul Sweetie said calmly, "Didn't mean to scare you, my lord."

Roughneck nodded happily, "Yeah. But we can take care of ourselves."

"Speaking of 'take care', where are they? Your new friends that you have rescued?" Skullitron asked firmly and suspiciously, making Soul Sweetie and Roughneck nervous and worried. He continued, "They don't seem to be familiar or even part of Seaponies."

Soul Sweetie said uneasily, "What makes you say that?"

"For starters, these new ponies have strange marks on their flanks. They don't seem to be enjoying this town very much," Skullitron said firmly and calmly. Soul Sweetie and Roughneck looked nervous and uneasy. He continued and looked at them, "And more, Storm King informed me that he was hunting down some fugitives from his latest conquest. Their appearance did match what I've been informed."

"Really? You don't say," Roughneck said in worried before laughed uneasily, "Well, too bad they got away."

Soul Sweetie nodded uneasily, "Yeah. They seemed to be in a hurry and left."

Skullitron hummed suspiciously and amusingly, "I see... Either way, even if we do have them, I actually have doubts that they're really fugitives. And also, I will not hand them over to him for our peace treaty. I suspected he conquered another land for power. He's after something else. Something powerful and dangerous, no doubt..."

"Really?" Soul Sweetie asked curiously. She cleared her throat, "What kind of power?"

"I don't know. I only hope these fugitives stayed away from him," Skullitron said calmly and firmly, "As long they saved and stayed away from Storm King and his allies, they will not be threatening me and my town."

"Well, maybe we should help them?" Roughneck suggested. Skullitron turned and looked at her amusingly and curiously. She gulped nervously, "I mean you did rescue us. So, why not rescue them? They're good ponies like Equestria."

"Equestria?!" Skullitron asked in surprise tone. Roughneck nodded nervously. He then laughed amusingly and wildly, making two Seaponies uneasy and worried. He cleared his throat, "My apology, little ones. I don't mean to laugh. But helping Equestria? I don't believe it worth our troubles."

"Why not? I mean you saved our kind, and even treated us well," Soul Sweetie insisted calmly, "Why not help them?"

Roughneck nodded, "Yeah. I thought helping others is important and good. Can't we do something for them?"

Knowing what they were talking about, Skullitron sighed as he took a seat while looking at both Soul Sweetie and Roughneck, "It's quite complicated, children. Even if we help them, Equestria will never see us nothing more than demons. They will not appreciate it, but considering danger and threat to them. Just like how your heartless aunt viewed us."

"I hate how she thinks that," Roughneck snarled a bit, "She got a lot of nerve for calling you 'monsters' when she is the one!"

"Roughneck..." Soul Sweetie said in concern.

Roughneck scoffed, "Skullitron is right about her. She abandoned us when we needed help! And when Skullitron rescued us and informed her that we're alright, she wrote back and said 'I don't trust monsters like him'! She got a nerve to say that!"

Soul Sweetie sighed, "I suppose it is. What she said is insulting."

"It is, dears. I am truly sorry, you two," Skullitron said calmly as he patted both Soul Sweetie and Roughneck's back, "But there is nothing you can to convince her that I'm good. It's how the world is. They see us nothing but monsters and demons than seeing how good we do..."

"But if we show them, they'll understand?" Soul Sweetie suggested.

Skullitron sighed, "They will not. They will reject your ideals and desire to harm us. Or worse, they will harm you for putting faith in me."

Skullitron: The world is cruel
The world is wicked
It is hard to find good creatures
in this whole kingdom
But I am your kin's only friend

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck couldn't help but agreed with Skullitron's words since he's the one, who has been there for them. They all remembered the very day that they have been force to abadone their home and escaped Storm King and Dark Mystic Ponies.

Skullitron: I who shelter you, feed you, teach you, dress you
I who look upon you with compassion
But will other creatures share your belief
Unless they're open-minded as you are
Will that happen...?

Skullitron sighed, "Remember what I taught you, girls."

Skullitron: Will you look at me?

Soul Sweetie: I am looking at you.

Skullitron: What did you see?

Roughneck: A skeleton warlord with heart.

