• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,105 Views, 29 Comments

Never Let Me Go - Argenti Luna

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

  • ...

Chapter 2 : As Good A Reunion As Any

Twilight was sat in the passenger seat of the car, her head leaning against the window her eyes fixated on the world rush past her. She and her mother had shared a few brief conversations during the journey over various topics such as where they were going to purchase the scarf and what they were going to eat for dinner that night. Twilight shifted her body, shuffling her feet and adjusting her neck to allow herself to see out of the window from a more comfortable position. The scientist liked watching passers-by on their way about the world, it was almost like she was getting a glimpse into someone else’s life.

“Twilight darling don’t lean on the window you’ll leave marks.”

The sudden voice of her mother snapped Twilight out of her observational gaze lifting her forehead away from the glass and turning her attention towards the only other person in the car.

“Sorry, I was looking at all the people out there,” Twilight replied an almost embarrassed tone in her voice.

“Well you know they probably look back at you and think why is that girl staring at me,” Her mother jokingly said letting out a small laugh.

Twilight turned back towards the window rolling her eyes and responding in a tone dripping with sarcasm, “They probably wonder why I'm in a car with such a weird lady.”

Velvet joined in on the joke performing an over the top gasp for dramatic effect, “Twilight Sparkle how could you say such a thing about me, you’re loving and amazing mother.”

Twilight laughed along as her attention was drawn back into the outside world noticing one or two people that she recognised seeing around school like Silver Moon and her boyfriend Forest Blast, all the while her mother was still having a rather one-sided conversation not yet realising Twilight wasn’t paying attention.

“You know, ever since you made these new friends you’ve become far more sociable wouldn't you say so?…. Uhh, Twilight.”

The purple haired girl was once again pulled away from her daydreaming and back into the moment, “Yeah?”

“I asked you a question,” Velvet replied raising her eyebrow at the response.

Twilight looked down embarrassed that she had zoned out again “Sorry I lost my train of thought is all.”

Velvet took a breath preparing to repeat herself, “I said you’ve become a lot more sociable since making these new friends but I’m doubting it now,” She let a small grin begin to grow on her face at her attempt to tease.

It was at this point they hit the typical obstacle in a simple journey to school, a traffic light. The pair found themselves at the back of a rather large queue of vehicles just like their own leaving them stuck in place. Twilight took full advantage of the sudden lack of movement to bring her gaze back to those walking on the streets beside her. Usually Twilight’s eyes would drift from person to person creating little stories in her head as to who the person was and where they might be going, but that wasn’t the case today. The aspiring scientists’ eyes were locked onto a figure walking just ahead of the car, she couldn’t figure out what was so alluring about the character and why they’d managed to capture but something about the leather jacket they were wearing seemed familiar.

Velvet caught onto her daughters staring following her eyes to the stranger ahead of them, “You’re staring, do you know that person?”

“I don’t know, maybe?” Twilight replied not fully confident in her answer. Fortunately the lights shifted to green meaning they could now drive straight past the unidentified person, Twilight was eager to get a chance to take a closer look almost pushing her face against the glass as they moved past the stranger letting Twilight get a look at the face hiding inside the hood her flaming red and yellow hair almost obscuring any real defining features.

“You know I’ve been thin…” Velvet began to speak.

“STOP THE CAR PULL OVER,” Twilight blurted out interrupting her now startled mother as she pulled up onto the sidewalk.

“What, what are you okay is something wrong?” Almost like a repetition of earlier Velvet didn’t receive an answer as she watched her daughter open her door and spring out of the car to chase after the hooded figure.

The unidentified person turned around taking one glance at the fast approaching girl and instantly recognised her, “Twilight, oh my god what are you doing here I thought you were meeting Pinkie?”

“I am, I’m on my way there now with my mom in the car when I recognised you,” Twilight replied in an excited tone, happy to be reunited with her mystery friend.

“Well, it's great to see you, it feels like forever since I last saw you,” The girl said taking off her hood to reveal the full extent of her flame-coloured hair.

“It’s been three days Sunset,” Twilight smiled, a giggle slipping out from between her lips.

“To Pinkie that’s a lifetime,” Sunset responded giggling alongside her friend, “But anyway since you are here you want to walk with me to school?”

Twilight looked at her with an eyebrow raised before grabbing her hand and pulling her in the direction she came from, “You can come with us in the car dummy.”

The flame-haired girl didn’t resist the bookworm letting her drag her further down the street towards an awaiting car, “You sure Twilight, I don’t mind walking?”

“I was being driven to school anyway and besides it’s faster in the car,” Twilight contested opening the door to the back seats and urging Sunset to get inside.

Velvet had watched the situation go down from the moment her daughter had rushed out of the car, to the conversation she couldn’t hear, to now, the moment where her daughter was bringing a stranger into the car with her.

“Twilight sweetie I don’t mean to sound rude but who actually is this? You kinda shot off without a word.”

The studious girl thought for a second realising how strange and random this whole sequence has been, while a sheepish looking Sunset sat beside her looking at Twilights mother with a perplexed face.

“Mom, this is Sunset,” Twilight said smiling between the two other people inside the car, satisfied that her answer explained everything. All the while Sunset was giving an awkward wave accompanied with an even more awkward smile on her face, not entirely sure how she should react in the strange situation.

Velvet thought for a moment piecing together the pieces of the that had been thrust upon her settling for a calm approach, “Hello Sunset I’m Velvet, Twilights Mom, but twilight why is she now in the car?”

“Mom she’s one of my new friends you know out of the six of them this is Sunset we got to the same school,” Twilight responded rolling her eyes.

“Oh, so you are Sunset, the Sunset Shimmer.” Velvet said a smile growing across her face, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet one of Twilights friends I’ve heard so much about you all.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” Sunset replied now smiling more confidently as they began driving to school.

The rest of drive was made up of Twilight and Sunset talking about the various things they’d done over the weekend from the fifty books Twilight had read to the new video game Sunset had been playing. Velvet had remained fairly quiet adding little bit to the conversation here and there, just enjoying the sight of her daughter showing signs of having a social life. She was almost disappointed as they pulled into the Canterlot high parking area.

“Thanks for giving me a ride Mrs Velvet you really didn’t have too,” Sunset cheered as she clambered out of the car.

“It’s no trouble Sunset we were heading here anyway it’s only natural you should join us,” Velvet gave a smile to Sunset before turning her attention to Twilight, “Have a good day sweetie, I love you”.

“Love you to Mom,” Twilight replied slightly blushing at the sight of Sunset who had a massive grin from watching the two of them

“Give me a ring if you want a lift home or anything and I’ll see you later Sweetie.”

“Bye Mom,” Twilight said closing the door and beginning to walk into school with Sunset.

Suddenly the driver side door shot open and Velvet stepped out letting Sunset get a good look at the woman, her grey and violet hair running down and over her shoulders, “Forgot your bag Twily,” She called across to them lifting a bag out and passing it to her shocked by its weight, “Jeeze Twilight what is in this thing.”

“10 bucks it’s all books,” Sunset added laughing to herself and earning a glaring look from Twilight.

“I’m not taking a bet I know I’ll lose,” Velvet replied joining in on the teasing and letting out a small chuckle.

Twilight stood looking between the two, dead faced at their attempted teasing, “Of course it’s books how else am I going to ace every class.”

Velvet gave another chuckle, “Darling we are all very proud of your grades and such, but try to remember to have a little fun, you’ve got the friends for it after all.”

She gave a final loving smile before getting back into the car and driving away leaving the two students stood there watching. Sunset turned to Twilight and the two laughed together over what had happened, heading inside together in search of Pinkie Pie, they checked the usual spot in the cafeteria finding her at their table pushing buttons on her phone, her tongue sticking out as she mumbled something to herself about a princess and a castle. As they got closer Pinkie looked up spotting her two friends and shoving her phone into her pocket and bouncing over to them both throwing herself in their direction, wrapping her arms around them in what she called the Pinkie jumping hug welcome. They sat down together talking about Pinkies weekend and how she had been perfecting a muffin recipe with the help of a muffin expert.

“But anyway, how come you two came in at the same time, did you have a secret one on one meet up first,” Pinkie shiftily looked between the two girls.

A small blush started to grow across Twilights face as Sunset began to retell the steps that led up to them being here now, Pinkie giggling the whole time even at the boring bits.

“You invite any of the others Pinkie?” Twilight brought up starting a new discussion.

Pinkie looked at them both with a big smile on her face, “Nope just the ex-demons.”

Twilight awkwardly looked in the direction of Sunset screams for help lighting up her eyes in what she should say. Sunset uncomfortably brushed her shoulders off seeing the concern in Twilights eyes, deciding to take the lead.

“You know Pinkie we don’t exactly enjoy being reminded of that.”

Pinkie looked at them both not realising the discomfort she caused them, “Well duh it's like your bad history so I invited you here to show you that even though you went all evil we’re now the bestest friends ever, so much so that I’d invite just you two.”

“That’s very sweet of you Pinkie, I did feel like I was wanted as your friend this morning,” Twilight admitted taking the compliment through the insult, “Though you should read a few extra books to help you work on your vocabulary, that way you can say things the way you want too.”

“No thanks you’re the book girl I’m the candy girl.” The pink haired girl said digging into her pockets to pull out an assortment of different candies and dropping them onto the table.

Sunset instantly picked up a few tossing them into her mouth with Twilight hesitantly taking one while questioning how long they had been in her pocket, when a new arrival appeared sitting down besides Twilight, laying a jacket in front of her and slumping her head into it, her soft pink hair covering her face and ears like a blanket.

“Morning Fluttershy,” Twilight said smiling down at the girl.

“You alright there Shy?” Sunset added tapping her on the head causing the pale girl to shoot up.

“Yes, I’m okay don’t worry, it's just comfy to lie on,” Fluttershy said in her usual public tone which meant anyone who wasn’t within close proximity wouldn’t know she even opened her mouth.

“Have a good weekend?” Pinkie asked handing her a few pieces of candy.

“Oh yes thank you two of the animals got adopted from the shelter so if anything, it was a really good weekend,” A smile was beaming from Fluttershy’s face.

The pleasantries continued as the group began greeting Fluttershy, getting the typical quiet responses before Twilight began to engage them all in the discussion over the math test happening on Friday. No one really wanted to have this conversation particularly Fluttershy she hated maths not because she was bad but because the teacher Mr Iron Will was particularly aggressive in his teaching methods calling people out on the spot to test their skills. While the test of her skills was no issue as Fluttershy always did little bits of studying with Twilight, it was the pressure of being called out that was enough to trap her tongue making her seem dumber than she was. She often wished she could be in the other math class with all her friends and be taught by Miss Cheerlie, but fate can be cruel.

“Oh, I should mention I spoke to Rainbow Dash this morning on the phone and she said she was going to be hanging out with us this morning before class.”

Pinkie who was far more interested in learning more about her friends than maths jumped at the opportunity to change the conversation topic, “Really? Dash?”

Fluttershy nodded firmly certain that it was a fact.

“That’s a nice change to actually see her properly, feel like the only time we’ve seen her these past three weeks are when we have a class together,” Sunset added causing a few sour faces to appear amongst the group of friends. Seeing this Sunset quickly interjected adding, “But remember girls she’s just busy with sports, she still texts in the group chat so it's not like she’s abandoning us.”

“Then let’s throw her an I hope you do well in the league party!” Pinkie shouted standing up putting both her hands down on the table.

“I'm all for a party Pinkie but you can’t exactly throw one anywhere in the school since you got a month long ban from Principal Celestia,” Twilight said having not spoken for the past few minutes.

“Hey, it’s not my fault someone slipped alcohol into the punch and Soarin drank too much and threw up,” Pinkie said defending herself from the accusation.

“Yeah but Pinks you were the one who put it in there,” The flame-haired girl replied starting to laugh.

“Ooooh yeah,” Pinkie said giggling along, “and I’d do it again, I’ve never seen Fluttershy so confident.” Now giggling even louder

“It wasn’t funny Pinkie,” Fluttershy added before the whole group erupted into laughter together after sharing the pleasant memory.

By this point other students were beginning to arrive bringing with them two familiar faces that of Applejack and Rarity, though whilst Applejack always looked a little rough around the edges it was unexpected to see Rarity in the same shape, having a few hairs straying from where they should, with her clothes littered in a small layer of dust.

“Woah what happened with you Rarity” Pinkie asked as the two joined the table.

Rarity took a breath gaining her composure, “You would not BELIEVE the morning I’ve had; I mean don’t get me wrong it was all going great when all of a sudden. Complete. Disaster. I mean just look at my hair.”

“So, what did happen?” Twilight said scribbling a few notes down on a piece of paper curious to know more.”

“Come on Rarity we gotta go,” A desperate Sweetie Belle whined from the backseat of the small Volkswagen Beetle.

“Yes, yes darling I know, I know.” Rarity argued attempting multiple times to start the engine of the car meeting the same result each time with the ignition priming a few times before fading away, “For some reason, it’s deciding to not start.”

By the third attempt, Sweetie Belle was losing her patience rocking her legs back and forth and knocking the seat in front of her texting away to the other members of her club. Meanwhile, Rarity was beginning to feel the stress of the moment gently placing her head against the steering wheel, digging through her brain to figure out how she would find the answer to the current problem.

“Applejacks car works why can’t yours?” Sweetie Belle complained.

While it would be expected that this complaint would only further agitate the older girl it instead gave her an idea, she reached across to the other seat opening up her silver purse, softly sifting through its contents as to not upset the many containers of various types of makeup in the aim of retrieving her phone. Upon doing so she turned it on and flicked through her list of contacts selecting the one she was after and pressing it to her ear.

“Who are you calling?” Sweetie Belle asked from the back her feet still pressed against the chair in front of her.

“Hush I’m on the phone and get your feet off that seat I don’t expect to have to pay for this car to be fixed and then thanks to you require it to be cleaned.” By this time the person Rarity had called picked up the phone and they began talking about the situation Rarity and her sister had found themselves in.

“Yeah, it won't start…. No, not at all..… Really you don’t mind?.... Thank you Thank you, considering I am meant to be the generous one you are certainly giving me a run for my money… Okay, see you soon thank you again.”

About five minutes had past and Sweetie Belle was none the wiser as to how Rarity had solved the issue, or who she had talked to despite how much she had pestered; a surprise Rarity had said. It’s a way of getting to school so how could it possibly be a good surprise. Sweetie noticed out the corner of her eye a truck swing around and pull up in front of the car with Sweetie instantly recognising who it belonged to when a small Apple girl got out and ran over to Rarity's car.

“Apple Bloom, what are you doing here?” Sweetie called out as she too got out of the car running to meet her friend.

“Well me a ma sister are here to rescue you y’all” Apple Bloom responded, gesturing to the older farm girl that was getting out of the car herself.

The two pieces of the triangle that made up the CMC (Cutie mark crusaders) ran over to the truck climbing into the back of it while giggling and chatting leaving Applejack to head over to Rarity who was still in her car.

“You coming sugar cube?” Applejack asked extending her hand for the more refined girl to grab onto.

“Yes, just one moment darling,” Rarity replied her body leaning across the vehicle to collect her purse and bag placing them onto Applejacks extended a hand. Applejack stood bewildered at how she had managed to become a bag rack walked over to her truck placing them in the trunk before returning to collect the damsel in distress herself.

“I must say Applejack you’ve certainly been my knight this morning saving me from that disaster.”

“Ahh think nothing of it sugar cube,” Applejack said tipping her hat,

The farm girl turned the key to her truck starting it without a hitch slightly annoying the fashionista beside her that the bucket of dust and bolts worked fine but her lovely little car wouldn’t even start, but she was far too ladylike to show her annoyance to something so petty. The drive went rather smoothly besides a few bumps and potholes in the road that couldn’t be avoided knocking the inhabitants of the vehicle around a bit. The two younger girls in the back were treating it like a rollercoaster performing little screams as they went up and down the bumps, the bumpy ride however did not amuse Rarity as she would feel herself being thrown around in her seat having her head dragged across the headrest filling her hair with dust and frizzling the ends.

“Sorry Rares if I knew you’d be with us this morning I’d have tidied this thing out.” Applejack said guiltily looking over at the fashion girls attempts to dust herself off.

“It’s alright Applejack you are already giving me and Sweetie Belle a ride to a school I couldn’t ask you to move a second mountain for me.” Rarity said with a sigh after giving up on her attempts to save herself from the dust.

“Nonsense” Applejack replied with her smile being heard through her voice “Aint nothin I wouldn’t do for a friend.”

“Well, you certainly are one of the best friends I could ask for,” Rarity admitted looking at Applejack with a smile.

Inside Applejacks mind she was glowing, happy to be helping her friends when they were in need, she loved being the reliable shoulder they could all lean on and would always make sure to go to the furthest measures in order to help them, well except maybe wearing dresses and putting on a shedload of make-up, or if it meant she would put someone else in danger, or… you get the point.

Back to the current time, Applejack was sat on the other side of the table next to Pinkie listening to Rarity tell the story from her perspective making a few things a bit more dramatic than they actually were, but Rarity couldn’t tell a story without adding a little of her own flair into it. By this point, Rarity had roped Twilight and Fluttershy into helping her fix her hair as she herself attempted to brush the dust of her clothes.

“This blasted dust is going to ruin my whole outfit,” Rarity complained distress evident in her voice.

“Ya gotta puff ya clothes out and shake em flat and it’ll come right off,” Applejack added motioning for the fashionista to copy her movements.

“OH, I TOTALLY FORGOT!” Pinkie yelled startling Twilight and Rarity while also causing Fluttershy to recede into the safety of her hair. “Rainbow Dash is gonna be here this morning with us,” Pinkie said following up her previous statement but with her tone dramatically reduced.

“Well that is a nice surprise I haven’t seen her in a quite a few days, almost a week in fact, are you sure she isn’t busy being captain of the soccer team?” Rarity said pleasantly surprised that her day was going to improve now that she was able to reconnect after a week of not seeing her friend.

“Yeah, Fluttershy said she was gonna be here,” Pinkie replied pushing the spotlight onto Fluttershy.

Rarity now curious turned to Fluttershy with a smug look on her face, “So you’ve still been speaking to her then I assume darling?”

“Oh… no… um, just this morning on the phone,” Fluttershy meekly replied pulling Rainbows jacket from the table in front of her and clutching it to her chest.

“And that jacket is far too sporty for your tastes, not that I’m prying but we’ve been through your wardrobe together darling, so might I ask whom it belongs too.” Rarity said the smug look starting to become more devilish and teasing.

“Oh, its Rainbows I found it under my bed and was hoping to return it,” Fluttershy innocently said not realising the spark it was lighting inside of her fashion friend.

Rarity upon hearing this leaned over placing her elbow on the table with her hand to support her head, “and might I pry further in asking how it got there.” All the while Rarity was making slight eye movements that she aimed for only Fluttershy to see but had caught the silent attention of Twilight who didn’t say anything, only taking the information into herself to think on.

“Oh, I don’t know it could have been there weeks from one of the group's study sessions at my house, Flamenco.” While everyone else was satisfied with her response they all remained confused at her use of the word flamenco, well all except for Rarity who seemed disappointed returning back to an upright position and applying the finishing touches to her hair. Twilight once again to neither girl’s realisation had caught onto Rarity’s reaction and how it was different from everyone else, but she once again kept quiet making small connections in her head.

“Flamenco?” Applejack questioned raising an eyebrow at the shy girl.

“Ignore it, no idea why I said it, it must have slipped out when I started thinking about the show I was watching with my mom last night.” Fluttershy tensed up hoping no one else in the group would probe further taking a sigh of relief when no one did.

The group talked together for about ten more minutes discussing various subjects such as the upcoming ball and potential parties that Pinkie was planning to have when Applejack rose from her seat and shifted around the table to slide in next to Rarity leaning in to whisper something.

“I don’t really wanna let any of these girls down, but I’ve got a feeling dash ain't gonna be joining us this morning,” Applejack spoke her hushed tone unable to hide the concern in her voice.

“But why, what makes you say that,” A confused, and equally concerned Rarity replied keeping her voice down as to not alert the rest of the group to their secret conversation.

“Look over by the door there across t’other side of the canteen.” Applejack said making a small notion with her eyes of which direction she should look in.

Rarity turned and scoured the other side of the canteen seeing the open doors stretching out into the main corridor of the school, there a Rainbow haired girl could faintly be seen walking in the opposite direction to them carrying a ball under her arm while talking to two other members of the school’s soccer team, Fleetfoot and Spitfire. Rarity watched with worry as she saw the three sports players get further and further down the hall finally heading into the changing rooms obviously with the intent of getting some practice in before she had gym class in her first period. The fashionista turned to her farmer friend her eyes narrow with anxiousness only to find the look was being returned to her.

“What do we do, should we say something,” Applejack whispered unsure of how to bring the subject up to the remaining unaware friends.

“Say something about what?” Pinkie asked having heard what Applejack had said.

“Pinkie darling don’t you know its rude to eavesdrop on a private conversation,” Rarity stated tutting in the direction of the energetic girl.

“It’s also rude to whisper,” Sunset Shimmer boldly added a smug grin appearing on her face.

“Well if you all must know me and Applejack were simply discussing the current whereabouts of our dear friend Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said proudly defending herself against the claim that she was being rude.

“And where is she?” Sunset asked raising an eyebrow and shrugging her shoulders.

“Well dear, you see…” Rarity stopped herself mid-sentence looking beside her at the shy girl who was becoming visibly more and more disappointed that her athletic friend wasn’t going to be here.

“ya see we just saw her heading in the opposite direction into the locker room,” Applejack said taking charge of the situation.

“WHAT! WHY WOULD SHE,” Pinkie shouted getting rather aggravated that once again she wasn’t going to be able to see her prank partner in crime, “Fluttershy did she promise she’d be here?” The bright pink haired girl called turning to question the paler pink haired girl.

“Well um no she didn’t say she promised,” Fluttershy responded the sadness chipping away at the corners of her mouth causing a slight frown to appear that her friend was going to go back on what she had said. While the rest of the table continued the dispute on whether or not this meant Dash was ditching them for the fourth time in the past two weeks when she said she would be there, or if she was just caught up in some sports stuff that she couldn’t escape. Either way, Fluttershy sat there silently battling her thoughts.

*Of course, she wouldn’t want to come this morning, why would we get our hopes up, we aren’t even that important to her. *

*But she said she would make it up to us, maybe she still will. *

*Yeah but who knows when that will be, it gives her plenty of time to forget us. *

As the battle continued between her thoughts in her head she felt a hand delicately place itself on her shoulder.

“Are you alright darling? You look a little down,” Rarity quietly asked as to not draw any more attention to the girl with a sympathetic but still warm smile on her face.

“I’ll be okay Rarity thank you,” Fluttershy answered not wanting to look back at the girl as to hide as much of her sadness as she could.

Rarity leaned in a little closer giving Fluttershy a small hug, “Try not to take it personally sweetie, I doubt she is doing it intentionally.”

Just then the bell rang signalling for all the students to begin making their way to their classes causing the group to all get up giving their goodbyes with Rarity giving Fluttershy another hug and sending her on her way to math class as Sunset left mentioning how she had gym with Rainbow Dash so she would talk to her about what happened this morning. The group slowly drifted apart to head to their own lessons, Applejack and Rarity remained for a moment sharing a concerned look between each other for their friend Fluttershy as they watched her slowly walk away her eyes glued to her feet.

Author's Note:

Hey sorry this chapter took a while to come out I was a little preoccupied with working on stuff for my finals but once they are all over I'll make sure you get far more updates to the story from me

Thanks for reading and remember to leave me any criticisms you have.
Thanks again :derpytongue2: