• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,748 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

The Dazzling's First Day

Spike groaned as he woke up, his back was killing him, and his night was full of tossing and turning. Turns out, a couch full of guns and metal armor wasn't the most comfortable thing to sleep on. It didn't help matters that one of the neighbors worked the night shift, their car has a broken muffler and they leave on their high beam headlights. Spike slowly opened his eyes, as underneath them were large black bags.

Spike shifted as he tried to force his body to move, but every movement was met with the desire to go back to sleep for a week. But that was not an option for Spike, he still had to cook for everyone, get ready for the day, and pray to god that Fluttershy didn't spill the secret to the others.

Spike tossed the blanket off his body and sat on the couch, he yawned, a lot, but after a few minutes of focusing, Spike was able to get up and move. He grabbed the spare change of clothes that he had gotten ready last night and brought them to one of the downstairs bathrooms. On the first floor there were three bathrooms, two of them had a shower, the other was only a half bath. Spike looked at himself in the mirror, and it frightened him, his hair was a mess, his eyes were red, and the bags under his eyes reached to his cheeks. Professional boxers look better after a match than Spike did right now. But unlike a boxer, most of this could be solved in a day, instead of a week or longer.

Spike yawned as he turned on the shower to the hottest setting and jumped into the lobster killing water. Its soothed Spike's body as the scolding liquid was trying to wash away the terrible night’s sleep from his mind. But the moment Spike felt some relief, it was gone. The water pressure, and most of the hot water was gone, leaving Spike in more of an ice bath. Spike jumped out of the shower just to get out of the cold water, he was now fully awake. He groaned as he grabbed a towel. "It must be Ember." Said Spike.

Ember had decided to wake up as Spike did, early, just so she could keep him company while he cooked breakfast. It was a sweet sentiment, but it did make morning showers a chore, since he took so much time to wake up today, his shower time over lapped with Embers.

Once Spike was dry, he got dressed and walked out of the bathroom, now it was time to wake up his mother and aunt. Spike walked up the stairs, he passed his room, and knocked on the door to his mother’s room. "Mom, time to get up." He walked over to Luna's room. "You too Aunt Luna." Yawned Spike.

Celestia yawned as she woke up from a great night’s sleep. She stretched her body as she smiled. "Good morning Spike, I'll head to the shower in a minute." Said Celestia.

Luna did the same as she greeted her nephew. "Yes, good morning Spike, I'll get ready for the day as well." Said Luna.

Now that was done, Spike walked down the hall to his room, he knocked on the door to his former room. "Adagio, Aria, Sonata it's time to wake up, you can use my shower to clean up, and just for reference, try to avoid belts and ties when you girls get dressed." Said Spike.

In his room, all three girls woke up after the most comfortable night of sleep they had ever had. In the dragon lands, it was a luxury to have a mattress, so it was mainly reserved for members of the royal family, and the family of the noble clans, other than that the other dragons normally slept on rather hard cushions. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata being part of a branch family of Clan Harmony, were not given the luxury of a mattress. They normally slept on a cushion, but now they were sleeping on a mattress, and not a dragon mattress that was full of phoenix feathers, this was a human mattress, a super soft memory foam mattress. To them it was like a cloud. But the fact that there wasn't a response prompted Spike to knock again. "Come on girls, remember what my mom said, today is your first day at school." Said Spike.

All three girls groaned, they didn't want to wake up, they just wanted to go back to sleep, but they knew the conditions for Celestia agreeing to let them stay, and that meant they needed to get up. All the girls yawned as they started to move. "Ok Spike, we'll be out in a moment." Said Adagio.

"Yep." Said Sonata. "What's for breakfast? Is it tacos?"

Aria sighed as she bopped Sonata on the head. "Stuff it with the tacos, you mumbled that all night, and you constantly interrupted my dream where I was dancing with..." Aria stopped before she spouted that she was dreaming of her and Spike dancing in the middle of the palace ballroom. "But seriously stop it with the tacos."

Spike couldn't help but laugh, he heard the whole conversation. "Well, actually we have a thing called a breakfast taco in the human world, we don't have the right ingredients for it today, so it’s just going to be sausage and biscuits. Be down stairs in like 20 minutes." Said Spike as he walked down to the kitchen. He used his fire to quickly preheat the oven and started to make some biscuits.

Spike was making the dough as Ember walked down the stairs in her new aqua dress, her hair was done up to show off her eyes. She walked up to Spike and sat across from him at the bar counter that worked at the island. Spike looked at her and he smiled. "Good morning Ember, how did you sleep?" Asked Spike.

But the moment Ember was going to answer him, she looked at his face and her response died in her throat. Spike looked like he was going to die. "Spike the real question is, how did you sleep?" Asked Ember.

Spike tried to play it off as nothing, so he shrugged. "Fine enough, it took awhile for me to get to sleep though." Said Spike. Yeah, 3:37 am was awhile. But he smiled at Ember. "So, did you sleep well?" Asked Spike.

Ember sighed, she got up from her seat and using her years of training, she effortlessly moved Spike away from his cooking and placed him in her seat. Spike was about to protest, but this time his response died in his throat when he saw the glare Ember was giving him. "I'll shut up now." Said Spike.

Ember smiled as she took his spot. She looked at Spike. "Ok, you have two choices, you either tell me how to make breakfast without moving, or I knock you out and I try it on my own?" Said Ember as she looked at him intensely.

Spike sighed. "I'd rather not get knocked out." Spike pointed to the stove. "Turn on the stove, grab the medium frying pan, and grab the box of sausages from the freezer." Said Spike. Ember nodded as she got everything. "Now grab the rolling pin and a baking sheet."

This continued for a few more minutes. "Lastly, use the cutter to cut the dough and place them on the baking sheet. Then pop them into the oven for 18 minutes. Now it's time for the sausages, and the cleanup. First start with gathering the dough scraps, wrap it in plastic wrap, and toss it into the freezer." Ember followed his instructions, and after some difficulties with the plastic wrap, Ember got the dough into the freezer.

She nodded. "Ok, I'm guessing that I should start the sausages, and then clean up all of the flour and the mixing bowl." Said Ember.

Spike nodded as he smiled. 'She's been watching me, that's the exact way to minimize the final clean up, clean as you go.' Thought Spike. "That's right, make sure that the stove is on medium high, if it's too high they will burn, too low and they will take forever to cook." Said Spike as he got up from his seat, that was until Ember tossed a rag right by his head, that made him sit right back down. He chuckled nervously. "Sorry, force of habit." Said Spike.

After a while Celestia and Luna walked down the stairs in their professional clothes, but they were shocked to see Ember cooking and not Spike. Celestia walked over to Ember not looking at Spike. "Ember, I know Luna said to try and cook for him, but why choose today of all days, and in my opinion, dinner is more of a statement than breakfast."

Ember sighed as she pointed to Spike. "Just look at him and you will know why." Said Ember.

Celestia looked behind them and she nearly jumped out of her skin. "Spike!?" Yelled Celestia.

Spike groaned as he clutched his head. "Shhhhhh, too loud." Said Spike.

Celestia walked over to him. Like before, his eyes were red, his hair was still a mess, and the bags were still there. Celestia sighed. "Sweetie, you look like you didn't sleep well." Said Celestia.

Spike shook his head. "No, it's fine, I'm just a little tired." Said Spike as he yawned. He smiled at her. "I'll make your coffee; you and Luna just take a seat." Said Spike as he tried to take a step, and this time Ember didn't throw anything at him from his perspective, but his perspective was only on for a few moments.

Lancelot, who had been running all night, called it quits as he tripped and just went with the rotation of his wheel. Spike passed out from exhaustion, after two body changes, no sleep that night, and the early wake up call, Spike was not going to work for a while. Luna, Ember, and Celestia rushed over to Spike. They were worried about him, he couldn't even take a few steps, there was no way that he was going to make it to school today, or at least not the first part of the classes.

Celestia sighed, she looked at Ember. "He's not going to make it to school today." Said Celestia. "Ember I need you to take care of the Dazzlings."

Suddenly the Dazzlings walked down the stairs. Adagio was dressed in a fuchsia mini jacket, a small purple sundress, a pair of fuchsia leggings, and a pair of purple heeled boots. Next to her was Aria, she was dressed in an aqua jacket with no sleeves, a strapless white top, a pair of dark pink skinny jeans, and a pair of dark purple heeled boots. The last to walk down the stairs was Sonata, she was in a maroon jacket polo shirt, a simple pink short skirt, and a pair of pink knee boots. All three of them walked over to see what was happening. "Celestia, Luna, Ember, where is Spike?" Asked Aria.

Celestia sighed as she showed Spike. "After everything that happened yesterday, he's exhausted. I know I said that Spike would be with you girls to show you the school, but he's not able to go today." She looked at Adagio. "Adagio, I know Spike said that you could have his room, but would you mind?" Asked Celestia.

All three girls shook their heads. "Not at all. We'll help you get him up there." Said Aria as she, Adagio, and Sonata helped Celestia lift Spike off the ground, up the stairs, and into his bed. Now that Spike was in a comfy place, he was able to fall asleep and sleep comfortably.

Now that Spike was taken care of, Celestia and The Dazzlings walked back down stairs and sat at the dinner table. Celestia sighed. "Ok, we arranged for you all to be in the same classes as Ember and Spike. So please listen to Ember, she's been at school for a while and she knows what to do. Fluttershy is in your first class, so ask her what you need to know." Said Celestia.

All three girls nodded, as Ember brought over each of them a plate with breakfast. "Eat up, it’s going to be a long day, you’re going to need the energy." Said Ember.

After driving to the school, the group of women headed to Celestia's and Luna's office so they could get The Dazzlings their schedules. Once all the girls were ready for school, Ember showed them the way to their first class. Celestia groaned as she dug her phone out of her purse. "I'll see if Discord can bring Spike in for his last few classes." Said Celestia as she called Discord.

"Hello, my dear little sister, finally figured out that my talents are being wasted as a janitor?" Asked Discord.

"No." Said Celestia simply. "Discord, Spike is exhausted, he passed out at home this morning, and he's not coming to school this morning, can you get someone to bring him to school this afternoon, when they bring over the new furniture?" Asked Celestia.

Discord groaned. "Yeah, I can get Agent Armor to bring him to school, he's overseeing the move. I'm stuck in the higher up meeting about the background departments incompetence, so I'm not coming in as well."

"I'll get Cranky to cover for you; I swear he could buy a mansion with all the overtime he's getting."

Discord chuckled. "Thanks. So how are the Sirens doing?" Asked Discord.

"They're fine. Ember is showing them to their first class of the day."

"Ok. I got to go, were about to go back in. I love you sis."

"Love you too bro." Said Celestia as she hung up.

Celestia groaned, it was time for nonstop paperwork, complaining teachers, and a lot of lies.

Ember and The Dazzlings were walking into history class. Ms. Harshwhinny looked at Ember. "Good morning Ms. Torch."

Ember smiled at her teacher. "Good morning Ms. Harshwhinny."

Harshwhinny then looked behind Ember to The Dazzlings, she groaned. "I see we have some new students in our class today." Ember nodded. "Very well." Then Harshwhinny looked around. "Ember, I do not see your other half, where is Spike?"

Ember sighed. "He texted me this morning, he got sick yesterday, he's staying home today but he should be back tomorrow." Said Ember.

Harshwhinny nodded. "Ok, tell him to get better." She then handed Ember a few pieces of paper. "And here is a copy of today’s notes and this week’s homework. Make sure to give them to him."

Ember nodded. "Yes Ma'am." Said Ember.

Harshwhinny looked to The Dazzlings. "Sorry for the late introductions, my name is Ms. Harshwhinny, welcome to freshmen history." Said Harshwhinny holding out her hand.

Adagio smiled as she took the hand. "Hello, my name is Adagio Dazzle, and these are my sisters, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk."

"Hello." Said both girls.

Harshwhinny smiled at them. "It's nice to meet you all, please take a seat, class is about to begin."

All four girls nodded as they took the seats in the back of the room.

Soon more and more students entered the room, but the one that was a sight for sore eyes was Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled when she saw Ember. "Ember." Said Fluttershy, then she noticed The Dazzlings. "Oh, good morning girls."

"Hey Fluttershy, you seem to be taking this all well." Said Ember.

Fluttershy nodded as she took a seat nearby. "Yeah, I understand that you, Spike, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria are not bad people, and I don't let history dictate how I feel about people." Said Fluttershy. She then looked around. "Speaking of Spike, where is he?" Asked Fluttershy.

Ember sighed; she was going to be explaining this to everyone today. She looked at Fluttershy. "Flutters, Spike passed out this morning, after changing twice, and sleeping on the couch last night, his body was just barely running. He's probably not going to be coming in today." Said Ember.

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh no, I hope he's alright."

Spike was sleeping peacefully in his bed, as the whole house shook from his snoring, his pillow was covered in drool. He was having a great dream about sleeping on a cloud, as the world around him was covered in couches burning to ash.

Ember shrugged. "I'm sure he's fine." Suddenly the bell to signal that first period was starting to ring. "We'll talk later, class is starting." Said Ember.

Harshwhinny walked over to the white board and started the class. "Ok, today we will be talking about the civil war..."

The rest of class was boring.

"So, it wasn't about owning slaves, it was other factors like, state's rights, that ignited the flames of war between the south and the north." Said Harshwhinny as she finished the lecture. "Ok, remember to have the homework done by Friday, we're going to have a quiz over what we discussed, and the homework is a good line to start with."

Ember sighed as she, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Fluttershy got up from their seats and walked out of the class. "See you later Shy." Said Ember. "Thanks for everything."

Fluttershy smiled as she gave Ember a hug. She then leaned over to her ear. "I know you like Spike, me and the other girls talked, and we decided to share him." Said Fluttershy. She then walked over to the Dazzlings, she brought them into a hug as well. "I hope you all have a nice day." She then leaned into Adagios ear. "You three are welcome to join as well, Spike has a big heart, and I know it’s big enough for more." With her piece said, Fluttershy smiled as she walked off to her next class.

The Dazzlings looked at Ember. "Did she just invite us to Spike's hoard?" Asked Adagio.

Ember hissed. "Don't use that word around here." Said Ember. There were three conditions that Bahamut gave Ember so she would be allowed to come to earth, but since Spike wasn't with them, it was safe to discuss it. Ember pulled the trio into a corner of the hall. "Ok, I know I should've told you three this before, but there are a few rules that we need to talk about. First off, as Spike's fiancé, we are to be mates, yes, but like normal dragon culture, males can hoard mates, so he can have a hoard. The only problem is that he doesn't know about it. Second, if he does start a hoard, there can be no fighting among his mates. And third, if Spike does only choose one mate, we all must agree with his decision, even if it’s not me that he falls for." Ember looked at the girls. "If you can agree to this, it would make this a lot simpler?" Asked Ember.

All three thought for a moment. They already agreed to share Spike with each other, and Spike was not one to prioritize one over the others. They all nodded. "We agree to the terms." Said Adagio.

Ember sighed. 'Great, it was bad enough with 7 others, now it’s up to 10.' Thought Ember. "Come on, our next class is about to start." Said Ember as she pulled the trio along to Home EC.

When they arrived at the classroom, Ember was ready for Pinkie to pop up. And she did, but before Pinkie could even say one word, Ember used her fingers to close her mouth. "Yes, they are new, they are some of my old friends, they like the same kind of cake as me and Spike, and their favorite colors are orange, purple, and blue." Said Ember. She then moved Pinkie who wasn't even phased by the girl keeping her mouth shut. "Pinkie this is Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk." She then looked at the Dazzlings. "And girls, this is Pinkie Pie, she is very happy to meet you, and she wants to know if your free on the 17th next week for Spike's 'Welcome to town Party'"

All three looked at each other, then they looked at Pinkie. "We're free the 17th." Said Sonata.

Pinkie smiled as she pulled out three invitations to Spike's party and handed them to the trio. Ember smiled, she looked at Pinkie. "Pinkie, Spike is not feeling well today, so he's not coming to class." Pinkie's hair deflated. "And Fluttershy told me about what you girls discussed. They also have feelings for Spike, and I talked to Fluttershy, she's good with us sharing Spike, and none of us have a problem with that. Am I forgetting anything?" Asked Ember.

Pinkie nodded. "MMMHMMM."

Ember sighed as she released Pinkie's lips. "Ok, what did I forget?"

Pinkie then pulled out a set of invitations from her hair. "You forgot your Welcome to town party, you said your free on the 27th, so we're going to have a giant party, to celebrate all of us falling in love with Spike." Said Pinkie. Ember sighed as she took her invitation and waited for the inevitable confetti blast. But instead of the large confetti blast to the face there was the sound of people cheering. Ember looked at the invitation.

You are invited to Ember Torch's Welcome to Town/ We all love Spike Party.

Please be at Sugar Cube Corner on the 27th at 7pm.:pinkiehappy:

Ember looked at the invitation. 'How the hell did she do that, I just told her about Spike.' Thought Ember.

Suddenly Mrs. Cake walked into the room and noticed Ember and The Dazzlings. She walked over to the new girls. "Well, hello dear's, you must be the new students that Principle Celestia told me about?"

They all nodded. "Yes, I'm Adagio, and these are my sisters, Aria and Sonata."

"Hello." Said the two.

Mrs. Cake smiled. "I also know that poor Spike is sick today, I hope he is doing well right now."

Spike was still dreaming, but now he was eating a giant cake, while his mother was eating a giant salad. But he was eating a pillow.

Ember shrugged. "I bet he's doing just fine, so what are we going to do today?" Asked Ember.

Mrs. Cake smiled. "Well, I was thinking that we bring in everyone sewing skills to make a class quilt, it will take us a few days to finish, so Spike should be able to add his part." Said Mrs. Cake.

Ember nodded. "Ok, I'll tell Spike about it later so he can come up with a design." Said Ember.

Mrs. Cake smiled. "Good, that was what I had planned today, I hope you all have a good design you want to add." Said Mrs. Cake as she walked over to the white board. The class was excited for the assignment.

After that class was over Pinkie was showing Ember and the others her design. It was a pink pony with a large puffy pink mane encircled by a heart that looked to be made of frosting. "I don't know where the idea came from, but I just love it." Pinkie looked at Ember. "So, Ember, what did you come up with?"

Ember was showing a large red ruby in the shape of a heart. "This reminds me of someone I hold dear to me, but if you don't mind, I rather not say much more?"

Pinkie nodded. "I understand." She looked at the Dazzlings. "So, what did you three design?" Asked Pinkie.

Due to their short notice, the Dazzlings decided to make one design for the three of them. It was a picture of a treble clef and bass clef inside a heart.

Pinkie smiled at the design. "I'm guessing that you girls like to sing?" Asked Pinkie.

Sonata nodded. "We do, do you want to hear?" Asked Sonata.

Pinkie gasped as out of nowhere she pulled out a pair of opera glasses and was dressed in a decked-out opera dress. She used the glasses to look at the girls. "Do you know any Pop music?" Asked Pinkie in a refined tone.

But before The Dazzlings could start singing, Ember pulled them away as she chuckled nervously. "Sorry Pinkie, we got to go or were going to be late for English." Said Ember.

Pinkie shrugged as she waved to the group. "Ok, have a good day."

Thanks to Embers quick thinking, the group arrived right as the bell rang. Ember was huffing in exhaustion, she just dragged 3 girls halfway across the school, in less than 5 minutes. She was so exhausted that she didn't even see the smile on Ms. Cheerilee’s face. "Hello Ember, you’re getting better." Said Cheerilee. Ember smiled as she tried to get air into her lungs. Cheerilee looked at the Dazzlings that were confused. "Hello, my name is Ms. Cheerilee, you must be the three new students that Principal Solaris told me about."

They nodded. "That's right, I'm Adagio, and these are my sisters."

"I'm Aria, it’s nice to meet you."

"And I'm Sonata."

Cheerilee smiled. "It's nice to meet you girls as well. I hope you're ready to learn about one of the greatest writers ever to live?" Cheerilee then looked around. "Hmm, I don't see Spike, he's normally here on time."

Ember looked at her teacher. "He's not feeling well, so he's not coming today." Said Ember as she was back in action.

Cheerilee sighed. "The poor thing, I hope he's doing well."

Spike had transitioned from a dream cake to a dream about his favorite comic book, in his dream he was punching a goon in the face, but he was punching his pillow, the air, and lastly his new alarm clock.

Ember shrugged. "He's probably resting peacefully." Said Ember. "So, teach, what's going on today?"

Cheerilee smiled as she handed Ember and the Dazzlings a book. "We're going to start Romeo and Juliet." Smiled Cheerilee.

Ember and the Dazzlings nodded as they took a seat next to Sunset. Ember smiled at Sunset. "Hey Sunny."

Sunset smiled back. "Hey Ember." She looked around and noticed Spike was absent, but in his place were the girls. "Is Spike not going to make it today?" Asked Sunset.

Ember shook her head. "Nope, he's under the weather right now. He's probably in bed right now taking it easy."

Spike was not taking it easy, in fact he was being taken to his new room by the DDCs contractors and movers. Shining was supervising the move. "Come on you guys, his next class is about to begin, Spike needs to get there by lunchtime, or Discord is going to have all of our heads." Yelled Shining as he pressed a set of buttons on a remote. This remote was for the house, and it had the ability to make a large scale move only take a few minutes.

Once all of Spike's decorations were out of the room, Shining pressed a button, and suddenly, the whole wall that led to the hallway retreated into the ceiling. Now that the wall was gone, Shining pressed another button that made the staircase retreat into the wall as a freight elevator was now in its place. The group of movers placed Spike's bed, still occupied with a sleeping Spike, onto the elevator.

Sunset shrugged. "You're probably right, still, I wish he was here right now, I wanted to ask him something." Said Sunset as she blushed a little. Sunset shook her head as she looked at the Dazzlings. "Sorry, you three must be Adagio, Aria and Sonata. It’s nice to meet you girls, my name is Sunset Shimmer."

The trio looked at Sunset confused. "How did you know our names?" Asked Aria.

Sunset sighed as she showed her phone. "I got a text from Pinkie." Said Sunset.

"Oh, well it’s nice to meet you Sunset." Said Sonata.

Sunset smiled as Ms. Cheerilee placed a copy of Romeo and Juliet in front of her.

Once Class started it was rather boring as Cheerilee was explaining the history of Shakespeare, and what events of his life influenced his writing.

After class, Sunset, Ember and the Dazzlings walked out of the room bored out of their skulls, Ember looked at Sunset. "Why did she have to go over every single aspect of his life?" Asked Ember.

Sunset shrugged as she had no clue. "Beats me." Sunset looked at the Dazzlings. "It was nice to meet you girls, and I'm sure Spike is going to have his hands full with all 11 of us." Sunset smirked as she walked away from the group.

Ember sighed. 'I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm calm.' Thought Ember as she was still trying to come to terms with this. She looked at the Dazzlings. "Come on, we got math class next." Said Ember.

When they arrived at the classroom, Ember walked over to AJ who was looking out the window. "Hey AJ, what's up?"

AJ sighed. "I needed to talk to Spike, I got Pinkies text saying he was out sick today."

Ember nodded. "Yeah, but why don't you just call him or something?"

AJ shrugged. "This isn't something you just call someone about; this is really big."

Ember sighed. "How big could it be, it’s not like you’re asking him to marry you?"

AJ winced a little but shook her head. "No, it’s not that, but I wanted to see if he wanted to meet my family." She looked at Ember. "We Apples are spread across the country, and every year we gather for a weekend for our family reunion, this year it's at my family's farm."

Ember nodded. "Ok, I'm waiting for the problem."

AJ Sighed. "It's a tradition that if a family member is interested in someone, they need to bring them, so the whole family can meet them, Mac is bringing Sugar Belle, and thanks to his big mouth, I need to bring Spike."

Ember groaned. "And there's the problem. I'm guessing that the reunion is this weekend?" AJ nodded. "Ok, give me a minute." Ember pulled out her phone and sent Spike a text.

Spike, talk to AJ ASAP, Important.

She showed AJ the text. "There, knowing him he will call you later, or at the very least he will talk to you tomorrow."

AJ sighed as she got in her desk, she looked over at the Dazzlings. "Sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Applejack, but just call me AJ, you must be Adagio, Aria and Sonata."

Adagio sighed. "Pinkie told you?" Asked Adagio.

AJ nodded. "Yep, welcome to CHS."

All the girls smiled. "Thanks."

Suddenly the bell for class rang and in walked Ms. Saddles. "Good afternoon class, I have some sad news."

All the kids gasped. "Please tell us Mr. Neighsay isn't coming back early?" Asked a student.

Sassy shook her head. "No that's not it, it turns out, Mr. Neighsay was failing his students on purpose for the last 2 years, meaning that he was engaging in fraud. He has been arrested and has had his teaching license revoked. That means, I will be your new teacher permanently."

Suddenly a beam of sunlight illuminated Sassy as out of nowhere a choir sang. Everyone was confused as to where the singing was coming from, then they all looked to the hallway window and saw Pinkie standing there. She chuckled. "Um, bad timing?" Asked Pinkie.

Everyone shook their heads. Her timing was perfect. Sassy sighed. "Ms. Pie get to your class." Pinkie nodded as she ran off. Sassy looked at her students and noticed a lack of Spike. "Hmm, it appears that Spike is not going to attend today’s class." She looked at the class, she was trying to find someone that could give Spike a copy of today’s notes, then her gaze fell on AJ. "Ms. Apple, would you be so kind as to make an extra copy of the notes for Spike, today's lesson is important?" Asked Sassy.

AJ smiled. "Sure." Said AJ as she got ready. 'Now I can ask him.' Thought AJ.

Ember looked out the window. 'I wonder what he's doing right now.' Thought Ember as Sassy started the class.

Shining walked into Spike's new room and smiled. It only took the crew an hour to move all of Spike's furniture and all of his decorations to the office, including the still sleeping Spike, install a better water heater for Spike, so there wouldn't be a problem with the water, and refurnish the old room with everything a trio of girls would need; three twin beds, desks and dressers. Now they only needed to decorate their new room.

Shining grabbed his phone and called Discord. "Hello, has the move been completed Agent Armor?"

"Yes sir, Spike is in the office, the sirens have beds and all other basic furnishings, and the hot water heater is warming up as we speak."

"Good, Spike's class is about to end, go wake him up, toss him in his new and improved shower, and deliver him to the school in the next 30 minutes. Celestia should have packed Spike a lunch, make sure he eats it, his body is going to be empty."

"Yes sir, also he will need another alarm clock, we found his old one on the ground smashed to bits."

Discord sighed. "I just got him that one, I swear that kid is going to get an indestructible clock for Christmas. Fine, I'll send one to the house, just wake him up." Said Discord as he hung up the call.

Shining nodded as he walked into the office to wake up Spike. "Spike, it's time to wake up." Said Shining, but he got no reaction. So, he tried to shove the boy awake. "Spike, seriously, it’s time to get up." Suddenly Shining got a text. He looked at his phone.

Sorry forgot to mention, he's a heavy sleeper when he's like this, you need to really try.

Shining sighed as he grabbed Spike's ear, he shouted at the top of his lungs. "SPIKE, WAKE UP!" Shouted Shining.

Spike opened his eyes and yawned. "Good morning." Said Spike as he stretched his body, he looked around at his room, and noticed Shining in his room. Spike started to chuckle. "Where's Twilight?" Asked Spike.

Shining groaned as he rubbed his head. "Let’s just forget that you expected to see my little sister in your room when you woke up." Said Shining.

Spike was now fully awake as Lancelot was back on his wheel. "Um..." Said Spike.

Shining sighed as he didn't have time for this. "Get up, get a shower and get dressed. We're leaving in 30 minutes." Said Shining.

Spike nodded as he ran out of his room.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, I was rewriting this chater for a few weeks. This is going to be a two parter but with different titles. Tell me what worked, what didnt, and how I can make it better.