Skullitron: But to the world's eyes
I'm nothing but dangerous threat
They'll not open their eyes

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: But not to us.

Skullitron: Out there they'll revile me as a monster

Soul Sweetie: We'll speak out for you

Skullitron: Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer

Roughneck: We won't let them harm you

Skullitorn: Why help Equestria when they do not accept us?
Stay in here
Here is our home, and we're a big happy family
You don't know how fortunate you are...

Skullitron sighed calmly as he then sang and talked about him and his past. He was once a proud commander to Yami while leading the AxeKnight Warriors Corp during Great Demon War. He fought admirably and determinedly for him. He also remembered the very day he encountered Hikari, whom Yami has fallen in love with. They both became couples and decided to end the world.

And because of his lady's death, Yami and his army including Skullitron betrayed and defeated Chaos Heralds and Demon God for Hikari and Mystic Guardians. After the war, Yami disappeared in their sights. Skullitron and his army were alone and have no leader as they aimlessly wandered across the world, finding their new purpose.

Skullitron: Once I was as blessed as you,
A proud commander in service to
My greatest and noblest master I knew
Oh Lord Yami
Oh, then my Lady Hikari came
My Master's Heart was touched and loved
We changed and fought for Heart of Dark and Light
After war, they left and gone
And We're alone.

"I'm so sorry, Skullitron," Soul Sweetie apologized in shame and sadly, "I know how you felt for losing someone you have loved."

"Then, you understand why we cannot help them. They're not like my masters," Skullitron said calmly and firmly. He sighed, "They will never give chance to demons and monsters. Not one slightest. It will never happen. Nothing can change."

Skullitron: The world's nothing but dark

Soul Sweetie: But it could be bright

Skullitron: The world's nothing but lie

Roughneck: Not everyone is black and white

Skullitron: The world's never change
Nothing can ever be better.

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: There's such a wide world to share

Skullitron: Do not be burden with this naive ideal

Soul Sweetie: But maybe we should try this once

Skullitron: Do not take this big risk

Roughneck: Just give them a chance

Skullitron: Your lives are important to me

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: As you are to me

Skullitron: Year after year

Soul Sweetie: We understand you.

Roughneck: We loved you.

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: We're still a big happy family

Skullitron: So please, do it for me...

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: Will you not trust us...

Skullitorn: Always stay
In here...

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: Make decisions...

"So, what will that be?" Skullitron asked calmly.

"We will do what you say," Soul Sweetie said calmly, "It's best is that we avoid the conflict or even start a big fight with Storm King."

Roughneck sighed, "Even though we wanted to help Equestria, our safety is important."

"Good. You finally understand my concerns," Skullitron said calmly. He slowly stood up from the bed, "Now, I must deal with Storm King first about the mess he make. He and I may have been allies since the treaty we make, but that doesn't mean he's allowed to do as he pleased. He ruined my Hero's Day Festival, which he supposed to honor it!"

"Most likely he wanna make you angry," Roughneck remarked dryly, "To show you that he's more powerful than you are."

"Perhaps, you're right. He just need some reminder of whom is the powerful one in this town. I will tell him off that we will not negotiate with him." Skullitron said dryly as he approached to the door. He turned and looked at Seapony Sisters, "Stay out of trouble, understand?"

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck nodded calmly and firmly. Skullitron smiled, "Good. Stay here until further notice."

"Yes, sir..." Soul Sweetie and Roughneck saluted.

Skullitron closed and locked the door. Seapony Sisters looked at each other as they both sighed in defeat and shame that they didn't get the chance to ask him to help their new friends, though they know he won't because Equestria viewed him as monster than sentient being. And not to mention, they don't want to sell out their new friends.

There's nothing they can do now...

Back to Lake Destiny's Sanctuary, Mane Six and their friends were looking around and getting use to their new places and activities.

Shadow Dragon, Blazefist and Rainbow were helping and teaching Iris and Aqua of how to swim since they're not used to their new Seapony Forms. Saber and Flare Tiger were discussing and chatting as they were reading some history books and artworks, involving of Seapony and Hippogriffs. They believed that they still need Hippogriffs' help, despite the rumors and Seaponies claimed them betraying and abandoning them.

