• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,105 Views, 29 Comments

Never Let Me Go - Argenti Luna

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

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Chapter 8 - Rise And Shine

Twilight Sparkle was the first to wake up, slowly pulling herself into a sitting position. The bookworm’s eyes scanned the room looking for any other signs of movement but to no avail, she was without a doubt the first to wake. Twilight put her arms down either side of her and pushed having to use a lot of force to get her sleepy body up on her feet.

“Ow!” A voice called out from down by her side.

Twilights eyes shot open in a panic expecting to have done the worst. The next moment of her life clarified that expectation as she saw her flame-haired friend sit up clutching her stomach.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” The panicked Twilight spluttered out.

“Yeah, I’m alright, just a little winded,” The girl replied breathing heavily to catch her breath, her eyes glued shut with sleep, having to reach an arm up and rub at her eyes to see. “Twilight that you?”

“Y…yeah it’s me, I’m sorry,” Twilight responded her face ridden with guilt.

“It’s okay Twi, it was just an accident. Besides as the host you gotta wake me up first anyway,” Sunset smiled attempting to assure her friend it was okay.

“Well, as long as you’re sure it's you’re alright.”

“Yeah its completely fine, just be a little gentler the next time your sleeping over here and you wake up first,” Sunset jested prodding Twilight as she yawned.

“You mean I can come again?” Twilight replied her jaw almost falling open.

“Yeah dude of course you can, you’re a great friend why wouldn’t I want you to come hang out and besides I didn’t get to talk to you nearly half as much as I wanted too,” The flame-haired girl replied noticing the rest of her friends sleeping, ensuring her laugh was at a much lower volume.

“Well, there is some time now.”

“So there is,” Sunset Shimmer smiled a slight blush to her cheeks. “Do you wanna help me cook some breakfast for all these guys?”

“Of course I’d be happy to help,” Twilight smiled getting up and helping Sunset to her feet.

Fluttershy began to stir her eyes gently opening to take in the scene around her, there on the far side of the room was the only source of noise in the whole apartment, Twilight and Sunset stood over in the kitchen giggling and laughing with each other, on the couch across from her was a sleeping Rarity looking as regal as usual, somehow managing to even sleep elegantly, at the feet of her chair was the slumped cowgirl looking like it wasn’t her first time sleeping in a strange position. Over on the other couch was Pinkie, hanging over one side of the chair drool running out of her mouth as she muttered something about frosting in a sleep talking trance. Finally, there was Rainbow who was sat right beside her in fact so close Fluttershy was leaning on her chest. The girl’s breathing stopped for a second as a silent gasp escaped her lips, “What am I doing next to her,” she thought to herself.

Fluttershy’s mind raced recounting the steps that occurred last night that landed her in this predicament, “Oh right I was scared and there was nowhere else to sleep.” She felt a warm feeling across her chest and face she shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as she was, but she was determined to make it last. The pale girl lightly closed her eyes imitating the action of being asleep and snuggled herself into Rainbow Dash, it was okay if no one saw, they couldn’t judge her for enjoying it a little longer if they didn’t know.

Fluttershy tried to find Rainbows scent, a smell she had always enjoyed even before finding her jacket, it made her feel safe, but it was to no avail she couldn’t smell Rainbow Dash at all, only strawberries and lavender. She quickly noticed the blanket draped across both her and Rainbow Dash was her own, and she knew it was sprayed with her own perfume. Which now meant Rainbow smelt just like Fluttershy. The meek girl nestled her head against Rainbows chest when the conversation of the two girls in the kitchen reached her ears and piqued her interest.

“So about what you said last night Twilight, have you really never had any friends around for your birthdays,” Sunset asked.

“I’ve never had friends over at all never mind for a birthday party,” Twilight admitted her face red in embarrassment.

“Oh, I guess we are somewhat alike then,” Sunset smiled awkwardly beginning to feel embarrassed herself.

“Before I met these guys I didn’t have any friends and so I know how you feel, and you know what I'm gonna be the one to break the trend, I wanna come over to your house and hang out sometime.”

“You mean it?” Twilight beamed her eyes lit up in excitement.

“Yeah, I’d love too.”

Fluttershy smiled contently listening to the sweet conversation enjoying the fact that Twilight and Sunset were able to relate to each other in order to forward their friendship. “I wonder if they’ll become best friends,” the shy girl thought to herself.

“Sunset I’m wondering something about what you said,” Twilight awkwardly brought up.

“Yeah what is it,” The flame-haired girl said raising her eyebrow in confusion.

“Well you know how you said you didn’t have any friends,” Twilight began her face showing her regret for even bringing this up. “Well I don’t believe you really have any family here either, so who do you spend time with during the holidays and such.”

Sunsets face dropped the smile instantly fading from her face as she looked down to her feet much to Twilights horror. “I…” Sunset readied her lips but struggled to find the words. “I don’t have a family here; I didn’t have anyone before you guys. I spend the holidays alone.”

Twilight stood stunned for a moment she didn’t mean to bring up a bad memory what on earth was she meant to do. From across the room, Fluttershy secretly stared in horror her eyes wide with fear of what was about to happen. Twilight let her instincts take over and stepped closer to Sunset wrapping her arms around her.

“I’m sorry for bringing it up, please forgive me,” Twilight quietly cried, guilt staining her tongue and a tear on her cheek.

“It’s alright you didn’t know,” Sunset sighed composing herself, “let’s just get this food sorted out.”

The two girls quietly went back to work attempting to make idle gossip in the uncomfortable air.

“Man oh man what can I smell,” Pinkie suddenly called out her eyes shooting open instantly.

Fluttershy smiled she knew Pinkie would save the day for the two girls, feeling more content with the situation as she drifted back into sleep.

Fluttershy began to stir 0once more her eyes fluttering open to a feeling of vibrations against her cheek and a familiar voice ringing out into her ear. “You serious AJ, Applebloom is starting dancing classes.” That familiar voice called out.

“Aye, she decided she wanted her own hobby and Granny thought it was a good idea,” The farm girl responded.

“Well I, for one thing, it’s a divine idea it would serve you some good to see some extra grace in your life,” A more refine voice added in.

“I got enough grace in my life with you I don’t need two pains in my ass,” Applejack jested chuckling to herself as a flustered Rarity was lost for words.

While the two began to bicker Fluttershy opened her eyes looking around at the girls in the room a smile coming to her face upon seeing Twilight and Sunset the friends who she last saw in a bad situation now laughing along with Pinkie. Her eyes drifted closer to herself looking up and seeing Rainbow looking directly down at her.

“Morning Flutters, sorry if I disturbed you,” The athlete said smiling down at her.

“Oh no it's okay,” The typically shy girl responded shyly.

“Ooh Fluttershy good morning darling,” Rarity called out across the room waving over at her.

Fluttershy sheepishly waved back blushing to the fact that Rainbow Dash’s arm was still draped around her.

“Hey um shy I didn’t wanna disturb you earlier but uh,” Rainbow leaned in closer to Fluttershy’s ear, “I kinda gotta pee.”

“O.. oh,” Fluttershy squeaked blushing in embarrassment as she quickly climbed up off of Rainbow.

Fluttershy awkwardly shifted over to the other couch and sat down beside Rarity.

“Oh, Fluttershy would you like something to eat?” Sunset asked.

“No, no it's okay, I'm not hungry,”

“Fluttershy darling,” Rarity said grabbing the shy girls attention, “we’ve already gotten changed and washed up and such, so when Rainbow comes out you can go get ready.”

Fluttershy came out of the bathroom feeling fresh with the first thing she saw being Applejack and Pinkie gathering their things together,

“What’s happening?” The shy girl quietly asked catching the attention of Rarity.

“Applejack was heading out and offered to drop Pinkie off on the way home, so they’ll be going soon.”

“Oooh okay,” Fluttershy looked around sheepishly trying to find the best place to be in order to keep out their way.

Sunset who was sat over on the couch waved the shy girl down urging her to come and sit with her and Twilight. The shy girl agreed and crept over narrowly avoiding bumping into Applejack who was dismantling the tent and sat down beside the flame-haired girl.

“You sleep okay flutters? You were kinda the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up,” Sunset asked eager to gather intel on how the sleepover went.

“I slept really well thank you, I did wake up earlier this morning when you and Twilight were talking but I must have fallen back asleep.” Fluttershy’s smile dropped for a moment before quickly returning to her face.

“Well, at least you slept well, and have you enjoyed your time here? I’ve asked the others but I wanna check with you.”

“Oh yes I’ve had lots of fun, I can’t wait for the next one,” Fluttershy admitted blushing slightly at the connotation she had enjoyed sleeping on Rainbow.

“That’s just what I needed to hear, I was worried none of you guys had fun and wouldn’t wanna do this again,” Sunset looked relived, mentally crossing everyone’s name off a list in her mind of people she had to ask.

Applejack and Pinkie were all packed up and waiting by the door with all their friends lined up to see them off. Fluttershy and Rarity got up to hug them off but Fluttershy found herself quite awkwardly waiting with Pinkie while Rarity and Applejack had a rather long hug, resulting in Fluttershy giving Applejack a short hug before going off in search of a place to hide, finding herself up a corner of the room pretending to mess around with her bag.

Sunset and Twilight walked downstairs with Pinkie heading towards Applejack’s car leaving the four remaining friends still in the apartment.

“I’d walk down with you all, but I need to speak to Fluttershy,” Rarity said waving Applejack out the door before heading over towards Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy sweetie, I was speaking to Applejack last night and we concluded something, “ The fashionista sighed.

“Oh is it what I think it is,” Fluttershy guessed excitement brewing in her voice.

“Perhaps,” Rarity paused, “About how I’ve been trying to get you and Dash to be in a situation that will help you win her heart like making you sit on her lap, that was inappropriate of me and definitely uncalled for, I could have made things worse and it wasn’t nice to put you in a position like that.”

Fluttershy looked down blushing, “It’s okay Rarity.” The meek girl leaned in closer. “I mean, it was kinda nice getting to spend so much time with her.”

Rarity gasped, “You mean it’s okay if I keep doing it.”


“Wha…whaaaaa, but you said.” The fashionista contested her brow furrowed in confusion.

“It was nice, but it’s too much, it made me uncomfortable. So um if you could stop that’d be nice,” Fluttershy awkwardly smiled at Rarity who was still trying to figure out what to say. “If it’s not a problem.”

“No no it's alright I’ll draw it back; I won’t fully stop because I’m me I can’t help it. But even Applejack agrees you need a little push, but you need to do it yourself.”

“I don’t know…” Fluttershy cut herself short as she watched the girls return to the room Rainbow Dash included.

Rarity nodded and took the cue to announce she’d be heading out soon as she had some business she needed to attend to ensuring to thank Sunset for the 50th time since she’d arrived.

“We should probably think about heading out soon too so we can get out of Sunsets hair Shy,” Rainbow suggested putting her few belongings back into her bag.

Fluttershy nodded copying suit and gathering all of her things up as well as collecting all the used cups.

“You don’t gotta do that, I can sort it out after,” Sunset assured taking the cups from Fluttershy and placing them in the sink herself.

“Just trying to be helpful as a way of saying thanks,” Fluttershy replied showing a light smile.

“You know before I head out I wouldn’t mind indulging myself in a coffee if you don’t mind me using your kettle,” Rarity asked taking a few sachets of coffee out of her purse.

“As long as I get one.” Sunset joked getting a few mugs out. “The rest of you want one.”

Twilight nodded while Rainbow and Fluttershy rejected the offer not wanting to settle back down after getting packed up.

Rainbow and Fluttershy were stood in the street outside of Sunsets apartment their belongings in hand and hugs being shared all around.

“You guys better be prepped because next time we hang out here I'm giving it my all on that game,” Dash said confidently fist-pumping the air.

“You can count on it,” Sunset smirked fist-bumping the athlete.

Meanwhile, Rarity was fussing over Fluttershy, “You really shouldn’t be carrying all this stuff on your own Fluttershy get Rainbow to carry some.”

“No It's okay I can manage,” The shy girl said her blanket and pillows stacked up in her arms her two blue eyes just managing to peer over the top.

“Oh nonsense,” Rarity tutted, “Excuse me Rainbow Dash,” She called grabbing the athlete’s attention, “Will you please offer Fluttershy some assistance.”

“Oh yeah, it’s no problem,” Dash smiled slinging her soccer bag over her shoulder and heading over to Shy grabbing the majority of what she was carrying and holding it under one arm.

“Um, thank you.” Fluttershy sheepishly said admiring Rainbow Dash’s form thinking how cool she looked, always managing to make performing the simplest things look attractive.

“See there’s no harm in asking for help, now you pair run along.” Rarity chirped pushing the two girls on their way waving them off along with Sunset and Twilight watching them reach the end of the street and turn the corner.

The two girls walked for a while Fluttershy struggling to keep up with the hastened past of her athletic friend. They walked for around 40 minutes Rainbow Dash on several occasions stopping the meek girl in her tracks beside the side of the road ensuring it was safe for her friend to cross.

“Um, Dash you know I can cross a road on my own,” Fluttershy said looking curiously at the athlete blocking her path.

Rainbow looked at the road and back to Fluttershy the sense of the situation finally being realised, “Oh dude my bad sorry it was kinda an instinct my bad dude.”

Fluttershy began to innocently giggle bringing a grin to Rainbows face as she dramatically signalled it was safe for her to cross the two of them skipping across the road in an over the top fashion laughing the whole time.

“My house is just around the corner,” Shy smiled stepping off the road and onto the path.

“I know dude I’ve been here countless times when we were kids,” Dash said returning the smile and instinctively walking on the side closest to the road.

The two walked a few more streets slipping down a few side paths and walking along the steppingstones leading up to the door, Rainbow Dash noticing the large assortment of coloured flowers scattered around the garden. Fluttershy opened the door letting her friend and herself inside.

“We should go and say hello to everyone so they know we got here okay,” Fluttershy suggested leading Rainbow into the kitchen area where Fluttershy’s mother's voice could be heard. She pushed open the door her expression becoming confused upon seeing there was a guest sitting at the table.

Dash followed suit with Fluttershy walking closely behind her having to step around the frozen Fluttershy to see what she was so fixated on. It only took a second for her eyes to meet with the other guest.

“Oh hello Rainbow fancy meeting you here,” Rainbows mother Windy Whistles said with a smirk as she took a sip from her tea.

Author's Note:

hey, guys, I had the urge to write another short chapter before the next big one since I'm on a serious enthusiasm high,

I'm thinking before the next chapter comes out I should go back and tidy up the earlier chapters because I feel my writing skills have gotten better, what do you think should I push back the new chapter by a week or two and go back to make sure the whole story flows better so if you ever read it from the beginning it'll be a better experience or do you think I should keep writing new chapters to improve even more before I go back?

I'm generally curious so please leave me a comment or dm to let me know.

But as usual, I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm really glad I've still got people reading it since that's kinda why I'm doing this, love you all and stay safe
bye till next chapter :derpytongue2: