• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,775 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

My First Day Part 2 (Edit)

As Spike made his way to his next class, he had a confident smile on his face, thanks to the fact that his whole family is at his school watching over him.

Spike reached the ground floor of the school, he looked at his schedule to see where his next class was, he noticed that he was supposed to go to the auditorium for theater class, prompting him to hurry so that he doesn't get there late.

As Spike walked into the auditorium, he was met with the sight of a large stage, lit with a few lights hanging from the catwalk, a couple of students sitting in the chairs in the audience area, a few were in the wings talking with friends, others were in the construction and prop storage area behind a large garage door at the back of the stage, but there was only one person who was standing in the middle of the stage.

She was a beautiful girl with purple hair with very ornate curls all tied together with a hair clip that looked to have three light blue diamonds on it, she was wearing a light blue blouse, a dark purple belt with a light blue square buckle, a light purple skirt that had a picture of three light blue diamonds on one side, and a pair of boots that matched her hair. She was looking at what looked to be a script of some sort.

Spike was brought out of his thoughts by a tall woman with tan skin, dark green hair, wearing a black suit walking onto the stage, she walked over to the girl and asked her to have a seat in the audience. Prompting her to walk off the stage before taking a seat in the front row.

Then the tall woman who Spike assumed to be the teacher walked to center stage and began to greet the students.

"Hello, fellow thespians, my name is Ms. Chrysalis, but you may call me Chrysie." The teacher now known as Ms. Chrysalis said to the class. "It's lovely to meet you all, and seeing that it's the first day, I would like to have everyone come up stage and demonstrate a talent that you believe would be best utilized in the theater, may that be music, acting, or designing. Ms. Rose Luck, you’re up first."

After a few students showed their talents, Spike was next up. He decided to grab the piano that was hidden in the left wing of the stage and pushed it to center stage.

With the piano on stage, Spike turned to the rest of the class before introducing himself. "Hello, my name is Spike, and I'll be performing an original piece, for you all." With that said, Spike took his seat in front of the keys, interlocked his fingers and cracked his knuckles. After that, Spike began to play.

As the song came to an end, Spike was sweating hard and as soon as the last note was played his ears were greeted by the sound of cheers and applause. Spike stood up and bowed to the audience, which caused everyone to cheer even more.

Ms. Chrysalis then walked over to Spike as she clapped as well. "Spike, that was the most intense piece I have ever heard, and I must know, who taught you how to play?"

Seeing how this was going to go, Spike responded with the first believable lie he could think of. "I was never taught in the regular sense." Said Spike. "When I was younger, I used to visit my uncle’s office after school, and every day they had a piano in the lobby, so on occasion there would be a pianist playing. I would just sit there for hours and watch them play. Soon I wanted to learn the piano myself, so when I went home, I would repeat the movements until I could copy their fingering blindfolded. So, one day when there wasn't a pianist on duty, I got out a piece I wrote myself and played." Said Spike as he shrugged. "I guessed they liked it, since I wasn't kicked out."

This response left everyone in awe, and in a shocked voice Ms. Chrysalis said. "Spike... Thank you for your performance... Please go sit down, we still have a few students that need to show us their talents."

Spike nodded as he walked down to his seat as the girl from before, walked up and pulled out a sketch book and a pencil, she looked at Spike for a few moments before she started to sketch something.

When she was done, she introduced herself to the class. "Hello, my name is Rarity, and I want to show you all my love of costume design, and to do that I have been creating a design for everyone who has already been introduced." Said Rarity

Rarity then opened her sketch book and revealed that she had designed a costume for everyone, including Spike, who looked to have a nice three piece suit on while at the piano.

The sight of Rarity's design made Spike blush, and because of his dragon powers, his body temperature rose to the point that his clothes started to smoke and catch fire. Taking quick notice of this, Spike smothered the small flame on his shoulder and tried to calm himself down.

However, Rarity was looking at Spike when she saw his shirt catch fire, she was about to scream and tell him to take it off before he got hurt, but to her surprise, Spike had noticed it as well and easily put it out using only his hands. But before Rarity could investigate Ms. Chrysalis walked over and motioned her to take her seat.

After some more students tried to act or build something, the class ended, and the students started to walk out of the auditorium.

As Spike walked out of the auditorium, he was stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking to see who stopped him, he was met with the sight of Rarity who looked very confused.

"Um... Can I help you, um... Rarity, right?" Spike asked awkwardly.

Rarity nodded. "That's correct darling and I'm sorry for holding you up like this, but I wanted to know if you are alright." Rarity said.

"Why wouldn't I be alright?" Asked Spike trying to play dumb.

"Well, when I was up on stage, I noticed that your shoulder had a small fire on it." Said Rarity as she inspected the shirt.

Looking at his shoulder, there was nothing there thanks to the fact that his clothes are made with fireproof material. Spike shrugged. "I don't see anything, maybe the lights were playing tricks on your eyes."

Spike decided to quickly change the topic. "Hey Rarity, what class do you have next?" Asked Spike.

"Well darling, I seem to have English class next." Rarity responded. "What about you?"

"...Looks like I have a gym next, so I need to go and get changed for gym class. I'll talk to you later." Spike said as he walked away, all while not noticing Rarity giving him a glare.

'Who is he? Well, I'm going to need to investigate it later.' Rarity thought to herself as she walked to her next class.

Spike walked into the gym and noticed that the large room had a couple of basketball hoops and one of the walls was covered by a large set of retractable bleachers that had a line of guys talking to a well-built man. This man had a blond crew cut, looked like he practically lived at the gym and was holding a clipboard in his hands. Spike guessed that he was the coach and decided to get in line.

While in line, Spike noticed that there was a line of girls on the other side of the gym all of whom were waiting for a shorter woman with a head of hair that looked like fire.

Five minutes later Spike was in front of the man. "Name?" Yelled the man.

"Spike S." Spike responded.

"Locker 253, combo 15-24-43, now get dressed and meet back in here." Said the man.

Spike walked to the guys locker room, found his locker, and entered his combination. Pulling out his gym clothes from his backpack, Spike quickly got undressed from his school clothes and donned his gym clothes which were a plain white shirt and a pair of green gym shorts.

Spike walked out of the guys locker room and made his way back to the gym where a large group of students were sitting around. Then both the well built man and the shorter woman walked to the front of the group and introduced themselves as Coach Bulk Biceps and Coach Spitfire. Then Coach Spitfire told the class that on the first day they would be splitting into two teams and that they would be playing dodgeball.

After the coaches decided who was on what team, they ordered the two teams to go to opposite ends of the gym and to wait there until the game starts. The coaches then placed seven red rubber balls in a row at the center of the gym, as the game was about to start Coach Spitfire announced the rules.

"First, if you are hit with the ball you’re out." Coach Spitfire announced. "Second if you catch a ball the thrower is out. Lastly if you get hit in the face, you’re safe, and the thrower is out. Understand?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good, play ball." Coach Spitfire said before she blew her whistle.

A few minutes later, only three people were left on the court. Next to Spike was his only team mate. She was a shorter girl with rainbow colored hair and magenta eyes. She was wearing the same thing as Spike, except that she had on a pair of red short shorts.

On the other team, stood a tall older muscular boy with a head of messy blond hair. He was wearing a pair of red gym shorts, a green shirt, and he was holding two balls in his hands.

The older boy set his sights on Spike and threw one of the balls. But before Spike could dodge, the ball was able to just graze his arm, meaning that he was out.

Spike walked to the sidelines and sat down to watch the only two people on the court. The battle lasted for over five minutes until the rainbow haired girl was taken out.

"That's game, the winner is Big Mac." Said Spitfire before she turned to the rest of the students. "Ok ladies, take a five minute break to get some water. After you're done, get back into your teams and be ready for another round."

Spike got up and went to get some water, but before he could get some water, he was shoved to the side by the large boy in the red shirt and a group of students all who were laughing. This upset Spike as he started to growl. He was about to retaliate but was stopped by a large hand landing on his shoulder. Turning to see who stopped him, Spike looked to see the green eyes of the first rounds winner, Big Mac.

"They're not worth it, follow me." Big Mac said as he wrapped his arm around Spike and moved him to a bench.

Spike sat on the bench and was trying to calm down until his attention was brought to a light green sports bottle that was in Big Mac's hand, he motioned Spike to take a drink.

Taking the bottle from Big Mac, Spike began to squirt the water into his mouth. When he was done drinking, he gave the bottle back.

"Thanks for that, I hate guys like them." Said Spike before he introduced himself. "My name's Spike, what's yours?"

"Big Macintosh, but I go by Big Mac, and don't worry about Garble and his cronies, between all of them they have the total IQ of a spoon." Big Mac said, making Spike snicker. "And they always try to harass the freshmen, but don't let it get to you. But if they do anything else just tell me and I deal with it."

"Thanks, Big Mac." Said Spike.

Just then, the sound of a whistle was heard, followed by the voice of Bulk Biceps. ”Ok ladies, break time is over, get back to your starting positions.”

Spike and Mac walked back to the court and separated. Spike walked over to his team and was ready to start the next round but before he could focus on the game, he was tapped on the shoulder by the same girl from before.

"Hey, I'm Rainbow Dash and I am the most awesome and athletic person at this school.” the girl now known as Rainbow Dash said. "You did a great job last round, but I hate losing so let’s work even harder so we can win this time.”

"Yeah let’s win this.” Said Spike before introducing himself. "My name's Spike by the way, it's nice to meet you.”

"Same here Spike.” Said Rainbow Dash .

The whistle was blown and the mad dash to grab a ball started.

Ten minutes later, there were only five people on Spike's team and on the other team there was Garble and his crew as well as Big Mac. Spike grabbed a ball and threw it towards Garble, but before it was able to hit him, he grabbed Big Mac, making the ball hit the muscular boy instead.

This made Spike's anger rise and he could feel his body temperature rise, but thanks to his sweat, his clothes weren't catching fire.

Garble and his crew then grabbed all the balls and the orange haired teen ordered his crew to aim for everyone except for Spike.

One after another the students on Spike's team were hit until only he and Rainbow Dash were left. At this point, Garble was getting upset that his crew couldn't hit Rainbow Dash, so he ordered them all to pelt her at once. Everyone in Garble’s crew smirked and nodded.

Rainbow was defenseless as she was mercilessly pelted with all seven balls. She was so unprepared that after the first ball hit, she was knocked on her butt, this made her curled up to try to protect herself from the onslaught of rubber.

Seeing this made Spike's anger grow so much that his nails started to grow into short claws and his eyes changed to slits. But before he could do anything, Coach Spitfire stopped the game so she could get Rainbow Dash off the court.

Rainbow Dash was then pulled to her feet by Coach Spitfire and they walked past Spike to the sidelines so she could sit down. But before Rainbow was on the side lines, she looked into Spikes eyes and noticed that they had changed, but thanks to all the emotions she was experiencing she just played it off as her mind was playing tricks on her. She nodded to Spike. 'Win this for me.'

Seeing this, Spike nodded. 'Don't worry I will.' Thought Spike.

With Rainbow Dash off the court, the game resumed. Spike was all alone and facing five older students, who were gunning for him. But the anger of how Garble used Big Mac and pelted Rainbow Dash still resided in Spike, and because of his dragon half, Spike's senses went into overdrive. To Spike, everything looked to be standing still and he took advantage of this. The second he had a ball in his hands he flung it with all of his draconic strength and one by one started to nail each of Garble’s men in the chest until only Garble was left standing.

Garble looked to see his men all on the floor before he turned to Spike in hopes of challenging him, but when he looked into Spike's eyes, all of the color drained from his face. The look in Spike's eyes scared him to his core, it was like staring into the darkest pit with no hope of ever seeing light again.

Seeing an opportunity to win the game, Spike summoned all of this dragon strength and flung a ball straight into Garbles chest. The force of the impact forced Garble off his feet and pushed him into the wall of the gym. The gym went silent until the coaches whistled to signal that the game was over.

But just as Spike was going to walk off the court, there was a large pop. Turning to see what that sound was, Spike saw the remains of the ball that he used on Garble. It turns out, that in his anger he accidentally punched a small hole in the ball with his claws and when the ball impacted Garbles chest, the hole ripped and caused the ball to pop.

Everyone noticed this but Coach Spitfire just shook her head. ”Damn budget cuts, those balls are so old that they are probably the same ones that I used back when I was a student. I'm going to talk with the new principals about getting us some new equipment.”

Coach Spitfire turned to the students. ”This is what happens when equipment is not properly maintained. Rest assured, I'm going to talk to the new principals about getting replacements, so no one gets hurt, but there is not enough time for another game, so everyone hit the showers and get dressed for your next class. But before you leave come see me or Coach Biceps if you're interested in trying out for one of the school’s sports teams.” Said Spitfire.

Everyone accepted the excuse and started to make their way into the locker rooms so they could get ready for their next class.

Spike walked into one of the shower stalls and took a quick three minute shower to clean off his sweat. He then went to his gym locker and got back into his school clothes, placing his gym clothes into his locker. On his way out of the gym, he was stopped by Rainbow Dash, who had changed out of her gym clothes. She was now dressed in a white tee shirt that had an image of a multi colored lightning bolt coming out of a cloud, a blue pullover, a dark pink and white sports skirt with a pair of white and blue knee boots that were hiding a pair of rainbow colored socks. But what drew Spike's attention the most was the look of amazement in her eyes.

"Spike, THAT. WAS. SO. AWESOME!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash. ”You took out five juniors all by yourself! How did you do that?!"

'Think of something Spike, think!' Thought Spike to himself. Rainbow continued to look at him, waiting for an answer. "Well, every weekend I used to go to a gym, where I used to play soccer, football, basketball, baseball, as well as weight lifting.” Said Spike. It wasn't a total lie, when he was younger, Spike was asked by the DDC to use his powers while doing simple sports activities so the scientist could see how his dragon heritage changed his human muscles, but it was fun so he kept going, until he developed muscles.

"That is so cool!" Rainbow Dash gasped. "You have to try out for the school's mixed soccer team with me! Seeing just how easily you handled that jerk Garble and his pack of numb skulls, something tells me that you are just itching to show everyone what you got.” Said Rainbow.

Spike sighed. "Sorry Rainbow, but I don't think that would be a good idea.” Said Spike as he rubbed the back of his head.

"What!? Why not?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Because, I have a bad habit of letting my emotions take over when I'm stressed, and trust me, I'm not myself when I'm emotional.” Said Spike.

Seeing that this was a sensitive subject for Spike, Rainbow Dash accepted his decision but decided to find a compromise. "Ok Spike, but I'm going to try out for the soccer team, so maybe if you have time, you can help me practice after school every so often. I really want to see what you got.” Said Rainbow Dash.

Spike shrugged. "Sure, that's something I can do Rainbow, but I'm warning you now, I don't intend on holding back just because I'm better than you.” Said Spike with a confident smirk.

"Ohhhh, YOU'RE ON SPIKE!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash putting emphasis on every word. "Meet me on the schools practice field tomorrow, after school, and then we'll see who the better player is.”

"You're on, see you after school tomorrow and may the best player win.” Said Spike before holding out his hand.

"Don't worry, I won’t lose.” Rainbow Dash responded before taking Spike's hand.

After shaking hands, they both started to laugh.

”Hey Spike, what's your last class? I have Math class with some guy named Neighsay, any idea who he is?" Asked Rainbow.

Spike winched. "Yeah, I had him earlier today.” Said Spike bluntly. ”He's so dull and emotionless that when he started class, it was like every person lost all their happiness, plus he has rules that would be of more useful in a police lineup rather than a high school classroom.”

"What!?!" Asked Rainbow in disbelief. ”He can't really be that bad, can he?"

Spike only nodded.

"AWWWW, come on.” Said Rainbow Dash with a huff which caused Spike to chuckle.

"It'll be fine Dash, I have a friend who might be able to help, if you want it, that is?” Offering Spike.

Rainbow waved the offer off. "Don't worry, I also have a friend who is a master at all things science and math.” Rainbow Dash assured. ”I'll just ask her to help me during lunch.”

Spike shrugged. "It's not a problem, but as for what class I have next.” Said Spike before he pulled out his schedule. ”Looks like I have chemistry next.”

Just after Said Spike that, the bell rang.

"Looks like the day is almost over, I got to go, talk to you tomorrow Dash.” Said Spike before he turned to go to his last class.

"Bye Spike, and don't forget about our little challenge.” Said Rainbow Dash as she watched him walk away, she then thought to herself. 'This year just got twenty percent cooler.' Before she started to trudge her way to Negihsay's class.

Spike walked into the chemistry lab; it was filled with all types of equipment that he hoped he would be able to use during the year. However, Spike was brought out of his daydreams when a familiar voice called out. ”Spike, over here come sit next to me.”

Looking towards the source of the voice, Spike saw Twilight waving him over to sit next to her. Seeing no reason not to, Spike gladly accepted the invitation and took the seat next to Twilight, who almost immediately pulled the boy into a hug and started to ask him questions about his day. "Spike, I can't believe we have the same chemistry class; this is so exciting!" Said Twilight, before letting out a squeal of excitement.

Calming herself down, Twilight continued. ”Spike, tell me about your day, have you made any new friends?" She then gasped. "Or have you already caused trouble?" Asked Twilight as she started to hyperventilate. "Or has the fact that you just moved back to town and no one knows you, caused you to be apprehensive about talking to anyone you don't know?" Asked Twilight as she started to overthink every possible scenario that could have happened to Spike in the last 7 hours since she last saw him.

Seeing Twilight go into what he long ago dubbed 'THE TWILIGHT ZONE'. Spike quickly wrapped his arms around Twilight and quietly repeated. ”Calm down Twi, take a deep breath.” All while stroking the top of her head.

After a minute of doing this, Spike was able to feel Twilight's breathing and heart rate return to normal. Letting her go and lowering himself to look her in the eyes, Spike answered Twilights questions. ”Twi, I already made some friends in every class, no I have not caused too much trouble.” 'Although I was close.' Thought Spike. ”And I can't wait to meet your friends after class is over.”

With that all said, Spike flashed Twilight a goofy smile, which in turn made her smile. She was able to return to reality and started to wipe away the tears that had formed in her eyes. "Thanks Spike, you were always able to get me out of 'THE TWILIGHT ZONE' so easily.” Said Twilight. ”And I'm so glad that you were able to make so many new friends. I can't wait to meet them, but until then, I do want to hear all about them after class is over.”

Spike smiled at the request. "I would be glad to.” Said Spike before noticing that more students had entered the room. ”But it looks like the rest of the class is walking in, so let's get ready, shall we?" Asked Spike.

"We shall.” Said Twilight before giggling at Spike's antics.

Just as the last of the students walked into the lab, a tall woman with dark skin, a black and white mohawk, and a lab coat walked out of the small closet near the front of the room, packed full of equipment and chemicals. She walked to the front of the room. ”Greetings all, my name is Zecora, I will be in charge of showing you the wonders of chemistry, but I hope that to you all, this class won't be a misery." Said Zecora. "Now before we begin, who among you has sensitive skin?" Asked the teacher.

Everyone in the class remained silent.

She nodded. "Good, but before we begin the experiments, everyone needs to know the class's requirements.” Said Ms. Zecora.

Suddenly one of the students raised their hands. "Um, Ms. Zecora, what's with the rhyming?" Asked one of the students.

Zecora giggled. "Sorry, sometimes I forget, not all are accustomed to my style of protest.” Ms. Zecora apologized before explaining. ”You see, long ago when I was young, one of my brothers wanted to see if my head could be rung, but all it did was change my way of speech." She shrugged. "I hold no ill will against my kin, but I'm sorry to make your heads spin. But let's start the class, before we are to leave in mass.”

The rest of the class consisted of Ms. Zecora going around handing out permission slips and a list of equipment that were placed around the lab.

Nearly 40 minutes later, Ms. Zecora looked at the clock and stopped her speech about lab safety.

"Well class, we are out of time.” Said Ms. Zecora before adding in a deep voice. ”But beware, without the permission of your parents, I will not be able to commission any assignments for you and that is no good, as it could spell you grades DOOM.”

Just then, the final bell rang, and all the students started to walk out of the class.

Spike and Twilight walked out of the lab; Spike turned his head to Twilight. ”Hey Twi?"

"Yeah Spike?" Asked Twilight.

"Is it ok if we go see my mom and aunt before we meet your friends?" Asked Spike.

Twilight shrugged. "Sure, I don't mind, and I don't think any of them will mind, but may I ask why?” Asked Twilight.

"I just want to give my mom the permission slip and to ask them when they would be heading home.” Spike responded.

"Not a problem, let’s go.” Said Twilight as she looped her arm around Spike's and started to pull him forwards to the principal's office.

Spike and Twilight stood outside the door to the principal's office. Taking action, Spike knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.

"Come in.” Celestia's voice called from the other side of the door.

Spike opened the door and walked in with Twilight following behind.

"Hello, I'm Principal Celestia and wel…" Celestia began to say until she saw that it was Spike. ”Oh, hi Sweetie, what brings you here?" Asked Celestia.

Spike smiled. "Hi mom, I came by to ask what time you and Aunt Luna would be home, so I can have dinner ready.” Said Spike.

"Well, we should be done in the next hour or so and seeing as you probably don't want to wait for us to finish, I think it would be best if you walk home tonight.” Celestia responded. ”But right now, I'm busy, so we'll talk about your day during dinner tonight. Is there anything else you need to talk to me about?" Asked Celestia.

Spike shook his head. "No not really, but I'm going to meet up with some of Twilight's friends after this, I might not be home before you guys.” Said Spike.

Celestia smiled as she nodded. "That's fine Sweetie, I'm glad you to see you and Twilight are trying to reconnect after so long.” Celestia said before seeing a chance to embarrass her son. ”Have fun Spike, but not too much fun.” Said Celestia as she smirked.

This caused both Spike's and Twilight's faces to turn red.

"MOM!!!" Yelled Spike.

"What?" Asked Celestia jokingly. "I'm just hoping that my son has a good time meeting some new friends."

Spike then gave his mother a deadpan look as he walked to her side.

"Tell Aunt Luna that I love her and that I can't wait to tell her all about my day.” Said Spike before hugging Celestia. ”I love you mom.”

"I love you too, Spike.” Said Celestia before returning the hug.

After the two ended the hug, Celestia motioned to the door. ”Now get going, Twilight's friends are probably worried about her. We'll talk later Spike.”

Spike returned to Twilights side and opened the door for her. Seeing this, Twilight wrapped her arm around his and they left the principal's office.

As the two walked down the halls of the school, Twilight looked to Spike. "So, Spike, tell me about these friends that you made.”

Spike hummed in thought. "Well, I met a super shy girl named Fluttershy first.” Began Spike. ”She was so nervous when the teacher told us to go up to the front and introduce ourselves, I thought she was going to pass out, but during class she tapped me on the shoulder and tried to talk to me, the only problem was she was so quiet that I couldn't hear her tell me her name. But after class, she walked over to me and we started talking, but all I was able to get from her was her name. I wanted to keep talking, but I was about to be late for my next class.”

