• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,775 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

Embers First Day

Spike was nearly flung out of his bed when the landing gear of the plane contacted the landing strip. "Uh... What the hell, I was having such a great dream." Said Spike who was a little spiteful at the rude awakening.

Spike then pulled himself off the bed, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and proceeded to begin his morning ritual, he walked to the closest mirror which was mounted to the cabins wall right above a dresser. Spike investigated his reflection and noticed that his skin had returned to its natural tan color. He walked over to his bag that he left on the plane earlier, he pulled out his spare change of clothes he had brought with him the day prior, walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Spike was about to drop his boxers but was interrupted by knocking at the door. Spike walked over to the door. "Who is it?" Asked Spike.

"It’s me Spike, we have landed and will be deboarding in the next half an hour, so get ready." Said Discord

"way ahead of you Uncle D, I was just about to jump into the shower." Responded Spike.

"Good, when you’re done, meet up in the main area of the plane and we will figure out what to do." Said Discord as he walked away.

Spike then jumped into the shower to wash off the smell of sulfur and ash on his body.

Ten minutes later Spike walked out of the shower as he quickly dried himself off. Once he was dried, Spike got dressed in a normal purple t shirt and blue jeans, now that he was dressed, he walked out of his room to meet up with the others.

Spike walked to the main sitting area of the plane only to see his uncle, Shining Armor and the newest addition to the family, his fiancé Ember, who was dressed in a simple blue t shirt and dark blue jeans, her skin had changed color to a slightly tanned white, sitting there eating a simple breakfast. The group took notice of the dragon boy as Discord revealed a plate of eggs and sausage in the chair next to him as he motioned for Spike to sit down and get some food before school.

Spike didn't need to be told twice, the moment Spike noticed the food that was made for him, he scarfed it down in under three minutes along with the plate. Once the food and plate were gone, Spike looked up and noticed the disappointed faces of two of his eating companions. Spike smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, I need to remember that plates are not food, but in my defense, it takes a lot out of me when I go through a full change."

Shining then started to chuckle as if one of life's greatest mysteries was just solved. "That explains SO much."

"Explains what?" Asked Spike.

"The Bottomless Pit known as Spike." Responded Shining. "I Still remember the time I took you and Twilight out for an after school snack, you then proceeded to order half the menu, and the most shocking thing to happen that day was the fact that you actually finished everything. Me and Twi were so worried that we needed to get you to the hospital and get your stomach pumped, but then you just burped and asked if she would like to go play outside." Shining continued to laugh. "Now that I know about your dragon powers, it doesn't seem that weird once you put it all together."

Spike then looked at Ember and gave her a stupid smile. "So, Ember how are you feeling this morning?"

Ember blushed slightly at Spike's smile. "I am feeling just fine, I was just talking with Discord and Agent Armor about the human world while you slept."

Spike smiled again. "That's great to hear, what did they tell you?"

"That in this world, I look like a 17-year-old girl, that I will be staying at your house and I will be going to school with you, among other things."

Spike smiled at Ember. "Cool, but school might have to wait until tomorrow, depending on if mom got into the armory." Speaking of his mother, Spike pulled out his phone and looked at the time and noticed that it was six thirty. Spike then decided it was about time for her to wake up, so he gave his mother a call and see if she followed through with her plans.

"Hello? Celestia Solaris speaking." Answered Celestia.

"Hey mom, we just landed in Ponyville."

"Good to hear, Embers room is ready for her, so why don't you drop by the house and help her get settled in before you bring her to school to show her around. I also set Ember up in all the same classes as you so she can start today."

Spike sighed. "Aunt Luna didn't let you open the armory, did she?"

"Nope, she said that I couldn't miss the second day of classes, plus something about you still needing a father, and it would look bad on my part if I came home with a giant new dragon skin rug."

"Yeah, it was probably for the best she stopped you."

"Also, I have your permission slip in my purse, so when your uncle drops you off head to my office and I can give Ember her schedule and you your form."

"Got it mom, tell Aunt Luna I love her, see you at school, love you too. Bye." Said Spike as he hung up.

Spike sighed as he looked at the others. "She decided not to kill dad after all." Spike then looked at Ember "She has also got your room all set up for you, and you will start classes today."

Discord sighed in relief as he looked at the time on Spike's phone. "Looks like it’s time to leave the plane, everyone gets your belongings and meet Agent Dancer for debriefing." Said Discord as he got up from his seat and walked to the door.

Spike, Ember, and Shining Armor left the table, grabbed their belongings and departed the plane. The group was greeted by Moon Dancer upon departure.

"Welcome back Sir, how did it go?" asked Moon Dancer following discord.

"All things considered, Bahamut is going to get an ear full when he comes to visit for Christmas, so get the emergency cleanup crew scheduled for the aftermath, also inform the agency that we have a new subject to observe." Said Discord as he motioned to Ember behind him. "My full report will be available tonight, but until then I will be getting ready for the day."

Moon Dancer slowed down to meet Shining. "You did well, Agent Armor, I expect a detailed report on my desk by the end of the day."

She then slowed to greet Spike. "Hey Spike, how did your meeting go, also who is the cutie behind you, is she your Girlfriend? Don't you like me anymore?" Asked Moon Dancer pouting.

Spike sighed. "The meeting went well; I was able to spend some quality time with my dad. As for Ember, you’re not far off, it turns out that she is my fiancé, and you don't have to worry, you could never be replaced." Said Spike as he gave the agent a hug.

Moon Dancer then dropped behind to greet Ember. "Greetings, my name is Moon Dancer. Welcome to DDC headquarters. I have been informed that you will be staying in the human world. I have also been informed that you are Spike's fiancé. On that note I have a little advice for you. If you even think about breaking his heart, I will personally hunt you down and mount your head above my fireplace, do you understand?"

Ember nodded rapidly.

Moon Dancer smiled at the response as she continued. " The agency was also informed that you will be staying at the Solaris household and will be attending Canterlot High School with Spike. Is this correct?" Asked Moon Dancer.

Ember nodded again.

