• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 5,000 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Hippogriffs

"Thanks to Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom, Tempest and her crew able to catch up to us. Rather than just keep on running and hiding from them, Blazefist and Aqua have decided to fight back. And so, most of us agreed.

With the help of Captain Celaeno and her crew, and even Seapony Sisters; we have managed to repel and defeat Tempest and her crew especially their Ancient Beast - Oshibka and its hive. We also rescued Capper from them too. We then escaped the enemy blockade, with the help of Armor Strike-I.

Now, we're on our way to Mount Aris, hoping to find and secure the Hippogriff's help and the Orb of Lost Soul as an exchange with Skullitron for our alliance to complete. But once we get there, we're about to learn of what transpired to Hippogriffs and also the dark secret behind an ancient relic..."

"We had to crash the gunship at the bottom of the mountain!" Rarity's voice demanded angrily yet frustratingly.

After escaping Tempest and her crew, Mane Six and their allies continued their journey to Mount Aris. Unfortunately, something happens to the Armor Strike-I as it was flying out of control. It crash landed on the beach of Mount Aris. And so, the ponies have no choice but to walk and climb to the top of Mount Aris.

"Well, we would have gotten to the top if not for someone letting the cat near me!" Shorty exclaimed angrily. He then sneezed out loud. He blew his handkerchief, "I'm allergic to cat!"

Capper groaned as he was holding Rarity on his back, "It wasn't my fault if that fatso of yours hadn't push me that hard on you!"

"Hey!" Laxtinct protested angrily and annoyingly.

Capper sighed, "Besides, I was trying to ask you to slow down the gunship. That's all. I wasn't having fun with flying, not after my first experience with airship."

Captain Celaeno scoffed annoyingly, "Watch it, cat! You're insulting its captain since I saved your ass!"

Capper groaned, "Thanks for pointing that out."

Rarity screamed in frustration, "That's it! I simply... cannot... even! I have nothing! The bad guys have won!" She then whined out loud, "I'm so sorryyyyyyyy-y-y-y!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel annoyed and frustrated by Rarity's usual dramatic. Can't she be quiet for the moment.

"Is she always like that?" Capper asked in annoyance. Shorty nodded while sneezed out loud. He groaned, "I prefer her when she's not cranky and dramatic."

Shorty sighed, "You have no idea."

Rainbow, who is on the top of Mount Aris, turned to her friends and shouted, "We're almost there!"

Rarity growled, "Will you stop saying that?!"

Captain Celaeno sighed, "No offense, Rainbow. She has the point of 'almost there' when we're not even at the top."

"No, really!" Rainbow disagreed happily. She quickly lead and guide her friends to the top of Mount Aris. She smiled, "We're actually here!"

Mane Six and their friends were standing before two large Hippogriff Statues-like entrance. They're all surprised and relieved that they have finally reached their destination.

"I don't believe it..." Nyx said in surprise.

Twilight smiled happily, "Me neither, Nyx. But this is it!"

Blazefist snarled with a bit of anger, "Hippogriff..."

Aqua nudged Blazefist's shoulder, "Blazefist, cool it."

Laxtinct nodded calmly, "Yeah. Try not to blow your steam, kay?"

Blazefist groaned in defeat, "Fine. But don't expect me to be nice when they tried to kill us..."

"Never thought we'd be back here," Roughneck said dryly.

Soul Sweetie sighed, "Yeah..."

"Well, I'll be." Applejack agreed before laughed briefly, "Hippogriffs, here we come!"

Rarity sighed, "Time to rest my hooves!"

"Girls, don't get your high hope," Captain Celaeno called in concern. Everyone turned and looked at her. She continued, "Just remember what we told you."

Mullet nodded, "Yeah. The Hippogriffs have disappeared since Storm King conquered it."

Everyone remained silent for the moment as they knew that Captain Celaeno was right. They might not able to find the Hippogriffs since it was conquered two years ago. Nevertheless...

"Don't worry, we will find them," Soul Sweetie said confidently. She the gave uneasy and worried looks, "Just need to remember where the hidden passage is."

Everyone groaned in annoyance as they all have sweat dropped on their heads while fell to the ground. They could not believe of what they just heard.

"Are you kidding me?!" Terrorcreep snarled angrily.

Fluttershy grabbed and held Terrorcreep while patting his head gently, "Now, now, no reason to get angry. I'm sure we'll figure it out together."

Roughneck nodded, "Yeah. With many of us here, I'm sure we can cover the ground."

"In that case, we'd better start now," Shadow Dragon said firmly.

Twilight nodded in agreement, "Yeah. No doubt Tempest and her crew will figure out our plan. We have to hurry before they get here."

"Well, let's do it then," Iris said firmly and calmly.

[Crawling - Part 1]

Mane Six and their allies chatted and nodded in agreement. They all marched into the Gates of Hippogriffs. Once filled with excitement and hope, their reactions slowly turned into shock, worried and feared as they are now witnessing the destruction site of Hippogriff City. And also, there were no signs of life and it was too quiet for now.

While Captain Celaeno and her crew remained firm and calm yet silent for the moment, Mane Six and their allies couldn't believe in their own eyes that Storm Kingdom and Dark Mystic Ponies have indeed invaded and conquered the Mount Aris. Hippogriffs are nowhere to be seen. Not even their corpses can be found.

"I don't believe it..." Capper said in shock and concern.

"Welcome to the Hippogriffia..." Captain Celaeno said dryly, "Well, what's used to be..."

"I don't believe it..." Rarity said in concern.

"It is true," Tailtech said in concern and shock, "Storm Kingdom and Dark Mystic Ponies really did invade and conquer the Hippogriffia. You'd think that-?!"

"No bodies, remember?" Icy interrupted firmly and calmly, "Like Soul Sweetie said, the Hippogriffs could be hiding. They could be alive."

Spike gulped in fear, "Man, those guys really turned this whole place into a ghost town."

"A g-g-g-g-ghost town?!" Fluttershy stuttered in fear and shock.

Terrorcreep snarled at frightened and worried Spike, "Not funny, Spike..."

Spike gulped, "I wasn't."

"Then, what should we do now?" Flare Tiger asked in concern.

Twilight hummed firmly and calmly, "We'd better split up and find the hidden passage. Tempest and her crew will be here soon."

Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement, "Yeah. The sooner the better. Split up now." He turned to Seapony Sisters, "Princess Soul Sweetie and Roughneck, I hope you jog your memory soon. We don't have much time now."

Soul Sweetie nodded in understanding, "I will try."

"Leave it to us," Roughneck said firmly and calmly.

Mane Six and their friends split up to find and activate the hidden passage, that would lead them to Hippogriffs. And hopefully, they can find the creatures very soon.

Twilight, Shadow Dragon and Iris headed to the northern city. Applejack, Saber and Flare Tiger headed to western city. Rarity, Shorty, Tailtech, Icy and Capper checked on the eastern city. Rainbow, Blazefist, Aqua, Captain Celeano and the pirate crew checked on southeastern city. Fluttershy, Terrorcreep and Seapony Sisters were searching on northwestern city. Pinkie and Laxtinct were finding on northeastern city. The children worked together to search and locate on southwestern city.

However, their search has come to naught. All Mane Six and their allies could find is the ruins of city and houses, the forest were burnt and chopped down to pieces, mosses were placed everywhere and no sign of Hippogriff, so far.

Eventually, Mane Six and their allies regrouped at once to the central square of Hippogriffia City for the reports.

"Anything?" Twilight asked in concern.

Everyone chatted and shook their heads in concern. Applejack sighed in concern, "Sorry, Twilight. We tried."

Twilight grunted in frustration, "No, it can't be. This can't be it. There must be somewhere we didn't check it out. We're missing something."

Shadow Dragon sighed as he patted Twilight's back, "Don't worry, Twilight. We will find it, Twilight. I promised."

"I agreed with Shadow Dragon," Iris said firmly and comfortingly, "I'm sure we'll find the hidden passage. Count on it, Twilight."

SQUAWKED! Mane Six and their allies got alerted by Squabble's squawking. They quickly followed and headed towards the humanoid parrot's squawking direction. Upon arriving to their destination, they found Squabble staring and looking at the large wall. They all turned and looked at it. They found something shocking yet frightening.

Mane Six and their friends were looking at the wall portrait of demonic yet scary crimson Pegasus unleashing the blazing flames and slaughter upon some Hippogriffs across the land. It shocked and scared Mane Six and their new friends. Dragon Strike Force became uneasy and worried about the portrait. Blazefist remained firm and calm while looking at it. Both Aqua and Laxtinct were uneasy and worried about the portrait.

Rap Replay's Voice: Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced
That there's just too much pressure to take

Chestnut Vocal's Voice: I've felt this way before
So insecure

"Wow. Freaky..." Capper remarked in shock.

Pinkie nodded, "No kidding. This is the scariest picture I ever seen."

"W-What is this?!" Fluttershy asked fearfully.

"Aw man! I'd never seen this kind of picture before..." Spike said in concern.

Nyx hummed in concern as she looked at the portrait carefully, "Does the picture looked familiar to any of you?"

"Yeah, it does..." Lance agreed before showing shock and concern, "No way. It couldn't be..."

"It is, guys." Laxtinct said fearfully. Everyone turned and looked at him. He gulped, "That's Blazefist."

Mane Six and their new friends were in shock and concern. Rainbow remarked, "No way. That's Blazefist?"

"But that thing doesn't look like him!" Rarity protested in concern.

"It is true, Rainbow Dash. He was the 'Scourge of the Hippogriffs'." Aqua said calmly and firmly. She then looked at the wall portrait. She hummed in concern, "Never thought the Hippogriffs still remembered Blazefist as the boogieman."

"Neither do any of us," Saber agreed.

Shorty sighed, "technically, most of Water Tiger Kingdom consider Bladestrike, Blazefist and Laxtinct as the boogiemen since they did terrorized us a lot at the Battle of Southern Eagle Fortress from early A.E." Everyone turned and looked at him oddly. He cleared his throat, "Sorry. Just pointing out."

Blazefist scoffed as he crossed his hooves tightly, "Whether these Hippogriffs remember me or not, they have the right to fear me after what they did." He turned and looked away from the wall as he was about to walk away, "We have the mission to complete."

"Don't mean to pry, Commander. But what happen?" Captain Celaeno asked. Blazefist halted as he turned and glared at her. She continued, "What make Hippogriffs scared of you?"

Capper hummed suspiciously, "Or better yet, what makes you hate them so much in the first place?"

Dragon Strike Force especially Aqua and Laxtinct were uneasy and worried as they knew that Blazefist never liked to talk about his past, involving of Hippogriffs and his deceased son. However, the question didn't bother the Commander much.

Annoyed and angered to recall of his past, Blazefist sighed as he decided to talk about it. He turned and faced to his team and friends, "Hippogriffs took everything from me. They destroyed my life. And they took my happiness away."


In 140 A.E., during Qin Dynasty Period,

Blazefist and Laxtinct, were still young children, were having great time at the small village. They also were having fun with their friends, and also worked very hard on farming and business with their parents. However, their home was often attacked and robbed by Hippogriff Bandits, causing famine on the village.

Luckily, Azure Phoenix and his army, were patrolling on the eastern region, came across to Blazefist's village. They spotted Hippogriff Bandits invading and robbing the village. This prompt the Imperial Phoenix Force to fight and repel them for countless times. The villagers thanked the imperial force so much.

"Before Lax and I became part of Imperial Phoenix Kingdom and even the Mystic Ponies or founding our own team," Blazefist narrated, "We were just peaceful peasants from the small village during the period of Qin Dynasty. However, my home is often robbed by the Hippogriff Bandits for money and food. But thanks to Azure Phoenix and his soldiers, we were saved for countless times."

By the time of 145 A.E., Azure Phoenix and his army were involved of Yellow Scarf Rebellion, thus, leaving the village defenseless. Hippogriff Bandits have returned to not only robbing, but also slaughtering the villagers including Blazefist's family and burnt down their home.

Blazefist and Laxtinct were the only survivors of the village. And so, the crimson Pegasus did what he has to do to protect his brother while struggling to steal and fight for the survival. He even fought and defeated some bandits and thieves to get the food and money.

"But during the Yellow Scarf Rebellion, the Hippogriff Bandits came back again. And this time, they're not gonna just robbed us but slaughtering us and burnt down my home. My home is gone. My family is dead. Just me and my bro. I did what I have to keep my brother safe."

Though Blazefist and Laxtinct joined Azure Phoenix's army for the cause, he has personal agenda against the Hippogriffs. They both fought bravely and determinedly, in the name of their lord. And at the same time, when and wherever he finds Hippogriffs as he personally fought and killed them.

