• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,773 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

Famililar Faces, Big Secrets, The Big Reveal (But Not What You Think)

The rest of the week came and went relatively quick, Ember got her backstop backstory, Garble was suspended for three weeks for his inappropriate advances, harassing Spike in gym class, and possession of weed in his locker, and Rainbow was forgiven for taking her prize after the soccer match. But right now, Spike was waiting for Twilight to come over so they could head to the new home of Shining armor and Cadence.

Spike was in his room dressed in a pair of slacks with a long sleeve purple button down shirt as he was trying to tie a green tie, but in his defense ties aren't really part of dragon culture or at least Bahamut never thought them necessary, and in turn never learned to tie one.

Spike was so focused on the tie that he didn't hear giggling coming from behind him, as he tried again in vain to tie the formal noose. After two more failed attempts Spike groaned and was about to undo his progress when he first heard giggling coming from his door. "You're doing it all wrong." Said Celestia as she walked into the room.

Spike turned around to face his mother and gave her a sigh. "Why do I have to wear this, I'm just getting back in contact with my best friends parents, at the home of her brother who is part of my security squad, who in fact is the only one outside of the family and the rest of the agency who knows I'm not human for the most part." Spike then groaned in annoyance, "Why can't my life be normal."

"Stop moving." Said Celestia as she tied her son's tie. Once the tie was properly tied around the teens neck, she smiled. "There you go, I swear between you and your father." Said Celestia shaking her head at both her son and her husband. She then looked at her son, "You know how many times I had to tie your father's tie for him?"

Spike shook his head.

Celestia giggled. "A lot, but the one time I had to was our wedding day, that day I showed him why you don't mess with the bride on the day of her wedding, and more importantly why you don't make her thirty minutes before she is supposed to walk down the aisle, storm across the church just to help untie your hands and feet from a simple necktie. I found him in his dressing room on the ground hogtied by his own tie and his only excuse for that whole mess was dragons don't wear ties. It took a lot of makeup that Luna had ready to make your father look normal after what I did to him, but the weird thing was it only made him love me more." Celestia shrugged as she continued. "It's a dragon thing I guess, something about a strong female being able to protect her egg. But let's not get bogged down with what your father did to me that night..."

Spike thanked all the gods of the world that she decided to skip that part.

"... and make sure you are ready for your date with Twilight."

"It's not a date." Said Spike blushing.

Celestia waved off his comment and continued to make sure he was properly dressed. "Now that your tie is done, let's look at the rest of you. Give me a spin." Said Celestia as she twirled her finger.

Spike Sighed and turned around once so he could appease his mother. "I do know how to dress myself; you know." Said Spike.

"I am completely aware of that, unless you count that one time when you were like one year old and you ran out of the house naked." Giggled Celestia at the memory of Bahamut chasing down a naked Spike in the front lawn as she and Luna were laughing and taking pictures. Celestia was brought out of her day dreaming when she felt a sharp increase in the heat of the room.

She looked at her son who was embarrassed at hearing this and had a very threatening look on his face. "I swear if you ever tell any of my friends that story..." Said Spike as he thought of what he could do to his mother that did not involve her: A) to cry her eyes out at how mean her son was to her, or B) Kill her to make sure that story never saw the light of day again. But then Spike came up with the best threat ever. "Or I will never make you a cake again, and that includes birthdays." Said Spike.

Celestia went pale at the ultimatum her son just made, she then began to weigh her options. 'Ok, no more of Spike’s cakes, could I live with that?' Thought Celestia. 'No, Store bought cakes are crap and too expensive, but I've heard great things about this local bakery from some of the faculty, I could look into it. Ok that is a solid backup plan. Or I could finally give up cakes and lose those last five pounds that have plagued me since Spike was born...Yeah that's not going to happen let's be honest with ourselves. I could probably make it a week...um a half a week... no, one day without cake, fuck I'm screwed.' Celestia sighed " Fine, you win." said Celestia saddened.

Spike smirked in victory. "Good, now how do I look?" Asked Spike.

Celestia looked back at her son and gave her opinion of his attire. "You look fine aside from the fact that your shoes are not the same shade of black as your belt." Celestia then walked over to the boys closet and started to rummage around in it to find the correct belt for him. Celestia started to toss random pieces of clothing out of the closet and after tossing a pair of jeans, two shirts and about five pairs of socks Celestia pulled out a black belt and handed it to Spike. "Here, this one should match your shoes and you better hurry, Twilight should be here any..." The sound of knocking then sounded out in the house. "Never mind, she's here now." Said Celestia as she handed the belt to Spike and quickly made her way to the front door to let the girl into the house.

Spike sighed and started to change his belt.

Celestia arrived at the front door in a matter of three seconds and her hair was a mess, so before Celestia opened the door she fixed her hair and made sure she was presentable, and was dressed to a degree that it showed casual but not too casual for her student to think that she was only professional at school. Celestia looked at her weekend attire, a simple pair of black jeans and a red floral print blouse with white lilies. Nodding to herself in approval, Celestia opened the front door and greeted Twilight. "Twilight, how good to see you again, please come in and have a seat, Spike is still upstairs getting ready." Said Celestia.

Twilight smiled. "Thank you, Principal Solaris." Said Twilight.

Celestia frowned for a moment then shook her head. "Twilight, were not at school, so just call me Celestia."

Twilight was a little shocked at this but nodded all the same. "Thank you Celestia." Said Twilight as she walked into the home. Twilight smiled as she and Celestia walked to the living room as they both took a seat on the couch. Twilight then looked around the room and noticed some pictures of Spike with his family sitting on one of the end tables next to the couch. Twilight picked up one that showed Spike trying to set up a tent with a tall man, and Luna were helping him. "Princ… Celestia?"

Celestia looked at the photo and smiled. "Spike was about eight at the time and I decided to show him how to camp, this was when we were setting up camp, Spike was so eager to help set up that after Luna and I set up one tent, he insisted on helping put up the other one. I took this picture as he was getting mad at my and Luna's tent because he was too small to feed one of the poles to our brother Discord, who decided to join us for that trip." Said Celestia.

"And If I remember correctly you got mad at me and D when we didn't properly anchor the tent to the ground, and it collapsed in the middle of the night. I still remember your screams of terror when the tent caved in, 'AWWWWW, LUNA WAKE UP, WERE GOING TO DIE!' I swear you woke up the entire forest." Laughed Luna.

Twilight giggled at the look Celestia was giving Luna but stopped when Luna greeted Twilight. "Yes, it was very amusing Ms. Sparkle, and might I say, Spike will be shocked when he sees you." Said Luna who was in a dark blue blouse and a pair of shorts.

Twilight blushed at what Luna said and tried to argue the statement. "You're just saying that, it's not like I'm wearing anything special." Said Twilight as in her opinion a simple yellow dress with some pink flowers on the skirt was nothing to nice. But she's been wrong before.

"Wow Twi you look great, and that dress is you to a t." Said Spike as he walked down the stairs and looked at the group of girls on the couch. "Also blink once if they told you any embarrassing stories about me." joked Spike.

Twilight laughed at the joke and shook her head. "It's more embarrassing for Celestia than you. They told me about the first camping trip you guys took together."

"Oh, that one is pretty funny, but she most likely didn't tell you about the fact that Luna got sunburned when we went to the nearby lake and she fell asleep on the shore, and we repeatedly told her to put some sunscreen on." Said Spike as he laughed at the memory.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE, I DID PUT SOME ON!" Yelled Luna, but then she continued as she grumbled in annoyance. "But Discord didn't tell me that I needed to wait for a while before jumping into the water."

This did not stop the laughing but soon Luna joined in.

After the laughing died down Twilight pulled out her phone and noticed the time and how late it was getting. "Oh no." Said Twilight as she showed Spike the time. "Spike, were going to be late, the party starts in twenty minutes, come on." Said Twilight as she grabbed Spikes arm and pulled him to the door, shocking the dragon boy, and both women in the room with the teens surprising strength.

Spike shrugged as Twilight continued to drag him. "Bye mom, bye Aunt Luna, be back when I get back, I made a list for the store, make sure you go or I won't be able to cook dinner this week, Love you." Said Spike as he was pulled through the door.

Then Twilight popped her head back in the house, "Thank you for having me, it was fun to catch up after so long, and you have a lovely home." Said Twilight as she removed her head from the door.

Both Luna and Celestia giggled as they shouted after the two teens. "Have fun on your date."

Hearing this made both teens blush as they both are now thinking this is a date. Celestia then walked over to the front door and closed it as she watched the two teens walk down the street.

Celestia then sighed as she turned to the stairs. "You know you're going to have to tell him sooner or later." Said Celestia.

"I know, I just don't know when." Said Ember as she walked down the stairs and took a seat on the couch. Ember sighed as she laid back on the couch. "I know what I am to Prince Spike, but I don't know what I am to Spike Solaris, and I don't even know if he could feel the same way as I do about him. What do I do?" asked Ember.

Celestia sighed as she walked back to the couch. "Ember, I know you want some help figuring out what you're feeling, but this is something every teenager goes through. 'Does he like me, or does he see me as just a friend?' and trust me no girl is immune to these feelings."


"Yes really, back when I was Spikes age I had a crush on a great guy named Scorpan, we were friends for a while, but then I started to develop feelings for him, so I decided to ask him out on a date, and as you can assume from the fact that Spike exist, he said no and that he only saw me as a friend, of course I was sad at first but it was something I needed to do to know for sure." Said Celestia.

"Yeah, Scorpan was very nice to you and back then I thought it was a match made in heaven, but now that I think about it, if you two stayed together you might be related to that criminal Tirek." Added Luna.

Celestia shot Luna a glare that just shouted, 'NOT HELPING'.

"But what Tia says is true, no one is immune to these feelings, I was into a guy named Sombra, he was smart, charming, a little too much into gems but he was so kind. But then we started to date, and I saw his true feelings for me, it turns out that he wanted to make one of our friends Radiant jealous, but she only saw Sombra as a friend at first, but then she felt like something was missing and decided to ask Sombra out. Of course, he said yes, and they had a great time together. The next day Sombra told me why he asked me out, and as you would imagine I was pissed. But then I looked at how happy he was to be with Radiant, and then I thought back at how in the time we dated, I never made him look like that. He apologized for using me and never meant to hurt me, and we let bygones be bygones and we decided to stay friends. The last I heard from him was the news that Radiant was pregnant and it was a girl. I wonder where he is right now." Said Luna.

500 miles away in a mountain town. A man with dark black hair and a single red cowlick was sitting at a desk doing some work, when his intercom came to life. "Mr. Sombra, your daughter is on line two and she says it's important." Said the intercom. Sombra sighed, rubbed his tired eyes, pressed the speaker button and responded.

"Thank you Silver, why don't you head home for the rest of the weekend, I'm almost done here, and I don't plan on sitting in this chair again until Monday." Said Sombra.

"Thank you, sir, have a nice conversation with Cadence, I know it was hard for you when she had to move for Shining Armors new job, but she's a good girl."

"I know, say hi to Golden for me when you get home."

"I will, don't stay in there all day, get upstairs and get some well deserved rest."

"I will." Said Sombra as the intercom went dead. Sombra sighed as he pulled a photo from his desk, Sombra looked at it and sighed again. "What ever happened to all of us, Me, Radiant, Luna, Celestia, Discord, Scorpan, and Tirek, Good friends who just grew up and moved on with our lives." Said Sombra as he returned the picture to his desk and pulled another one to him. " And then came you...my little crystal heart, and look at you now, a counselor of a well known school hundreds of miles away from daddy, and all because of that boy. Why didn't you try to make a compromise? I know Shining is a good guy, but I still can't accept that you are not here anymore. Ever since Radiant passed, you were all I had." Said Sombra as he cried.

Sombra wiped away the tear, composed himself using the breathing technique Radiant taught him during college, and picked up the phone. "Hey sweetie, sorry I can't make it for the party, but I sent a card and something else should arrive later today... So how is the place?"

"It's perfect, we have so much space here, four bedrooms, 5 and a half baths, and a massive back yard, open concept, huge kitchen with marble counters, and the best part it was all paid for by the DDC."

"Wait what happened to that simple little 2 bed, 2.5 bath, and what do you mean the place was paid for by the DDC?"

"Well that's what I wanted to tell you, apparently Shining was chosen for a special assignment that's really important, so right before we were going to lease the apartment downtown, Shining received an email from the agency saying that for his assignment we would get this house. In fact, that's not all I have to tell you."

"There's more?"

"You remember Twilight, right?"

"Nerdy, loves books, Shining's sister, yeah what about her?"

"Well she is bringing a boy to the party, and it's someone most of us know from way back when."

"You got me already no need to hold out, just who is it?"

"That little kid that I used to play with when I was babysitting Twilight, Spike Solaris, can you believe it?" Said Cadence excited.

Sombra was shocked into silence. "Daddy....Daddy....Daddy there's more." Said Cadence worried.

"Sorry, just thinking about me and your mother in our high school days, what else could you possibly surprise me with?" Said Sombra.

Outside of Sombra's office Silver Polish was just about to walk out of the room when she was startled by a loud scream. "YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Then Sombra flung open the door to his office and smiled a giant smile.

"Sir what's wrong?" asked Silver.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." Smiled Sombra but then it became a frown. Sombra then looked at Silver and with the most puppy dog eyes he could muster asked, "Silver, can you please stay for another few minutes and clear all of my appointments for Monday, then book me the soonest flight straight to Canterlot international, I don't care what it is, I just need to be on that flight, I'll sit in the cargo hold if I have to, just make it happen. I need to head to the penthouse to get packed." Said Sombra giddy with excitement.

Silver was kinda weirded out seeing her usually serious boss jumping around the room like a squirrel. "I'm guessing this was because of Cadence, was its good news?"

"The absolute best!"

Then Silver gasped as she figured it out and immediately ran back to her desk and started to book the flight. "You're lucky. one direct flight to Canterlot International leaves in two hours, that gives you plenty of time and should only be a fifteen minute drive from the airport from her new home."

Sombra stopped jumping and looked at Silver. "Wait, you know about the new house?" Asked Sombra.

"I received an email from Cadence right before you had the package shipped so it's still going to get to her today, but you're probably going to beat it, and if you actually read your emails you would of noticed she sent you the address as well but Cadence knows your too busy, so she asked me to make sure you got a paper copy of the address." Said Silver as she opened a drawer and pulled out a slip of paper with the address on it. "Now get going and be there for your daughter." Said Silver sternly.

Sombra nodded rapidly and ran out of the office, got to his personal elevator and rode it up to his penthouse to get packed for his trip.

A few minutes later Sombra stopped back into the office with a small suitcase ready. "Gate 12, flight 431." Said Silver as she handed Sombra his ticket.

Sombra smiled at Silver. "What would I be without you?"

Silver shrugged. "Horribly late for meetings and appointments, 20 years older, and if you don't get going late for your plane, now get your ass in gear and give your daughter a hug for me."

Sombra smiled as he ran to the company elevator and pressed for the ground floor. But before the doors closed Sombra yelled. " Actually, cancel all my appointments for next week, I'm taking off to spend time with my family, and take that time off." Yelled Sombra as the elevator doors closed.

Silver smiled and walked to her desk to clear Sombras calendar for the next week, then she called her husband Golden Vase as she looked at flights for two. "Honey, how does Cancun sound?"

Back with Spike and Twilight. The two teens were still thinking that this was some sorta date. Twilight decided to break the silence as awkwardly as humanly possible. "So.... how bad was that sunburn your aunt got?"

Spike laughed awkwardly. "It was so bad that she looked like she took a bath in Poison Ivy, and we had to take her to a doctor for some special ointment." Said Spike as the silence returned.

Twilight sighed as she looked at Spike. "Spike about what Celestia said, do you want to just forget about it?" Asked Twilight not sure if she wanted to hear his answer.

Spike nodded and looked at Twilight. "Twi I'm sorry for my mother's behavior, the last thing I wanted was for you to feel awkward, so I would understand if you wanted to forget." Said Spike.

Twilight nodded but, on the inside, she was sad to hear Spike, but she put up a mask and smiled. "Thanks Spike."

"No problem Twi." Spike then looked down the road and noticed a large group of cars parked outside a large white house that looked almost the same as his, and he remembered just who Twilight's brother was and figured that the DDC procured a home with similar 'features' for Shining Armor and Cadence.

Twilight gasped and looked at the house and smiled as she again pulled Spike to the door with her surprising amount of strength. When Twilight and Spike arrived at the front door Twilight knocked and the two waited for someone to answer. A few moments of waiting and the door was opened by an older gentlemen dressed in a neutral blue buttoned shirt and a pair of slacks, with a head of dark blue hair combed to one side, and a pair of amber eyes, he was smiling at Twilight the moment he saw her. "Twilight, I was worried you got lost, it's not like you to be late for... well anything, did something happen?" asked the man. Then He looked at Spike and a chill ran down Spike’s spine. "And Who is the young man?" Said the man with tubs of venom spewing out with every word but kept the smile.

Twilight giggled. "Dad stop that, you remember me telling you about inviting Spike today remember." Said Twilight as she again pulled Spike and put him in front of her father.

Spike gulped and extended his hand to the man. "It's nice to see you again Mr. Sparkle, it's been too long." Said Spike hoping that he wasn't going to die.

The man laughed and pulled Spike into a one arm hug. "Drop that Mr. Sparkle stuff, it's good to see you again Spike." Said Night Light.

Spike exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "Yeah, it's good to see you too Night Light." Said Spike as he returned the hug.

Night light released the boy and let the two enter the house but after Twilight walked in Night Light placed one of his hands-on Spikes shoulders and held the boy in place. "Spike, can I talk to you really quick; the party isn’t going anywhere." Said Night Light pulling the boy back outside and closing the door behind him.

Spike gulped again and smiled nervously as he thought. 'So, this is how I die, you know it's funny I always thought I would die at the hands of.... actually, I never thought about how I would go out, especially like this.'

"Spike." Said Night light sternly. "I'm going to make this short and sweet, I don't know what you're like now, but Twilight is happy with you around, and I trust my little girl, so I'm going to trust you. But the moment that trust is broken all you'll get from me is a one minute head start, and that's only because I liked you when you were a kid. Nod your head if you understand."

Spike nodded his head rapidly. Night Light smiled at the response and opened the door as the two reentered the home.

Spike was still processing the threat but decided to talk. "So, Night Light, are you still an astronomer?"

"Yes, I am but I'm off for the next few weeks while the local observatory is being retrofitted with the latest tech. I was planning on asking the principle of CHS if she would consider sponsoring a field trip there once it's done, I have been working on some new star jokes for the main presentation in the theater."

Spike sighed as he remembered that Night Light was not the greatest when it came to comedy, but not to be rude, he lied through his teeth. "Good to hear, hope it works out." Smiled Spike.

Suddenly Twilight returned, pulling an older woman who could have been her twin if she was only twenty years younger as she was dressed in a gray and purple dress, that matched her purple and light gray hair. "Spike, where have you been?" Asked Twilight.

Spike lied again. "Um... Night light was showing me around the outside of the house, it's really cool." Said Spike. Night Light nodded at the excuse, earning Spike another 10 seconds. Spike then looked at the older women and smiled. "I at least know where Twilight gets her looks." Said Spike making the woman and teen blush a little. "You look beautiful Mrs. Velvet."

Velvet giggled at the complement and smiled at Spike, as she pulled the boy into a hug, placing his head into her chest. This received a generational glare from both Twilight and Night Light. Velvet released the boy from the hug and giggled at the looks Spike was getting. "Thank you Spike, but your one to talk, you have really grown up since the last time we met, I honestly am a little sad, you were so cute with that cute round face and chubby cheeks." Said Velvet as she pinched Spikes cheek, earning a groan from the boy.

"Really Velvet aren't you embarrassing the poor boy a little too much right now." Said a new voice as she entered the room.

Velvet shrugged as she released the boy’s cheeks. "I don't think so, he was always so cute when he was little and now is no different. But as I remember, you were always protective of him when he would play with Twilight, or am I wrong Cadence?" Said Velvet giggling.

Cadence then entered the room and smiled at Spike, who smiled back at her. Cadence was taller than almost everyone in the room only matched by Spike. She was wearing a casual blue skirt and a professional light blue button up blouse, as her pink, purple, and gold color hair was slightly curled at the bottom. "And here comes the lady of the hour, the greatest babysitter known to the world, and the main person to blame for turning Twilight into a walking library, the current and hopefully to remain, Mrs. Mi Amore Cadenza 'Cadence' Sparkle." Said Spike smiling.

Cadence giggled at the goofy little introduction, but smiled, nonetheless. "Still the goof ball as ever I see Spike."

Spike shrugged. "I try, but that was to hopefully make up for missing the wedding. Congrats by the way." Said Spike.

Cadence giggled more as she hugged Spike as he returned the hug in kind. "It's so good to see you again Spike." Said Cadence.

Spike nodded as he smiled. "You too Candy."

The two separated and Spike laughed a little, earning a confused look from Twilight and all the adults.

"Um Spike what's so funny?" Asked Cadence.

Spike wiped away a tear and looked at Cadence. "I'm just wondering how Shining landed you of all people. No offense to him but as I remember he was a giant dork, with a huge comic book collection."

Cadence giggled as she nodded. " You want to know the truth?"

Spike nodded.

"Well he's-- Incredibly handsome, smart, strong, loving." Started Cadence but was interrupted by Shining as he walked down the stairs.

"I was going to say a great guy with the best little sister ever, but yeah let's go with that." Shrugged Cadence.

Here was the moment of truth for the Agent and his objective. Shining looked at Spike and fake gasped in shock as he ran down the stairs and pulled Spike into a head lock and gave a playful nuggie on Spikes head. "And Look at you little guy, all grown up now. I bet ladies are just throwing themselves at you." Played Shining laying it on very thick.

Spike struggled to get out of the head lock. "Uncle." Said Spike as shining released him. Spike fixed his hair and smiled at Shining who was laughing. "Good to see you to Shining, but what I said, still stands you dork." joked Spike. They both laughed as everyone else joined in on the enjoyment.

A few hours later Spike and Shining were alone in a study that came with the house. Shining closed the door. Spike and Shining sighed in relief. "Really a nuggie, what are you 13." Said Spike.

Shining chuckled. "Sorry, I wanted to make it believable. So, what do you want to know?" asked Shining.

"Nothing that will take too long, I just want to know what's the deal with this house?" Asked Spike as Shining nodded.

"It turns out that the DDC is hell bent on keeping you safe, so they are giving all of your security agents an over the top setup heavily equipped with your safety in mind. I was briefed on the 'special features' your current home has, and in much similar fashion this location is equally well equipped. We have a MPATS station underground with a handprint authorization panel located on the tree in the backyard, we have a fully stocked and might I say oversized armory, with enough diamond tipped rounds to fund a small nation, and some experimental laser based weaponry, located behind a hidden wall with palm access located on a set of bricks that make up the fire place. Lastly in the garage is an armored personnel carrier, with four inch armor plating, mag bumper suspension, and a gunners hatch for light mounted machine guns in case of the need for additional defense all hidden by a subterranean car storage elevator, accessible by a palm scanner set in the pegboard on the tool bench in between the saw and hammer, keys are hidden in a hidden wall safe, that will open via the same scanner, and this is all coded for you, your mother, aunt, uncle, and every agent in the system.

Shining turned around and moved some books off a book shelf and placed his hands on the back panel. A buzzing sound started, and a red light moved down from the tip of the hand to the bottom. Then a quick hissing sound, and a hidden safe emerged from the bookshelf. Shining reached in and pulled out a folder. The safe closed and became hidden again. Shining then placed the folder on the desk and showed Spike its contents. "So, to begin with, here's a key to the house." Said Shining handing Spike a key to the house. "This is a master key to the place and will open every door including the lockable garage door."

Spike looked at the key confused. "Um why would I need this?"

Shining sighed. "From this point on this place is your secondary safe house, and it would be kinda stupid if you didn't have access and replacing a door or window would only draw attention to this place." Said Shining as he pulled out a small fob with a button and handed it to Spike. "Recently we have gotten word that three dragons have crossed over with small portions of the Bloodstone in their possession."

"What, that's impossible, there's no way dad would let anyone near the scepter, hell I haven't even touched it without him watching me like a hawk, so what gives?" Asked Spike angry.

Shining tried to calm Spike down as his eyes began to change and his nails became sharper and pointed. "Spike, calm down, your other side is showing, and aside from the people in this room, no one knows. Listening to the report Discord received from Bahamut is actually very revealing." Said Shining handing over the report. "It turns out that the Bloodstone used to be a little larger than it is now, approximately 10% larger to be accurate. Before your grandfather was born, Dragons were fighting a civil war, it was between dragons like your father, cultured and intelligent and dragons who only believe they should rule because they were stronger, which they were for the most part. So, your great grandfather made a difficult decision and gave small portions of the Bloodstone to his trusted generals, the bloodstone granted them increased power, which they used to ensure that the civilians were protected and to end the war. It worked, the war was quickly won and as thanks for their support King Shimmering Scales granted them ownership of the small gems, and not unlike the powers the bloodstone granted Ember, they then had the ability to change their forms."

"So, you think that the dragons who crossed over have changed into humans to not raise suspicion?"

"That's right, the report tells that the gems were passed down the generations as a sign of loyalty to the dragon king. But loyalty is an uncertainty when it comes to the next generation, so be on the lookout for anyone suspicious. We do not know what they intend to do but the fact that no dragons have been reported since they crossed means they most likely aren't here to start a war."

Spike looked at the fob. "So, this fob is an emergency signal?" asked Spike.

Shining nodded. "It is, that button was designed to be the first and last warning signal for the citizens, if you press it once every DDC agent with in a 20 mile radius will converge to your location, press it a second time and the city wide dragon alert system will start broadcasting the prerecorded emergency broadcast, as well as allowing access to all anti dragon bunkers in the area. And if you press it three times it means that you are requesting authorization to go dragon and possibly resolve the matter, no matter the means, which is the last resort. So, keep it on you until this issue is resolved and keep it out of sight."

Spike nodded. "Got it. So, do we have any idea who it was that crossed over?"

Shining sighed but nodded. "Yes, we do, but we have no names, all we know is that they are sirens."

Spike groaned. "Sirens, it just had to be sirens."

Shining looked confused, and Spike noticed the confusion on the agents face and decided to elaborate. "Sirens, much like the mythical creatures from Greek mythology with the same name, but instead of tempting sailors, dragon sirens are able to induce anger, so keep an eye out for police reports involving fights and very large arguments, but it only works on those who are weak willed, so most dragons are immune, humans ,I'm not so sure." Said Spike shrugging.

Shining nodded. "One last thing and then we can rejoin the party." Said Shining as he opened the hidden safe and returned the file. Shining then turned and stared at Spike with an evil look in his eye which sent a chill down Spikes spine. "Spike, what are your intentions with Twi?" Asked Shining.

"Um... I don't know what you mean?"

"Spike, I'm not an idiot, the moment you arrived I saw the way Twilight looked at you when our mother hugged you, She was jealous, I also know about what happened between you and Twilights friend Rainbow Dash."

Spike paled. "Um... How?"

"Me and Twi talk all the time, and might I say she was extremely annoyed when she told me about Rainbow kissing you. I'm not telling you this as your security agent, hell I'm not telling you this as Twilight's brother, I'm telling you this as an old friend, Twilight might not see it but somewhere inside, she has feelings for you. Now as her big brother I have to say, if you hurt her, I will hunt you down to the ends of the world and make you regret making me mad, is that understood." Said Shining.

Spike nodded. Shining smiled at the response. Suddenly downstairs Cadence screamed, alerting the two. Out of worry Shining placed his hand on the corner of the desk and one of the side panels popped open, revealing two Glock pistols and four magazines loaded with diamond rounds. Shining looked at Spike, "Spike do you know how to handle a gun?"

"Yes, Discord taught me when I turned 14, but if my mother or aunt ask, then no." Said Spike.