Moon Dancer nodded as she flipped a piece of paper over her clipboard and began to read. "Please do not reveal any aspect of information pertaining to Spike's true identity to anyone, Spike will be in charge of keeping you informed on social norms, we will also create a detailed identity for you, but due to the short notice your identity is not finished so keep answers vague. If you have any more questions, please ask Agent Discord or Spike. Welcome to Earth." added Moon Dancer as she read off a clipboard.

Ember was then pushed into the elevator by Moon Dancer as the doors closed.

After a quick ride in the MPATS, the group arrived at the Solaris households’ station, after one elevator ride up, the group arrived in the backyard of the home. Spike then pulled out his key and opened the door, he then looked at Ember. "Ember welcome to our house, your bed room is on the second floor, second door on the right. I'll show you where it is." Said Spike as he grabbed Embers hand leading her to her new room.

Spike was completely unaware of the blush Embers face was sporting as they walked up the stairs. Ember looked at all the pictures on the wall in the hallway, Spike was with Discord, and who she assumed to be his mother and aunt. When the two arrived at the bedroom door Spike opened it and showed Ember the place she will be staying. The room was very standard, one queen sized bed, two nightstands on either side of the bed, a four-drawer dresser in the corner, and a small closet on the wall. Spike sighed. "I know it’s not much right now; it was originally going to be a guest room for when Discord would spend the night or when dad would get to hot to sleep with my mom." Spike then wrapped his arm around Embers shoulder. "But we can go to the mall sometime this weekend and get you some decorations, this is now your home and this is your room, you have full control of your space, but the only downside is you will also be sharing a bathroom with my mom and aunt." Said Spike.

Ember didn't have very much on her now other than a bag she was given by Discord when they were leaving the DDC that had a notebook and some pencils in it for school and the clothes she currently wore. Spike then felt a buzzing in his pocket and pulled out his phone, noticing he had received a text from someone.

The text was from his mother and it told him that she made both Spike and Ember some lunch, they were in the fridge waiting for them. Spike then looked over at the alarm clock on the dresser and noticed that it was now almost seven, it would take at least a half an hour to get Ember ready for School. Spike looked at Ember. "Ember, we need to get going or we're going to be late." Said Spike as he grabbed Embers hand and ran to the first floor so Discord could drive them to the school.

Spike and Ember arrived at the school at seven thirty and were on their way to the principal’s office to get Spike's form and Embers schedule. Spike knocked on the door to his mother’s office.

"Come in." Said Celestia's voice from the other side of the door.

Spike opened the door and looked at his mother sitting at her desk while his aunt was standing at her side. "Hi mom. Hi Luna. How are you this morning?" Asked Spike.

"I was doing well until I was woken up by your mother screaming at me to open the armory at two in the morning, it took me almost an hour to calm her down and by that time I was wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep." She then noticed the new face in the room and cocked an eyebrow. "And the fact that you said you were bringing a dragon to the human world didn't help matters. Am I to assume that the person behind you is Ember?"

Spike nodded in response.

Luna walked around the desk and up towards Ember. When she was close enough to Ember, she gave her a smile and extended her hand to give the dragoness a handshake. "Hello, I am Spike's aunt, my name is Luna Solaris, I am the school's vice principal. It’s a pleasure to meet you."

"And you as well, I hope I will not be a nuisance to you during my time here on earth." Said Ember as she accepted the greeting.

Celestia sighed as she copied her sister’s actions. "And I'm Spike's mother, Celestia Solaris. I hope you will be happy on earth with us, please take care of Spike."

Ember happily accepted the greeting and responded. "Thank you. I will do my best to protect Spike, both as his guard and his fiancé."

Celestia gave her a smile, returned to her desk and opened a drawer, as she pulled out two pieces of paper, handing them to their respective owners. "Now run along, classes are about to begin." Said Celestia motioning for the two to get to class.

"Thanks mom." Said Spike as he opened the door and led Ember to their first class.

Celestia then pulled out another piece of paper from the drawer and wrote something down on it. "She seems nice, doesn't she?"

"That she does." Said Luna as she looked over her sisters’ shoulder and noticed the paper. Luna let out a sigh and added "No you cannot order a 250-foot dress for Bahamut." Celestia let out an annoyed sigh as she looked at Luna.

"You already shot down the whole, dragon skin rug thing and my idea of him sleeping on the couch for the rest of time."

"First off, Spike still needs a father, and two the last time you made Bahamut sleep on the couch I caught you two in the middle of doing it and I don't want to see that ever again." Said Luna shivering at the memory.

Celestia huffed as she crumpled up the paper and threw It away.

Spike and Ember walked into their first class and almost immediately Spike was greeted by a sad Fluttershy who did not notice the person following Spike. "Hello Spike, sorry about making you carry me to Rarity's yesterday. I hope I wasn't too much of a hindrance." Said Fluttershy who was on the verge of tears.

Spike noticed the emotional state of Fluttershy and quickly tried to comfort her. "Shy, it's ok, I was more worried about you, are you ok?" Asked Spike.

Fluttershy nodded as she wiped away her tears, Spike sighed and added. "Besides you were actually very easy to pick up and carry." Said Spike as he smiled at her.

Fluttershy blushed at Spike's words as she looked away from his face, and right into the direction of Ember. Fluttershy noticed the fact that there was another person with Spike and she immediately began to shake in fear.

Spike noticed the change in Fluttershy’s mood and assumed it was only because she didn't know who Ember was. "I almost forgot, Fluttershy, this is my friend Ember. Ember this is my friend Fluttershy."

"Um...hello...its...ni...nice....to... me...meet you." Stammered Fluttershy.

Ember was unsure on how to greet the girl, so she just smiled. "It’s nice to meet you too, I hope we can be friends."

Fluttershy stopped shaking and smiled back at the girl. "I would like that too." Hearing this response quelled Spike's anxiety about Ember meeting her friends.

Ms. Harshwinny walked in a few moments later and took notice of the new student. "Hello, my name is Ms. Harshwinny, you must be Ember."

Ember nodded.

"Welcome to Canterlot High, can you tell the rest of the class something about yourself?" Asked Ms. Harshwinny.

"Well, I just moved to town yesterday, where I ran into my childhood friend Spike who is going to be showing me around the school later." Responded Ember, leaving out that she was a dragon, she was Spike's fiancé, and the fact that she was now living with him, by keeping her answer vague.