"Since that day, I want nothing more than find and kill all of Hippogriffs for what they have done to my family and home. So, both me and Lax joined the Imperial Phoenix Army to restore peace and order, and also get my revenge. But it wasn't enough to let go my hate and anger."

Years later during Three Kingdoms of Ma Period,

After the Battle of Southern Eagle Fort, Courage Tiger and Azure Phoenix have negotiated and made truce between two kingdoms. Both Aqua and Blazefist married as the symbol of peace and truce. They both have fallen in love, and eventually become the family. Aqua gave the birth of her first son - Ruby. This made Blazefist happy pony as he finally let go of his hatred on Hippogriffs and moved on.

"But that changed. Ever since Courage Tiger sent his sister Aqua to me for marriage and peace between our armies, I finally let go of my hate and moved on. We became family and finally have a son. I named him Ruby."

Six years later, Blazefist was summoned to the Xu Chang Palace. Azure Phoenix was being targeted and attacked by the Hippogriff Assassins. With the help from his allies, they both repel and defeated most of them. However, when Blazefist wasn't looking, the assassin was about to kill him. Instead, Ruby jumped and pushed his father aside, thus allowing himself to get stabbed through heart.

This shocked and scarred Blazefist, Aqua and even Imperial Phoenix Army to see Ruby get killed. Blazefist screamed in anger as he used the fire torch in killing the assassins. He turned and looked at Aqua, who was holding the dead body of her son. The rest of his allies and even Laxtinct lowered their heads down while cried tearfully for him. Blazefist gritted his teeth angrily as he has decided to take his revenge again.

"However, things went wrong. When Hippogriff Assassins were sent to assassinate Lord Azure Phoenix, I responded to it. I managed to defeat and kill them. But it comes with high cost. My son, just only 6 years old, got killed for trying to stop the assassin. That has crossed the line."

Blazefist requested the expedition, which Azure Phoenix understood and allowed him to deal with his hated enemies personally. And so, Blazefist led his army to village-by-village as he personally defeated and captured most of Hippogriffs. Once they all caged in, he personally lighted the torch on them as it slowly burnt them alive.

All Blazefist see and heard is the cries of his hatred enemies for responsible of his son's death. He has never forgive them ever since...

"My lord understands my anger and hatred. So, he allows me to deal with them personally until there was nothing left of them..."

Flashback Ends

Blazefist has finished his narration of his hatred over Hippogriffs. Most of Mane Six and their new friends were deeply shocked and concerned to hear the story. Dragon Strike Force remained firm and silent as they knew it's never been easy for the commander to forgive Hippogriffs over the death of his son.

"Wow... That's unbelievable..." Mullet commented in shock.

Boyle nodded in agreement, "Just imagine if any of us died by our hated enemy, we'd do anything to avenge them. Believe me. I wouldn't care until my enemy is dead."

Captain Celaeno sighed, "I'm so sorry to hear that, mates. It must be hard for three of you."

"Sister, you don't know the half of it," Laxtinct said in concern, "I wasn't even involved of crazy expedition, at all. But when Blazefist came back from his mission, he looked really crazy and mad pony like he's enjoy killing them."

Aqua sighed while looked away in concern and fear, "That's what scared us the most. I broke up with him and return home when my brother needs my help."

"Believe me, Aqua. I was ashamed of it," Blazefist said shamefully as he approached and gave his wife a hug, "I'm sorry for everything."

Aqua held Blazefist's hoof while smiling sadly, "I know. But we're together again. We have our own kid again."

Blazefist kissed Aqua's cheek, "This time, I'll keep her safe. You can count on it."

Aqua smiled, "I know."

"Yeah. Let us hope nothing bad happen to Indigo," Iris said mysteriously, alerting Shadow Dragon and Saber. She continued, "I hate to think of what the same enemy could have done to her."

Blazefist hummed in concern, "I know, Princess. But I'm confident that she's alright. She's got friends with her."

Aqua nodded firmly, "Plus, she's a tough girl. She's not only the Wonderbolt and Water Tiger Soldier. She's our daughter."

Iris smiled mysteriously, "I'm sure she is. She has your fire in her."

"Yeah, she does," Blazefist commented happily while blushed in red.

"Iris?" Shadow Dragon asked in confusion and worried.

"You noticed it?" Saber asked in concern while dragging his friend away. Shadow Dragon turned and looked at him in surprise. The detective nodded, "Yeah, I did. So, does Twilight, Applejack and the kids."

Shadow Dragon was in shock and concern to ask, "Why didn't they-?"

Saber interrupted, "I'll tell you later. But not now."

Twilight, Applejack and the children distanced themselves from the group. They continued to have their discussion.

Applejack narrowed her suspicious eyes, "I don't like how she talks. Like she's expecting something to happen."

"Me neither," Twilight agreed, "She knows something is about to happen. But how are we gonna make her talk?"

"I might have an idea. You might not like it," Lance said in concern. They looked at him. He gulped, "Dad has to make her love him, so she can spit it out."

"Lance!" Twilight snapped in annoyance.

Lance hissed in concern, "Hey! I'd never say it's a good idea. But it's the only way. We have to tell him the truth."

"You kidding me?" Spike said in concern, "If he doesn't believe in AJ or Dash about what Iris did to them both, what makes you think we can?!"

Applejack sighed, "Spike has the point. She managed to turn the truth on me, instead on her. She managed to turn the rest on Dash."

"He has to know it," Nyx said in concern. She sighed, "They have to know it."

"I wish I could tell them. But without proof, we can't convince our friends to help us," Twilight said in concern.

Applejack sighed, "Hope Saber find the evidence to prove that Iris is an impostor or being controlled by someone else. It's the only thing we can convince everyone that Iris can't be trusted."

"You and me both, AJ," Twilight said in concern.

Alerted by hearing a harmonically song in his ear, Tailtech asked, "Hey, guys. Did you hear something?"

While everyone was confused and uncertain of Tailtech's question as they disagreed, Flare Tiger listened carefully as well. She gasped, "I heard it too. Listen."

As instructed, Mane Six and their friends let their ears out as they listened carefully to whatever sound Tailtech and Flare Tiger have picked up with. They finally able to hear the sound. To their shock and surprise, they didn't expect someone humming calmly in deserted city. But where does it come from?

While listening to the source of sound, Icy turned and found something ahead. She saw a ruins of large ancient temple-like. She shouted, "The sound is coming from there!"

"What's in there?" Terrorcreep asked curiously yet seriously.

Shorty hummed, "Looks like a temple."

Soul Sweetie gasped, "The Hippogriff Sacred Temple?"

Roughneck hummed, "You don't think that-?"

"It has to be," Soul Sweetie said firmly.

"Let's check it out," Twilight said firmly.

"And remember, everyone, be on guard," Blazefist said firmly, "We're not alone..."

Everyone nodded firmly. Mane Six and their friends armed themselves with their weapons. While remaining vigilant and keeping their eyes out on danger, they slowly moved and approached to the old Hippogriff Sacred Temple. They entered it.

After entering the temple, Mane Six and their friends began passed through some debris and rubble of hallway. Few minutes have passed, they came across to a large ancient yet decorated chamber that was filled with a large pool of cleared water, some Hippogriff Statues and some waterfall. It also has a large magenta lotus pod in middle of lake. This was where the source of humming song comes from.

And to their surprise, they found a glowing yellowish figure was inside of it. She was singing and humming harmonically while taking a shower. Both Soul Sweetie and Roughneck seemed to recognize the figure.

And just before anyone could do anything, Roughneck shouted, "Cousin Skystar! You in there?!"

'Skystar' gasped, "Oh no!"

And just before anyone could stop and calm 'Skystar' down, the mysterious figure quickly escaped and disappeared from the lotus pod. Mane Six and their friends didn't get the chance to talk with her.

"Way to go, Roughneck! You scared her off!" Soul Sweetie scolded Roughneck, who was annoyed. She called, "Skystar! It's alright! It's us! It's Soul Sweetie and Roughneck!"

"What?!" 'Skystar' Voice asked in shock and surprise, "Soul Sweetie? Roughneck? Is that really you?"

"Yeah! It's us, cous!" Roughneck confirmed happily, "Your favorite rough and tough cousin is in the house!"

"No way!" 'Skystar' Voice exclaimed happily, "But who are they? What do they want?! How do I know I can trust them, cous?"

Mane Six and their friends looked uneasy and worried as they can't argue with 'Skystar' for the reasob. If they were in her positions, they would be suspicious and uncertain to trust some random strangers. How are they gonna convinced her to trust them?

"It's okay, cousin. They're with us," Soul Sweetie said calmly, "They can be trusted."

Roughneck nodded, "Yeah. They're our friends. They're the good guys too, just like-!"

Soul Sweetie nudged Roughneck's chest, silencing her. The greenish Seapony Sister groaned and glared at the pink one, who shook her head as she doesn't want to alert and scared 'Skystar' about Skullitron. It might give her wrong idea o scared her off.

'Skystar' hummed calmly, "Okay... So, what do they want here?"

"Please," Twilight pleaded sincerely and calmly, "The Storm King invaded our land. Our forces are doing their best to resist him until we find the Hippogriffs. We need their help."

'Skystar' gasped in shock and concern, "The Storm King?!"

While Mane Six and their friends were waiting still, the mysterious yellowish figure slowly emerged out from the top of left Hippogriff Statue. She flew down as she landed on the ground gently. She revealed herself to be a young yellow beautiful Hippogriff with blue curvy tail and mane with magenta colored rose on her on left, and also worn beautiful necklace of shells.

Mane Six and their allies gasped in surprise and shock to see a Hippogriff standing before them. Not only them, Laxtinct was stunned and touched by the beauty of the yellow Hippogriff especially her beautiful mane with flower. While blushed in red and awed happily yet cutely, Laxtinct can't help but falling in love with her. Aqua noticed his reaction as she smiled happily to noticed it while Blazefist was annoyed to see that.

"Cousins!" Skystar exclaimed happily. She charged and gave a tight yet happily and passionately hug to both Soul Sweetie and Roughneck, "I'm so glad I see you guys again! I can't believe that you're alive!"

"Alive?!" Soul Sweetie asked in surprise.

Roughneck groaned, "Seriously? I thought you guys knew!"

"Knew?! Are you kidding me?!" Skystar asked in shock and concern as she let her cousins go, "None of us knew you all were alive at all!"

Mane Six and their friends were in shock and surprise to hear what Skystar has said. Could Queen Novo deceived her own kind from knowing that the Seaponies are rescued and sheltered by AxeKnight Warriors Corp?!

Skystar turned to her new friends. She shook their hooves and claws, and even Blazefist and lovely dozed Laxtinct while greeted happily, "It's so nice to meet you all in pony! So hard to believe that I'm actually meeting some creatures, who are Storm King's enemies and coming here to find us! Thank goodness that you came! Otherwise, I'd be going crazy!"

"Hate to be rude. But can you take us to the queen?" Iris asked in concern.

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Yeah. We don't have much time."

"Of course! Of course! Don't worry! I'll take you all to my mom! Promised!" Skystar exclaimed happily, "Just follow me!"

"Her mom?" Mane Six and their friends asked in surprise.

"Yeah! My mom is Queen Novo!" Skystar exclaimed happily, "And so, I'm the princess."

Mane Six and their friends were in surprise and shock to hear it. Laxtinct chuckled happily, "Wow. She's the princess? That's something..."

Pinkie giggled, "Yeah. And it's not even in the script for us to find out about her! But who cares?"

"Follow me! You're gonna love this ride!" Princess Skystar exclaimed

Needing the Hippogriffs' help and relic, Mane Six and their friends went and followed Princess Skystar as they headed towards the large white tiger-like statue. She pulled the string down, activating its mouth and revealed a hidden passage.

"Alright! This is it!" Princess Skystar exclaimed happily. She squealed happily, "This is gonna be fun!"

Mane Six and their friends took a peek on the White Tiger's mouth as it was leading into deep of the abyss. While Mane Six, the children and even Capper were scared and worried of what they were looking at, Dragon Strike Force and the pirates remained firm and brave.

"I hate to ask. Where does this lead to?" Rarity asked fearfully.

Fluttershy quivered in fear, "It doesn't look safe."

"Who knows?! It could be fun!" Pinkie cheered happily. Most of everyone groaned in annoyance about her randomly remark. She looked confuse and asked, "What?"

"Never mind," Shorty said in annoyance as he turned to Princess Skystar, "Are you sure it's safe?"

Princess Skystar hummed thoughtfully before giggled, "One way to find out. Here I go! Woohoo!"

And just before anyone asked, Princess Skystar jumped and dived through the Mouth of White Tiger Statue. This shocked and concerned Mane Six and their friends as they have no idea if they should go in or not.

