• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,772 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

Father Son Time, News, And an Unexpected Companion

Author's Note:

You have waited for it, and here it is.

The portal that bridged the gap between the dragon lands and the human world was seated on the peak of the tallest mountain in the dragon lands. The mountain also served as the royal palace of the dragon king.

Spike walked out of the portal and was instantly confronted with the intense heat of the dragon lands, but thanks to his dragon form he was very comfortable. Spike walked away from the portal and looked down the mountain so he could take in the sight that would one day be the one he wakes up to. He saw a world of fire, mountains, and lava, as in the streets of the royal capital were many dragons of all shapes, sizes, and colors, walked around the town. Some were walking around, others were shopping, and some were just resting in their caves. Spike just watched over the town as he felt at peace completely unaware that behind him was a tall, blue dragoness wearing gold armor holding a spear at attention at her side.

The dragoness cleared her throat hoping to gain the attention of the unexpected dragon that had arrived on her watch, but Spike was too enthralled with the sight of his father’s kingdom to notice the figure standing behind him. The dragoness was irritated by the fact she was being ignored so she approached Spike completely unaware that he was the prince.

Once she was close enough behind Spike, she confronted the purple dragon by placing one of her hands on his shoulder, this action gained his attention. "Oh..." Said Spike, he turned his head, looked over his shoulder and saw the dragoness who had interrupted his peace of mind as he had a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry, how can I help you?" Said Spike completely unaware that she was his escort to the palace.

"State your business for being in a restricted area, or I will be forced to remove you from the area, you are interfering with royal business, and any unauthorized actions you take will be considered an act of aggression, so I will say again. State your business." Said the dragoness pointing her spear at Spikes chest.

Spike sighed. "I have been summoned to the royal capital by the king." Spike responded as he turned around fully giving the dragoness guard a full look at himself, more importantly at the golden necklace hanging around his neck. The instant the dragoness sighted the necklace she instantly dropped to one knee, kneeling in respect for her prince.

"Please forgive me Prince Spike, I was stationed here in preparation of your visit, but I was not informed on your current appearance. I was given orders to escort you to your father upon your arrival." Said the dragoness still kneeling.

Spike offered his hand to the kneeling dragoness as he smiled at her. "It's fine, I should have been more aware of your presence when I crossed over, but for me it’s a rare sight to see the dragon lands." Said Spike, then Spike got a better look at the kneeling dragoness and something felt very familiar about her. "May I inquire as to the identity of my guard?" Asked Spike.

The dragoness raised her head, she looked at the prince smiling at her, and she accepted the hand. Spike pulled her to her feet, getting a great view of her figure. She was at least five feet taller than Spike, and aside from her size and scale color Spike was unable to see anything more seeing as most of her body was covered in her armor. "Of course, my prince, my name is Ember of clan Torch." Said the dragoness as she removed her helmet, revealing her face. Ember had two downward curving horns on her head with a row of dark blue spines running down her back accompanied by a large set of wings that matched her scale color, but her most defining feature was her ruby red eyes. Ember bowed to Spike. "It is an honor to see you again my prince." Said Ember as she had a small smile on her face.

Seeing Embers face, he instantly remembered the summer the 2 had spent a lot of time together when he was sent to the dragon lands to learn about his powers, soon his smile widened as more memories of the 2 of them popped up. Spike then pulled Ember into a hug. "It’s good to see you too Ember." Spike was completely unaware of the slight blush Ember had on her face, but she slowly returned the embrace.

After the two finished the hug they started to chat. "So, Ember, you’re a royal guard now?" Asked Spike.

"Yes, Prince Spike, I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps, so I enrolled in the royal guard academy." Responded Ember.

Spike sighed at the use of his title, but then came up with a perfect way to use his power as prince. "Hey, Ember, as prince do, I have the ability to give the royal guards an order?"

"Of course, my lord, we in the guard are honor bound to follow any orders given to us by anyone from the royal family."

Spike smiled at her response. "Then as your prince, I order you Ember of clan Torch, to address me as Spike, no more Prince Spike or my lord, just Spike." He then looked at Ember. "Ember, you're my friend and it makes me uncomfortable when others address me with my title." Said Spike with an honest smile.

Ember's blush returned as she looked at Spikes smile, she nodded. "Of course, Pri-Spike." Said Ember as she smiled back.

Spike nodded as he decided to ask Ember another question that has been on his mind. "So, Ember do you have any idea as to why my father wanted to see me tonight?"

Ember shook her head as she responded. "I'm sorry Spike, the royal guards aren't informed on the personal affairs of the royal family, unless we are needed. But what I do know is that a few days ago my father Torch arrived at the palace to talk to your father, and to my knowledge the meeting ended on a happy note as when he left he gave me special orders to meet you here today as your escort. But unlike the usual times he gave out orders, he actually said it with a smile." Said Ember.

Spike hummed at her response as he wondered what his father had instore for him. Spike sighed as he walked to the edge of the cliff. "Well no point in wasting time, I have school tomorrow." Spike extended his hand to Ember as he smiled at her. "Shall We?" offered Spike.

Ember smirked as she quickly ran past Spike and jumped off the mountain. As she fell to the ground, she extended her wings letting her take flight. Spike sighed at the actions of Ember as he remembered that she was always one to leap before she looked.

Spike sighed and walked back from the edge so he could get a running start. Once he was far enough back, Spike slowly walked towards the cliff as he quickly sped up to the point he was sprinting towards the edge. As Spike reached the edge, he used all his dragon strength to leap off the peak. Spike began to fall down the mountain as he quickly caught up to Ember who was waiting for Spike, but unlike her Spike had not extended his wings. Spike rapidly descended towards the ground, but at the last second Spike fully extended his wings as he used them like a parachute as his speed quickly diminished.

Spike landed right outside of the front gates of the palace, as two dragon guards were standing at attention aside from the wide eyes and slacked jaws at the sudden appearance of a dragon landing straight out of nowhere right in front of them. Then they both noticed the golden necklace around the dragon’s neck, both guards kneeled out of respect for the prince as Ember finally landed at Spikes side.

Ember took notice of the guards and sighed. "Hey Bolder Heads, you're still on duty, get up and look somewhat respectable." Yelled Ember. The yelling quickly snapped the two guards out of their stupor as they both returned to attention.

Spike took notice of the mixture of fear and respect that Ember had commanded and wondered what her rank was. Spike leaned over to whisper his question to Ember. "So, Ember what rank do you hold around here?"

Ember smirked as she responded simply. "Captain of the Guard."

Spike went slack jawed at this revelation as he was only able to stammer out. "H...How?"

"Well ever since I was hatched I was taught about military strategies and by the time I was twelve I had mastered multiple forms of hand to hand combat, so I was able to quickly rise through the ranks and as of two months ago I became the Captain of the Guard." Said Ember as she used her hand to close Spikes jaw. "But I have a feeling that your father is waiting for your arrival at this moment, so we should hurry." Said Ember as she took Spikes hand and started to pull him past the gates to the palace.

As Spike and Ember approached the main doors of the palace, Spike was in awe at the sight of two massive obsidian doors that acted as the main entrance of the place, and he was in even more awe buy the two, easily 300ft tall, massive dragons dressed in silver armor standing at attention at either side of the main entrance. As the two approached the two dragon guards noticed the pair and using their massive size and strength, they pushed open the doors letting their captain and prince enter. Once they were inside the dragons resealed the doors and returned to their job.

After both Ember and Spike entered the palace, Spike was wide eyed at the design. The floor of the palace's main hallway was comprised of a large line of obsidian tiles polished to such a degree it could have been used as a mirror, on both sides of the obsidian was pure white marble all the way to the walls. The walls were decorated with columns with gold trim as multiple carvings were carved into the very walls of the hallway, depicting the history of past dragon kings.

Spikes attention quickly returned to the real world as he heard a dragoness gasping. Spike looked around to see who it was who gasped and was instantly drawn to a short pink scaled dragoness standing at the end of the main hall. Spike recognized her as his father’s personal attendant Radiant Heat, he smiled at the sight of her as the two approached the pink dragoness. Once the pair reached the dragoness Spike gave her a heartfelt smile and pulled the dragoness into a loving hug. "How have you been Radiant?" Said Spike. Radiant Heat was like a third mother to Spike after his mom and aunt, and she was the one who helped teach Spike about dragon culture and his dragon powers, when his father was too busy with ruling.

"I have been well, my prince, your father told me that you would be arriving today, but I didn't expect you to look so different, but you still look like the spitting image of your father." Said Radiant.

"Thank you Radiant, speaking of Dad do you know where he is?" Asked Spike.

Radiant nodded, "Yes, he is in a meeting right now with some of the local noble clan leaders, and if I didn't know better, I would think he is about to die of boredom, he also asked me to inform him the moment you arrived, so follow me to the meeting hall." Said Radiant motioning for the pair to follow her.

Inside of the main meeting hall sat Spikes Father, he sat in a pure black obsidian throne wishing he was dead, as he was pretending to listen to the stupid request of the noble clan leaders, but they were stretching his patience thin. "... And that's why we should stop using garnets as appetizers at royal banquets, what do you think my lord?" Asked a noble clan leader, that he couldn't remember the name of.

Spikes father sighed and responded. "Request denied, first off I like garnets they taste like apples, and two it’s not my fault that they upset your stomach."

But before the noble could respond they all heard someone knocking at the door to the meeting hall. "Who is it?" responded Spikes father.

"Its Radiant Heat my lord, your guest has arrived." Spikes father smiled as he knew exactly who it was.

"You may enter." Said Spikes Father as Radiant Heat pushed open the door accompanied by Spike and Ember.

All three bowed in respect to Spikes Father as Radiant Heat announced the appearance of Spike. "Announcing the arrival of Prince Spike, Son of King Bahamut, and future king of dragons."

Spike walked in front of Radiant and bowed to his father, putting on the standard royal air that he is supposed to use because of his title. "I, Prince Spike, have responded to your request, what does the king need of me?" asked Spike in his royal speech.

"Leave us!" ordered Bahamut, and in less than a minute every noble, and both Radiant and Ember left the hall to allow for the two royals to talk.

Once the room was empty aside from the two royal dragons, Bahamut rose from his throne as he stood at his full two hundred fifty-foot height, and in his hand was the magical Bloodstone scepter which stood at the same height of its holder. As Bahamut walked over to Spike he used his ability to slowly shrink himself to a more manageable fifty-five feet tall as he had a smile on his face at the sight of his son.

After Bahamut was small enough he started to laugh as he pulled Spike into a hug. "Look at you, you have grown up so much."

Spike responded in kind as he returned the embrace. "So how have you been Dad?"

Bahamut sighed. "Same old same old, nobles still have stupid requests, still keeping the peace between here and earth, still wish I could visit more than a couple times a year." Said Bahamut as he started to look sad.

Spike saw his father’s change in mood and decided to change the subject. "Hey dad, guess what?" Asked Spike.

Bahamut quickly responded with the first thing that came to mind. "You burned down the house, again didn't you?"

Spike looked away in embarrassment, "Umm...No." Said Spike trying to convince his father that he didn't do that just last month.

Bahamut sighed as he gave his son a deadpan look . "Where are you guys living now?" Asked Bahamut.

Spike sighed as he responded. "The agency found us a house in Canterlot." Said Spike as he was the one with the sad look.

Bahamut noticed the look on his son's face and decided to change the subject again. "So how is your Mother?" Asked Bahamut.

Spike smiled at the new topic. "She misses you very much, also she wants you to visit more often, but as for her daily life, she and Aunt Luna are now the principles at my new school."

Bahamut laughed. "That's what you get for having a mother and aunt with an education degree, and how is Discord doing?" Asked Bahamut.

Spike shrugged. "Aside from being one of the heads of the DDC, he's also working at the school as a janitor." The news of Discords second job caused Bahamut to laugh his ass off.

After Bahamut finished laughing Spike responded with the real news he wanted to tell his father. "Do you remember me talking about a girl named Twilight?"

Bahamut had memorized all the conversations he and Spike have ever had over the years, he remembered that when Spike was around five, most of the conversations included a girl named Twilight. Bahamut nodded. "Yeah, I remember you talking about her a lot when you were like five, what about her?"

"well as it turns out she tracked me down after finding out that the new principle was mom, so this morning right before school started, she appeared at mom's office and I didn't recognize her."

Bahamut put two and two together. "And let me guess she faked being sad, then walked past you and reintroduced herself to your mother and aunt, and once she was finished you asked her a few questions, that's when you finally figured it out where you gave her a hug, is that about right?" Asked Bahamut giving Spike a smirk.

Spike gave his father a deadpan look, "Discord informed you, didn't he?"

Bahamut smirked. "It helps when you are the only dragon that owns a cellphone and has a portal that lets a cell signal pass through, how else do you think I informed Discord I needed to see you?"

" About that, why exactly did you want to see me?"

"Oh no real reason really, just wanted to talk to my son, see how life is treating him, see how he is doing in school,tell him about his engagement, see if he learned to drive yet, you know normal stuff." Said Bahamut hoping that Spike missed the real outlier in his statement.

The moment Spike heard about his engagement his brain promptly shut down.

When Bahamut looked over to his son he was met with the sight of a slack jawed Spike. Bahamut sighed. "I think I broke him."

Spikes brain was able to restart a few minutes later. Spike looked at his father with a mix of confusion and shock. "Sorry what did you say?"

"Um... See if he learned to drive."

"before that."

"See how he is doing in school."

"After that"

"Tell him about his engagement."

"Yeah that." responded Spike before he yelled. "WHAT THE HELL DAD?"

Bahamut sighed as he explained. "It’s a tradition going back to your great great great great great great great great great great grandfather, the summer after the heir to the throne turns sixteen, he is to be informed of his engagement to one of the noble clans bachelorettes. As for your engagement I determined that the best clan was Clan Torch's heir the current Captain of the Guard Ember, that's why you were introduced to her during your summer here."

There were hundreds of questions going through Spikes head but three of them weighed heavily on his mind. Spike calmed himself by taking in a deep breath. "First off, does mom know about this?"

"She does not, but knowing you and her, I am prepared to face her wrath."

"Oh, trust me she will have some words for you the next time you visit." Said Spike with a sympathetic look. "Next, does Ember know?"

"She does and has known for years."

"ok, if that is the case then who were you engaged to before you meet mom?"

"Radiant Heat." Bahamut said simply but was urged to continue by Spikes look. "Her real name is Blazing Flame, She hails from Clan Flame, and my father decided that I was to be married to her, but we never became romantically involved with each other, but after four hundred years of getting to know each other we became very close friends, but neither of us liked the situation we were placed in, so both of us decided that if we wanted to find our true loves one of us had to fake their deaths, and seeing as I was prince and she was the 27th in line to become Clan Flames next leader, we decided to fake her death. A few years later Radiant Heat showed up out of nowhere married to a kind hearted dragon expecting her first clutch, needing a job, so as the at the time prince I appointed her to be my personal attendant, and the rest is history." Bahamut waited for Spikes response.

"So... how is it that everyone is ok with me being part human?"

"Oh that's simple, I just made up a lie that says that Celestia was a princess from earth and in a show of peace to end the war between the dragons and the humans we were to become mates, and after about seven months of dating we started to try to have a kid. After eight months of trying we found out she was pregnant with you."

Spike was calm, a little too calm. "So, Spike how are you taking all this?" Asked Bahamut.

"You know what, I'm ok with it." Said Spike, this response shocked Bahamut.

"Really, um...good I thought this would have been worse."

"oh no, I am probably going to become king by this time tomorrow, once mom finds out about this whole engagement thing, she is going to single handedly hunt you down." Said Spike.

"Yeah, that's the worst-case scenario, I also have a request to ask of you."

"I'll try to make your final wish as a living man come true." Said Spike, as he patted his father’s shoulder.

"Ember would like to join you in the human world for the foreseeable future."

"That may be a problem, it’s not like she can just walk through the portal looking like she does, not unless you can grant her a small portion of the Bloodstone scepters power, giving her the ability to turn into a human."

"Oh, that's simple to do." Said Bahamut as he waved off the worry.

"Because of course it can, no matter what, magic is the biggest deus ex machina I will never understand." Said Spike who was exhausted.

Bahamut laughed at his son’s reaction. "You have no idea, when I was younger I was able to use the scepters powers to control all the dragons in the castle into doing the conga, it was hilarious, but I got grounded by your grandfather for the next ten years for that. No regrets it was hilarious." Hearing this story, lightened the mood of the room as it caused Spike to laugh.

Spike looked at his father. "Hey dad can you let me borrow your cell phone, I need to text Uncle D that I'm going to be bringing a guest back with me."

"Sure Spike." Said Bahamut smiling.

One text to Discord later. "Ok, he knows to get a set of clothes for Ember ready." Spike said, then he looked at the time on the phone and noticed that it was already two in the morning and he was to return to the base in an hour. He then looked at his father and sighed. "looks like we only have an hour left till I need to get back, it's still a school night and I only got a few hours of sleep on the plane." Spike even looked tired as he yawned before adding " We should probably inform Ember that she is going to earth with me."

"She is already prepared to depart, and I think that it would be best if you and her left as soon as possible, you need your sleep and if your mother finds out that you fell asleep in class, she will be here skinning me in less than five hours." Said Bahamut as he chuckled nervously.

Spike was reluctant to agree with his father but changed his mind rather quickly as he continued to yawn. "Yeah that sounds like a plan. I still wish I could stay and spend more time with you." Said Spike as he looked a little depressed.

Bahamut saw the sad look on Spikes face and snatched him up into a hug. "So do I Spike, every day I wish I could just leave the throne behind and stay with you and your mother, but if I do that there will be a power struggle and its possible that the earth would be in the middle."

Spike yawned one more time, this made Bahamut chuckle as he released Spike from the hug. He then looked at the door and in his royal voice said. "Captain Ember, could you please come in, there is something the young prince needs to discuss with you."

In an instant the doors to the meeting hall opened and in walked Ember as she approached the two royal dragons. As soon as she was a few feet away from Spike she kneeled. "What does the young prince wish to discuss with me?" Asked Ember returning to using Spikes title much to his annoyance.

"Ember you can drop the title and the act; I have also been informed of our engagement and of your request to join me in the human world." Said Spike.

"And?" Asked Ember worried that Spike was upset at her for lying to him about everything.

"We will be departing in the next twenty minutes, inform your second in command and meet us at the portal. There you will be receiving a small portion of the Bloodstones power; this will allow you to change your form into that of a human. I have also informed someone I trust to provide you with some appropriate attire upon our arrival." Said Spike.

Ember had the most excited look on her face as she grabbed Spike, pulled him into a hug, and began to jump up and down like a little kid on Christmas.

Spike, Ember and Bahamut stood in front of the portal ready to cross over. Spike looked at Ember, "You ready?"

Ember nodded as she took Spikes hand as the two crossed over. A few moments later Bahamut followed the two.

Back on earth, Spike and Ember walked out of the portal, and were greeted upon their return by Discord. Spike looked down to his uncle, "Hey uncle D, did you get my text?"

"Yes, I did Spike." Discord looked over to Ember and asked. "Is this the special guest you informed me about?"

"She is." Spike looked at Ember. "Ember this is my Uncle Discord." Spike then looked back at Discord. "And Uncle D this is Ember of clan Torch, my fiancé." Said Spike chuckling nervously.

"Um, hello." Said Ember giving a wave to Discord.

Discord just facepalmed as he yelled "All hail King Spike, King of Dragons." As he began to laugh his ass off.

Just then Bahamut crossed over and noticed the odd display of laughter coming from his brother in law. "What's so funny D." Asked Bahamut.

Discord stopped laughing completely unfazed by Bahamut's sudden appearance and responded, "Just congratulating Spike on his appointment to king, Tia's going to kill you when she finds out about Ember."

Bahamut gulped and tried to play it off. "So, Ember are you ready?"

"Yes, my lord."

Bahamut rose the bloodstone scepter and connected the large Blood stone to embers forehead, as blood red waves of energy moved over to Ember. Once the energy finished moving to ember Bahamut informed her on how to utilize her new abilities. "You are now able to change your form freely between your natural dragon form and your human form, but there are some side effects. Like Spike when you change, your skin color will hold the same color as your scales for a short time. But unlike Spike who can change portions of his body into his dragon form, you can only change between all human or all dragon. Next to begin the change, all you have to do is imagine yourself as a human." To prove his point Bahamut imagined himself in his human form, he slowly shrunk down to a six-foot seven muscular human with slicked back green hair as he appeared to be wearing a pair of plane blue jeans and a green t-shirt.

Spike looked at his father who was not naked and became confused. "So, do you use the power of the scepter to get clothes or something, I don't remember ever seeing you, mom, or Luna buying you any clothes." Asked Spike.

Bahamut nodded. "Yeah, but only simple things like tee shirts and pants, more complex stuff like tie's are more difficult to do, but Ember is not going to be able to do it. To make clothes requires direct contact with the Scepter."

Ember was intrigued at seeing her king as a human, she nodded after she figured out what she wanted to look like as she tried to change into her human form, completely unaware of the protest coming from both Spike and Bahamut. Ember imagined herself in the form of a human as she slowly changed into a six-foot three teenager with blue skin the same color as her scales as her spins, tail and wings receded into her back. Embers horns and head spines changed into a head of blue hair with two pure white bangs on the side of her head as her snout flattened and morphed itself into a human jaw, then her feet and hands lost their claws can changed into human limbs. She then felt as two weights appear on her chest, lastly her eyes changed from her natural slits and rounded out.

She looked at her body and was so excited that she didn't notice the rather large blush Spike had on his face as he looked away out of embarrassment.

Ember was brought out of her excitement induced reality after she noticed that that every one male in the dome went slack jawed at the sight of a naked girl in front of them, that was until the female members of Commander Wills squad broke formation and rushed to cover Ember who was completely unaware of what she had done.

Everyone was brought back to reality as Bahamut started to chuckle. He then looked to Spike. "Your mother had the same reaction when she first saw me change into my human form. It looks like ember has a hold on how to change, so I’m going to leave the rest to you and as of today she will be your personal guard." Said Bahamut as he changed back into his dragon form, as he gave Spike one last hug and walked back through the portal.

Seeing no reason to stay in his dragon form, Spike changed back into his human form as Discord walked over to Spike and handed him his boxers and the same robe from earlier. "Thanks Uncle D, let's head home."

"The plane is fueled up and is ready to go." Said Discord.

After Shining was gathered and informed about Ember and Ember returned fully dressed and informed by the group of female soldiers about what happened the four were driven back to the plane and were in the sky heading back to Canterlot.

Spike was laying down in the same room as before trying to come up with some way to talk to his mother and inform her about Ember that wouldn't get his father killed, and he knew it was time to bite the bullet. Spike grabbed his cell phone and called his mother.


"Hey Mom, I'm back."

"That's great, how was the trip?"

"It was good, me and dad talked for a while, but on a completely unrelated topic can you make up the guest room."

"Um sure. may I ask for whom?"

"Well dad asked me to allow for a dragon to cross over with me and I agreed, and she needs a place to stay."

"And what makes this dragon so important?"

"Oh, nothing much, she's an old friend from that summer I was in the dragon lands, my fiancé and my personal guard."

"Oh of course, I would love to help her, but she will have to wait until I get back?"

"Get back from where?" Asked Spike hopping that she meant school.

"Oh, from going to the portal to give your father a rather stern talking to." Responded Celestia with a calm but evil grin on her face. "I hope you have a good day at school tell me all about it when you get home, we will set Ember up with classes on Wednesday. Love you." Spike was about to hang up but then he heard his mother yelling "LUNA FIND A WAY INTO THE ARMORY; I NEED TO HAVE A TALK WITH BAHAMUT!!!" Spike sighed and hung up the call and passed out from a mixture of exhaustion from the change in form and tiredness as it was almost three in the morning.