"Well that is nice of him, I'm glad you were able to see a familiar face on your first day, but we have a long class so you can tell us more about yourself later." Said Harshwinny as she began to teach the days lesson.

Once the class ended, Spike, Ember and Fluttershy walked out of the class, Spike was happy to see Ember and Fluttershy talking to each other, but Fluttershy had to go to her next class so they separated so Spike and Ember wouldn't be late for their next class.

Spike and Ember walked into the home economics class room, and were immediately bombarded with a flurry of questions from Pinky Pie. "HiSpikehowareyoutodayimdoinggoodwhendoyouwanttodoyourwelcomtotownparty?" Pinky then looked over to Ember and proceeded to interrogate the girl. "himynameisPinkypiewhatsyournamedoyoulikepartieswhatsyourfavoritfavorofcakewhatsyourrelationshipwithSpike?"

Spike then responded to the barrage of questions. "I'm doing good, as for the party my schedule is full for the rest of the week so let’s plan for next week, this is my friend Ember she does like parties, and she likes the same type of cake as me." Said Spike.

Mrs. Cake walked into the room and greeted Ember. "Well hello dear, I am Chiffon Cake, it’s nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well, my name is Ember."

"Well Ember how about you take a seat next to Spike for the time being, so we can start today's lesson."

Ember nodded and took her seat next to Spike, aware that behind them was Pinky Pie who was watching them intensely. Ember then leaned into Spike and asked. "What's the deal with that one?" Asked Ember as she pointed to Pinky.

Spike responded. "Keep an eye on her, I have a feeling that she will be watching us like a hawk, but aside from that she is a nice person."

Ember nodded.

Today’s class was a simple one where Mrs. Cake taught her students the basics of sewing.

Spike and Ember walked out of the classroom but were stopped by Pinky who handed them two envelopes. "Here are your invitations to Spike's Welcome to Canterlot Party." She then hopped away giggling leaving the two thoroughly confused. Spike shrugged as he opened the envelope and his face was assaulted with a blast of confetti.

Spike was stunned from the confetti blast but was brought out of his stupor by Ember who tapped his shoulder with a worried look. "Spike are you ok?"

Spike looked at Ember and smiled. "Yeah I'm fine, just wasn't expecting that is all." Spike then looked at the invitation and read it. "You are cordially invited to the welcome to town party of Spike Solaris, please be at Sugar Cube Corner at seven pm on the seventeenth of August." Spike looked at the invitation in confusion wondering how the hell Pinky knew he was free on the seventeenth. "How the hell did she know I'm free on the seventeenth?" Questioned Spike.

Ember was wondering the same but then she looked at the clock in the hall and noticed that they were going to be late for their next class. She grabbed Spike's arm and the 2 started running in the general direction of their next class.

Spike and Ember walked into the English class two minutes late, receiving a glare from Cheerilee. "Glad you could join us Mr. Spike, you do know class started already?"

Spike nodded and was about to explain why he was late but was interrupted by Ember. "It's my fault Ma'am, Spike was showing me the school and by the time we noticed what time it was we were on the other side of the campus, so we sprinted here as fast as we could." Explained Ember hoping that she would buy the lie.

Cheerilee thought for a moment and nodded in understanding. "I understand, just make sure it doesn't happen again."

Both Ember and Spike nodded and went to some empty seats.

Cheerilee’s class continued the exercise they started the day before. Spike met some students that seemed interesting but didn't really have much in common with him, but Ember, once she finished writing her paragraphs, introduced herself to Sunset. Spike looked over at the two and noticed that they were laughing with each other. Spike smiled at the interaction seeing Ember was trying at meeting new people.

The rest of the class went off without a hitch. Spike and Ember talked with Sunset a little after class, but because of time Spike and Ember had to leave and get to the 'Prison Cell' of a math class.

Spike and Ember walked into the class; the moment they crossed the rooms threshold it was like all the joy in the world was smashed with a hammer. Both Spike and Ember trudged to their seats praying that the class would fly bye.

Spike was brought out of his deep funk when he looked to the seat next to him and noticed a pair of Emerald green eyes looking at him with excitement. Spike then grumbled "Why are you so happy? We still have to put up with the 'Warden' again." Said Spike still out of it.

Applejack gasped in shock. "You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Apparently Neighsay slipped in the halls and broke his leg, he's not going to be teaching for at least five weeks." responded AJ.

Hearing this Spike's mood instantly changed as in the back of his mind he thought 'I really need to thank Uncle D when I see him.' Spike chuckled nervously as he responded ."What Luck. So, who's going to sub the class?" Asked Spike.

"No idea." AJ shrugged. "But whoever it is has to be better than him." AJ then noticed the girl sitting on the other side of Spike, but more specifically the glare she was receiving from said girl. "Spike you know it's rude to leave someone out of the conversation, especially when proper introductions haven't been had." AJ then looked passed Spike and smiled at the girl. "Howdy the names Applejack but just call me AJ, it’s nice to meet you."

Ember nodded and smiled back. "Ember, it’s nice to meet you AJ. So, what was that about the teacher breaking his leg?"

"So yesterday the teacher, a snake of a man named Neighsay slipped in the hall after missing a wet floor sign and broke his leg, now he can't teach for the next five weeks."

The rest of the conversation was interrupted when the vice principal walked into the room and addressed the class. "Hello, my name is Luna Solaris, I am the vice principle and I have some bad news, your teacher, professor Neighsay had an accident yesterday and will not be able to attend class for some time." Spike began to pray to all the gods in hope that his aunt wasn't going to be his new teacher.

Spike's prayers were answered. "And because of that the school was able to find a long term substitute teacher." the door to the room opened to reveal a tall woman in her mid-twenties wearing an understated black dress with a golden belt, with amber and orange hair walking into the classroom. She walked to Lunas' side and smiled.

"It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Sassy Saddles, I hope to do a good job." Said Sassy as she smiled to the class.

Luna nodded and patted the subs shoulder as she walked out of the room to return to her paperwork.