"HEY! YOU COMING IN OR WHAT?!" Princess Skystar's Voice called.

While everyone was still uncertain and worried, Pinkie giggled, "You heard her! Cannonball!"

"Pinkie Wait!" Twilight protested in concern. Unfortunately, Pinkie dived into the Mouth of White Tiger. She groaned in annoyance, "I hate it when she does that."

"Don't worry. it's safe to use it, even though it's dark and long way to the Hidden City," Soul Sweetie said calmly. Everyone turned and looked at her. She giggled uneasily, "I kinda just remember now."

"Now you tell us..." Applejack said in annoyance.

Roughneck groaned, "You have no idea."

"Alright, everyone, let's move out now!" Blazefist said firmly, "We don't have much time."

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Yeah. Tempest and her crew will be here soon. Better follow them and find Queen Novo now."

Twilight groaned in defeat, "Good point. Hopefully, nothing's bad happens when we're going in that thing, even though it might be scary."

Rarity groaned, "I hate epic adventures."

"Quit complaining, Rarity," Shorty snapped in annoyance.

And so, Mane Six and their friends jumped and entered the Mouth of White Tiger at once. And at the same time, they all screamed fearfully, happily and wildly. The Mouth of White Tiger closed its mouth at once.

SCREAMED! Mane Six and their friends were screaming and crying in shock and fear, though some like Pinkie, Flare Tiger, Rainbow, Aqua, the pirates and the children were having fun. They were sliding down through a long yet complex and spiral slides while avoiding both flying bats and dropping spikes.

After minutes have passed, Mane Six and their friends were reaching the end of ride. They just have gotten over the tallest hill as they dived straight towards the cave. They all screamed in shock and concern as they entered it. Upon ramming and knocking something very large and hard, all of them groaned and moaned in pain.

Mane Six and their friends were still recovering and getting up from the ground slowly. All of them were still in pain. They turned and looked at Princess Skystar, who smiled uneasily and awkwardly.

"Sorry about that," Princess Skystar apologized uneasily, "But that's the safest way to get here than going through the whirlpool. But trust me, you won't make it out alive if you don't have the Pearl of Transformation or gills."

Laxtinct laughed happily while smiled widely, "No problem, pretty bird. It's quite fun."

"FUN?!" Most of Mane Six and their friends asked in shock and annoyance while some asked happily and playfully.

Princess Skystar giggled happily as she helped Laxtinct, "You're a funny pony. But thanks. I knew making friends like you is fun and better than cooping inside here. I was so bored and crazy. Trust me. It's not very healthy."

Laxtinct chuckled happily, "No problem. Happy to have date with you." Princess Skystar looked surprise and confuse. He cleared his throat, "I mean 'fun' with you! That's what I mean."

Princess Skystar giggled again, "Definitely funny guy I ever met. I loved funny guys."

Laxtinct sighed, "And I like pretty birdies..."

Mane Six and their friends couldn't help but feel their hearts being touched and also awed happily and cutely. Iris gave disgust looks to other side. Blazefist was annoyed to see it while Aqua sighed happily.

"Well, what do you know," Aqua commented.

Blazefist groaned, "Unbelievable..."

"Come on." Princess Skystar said happily as she led her new friends out of the cavern, where she shown them to hidden and ancient yet beautiful decoratively Hippogriff's Aztec City-like. She smiled, "Welcome to the Hidden City, my friends!"

Mane Six and their friends awed and chatted in amazement and surprise upon looking at the Hidden City. Princess Skystar then led and guide them straight to the majestic decorated European Themed Castle-like. While walking through the city street, they found some Hippogriffs and the children, who were running and hiding behind the houses and city blocks.

Mane Six and their friends can't help but feel worry and uneasy yet understanding that the Hippogriffs have never met and encounter some strangers before in their life.

Aqua approached to Blazefist, "Now, Blazefist, just remember of what we're supposed to do."

Blazefist groaned, "You don't have to tell me twice, Aqua. I won't try to kill them. Promised."

"I know," Aqua said calmly, "I just need to remind you again. If you do it, I'll give you a knuckle sandwich! Got it?!"

Blazefist nodded nervously and fearfully while the rest of his friends chatted and snickered amusingly and playfully about him get scolded and owned by his wife. Nevertheless, they have arrived and entered the palace.

After entering the palace, Princess Skystar led Mane Six and their friends into the throne chamber, which was filled with dark blue walls, some bouquets of purple and greenish flowers, the floor was filled with decorated white flower patterns, hallway of several blue decorated ancient pillars with purple flower-like lamps, several emptied portrait frames on the walls, and top of the chamber was a purple flower-like throne chair with decorated window and on top of it was a beautiful white decorated chandelier with several hanging lamps. It was also filled with Hippogriff Elite Guards.

While Mane Six and their friends marveled and complimented on the decoration of throne chamber, they were heading towards the throne chair, where the Queen of Hippogriffs was sitting and sleeping peacefully on it. She was none other than Queen Novo.

Princess Skystar flew towards her sleeping mother. She then exclaimed happily, "Mother, look what I found!"

"Is it another shell?" Queen Novo asked dryly yet sleepily.

"Nope." Princess Skystar answered happily.

"Because I am telling you if it is another shell, I am—" Queen Novo was interrupted upon opening her eyes and looking at Mane Six and their friends. She gasped loudly in shock as he sat up straight. She turned and glared at her daughter, "Princess Skystar, whatta you done?! You know the outsiders are forbidden here! Guards!"

As responded, the Hippogriff Elite Guards armed themselves with their spears and pikes. They aimed their weapons at Mane Six and their friends. They were in deep shock and concern.

"Oh snaps!" Capper gulped in fear.

Captain Celaeno hissed, "You could say that again, kitty. And we haven't even start making trouble or looting their booties."

"So much for a welcoming committee..." Blazefist asked dryly. He turned and looked at his friends especially his brother. He asked "You sure you want them on our side. I rather have them roasted before they finished us off."

Laxtinct groaned, "Will you give it a rest?! They're protective, and plus, they haven't seen the daylight since Storm King conquered the Hippogriffia."

"He does have the point," Twilight agreed in concern, "If it were to us, we would do the same thing."

"Well, hopefully, they won't try to kill us," Rainbow said in concern.

"It's not them we should be worry about," Shadow Dragon said firmly while looking at Blazefist.

Aqua nodded understandingly, "Yeah. That's what worried me the most. I just hope he won't try to burnt out in rage."

Applejack hissed as she looked at Queen Novo's angry looks, "Yeah. And I don't think she's in mood to talk with us."

"We'd better do something now," Terrorcreep snarled dryly, "I don't like playing nice with them..."

"Terrorcreep, no fighting. We're here to make friends, not enemies," Fluttershy scolded firmly, "Please restrain your urge of fighting and overprotective of me."

Terrorcreep groaned, "I was just doing my job, you know."

The Hippogriff Elite Guards were getting close to Mane Six and their friends. They were about to put shackles on the heroes. Princess Skystar gasped in shock and concern as she flew to them for their aid.

"No no n-no! M-M-Mom, please! It is so not like that!" Princess Skystar pleaded, "The Storm King and Dark Mystic Ponies are trying to destroy their home, too! And also, Cousin Soul Sweetie and Roughneck are here!"

Queen Novo gasped in shock while looking at her daughter. Princess Skystar nodded happily as she pointed at Mane Six and their friends, where she spotted her Seapony Nieces among them.

"It is you! Guards, lower your weapons!" Queen Novo ordered. As commanded, her Hippogriff Elite Guards stand down. She flew down and approached to her nieces, "Soul Sweetie! Roughneck! You're both alright! I am so glad to see you're both-!"

"Wow! You got the nerve saying 'glad to see us both alive'!" Roughneck snapped angrily.

Queen Novo looked confuse and upset, "I don't understand."

Soul Sweetie explained, "Aunt Novo, Roughneck was talking about us and Seapony being rescued by Skullitron and AxeKnight Warriors when you weren't there for us."

Hippogriff Elite Guards and Servants gasped in shock and concern. They all muttered and chatted. This surprised and also made Mane Six and their friends suspicious that Queen Novo didn't tell anyone about it.

"So... It is true..." Queen Novo said in shock and concern. She sighed, "I am so sorry, honey. I really am. I thought Skullitron was trying to trick me. He tried to make me laid down my guard, so he can take me out and get the relic."

"You did a lot of worse, you know," Roughneck snarled angrily.

Queen Novo sighed in defeat and shame, "I know. But after hearing the news about Seaquestria's Fall, I couldn't risk sending my guards to search and rescue. I only assume that all of you were killed and captured as slaves. And even if I did, I fear of traps for us. I couldn't risk my subject's safety."

Mane Six and their friends couldn't believe in their eyes and ears. Queen Novo chose to leave Seaponies and even her own relatives behind for her subject's protection. Not only that, she also refused to come and collect them after learning Skullitron and his AxeKnight Warriors rescued them.

"I don't believe it..." Soul Sweetie said in shock yet angry, "So, you just abandon us?!"

Roughneck screamed in frustration, "Do you even have any idea of what we all have been through?!" Queen Novo remained silent. She continued angrily and tearfully, "If not for Skullitron rescued and kept us safe, then we wouldn't be here to tell you off for how much we hate you for abandoning us, letting us die and even insulting our friend and father figure! You honestly think that we're cool with what you have to do?! Do you think we're gonna forgive you after three damn years?!"

Queen Novo shook her head in shame, "No, I don't. But I will say this, honey. I will never stop thinking and missing you all especially my little brother. He hasn't been himself since the Fall of Seaquestria. He missed and loved his family so much. He'd do anything to be with them."

"Yeah, right..." Roughneck remarked sarcastically.

Princess Skystar spoke, "It's true. Mom and Uncle Skybeak do care. But because Storm King and Dark Mystic Ponies, we didn't have much choice but to stay hidden until they're gone or at least, some good creatures to come and find us. Please, don't be mad at my mom, cousins."

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck were still heartache and angry to forgive Queen Novo. The elder Seapony spoke, "We can't forgive you for what you did. But we understand, Aunt Novo."

Roughneck scoffed, "We're making sure that you won't bail on us."

"Thank you..." Queen Novo said in relief. She turned and looked at Mane Six and their allies. She asked, "And I assumed that you all are from both Equestria and Mystic Realm?"

Twilight nodded, "Yes. Yes, we are."

"I can only assumed that you came here to ask our help?" Queen Novo asked. Mane Six and their friends nodded happily. She sighed, "I'm sorry. I can't."

While everyone was in shock and concern, Blazefist spoke, "Wow. The Queen of Hippogriff denied our request? That's a surprise. Seeing you and your kind always run with your tail between your legs."

Laxtinct groaned, "Duh! Again?!"

Flare Tiger yelped, "Bad move, Blazefist!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Aqua asked in annoyance, "You wanna do it again, Blazefist?!"

Angered by his insult, Queen Novo turned and glared at Blazefist. She gasped, "'The Scourge of Hippogriffs'?! Here?! In my Hidden City?!"

Hippogriffs Guards and Servants especially Princess Skystar gasped in shock and concern. They all muttered and chatted in concern while looking at Blazefist. The Princess of Hippogriffs approached to Laxtinct.

"You didn't tell me that he's the 'Scourge of Hippogriffs'?!" Princess Skystar demanded in shock.

Laxtinct chuckled uneasily, "Slip my mind. Sorry."

Queen Novo growled as she jumped and landed before Blazefist. The Queen of Hippogriffs angrily glared at the Commander of Dragon Strike Force, who remained firm and serious while putting up his Fire Fist. The rest of his friends backed off while readied themselves to stop the fight. The Hippogriff Guards did the same thing as well.

"Have you come to finish us?!" Queen Novo demanded angrily. She then screeched angrily at Blazefist, "If so, Scourge; I will fight you to protect and keep my subjects safe . I will not let my kind be massacred again! That is my promise"

Aqua approached and tried stop her husband. But instead, he halted her by his gesture of hoof. Blazefist glared at Queen Novo and spoke dryly, "If I want you dead, then I would have done so many years ago and not today. And besides, I am not here for revenge."

"Is that so? What are you here for?"

"What do you think? You already heard what your kid has said?"

"And again, no," Queen Novo answered firmly, "What makes you think I would trust your kind again?"

Mane Six and their allies were in shock and surprised by Queen Novo's phrase about 'trust your kind again'. Did something bad happen to her when she encountered the pony? Or is it because of Blazefist that she refused to trust outsiders?

"'Trust your kind again'?" Twilight asked in shock and confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Shadow Dragon asked.

Saber hummed in concern, "You're not talking about Blazefist, aren't you?"

