• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,774 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

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My First Day Part 1 (Edit)

As the two were walking away from Celestia's and Luna's office, Spike's hand was still holding Twilight's. Spike tried to reconnect with his long-lost friend. He looked back at the girl and tried to start the conversation. "So, Twi, how have you been these last ten years?"

Twilight smiled at seeing that Spike was trying to make up for lost time. "I've been good..." Said Twilight but then she went quiet for a moment. "But when you left, I kinda went into a funk where I would only study."

"Why Twi?" Asked Spike, he was concerned for Twilight and hoping that she wasn't still like that.

Twilight shrugged, she never liked talking about how she felt when Spike left. "I didn't want to feel the pain of losing another friend again, so I thought that I shouldn't try to make any." Said Twilight a bit glumly.

Spike felt horrible, he had no idea why that his leaving would have caused Twilight to go into that state. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think my absence would have caused you to shut yourself off." Said Spike glumly.

Twilight smiled at hearing that Spike cared about her. She placed her free hand on his shoulder. "It's fine Spike, but after me and my family moved to Canterlot three years ago, I was kinda forced into making some friends." Said Twilight.

"Forced? How?" Asked Spike confused.

Twilight giggled at the memory. "Well, on my first day at the local middle school, I ran into a very energetic girl. She wanted to throw me a welcome to town party, which I was very much against. But she would constantly ask me for permission to throw a party, it got so bad I thought she was stacking me, and over time, I caved in." Twilight began to explain.

"And?" Asked Spike, he was waiting for her to continue her story.

Twilight smiled at the memory. "Well, at my welcome to town party, I met the girl's best friends, they were all so eccentric in their own ways, but they are all great girls that made me laugh and smile with them. So, I started to open up to them and we soon grew into best friends."

Spike smiled at knowing that Twilight made some friends. "I'm happy to know that you were able to make so many friends Twi... I want to thank them for helping you open up." Said Spike.

Twilight smiled at hearing this, she just so happened to have plans after school to meet up with them, and she was sure they wouldn't mind meeting Spike. "You're in luck, I was planning on meeting them after school, today. We will be meeting right outside of the school after classes, I would love you to meet them."

Spike smiled. "Well, I'll be there." Said Spike.

Twilight smiled. "Great, but until then, we need to get to our classes." Said Twilight, she pulled out her schedule to check her first class. "Spike, what's your first class of the day?" Asked Twilight.

Spike looked at his schedule. "It looks like, I have history first. What about you?"

"I have Math." Responded Twilight, she looked at her phone and noticed that the first bell would be ringing in ten minutes. She looked at Spike. "Spike we need to go right now, or we'll be late. Meet me outside of the front entrance after school so I can introduce you to my friends, ok?" Asked Twilight.

Spike nodded. Twilight smiled before she turned around and walked to her first class of the day. Spike sighed as he was trying to get mentally prepared for the day. "Well... time to start my life as a high school student." Said Spike before making his way towards his first class.

Spike walked into a room that had thirty desks, and a large set of windows on the far side that ran the span of the room. Spike walked to the back row and sat down next to the window. Looking around, Spike saw the students that were already in the room, they were talking to each other about this and that, but Spike didn't care, and he just started to hum a song to himself in the meantime.

Spike was brought out of his stupor when an older woman walked into the classroom. She looked like she was in her mid or late 40's. She was dressed in a white blouse, a mulberry blazer with a light magenta polo neck, a necklace with a little golden charm hung around her neck and complemented her cornflower blue eyes, her dirty blond hair, and the slightly annoyed look on her face. She walked to the middle of the room. "Hello, my name is Ms. Harshwhinny and I'm going to be your history teacher for the next year." The woman now known as Ms. Harshwhinny said to the class. "To start off, how about we go down the role and introduce ourselves to the rest of the class."

And that's what they did. One by one, Ms. Harshwhinny called out the student's names and they introduced themselves to the rest of the class. Spike didn’t really see anyone that interesting, but one girl did catch his attention. Not because he knew her from his past, but by the fact that she was the only person in his class, who was too scared to go up to the front. When she was called, the girl looked like she was on the verge of passing out in her seat. Ms. Harshwhinny noticed this, so she let her stay in her seat. The only problem was, she was so quiet that Spike didn't even notice that she was the person who was sitting right next to him. Spike noticed that she felt bad about not going up, so being the caring person that he is, Spike tried to introduce himself to her, but she just tried to hide from him. Spike sighed as he saw this, so he just let the girl be.

"Next is...." Said Ms. Harshwhinny, before she looked at her list. "Mr. Spike. Spike are you here?"

"Right here." Said Spike as he got up from his seat and walked to the front of the class. "Hello, my name is Spike, I just moved here with my mother and aunt, and my interests are cooking, playing the piano, and sports."

"Thank you Spike." Said Ms. Harshwhinny before turning to the rest of the class. "Does anyone have questions for Spike?"

About half of the class's hands shot up. "Why is your hair green?" Asked one student.

"I dye it." Said Spike simply.

"And your eyes?" Asked another.

"Weird genetics." Replied Spike.

Ms. Harshwhinny sighed. "Alright class that's enough, so unless you have some non-personal questions, we need to start today's lesson." Said Ms. Harshwhinny. There were no more questions, so she began her lesson.

It was about halfway through the lesson, when Spike felt someone poke his arm. When he turned to see who was poking him, he saw that the shy girl was trying to say something to him, but he couldn't make it out.

"Hello, my name is Fluttershy, it's nice to meet you." Said the girl, now known as Fluttershy. She had pink hair with a butterfly hair clip in it. Spike also saw that she was wearing a pure white shirt, a light green skirt with glitter edges that had a trio of butterflies of differing sizes going from largest to smallest as they went up her skirt, and to complete the ensemble, she was wearing a pair of light green knee boots that had white soles with pink glittery socks showing over the boots.

But she was so quiet, so Spike couldn't hear what she was saying. "Sorry, but I can't hear you." Said Spike.

"Hello, my name is Fluttershy, it's nice to meet you." Fluttershy repeated.

"Sorry, I still can't hear you." Said Spike a little too loudly.

"Mr. Spike, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Ms. Harshwhinny called out, making the green haired boy jump a bit. Spike shook his head. "I thought not." Said Ms. Harshwhinny before continuing the lesson

Spike looked back at Fluttershy. "Listen, can we talk after class is over?" Asked Spike. Fluttershy nodded.

Twenty minutes later the bell rang, everyone started making their way out of the room, except for Spike and Fluttershy. Spike smiled at Fluttershy. "Sorry about that." Said Spike with a sheepish expression on his face. "It's nice to meet you, my name's Spike, and you are?"

Taking a few deep breaths, she responded. "My name is Fluttershy, it's nice to meet you." Said Fluttershy in an audible volume.

Spike smiled at finally getting the girls name. "It's nice to meet you too Fluttershy." Spike responded. "So, what class do you have next?"

Fluttershy looked at her schedule. "I have English next, what about you?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike looked at his schedule. "Looks like I have Home Economics next." Spike took a closer look at the room number and noticed that it was on the other side of the school. Spike realized that he needed to run if he wanted to make it on time. "I'm so sorry about this Fluttershy, but I need to run, or I'll be late. Maybe we can talk later!" Exclaimed Spike, before he ran off like a bat out of hell.

'I made it!' Spike thought to himself as he entered his next class.

However, a girl with pink puffy hair appeared in front of him, she was smiling at Spike with a wide smile. "Hi...OMG...Idontknowyouwhoare!MynameisPinkiePie!Youarenewintown!Canithrowyouaparty?Whatkindofcakewouldyoulike?Ipreferchocolateororredvelvetorvanillaheckilikeanycakewhatsyourfavoritecolor…"

Before Pinkie could continue, Spike pinched her lips shut so he could respond to the questions. Taking a better look at Pinkie, Spike saw that she was wearing a light blue crop top over a white shirt with a pink heart in the middle, and a matching pink skirt with a picture of three balloons, two of which were light blue and the other being yellow and to tie it all together, she was wearing a pair of light blue knee boots with white interlacing straps over the middle. "My name is Spike, it’s nice to meet you Pinkie Pie." Said Spike. "Yes, I just moved to town with my mother and aunt, maybe later, my favorite type of cake is chocolate with cream cheese frosting and my favorite color is purple. Now, I'm sorry to have to cut this short but class is about to begin, and I want to be ready."

Spike then let Pinkie's lips go and walked over to a cooking station to get ready. All while leaving the dumbstruck girl standing in the middle of the room. 'No one has ever been able to keep up with me... Who is he?' Pinkie thought to herself as a plump, older woman walked into the room.

"Hello dearies, my name is Chiffon Cake and I will be your Home Economics teacher for the year." The woman now known as Chiffon Cake said to the class. "We will introduce ourselves when we have some free time, but to start off, I want everyone to show me what kind of skills you have."

At that moment, Spike started a cake batter as Pinkie did the same. Spike poured the mixture into a few cakes pans and placed them in the oven then started to work on his frosting. Mixing his powdered sugar, butter, vanilla and milk into a bowl, Spike crafted a simple frosting. But he wanted to add that something special, so he decided to make a cherry syrup to add to the cake. Taking out a large pot, Spike added some fresh cherries, cinnamon, and butter into the pot, before placing it on the stove. He needed to start simmering it, but the gas stove wouldn’t light. Not wanting to waste time, Spike looked around, making sure that no one was looking, before he did the first thing he could think of. Spike leaned down to the burner and slowly pressed his lips like he was about to whistle. A small green flame was produced from his mouth, and it ignited the burner.

But what Spike didn't see was that Pinkie, while not seeing him make the flame, did notice the slight green light the flame produced from the corner of her eye. She became curious about what it was, so she walked over to Spike. "Hey Spike, did you see a green light over here?"

Hearing this made Spike nervous, it was only the second class of the day and he might’ve just blown his cover by using his fire. So, with a slight shifty look in his eye, Spike responded as calmly as he could. "No, I didn't see anything like that, you must be seeing things."

Pinkie slowly narrowed her eyes at him. "Oki doki Loki." Said Pinkie. She slowly walked backwards to her own workstation, all while never moving her focus away from Spike.

'I Need to look out for that one, she might get too curious and that can't end well.' Spike thought to himself nervously. Spike then returned his attention to the syrup. Taking out the now softened cherries, Spike placed them on a metal strainer and started to squish the cherries, making the cherry juice fall back into the pot, while straining out the pits.

After all the juice was extracted, Spike tossed the pits in the trash and started to add cornstarch and milk to the pot. Once all the ingredients were in the pot, Spike set it aside to reduce and become the correct consistency. Now that his sauce was done, Spike turned his attention back to the oven, where his cakes were ready to come out. Putting on some oven mitts, even though he didn't need them because of his dragon heritage, Spike pulled out the cakes and placed them on the counter to cool.

After five minutes, the cakes were cool, and Spike was ready to assemble the cake.

Placing the first cake onto a wire rack, Spike poured some of the syrup on top of the cake. He then used a frosting knife to spread the syrup across the surface. Next came the next cake layer, Spike placed another cake on top of the first and added the syrup. Spike repeated the process three more times.

Now Spike had a five-layer cake with a cherry syrup filling, now all he had to do was frost it with his frosting. Moving the unfrosted cake to a rotating stand, Spike grabbed his frosting and a new frosting knife, and began to decorate his cake.

After a few minutes, the cake was ready to serve. Seeing no reason to delay, Spike called Mrs. Cake over to his work station and cut her a slice. Mrs. Cake accepted the slice with a smile on her face, she grabbed a fork and proceeded to take a bite of the cake. The second the cake reached her tongue; her eyes went wide, and her mind went blank as she continued to eat the cake with vigor. Once the piece of cake was gone, Mrs. Cake was left wondering. ‘Who the hell was this kid, and how the hell does he know how to bake so well?’ Thought Mrs. Cake.

She was brought out of her thoughts as Spike cleared his throat. She looked at Spike and smiled at him. "Spike, this cake is delicious!" Mrs. Cake exclaimed happily.

"Thank you very much." Said Spike. Not wanting to waste the rest of the cake, Spike turned to address the rest of the class. "It would be a waste to let this cake stay half eaten, so anyone who wants a slice is more than welcome to have some." Almost everyone in the class quickly moved towards Spike, wanting to taste his cake. Pinky grabbed her slice and ate it in one bite; her eyes went wide as she was left speechless as she reveled in its taste.

She turned to Spike and asked the one question that was on everyone's mind. "Spike this cake really is great, who taught you to bake?" Asked Pinkie.

Spike shrugged; he was proud of his cooking skills, but never liked to boast about them. "No one, I taught myself." Said Spike, like it was nothing. This news made everyone look at Spike with shocked expressions on their faces. Spike shrugged again. "What? My mother loves cake." Said Spike like it was nothing out of the ordinary. It was true, Celestia, was the queen of cakes. Every birthday, holiday, or in general any day that ended in y, Celestia would need a piece of cake. At first, she bought shop cakes, but that expense started to add up, so Spike, with Luna’s help, baked Celestia a cake for her birthday. This sparked Spike’s love of all thing’s kitchen related and started his desire to cook.

Mrs. Cake smiled, like what Spike just said was normal. "Well class, we're running out of time, so finish up on what you’re working on, so we can present your work to the class, we introduce ourselves then." Said Mrs. Cake.

Ten minutes later, everyone was finished and one by one, the students went up to the front and showed off what they made. Some showed off a small pillow they made, some showed off blankets and quilts and after a couple of students went up, everyone went back to their workstations. Pinky walked over and placed a surprisingly large batch of cupcakes on the front table and introduced herself, she offered everyone a cupcake, which were gone in less than a minute. Spike then walked up and introduced himself to the class, which went as well as one would expect.

After everyone finished introducing themselves to the class, there was only ten minutes left before the bell. Mrs. Cake smiled at seeing how talented everyone was. "Everyone did wonderful and I can't wait to see what else you can do. But we only have ten minutes left, so start picking up and clean everything that you used." Said Mrs. Cake. With that, Spike started to clean everything that he used, and as he was drying off the frosting knives he used, the bell went off, signaling the end of the class.

Spike finished drying the knives and stored them in a drawer. Now that his work station was clean, Spike was about to leave to walk to his next class, when Pinkie suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Hey Spike, what class do you have next?" Asked Pinkie.

Spike was a little surprised to see Pinkie pop out of nowhere, but he responded. "I have English, Pinkie." Responded Spike. "What about you?"

"I have P.E." Responded Pinkie.

Spike smiled at Pinkie. "Well, I guess I'll see you later then, bye Pinkie." Said Spike as he walked away for his English class, not noticing that Pinkie was staring at him.

'I think this year’s going to be very interesting with him around.' Thought Pinkie as she walked to her next class.

Spike's English class was ordinary. The teacher introduced herself as Ms. Cheerilee. She was a young teacher that was in her late 20’s, she was dressed in a white blouse with a brown sweater vest, a green skirt with a daisy print, and a pair of brown boots. She asked the students to write a couple paragraphs about themselves and what their interests were. After that, she wanted them to go up to another student and show them what they wrote about themselves, while they read what the other student wrote about themselves. Lastly, she wanted them to have a few minutes to talk about what they have in common.

Doing what the teacher instructed, Spike went over to a girl with red and yellow hair, she was wearing a dark pink shirt under a short long sleeve leather jacket, an orange skirt with a yellow and dark pink stripe running down it, and a pair of knee high leather boots with a dark pink accent running up from the heel to about halfway up her leg. Spike introduced himself and she introduced herself as Sunset Shimmer, then they exchanged their papers.

As Spike read what Sunset wrote about herself, he learned that she was not the nicest person when she moved to town, but thanks to her meeting a group of girls, she slowly started making herself a better person. But what really caught Spike’s attention was her interest in singing and volunteer work.

After a few minutes both Spike and Sunset started asking each other questions about the other. "So, you like to cook?" Asked Sunset.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I do, and I see you like to sing."

Sunset nodded. "That I do. I see here that you just came to town with your mother and aunt. Well, let me say, welcome to Canterlot, and I hope you like it here."

Spike smiled. "I hope I do too, thank you." Said Spike. At that point, the timer went off and Ms. Cheerilee instructed them to move to another student.

This went on for another 20 minutes; Spike introduced himself to a couple other students, one of which went by the name Cheese Sandwich, the guy had curly brown hair and always had an accordion around his neck. The two of them became quick friends, and Cheese asked Spike if he would like to play the piano with him, at this year’s talent show. Spike quickly agreed as he found someone else who shared a love of music.

After reading about Cheese Sandwich, it was almost time for the class to let out, so Ms. Cheerilee decided that the class would continue this exercise tomorrow, so they can introduce themselves to the rest of the class. Once the bell rang, Spike looked at his schedule, and it said that he had math class next, so Spike walked to his next class of the day.

As Spike entered the classroom, he took notice of a very tall girl that was wearing a pair of brown cowboy boots with a trio of red apples, a blue denim skirt with a set of pockets on the front, a brown belt with a sole red apple belt buckle, a white long sleeve blouse with a green upper section, and to tie the look together, on top of her head of long blond hair that was tied into a low ponytail held together by a red band, sat a well-worn brown Stetson. But what really caught his attention, was the fact that she had emerald eyes, like his. Spike was brought out of his thoughts, when a tall older man, wearing a dark purple suit, a red tie and a very unamused look on his face, walked into the room. That, plus the receding black hair and pointed goatee, the man looked like the most generic bad guy ever seen. Spike stepped aside to allow this man into the classroom, where he ordered everyone to get to a seat so he could start his lesson.

Spike quickly made his way to an empty seat that happened to be next to the tall girl. Spike was about to ask the girl, what her name was, but he was stopped when the older man started speaking. "My name is Professor Neighsay and I will be your Math instructor. I have a few rules about what goes on in my class. First, no talking, second, no one may leave during class and lastly I do not answer questions until the lecture is over." Neighsay then turned around and started to write some mathematical equations on the board, not noticing that the entire room looked devoid of happiness. But on the inside, he was smiling. But another thing that Neighsay didn’t notice, was the fact that Spike and the tall girl were quietly conversing.