"So, I was told that Mr. Neighsay started to explain differential equations to you all, but then I found out that you aren't going to start that until the next semester, so today we will be going over the basics of algebra as a refresher after a long summer break." explained Sassy.

The aura of the classroom was the exact opposite of what it was the day prior, much to the whole class's joy.

After class Spike, Ember and AJ were walking out of the class. "Can you believe our luck?" Asked Spike

"I know, it’s like night and day." Responded AJ. "So, Spike would you like to join me and the girls for lunch today?"

Spike was about to agree, but then remembered that his mother packed some lumps of coal for lunch and he was still hungry from the transformation, and the sight of a sixteen year old eating a mountain of food plus the tray would raise more than a few eyebrows. "Sorry, I was going to show Ember the rest of the campus after we ate, so were heading up to the roof to eat, maybe tomorrow." Said Spike.

AJ smiled and nodded. "I get it, I'll tell the girls, have a good time, Sugar Cube, you too Ember." Said AJ as she walked away to lunch.

Spike then grabbed Embers hand and the two walked to the roof to eat their lunches.

Spike and Ember were sitting on the roof eating their lunch as Spike was pointing to all the different buildings on the campus. "Over there is the Art's building, it has the band hall, orchestra hall, dance hall, and the theater auditorium, we will be heading there after we finish eating." Said Spike as he took a bite from his sandwich and pointed to the building. "And over there is the track and field." Said Spike as he pointed to the area.

Spike ate the last bit of his sandwich, he pulled out the two lumps of coal and popped them into his mouth as he crushed them into small pieces. Spike then shot out a jet of green flames creating a small firework display as the bits of coal burned and became ash. Spike looked at Ember and smiled a small smile. "It feels so good to be able to act like myself without the fear of someone finding out about my powers." Said Spike as he then looked at the horizon and sighed. "I just wish I didn't have to keep up the ruse, I have missed out on so much and I hate the feeling I get when I have to lie to my friends." Spike then groaned. "But if anyone figures out who I am, what I am, the DDC makes witnesses disappear and then they move my family to a new city."

Ember noticed the internal struggle Spike was dealing with and gave him a hug to show her support. "Spike, have you tried to talk to Discord about revealing your identity to someone you have a lot of trust in?" Asked Ember.

Spike shook his head. "I have thought about asking for years, but then someone would notice something out of the ordinary about me and then they would discover the truth, then it would end one of two ways. They would either attack me out of spite of what I am, or they would post something on the internet saying that they found a dragon in the form of a human, then the DDC would stop the leak from spreading. The attacker or the poster would then be arrested, and their minds wiped, then put in to a special witness protection program that lets the agency monitor the target 24 hours a day." Spike then sighed. "After a while I just stopped wanting to ask, because I felt sorry for the lives I had ruined by accident, now imagine how I would feel if someone I cared about found out and it was my choice, because I don't want to think about that." Said Spike as he started to tear up.

Ember felt useless at the sight of her first friend crying as she only tightened the hug. "What would happen if someone didn't care about who you are?" Asked Ember.

Spike stopped crying and sighed. "I don't know, it hasn't happened before, the war affected many lives and I doubt that stigma will go away anytime soon."

The two just stayed in the embrace for a few minutes and let Spike get it out of his system.

Spike was able to calm himself down after he finally told someone else about his feelings. He then gave a sheepish chuckle "Sorry about talking your ears off, I just felt like I needed to get a lot off my chest."

Ember smiled at Spike, she felt like she was useful and was able to support her friend and fiancé. "I don't mind, I understand that your life is very stressful, and the guilt you carry with you every day is something that no one else can help you deal with, because they don't understand what it’s like being you. But I want you to know that whatever you’re going through, I will be by your side to help shoulder that burden." Said Ember as she looked into Spike's eyes being completely serious in her declaration.

Spike hugged Ember and smiled. "Thank you, Ember."

"No problem Spike." Said Ember.

The two finished eating and headed to their next class, theater.

Spike and Ember walked into the auditorium and took a seat in the audience seating area as Ms. Chrysalis walked onto the stage. She smiled at her students and greeted them. "Good Afternoon everyone, I have been informed that we have a new student in the class today, so would Ember please stand up and come on stage and show us a special talent that would be useful in the theater?"

Ember was nervous about going on stage, she looked to Spike for some support. Spike looked to the shacking dragoness and gave her a supportive smile as he whispered. "Just do what feels natural." Said Spike.

Ember nodded; she took a deep breath to steal her nerves. She walked to the center of the stage and introduced herself to the class. "Um...hi...my name is Ember and I will show everyone my....my...my..." stammered Ember, she looked out to the audience so she could look at Spike for some idea on what to do, that was until she noticed that Spike wasn't even looking at her, he was talking to Rarity and something inside of her felt pissed. "My martial arts skills." Said Ember very annoyed at Rarity. Ember began to demonstrate some fighting moves ranging from basic to very advanced.

Ember continued to show off her skills when she walked over to the side of the stage, grabbed a piece of bamboo that would be used as a set prop and began using it as a weapon.

Ember finished off her routine when she smacked the staff on the ground and the force of the movement caused the prop to shatter from the impact. Ember was sweating as she smirked in the general direction of Spike and Rarity.

Everyone's eyes were wide at the display of motion and training as in the back of everyone's mind there was one thought screaming at them. 'DO NOT PISS THIS GIRL OFF!'. Chrysalis walked on to the stage looking very impressed at the passion and concentration her newest student just displayed. "Thank you very much Ember, but from now on please do not destroy the props, they are school property, but your performance just oozed concentration and passion, very well done." Said Chrysalis as she clapped.

Ember rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. "Yeah sorry about that, I just got super into it and wasn't thinking." Said Ember as she walked off the stage and took her seat next to Spike, who was shocked at the display.

Ember then looked at the seat next to Spike and looked at Rarity as she inwardly smirked in victory. "Well hello, my name is Ember, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Said Ember as she looked at Rarity.

"The pleasure is all mine, my name is Rarity Belle, might I ask what your relationship is with Spikey?" Asked Rarity.

Spike looked at Rarity confused by the pet name.

"We are childhood friends from years ago, I just moved to town and we just happened to meet up last night." Said Ember as she wrapped her arms around one of Spike's, getting closer to him. "And how do you know Spike?"

