• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,748 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

Code Purple

After the disaster that was the trip to the mall, Ember, Fluttershy, Aria, and Sonata arrived at Spike's house. When they reached the pathway to the front door, all the girls that didn't live there were shocked to see how big it was. "Come on in, we need to have a talk with Celestia and Luna." Said Ember as she motioned for the group to enter the home.

"Wait, Principles Celestia and Luna, how are they related to all of this?" Asked Fluttershy, completely forgetting that Spike told her that they were his mother and aunt.

Ember sighed. "Their Spike's mother and aunt." Said Ember as she pulled out a key and opened the door. Ember walked into the house. When she did, Ember noticed that Celestia and Luna were sitting at the dinner table, going through some paperwork. Ember stayed in the doorway not wanting to just come in and show the others. "Hey, Celestia, Luna." Said Ember as she waved to the women.

The two looked at Ember. "Hello Ember, how did the shopping for your room go, and where is Spike?" Asked Celestia.

Ember rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, about that..."

Luna sighed. "What happened? Did Spike accidently start a fire in the mall, did someone figure out his identity, or did Discord call him to the DDC for some test?" Asked Luan. These three responses were the usual questions when Spike is nowhere to be found, so right now is the perfect time.

"Number 2." Said Ember.

Both women stood up from their seats in shock. "Who!?" Yelled both women, as they needed to get ready for the aftermath.

Ember moved out of the door and showed Fluttershy, Aria, and Sonata standing there. "um...hi." Said Fluttershy, as she tried to wave and hide behind Ember at the same time.

Celestia looked at the trio of girls in the door, and then to Luna. "Luna, how about you make the call, and I'll handle this." Luna nodded as she pulled out her phone. But before she could call Discord, to get the memory remover warmed up. Her phone started to chime. She was getting a call from Spike, and it was clear, that it was Spike calling, as a picture of when Spike was 8 and the two of them were just sitting together as Spike was telling her a story, showed up on the screen.

Luna answered the phone. "Spike, we have a Code Purple, stay away from the house." Said Luna, warning Spike to stay away.

"What, who found out!?" Asked Spike yelling just to be heard over the wind, and because he was shocked.

Luna answered. "One of your classmates, I think her names, Fluttershy, and two other girls I have never seen before."

"Fluttershy?! Crap." Groaned Spike.

Ember walked over to Luna and motioned for Luna to hand the phone over to her. Luna did so and Ember started to talk. "Spike, it's Ember. So yeah, as it turns out, Fluttershy saw us at the mall. She tried to talk with us, but then we left for the trap. Then the trap happened, and she hid. She saw everything, and I promised her that I would explain everything when it was safe. After what you told me about what happens to people who find out, I thought it would be for the best to isolate her."

Spike groaned. "Good but take away her phone and keep her away from any computers until this is resolved. I'm not taking the chance of this getting out again, I don't want to leave again." Spike looked around at the area he was flying above. "Me and Adagio are about 2 minutes from the house, we'll be landing in the backyard once we know it’s safe, just relax and keep everyone calm. How are my mom and aunt taking the news?" Asked Spike.

Ember shrugged. "Well enough, at least, I think they are. Luna was about to make a call before you called her."

"Yeah, she was probably going to call Discord. Just... Look, give the phone to my mom and I'll explain everything to everyone when I get home." Said Spike.

Ember looked at Celestia. "He wants to talk to you." Said Ember holding out the phone to Celestia.

She took the phone. "Yes?"

"Mom, don't do anything rash, I'm on my way home..." Spike looked down to the ground. "Actually, I'm right above the house right now and it's clear, wait a moment." Said Spike as he hung up the phone. He looked at Adagio who was hovering in the sky next to him. "Ok, we're clear for landing. The moment we get to the ground, change back into your human form." Said Spike, Adagio nodded. The two started their descent.

Celestia was watching Spike and Adagio land in the back yard from the window in the dining area. Her jaw was slack at the sight of her son and a siren landing in the backyard. She watched as Adagio changed back into her human form, and Spike retracting his wings. This left his back purple, but now that they were home it was fine. Spike sighed when he saw his mother looking out the window. Spike and Adagio walked to the back door and Spike opened it. The two walked into the house, Spike looked at his mother. "Yeah, I kinda screwed up today. Where is Fluttershy, I need to explain some stuff?" Asked Spike.

Celestia pointed to the couch where Luna, Ember, Fluttershy, Sonata, and Aria were all sitting quietly. Spike nodded as he placed the bag he was carrying on the ground. Adagio walked into the house and noticed Celestia.

"Um... Hi, I'm with him." Said Adagio as she pointed to Spike. Celestia nodded as Adagio walked over to the couch and took the open space next to her sisters. Celestia closed her jaw and walked over to the group. She also sat on the couch next to Luna. Now that everyone was there the u-shaped couch was full. From right to left, it was Celestia, Luna, Ember, Fluttershy, Aria, Sonata, and Adagio. Spike was sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the open area, right in front of Fluttershy.

"Hey, Flutters." Greeted Spike, worried about how this conversation is going to go.

Fluttershy looked at Spike. "Spike." Said Fluttershy with a small smile. "So..."

Spike chuckled. "So..." He sighed. "First off, do you know 'why' the war with the dragons ended when it did?"

Fluttershy nodded hesitantly. "Um... They said that the Dragon King, Bahamut, fell in love with a human princess from a small unknown country, and to ensure the safety of his love, he ended the war. But the identity of that princess was kept secret from the public, for her safety." She looked at Spike hoping that was what he wanted to hear.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, that's what everyone knows. But the truth is, Bahamut fell in love with a normal everyday woman, not some princess from a far-off country. That woman was my mother, Celestia."

Fluttershy looked over at Celestia, who only nodded in response. She looked back at Spike, waiting to hear more. "So, once the war was over, Bahamut used the power of the Bloodstone Scepter, an item of magical powers that's passed down from one Dragon King to the next as the sign of their rule, to change his appearance into that of a human. He then started dating my mother, they dated for a while, and their love grew as large as any dragon, so they decided to get married, where Bahamut was having a problem with his tie, but that's another story. Soon after they got married, they started trying to have a child. They were so happy to find out that Celestia was pregnant, but no one knew what the child would be. would they look like a dragon or a human?"

Spike sighed as he willed his arm to change into a dragon’s arm. His entire arm turned purple, as his nails sharpened into claws. Once the change was finished, he showed it to Fluttershy. "Turns out, it was kinda in the middle." Joked Spike.

Fluttershy gasped as she reached for the arm, Spike let her take it, now she could examine it. "So, you’re the son of our principle and the king of dragons?" Spike nodded. "But what about the DDC, aren't you afraid they will try and hunt you down?" Asked Fluttershy.

Celestia, Luna, Ember and Spike laughed at the question. To prove her point, Celestia moved over to the fire place. She then placed her hand on a group of bricks. "Fluttershy, the truth is, the DDC was created to protect Spike." Suddenly the fireplace split open and revealed a large room full of guns.

Spike sighed. "So, you found the armory." Celestia nodded. Spike looked at Fluttershy. "So, after I was born, I looked like a normal human, but if anyone ever found out about who was, or who I am related to, my life would be in danger. So, all the governments of the world came together, and they started the DDC in order to make sure my life was secure. If it was not, then nothing would stop my father from starting another war." Said Spike.

Luna started to explain. "At first the DDC had only one order, make sure Spike was safe, but once his powers manifested that changed to train him, in case of a rogue dragon attack."

"What kind of powers?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well, when I was 2, my powers manifested for the first time. It was Christmas, and I was playing with a new toy my Uncle got me, but I was still young, and I accidently hit my head on the coffee table that we had. I got upset and somehow, I broke the coffee table into pieces, using my dragon strength. Then I set it on fire, using my fire..." Said Spike as he shot a small flame out of his mouth. "...And lastly, I decided to take a post tantrum nap in the fire, thanks to my dragon scales." Said Spike as he took back his arm and changed it back to normal.

Fluttershy took a few deep breaths, once she was ready, she asked her next question. “Who knows about you, aside from the DDC and your family?"

"Well, all dragons know who I am, to a degree at least, seeing as I'm their prince. But the only non-agent human that knows right now is only you." Said Spike.

"Wait, I'm the only non-agent?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike nodded as he motioned to the others. "Ember is a dragoness, that my father granted a portion of the Bloodstone's magic, to allow her to change into a human. She is actually the captain of the royal dragon guard, and my personal guard, among other things." Spike then pointed to the trio of girls on the couch. "These three girls are actually Sirens, a sub species of dragons, the one with the large orange hair is Adagio Dazzle, the one with the two pony tails is named Aria Blaze and the last one with the single ponytail is Sonata Dusk, they all hail from Clan Harmony. And yes, the name is the same as the monster from mythology, and again yes for the same reason, but instead of making humans fall in love with them, they create anger when they sing. But it only works on those with weak wills." Said Spike, he looked at Fluttershy. "So, knowing all of this, how are you doing?"

Fluttershy looked at Ember and the trio that were next to her on the couch. She took another deep breath. "I'm ok with this, I've gotten to know Spike and Ember this week, and they are nothing like what the media or the history books say dragons are like. But that still doesn't explain why you three are here." Said Fluttershy as she looked at the Dazzlings.

Celestia sighed as she retook her position on the couch next to Luna. "Yes, I'm curious to know this as well. So, one of you, please tell me why there are three dragonesses, that I don't know, sitting in my living room?" Asked Celestia.

Spike sighed. "Well, it turns out their runaways."

The trio nodded. "Our clan leader wanted to marry us off to dragons, but all of them were not right for us, and in one case he was gay. So, we decided to run away, but there are very few places a dragon can escape their Clan in the dragon lands. So, after finding the resolve, we decided to make a break for the one place we knew we would be safe. The Human World." Said Adagio.

"Yeah, plus we always wanted to meet Prince Spike." Said Sonata

Adagio groaned "But mostly the whole marriage thing."

Luna sighed. "So, where have you girls been living since you crossed over? I doubt it was a hotel, seeing as you didn't have any human money, and camping out would be too suspicious, with the fire."

Aria sighed. "We've been living in a cave at the base of Mount Canterlot."

Luna and Celestia gasped. "WHAT?!"

The trio nodded.

Spike sighed. "Mom, Luna, I told them they are to stay here until we can figure out what to do about them." Said Spike.

Celestia groaned as she rubbed her head. "And where did you expect them to sleep? We only have 4 bedrooms, and they are all occupied."

"They can stay in my room; I'll sleep on the couch." Said Spike.

Adagio looked at Spike. "No, we can’t let you sleep on the couch, we'll sleep here so you can have your room."

Spike rolled his eyes. "Yes, because I'm going to let 3 teenage girls, who I invited into my home, sleep on the couch. I know for a fact, my bed is large enough for three to sleep a little uncomfortably, but it's manageable."

"But-No but's, I have an idea, and if we can get it done quickly it shouldn't be a problem." Started Adagio but she was interrupted by Spike.

"And what idea is that?" Asked Luna, curious to hear this plan.

"I'll move out..." Said Spike.

"What!?" Yelled everyone interrupting Spike.

"NO, I refuse to let my son move out until he is at least 18." Stated Celestia.

Spike sighed. "You know I wasn't finished. I was going to move out of my room and move into the office. It's just as big as my room, plus it has a safe in the bookshelf that I can store the heart in, instead of using my sock drawer." Said Spike.

Celestia thought for a moment. "Fine." She then looked at the trio. "You three can stay here, we won't get Bahamut and Discord to send you back, but on one condition, you all have to go to school."

The trio shrugged. "Sure. That seems fair." Said Adagio.

Spike sighed as he looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, I know this has all been very hectic, and trust me I didn't think I was going to be hosting a trio of Sirens in my house today. But I need you to never tell anyone else of what you know. And I seriously mean, NO ONE." Said Spike really emphasizing the 'no one'. "It's DDC policy for anyone who finds out about me to have their memories wiped, and their whole family relocated." Spike smiled at Fluttershy. "Besides, I trust you to keep this secret, and I for once, want to actually be able to tell someone about me, without the thought of the DDC looming overhead." Said Spike.

Fluttershy blushed slightly. She took a deep breath, and she did the most unFluttershy thing. She quickly kissed Spike on the lips, and even more unFluttershy, she stayed there for a few seconds. (Arthur lives remaining:0, emergency installation of Lancelot in progress.)

Fluttershy separated from Spike, her face was that of a tomato. She looked at Spikes face and became worried. "Oh no." Said Fluttershy as she noticed Spike was out of commission. She was completely unaware of the small glare she was receiving from Adagio, Sonata, Aria, and Ember. She looked to Celestia. "Principle Solaris, I promise I won't tell anyone about Spike."

"Fluttershy, just call me Celestia, we're not at school, and thank you. Spike is happy here, I'm happy here, and from that kiss, I think you're happy Spike's here." Said Celestia. Fluttershy blushed even harder as she slowly nodded. Celestia giggled. She looked at her son who was still out of it, and she sighed. "Why don't you head home, he's going to be out of it for a while."

Fluttershy looked at Spike, and she nodded. "Yeah, I think that would be for the best." Said Fluttershy as she got off the couch and walked to the door. She looked at Celestia. "Thank you for having me, and tell Spike, I think it’s pretty cool that he's part dragon." Said Fluttershy as she left the house.

Celestia sighed as she watched the shy girl leave the house. Luna looked at Celestia. "Do we tell Discord?" Asked Luna.

Celestia shook her head. "No, but we need to contact him about them." Said Celestia as she pointed to the trio of sirens. "We need to get them ready to move in."

Luna nodded as she called Discord. "Hello?" Asked Discord.

"D, it's Luna."

"Is Spike ok, what happened, do I need to get my gun?" Asked Discord worried about Spike.

"Yes, he's fine. The Sirens are going to be staying with us now, and god forbid if you get your gun, I will feed you to Bahamut." Luna groaned. "Look, the sirens are going to be staying in Spikes room, and he is moving out of his room and is going to stay in the office."

Discord groaned. "Ok, I can get some guys over there tomorrow during school and they can move all of Spike’s stuff to the office. I'll also get the R&D department to make a set of beds for them."

"Speaking of the R&D department. You could have told me that it's run by Sombra?" Said Luna a little annoyed.

"Sorry...Scccc...Can't...Scccc...Bad Connection."

Luna sighed as she rubbed her eyes. "Just get it done." Said Luna as she hung up the phone.

Luna looked at all the bags near the front door. She sighed as she walked over the bags and picked up a few of them. Luna walked back into the living room with the bags. Spike was still out of it, Ember, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were still just sitting there listening to Celestia, who was telling them about the social norms of human society. Luna walked into the living room and interrupted the conversation. "Well, Ember’s room isn't going to decorate itself." Said Luna as she lifted the bags. "Besides, Spike can tell you all about that stuff tomorrow." Said Luna.

A few hours later Spike was finally getting back into the world. 'Emergency Installation of Lancelot Complete. Time Elapsed: 2:16:09. All progress saved and restored. Have a nice day.' Then the real world popped back into Spikes vision. Spike groaned as he looked around and noticed that he was alone in the living room. "Well shit, Fluttershy must have gone home, and the others must be in Embers room getting it ready." Said Spike. Spike looked at the clock on the walls. "And it’s almost 5:30." Spike sighed, but he decided to start cooking dinner for everyone, to apologize for not helping decorate.

He walked into the kitchen and headed for the fridge to see what they had. There wasn't much ready, the only thing they had was about 2 pounds of ground beef. Spike sighed. "Not much ready on such short notice. We already did hamburgers this week, so let’s do tacos." Spike started gathering all the ingredients he would need. Ground beef, chili powder, sour cream, cilantro, jalapeño, a tomato, a block of cheddar cheese and a head of lettuce. He also got out his large frying pan and both his chef knife and cutting board. Now that everything was ready Spike started to cook.

In Embers room, all the girls were helping Ember decorate. Adagio was helping Luna hang some posters on the wall, Celestia was helping Ember rearrange her closet, and Aria and Sonata were helping move some furniture, to make room for Embers new desk. They were almost finished getting Embers room ready. But before they could finish, the smell of dinner was wafting into the room and distracting them from working.

But the real distraction was the three small pools of drool flowing from Adagio's, Aria's, and Sonata's mouths. Spike was right when he said they hadn't been eating properly for a while. The smell was driving them crazy. It was clear to the others that it was time to stop working and time for dinner. Celestia looked at the trio. "Adagio, Aria, Sonata, let's head down stairs and get some dinner. Spike is cooking and that means it’s going to be delicious." Said Celestia.

They didn't need to be told twice. They ran out of the room as fast as they could. Ember, Celestia, and Luna were laughing at the reaction of the trio as they walked down stairs to get dinner.

The Dazzlings arrived at the dinner table in the blink of an eye. They were waiting for Spike to finish cooking the food, but they were still dragons, and they had the stomachs of dragons. All their stomachs growled loudly telling Spike that it was time to eat. Spike looked back at the trio. "You know it’s very flattering that I can get a trio of cute girls to go crazy just from my cooking alone." Said Spike as he finished plating a trio of tacos on the last of the plates.

Spike smiled as he picked up all the plates and brought them over to the table. "Tonight, we have some beef tacos." Said Spike as he placed the plates on the table.

Spike was expecting for the trio to dig right into the food, but they were waiting patiently. "Hey, you don't have to wait on my account, food is best when it's eaten hot." Said Spike as he took a seat on the other side of the table.

"I agree, go on and enjoy." Said Celestia as she, Luna, and Ember arrived at the table and they started to dig in.

Everyone was enjoying the meal, but the moment Sonata tasted the food, her eyes went wide. She scarfed down all her tacos and licked the plate clean. She looked at Spike with a wide smile on her face. "Spike, please marry me?" Asked Sonata.

Everyone dropped their jaws. Except for Ember who was really growling at Sonata. Spike started to chuckle. "No." Said Spike simply. "I would rather get to know you first."

Sonata looked unfazed. "Fine, but can I get some more?" Asked Sonata as she held out her plate.

Spike nodded as he took her plate. "Sure, give me a moment." Said Spike as he got up from the table and walked over to the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with a full plate of tacos.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful after the impromptu marriage proposal.

Now that dinner was over, and Spike had finished cleaning up the mess. Spike was heading up to his room to show the Dazzlings their new room, and to gather a few things that he needed, like a set of clothes and his stuff for school tomorrow. Once they reached the door, Spike opened it. "Ok, from now on you girls will be sleeping in here." Said Spike as he showed the girls the room. He walked over to his dresser and opened a few drawers. The first was his sock drawer. He pulled out the box with the Dragon's Heart in it, and a pair of socks. He placed them on his bed. He closed that drawer, next he pulled out a pair of shorts and a simple green shirt. Lastly, he pulled out a pair of green night pants. Now that he had all his stuff, he closed the drawers and walked over to his backpack that was by his desk.

He picked it up and placed all the stuff he had gathered into the hallway. Spike looked at the trio. "Ok, give me a few minutes to change the sheets, and find some clothes you girls can wear tonight." Said Spike.

The Dazzlings looked confused. "Um... Spike we don't need clothes." Said Adagio as she pointed to the gem on her neck.

Spike nodded. "I kinda guessed you would say that. But have you girls ever actually fallen asleep in human form?" Asked Spike.

The girls shook their heads. "I thought not. The Bloodstone is able to make clothes, sure, but it requires consciousness to maintain the spell."

It took the trio a moment to put 2 and 2 together, but once they did, they all blushed. Spike nodded. "Yeah, so my mom should have some night pants for you girls to wear for tonight." Spike walked over to his closet and pulled out an extra set of queen-size sheets. He tossed them onto the bed and went back into his closet. He then pulled out three very large shirts that he would normally wear as a night shirt. One was blue, one was red, and the last was purple. He tossed the red one to Adagio, the blue one to Aria, and the purple one to Sonata. "You girls can use these for now." Said Spike as he started to strip the bed. He looked back at the girls. "Why don't you three go to my mom’s room and get her to help you find some sleep pants, while I make the bed?" Suggested Spike.

A few moments later Spike finished making the bed. The Dazzlings returned, now dressed in night clothes. Celestia helped Adagio find a pair of long orange night pants, Aria found a pair of sleep shorts the color of the shirt, and Sonata was actually in footie pajamas, that had a Christmas tree design, and they were a pair that Spike knew all too well. Discord had ordered a pair for Spike, Luna, Celestia, Bahamut, when he came to visit one year, and for himself. It was so they could take one of the few full family photos they could take. But now they had a new purpose, aside from a novelty Discord present.

"Ok, I'm going to head down stairs and make up the couch, if you need anything just come down and get me." Said Spike. "Also, depending on how things go tomorrow. We can probably head back to the mall and pick up some stuff for you girls next weekend, or if you want, we can head back to the mall sometime after school this week?"

The girls nodded. All three of them surrounded Spike and gave him a hug. "Thanks for doing this for us Spike." Said Adagio.

Spike smiled as he used all the power of the world to control his blush and powers. "No problem girls." Said Spike. He broke the hug and walked out of the room. He grabbed his stuff in the hallway and headed down to the couch.

30 minutes later Spike was sound asleep. The ordeals of the day were very taxing on him. But up on the second floor of the Solaris household, everyone was awake, but staying in their rooms to let Spike sleep.

In Celestia's room, she was talking to Luna about how they would explain to the teachers of Spike's classes why there were even more transfer students being put in their classes. "Ok, so we know that Spike's gym class won't mind, neither would Mrs. Cakes class, we can say that Ms. Zecora’s class was the only one with enough room, and Ms. Chrysalis would love to have some new actors for this year’s play."

Luna nodded. "We just got to make sure they don't sing."

Celestia groaned. "Were going to get a lot of complaints tomorrow about crowded classes, aren't we?"

Luna nodded. "Don't blame me, he's your son, and it's not his fault that he is such a great guy that just makes girls gravitate towards him."

In Ember’s room. She was pacing around her room trying to figure out how to kiss Spike. "Ok, I could take the direct approach? Go up to him tomorrow and just kiss him." Ember shook her head. "No that's way to forward, how about I surprise him?" Ember shook her head again. "No, I don't want a repeat of what happened today, with Fluttershy. I could ask him out on a date?" Ember nodded as she smirked. "That could work, I still don't know the city that well, and it’s the perfect excuse for the two of us to go out, and the sirens... don't know the city either and Spike would offer to show them around as well."

Ember groaned as she flopped on to her bed. "Why is it so hard to kiss Spike?"

In Spike’s room, the Dazzlings were talking about how nice Spike was. "I can't believe how nice Spike is, the other noble clan's bachelors are all pompous, greedy, jerks. But not Spike, he cooks, cleans, is so kind, funny, and even as a human he looks so handsome." Said Adagio.

Sonata nodded as she smiled dreamily. "I know. He's such a gentle drake. Did I ever tell you girls that the week Lady Soprano wanted us to spend with her choices, Wilhelm made me sleep on his couch, even when he had another room ready?"

Aria and Adagio nodded. "Yeah, and at least we're sure he's into females. Drako brought one of his 'friends' over the same night I arrived."

All three girls nodded to each other. "So, we're in agreement, we share him."

Back in the living room a shiver ran down Spike's spine. His life is going to be much more hectic from this moment onward.

Author's Note:

So now Spike has 3 more house guest. How will Twilight and the others deal with the Dazzling's showing up, who will be the next to kiss Spike, and who will find out about Spike next. Next chapter is going to be about the Dazzling's first day, and i promise thats the last of the first day chapters (probably)