Shining nodded and tossed a pistol and two of the four magazines to Spike, who caught both and loaded one of the magazines into the gun, loaded a round and stood ready at the door. Shining got into position next to the door and counted to three....1...2...3 and opened the door and the two rushed to the living room.

But that was unnecessary as when they arrived all they saw was Cadence hugging Sombra happily. Twilight looked at the two and gasped in shock, which in turn made everyone else look at the two with similar reactions. Both Shining and Spike tried to play the innocent card. "Um... it's not what it looks like." Said the two. It failed.

Cadence let go of her father and walked over to her husband with an eerily calm expression. "Shiny, you have five seconds to tell me why, both you and Spike are holding guns, why you both stormed in here, and why you were pointing them at us, but you can choose the order."

"Um... we heard someone scream." Said both boys.


"I gave the gun to Spike as back up."


"We're in a lot of trouble right, now aren't we?" Said both boys.

"Yes. Shining you are on the couch for one week." Said Cadence. Every guy in the room looked down knowing that the couch was never a good place to be. Cadence then looked at Spike. "And Spike how did you get involved in all of this?"

"Um, Shining was showing me some of the rooms and then he told me that he got a job at the DDC, and we talked for a while in the office." Said Spike hoping that she would believe the half lie.

"And why did Shining think it would be a good idea to give you, a minor, a deadly firearm?"

"Well, first off I'm trained in the use, maintenance, and handling of most pistols and rifles."

This earned a loud gasp from the only other teen in the room. "Spike, why did you learn all of that?" Asked Twilight.

"Well, my uncle thought it would be a good idea for me to know how to protect myself so he trained me how to use most firearms, don't worry I have a license." said Spike as he pulled out his wallet, got the card out and showed it to everyone.

Twilight walked over to Spike and snatched the card out of his hands to examine it. After a few moments of examining she sighed and handed Spike his card. "It's real, and official, but it's going to expire in a year."

"I know, I was planning on getting retested right after summer vacation started." Said Spike as he returned the card and the wallet to their normal place.

"Ok, that still doesn't explain where you got the guns." Said Cadence.

Shining instantly became nervous. "Well, I'm waiting." Said Cadence as she tapped her foot.

"Um... I need to make a call to see what I am and am not allowed to disclose and to whom I can." Said Shining hoping that Cadence will allow it.

Cadence nodded and let him walk out of earshot of the still shocked group.

A few minutes later Shining returned. "Ok, I'm allowed to disclose all non-classified information to all who are present but I'm going to be getting an ear full by the higher ups when word of this gets to them." Said Shining as he retrieved Spikes gun and ejected both the mag and the one in the chamber. "First off, I'm allowed to inform you all about my position in the Agency. I was tasked with the protection of a VIP vital to the DDC." Said Shining.

"And Let me guess you are not able to tell us their identity?" Asked Night Light.

Shining nodded. "I could, but the alternatives are much less desirable, they made that very clear during my briefing."

"Ok I can live with that, national security and all." Said Cadence.

"Thanks sweetie. Now if everyone will follow me to the office, I will show you where I got the guns." Said Shining as he walked to the office.

Once everyone was in the office Shining placed his hand on the same corner and in a moment out popped the same hidden compartment. Shining then returned both guns and all four mags to their place. But instead of closing the door Shining explained. "So, as part of the VIP's security detail, I must be ready to move out at a moment's notice so most rooms in the house have multiple hidden supply caches. In the office as you can see is this small arms storage, behind the books on the shelf is a hidden safe filled with sensitive material, that contains the VIP's identity, so I'm not allowed to show it." Shining then closed the desk and walked out of the room and returned to the living room where he placed his hand on the couch and out popped the cushions revealing a small armory filled with rifles and other weapons. " In this house there are over 200 weapons, and as you can see, they are not all small." Said Shining as he pulled out a M16 assault rifle, examined the weapon and then returned it, and closed the couch armory. Shining then looked at everyone in the room. "The next thing I can only tell one other person who I can trust, so could everyone but Cadence leave for a minute?"

Everyone but Cadence nodded and walked outside to let the two talk. But the moment they closed the door Twilight got onto Spike. "Spike, what would your mother say if she found out about this?"

"Um... no comment, but I don't want her to know, not at least until I'm 18, so until then please don't tell her, for me Twi, please?"

Twilight sighed but nodded. "Fine but the moment you turn 18 your mother is going to find out one way or another." Said Twilight.

Spike nodded as the front door opened and the group returned inside. "Ok, lastly, this location has been designated as the secondary safehouse for the VIP, so during emergencies this place will be filled with agents who during states of emergencies are ordered to detain all non-authorized personnel, so if you are going to visit please call first." Said Shining.

Everyone nodded.

"Good. Now that most of the secrets are out in the open..." Shining turned to his wife and begged. "Am I still on the couch?"

Cadence giggled. "Yes, but for only one night for pointing a gun at all of us." Said Cadence as she gave Shining a kiss, "But you aren't going to get any for at least a week." Whispered Cadence.

Shining looked depressed but nodded in agreement.

Cadence then looked at her father and looked apologetic. "Sorry about this daddy, I hope this didn't ruin your surprise visit."

Sombra laughed as he gave Cadence a hug and pulled her close. "Nothing could ruin today, absolutely nothing. Though I need to start looking into setting up an office near here to make sure I get to visit her."

Cadence gasped. "Dad stop it, you'll ruin the surprise."

Sombra gasped as well as he looked sheepish and shut his mouth. But now everyone was giving their full attention to the pair.

"Cadence what surprise?" Asked Twilight.

"Well this isn't only a housewarming party per say." Said Cadence who found the floor to be the most interesting thing at that moment.

Shining sighed at walking over to his wife and his father in law. As all three smiled. "Follow me and everything will be revealed." Said Shining as the trio walked up the stairs and entered a dark room. Shining then flipped the lights on and it immediately became clear.

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY!" Yelled both Shining Armor and Cadence as the room was painted pink and a crib was all set up in the middle of the room. At that moment three things happened. First Twilight and Velvet ran to Cadence and gave her a huge hug, then Night Light passed out hearing the news that he was going to be a grandfather, the last was the sound of the doorbell ringing, which caught everyone's attention.

"Um... were we expecting anyone right now?" Asked Cadence.

Shining shook his head.

Everyone went downstairs to see who was at the front door. Shining opened the door and was shocked to find a three-layered cake with yellow frosting, blue frosting, little pink ribbons, baby themed decorations, and on top a fully detailed sugar pram that matched the cakes color sitting on the welcome mat. Shining bent down, grabbed the cake and brought it to the kitchen all while having a questioning look, that was mirrored by everyone in the room. "Um, sweetie did you order a cake when I wasn't looking?" Asked Shining

Cadence shook her head as she looked at her father. "Daddy?"

Sombra shook his head as well, "Nope, my gift should arrive soon though."

Cadence then looked at Velvet, Night Light, Spike, and Twilight, all who shook their heads.

Shining then gasped and showed a note that was placed in the pram to everyone. "Dear Shining Armor, if you're reading this, that means you got the cake, Congratulations by the way, tell Twilight and Spike that I can't wait to hear all about it on Monday, your friendly neighborhood baker, Pinkie Pie." Shining looked at the two and looked confused. "Should I know who this Pinkie Pie is, or should I be worried that she knows where we live, or the fact that she knew you both were here?"

"long story short, no, no, a little. I'm actually a little creeped out that she made a cake, decorated it, delivered it, and is nowhere to be found all in the span of time it took us to make it down the stairs." Said Spike.

Twilight then placed a hand on his shoulder. "Your new to Pinkie Logic, but we have a saying. 'It’s Pinkie Pie, don't question it'. We just let her do her thing no matter how random or logic defying she gets, but she also only uses her powers for good so don't worry about it." Said Twilight.

Everyone took a deep breath and looked at the cake. "You know this cake does look good, who wants a piece?" Asked Shining as he pulled out a knife.

Everyone shrugged and nodded.

The Cake was delicious.

Everyone was enjoying the cake as Twilight and Velvet were talking about the baby with Cadence, Shining was getting a you made your old man proud speech from Night Light. While Sombra wanted to talk to Spike alone for a few moments. "Um Spike was it?" Asked Sombra.

Spike nodded as he swallowed a bite of cake. "Um... yes sir... Sorry I didn't catch your name, after that whole gun incident, and now the baby, I still don't know who you are aside from the fact that cadence called you daddy, I assume you are her father." Said Spike.

Sombra laughed and nodded. "Yes, she's my little crystal heart, but my name is Sombra, it's a pleasure to meet you." Said Sombra holding out his hand to Spike.

"Nice to meet you sir, my name is Spike Solaris." Said Spike as the two shook hands. "What can I do for you?" Asked Spike.

Sombra sighed. "Let's go outside, we need to talk." Said Sombra ominously as he walked to the back door of the house so they could talk privately, which did not go unnoticed by Twilight.

Spike placed down his plate and followed Sombra to the back door, they walked out to the back yard and Sombra closed the door.

Once the two were alone Sombra started. "First off, I want to ask you if you know the name Radiant Hope?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I know her, she used to be a good friend with my mother and Aunt. How do you know her?"

"She was my wife and Cadence's mother."

"Was?" Asked Spike a little surprised.

"Yes, she died nearly 20 years ago when Cadence was only 7."

"I'm sorry to hear. From what my mother and aunt told me; she was a great person." Then it clicked in Spikes mind. "And she found her soulmate in high school who she was friends with, a guy that dated my aunt just to make Radiant jealous, a guy named Sombra."

"Before you get mad at me, Me and Luna ended things on good terms, I may have done some not so morally right things to get Radiant, but Luna understood, her brother Discord on the other hand was less than understanding, had one hell of a right hook though." Laughed Sombra as he rubbed his jaw. "How are the Solaris trio doing by the way?" Asked Sombra.

"Well my mother Celestia is the principle of CHS after we moved around. Luna is the vice principal, and Discord is... actually I don't know what Discord does for a living." Lied Spike.

"He's the head Agent and current head of security for the whole of the DDC."

"Um Sombra sir, I don't think I heard you right."

"No, you know what I said, I also know your father Bahamut, not personally of course, more of a professional relationship if anything. I also know the fact that what you said about Tia and Lu are correct. The fact that Shining is tasked with protecting you, and that as of 3 days, 5 hours, and 11 minutes ago three siren class Dragons illegally crossed over to the human world, and the fact that per dragon tradition your fiancé Ember of clan Torch is currently living with you and your family disguised as a human, and before you think about pressing the model 6 VPA (Valuable Personal Alert) button one time, let me tell you a secret about it. It can be locked with a voice command. Voice command, 'Protocol 2: activate, time three minutes.'" Said Sombra.

"Protocol 2 activated Alert unavailable for 3 minutes." Said a robotic voice coming from Spikes pocket. Spike pulled out the fob and tried to press the button, but it could not be pressed.

Sombra laughed. "Well it seems now is as good a time for proper introductions, I am the CEO of Crystal Empire Tech, and head of the DDC R&D department." Said Sombra as he watched Spikes jaw drop. (Arthur Lives Remaining: 2)

It took a few moments for Spike to return to the living world. "So, your?"

"One of the seven higher ups."

"Does she...."

"No, and I would prefer it stay that way."

"Then who?"

"You, Me, Discord, the R&D department, and the other higher ups."


Sombra laughed. "Well I was always fascinated with developing new technology, So once I finished college I married Radiant and we started our own company, at this point we were struggling to keep afloat, Then the war happened and I got contract after contract to develop items to help protect the humans from the dragons, and we delivered to rapid success. But during the war Radiant died from health complications, and if you wouldn't mind, I’d rather not go into much more on how she died."

"I understand." Said Spike as he nodded.

"Thanks." Said Sombra as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. "Once Radiant died, I was still trying to keep my company afloat, but I made one promise to Radiant before she was gone, I promised to love my daughter and support her dreams, so I did. Once the war was settled between Tia and Bahamut, the government wanted Crystal Empire Tech to head up the whole R&D department." Said Sombra taking a puff.

"If you didn't want Cadence to get involved with the DDC, then how the hell did Shining become an agent?" Asked Spike.

Sombra exhaled and shrugged. "Beats the hell out of me kid, I'm the guy that develops all the cool gadgets like the MPATS and the palm readers. I Don't handle the agents who go through training and assignment. But by the fact that Discord ordered a meeting about replacing the whole background department, I'm guessing that my name didn't come up when Shining was assigned to the detail."

"They also didn't mention that he was the older sister of my childhood friend. Or the fact that said friend is sitting in that living room, is going to school with me, and as of like half an hour ago had no idea who, what, or how the DDC operated and for whom."

Sombra laughed. "Yeah, for once Discord made the right call, that's pretty crappy work."

"So why come out and tell me all this?" Asked Spike.

"Honestly I don't know why, maybe I wanted to finally get this double life off my chest and seeing as you are the only one in the world that we legally are not allowed to lie to, maybe because without you I would be out of a job, or maybe I feel like I need to repay your aunt for what I did to her back in high school. Don't know, don't care."

"Are you always this vague?" Asked Spike.

Sombra chuckled as he shrugged. "Pretty much, the life of a head of the DDC is a life full of lies and shadows, you get used to it after a while though."

"So, there's you, head of the R&D, my uncle D head of security, who else is there?"

Sombra shrugged. "Don't know, we go by code names when we meet up for meetings, the only reason me and Discord know each other is because we decided to go by our old nicknames from back in high school."

"The god of chaos." guessed Spike

"Yep, best known prankster this side of the world, and I go by Crystal Heart, the name Radiant used to call me when we started dating."

"So, who are the others?"

"Well, there's the head of publicity: Smile. The head of funding: Tiara, head of training, which is two people both of whom go by the name Soaring Muscle, the head of recruitment: Spirit, and the head of information gathering: Mask. The rest of the work is handled by the government and other private companies." Said Sombra as he snuffed out his cigarette. Sombra then looked at Spike. "So, what are your intentions with my daughter in law?"

Spike groaned and put his hand out to stop Sombra. "Can we not do this today, I've already gotten the Father talk, and the big brother threat, I don't need the uncle or whatever Twilight sees you as threat as well."

Sombra laughed. "Fine I guess the point has been made." as Spike joined in.

Suddenly the back door opened, and, in the door, frame was Twilight. She looked at the two laughing and became confused. "Um...."

The two looked at the confused girl and the laughing stopped. Sombra pat Spikes shoulder. "Thanks for the talk kid." Then he whispered into Spikes ear, "Treat her good." Said Sombra as he walked past Twilight and rejoined the party.

Twilight looked at the interaction and continued to be confused. "Um Spike, what was that all about?"

Spike shrugged. "Not much, just normal guy talk." Said Spike as he walked past Twilight leaving the girl still standing in the doorway.

Twilight became a little annoyed and looked at Spike and Sombra with determination. "I will figure out what that was all about one way or another." Said Twilight as she closed the door and rejoined the party.

After another hour, there was someone knocking at the door and unless it was Pinkie Pie, Sombra knew what it was, so he walked over to the door and opened it, finding a small box with a label from the company to Cadence. "Seriously Silver what would I do without you?" Said Sombra with a smile as he carried the package to the kitchen to open it.

Cadence walked into the kitchen wondering what her father was doing. "Hey daddy what's in the box?"

Sombra was startled and hid the box behind his back to keep the gift a secret. "Um nothing." Said Sombra playing dumb.

But Cadence was not buying it. "Daddy?"

"Um... Fine it's the gift I shipped you but now that I'm here I might as well give it to you myself, turn around and close your eyes." Said Sombra.

Cadence was a little unsure as to why she needed to, but nodded, turned around and closed her eyes. Moments later Cadence felt something being wrapped around her neck, and a weight being added to her chest. It was a necklace. Cadence opened her eyes and looked down and gasped at the necklace around her neck, it was a simple blue crystal in the shape of a heart with a golden seating. "Da...Daddy?" Said Cadence as she looked at her father with tears in her eyes. "Is this...."

Sombra nodded. "She never took that off, from the day I used it in place of a ring to her last few moments, she wanted me to give it to you the day you would leave the nest, and no better time than the day that you find a new nest with the man you love." Said Sombra as he wiped away his daughter’s tears.

Cadence continued to cry none the less as she pulled Sombra into a hug. Sombra chuckled at his blubbering daughter in his arms. "You know this reminds me of the time you cried your eyes out when you found out that Spike had moved away, you treated him like the little brother you always wanted."

"I know, but this is.... Are you sure you don't want to keep it?" Asked Cadence.

"I did thing about it, but it clashes with my whole wardrobe." Joked Sombra.

Cadence chuckled as she cried and hugged her father. "Shut up, but thank you daddy, I'll keep it safe."

"I know you will, it looks perfect on you." Said Sombra.

Suddenly Shining entered the kitchen and looked at the two hugging and decided to let them have a moment.

Not soon after Shining let the two have the moment, Spike got a call from his mother. "Hey mom...yes...yes, wait really, ok see you soon, did you remember to pick up the mozzarella? Good, Love you too." Said Spike as he hung up the phone. Spike then looked at the Sparkle Family and looked sheepish. "Sorry everyone, I have to head home now." Said Spike.

Everyone looked sad as Cadence started. "Do you really have to, we hardly had any time to catch up with each other, I didn't even tell you or Twi the fact that I'm the new councilor at CHS."

"WHAT?!" Said both teens.

"Um... oops, there was supposed to be a surprise assembly on Monday to introduce me, but we will be seeing each other a lot more often from now on, isn't that great?" Asked Cadence as she looked at the two.

Twilight smiled widely hearing this news, while Spike was able to put up a mask and smiled as well. "Yeah, that's great to hear." Said Spike as he gave Cadence a hug for the good news.

Once they ended the hug Spike smiled at the family and said his goodbyes. "Well It was great to see you all again, and it was nice to meet you Sombra, see you Monday Twi." Said Spike as he walked to the door and opened it. But before Spike could leave fully Twilight grabbed his hand and stopped him. "Um... Twi did you need something?"

"Um... Spike I would like to thank you for coming today."

"Twi, I had fun I should be the one to thank you." Said Spike smiling.

"No, I'm the one who asked you out." Twilight covered her mouth and blushed intensely. Inside of Twilights mind she was panicking. "DID I JUST SAY THAT? WHY DID I SAY THAT? HE MUST THINK I'M CRAZY?" Thought Twilight. As her body started to move on its own. "Why is my body moving, and why am I getting closer to Spike, why are my lips getting closer to his?"

As Twilight was moving closer to Spike, he was having a similar reaction to Twilights actions, but before he could process this new information, something soft came into contact with his lips. the softness lasted for a few moments then it was gone. Spike looked at Twilight who was blushing so hard she rivaled a tomato, she squeaked and ran into the house, leaving Spike standing there with his mouth open (Arthur lives remaining:1, Next potential power source is now available, Lancelot.)

After a few minutes Spike closed his mouth and started to walk back to his house. "Oh shit, my friends have a crush on me."

Inside the house, Cadence and Velvet were smirking at the blushing teen. "So, I'm guessing that was your first kiss." Said Cadence.

Twilight nodded slowly. "What did I just do?" Asked Twilight as she slid down the door onto the floor. She covered her head with her hands as she groaned. "He must think I'm weird." Said Twilight. "I mean it's not like I didn't want to kiss him, but I had it planned out, but here I go and just kiss him out of nowhere." She then looked at her mother. "Mom what do I do?" Asked Twilight.

Velvet sighed and sat next to her daughter and wrapped her arm around Twilight. "Well, in my opinion, you should tell him the truth about how you feel, and I have a feeling you should do it soon, unless you want one of your friends to get him first."

Twilight looked at her mother. " How did you know about that?"

Velvet squeezed her daughter. "When you came home a few days ago you were upset and making a face. The same face I had when I saw one of my friends kissing your father, before we started dating. That and you were grumbling for hours that night saying, 'He's mine, I've known him longer, and how dare she' so it wasn't hard to piece together."

Twilight sighed. "But what if he doesn't feel the same about me as I do him, I don't want to ruin our friendship by making it weird between the two of us." Said Twilight, as she began to cry. "I don't want to lose him again."

Both Cadence and Velvet sighed as Cadence mirrored Velvet and sat next to Twilight. "Shhh, its ok Twi." Said Cadence as she tried to calm down the girl. "Listen, I know this is a hard time for you, but you will only be able to sort this thing out with a level head." Twilight nodded as she smiled slightly. "Plus, you can always try and share him." Whispered Cadence. This made Twilight blush even harder, but she smiled more as she looked at Cadence.

"Thanks Cadence, I don't know what I would do without you." Said Twilight as she gave Cadence a hug. Twilight then looked at her mother. "And Thank you mom, for helping me understand." Said Twilight as she gave Velvet a hug.

"It's my job to help my baby girl understand her feelings, it's in the mother’s guidebook." Said Velvet as she returned the hug. Twilight laughed at the joke. Velvet looked down at her daughter, "So are you ready to head home?" asked Velvet.

Twilight nodded.

As Spike was walking, he was lost in thought still trying to process the fact that all his friends actually have a crush on him, he groaned, "What am I going to do? I like all of them in their own special ways. Twilight was my first friend and she is very special to me. Ember was there for me when I was alone even if it took some time for her to warm up to me, Rainbow is fun, loyal to a fault and supportive. Fluttershy is cute, kind, and understanding. AJ is strong, smart, and reliable. Rarity is beautiful, artistic, strong willed, and giving. Pinkie is super funny even if she doesn't make sense, she's always happy, and she knows how to bake for sure. Sunset is something else, she is quiet but still expressive, a strong sense of honor, and even though she has done some bad things, she is trying to become a better person." Said Spike as he groaned again. "Not to mention the fact that three sirens are in the human world now doing god knows what."

But unknown to Spike, three pairs of eyes were watching him from an alley. "So that's him, he's cute."

"shh, he'll hear you, but yeah your right, he is cute."

"Aria, Sonata, both of you keep quiet, or our plan will be ruined."

"Shut up Adagio there's no way he can hear us from here." Said Aria.

Spike stopped for a moment and looked around confused. "Hello is someone there?" Asked Spike.

"Crap." Said all three.

Spike shrugged. "Must have been a cat or something, the wind probably." Said Spike as he continued to walk home.

"Thank Bahamut he didn't see us." Said Adagio. "Come on girls lets head back to the cave we found and think of a plan to get closer to him." The others nodded as three red lights started to illuminate the dark alley. Once the lights died down three figures flew out into the dark sky.

A while later Spike arrived back at home, he opened the door and walked in. "Hey, I'm home" said Spike.

"We're in the living room." Said the voice of Luna.

Spike walked into the living room and noticed that Luna, Celestia, and Ember were watching the news. On the screen was a blurry picture of three figures flying. "If anyone knows the identity of these three creatures, please contact the local authorities. Thank you for watching, good night." Said the reporter.

Spike groaned. "So much for not being seen." Said Spike as he sat on the couch next to Ember and his mother.

Celestia looked at Spike, "So how was your date?" asked Celestia.

"Where to start. Well turns out that Shining got the same set up as us, MPATS, armory, the works. Turns out his place is my secondary safehouse."

" Yeah, I got that report from D today detailing the Armor household. What else?"

"Cadence is pregnant, and she's the new counselor at the school, thanks for the heads up by the way."

Celestia stuck her tongue out. "I knew you would get a kick out of that."

"Yeah turns out that Cadence is also the daughter of Sombra and Radiant." Said Spike.

"WHAT!" Yelled Luna and Celestia.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, and that's not all, I found out that Radiant died nearly 20 years ago."

This news brought the room into silence for a few moments until Luna spoke. "Oh...what happened?"

"No idea, all he said was it was some health complications." Said Spike.

"Well," Said Luna.

"Yeah, then I found out that he was the head of R&D for the DDC, meaning he is the one who designed all the tech in the house and the agency, and the only one who knew was Discord."

Celestia sighed as she rubbed her temples. "Next you're going to tell me that your life might be in danger."

Spike became stiff the moment she said that, and Celestia noticed as she groaned. "What did you do this time?"

"Hey, why do you assume it was my fault?"

"Because you are the one who left the house, and unless your father is coming over and accidentally sat on a jeep at the gate, you’re the prime suspect."

"Hey, it’s not my fault that 3 dragons crossed over."

"WHAT!" Shouted Celestia, Luna and Ember.

Ember then grabbed Spikes shoulders and started to shake him violently. "WHO ARE THEY?"

"I...I....Don't....Don't....Know." Responded Spike.

Ember huffed but let go of Spike, "Well what do you know?"

"They are sirens, they have small portions of the Bloodstone that my great grandfather gave his generals during the civil war, and they are probably the descendants of them, meaning they can change into humans." Said Spike.

Ember sighed as she rubbed her eyes. "Sirens, it had to be sirens." Said Ember.

"That's what I said." Said Spike. "What, do you know them?"

Ember nodded. "Yeah, I do, to a degree at least, you see my mother was part siren, she wanted to know if I had any siren in me, so she set up meetings with the main siren clan, Clan Harmony. There I met a lot of female siren's but three stood out the most. A yellow siren, Adagio Dazzle, a purple siren, Aria Blaze, and a blue siren named Sonata Dusk, they are sisters."

"That doesn't explain why they are here on earth. They haven't started anything." Said Luna.

Ember shrugged. "I don't know, in actuality they liked humans from what I remember, so maybe they just wanted to see the earth, or maybe... oh crap." Said Ember. She then looked to Spike. "They also were jealous of me for being your betrothed, saying that they would do anything to get close to you, and win your heart."

Spike groaned. " Can't I have one week where my life is not screwed up by dragons in some way? just one." Said Spike, he looked at Ember. "So, you're telling me that I now have three siren stockers gunning for me?" Ember nodded. Spike threw up his arms in defiance. "Great, first I find out that I have a fiancé, then I get kissed by one of my new friends, then I get kissed by my oldest best friend, then I figured out that all of my friends have a crush on me, and now I have three sirens looking to get me." Spike then looked at his mother. "You just had to fall in love with the king of dragons, didn't you?"

Celestia shrugged. "Life, now tell me about this kiss." Said Celestia as she leaned forward to get the info while smirking.

Spike sighed. "Nope, I'm going to bed." He looked at Ember. "Ember, are you good with us heading to the mall to get some decorations for your room tomorrow?" Asked Spike.

"Sure. Good night." Smiled Ember.

Spike smiled at her, "Thanks." Said Spike as he walked up to his room.

Ember watched him ascend the stairs and waited for the sound of his door closing, once it did, she groaned. "So, he figured it out, what am I going to do now?"

Luna sighed. "First off, don't get all upset, tomorrow you will be all alone with him, so try to make the most of it. Be subtle, show him your true feelings, and if that doesn't work, you can always use the last resort."

Ember looked at Luna. "Unless human last resorts are getting into a fight with the male to show her strength, I'm going to need a little refresher."

Luna sighed and whispered to Ember. Ember blushed deeply and once she was finished Ember looked at Luna who smirked. "Well, that and show him you can cook." Said Luna.

Ember nodded as she grinned slightly. "Thanks Luna, I might try that tomorrow." Said Ember as she walked to her room for the night.

Celestia looked at her sister confused about what she told Ember. "Sister what did you tell Ember that made her blush so intensely?" then she gasped. "You didn't tell her to-OH GOD, Tia why would you think that?" interrupted Luna the moment she figured out what Celestia was implying. "All I told her to do was go clothes shopping with him, maybe find some clothes that make her features pop, I would never encourage that kind of behavior between two minors."

Celestia looked embarrassed at the thought of Luna trying to get her nephew to have sex. "I'm going to go die from embarrassment now, love you Lulu." Said Celestia as she walked up the stairs, to her room.

Author's Note:

So Spike adds another one, Ember is showing her true fellings, Arthur is one his last legs and its time for the Dazzilings to show, but why are they here?

Comment if you liked the chapter and tell me what big refrence I put in as a joke, i want to know who figured it out.