While observing and learning Seaponies' culture and working on fashion, Rarity decided to join the fun. Capper was uneasy and nervous about him being fish as he stayed close to her. While keeping an eye on the catfish, Shorty was looking through some materials and tools, which could provide some usefulness to repair Armor Strike-I, though he often sneeze a lot. Tailtech and Icy were looking around to find more food supplies and fuel tank for helping their friend.

Pinkie and Laxtinct were playing some sea instruments for fun. Fluttershy and Terrorcreep were helping Silverstream and Terramar's mother - Ocean Flow to get better.

Twilight, Applejack and the children were inside the abandoned house for their private discussion, involving of Iris. The children told two mares of what they had seen and heard how Iris behaved - Flurry reacted fearfully to her, her unusual jealousy on Twilight, smirking of making the Princess of Friendship jealous, muttering about AxeKnight Warrior Corp, spoke in Ancient Language and even involved Rainbow into the fight. It shocked and concern the mares.

"T-That's unusual..." Applejack said in concern.

Twilight hummed in worried tone, "Are you sure about this?"

"We really did," Nyx said in confirmation yet concern.

Lance sighed, "For sure, this isn't how she acted. My mother maybe brave, smart and kind princess, but jealousy and manipulative isn't part of her. I don't believe that she's her."

"So... Flurry's reaction to Iris is true..." Twilight said in concern.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Spike asked worriedly.

"Remember, Twilight. Don't jump and accuse her without evidence," Applejack reminded firmly and calmly, "The last thing we want is to left and lose you again."

Twilight sighed, "I know. All we can do is watch and keep our eyes out for anything unusual. And we should get Saber in our inner circle. He's good at detective."

Applejack nodded in agreement, "Good idea. I'll talk to him. He'll help us. Best, we tell no one about this until we're certain that she's real."

"The last thing we want is causing a big fight," Twilight said calmly.

"Right..." Applejack and the children agreed.

Twilight and her friends have left the abandoned house. They returned to the village's square. They regrouped and reunite with the rest of their friends. They all enjoyed it very much, though some didn't like Capper as he hated to be a fish. Fluttershy and Terrorcreep were still helping Ocean Flow to get better.

Seapony Sisters have returned to the square. Mane Six and their allies approached and asked the sisters if they managed to get Skullitron agreed to help them or not. They shown worried and uneasy looks while wondering of how they can explain to their new friends about Skullitron's rejecting to help them.

And just before Soul Sweetie could answer, she then spotted Fluttershy and Terrorcreep emerged out from small hut, along with healthy Ocean Flow, Silverstream and Terramar. Both her and Roughneck were surprised and shocked to see it.

"Aunt Ocean Flow, you're alright?" Soul Sweetie asked happily.

Ocean Flow nodded happily while smiled calmly, "All thanks to Mr. Terrorcreep and Mrs. Fluttershy. They helped and make me better."

"Really?" Soul Sweetie asked in surprise. She turned and looked at Fluttershy, "I don't know what to say. But thank you so much."

Fluttershy giggled a bit, "It was nothing. I'm just glad that Ocean Flow's condition isn't serious. I'm happy to help."

"B-But why? Why would you do this?" Roughneck asked in surprise.

Fluttershy was confused and uncertain. Soul Sweetie continued, "If you remember our story of getting here, no one has ever shown kindness to us before."

"True. But Skullitron did," Fluttershy reminded calmly, surprised Soul Sweetie and Roughneck. She continued, "Besides, you saved us. We helped you back. So, we helped and make your aunt get better. It's the least we can do for your help."

"Oh... Wow... I... This... I don't... This is..." Roughneck said in shock and surprise. She sighed in defeat, "You're really something, shy kiddo."

Soul Sweetie nodded, "Yeah. I guess we were right about your world. It's not dark and cruel as we thought. There's more to it than meets the eye."

Terrorcreep looked suspicious and serious, "What do you mean by that?"

"It's nothing. It's just that..." Soul Sweetie said uneasily and fearfully, "Since Skullitron has rescued and sheltered us, we all can do is run and hide from Storm King, as well as avoiding the fight with him."

"And not to mention, our aunt never did come and rescue us," Roughneck answered dryly, "This is like everyone's for themselves. So, we have to stay in here for our survival."

Soul Sweetie sighed, "And we have given up our hope to ever get back home or even want to see the world. It's nothing but dark, cruel and wicked."

Understanding what Seapony Sisters were talking about, Fluttershy spoke. "Maybe. But maybe not." They turned and looked at her. She continued, "Sure there's some bad things happening, but that doesn't mean you should let it stop you."

"Yeah! We laughed at the danger!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck looked uneasy and worried. Fluttershy sighed, "The point is that even if we fail or fall down too many times, we get up and face them again until we did it. After all, we'd never give up, right?"

Most of ponies chatted and nodded in agreement with Fluttershy's statement. This surprised and shocked Seapony Sisters and even Capper.

"So, you think we have hope?" Soul Sweetie asked in surprise.

"Not have, Princess Soul Sweetie." Twilight corrected, "We must have 'hope'. It's what got us here far. We're not giving up."

"Agreed." Fluttershy agreed. She turned and looked at the female human statue with Japanese Princess's Hairstyle worn a small decorated crown and Japanese Lady's Robe with mini-skirt and showed her bellybutton, armored chest plat, shoulder pads, gauntlets knee pads and Japanese Shoes-like. She continued, "I'm sure Mystic Guardian of Light won't give up too. She always has hope till the end..."

"No way..." Roughneck said in surprise.

Soul hummed thoughtfully, "I guess it is true..."

Fluttershy approached to Hikari Statue. She squatted down in praying position before the statue. Everyone turned and looked at her, wondering what she's praying for.

Fluttershy: Oh, Lady Hikari of the Light,
Will you lend your ears to this shy's voice
I don't know if You would listen
To this Pegasus's Pray
Yes, I know I'm from a distance land
I shouldn't speak to You
Still, seeing your face makes me wonder
Were you once lost your hope, too?

Hearing Fluttershy sang and prayed harmonically and calmly, Seaponies emerged out from their small huts via doors and windows. They then looked at her praying before the Lady Hikari statue. They couldn't believe in their eyes and ears that an Equestria Pony like he actually pray in their sanctuary.

Fluttershy: Hikari help the Lost Souls
Lost their only home
Give them the hope
So, they won't lose their faith

Most of her friends and even her husband couldn't help but feel proud and supportive to see Fluttershy singing and praying harmonically. The Seaponies felt the same thing as they do. They couldn't help but feel their spirit being lifted from their defeats.

Fluttershy: Hikari help my ponies
They need light to shine through Hell
Hikari help the Lost Souls
Or Hope will be Lost

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck couldn't help but feel the same as their kind. They eventually returned to another town for private moment. Twilight noticed it as she listened to their song and pray.

Soul Sweetie: Safe under the sea
And these guardians of demons
Hiding away from the world's eyes
All our life we ever did is
Fear and worried of impending danger
Wondering what the Equestria's like now

Roughneck: All our life, we just pretend to be ponies
Knowing them as they will never know me
All my life, we wonder
How it feels to pass a day
Not in disguises
But part of them

Twilight swam towards to both Soul Sweetie and Roughneck. She sang and convinced them that they regained what they have lost - hope and freedom from monsters. They were touched and inspired by her speech.

Twilight: And you will be
The world is wondrous and great
So maybe one day out there
You'll get a chance
To be part of it

Twilight, Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: Out there
Where we all can be free
What I'd give
What I'd dare
Just to be free and part of our world

As soon as Twilight brought both Soul Sweetie and Roughneck out, they found something shocking and surprising. More Seaponies including Ocean Flow, Silverstream and Terramar have come and join the pray. They all began to sing and pray about what they used to pray for.

Seaponies: I used to ask for wealth
I used to ask for fame
I used to ask for glory to shine on my name
I used to ask for love I can possess
I now ask for Hikari and her angels to help us

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck couldn't help but feel happy and proud to see their kind are praying. They haven't done praying to Hikari since the very day they were forced to abandon their kingdom.