"No. I was talking about the scared purple pony and a hedgehog. They deceived us all. They are the ones, who let the enemies in and conquered our home. They also forced us to run and hid beneath the city." Queen Novo said angrily. The revelation shocked and concerned Mane Six and their friends they knew the description well. She noticed it, "I assumed you know them well?"

"Yeah. They're Commander Tempest and Grubber. They both worked for Storm King," Applejack said firmly.

Fluttershy nodded fearfully, "Yeah. They're not very nice but scary and dangerous too. They're the ones, who led our enemies to invade and conquer our home."

"Not to mention, my mane and hooves are a mess!" Rarity complained angrily. Everyone turned and looked at her oddly. She yelped, "What?! It is true!"

Shorty groaned, "Honestly, Rarity."

"When she ever stop doing that?" Tailtech asked in annoyance.

Icy sighed, "Probably never, Tailtech."

"And also, the reason why we're here to ask you guys to help us and handover the Orb to us," Rainbow added firmly.

The Hippogriffs gasped in shock and concern to hear it. They all chatted and muttered in concern, once again. And this time, they're talking and discussing about 'The Orb of Lost Soul'.

"So, you're here for the ancient relic?" Queen Novo asked curiously yet suspiciously. Twilight nodded in confirmation. She sighed, "You're not the only group, who wanted the Orb. Skullitron, Storm King and even Dark Curse wanted it too."

"Really?" Mane Six and their friends asked in shock.

Princess Skystar nodded fearfully, "Oh yeah. And trust me, it wasn't very good. They won't stopped until they get the Orb."

"Well, you don't have to worry about Skullitron. He's on our side," Roughneck said confidently.

Soul Sweetie nodded in agreement, "Yeah. All he wants is the Orb of Lost Souls, so his alliance with us will be complete."

"Really? Did Skullitron tell you about the Orb of Lost Souls?" Queen Novo asked firmly.

Twilight nodded, "He did. He told us that the relic is the key of helping us to get victory. It's also the reason of helping Mystic Guardian to win the Multiverse War."

"Yeah." Shadow Dragon agreed, "With it, we might able to defeat our enemies and save Equestria."

"Then, all of us can lie happily ever after! The end!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

The rest of their friends chatted and confirmed with Twilight and Shadow Dragon's stories.

"So, he did not tell you the truth..." Queen Novo said suspiciously. She turned to the dark blue colored Hippgriff Guard, "Stratus Skyranger, bring me the Orb of Lost Soul."

Stratus Skyranger gasped, "My lady, are you certain of this? You know that Orb is-!"

"I know. They don't. I must show them why," Queen Novo said firmly.

Stratus Skyranger nodded reluctantly. He flew off to another chamber. He returned as he brought the ancient box. He passed it to Queen Novo. She opened it. It revealed itself to be a dark crimson colored orb with demonic and scary skull with twin horns attaching it with strange dark essence-like flowing around it eerily and scarily. And there were ancient scriptures in there as well.

Mane Six and their friends looked shock and surprise to see it. And at the same time, they felt disturbing dark and eerily, and also hissing cold yet burning flames around the Orb of Lost Soul. Iris didn't seem to be affected as she remained calm yet happy and amused when looking at the Orb. Something isn't right with it.

"You felt it?" Lance asked in concern.

Nyx nodded fearfully, "Yeah. I'd never felt this kind before in my life."

"Me too," Spike agreed, "I don't think I'm gonna like this one."

Twilight hummed in concern while looking at the Orb of Lost Souls, "Something tells me that this Orb is not what it seems to be. And I don't think I'd like to know what it really does."

"Neither us do, Twilight." Applejack agreed in concern, "I don't feel good when I'm close to it."

Looking at Iris's mysteriously remained calm and relax, Shadow Dragon became uneasy and worried as he muttered in concern,

"Behold. The Orb of Lost Soul," Queen Novo sighed while showing the box of both the Orb of Lost Soul to her guests. She continued seriously and firmly, "It is time I tell you the secret behind this Orb. And also the reason why we are its guardians and also, why it must be protected."

Stratus Skyranger and his guards held some ancient slabs for Queen Novo explained and talked about the Orb of Lost Souls. And just before Queen Novo could narrate, Princess Skystar started at once while pointing at the first slab. It revealed picture of Mystic Heaven and Apocalypse Devil were at war against each other.

"Once upon a time, like, very and very long time ago, Mystic God and Demon God started the war with each other. They also created their own generals - Mystic Guardians and Chaos Heralds. They have been at war for a very, very long time." Princess Skystar explained happily and calmly. She then proceed to another slab, which shown Chaos Heralds were creating new weapon - Orb, "And in order to win this battle, the Chaos Heralds have decided that they create a new weapon of mass destruction for turning the tide. And, so they created the Orb of Lost Souls."

Mane Six and their friends gasped in shock and concern of what they just heard. The Orb of Lost Soul was created by Chaos Heralds for war?!

Queen Novo nodded, "It's true, honey. It's very true."

Princess Skystar turned to another slab, which scared her the most. It revealed of Chaos Heralds used the Orb of Lost Souls on both soldiers and innocents. Their souls were extracted out and absorbed within the orb by force. The Orb of Lost Souls empowered them into powerful strong warriors as they began slaughtered and destroyed most of their enemies. They even used it for dark ritual for resurrection or destruction. Seeing ancient scriptures have scared Mane Six and their friends, and even the children.

Princess Skystar sighed, "After the weapon of mass destruction finally created, Chaos Heralds tested and used it on some large numbers of soldiers, innocents, animals and more. The Orb's power is to extract out and absorbed the souls by force, ending the battle very soon. Not only that, the Orb can also make the Chaos Heralds more powerful and dangerous, and also for feeding them and ritual. Therefore, it was dubbed as 'The Orb of Lost Souls' for taking the souls away."

Mane Six and their friends were deeply shocked and scared to hear the story. They couldn't believe of what they just saw and heard of.

"But not for long. After Yami lost Hikari to Kyuubi Lilith, he betrayed his own kind by stealing and delivering the Orb of Lost Soul to Mystic Guardians for surrendering and joining their sides," Princess Skystar smiled as she looked at another slab, involving of Yami and his army changed sides and helped Mystic Guardians by getting the Orb of Lost Souls and defeated most of Chaos Heralds. She continued, "And in the end, the Mystic Guardians won the Multiverse War! Demon God and his Chaos Heralds are defeated, imprisoned and banished to different world. Never ever heard again."

Queen Novo nodded in confirmation, "Even though the Chaos Heralds are gone for good, Mystic Guardians feared that they will return someday. And so, they entrusted the group of fierce and protective creatures to guard the Orb of Lost Souls, at all cost. If anyone ever get the claws on it, the world will be at the end. All will be lost."

Mane Six and their friends were still in shock and concern as they couldn't believe it. The Orb of Lost Soul belonged to Chaos Heralds, and not Mystic Guardians. They can't believe that Skullitron didn't tell them about the Orb.

"I hope you understand this, everyone," Queen Novo said calmly, "No one can control it because the Orb will corrupt and kill you, by the second you tried to touch and hold it. Only Mystic Guardians and Chaos Heralds can. It's too dangerous to be used to fight the enemies."

"Never thought the treasure can be evil and curse," Captain Celaeno said in concern.

Lix groaned, "I hate evil treasure..."

Capper hissed, "Yeah. Worse than Misfortune Malachite."

"I can't believe it..." Twilight said in shock and concern.

"Me neither," Blazefist said in concern, "I'd never thought that the Orb of Lost Souls is actually Chaos Herald's relic, not Mystic Guardians'. This could be a problem..."

"Yeah..." Shadow Dragon agreed in fear, "Damn it. This isn't good."

Applejack sighed, "I knew Skullitron can't be trusted. I knew he lied to us!"

"He couldn't have!" Nyx protested, "He was so nice and good to us."

Spike nodded, "Yeah. He really did lots and lots of good things. He can't be working with Storm King or even wanted to conquer the land. He's not the bad guy!"

"He must have a good reason to do it," Fluttershy said in concern.

Pinkie nodded, "Yeah. He did help Yami to join and side with Mystic Guardians to win the war, you know."

"If so, then he wouldn't have bother and demand us to give the Orb of Lost Soul back to him!" Queen Novo snapped firmly, "His master entrusted it to Mystic Guardians, who put us as the guardians of the Orb. And under no circumstances, we will not let anyone get it, even though it did belong to Yami."

"Aunt Novo..." Soul Sweetie said in shock and concern.

Roughneck snarled, "How dare you?!"

"I understand you two are indebted to Skullitron for saving and protecting you both." Queen Novo said sympathetically. She sighed, "But he is using you to get me to give up the Orb of Lost Soul to him. And there is no telling what plans he may have for the Orb. Or worse, the Storm King and Dark Curse might have the chance to ambush and get the Orb. I cannot risk it. You must understand this."

Roughneck groaned in frustration, "This is so unfair. I hate turning back on him! He-!"

Soul Sweetie interrupted and spike to Roughneck, "I know, Roughneck. But Aunt Novo was right about the Orb. It's too dangerous to be used for fighting against the enemies."

Princess Skystar sighed, "I know it's rough and frustrating. But it's for the best, cousins."

Mane Six and their friends were still upset that they cannot use the Orb of Lost Souls for fighting against their enemies and also gained Skullitron's alliance.

"But you will join and help us, right?" Twilight asked hopefully.

Aqua nodded firmly, "Yeah. We have come a long way to get here."

"Storm King and Dark Curse will finished their conquest on both Equestria and Mystic Realm soon," Shadow Dragon said firmly, "We need all the help we can get to save our homes before it's too late."

"We need your help, Queen Novo." Icy pleaded, "Please, help us."

Iris nodded firmly, "You can't just ignore this. Our home needs help now."

Queen Novo sighed in defeat, "Honey, I'm sorry about your home. I truly am. But my responsibility is to protect my subjects." She closed the box as she passed it to Stratus Skyrangers. She continued, "And I must keep the Orb of Lost Soul locked away and guarded. It is not going anywhere."

Stratus Skyrangers left the chamber as he returned to the Vault, where he stored and kept the Orb of Lost Souls within.

"What?!" Lance, Nyx and Spike asked in shock, "No!"

Rarity gasped, "I can't believe it."

"You can't be serious!" Rainbow asked in shock and upset.

Fluttershy cried tearfully, alerting her husband to comfort her. She remarked sadly, "No. This can't be happening."

"So, that's it?" Blazefist asked dryly, "You decide to hide here while letting your friends and allies died?! And not to mention, you won't even take your arms and fight back?! You and your guys are bunch of cowardly assholes!"

Terrorcreep nodded firmly and darkly, "Some leader you are. At least, there are some brave leaders and heroes are willing to stand up for others, unlike you."

"No kidding. You are nothing like any of them," Saber said firmly.

"Guys, remain calm!" Shorty exclaimed in concern, "Don't antagonize her! We still need her help!"

Queen Novo was angered by the insults. She remained calm and firm, "Then, so be it. I rather be a coward than be a brave fool to get killed for strangers like you."

"But still, you can't just hide down here! Trapped forever!" Applejack insisted firmly, "There's so much you're missing!"

Pinkie nodded happily, "Yeah! If you help us, then you're gonna get some awesome party!"

"Trust me. Pinkie Pie is the best party planner in the world," Flare Tiger insisted happily, "Whatever you need, she will get it done for one day. You'll be in big surprise."

"Not to mention, we're gonna be best friends for life!" Laxtinct exclaimed happily. He then held Princess Skystar close to him, "And did I say that your daughter is the most beautiful Hippogriff I ever seen? I really do believe it! Everyone will think so too!"

Princess Skystar awed happily, "That's sweet of you."

"Won't you try it?" Tailtech asked hopefully.

Hippogriffs including Princess Skystar chatted and muttered in concern yet curious. They wondered if they should go and help the ponies to save their home from both Storm King and Dark Curse. And not to mention, they should try and checkout on new world as well. Capper, Captain Celaeno and her crew, and even Seapony Sisters nodded and chatted in agreement with their pony friends about helping them.

Queen Novo remained firm and serious with her thinking. She sighed, "The answer is still no. I will not send help to your home." Her answer shock and upset Mane Six and their friends. She then passed by the ponies, "I shall let you all sleep here for one night. By dawn, I want all of you to leave and return home. In the end, all of us lose, no matter how hard you try..."

Queen Novo exited and left the throne chamber. Mane Six and their friends can't help but feel upset, angry, sad and disappointed. They unable to secure Queen Novo's alliance and cooperation, and not even the Orb of Lost Souls. They have failed their mission. It means the Equestria will be doom, without reinforcement and help now! What will they do now?

To be Continued...

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