The moment Rarity noticed Embers actions something inside of Rarity's mind screamed. "Get your hands off of him you bitch!" as Rarity struggled to smile at Ember as she copied the movements and wrapped her arms around Spike's free arm. getting close to him as well. "Well I happen to be one of his new friends." Retorted Rarity.

Completely aware of what was happening to him, Spike was using all his mental strength to keep control of his powers so he wouldn't start a fire. Spike was at his limit and out of nowhere stood up from his seat, dislodging himself from the two girls. "BerightbacktellmewhatImiss." yelled Spike as he ran out of the auditorium and straight to the bathroom.

Spike's reaction did not go unnoticed by the class as everyone looked to the two girls in confusion. Ember then said the first excuse that came to her mind. "Sorry about that, Spike just got a call from his dad, and needed to take it." Said Ember who hoped they bought it.

Rarity looked confused as she processed what Ember just said, 'Didn't Twilight and Fluttershy say that Spike's father died before he was born? why would he be getting a call from him?' Thought Rarity.

"It's fine, but when he gets back tell him that he could call him back after class."

Ember nodded as Ms. Chrysalis started to teach the class about the different sections of the theater and what jobs are related to them.

Inside the men's bathroom Spike was splashing water on his face to lower his temperature as he was thinking 'What got into those two?'

A few minutes later, Spike walked out of the bathroom and returned to his seat, he stayed silent as did Ember and Rarity allowing Ms. Chrysalis to teach.

The rest of the class went by fast. Spike and Ember walked out of the theater but was stopped by Rarity who was giving them a questioning look. "And what do you want?" Asked Ember with a hint of venom in her voice.

"I just wanted to tell Spikey..." Rarity then turned her attention to Spike and added "... Have a great rest of the day." Said Rarity as she smiled and gave a bat of her eyelids to Spike as she walked away smirking.

Ember grabbed Spike and angrily stomped to the gym. "Um...Ember are you ok?" asked Spike in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I’m doing just fine, why do you ask?" Said Ember with gritted teeth.

"Just asking." responded Spike as he decided to keep his mouth shut.

As Ember was dragging Spike away her thoughts were filled with one thing 'I do not like that girl'.

Spike and Ember arrived at the gym as Spike pointed to coach Spitfire. "Go talk to her to get your locker number and get changed for class. I'll meet you back here when you are ready." Said Spike as he walked to the locker room to change.

Ember walked to the coach who gave Ember a knowing look. "Are you Ember?"

"Yes ma'am"

"I had a feeling, you’re lucky that the janitor found your gym clothes, your locker is locker 138 and the combination is 19-42-7, your clothes are already in there so get a move on and get dressed." Said Spitfire.

Ember nodded and ran to the locker room to get dressed for gym.

Five minutes later, Spike walked out of the men's locker room as he was talking to Big Mac. "...I can’t wait to see Dashes reaction when I tell her about Neighsay."

"Yep." Said Mac as he snickered at the thought.

The conversation was cut short when someone yelled across the gym. "YO SPIKE!"

Spike looked around to see who was yelling his name and was met with a rainbow blur approaching very fast. Spike sighed as Rainbow slowed down and approached the teen. "Hey Dash, want to hear the best news of the year?" Asked Spike hoping that she didn't know about Neighsay.

"If you’re talking about Neighsay breaking his leg, you’re a little late, AJ told me already."

Spike's excitement was dashed away from him, he sighed and looked around the gym for Ember. Spike didn't see her and got worried. "Hey Dash, did you see a girl with blue and white hair in the locker room?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, she was in there." Rainbow then looked around and noticed the girl Spike was talking about, so she pointed to her, "...And there she is."

Spike visibly calmed at the sight of Ember. "Hey Ember over here, there are some people I want you to meet." Yelled Spike.

Ember noticed Spike's yelling and quickly ran over to the group. Spike noticed Embers gym clothes were just a plain white tee shirt and a pair of basketball short the same shade of blue as her dragon scales.

"Hey Spike, Sorry I took so long, you mentioned something about meeting someone." Ember then looked at the two other people in the group. "It’s nice to meet you two, my names Ember." Said Ember as she gave a small wave.

"Sup, the names Rainbow Dash, the best runner and sportswomen in the whole school." Said Rainbow as she boasted at her own awesomeness.

"Howdy, names Big Macintosh, but I go bye Big Mac."

Suddenly Spike was shoved to the side by Garble who wrapped an arm around Embers neck as he laughed at Spike. "Hey Babe, why don't you hang with me and my crew instead of this group of losers."

Spike was quickly getting pissed and was about to show Garble the full force of his anger but was interrupted by the sounds of Garble crying in pain. Spike looked to see what was happening and the first sight he saw was a view that was going to be burned into his brain. Ember had Garbles arm twisted and bent in a very uncomfortable position as he was on his knees crying in pain. Ember smirked. "The only loser I see is you." Ember then kneeled to garbles face and added. "You have two options. You could walk away like a dog with its tail between its legs and leave me and Spike alone, or I add a little bit more pressure and you get wheeled out of the school by an EMT. What's your choice?"

"I give, I give." yelled Garble

Ember smirked and released Garbles arm. "Good Choice." Embers victory was cut short when she heard whistling booming in the gym. Coach Spitfire walked to the group with an angry glare directed to Ember.

"You have five seconds to explain why a student is on the ground clutching his arm!" Yelled Spitfire.

"He was harassing me and my friends." responded Ember

Spitfire then looked at Spike, Rainbow, and Big Mac. "Is that true?"

They all nodded.

Spitfire sighed as she looked at Garble. "Hold still, I'll get Bulk to take you to the nurses and then he will take you to the principal’s office, for your punishment." Said Spitfire.

Spitfire walked away from the group and headed to her office and the moment the door closed the whole gym cheered for Ember. This went on for a few moments until Bulk Biceps walked into the gym and grabbed Garble by his good arm and walked him to the nurse’s office. Rainbow leaned over to Spike and whispered. "I like her, who the hell is she?"

"An old friend with a very overprotective dad." said Spike simply.

Coach Spitfire walked back into the gym and used her whistle to get everyone's attention. "All right ladies today we will be running outside. You have five minutes to get water and get to the track." Said Spitfire as she walked to her office.

Rainbow Dash grabbed Embers arm and pulled her along as she constantly asked Ember questions about how she learned to do that, and the sight of Ember in that situation made Spike laugh.

Outside, the whole class was running around the track. Spike was running with Big Mac, the two talked the whole time but Spike would steal glances towards Ember and Rainbow to make sure everything was going well between the two. They ran for the next 35 minutes.

Coach Spitfire blew her whistle indicating that it was time to hit the showers, everyone walked back into the gym and went into their locker rooms to get ready for their final class of the day.

Spike walked out of the locker room a few minutes later dressed in his normal clothes as he waited for Ember to finish getting dressed. Ember walked out of the locker room and headed for Spike. "So, Ember, what did you and Rainbow talk about?" Asked Spike

"She asked me if I would like to try out for the schools mixed soccer team, I just have one question though, what is soccer?"

Spike face palmed and sighed.

One explanation of soccer later.

"Oh, that sounds fun, maybe I will try out for it after all." Responded Ember.

"Sweet, maybe I can show you some of my moves later when me and Spike finish practicing after school today." Added Rainbow as she walked behind the two.

Spike smirked at the rainbow haired girl. "I hope you’re ready to lose Dash."

"I should be asking you that Spike."

The two laughed at the playful banter between them as Rainbow added. "Meet me at the field at 430. The rest of the girls will be there watching me kick your butt."

"You mean me kicking your butt." Retorted Spike.

The two laughed again as they separated to go to their last class of the day.

Spike and Ember walked into the chemistry lab. Spike was pulled into a hug by Twilight who completely ignored the glare she was getting from Ember who was less than happy at the sudden hug. "Hey Twi, how are you today?" Asked Spike who had a feeling about what had her so excited.

"I'm doing great Spike, Shining Armor just got a job at the DDC, apparently he is part of a group of agents in charge of protecting a VIP in the area. Isn't that cool?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah that's awesome, how is Shining doing anyways?" Asked Spike who was trying to fake the fact that he was the VIP.

"Well he and Cadance got married last year and just finished moving to Canterlot." Twilight then looked nervous. "And they are going to throw a housewarming party this weekend, and I know Shining would be excited to see you after all this time, so would you like to come with me?" Asked Twilight.

Spike smiled. "Sure Twi, I can't wait to see him and Cadance again, it’s been too long, also I want to tell him congratulations on the job."

Twilights face lit up in happiness after hearing Spike's response as she gave Spike another hug, much to the ire of Ember who interrupted the 2. "Hi, my name is Ember, it’s a pleasure to meet you Twi, was it?"

Twilight looked at ember and then blushed in embarrassment. "Um, sorry, and it's Twilight... Twilight Sparkle, it’s nice to meet you Ember. How do you know Spike?" Asked Twilight.

"Oh, we are old childhood friends. I just moved to town and ran into Spike last night." responded Ember as Zecora walked into the class.

"Hello class." greeted Zecora, "I hope you all have the forms in hand, if you don't, today will be quite bland." Everyone pulled out the permission slips and handed them to the teacher as she walked around collecting them. Zecora stopped at Ember. "If I am to remember, you must be Ember." Stated Zecora

Ember nodded.

Zecora Smiled and added " A form from you I do not desire, Permission from the principle has already been acquired." With all the permission slips collected, Zecora walked back to her desk and started to place supplies on her table. Once all the materials were placed, she reached under her desk and pulled out a pair of safety goggles and covered her eyes. "Well students, to start off, Sodium and water, are very violent, and cover your ears, this won't be silent."

Ember chuckled a little as Zecora started to teach about common chemical reactions.

After the class was over, Spike, Ember and Twilight walked out of the room and talked about the chemical reactions Zecora showed them in class. "I'm telling you that part when she burned that magnesium was the best." Argued Spike.

"And I'm telling you when she got out that ferrofluid was better." rebutted Twilight. Twilight then looked at Ember. "Tell him I'm right."

Ember shrugged. "I liked the sodium in water, it definitely got my attention." Said Ember as they all walked to the gym so Spike could change into his gym clothes for his practice match against Rainbow.

As Spike was changing Rainbow exited the girl’s locker room carrying a soccer ball under her arms and noticed that Twilight and Ember were just standing in the gym. She walked towards them smiling as she greeted the two. "Hey Twi, Hey Ember!" Yelled rainbow catching the attention of the two girls.

"Oh, hey Rainbow." greeted the two.

As Rainbow approached it finally dawned on her that they were together, which confused her. "Wait how do you two know each other?"

"Well it turns out that Ember is in Spike's and my chemistry class. Wait how do you know her?"

"She's in gym with me and Spike. Also, she showed Garble a thing or two today." Said Rainbow grinning wickedly.

Ember blushed a little at the praise and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Well he was harassing Spike, and I just did what anyone would do if one of their friends were being bullied."

"Damn straight." Said Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash, language!" Berated Twilight.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and looked at Ember. "So, Ember why are you here?"

"Well I wanted to watch, is that ok?" Asked Ember.

"It’s all cool, the more the merrier." Said Rainbow.

"I doubt you will be saying that when everyone sees the great Rainbow Dash lose to the new kid in town." Said a voice. The trio looked in the direction of the voice and noticed Spike walking out of the boy’s locker room dressed in his gym clothes.

Rainbow smirked. "I think you meant to say '...when everyone sees the great Rainbow Dash kick my butt into the mud." said Rainbow Dash.

"Less words, more Rainbow crying in defeat." Said Spike.

"BRING. IT. ON!" Said Rainbow as she started to walk out to the practice field. Spike, Twilight, and Ember followed the girl and they soon arrived at a well-maintained soccer field. Next to the field were a set of bleachers, and on the bleachers sat all the girls talking to each other. The group arrived and Rainbow was the first to greet them. "Hey girls, are you ready to see me kick some butt?"

"Sure am."

"I hope you don't get hurt."

"GO RAINBOW!" Yelled Pinky as she waved around a banner with a picture of Rainbow Dash.

Spike rolled his eyes and smiled at the girls. "Hi girls, how were your days?" Asked Spike in a nice tone.

"Pretty much the same as yesterday." Said Sunset shrugging. This was the general response among all the girls. Sunset then looked past Spike and noticed Ember.

"Hey Ember, why are you here?"

"Well long story short, Rainbow invited me." Ember then looked at all the girls and became confused. "Why are all of you here?"

"Rainbow is our friend and we decided to come and support her and Spike." Said Sunset.

All the girls looked at each other in confusion. "How do you know Ember?" Asked all the girls to each other.

"She's in my History class." Said Fluttershy

"And my Home economics class." said Pinky

"I met her in English." Sunset

"And in my Math class." AJ added.

"She showed off in theater class." Sneered Rarity

"She beat Garble into submission during gym." Said Rainbow

"And She was in Chemistry." Said Twi.

They all looked at Spike and glared at the boy. Spike shrugged and played the innocent card. "what are the odds?"

They all gave him the 'is that really the best you could come up with?' look, even Ember gave him that look.

Spike soon became nervous and tried again, "Maybe...um...um... yeah I got nothing." sighed Spike in defeat. "The truth is the principle arranged Embers classes so that she would be in the same class as me."

"And why would she do that?" Asked Sunset.

Spike gulped. "Beats me." Said Spike as he internally prayed that would work. It didn't.

AJ arched her eyebrow and gave Spike a silent 'yeah that's bull, I know it, and you know it.' look, which made Spike even more nervous.

Spike sighed knowing that this day would come sooner or later, he just wished that it didn't happen till he graduated. "Well, you see, my full name is Spike Drake Solaris. The principle is Celestia Solaris and she is my mother, the vice Principle is my aunt Luna. They both knew about Ember and to make her feel more welcomed they arranged to have her take the same classes with me." Said Spike as he waited for the inevitable shock. But it didn't come.

Spike looked at the girls wondering why they didn't say anything.

Rainbow shrugged. "cool, doesn't change the fact I'm going to kick your butt."

"That's right, what does it matter if you’re the principal's son, you’re a normal student after all." Said Sunset.

'Normal being a broad term in my case.' thought Spike.

"Yeah Spike, you are a kind person and we know you wouldn't use your relationship to the principles for your own gain." Said Fluttershy.

"Besides Twilight already told us." Said Pinky like it was nothing.

The instance Spike heard that all his attention went straight to Twilight. "YOU WHAT?" Yelled Spike.

"Um... I'm sorry." Squeaked Twilight.

Spike wanted to yell at her, he really did, but he was a kind person, that and anger was a powerful emotion and he didn't want to transform in front of his friends. Spike took a deep breath and held it for ten seconds and then he slowly released it, calming his anger. Spike looked Twilight in the eyes, and he sighed. "Twilight it's fine, I knew this day would come sooner or later, I was hoping for the latter, but I trust you enough to know that if you felt confident enough to tell the girls the truth, then they would be fine with it." Said Spike in a caring tone.

Twilight wiped away a tear and smiled at Spike. "I do trust them, but still I shouldn't have told them your secret, can you ever forgive me?"

Spike smiled. "Of course, Twi you were my first friend, and friends make mistakes." Said Spike as he gave the girl a hug to comfort her.

The hug did not go unnoticed by the girls, who were glaring at the two embracing. As they all thought the same thing. 'Why couldn't that be me.'

Once the hug was over, Spike looked at Rainbow and smirked. "So how long am I going to have to wait to kick your butt?"

Rainbow returned to the real world and glared at the boy. "I don't know, can you wait a thousand years, so you can get as good as me?"

"My god Dash how has your ego not blocked out the sun." Snarked Spike.

"That's it. YOU. ME. First to five wins, no goalie, and to make things more interesting if you somehow win, I'll come to school in a dress." Yelled Rainbow.

The group gasped at the statement all except for Spike. "And if you win?"

Rainbow thought for a second as she wondered what Spike could do. She looked at her friends and then got an idea, that would either be hilarious for her, or it could be fun for her. " If you lose, you have to give me a kiss on the lips."

"WHAT?" Yelled Spike.

"WHAT?" Yelled Twilight and Ember.

"WHAT?" Yelled AJ, Sunset, Pinky, and Rarity. Fluttershy was unable to yell as the thought of Spike kissing her caused her to pass out.

"You heard me, you win, I wear a dress to school, and If I win, I get a kiss from you. What will it be? Will you run away in fear, or will you grow a pair and accept my challenge?" Asked Dash holding out her hand to Spike.

Spike steeled his nerves and looked Rainbow in her eyes. "On one condition, the dress will need to be something good, so if possible, Rarity will be providing the dress. Deal?"

"Deal." Said Rainbow confidently. Spike smirked and grabbed the girl’s hand, sealing the deal.

They walked to the middle of the field and rainbow placed the ball in the center. Pinky then appeared in between the two in a referee’s uniform. " I want a nice clean match, no hands and no dirty talk, the first person to get five goals wins. Now shake hands." Said Pinky as the two shook hands. Pinky then pulled a whistle out of nowhere and blew it, starting the game.

After twenty minutes the score was tied 4 to 4, the next goal will decide if Rainbow will be in a dress or if Spike will have to pucker up and kiss the girl.

Spike had the ball and was running with all his might towards the goal. Rainbow was hot on his tail. She sped up and was next to Spike, and she used her skills to quickly steal the ball from the boy. Rainbow was now running towards his goal and took the shot. The ball hit the net and the game was over.

Rainbow cheered at her win and looked at Spike who was shocked. She walked up to the boy and gave him a smirk. "I hope you're ready Spike." Said Rainbow as she pulled the boy towards her and gave him a kiss on the lips. The kiss was not long, but it came across as more shocking. Spike was blushing terribly hard, his body temperature was very high, and it threatened to render his clothes to ash, but thanks to all the sweat from his game, his clothes were safe. But inside of Spike's mind the little hamster that ran in a wheel that powered his brain was now dead. ('Galahad, NO!')

When Rainbow Dash broke the kiss, she looked at the boy and smirked. "Not bad, you really are good, of course you’re not as good as me, but I wish you would change your mind and tryout for the team." Said Rainbow as she walked past the boy towards the now glaring group of girls smirking as if she won this round. "So, girls what did you think about that?" Asked Rainbow referring to both the match and the kiss.

"You did great Rainbow." Said All the girls with gritted teeth. Rainbow smirked harder and walked past the girls and headed into the gym to get a shower.

One by one all the girls left the bleachers and walked back to the school in annoyance at Rainbows actions. Completely unaware that the boy was still trying to find a new hamster.

In Spike’s mindscape, Spike found a new hamster (Arthur, king of the hamsters) and Arthur jumped in the wheel and started to run on the wheel. Slowly Spike's mind powered up. Then a lime green message popped up in the mind scape. 'Error, unexpected power loss encountered, trying to restore last saved data... data restored'. The mindscape went black. Then a new message popped up. 'Thank you for upgrading to Arthur, Spike's mind will return to maximum capacity in three seconds....3....2....1.' said the message. Spike's mind returned to an image of the soccer field as Spike's brain reconnected and returned him to the real world as one more message displayed. 'Arthurs remaining lives: 3'.

Now that Spike was back in control of his mind, he looked around and saw that he was alone in the field. Spike figured that he blacked out and they went inside to talk. He started to walk back to the gym.

Spike walked into the showers and cleaned off the sweat, and once he was finished, he changed back into his normal clothes. Now that Spike was back into his normal clothes, he walked back into the gym and noticed that both Ember and Twilight were waiting for him. "Hey girls, were you waiting for me?"

"That's right, we wanted to make sure you were alright after the kiss." Said Twilight with plenty of venom added at the last word.

"Plus, I don't really know how to get back to my house from here, so do you think your Mom could give me a ride?" Asked Ember knowing full well that she is living with Spike.

"Well thanks girls and yes Ember, it would be no trouble, but one question, where are the others?"

"Well, after the match and the kiss." more venom. "We followed Rainbow into the gym, and afterwards we all left to do other stuff."

"Well, I have finished my shower..." Spike looked at one of the clocked in the gym and noticed the time. "...and it looks like mom and Aunt Luna should be finishing up their work, let's head to their offices and see if we can go." Said Spike.

With that said, Spike, Twilight, and Ember walked down the halls of the school. Spike looked at Ember with a hopeful look. "So, Ember did you have a good first day?"

Ember nodded and smiled at Spike. "I did, Twi and her friends are very nice, I'm glad I got to come here, but I have a feeling that I'm going to get an earful after what I did to Garble during gym. But overall it was a good day." Said Ember as they arrived at the principal’s office. Spike knocked on the door.

"Come in." Said Celestia.

Spike opened the door and walked in followed by Twi and Ember. He looked around the office and saw his mother and aunt packing up their work. "Hi mom, Hi Luna. You guys done for the day?"

Celestia and Luna looked at Spike and his friends. "Oh, hi Spike, yes we are done for the day, thank god." Said Luna. She then looked at Spike and sighed. "Spike, whatever you do, don't become a high school principal, it’s all paperwork and listening to complaints. It’s so boring."

Spike chuckled. "Sorry to hear, how about I make 'that' for dinner tonight."

Luna's eyes went wide with joy. "Really?"

Spike nodded. "We do have some chicken breast in the fridge." Shrugged Spike. He then looked past his aunt to his mom. "What do you say mom?"

Celestia nodded as she giggled at how Luna reacted. Spike smiled at Luna. "Chicken Parmesan it is."

Hearing this Luna started to jump up and down in joy. This caused the room's occupants to laugh. Once Luna heard the laughter she stopped jumping and immediately blushed in embarrassment. She then looked at Spike, Twilight, and Ember and glared. "You saw nothing, and if you say you did, you all will have detention for a month."

" I was looking at the ceiling." stated Spike.

"...the floor..."Stated Ember

"...the door." Finished Twilight.

"Good." Stated Luna.

Luna walked back to Celestia’s desk and grabbed a dark blue briefcase, as Celestia stood up from her chair and grabbed her purse. Celestia then walked up to Spike and gave Spike a quick kiss on the forehead. Spike was embarrassed. "Mom, not in front of Twilight and Ember." Wined Spike as he heard giggling behind him.

"Don't care, long day, love son." said Celestia

"I love you too mom." Said Spike. "Hey mom, Ember needs a ride home, do you mind?"

Celestia looked at Ember and smiled. "Of course not, it would be a great excuse to reconnect with her after so long."

Twilight smiled as she stretched her arms. "That's good to hear." She then looked at Spike. "I'll see you tomorrow Spike and I can’t wait for this weekend, Mom and Dad will be so shocked when they see you." She then looked at Ember. "And Ember, Welcome to CHS, it was great to meet you." Said Twilight as she left the room and headed home.

Celestia and Luna looked at Spike waiting for an explanation. "So, shall we?" Said Spike.

"Explain now, or Ember will get a full view of all of your baby pictures tonight and Twilight the next day." Threatened Celestia.

Spike's face went pale. "You wouldn't dare?"

"I was about to skin my husband, for keeping the fact of Ember from me, compared to that, this is peanuts, and you know it."

Spike sighed. "So, it turns out Discords newest agent is Shining Armor, Twilights brother, and he moved to Canterlot as part of a new squad that is tasked with protecting me. Twilight invited me to go to their housewarming party this weekend. I agreed to go. So, life just got more complicated."

"Yeah that's an understatement." Sighed Celestia. "Come on, we'll talk more about this when we get home."

Celestia, Luna, Spike and Ember walked out of the school and drove home.

After dinner and a long talk with Celestia, Spike was laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling. "How the hell did part dragon become easier than being a teenager. One of my friends kissed me, another invited me to meet her family again, and it turns out that her brother is an agent. Not to mention finding out that I have a fiancé, and said fiancé is now going to school and living with me." Said Spike as he sighed. "What's next, finding out that all of my friends have a crush on me?" Said Spike as he resolved himself to fall asleep.

Across the city seven girls were awake and staring at the ceiling, with only one thought running around in their heads 'I wanted to kiss Spike'. As one rainbow haired girl was sleeping peacefully as she was dreaming about her first kiss.