"Hi, my name's Spike." Said Spike as he then pointed at the teacher. "Can you believe we got stuck with this guy as a teacher, this class is going to be rough?"

The girl smiled and nodded. "My name is Applejack, but ya'll can call me A.J., it's nice to meet ya Spike, and yeah, this class is going to be bad." Said AJ.0

As the class continued, the two constantly held short conversations where they talked about aspects of their lives. Like how Applejack's family runs the local apple farm or how Spike is settling in at his new house. They continued talking to each other until the bell rang and people started to shuffle out of the class.

"Hey Spike, what you got next?" Asked AJ, as they walked out of the room together.

Spike looked at his schedule. "Looks like it's lunch time for me." Spike responded before asking. "How about you?"

AJ smiled. "I have lunch as well, but I have plans to eat with some of my friends today, off campus and they're probably waiting for me right now, so I gotta go. Bye Spike, it was nice to meet ya." Said AJ, before she ran off to meet her friends. Knowing that he can't eat in the cafeteria with the other students, Spike made his way up to the roof to eat.

When Spike made it to the roof, with his lunch in hand. He noticed that it was completely empty aside from one person, whose back was facing the door. But from what Spike could see, the man was older, and he was wearing a janitor's uniform. But before Spike could leave and go somewhere else to eat, the door to the roof shut with the loud clunk, which got the attention of the person. The person turned around to see who was up there with him and the sight that greeted him was a person who he was all too familiar with, his nephew, Spike.

The moment Spike saw the face of the man on the roof, his nervous face, turned into a smile. Spike saw the face of one of the few people in the world who knew about his father and his powers, his uncle, Discord.

"Uncle D!!!" Spike exclaimed happily. "How are you and what brings you to my school?" Asked Spike.

Discord shrugged. "What, can't an uncle just drop by to see his sisters and his favorite nephew?" Discord asked with a grin on his face.

"At home, yes, at school, not normally." Said Spike with a deadpan look on his face. "So why are you here?"

Discord let out a sigh before he responded. "I was worried about you ok, high school can be a very stressful time in a teens life and we all know that your powers can be triggered by your emotions. So, it was decided by the DDCs higher ups, that an agent will be posted at the school to monitor you and if needed, run crowd control, if your powers cause a problem.” Discord then smiled. “Guess who was chosen to be that agent, this guy." Said Discord with a cocky grin, all while Spike was giving his uncle a deadpan stare. Seeing his nephews look, he dropped the cockiness and continued. "Plus, this gives me an excuse to see you more often and spend time with my baby sisters too, so it's a win-win for everyone."

Spike shrugged. "Well Uncle D would you like to join me for lunch, I would enjoy the company?" Spike asked, hoping he would agree.

"Sure, I'm on break so why the hell not?" Discord responded. "We haven't talked, man to man in a while."

And so, the two ate their lunches as they talked about their day. Spike talked about how he liked Ms. Cheerilee and Mrs. Cake, while he was unsure about Ms. Harshwhnny, and how he absolutely hated Neighsay's class. Spike then talked about how he met Fluttershy, Pinkie, Sunset, and Applejack, which caused Discord to smirk, and they continued until it was time for the two to get back to class and work. Discord sighed as he needed to finish sweeping up the roof. "Well boy, my break is over, and your next class is about to start, so you should probably get going. Remember Spike, if you ever need to talk about stuff, all you need to do is tell me and I'll drop whatever I'm doing and help you." Discord said as the two-fist bumped.

"I know Uncle D, though one thing still doesn't make sense." Spike said.

"What's that?" Asked Discord.

"Why are you a janitor, and not a teacher or counselor?" Spike asked.

"Three reasons my dear boy." Discord Said. "One, I can't deal with over emotional teens all day. Two, I'm not certified to teach. And lastly, the only reason I was allowed to keep an eye on you instead of some random DDC agent, is because my sisters said they would only allow it, if it was me and if they got to choose what my disguise would be."

"And they chose a janitor, why?" Spike asked.

Discord sighed. "I may have been a little overactive back in my youth and maybe I embarrassed them a little too often, but what am I going to do, I still love them." Discord said with an accepting tone in his voice. "We can talk about how I made your mothers and aunts lives miserable, another time, but you need to go."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I know, see you Uncle D." Said Spike as he opened the door to the stairway to get to his next class.

'Good luck Spike, you’re going to need it.' Discord thought to himself as he picked up his broom and started sweeping the roof.

Author's Note:

Big thanks to my new editor castroedgar316 who helped me out on this chapter, and as always I want to see some feed back and hear what you guys want to see later on.