'What are the odds' Thought Twilight.

"Next I met a very hyperactive girl named Pinkie Pie.” Said Spike. ”She's a great baker but talks too fast to be understood. However, I was just barely able to understand her barrage of questions.”

'This is getting weird' Twilight thought to herself.

"Next was a girl named Sunset.” Spike continued. ”She told me that she wasn't the nicest person at first, but thanks to meeting a group of girls who taught her how to be a better person, she started to open up and from what I could tell, she seems like a great person to get to know, I also met a guy named Cheese Sandwich, who invited me to perform with him later on.”

'Wow, Sunset rarely opens up to new people.' Twilight thought to herself.

"Next up was a down to earth girl named Applejack.” Said Spike. ”She told me that she and her family run the local apple farm and to be completely honest, she was the only thing that made that class bearable. I wanted to keep talking to her, and I thought to ask if she could join me for lunch, but she told me that she already had plans to eat off campus with some of her friends, so I just went to the roof and ate there.” Said Spike.

'I wish I knew about this.' Twilight thought to herself. 'Now I feel bad for suggesting that we eat off campus on the first day.' Thought Twilight. "I'm sorry to hear."

Spike shrugged. "Don't be, that gave me a chance to talk with my uncle.” Said Spike.

"Oh, that's good.” Said Twilight before asking. ”So, who did you meet after lunch?"

"Well, after lunch, I had theater class, where I met this gorgeous girl named Rarity, and after I showed off my talent with the piano, she showed off some of her designs, one of which included me in a beautiful three piece tux. I have to admit when I saw the one she did of me, I was blushing a little.” Said Spike.

'There's no mistake.' Twilight thought to herself.

"Lastly, I met a guy named Big Mac, he stopped me from picking a fight with a jerk named Garble and his goons. After talking to him, I met an athletic girl named Rainbow Dash who seemed nice, if not a little prideful, but we became quick friends. But during our second game of dodgeball, Garble used Big Mac as a shield and when it was only me and Rainbow, Garble got all of his guys to pelt her to the point that the coach had to stop the game to help her get to the sidelines. When I saw this, I got pissed and eliminated Garble and his goons by myself.”

Twilight growled. 'When I see this Garble character, I'll give him a piece of my mind.' Twilight thought to herself angrily. 'But at least Spike was able to earn some points with Rainbow.' Twilight smiled. "That incredible Spike.” Said Twilight.

Spike smirked. "Yeah, and then she asked me to join the school's mixed soccer team, but I told her I couldn't.” Said Spike before adding,

"But I did promise to help her train after school tomorrow.”

'Yeah, that does sound like something Rainbow would ask someone who's talented in sports.' Twilight thought to herself.

"And then I met you in chemistry.” Spike concluded. ”That was my day, what about yours?"

"Oh, I'll tell you later.” Said Twilight. ”But first, we need to meet my friends.”

Spike and Twilight stopped at the front door of the school.

"Spike, could you do me a favor and wait right here so I can prepare them to meet you?" Asked Twilight.

"Umm... Sure, I guess.” Spike responded.

"Thanks.” Said Twilight as she walked out of the door.

Five minutes later, Twilight walked back into the school.

"Spike could you come outside?" Asked Twilight.

Nodding, Spike walked to the door and was shocked to see every girl he had met today along with Big Mac.

Twilight smiled at Spike. "I'm guessing introductions aren't in order, seeing as you already know everyone here.” Said Twilight. ”But just to be sure, we have Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and her brother Big Mac, Pinky Pie, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash. Everyone this is Spike, my childhood friend.”

Spike's mind had officially crashed from the shock.

Author's Note:

Thanks everyone for your support and thanks to my editor castroedgar316 for the help.
As always leave comments and likes.
Now sad news: I'm not going to be posting anything for the next few weeks as its finals time and I need to study. hopefully I can be back by mid May so until then.