Soul Sweetie: I'd never thought that one day
Our kind will ever pray again

Roughneck: Since the day we lost our home
They have lost their hopes and faiths

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck: Ev'ry day they shout and scold
And go about what they could have been done
Now we received the heedless of the gift from her

Seaponies: If I was in their skin
I'd treasure its hope and faith

Fluttershy was surprised and amazed to see many Seaponies have joined and prayed for what they believed in. Her friends also have the same reaction as hers. She continued with her praying.

Fluttershy: I ask for nothing
All I want to help
Those lost souls
Who lost their hope

Soul Sweetie: Out there
Regaining our lost hope
Taste its concepts!

Roughneck: Out there
Like ordinary ponies
Who freely walk about there

All: Please help our ponies
The poor and downtrod
I thought we all were
The children of Mystic Heaven

Eventually, the rest of her friends and even touching tearfully Capper also joined in and started praying for their sake and ponies'. Iris was annoyed and fury upon glaring at the statue, this has gained suspicious of Twilight, Applejack and the children. They realized that there's something wrong with her.

All: Just one day and then
I swear, I'll be content
With my share
Won't fear, won't despair
Old and bent, I won't care
I'll have spent one day
Out there!
Hikari help the Lost Souls
Children of Mystic Heaven!

As Fluttershy stood up, she turned and looked at the group of Seaponies. They gave the around of applause and cheers to her. They even chanted her name.

"She's amazing..." Capper commented.

Rarity giggled a bit, "She is, darling."

"Listen, I can't ask you all to forgive me, but I want to help you all for inspiring me to do the right thing." Capper said calmly and charmingly, "For real this time. I'll help you find and get some fuel tanks."

Rarity smiled happily as she gave Caper a hug, "Thank you so much, Capper."

While Rarity gave Capper a warm hug, Shorty was annoyed and jealous to see his girlfriend dating with con artist. This makes Tailtech and Icy worried and uneasy about it.

"Amazing! You're awesome, kid!" Roughneck commented.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

Soul Sweetie nodded firmly, "Yes, you and Twilight are. You not only help us regain our faith in Mystic Heaven and Hikari. I wish I could be part of the world."

"Does that means?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"We're gonna help you, Twilight," Soul Sweetie said firmly and calmly.

Roughneck nodded firmly, "Yeah. We're gonna get all the help you need to retake your home and beat the Storm King and Dark Mystic Ponies! Count on us in!"

Twilight smiled happily, "Thank you so much. We will help you get your freedom and home."

"Thank you so much," Soul Sweetie and Roughneck said happily.

Twilight and Fluttershy returned to the group as they smiled and nodded happily. This make the group cheered wildly and happily that they've got some help to save their home. Shadow Dragon held his girlfriend as he gave her a nuzzle and kiss her by lips, making her relief and happy. Iris was annoyed and angered to see it while muttered darkly. Applejack and the children noticed it.

"Guess you're right about her," Applejack said in concern.

"Let's be careful of her," Lance said calmly, "We don't know what she's really after."

Nyx nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I just hope it's mind-controlled, so we can save her."

"I hope so too..." Lance said in concern, "I hope so..."

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1) Yes, Seaponies and Hippogriffs are separate creatures in this Mystic Version only, rather than one together. Ocean Flow is a Seapony while younger sister to King Triton and Lady Ella, who were based on Professor Utonium & Ms. Keane from 'The Powerpuff Girls (Original)'. Sky Beak is a Hippogriff and younger brother to Queen Novo. For Silverstream and Terramar's case, they can use the Pearl of Transformation between Hippogriffs and Seaponies. And also, these mentioned characters especially Silverstream are just cameos, foreshadowing Mystic Season 4.

2) 'The World' song is inspired by 'Frollo's Out There Song' from 'Hunchback of Notre Dame Musical 1999 Version'.

3) 'Hikari help the Lost Soul' is inspired and combination by both 'God Help the Outcast' & 'Quasimodo's Out There' song from 'Hunchback of Notre Dame 1996'.