• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,106 Views, 29 Comments

Never Let Me Go - Argenti Luna

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

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Chapter 11 : Wet And Cold

There was a light knock at the bedroom door stirring the two sleeping girls, “Girls is it okay to come in.”

“Yeah Mom it’s fine,” Fluttershy sleepily called out as she watched her mother creep into the room.

“Rainbow Dash, you might wanna get up your dad’s here.”

The athlete let out a large groan placing her hands on her face, “Well it’s been good Fluttershy, but I suppose I’ve gotta go.”

Fluttershy flicked on her phone to check the time, “Mom why is he here at 6 am,”

Rainbow Dash let out another groan, “Can’t even get 24hours of peace.”

“I’ll just let you get changed,” Honey said as she slipped out the room.

“I’m sorry Rainbow if I’d known I’d have made sure you didn’t have to watch that stuff with us yesterday and you could have done what you wanted,” Fluttershy said a frown forming on her face.

“it’s chill Shy, and besides I had an awesome nap, couldn’t have had that much if I didn’t lay on you,” Dash smirked, trying to make light of the situation.

“If it was that comfortable you can lay on my lap anytime,” Fluttershy added, letting a large yawn as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“Don’t say that or I’ll take up that offer,” The rainbow-haired girl snickered as she threw on her clothes and gathered up her things.

Fluttershy heavily clambered out of bed, following Rainbow Dash out of the room and towards the front door to where her dad was waiting.

Fluttershy’s mother was chatting with Bow her voice much less warm than usual, “I wish you hadn’t come so early, I’m still in my dressing gown.”

“Dash should have been awake already so you wouldn’t have to, I’ll make sure she gets a scolding.”

“Rainbow hasn’t done anything wrong she was simply hanging out with her friend.”

“Well maybe she shouldn’t stay over, I ain't letting her slack on her training.”

“I’m sure one day wouldn’t hurt her.”

Fluttershy’s face was stained with worry and Rainbow didn’t like that, “It’s fine dad I’m here.”

“About time, you should have been prepared, yo…”

Rainbow Dash cut him off, “Training comes first I know.”

The rainbow-haired girl watched as her father walked over and got into his car giving her the chance to say goodbye. The athlete turned to her meek friend giving her a friendly hug, Rainbow broke the hug and jogged through the rain towards the awaiting car and clambering inside.

Fluttershy slowly waved off her friend, her mood matching the weather, she let out a sigh as Rainbow’s car disappeared out of sight. Honey closed the door hugging her daughter herself, “Go get back in bed sweetie, it’s far too early.”

Fluttershy did as she was told, sluggishly walking back to her room before collapsing back onto her bed, her heavy eyes quickly sending her back to sleep.

Rainbow Dash was sat in the moving car the tension between herself and her father was so visible Dash swore you could have cut it with a knife, she remained in her seat her eyes glued onto the raindrops trickling down the window.

“You’ve got a face like thunder, what’s up with you?” Bow grunted.

“I can’t believe you came and got me at 6 am.”

“I know you wouldn’t have trained if I didn’t.”

“I would have done it later; can I not just spend some time with my friends in peace for once.”

“Sounds to me like you care more about your friends than your future.” Bow said the anger growing in her voice.

“That’s not what I meant,” Rainbow battled the desperation in her voice.

“I expect twice the amount of everything from you today to prove that.”

Rainbow Dash sighed; she’d much rather have been asleep in Fluttershy’s room still right now.

“Rarity what in the hay are you wearing,” Applejack cried rubbing her forehead with her hand.

“Well this is my mechanic outfit, I designed it specifically for when I need to work on a car,” Rarity said swaying her hips to show off her attire.

“Sugar cube,” Applejack sighed, “Why do you have a costume for fixing your car when you don’t know how to fix your car.”

Rarity’s joyous expression disappeared from her face, “Well if you were going to be so critical I wouldn’t have bothered, I don’t see why I can’t look pretty while trying to help.”

“You don’t need some fancy outfit to look pretty you manage it just fine on your own,” The Cowgirl replied instinctively as she focused on checking the engine.

“Aww darling, you think I’m pretty,” Rarity cooed.

“I think everyone can see you’re not a bad looking gal, Heck you were saying earlier how you had someone ogling you yesterday,” Applejack added, shooting the fashionista an unamused glance.

“It’s true but it means far more to me when hearing it from your mouth,” Rarity replied leaning over the car engine, her face asking to be told how she could help.

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Quit your teasing and hold this for me,”

“But it's covered in grease and oil, Rarity whined, turning her nose up at the tool.

“Do you wanna help or not?” Applejack said with an unamused expression.

“I’m holding the umbrella am I not,” Rarity answered twirling the umbrella around in emphasis.

“You’re doing a fine job, of course, I couldn’t possibly expect more from you,” Applejack sarcastically argued, her hair and clothes dripping wet over the poor job Rarity was doing. “You’re lucky I’ve discovered the problem.”

“Oh darling I knew you could do it, so why won’t my baby work?” Rarity asked flicking the umbrella over her shoulder in glee once again allowing the cowgirl to be soaked by the rain, “My bad.”

Applejack growled again, “It’s fine, a little rain never hurt anyone, besides it’ll do my farm some good. Now your problem is that your radiator hose has dried out, meaning I gotta just replace it. Can you do me a favour and go get the red box out the trunk of my truck.”

Rarity nodded wanting to help in at least some way, heading over and pulling out the red box and prancing back over towards her busy friend.

“Cheers sugar cube,” Applejack said taking the box from her friend and rooting through it for the replacement parts and tool she needed, “Just hold that there for me.”

Rarity stood bewildered by what she was doing due to her lack of the inner goings-on of a vehicle despite her fitting outfit. Applejack quickly went to work replacing the necessary part before sending Rarity round to start the car, the fashionista hopped inside turning the key and starting it flawlessly. Rarity cheered hopping out of the car and hugging her saviour, “Thank you, darling, you’ve saved the day once again.”

“Aww shucks it was nothing,” Applejack replied lightly blushing.

“Nonsense you deserve a reward, come inside and we can get you dry with a cup of cocoa,” Rarity insisted dragging her cowgirl friend into her home.

“Rarity, don’t wanna impose besides won’t I be a bother.”

“Nonsense dear no-one else is home, they’re visiting a relative, so it is just you and I, and you’re no bother to me.”

“No one at all?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Nope,” Rarity called from the other room.

Applejack listened intently as she heard the kettle whistling, followed by the sounds of water pouring. Applejack watched as her fashion-loving friend returned carrying a tray containing two cups and a small bag of marshmallows. “I thought you’d like something sweet with it,” She said placing them down on a coffee table in front of the couch Applejack was sitting on, “I’ll be just a moment darling,” She said disappearing out the room and returning with a towel, “Careful it’s hot.”

Applejack sat stunned in place as Rarity sat down beside her draping the hot towel over the pair of them, “Ugh Rarity?”

“Yes dear,” She replied scooting closer, so her side was touching Applejacks, reaching forward to take a sip of her cocoa.

“Don’t you think you’re a little close,” The cowgirl spoke her voice shaken, a combination of dripping water and sweat running down her face.

“I mean I’m rather cold, if it were up to me I’d get closer,” She teased flicking the farmgirls chin.

The two girls blushed hard, Applejack was stuttering unsure of what to say or do. Rarity let out a slight chuckle resting her head on Applejacks shoulder, “This is nice isn’t it, from a cold rain shower to a warm cup of cocoa and hot towel, quite an invigorating experience.”

“Ugh yeah,” Applejack replied her mind racing. “What is she doing, what is she doing, is she playing a trick on me I don’t get it.”

“Um darling, I think you’re thinking aloud,” Rarity said a small giggle escaping her lips.

The farmer's face went pale the colour fading from her cheeks, as the sweating only intensified.

Rarity chuckled again, “Well aren’t you just my silly apple.”

Applejack took a deep breath, “Rarity what are you playing at like I’m being serious what is all this.”

Rarity pulled away from Applejack the towel falling from her, “I’m sorry, this was uncalled for,” She stood up walking out of the room her eyes watery.

Applejack quickly took to her feet following her all the while calling out to her but was only met with her closed bedroom door. She could hear Rarity slump down with her back against it.

“I’m sorry Applejack it was inappropriate of me.”

“Rare’s it's fine, I mean it, you just took me by surprise.”

“I just feel safe with you, like you’ll be able to fix any of my problems.”

“Aww shucks, I ain't all that, I’ll fix what I can but I ain't perfect.”

“You are to me,” Rarity said silently to herself, getting up and opening the door a weak smile coating her lips.

“There’s a second towel, I’ll just get it.” She sighed, “I’ll meet you downstairs before our cocoa goes cold.”

Applejack smiled heading back to the couch and planting herself down in the seat taking a few sips of her now barley warm cocoa. The farm girl watched as her purple-haired friend walked into the room draped in a towel and sitting somewhat beside her, Applejack smirked letting out a small chuckle wrapping her arm over Rarity’s shoulder and pulling her into her, “I said I didn’t mind, I just wanted an explanation.”

Rarity looked down at her mug of cocoa, “I was cold and thought it’d be better for keeping warm.” She said solemnly once again resting her head against Applejack.

“How do you think it went between those pair?” Applejack asked.

“Oh you mean Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, apparently it went well until Bow came and collected her at 6 am this morning.”

“6 AM! Man, that guy has some serious issues, I just feel bad for Dash.” Applejack sighed.

“It’s certainly not ideal, but Dash opened up to Fluttershy about what’s been going on a little, she wouldn’t give me the details because it's Rainbow’s business, but I got a grasp that it's essentially Bow being controlling.”

“It’s quite amazing you know, how Fluttershy can get Dash to drop the attitude.”

“Well it works both ways, Dash seems to bring our dear Fluttershy out of her shell.”

“Yeah they’ve got a strong friendship, I hate seeing how all this is bothering Shy though.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Rarity began but was cut off by Applejacks phone beginning to vibrate.

“Aww shoot Rare’s,” Applejack began, “I’m needed back on the farm the winds blown down a tree. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Nonsense,” Rarity smiled, “They need to borrow my hero for a little while, go on and I’ll see you at school.”

“See ya Rare’s,” Applejack replied returning the smile as she headed out the door.

“WAIT!” Rarity called after her stopping the cowgirl in her tracks.

“Yeah Rarity,” She said turning around only to be tackled by the fashionista throwing her arms around her into a hug, “W…what’s all this now,” Applejack stuttered taken aback by the sudden contact.

“Consider it my way of thanking you, now go on, go save the day.” Rarity teased ushering her friend to her car as she closed the door.

It was Wednesday lunchtime and the whole group had finally gotten the chance to gather over lunch, Rarity and Fluttershy were debating how fair it was that the quality of the vegetarian meal appeared much higher than the other options. The two girls looked towards Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie who were just gorging on their meals, they laughed between themselves realising the answer between themselves.

“So you guys get Wednesday’s off,” Applejack said, taking a bite of the apple she was holding.

“Wednesday lunch specifically,” Sunset groaned, coming out of her conversation about physics with Twilight and joining the group.

“So you still have to practice after school?” Twilight asked.

“Yep,” Rainbow rolled her eyes, “You can thank Vapor Trail that we have this time, she went to Principal Celestia and complained, apparently there was a pretty big dispute. My dad put up quite a fight over why we should be training so much, saying its how the big leagues do it and if they want a spot on a big team one day they gotta show their dedication now.”

“In theory he is correct, professional soccer players train for 4-5 hours a day.” Twilight began, “However not everyone on your team wants to go pro, they simply do it for fun. Meaning only really people like Rainbow should be putting in the extra hours.

“Which I do before and after school,” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“Precisely, I’m sure the principal will see the reasoning, not even Crystal prep trained this much, even before my brother lightened the pressure on them,” Twilight added.

“I’m sure it’ll figure itself out, these things tend to with time,” Rarity said, dabbing her lips with a napkin as she finished her last mouthful.

The Pinkie and Dash began talking about a potential prank they had which involved filling the school’s band brass instruments with bubble mixture, the two girls broke into uncontrollable laughter only being stopped when Rainbow felt a tug on her shirt. “If this is something about my Dad or soccer it can wait till after lunch,” Dash groaned turning around to see it was just Fluttershy, “Oh Shy sorry about that, I was half expecting Spitfire,” She quickly spluttered out her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

“Oh that’s alright, I don’t mind.” The shy girl quietly returned.

“So how can I assist ya?” The athlete asked as Rarity began to rather strategically distract the party girl she was originally talking too.

“Well I was just wondering how you and Pinkie are always so full of energy and I’m always so tired in the morning, I know Pinkies secret it sugar but I was wondering if you had any advice.”

“Well I suppose my morning run helps to wake me up, why not give that a try?”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up eagerly, “I’ll give it a try tomorrow, thank you Rainbow.”

“It’s my pleasure,” The athlete replied with a smile.

“So how was hanging out together this weekend?” The farm girl asked interrupting the end of their conversation.

“Oh it was fun,” Fluttershy sheepishly answered.

“I mean you guys were with us for most of it, all we really did when we were alone was play a board game and watch a movie,” Dash added, nodding to Fluttershy.

“Hey, speaking of hanging out at the weekend, you fancy coming to hang out Twilight, I think you’d really dig this new game I’ve got since it requires thinking, micromanaging and tactics. It’s probably the perfect genre for you.” Sunset asked turning to Twilight

“Yeah, I don’t see why not, you seem really into the game, it’s all you talked about in maths so I’m happy to check it out. I’ll bring a few books anyway so if it’s not my thing I can just read in your company while you play,” Twilight replied.

“Awesome,” Sunset said catching Dash’s attention. “You can come any day like Friday, Saturday or Sunday I’ve got no plans so it’s up to you.”’

“How’s Friday, it’ll give me a chance to go home and get stuff while you’re at soccer practice.”

“We’ve got a game on Friday remember; it doesn’t start till the time practice typically ends.”

“Ahh, so we do, Saturday then?” Sunset asked.

“Sounds good to me,” The bookworm replied with a smile.

Fluttershy was woken to the sound of her alarm clock, she rubbed her eyes turning over to try and go back to sleep, “Come on you said you’d try morning running for Rainbow.” Fluttershy rolled over once more growling to herself, though it sounded more like a cat’s meow, she lowered her feet to the ground holding her head in her hands. “Me and my big mouth, I just wanna sleep,” She groaned aloud pushing herself up onto her feet and heading over to her wardrobe. Quickly getting changed she headed downstairs letting her mother know where she was going and headed out the door.

She took off at a slow pace her music softly playing in her ears as an attempt to wake her up further. She checked her phone seeing a text from Rainbow.

*How’s it going buddy? You giving it a go or are you sleeping in like the Shy I know. *

Fluttershy let out a soft giggle sending a quick reply before putting her phone away and continuing on her way heading down towards the canal.

*Yeah I’m giving it a go, though I think this cold air is what’s waking me up. *

Fluttershy looked around seeing the frost-covered grass and leaves, considering it was still autumn this was surprisingly cold weather, “I do hope the animals were prepared for this,” She thought to herself as looked at the water of the canal topped with a thin layer of ice.

She jogged for another few minutes before her phone buzzed again, pulling it out to see Rainbow had replied, seeing it was from Rainbow Dash.

*Yeah man I saw a patch of ice earlier so be careful where you’re running. *

Rainbow Dash hadn’t realised just how real that message was about to become, Fluttershy kept jogging her eyes locked onto her phone as she typed a reply, she took a few more steps feeling her footing sliding from under her as she stepped onto a sheet of ice coating the path in front of her. Fluttershy panicked placing other foot down for support however only resulting in her feeling even less confident in her situation as the inevitable happened. Her footing shifted from under her sending her toppling over and into the frozen water beside her.

Fluttershy’s vision became unclear and fuzzy as she felt her body stiffen up at the sudden shock of the cold embrace, her breath felt short as she struggled to keep her composure her eyes growing heavy and forcibly closing. Everything went silent as the numbness took over her body, The last thing she could remember was the sound of panicked voices and an arm plunging into the depths of the water and pulling her out.

Author's Note:

I have a habit of ending my chapters with suspense and this one's no different, got some pretty big ideas for the next chapter so stay hyped.

But as always I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it means a lot to me that you guys are still reading it so :yay:
Feel free to leave a comment I'm happy to answer any questions.
Stay safe and see ya in the next chapter :derpytongue2: