• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,748 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

Fire Blight Pt.1

Spike was sitting in the back of his mother’s car, he was nervous as hell, because in less than 30 minutes, he was going to either die or at the very least he'll want to be anywhere but his destination. He pulled at his collar to help relieve his worry. "Stop that." Said Celestia, she was looking at her son in the mirror.

Spike sighed as he tried to fix it. "Sorry, but I can't help it." Said Spike. Celestia insisted that Spike at least show some sort of formality for today, so after digging through his closet and finding his pair of slacks, a nice button up shirt and helping him with his tie once again, they were heading to Sweet Apple Acres for the Apple Family Reunion, and Spike's possible grave.

Celestia sighed. "Spike, I know your nervous, trust me I know. But think of it from AJ's perspective, she invited the boy she liked over to her home to meet her family. Let me tell you a story..."

It was 2 months after the final attack in the war with the dragons. The DDC was just approved and it was in the process of finding its leaders. And to most of the world, they thought that humanity was saved by a foreign princess from a small kingdom that no one knew about.

But that's not at all how it went down in the Solaris household.

Celestia was sitting in a sundress waiting for her new boyfriend to pick her up for their date, the only problem was so were both her brother and sister, but they were waiting to confront him. Celestia sighed as she looked at her older brother John, but after years of getting called Discord, he was thinking on legally changing it. "Discord, please don't embarrass me." begged Celestia.

Discord laughed as he smiled at his sister. "Don't worry Tia, I won't, but I need to talk to him for a minute, I need to make sure he isn't going to hurt you." Said Discord. After their parents died, Discord had to be the man of the family, Luna was still in school, Celestia was job hunting, and he just got back from his government training. Discord then did some karate chops in the air. "If he even thinks of hurting you, I'll make him pay." Said Discord.

Celestia sighed. 'He would roast you in a moment.' Thought Celestia. She looked at her little sister, she was going through a phase, she was dressed in all black, and was wearing black makeup. "And what about you, oh goddess of the night, queen of nightmares, bringer of all that is dark. Please I seek your words Nightmare Moon."

Luna rolled her eyes. "I just want to meet him and make sure that he knows what he's getting himself into." Said Luna as she looked away.

Celestia groaned. "Why am I the normal one in the family?" Asked Celestia.

But before Discord could give a half-witted remark, there was a sudden knock on the door. Celestia gasped as she tried her best to make it to the door first. But Discord had different plans. He looked at his sister. "Luna, get her." Said Discord.

Luna sighed. "Whatever." Said Luna as she tackled Celestia to the floor. But this wasn't enough to stop Celestia. She started to crawl to the door, with Luna holding onto her legs.

"Let.... Go.... Of.... ME!" Grunted Celestia as she was within an arm’s length from the door.

Discord sighed. 'This is why you never send an emo girl to do a crazy man’s job.' Thought Discord. He walked over to the pair and grabbed Luna's ankles. Surely with the combined might of both, they would be able to stop Celestia from reaching the door.

That was where he was wrong. After a 2-minute struggle, Celestia, with her little sister around her legs and her older brother pulling them back, finally reached the door. She opened it and standing right outside was a tall man with slightly green hair and eyes, he was holding a bouquet of sun lilies in his hand, while dressed in a pair of slacks and a polo. He looked at the sight in front of him. "Um...." He looked at his girlfriend and smiled at her. "Hey Tia. I'm here to pick you up for our date." He brought the flowers to her eyes. "I got these for you, I hope you like them."

Celestia smiled at him. "Awe, their lovely, I love sun lilies, thank you Bahamut." Said Celestia. She looked back at her siblings. "Guys, let go of me!" Yelled Celestia.

"Whatever." Said Luna as she let go of Celestia.

Discord sighed as he let go of his sister, dropping her to the floor. He walked over to Bahamut. "You, Me, quick talk, five minutes." Said Discord.

Bahamut looked at Celestia, who was trying to fix her hair and dress. "Tia, apparently I'm going to have a talk. Can you find a vase to put these in?" Asked Bahamut.

Celestia nodded as she took the flowers from Bahamut. "Sure, I know exactly what to put them in." Said Celestia as her brother pulled her boyfriend away.

Discord pulled Bahamut into the yard. "Look, I'm going to make this short and sweet. I am a highly trained government agent, if I hear one word about you hurting my baby sister, I will find out, I will look for you, but if you try and run, I will find you." Said Discord.

Bahamut sighed. "I'm guessing she hasn't told you yet?"

Discord growled. "Told me what?"

Bahamut sighed. "I told her it was her choice if she wanted to tell her family, if she hasn't said anything, then I won't say a word." Said Bahamut.

Discord was impressed, he just threatened him, and he didn't even bat an eye. He looked Bahamut in the eye. But before he could comment on Bahamut's response, Celestia busted through the door and headed straight towards her brother and Bahamut. She was glaring death at the one she was related to, but when she saw Bahamut her anger died down. Celestia walked to Bahamut and kissed his cheek. "Sorry Bahamut, my brother didn't do anything stupid did he?" Asked Celestia.

Bahamut chuckled as he shook his head. "No, it was just the standard 'you hurt her' speech, nothing I couldn't handle, but he told me you haven't told them about it."

Celestia sighed. "Bahamut, I wanted to keep that from them for a while, you didn't tell Discord about it did you?"

Bahamut shook his head. "Nope, but I thought you said his name was John?"

Celestia nodded. "It is, but we just call him Discord."

"Oh, ok, so what did you do with the flowers?" Asked Bahamut.

Celestia smiled. "Oh, I just placed them in something really quick. But what were you thinking of doing for our date?" Asked Celestia.

Bahamut smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Well, I was thinking lunch, then a walk in the park, maybe we go to the beach at sunset and we go eat at a small little place near the sea wall, then I'll bring you back."

Celestia giggled at the plan. "Or better idea, we do all that, but we rent a room and spend the night together?" Asked Celestia.

"Mom, please I don't want to hear about that." Yelled Spike in protest of hearing how the story was going to end.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Oh, hush you, we never got to that point in the night, because we kinda got sidetracked after dinner."

After enjoying a nice seafood dinner at a beach restaurant, Celestia and Bahamut were walking along the beach as the sun was about to completely set. But something was off with Bahamut, ever since they got to the beach before dinner, he had been fidgety and looking away from Celestia, she huffed in annoyance, and stopped walking. "Bahamut, you've been acting weird since we got to the beach earlier, is there something wrong?" Asked Celestia, she was worried for her boyfriend.

Bahamut shook his head in the most forced way possible. "No, I'm just fine Sweetie, just have something on my mind."

Celestia cocked an eyebrow. "Really, somehow I doubt that's all."

Bahamut started to sweat. "Really, that's all promise." Bahamut looked past Celestia and noticed that there were five people watching them, all of which had a red gemstone necklace around their necks. Bahamut shook his head and moved his hand across his throat. 'STOP! Not yet, mission abort.' Mouthed Bahamut.

But unfortunately, Celestia wasn't that stupid as to not notice his actions. She turned around and looked at who he was talking to. The moment she saw who was watching them, she sighed. "Ok, guys come on out before I drag your scaly butts out here myself." Said Celestia.

One of them sighed. "Well were found out, let’s go face our fate."

"Come on Torch, we could always run, it's not like she could catch us?" Said a female voice.

"What did you just say Jewel?" Said Celestia, she was now standing right in front of the group.

Jewel gulped as she looked at Celestia. "Celestia, fancy running into you here of all places. Are you and Bamut on a date right now? Sorry to interrupt it, we'll just be going now, have a nice time." Said Jewel as she tried to run away.

But she was stopped by Celestia grabbing her collar. Celestia looked to the leader of the little party. "Torch, unless you want me to tell Sapphire about this next time I see her, you better tell me what the hell you five are doing here."

Torch sighed as he motioned for the group to show themselves. "Fine, but can we get up first, we've been sitting on the sand since you guys ate dinner." Asked Bahamut.

"Fine." Said Celestia.

Torch was the first to get up, he was a tall man in his mid-twenties, with blond hair that changed into orange hair at the tips, he was muscular and dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a cobalt blue shirt. The next to get up was the woman that Celestia was holding on to. She was thin, a little shorter than Celestia. She had her long white hair done up in a ponytail and dressed in a pair of running shorts and a sweat shirt both a gold color. "Celestia can you let me go now?" Asked Jewel.

Celestia nodded as she released the woman. The next to stand was a skinny guy with dark brown hair, the deepest red colored eyes that were behind a pair of glasses, and dressed in a pair of shorts and a nice shirt. Next to him was a buff man with a short, blue hair cut into a buzzcut, he was wearing cargo pants and a tank top that showed off many of the scars he had. Lastly there was the muscle brained kind hearted idiot of the group, a buff, bald man in a brown shirt and cargo shorts.

Celestia sighed at the sight of her boyfriend’s best friends. "Ok, so Torch, please tell me why the Talons are here instead of back in the Dragon Lands?" Asked Celestia. She knew exactly who these people were, and she was a little upset that they were here.

Bahamut sighed as he walked over to Celestia. "Tia, I asked them to be here, I wanted my best friends to see me start the next part of my life."

Bahamut got down on one knee and reached for his pocket. "These last two months, I have gotten to know you, and even when all others ran away from me, you were the one who stood her ground in the face of death. I couldn't think of spending and dedicating my life to you... and...and...and...Where is it?" Asked Bahamut looking around to find it.

Celestia giggled. "I think you’re looking for this Bahamut." Said Celestia as she pulled out a small box from her purse and handed it to Bahamut. "I found it on the carpet near the door."

Bahamut gulped. "And?"

"And what?" Asked Celestia.

"Will you?"

Celestia stuck out her tongue. "Sorry Sweetie, I want to hear the whole thing, before I say yes."

Bahamut laughed. "Celestia Solaris, will you marry me?"

Celestia smiled. "Sorry Bamut, if you want to put that ring on this finger, I want to know one thing first."


Celestia smiled. "When's the wedding, because I'm thinking June."

Bahamut smiled as he slid a simple golden band with a small set of gems in the shape of a sun onto Celestia's finger. "June it is."

Celestia smiled as she tackled Bahamut to the ground and kissed him. "Yes, I will marry you." Said Celestia, she kissed Bahamut again.

"And that wasn't even the most nervous your father had been, but I think this was a better story." Said Celestia.

Spike sighed. "Mom, why did you tell me that story?"

Celestia smirked. "Because it distracted you long enough that you still look fine and we're already here." Said Celestia as she unlocked the door. "Also, say something nice to AJ, she's waiting for you right outside the gate."

Spike sighed. "I really hate you." Spike kissed her cheek. "But I love you more." Said Spike as he got out of the car. He looked at AJ who was standing in a light green sundress and her boots. "Wow, you look great AJ." Said Spike.

AJ blushed and smiled. "You look good too Spike."

Celestia rolled down the window to greet AJ. "Applejack, you look wonderful, and please keep my son in check today, he has his phone if anything happens."

AJ nodded. "Yes ma'am, Principal Solaris."

Celestia smiled. "Just call me Celestia, we're not in school."

AJ Smiled. "Yes ma'am, Celestia." AJ wrapped her arm around Spike's shoulder. "I'll take care of Spike, or I ain't an Apple." Said AJ.

Celestia smiled. "Spike, I'll see you tonight when I pick you up at 7."

Spike nodded. "Ok, I made some beef wellington before we left, just find my cook book and follow the instructions on how to cook it."

Celestia nodded. "Sure thing. Love you." Said Celestia as she drove away from the teens.

AJ smiled at Spike. "Well, that's something I didn't expect to learn about you Spike?"

Spike was confused. "And that is?"

"You can cook. Tell that to my granny and you'll win some instant points with her... That or she'll want you to cook something and prove it."

Spike smiled. "Well, I doubt I'm as good as the legendary Granny Smith, but I'll do it to show that I'm a great cook."

AJ smirked. "Cooks and a determination that puts a stud to shame. If you're a farmer, you might just be an Apple already." Laughed AJ.

Spike chuckled as well. "So, AJ, I know the basics of what's happening, games, food, family, and the yearly wager to see how far Granny and your great aunts can get on the quilt." Spike pulled out his wallet and handed AJ a 5. "I'll take some of that action, and I'm going to say twenty stiches."

AJ nodded as she took the money and placed it in her hat. "Sure, the odds for 20 to 25 stiches are 5 to 1 odds. I got a five on 30 to 35 stiches."

"But, aside from knowing very few people, I don't want to look like an ass, so can I get a little help?"

AJ nodded. "Sure, well, you know me, my brother and my little sister, the first person you'll meet is Granny, she's losing her hearing so you'll have to speak up a little, she is the one in charge of this whole thing. Next is my Pa, he and my Ma, along with my aunt and Uncle Orange are overseeing the food this year. My cousin Braeburn and his fiancé Strong Heart are in charge of the games. Aunt Betty is helping most of the family pick all the apples were going to need today right now, you’re probably not going to see them until lunch. Mac and a few others are chopping down some older trees right now to get us all the wood we're going to need. But sorry to tell you this Spike, we're kinda stuck watching my little sister and my baby cousin until lunch, I hope you’re not upset?"

Spike shrugged. "Why would I be, it takes a whole lot of prep to make something this large happen, and kids running around can never end well. If I can help, I'll do anything that I can do."

AJ smiled as she wrapped her arm around Spike's. "Thanks Spike, all your missing is a hat, and your 98% an Apple."

Spike chuckled. "What's the other two percent?"

"Marriage." Said AJ simply. "And that's with and without a shotgun pointed at your back." AJ then laughed. "I'm joking Spike, don't worry, Old Shirly is locked away in Granny's room and all she has are beanbag shells."

"SIS!!" Cheered Apple Bloom as she was dressed in a pair of overalls, a plaid red and white shirt, and her boots. She was pulling along a girl with crimson hair, dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

AJ smiled at her sister. "Hey Bloom, I see you found Babs, what's up, I'm kinda taking Spike to Granny right now."

"Babs?" Asked Spike.

"Spike?" Asked Babs.

The group fell silent. "You two know each other?" Asked the two sisters.

Spike looked at Babs and smiled. "Hey, Seed, have you had any more trouble since I left?" Asked Spike.

Babs smirked and shook her head. "Nope, Rover and his mutts got suspended after you showed them up, and more kids told the principal what they did." Babs smiled at Spike as she wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you for saving me."

Spike smiled as he gave her a pat on her head. "Don't worry about it Babs. Rover had it coming long before I showed up, and you didn't deserve it."

Babs smiled. "But what happened to you? I never got to thank you."

Spike shrugged. "I got expelled." Said Spike simply. It wasn't a total lie, that was the cover the DDC decided upon, granted when it happened, it didn't go on his school record.

AJ looked at Spike in shock. "YOU GOT EXPELLED!?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, really didn't care too much about the place though, only thing that made it bearable were a few old friends of mine. Besides I saw what Rover had done to some of the younger kids from the middle school. He was just scum that needed to be scraped off. I just so happened to be the one who had a scraper."

"But still, what did you do to them that forced you to get expelled?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"I really don't even remember; all I remember was them going to the hospital."

"You broke Rovers jaw and dislocated his arm. Fido had a sprained wrist and a fractured knee. Spot had a concussion and a fractured foot." Said Babs.

Spike dropped his jaw. "I did all that?"

Babs shook her head. "No, they did most of the damage to themselves, you punched Rover in the jaw, but Rover tried to hit you back, he pushed Fido and Spot into the lockers, where Fido hurt his wrist and knee, and Spot hit his head on the metal and got a mild concussion. Rover then tried to hit you again, but you grabbed his arm and dislocated it and he fell straight on Spots foot."

Spike sighed. "Thank god, I was worried I might actually feel sorry for them." Said Spike. 'Well at least I know Aunt Jewel's training payed off.' Thought Spike. Spike smiled at Babs. "Babs, it was good to see you again, but I think going off of the glare I'm getting from the elderly lady behind you, it's time for me to meet Granny Smith." Said Spike as he watched an older woman walking slowly towards him and the others. She was dressed in a light-yellow blouse with the sleeves rolled up past the elbow, an orange neck scarf with red apples, a red skirt that was covered by a green apron with an apple pie embordered on it. Every time she took a step closer to Spike in her worn boots, her gray hair, that was done up in a bun, let free a few silver hairs, and hanging on her elderly ears were two simple red earrings that swayed with each step.

Spike gulped when he saw the look he was getting from the old woman's amber eyes. He looked towards AJ. "AJ, if that's Granny Smith, and I don't make it through this, there is a little box I buried underneath a broken part of a stone wall, next to a tree. I want you to find it, read the note, take the money and start a new life with it." Said Spike.

Granny chuckled. "That movie came out before you were even born, but don't worry sonny I ain't gonna hurt ya, I just want to have a little talk." Spike sighed in relief. "My son and Mac on the other hand, were up pretty late digging a hole last night." Spike went pale at the thought. Then Granny started laughing. "Aw, sorry fella, I couldn't resist." Said Granny. She looked at Spike and smiled at him. "Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, Spike. I'm Granny Smith, AJ's grandma, it’s a pleasure to meet you." Said Granny as she stuck out her hand for Spike to take.

Spike smiled as he took the hand. "The same to you, Ms. Smith. You have a lovely farm here; you must be proud."

Granny nodded. "That I am, but not only of my farm, but my family too, in reality I'm too old for the hard work, but I make a mean apple pie."

Spike chuckled. "Really, your too old? I don't believe it; you make a baby chick look old."

Granny chuckled. "Oh, you charmer you. Tell me about yourself Spike, and I'll know if your lying to me, so you better be honest cause I can't handle Old Shirly like I used to."

Spike nodded. "Well, I just moved to Canterlot with my mother and aunt over the summer. I'm 16 years old, and I rather not meet Old Shirly, if you don't mine."

Granny laughed. "Oh don't worry so much Spike, we're just looking after our own, it’s more like a tradition than a threat, my father got the same speech from my grandfather, who got the same from his father and so on, since my great great great grandfather actually used her to start my family way back in the 1800's." This didn't help Spike feel at ease, granted it wouldn't hurt him at all since it wasn't diamond rounds, but the first time he was shot by the scientists it was not fun. Granny looked to Spike. "Now tell me what brought you into my grandbaby's life and what you see in her?"

Spike smiled; he was glad to get off the topic of Old Shirly. "Well, we first met in our math class. We bonded over our mutual dislike of our teacher. Then I found out that my oldest friend, Twilight, who I hadn't seen in 10 years, was good friends with her and the other girls, as for what makes her special, I wouldn't have the time to tell you all of it, so here's the quick version. She's nice, funny, kind, strong both physically and willed, her eyes are beautiful along with the rest of her, she puts a major importance on family, she's not afraid to speak her mind, and she and the others just make me happy when I'm around them."

AJ was blushing up a storm. She knew that most guys would be put off by her strength, but she never felt self-conscious over it, and here Spike was just saying how great she was. Apple Bloom giggled at seeing her sister in such a state of embarrassment. "AJ's got a boyfriend, AJ's got a boyfriend." Teased Apple Bloom. Babs was giggling as she couldn't hold in how funny it was to see her cousin like this.

Granny glared at Apple Bloom and Babs. "Shut your mouths, you two. You’re going to be in her boots one of these days." Said Granny. This shut the two pre-teens up.

Granny looked back at Spike. "Spike, I know that AJ and her friends agreed to share you, I'm not opposed to it, I believe that all of the girls are smart enough to know when something is a bad idea. But that doesn't mean that they are prepared for what's to come. All I ask is for you to support them all equally, and if you or they decide to brake it off, I want them to understand it completely and for there to be no hard feelings. You understand me?"

Spike gave the old woman a sincere smile. "Granny Smith, I care about all the girls, I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing happens to them." Said Spike.

Granny smiled at the answer. "Well, I'm happy to know that Spike. Now if you could cook, I'd welcome you into the family right now." Said Granny.

Spike smiled. "Where's the kitchen?" Asked Spike.

Granny's eyes lit up as she started dragging Spike to the kitchen. AJ sighed as she looked to the two youngest of the Apple family. "Don't cause trouble, I think Granny stole my date." Said AJ as she followed Spike and Granny.

When Granny and Spike arrived in the kitchen he was assaulted by the heavenly smell of baked treats, fried foods, fresh cut vegetable and grilling meats. Spike's mouth started to overflow with drool. Granny smiled at the sight of Spike drooling. Granny was proud to know that her family's cooking was that great. She looked to the people cooking. "All y'all take a minute and come meet Spike, the boy that AJ brought today." Said Granny.

The moment Spikes presence was known, the whole kitchen stopped working. Spike gulped as he could feel so many eyes looking at him. "Um... Hi." Said Spike as he waved.

The first to approach was a massive wall of a man with red hair, an old Stetson, a pair of jeans, a pale olive shirt, and a pair of boots. He looked at Spike with death in his harlequin eyes. Spike gulped as he stuck out his hand to greet the man. "It's nice to meet you Sir."

The man looked at Spike like he was nothing but an ant to him. Spike lowered his hand seeing that he wasn't going to take it. Suddenly a thin woman with large curly orange hair, dressed in a pair of well worked jeans, a red and white checkerboard blouse, and a pair of work boots walked over to the large man. She glared at him with her turquoise eyes. "Bright Mac, stop that right now, your scaring the poor boy." Said the woman as she gave the man a swift smack to the back of his head.

The man sighed as he lightly smiled at Spike, losing his glare. "Sorry son, I just wanted to see how you'd react, I'm impressed that you actually kept still." The man stuck out his hand to Spike. "The names Bright Mac, I'm AJ's father, and seeing that you've actually made it into the kitchen means Granny gave you her approval."

Spike sighed seeing that Bright Mac wasn't going to eat him whole. Spike took the man’s hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you Sir, I guess I have you to thank for making AJ into the woman she is."

Bright Mac shook his head. "Nope, this lovely figure right here is the one you should be thanking."

Spike looked to the woman and smiled at her. "Well, at least now I know where AJ got her looks. It's lovely to meet you Ms..."

The woman smiled at Spike. "Pear, Pear Butter Smith, but just call me Buttercup, everyone does."

Spike nodded. "Well, Ms. Buttercup, thank you for making AJ into such an amazing woman."

Buttercup giggled. "Well Spike, I see that my daughter could have fallen for your complements alone. But what brings you here? I thought AJ and you were going to watch Apple Bloom and Babs until lunch?"

Granny interjected. "Well, Spike here says he can cook, I want to see if he's lying."

Buttercup nodded. "let’s find out."

Spike nodded as he looked around at the kitchen to get an idea of what they were cooking. "Ok, burgers, fresh salad; probably from a garden on the farm, baking apple pie in the oven, chicken on a spit getting ready to be roasted, dough with cinnamon glazed apple bites, which probably means fritters or other fried treats that are light, you’re probably going to be going with the more heavy stuff for after dinner, hotdogs with buns, and grilled cheese? I see we have a vegetarian eating with us." Spike nodded, he looked at Granny, she was shocked to see that Spike knew their entire menu. "Granny, how does a pot of soup sound? I know a great recipe that will pair great with everything and will keep for a while so if anyone isn't satisfied, they can always grab a mug and get a quick pick me up." Asked Spike.

Granny nodded as she pointed to where they kept the largest soup pot they had. Spike smiled as he walked over to the pot and pulled it out. He placed it on top of the stove, Spike turned it on low to heat it up. Now it was time for the ingredients, so Spike started gathering them. He looked at Buttercup. "Ms. Buttercup, do you guys have some green onion, chicken stock, and some unused chicken?" Asked Spike.

Buttercup nodded. "Yes, we do, they're in the fridge and freezer. I'll get them for you."

Spike smiled. "Thanks." Spike looked at Bright Mac. "Mr. Smith, can you help me find a few bay leaves, some paprika, and some whole peppercorn?" Asked Spike as he looked around for the spices.

Bright Mac was impressed at how calm and clear Spike was. 'He either knows exactly what he's doing, or he has no clue.' Thought Bright Mac. "Sure, I have the pepper over here, I'll give it to you in a moment. Check the cabinet to the right of you for the rest."

Spike nodded. "Thanks." Said Spike. Suddenly Buttercup placed down the ingredients Spike asked for and left him to his own devices. "And thank you Ms. Buttercup. Spike looked at the ingredients, there was about 2 gallons of stock that had gelatinized, a bundle of green onions, and half a chicken that was broken down. Spike nodded; he was ready to cook.

Spike pulled out a kitchen knife and cut the stock into small bits to help it melt quickly, he then dumped out the stock into the pot. Once the stock was back into its liquid state, Spike started to fill up the pot with warm water, to water the soup down and give it a lighter flavor. Once the pot was half full, Spike placed the pot back onto the stove and turned it up to full. Spike cleaned his knife and started chopping the green onion and the left-over chicken, both chopped into the perfect bite sized pieces.

"Spike, I'm done with the pepper, the lid twists off, take the pepper corn you need from there." Said Bright Mac as he handed Spike the pepper grinder. Spike smiled as he poured out a few dozen whole pepper corns into his hand and straight into the pot. This was to give the soup a bit of a bite. Spike handed the grinder back to Bright Mac who took it without a word.

Spike grabbed the last of the ingredients from the cabinet, Spike found a jar with some dried bay leaves and pulled out 3 leaves, they needed time to release their flavor, so Spike dumped them into the pot. Spike placed the lid on top of the pot, the soup needed to get to a simmer and with such a large pot that was going to take a few minutes. "Ok, once the pot gets to a simmer, I can toss in the chicken and onion. After that it should only be ten minutes until I can add some of the seasoning and some salt for taste, then it's ready to serve." Said Spike. He looked at the others in the kitchen and noticed that AJ was now in the room. "Oh, hey AJ, when did you get here?" Asked Spike.

AJ smiled. "About the time you were showing your knife skills."

Spike smiled. "K, but what about Babs and Bloom, shouldn't you be watching them?"

AJ shrugged. "What's the worst they could do alone?"

Spike sighed. "Wait for it..."


Spike groaned. "Murphy is a bitch." Said Spike as he made sure to turn off all the fires in the kitchen and ran after the rest of the family to help where he could.

When they got out side they noticed that there was a group of trees on fire. Granny ran over to make sure everyone was ok. "MAC, IS EVERYONE OK?" Asked Granny.

Mac shook his head. "Bloom and Babs were heading to the old clubhouse, they're stuck there, grab as many tubs and start filling them with water."

Granny nodded as everyone ran to help. AJ looked at the fire, she was quick and wanted to help her sister and cousin. She didn't give it a second thought as she ran straight into the blaze. Spike noticed that AJ wasn't with them. "Where's AJ?"

Spike looked at the fire and realized that AJ ran into the fire to save Apple Bloom and Babs. Spike pulled out his phone and called his uncle. "Uncle D, we need the fire department down at Sweet Apple Acres right this moment, a fire has broken out."

"On it, don't do anything reckless." Said Discord.

Spike hung up the phone and looked at the fire. "This isn't reckless, this is probably the best way for them to survive." Said Spike as he ran towards the fire.

As soon as Spike reached the tree line it was clear that this was going to be dangerous for anyone but him, but it was going to be a pain explaining what happened. Spike took a deep breath, as he needed to limit his change to parts that wouldn't expose him too much. 'Ok, I'll need my feet, my lungs, my fire gland, and my eyes to see in the smoke. I'll change my back, but no wings or spikes as well just incase.' Thought Spike as he could feel his body change. Spike's neck got wider, he tossed his shoes off so they wouldn't get destroyed, his eyes changed into his dragon ones.

Once the change was finished, Spike was ready to go; he ran into the smoke cloud praying that he was going to be quick enough to save everyone.

Author's Note:

The title is a reference to a disease that effects apple trees and other fruit trees, but here it's more literal.