• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,106 Views, 29 Comments

Never Let Me Go - Argenti Luna

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

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Chapter 3 : Coffee Anyone

The sound of the frost covered grass crunching under foot rippled through the ears of the students running on it, each step creating a sound that mimicked the last. The warm-up lap around the field, as far as the substitute gym class teacher Ms. Harshwhinny was aware this was a necessary ritual as the previous Coach had always done this even when she was younger and was amongst the ranks of students partaking in the tradition. The class had naturally separated itself into two packs with the sportier pupils in one pack much further along the track all pushing themselves to their limits and a second much slower pack of students who were taking their time and treating it more casually. Ms Harshwhinny could see two people, in particular, standing out from the groups. The first was obviously the school’s star athlete Rainbow Dash leading the charge egging the members of her soccer team that were in the class to push themselves harder and use this as a way of getting in some more practice for when they are out on the field. The second was Sunset Shimmer who found herself pushing out and ahead of the slower pack her hair flowing behind her like a trail of fire as she worked to catch up to Rainbow, she had a few things she wanted to say to that girl, and you could be sure she was going to hear them before this was over. As she threw her legs forward one after the other her arms worked just as hard to match moving them in rhythm as she felt her speed increase, watching as the group ahead of her began to draw nearer. However this wasn’t the end, she needed to push through to reach the front, Sunset could feel the cold morning air fill her lungs with each breath she took which was simultaneously met with the exhale of warm air forming a thin haze of precipitate in front of her against the colder outside world. With each step, she saw herself get closer and closer to the leader of the pack; who at this time was turning around to egg her team on further. Her attention instantly being drawn to the new face giving it her all.

“Yeah Sunset keep it going, you’re showing my team up here,” Rainbow cried both complimenting Sunset and urging her team to work harder.

Sunset growled to herself she wasn’t here to be used by Rainbow as motivation for her team she was here to give Rainbow a piece of her mind, she let the rage fuel her as her feet gripped into the ground beneath pushing herself further through the group. Rainbow Dash wasn’t giving it her all she needed to keep close to her team after all, but she was still trying, and it was for that reason that her jaw dropped as the Flame headed girl started to creep into the corner of her vision as she caught up alongside her.

“Sunset uh, hey there,” Dash spoke her jaw dropping, before turning into a devilish grin.

Sunset was panting heavily looking over at the smug girl next to her, she glared at Rainbow her eyes matching her hair, “Cut it Dash where were you this morning?”

Rainbow looked over puzzled for a moment before her eyes glazed over, locked into a staring contest with the floor, by this point the lap was coming to an end and the pair slowed to a standstill sitting down beside the finish line their breathing heavy as they tried to regain themselves.

“Dash, why did you skip out on your word again?” Sunset asked again her tone harshened with aggravation.

Rainbow Dash finally looked at Sunset directly her eyes drowned in guilt, “I was on my way to find you guys and I bumped into Spitfire and Fleetfoot and we got talking about the work they’d been putting in together over the weekend and I got side-tracked and it slipped my mind and to summarise I’m an awful friend.”

Sunset who was not surprised by the response still found herself a little taken aback when she referred to herself as a bad friend. “No Rainbow you aren’t a bad friend to us, we all just miss you, and when you say you’ll be there and don’t show up it’s kinda like you are intentionally avoiding us.”

Dash looked down at the floor again a frown forming on her face as she let out a sigh, “I’m not intentionally avoiding you, I’d never. It’s just I’m so focused on this season and the pressure I’m getting from hom... Making my team succeed it’s just stacking up and I’m just losing myself in it all I guess.”

Sunset put an assuring hand on Rainbows shoulder, “it’s alright Dash we know you’ve got a full plate it’s just we miss you and seeing you lets us know you are coping with it all okay, besides Pinkie is losing her mind having not seen you in two weeks she’s made a ‘sorry that you’re dead’ party plan just in case you died and we hadn’t been told.”

The pair laughed together over the thought causing Dash to feel a little less guilty about everything that had been going on.

“And the others and Shy have they said anything?” Dash asked, standing up and doing a few stretches.

Sunset rose alongside her and started copying her stretches not being able to do some of the more flexibility demanding ones, “We all miss you but we know you are busy with responsibilities so Applejack gets it the most and Rarity understands, even Twilight knows the feeling since she says she sometimes gets so lost in a book she forgets to text back.” There was a pause, “but Fluttershy seems quieter, I didn’t notice it myself I but Rarity brought it up to me and AJ last week and it's true for the quiet girl she is, she seems more like a whisper.”

A fresh wave of guilt washed over dash feeling more like a tsunami than a gentle tide as she ran her hand along her forehead wiping the sweat from her brow. “I told Shy I’d be there this morning, oh god I essentially lied to her face, so much for being the embodiment of loyalty, how am I meant to fix this.”

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly not sure how to respond, “I guess you could start by making it up to us all. Show your face once or twice a week so we know you are still our friend.”

“Yeah but that doesn’t say hey I’m sorry I abandoned you and skipped out on you all,” Dash said a frown forming at the tips of her lips.

Sunset went quiet pondering on the thought for a moment, “Boom sleepover!” Sunset burst out with a charismatic smirk growing on her face.

“I mean I guess that could work, but when? and where?” Dash asked her eyebrow raised.

“My place, Friday,” Sunset said her smirk turning into a look of excitement.

“I mean I’ve got practice, but I can head over after if that’s cool with you,” Rainbow said asking yet another question.

“Yeah that’s perfectly fine If you bring your spare clothes I can take them home with me save you carrying twenty bags back from practice and you can shower at mine,” Sunset said creating a whole plan in her head.

“That would be great actually thanks,” Dash responded with a smile.

By this point, the whole class was back at the starting point with Ms Harshwhinny announcing that due to the situation concerning there being a soccer match next week and a good portion of the class partaking in that match the class would be playing soccer. This came as a surprise to absolutely no one, but what did shock them was when Ms Harshwhinny cut a line straight down the middle of the handful of the soccer team members in her class putting half on the blue team and the other half on red. With the remaining spots being filled by the rest of the class.

“You’re splitting up the team?” Rainbow cried failing to see the logic in how going against each other would help.

“You’d hardly get any practice playing against rookies now would you Miss Dash,” Ms Harshwhinny replied urging the team to split up.

Conveniently Dash and Sunset had both been paired up together and placed on the red team with Dash taking her usual striker position and Sunset following up on the right wing. The game went as expected with Dash making short work of anyone she come across besides the few members from her team and scored quite easily, what came as shock to her however was Sunset, she seemed to know her way around the field having found herself good space for passes as well as scoring a goal herself. Once the little practice match was over and Ms Harshwhinny was rounding all the girls back inside to change before the bell rang Sunset felt a familiar hand on her shoulder turning around to see Dash staring at her with a smile on her face.

“Uh you alright there Dash, you’re kinda staring?” Sunset asked snapping her fingers in front of Dash’s face.

“Yeah fine, great even, listen Sunset I’ve been having issues looking for a new winger for the team and I liked what I saw from you today, ever thought about playing? We are having try-outs after school?” Dash asked a huge smile on her face.

“I don’t know, I’ve never really played a sport competitively it’s a big commitment,” Sunset replied shrugging her shoulders.

Slightly disappointed but not about to let anyone see it, Dash came up with a compromise sounding as sure with herself as usual, “Don’t sweat it Sunset you’ve got all day to decide, it would just be awesome to have one of my friends on the team.”

“There’s no harm in trying out, I’ll think about it; I assume you meet here on the field after school?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah this is the place just head here if you fancy trying out,” Dash replied excitement building back up in her voice.

And with the sound of a whistle urging the students to get a move on they all headed inside to get changed, with Dash and Sunset being the last to head inside.

By this point during the day it was the second period and Fluttershy was in history class being taught about the Egyptian era by Ms Somnambula, Fluttershy liked this class much more than Iron Wills math class, as there was just so much more passion in the way it was taught, no one could put their finger on it but it was like Ms Somnambula was describing the Egyptian era like she had been their first hand. Another reason she much preferred this class was due to the atmosphere of the classroom it had windows either side of the room ensuring that sunlight was always filtering into the room causing the various replica jewels dotted around the room to sparkle. Fluttershy remembered Rarity mentioning how she would often slip into the room at the end of the day to marvel at their beauty in hopes of sparking some inspiration into her designs.

The quiet girl looked out of the window she was sat next to looking down at the school grounds below seeing a physics class taking place, they were shooting water pressured rockets into the air. She noticed how Twilight and Sunset were knelt beside their own little rocket setting it off and watching it rise higher than the rest before tumbling back down, only for them to note things down and attempt it again with different conditions to make it go higher. Fluttershy watched for a while smiling at her friend laughing and talking with each attempt they made when a whisper came from beside her.

“Heya Fluttershy how was your weekend dude?” The white-haired girl sat beside her asked.

This was another reason she liked this class she actually had a friend in this one, the girl was called Silver Moon and Fluttershy proceeded to repeat to her what she had said that morning detailing the animals that were adopted from the shelter. “And thank you for adopting the kitten I was telling you about, it's so rare for an animal to be adopted within a week of it arriving but I’m glad she was.”

Silver let out a smile, “it’s no problem, and you’re welcome to come and see the little scamp whenever you want.”

Fluttershy smiled back, the chance of being able to see an animal again after it had been adopted was rare. Typically it wasn’t a good thing if she saw the animal again as it most likely meant it had been brought back to the shelter, and that’s not really something she wanted, so it was nice she’d be able to visit it in its new loving home. The shy girl began to focus a little more on the class writing down some notes before starting to do little scribbles of butterflies on her page, she wanted to pay attention but the thought of Rainbow Dash lying to her that morning was leaving its mark in the back of her mind.

“You alright dude it ain’t like you to start doodling, something on your mind?” Silver asked.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure if she wanted to open up at this point, she had sat next to Silver Moon in history class last year and although it took a few months due to Fluttershy’s quiet nature and a bit of a push from Pinkie to actually speak to her they began to blossom quite the friendship and she felt she could trust her with this.

“Well, you see Rainbow Dash hasn’t been hanging around with me and my friends that much anymore, which is fine I know she is busy with soccer practice,” She added quickly trying not to sound too disappointed. “But this morning when I spoke to her on the phone she acknowledged not being around and said she would make sure she saw us this morning,” Fluttershy let out a sigh earning herself a reassuring look from Silver. “She didn’t show up and we saw her hanging around with her soccer team members instead.”

Silver looked down at the desk a look of sadness growing on her face, “I’m sorry to hear that, but I think I know what you are feeling right now.”

Fluttershy eyes shifted towards Silver surprise and confusion growing on her face, “You do?”

“Yeah,” Silver said with a sigh pulling out her phone and showing Fluttershy her most recent text.

*Really can’t be bothered with the hassle of eating lunch with you today so I’m hanging with the boy’s ttyl*

Fluttershy gasped upon seeing the text, “Who would say that, it’s not.”

Silver interrupted before Fluttershy could finish her sentence, “Yep that’s Forest.”

“I am awfully sorry to hear that, is everything alright between you and him, sorry that was probably rude of me to ask, I’m sorry,” Fluttershy panicked going from feeling curious to guilty.

Silver had a small smile begin to perk up on her face over the shy girl’s rapid shift in responses, “It’s all chill Flutters don’t worry, I know I can be a bit overbearing.”

Fluttershy’s jaw dropped with shock for someone who can find even the quietest person overbearing at times she knew for a fact that Silver was not, “You’re not overbearing, I should know I’m friends with Rarity,” Fluttershy said quietly joking to try and lighten the mood.

“I suppose you’re right,” Silver said her smile growing larger. “But hey seems we both got ditched this morning,” Silver added her smile opening up to let out a bit of laughter.

“It’s not exactly a good thing,” Fluttershy responded softly giggling herself.

The two girls decided it would be best for them to carry on paying attention with what was going on in the class before Ms Somnambula caught onto their chatting and intervened the last thing they wanted was to be stuck polishing all the artefacts in detention. The class went on with Fluttershy taking down a few notes about ancient pharaoh’s wondering what it would have been like to meet a sphinx, well if they were real anyway. Her pen drifted to the other side of her book and began to mimic the thoughts in her mind tracing the outline and shape of the Sphinx.

“You know that ain’t half bad, you’ve got quite the knack for drawing,” Silver piped up looking down at the ancient creature the shy girl had captured within the pages of her notebook.

“Oh it’s not all that good, I didn’t put much effort in,” There was a pause in Fluttershy’s sentence as she lowered the volume of her voice only speaking in a soft whisper, “But thank you.”

The progression of the class once again resumed with the teacher wrapping up the class ten minutes early to give the students chance to talk about what they had learnt today between themselves, obviously everyone just used this time to talk to their friends. The timid girl used this as a time to check her phone seeing that Sunset had texted into the group chat.

*hey girls I spoke to Rainbow, she ended up having stuff dumped on her this morning so she’s sorry she couldn’t come, we are gonna all meet up at my house on Friday and she says she’ll be there after practice. *

This received an instant response from Pinkie Pie questioning if this was a sleepover who once receiving the yes from Sunset began to fill the chat with balloons getting a laugh from Fluttershy.

“Read something funny, a meme perhaps.” Silver said laughing a little and leaning closer to Fluttershy.

“You wish meme lord,” Fluttershy replied jokingly.

“Woah where did the shy girl go,” Silver said teasing back.

“Oh, she’s here still,” Fluttershy said lowering her voice and receding back into her timid shell.

Silver rolled her eyes at the lost joke but took no mind of it she knows Fluttershy and this is just what she does, that didn’t stop her jumping in her seat when the meek girl beside her suddenly gasped at the phone she was gripping between her hands.

“You alright?” Silver said catching herself and checking on her friend.

“Look,” Fluttershy said not listening to the question and shoving her phone in Silvers’ face.

Silver looked at down at the phone decorated in its butterfly covered case to see she was being shown a text from Rainbow Dash.

*Hey Flutters, sorry for dipping on you this morning it was definitely not awesome of me, hope I didn’t cause you too much damage you said I was busy and stuff this morning and that you didn’t mind but like I said I’d be there, so super sorry dude. *

“Well at least you know she feels bad about what she did,” Silver said with a faint smile finding the light in the subject when she was quickly silenced by the phone as it vibrated alerting them to another message from Rainbow causing both girls to eagerly read the latest message.

*Sorry again dude, I’m gonna be at the sleepover on Friday but I still feel like I owe you one and I don’t exactly enjoy spending time at home so how about I hang out with you at yours like old times the next day like I don’t mind what we do so just like lemme know.*

Fluttershy’s face lit up with huge smile beaming from ear to ear causing Silver to have a grin matching it,

“Well Shy it seems she’s gonna make up the lost time,” Silver said nudging the smiling girl, “You should also probably respond to that,” she finished with a giggle as the bell rang out signalling for them to leave for lunch. “See you round Shy good luck and such.”

Fluttershy remained in her seat stunned to see that Rainbow wanted to hang out with her alone after the sleepover. She quickly snapped out of her daze and texted back leaving to find her friends in the lunchroom.

*Yeah that would be awesome Dashie :D*

The school halls were bustling as each eager student followed their noses to the cafeteria room with its hard floors and long tables. No matter where you looked you would never see more than an inch of wall with the space being filled with windows or tapestries depicting the various achievements of Canterlot high with a few being embroidered with symbols of sport and others music. The scent coming from the cafeteria was different every day but the theme of it smelling great would always remain and they had Granny Smith to thank for it, always making the best of the best with whatever ingredients she was given. The group of friends excluding Rainbow Dash had taken up their usual spot on the large table in one of the corners of the room.

“So from what I understand we are all going to be in your company this Friday evening?” Rarity asked taking her eyes away from her salad and looking towards Sunset.

“That’s the plan, you can either walk home with me straight after school or head over in your own time after you’ve been home,” Sunset replied stuffing a heap of mash potato into her mouth.

“I’ll bring candy!” Pinkie shouted causing bits of food to splutter out of her mouth heading towards a now panicking Rarity who closed her eyes awaiting the impact. A few seconds passed and she still hadn’t felt the mess of food and spit attack her skin causing her to slowly open her eyes seeing a rather disgusted Applejack wiping her hand on a napkin.

“Pinkie!, It’s unladylike to talk with your mouthful how many times must I warn you.” Rarity yelled her face turning red with anger as the rest of the group began to erupt into laughter.

“Quit your panicking Rares I saved you so we wouldn’t get an earful from you,” Applejack interjected.

Rarity went to speak but stopped herself, being drawn back by the temptation of the food on her plate regally collecting a few lettuce leaves and a tomato on the tip of her fork and placing it into her mouth, she chewed and swallowed taking the time between mouthfuls to tap her lips softly with her napkin. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was in her happy little bubble joyously eating her own meal with a huge smile on her face as she watched her friends go on about how awful their classes were.

“Oh darling, do you need me to bring anything, like activities or makeup?” Rarity questioned looking over at Sunset who by this time was in a deep conversation with Pinkie about her favourite types of candy.

“Nah I don’t think you will need to bring anything but it’s up to you really if you want to do something in particular, I’m down for it,” Sunset said smiling at Rarity before going back into the heated discussion to whether gummi bears or cola bottles were the better candy.

“Is it true Dash is coming,” Applejack said with a grin looking at the rainbow-haired girl approaching the table.

“You bet it is,” Rainbow Dash said her heading appearing between Sunset and Fluttershy her arms wrapped around either one of them as she sat down. “Can’t stay, but I owe you all an appearance from yours truly.

“RAINBOW DASH,” Pinkie excitedly screamed jumping up from her seat and running around to tackle the sporty girl from behind, “We’ve all missed you soooo much you can’t leave on us now.”

“Sorry Pinkie but I got to practice, which reminds me, Sunset you thought about it yet?” Rainbow asked her attention turning away from Pinkie and towards the flame-headed girl.

“Yeah I thought about it,” Sunset said trying to hide the smirk growing across her face, “I don’t know maybe it ain’t for me,” Sunset took great joy watching the light fade from Rainbows eyes, “I’m kidding you can count me in, I’ll be there.” She said the smirk now taking full control of her face.

“Awesome! I knew I could count on you Sunny,” Rainbow said patting Sunset on the back and standing up, “Oh and Shy don’t forget about that thing we were talking about.”

Upon saying this a few things happened within the group, Sunset, Pinkie and Applejack were all confused as to what she could have meant while an open-mouthed smile had wormed its way onto Rarity’s face as she smugly looked directly at Fluttershy who at this point between what Rainbow had said and the look Rarity was giving her was now blushing intensely. This left Twilight Sparkle the upcoming scientist and egghead of the group, who once again began making observations trying to learn from the social interactions she could see around her making a mental note of how Rarity was looking at Fluttershy and the face she was making.

“Anyway I gotta Dash, but there’s no scheduled practice tomorrow so I’ll be able to have lunch with you,” Rainbow added as she stood up, leaving the group to talk amongst themselves.

“So what in tarnation has she roped you into doin after school?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow in Sunsets direction.

“She asked me if I wanted to take part in the trials for the team later today, I said I’d think about it and I have so I’m gonna try out,” Sunset replied her eyes glowing with confidence.

As the pair continued to talk about sports the rest of the group began their own little conversations with Pinkie joining in with Applejack and Sunset whilst Twilight asked Rarity for some fashion tips on the hat and scarf her mother has offered to get her this weekend with Rarity offering to accompany them both in choosing. This quiet moment to herself gave Fluttershy a moment to glance around at the busy cafeteria spotting Silver Moon sitting at a nearby table talking with Octavia, Derpy, Vinyl and a few other girls. Silver caught a glance of Fluttershy looking over at her with a smile, causing her to return the smile as looked back in the shy girl’s direction.

“Speaking of after-school activities Rarity, ma sister Applebloom is staying after school to do some creative activity thingy with your little sister Sweetie Belle and their friend Scootaloo, so do you want me to take Sweetie Belle home afterwards save you sticking around for her?” Applejack asked turning her whole body around to face Rarity.

“Darling are you sure? Sweetie Belle can be quite the handful, I don’t mind waiting for her?” Rarity added a touch of concern in her voice.

“Naw don’t you worry a hair on your head it ain’t no trouble at all,” Applejack answered tipping her hat.

Pinkie suddenly gasped causing the group to jump in their seats all turning their attention to what was wrong with the bright pink haired girl, “I’m doing the activity after school Applejack you can’t just watch you can join in ITLL BE SUPER FUN” Pinkie said finishing her sentence by throwing arms in the air and yelling.

“Well since everyone else seems to have plans, Fluttershy, Twilight would you like to join me after school for some coffee or iced tea at sugar cube corner?” Rarity asked motioning towards the two quieter members of the group.

“I’d love too, thank you for the offer Rarity,” Twilight replied with a smile while Fluttershy just quietly nodded, whispering a soft thank you.

From here the lunch routine continued as normal with them finishing their lunches and talking about the upcoming slumber party being held at Sunsets only to be separated by the bell signifying the beginning of the next classes and the girls once again heading into separate locations in smaller groups to their next class.

Once school was over the group of girls followed through with their plans with Fluttershy and Twilight being led into the little coffee shop, heading over to Rarity’s favourite booth, the one which sat opposite the window. The girls all sat down on the cushioned seat and began to chat, Rarity mentioning how she loved the decorum noting how it makes perfect use of the space it has from the various posters plastering the walls advertising the various confectionaries and hot drinks to the booths that are both fashionable and comfortable. After a few minutes passed with Rarity watching as the queue to order began to slowly disperse giving her direct access to the staff. She got up taking orders of what the two other girls wanted to drink and headed over towards the counter leaving Twilight and Fluttershy alone to talk.

“Those treats you recommended for Spike went down really well he can’t get enough of them,” Twilight declared laughing to herself, her mind reminiscing at how quickly her dog had wolfed down the treats.

“Oh im so glad to hear, a dog at the shelter loves them just as much so I thought I’d tell you,” Fluttershy replied trying to imagine Spikes reaction to them.

“It’s made me realise that you are the expert to go to when concerning my animal needs,” the bookworm stated.

“Well I know a bit about animals but I’m no expert,” Fluttershy replied hiding her embarrassment behind her hair.

“Nonsense Fluttershy you are as familiar with animals as I am with the pages of a textbook.” The bookworm replied causing Fluttershy to crack into a giggle.

It was now that Rarity had returned with a tray in her arms placing it down on the table and setting down each of the girls drinks along with a small plate containing a slice of cake each, “I do hope I’m not interrupting girls, but I must ask Fluttershy, and I don’t mean to pry but what was Rainbow on about earlier when she referred to something that just the pair of you were talking about.”

Fluttershy’s face lit up bright red as she hid her face behind her hair, which earned her a reassuring look from Rarity as she took a sip of her coffee causing Fluttershy to look at Twilight and back at Rarity a look of concern growing in her eyes.

“You know I’m glad I’ve got the both of you here since I’ve been noticing something between the pair of you almost like a code,” Twilight spoke up as she began to summarise what she had seen today.

Rarity gasped covering her mouth for a moment, “Darling whatever do you mean?” Her eyes shifting towards a now redder faced Fluttershy who had begun sinking into her chair.

“Well it all started when Fluttershy said flamenco this morning it was so out of place and everyone reacted to it accordingly in which I mean they were confused, but you Rarity, you instead seemed disappointed. There have been a few little things like that, like the out of place eye movements this morning for example, when you were talking about the jacket.” Twilights response caused both Rarity and Fluttershy to awkwardly look at each other giving Twilight the chance to speak again. “It seems to happen whenever the topic is of Rainbow Dash so I can’t help but wonder.”

A smile grew across Rarity’s face as she looked between her two friends, “Fluttershy it seems our secret code isn’t so secret, would you like to as Pinkie Pie would say spill the beans?”

Fluttershy sighed her thoughts racing as she came to the reality that if they didn’t tell Twilight now, she’d start asking the others. She moved her hair from in front of her face and gave Rarity a quick nod, “Well me and Rarity are close friends and we trust each other with things, and well I told her that,” Fluttershy’s sentence was cut short as her thoughts began to betray her locking her jaw shut allowing only a small eep to escape.

Rarity placed a compassionate hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, “It’s alright dear, Twilight is our friend you can tell her,”

Twilight had a wave of guilt wash over she was the cause of all this commotion, “No if it's sensitive you don’t have to tell me, I’ll just forget I saw anything, I’m sorry if I have upset you just please don’t hate me.

“No I don’t hate you; I just struggle with talking, if anyone should be sorry it should be me for making you feel guilty about asking,” Fluttershy admitted feeling equally guilty herself over the position she had put Twilight in.

The two girls weakly smiled at each other seeing that neither person intended to cause any harm, causing them to break into a short hug showing that there were no hard feelings between them.

“Rarity can you tell it?” Fluttershy asked earning herself a nod from the fashionista.

“Well you see Fluttershy here is coincidentally rather shy as you already know I’m sure, and so she gets uncomfortable when she’s the centre of attention or whenever anyone speaks to her about something she is sensitive about. Now you know about how in the past we all stopped being friend’s etcetera, well me and Fluttershy here remained secret friends and would confide in each other to talk about our secrets. Not that they were important secrets it would just be a little embarrassing if the whole school knew like how I loved boy bands or who we were crushing on.” Rarity said as she began explaining only to be cut off by Twilight.

“So you made the code to be able to talk about or mention those things without anyone realising what were you were talking about them, meaning the spotlight wouldn’t be on Fluttershy,” Twilight said reciting the conclusion she had made.

“Yes,” Rarity said with a smile, “That’s basically it.”

Twilight took a bite out of the slice of cake she had been given her face clearly showing delight from its flavour, but as she chewed it turned from delight to confusion.

“Is something wrong dear?” Rarity asked spotting the shift in emotion on the bookworm’s face.

“So why were you using code when Rainbow was in the sentence,” Twilight said looking at the now heavily blushing Fluttershy and flustered Rarity.

“It’s well…” Rarity was desperately trying to find a way to answer Twilight without giving away her friend’s secret when she felt a light tug on her shirt coming from Fluttershy.

“It’s okay you can tell her, there’s no reason to not trust her with this now she knows why we keep it a secret.” The meek girl said a soft smile on her face as she looked at the smarter girl amongst them.

“Well, Twilight it seems your now part of our little secret club so you must keep this between us. The reason we were using the code earlier is that Fluttershy has had a little crush on Rainbow Dash for a good while now, and I was trying to see if maybe something had happened between them that would have resulted in her earning the article of Rainbows clothing.” Rarity looked back down at the shy girl beside her seeing her face glowing red with embarrassment.

“That was a conclusion I didn’t expect; you hide it well,” Twilight said complimenting the two girls on their secrecy. “Wait you’re gay?” Twilight blurted out as the reality set in.

Fluttershy didn’t say a word and simply nodded a look of concern on her face as to how Twilight would take the news.

“You know for how many books I’ve read I don’t seem to get any better when it comes to people and friends and all this relationship stuff like I had no idea you were gay Fluttershy, not that it changes anything of course.”

“I wouldn’t worry I don’t exactly tell the world,” The shy girl her replied her confidence starting to grow after hearing the acceptance from Twilight.

“And to add on that you said yourself when you first became our friend a few months ago that this whole friendship and people thing was new to you so I wouldn’t worry, you’ll be reading people like a book before long.” Rarity said covering her mouth as she laughed at her little joke.

“I hope you are right,” Twilight replied laughing herself.

The three carried on chatting together finishing their drinks and slices of cake, having to battle with Rarity’s generous nature to avoid having anymore bought for them.

“Twilight I am curious since you know about Fluttershy’s little crush. How about you, anyone taken your fancy?” Rarity asked a curious grin appearing on her face,

“I’ve never really liked anyone that way so I wouldn’t even know what it feels like to fall for someone, so if I have I don’t know it yet,” The aspiring scientist answered a depressing look on her face as she looked down at the floor.

Rarity reached across the table taking Twilights hands in hers, “You’ll know when it happens and you get a little sweet on someone, your heart will flutter, and besides you’ve got us now to talk about your love life with,” Rarity giggled a little at the thought of being able to partake in more gossip now they had a new companion to their little love talk.

It was at this time Twilight received a phone call from her mother wondering if she was staying behind after school since she was normally home by this time, Twilight going on to explain where she was and who she was with. It was also at this time that Rarity pointed out how they had been there for over an hour and should all probably get home soon, with Twilights mother offering to give all three girls a ride home. Twilight obviously accepting, and Fluttershy not wanting to impose politely rejecting the offer with Twilight saying it would be no trouble causing the meek girl to agree. This left Rarity who lived in the opposite direction to the other girls and thus to save time said she already had plans to get home which wasn’t wrong since she had planned on walking back that evening. The three girls continued to talk for another 20 minutes discussing how Rarity planned on giving makeovers at the slumber party this Friday and how she needed to bring some paper and her measuring tape in order to update the measurements she’s collected of the girls, along with getting Twilights so that she can start working on the Christmas ball dresses. When a familiar woman was seen entering the coffee shop and approaching the girls at the table.

“Hey mom,” Twilight called being the first to greet her mother with greetings being followed by the other two girls at the table.

“So these are more of your friends, I must say after meeting Sunset this morning I didn’t think I’d be meeting any more of your friends for a good while, at least until you brought then home for a sleepover or something.” She smiled at the two other girls sat with her daughter taking a mental note of how they acted.

“So based on how you are behaving and from Twilights descriptions, you must be Fluttershy,” she said looking towards the quieter pink haired girl with her small frame and pale skin. “And from how well you’re dressed and how your hair is so well styled you must be Rarity.”

The two girls nodded with Rarity firing compliments about how refined Twilights mother looked and how well her style fitted with her the few accessories just completing the outfit. The greetings were cut short however as Velvet needed to get home causing them all to say their goodbyes as Rarity witnessed Fluttershy and Twilight leaving together. Rarity stood outside the coffee shop waving the girls off, and for a moment everything was quiet giving Rarity a chance to think about something that had plagued her mind. Sadly this was interrupted when her phone buzzed indicating she was receiving a phone call. Rarity opened the purse taking out her phone seeing the name Applejack appear on the front with a picture of them together, sliding the call button and placing it to her ear.

“Hello,” Rarity started.

“Heya sugar cube I just dropped ya sister off home and noticed ya weren’t back yet was wondering if ya needed a ride home while im out this way?”

“Applejack that would be wonderful actually I’ve just seen the other two off and was about to start walking.”

“Im bout two minutes away from sugar cube corner so you just sit tight, and I’ll be there quicker than a hare.”

The call ended and Rarity placed her phone back into her bag looking at the street surrounding her, watching the cars rush by as people headed home after a long day of work the sun setting and darkness beginning to creep back into the world as night-time approached. She checked her phone sending a text to Fluttershy making sure she was alright as she saw a familiar truck pull up alongside her.

The car journey hadn’t been going on long with Rarity telling Applejack what had happened earlier ensuring to step around the few landmines that had popped up since Applebloom was sat in the backseat texting on her phone and not wanting information that did not need spreading getting out, she instead kept it concise and steered away from the half confessions. As more and more light fled from the world around them with the sun beginning to fall behind the horizon the streets were flooded with a new sense of life as the streetlights lit up the darkened roads. It was at this time however that the slice of cake was taking its toll causing Rarity’s eyes to grow heavy and the lulling sound of the engine mixed with the deceivingly comfy seating of Applejacks vehicle, the fashionista found herself starting to drift off into sleep.

By the time they had reached Rarity’s home Applejack found her friend in a deep sleep deciding it was best not to wake her, she lifted her out of the car and carried her to the door only to be met with the familiar Sweetie Belle who began to guide Applejack through the house up to Rarity’s room. On her way, she walked through the living room seeing both of Rarity’s parents watching television who took the time to smile at Applejack as she carried their daughter through the home. Once reaching Rarity’s room Sweetie Belle scurried off away heading outside to try and get as much extra time talking to Applebloom as she could leaving the two older girls alone.

Applejack gently placed Rarity onto the bed removing her shoes and pulling the covers over the sleeping girl causing her to stir and wearily open her eyes.

“Oh Applejack I do apologise for falling asleep but thank you for bringing me in, you should have just woken me.” Rarity said her voice heavy with the need for sleep.

“It aint no problem sugar cube, you just get some rest.” Applejack with a smile as she picked herself up and away from the bed.

Rarity wasn’t done saying goodnight, lifting her arms up and around the cowgirl pulling her in for a hug, “I mean it thank you. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”

Applejack remained still stunned by what was happening before returning the hug wrapping an arm around the girl below her. The hug lasted for what seemed like forever Applejack couldn’t even try to count to the seconds in her head as all she could think about was how nice Rarity’s hair was smelling. This confused the farm girl as thoughts rattled inside of her head over why on earth would she be thinking that Rarity smelt nice and not just that she smelt nice her skin felt delicate and soft and the hug was warm and welcoming to her. It was nice.


A sudden noise startled both girls causing them to break apart with Rarity shooting back letting out a gasp as Applejack pulled away quickly standing up, both scared half to death by the sound that echoed around the room with Applejack looking out the window to see its source. Outside was a smaller farm girl who was growing impatient using the car horn as a method of pulling her older sister back to the vehicle faster.

“I best be goin,” Applejack said her voice still shaky as she recoveredg from the sudden emotions washing over her from the contact she shared with her friend.

“Alright Applejack, goodnight.” Rarity affirmed turning over and facing away from the cowgirl a bright smile covering her face as she drifted back into sleep, dreaming of something or maybe someone.

Applejack at this time was slowly creeping out of the room closing the door behind her and heading downstairs making her way back through the populated room.

“Thank you for bringing both our girls home safe tonight Applejack you are far to kind to us,” Rarity’s mother said with a smile.

“Yeah you saved me having to go out and fetch the pair of speakers,” came a more humorous token of thanks from Rarity’s father.

“Aww shucks it aint no trouble.” Applejack said rubbing the back of her neck out of embarrassment from the praise she was receiving.

“Well just remember we appreciate everything you’ve done, I feel guilty we never really don’t anything for you in return, so if it’s any resolve you are welcome here anytime.” Rarity’s mother finished with a smile.

Applejack thanked the pair for their warming gesture and left, saying her goodbyes and heading back out to her truck, sending Sweetie Belle back inside as she climbed into the driver’s side of the truck and started heading home.

“So what took you so long im starving,” Applebloom questioned.

“Oh nothin much,” a smile growing across her face, “nothin worth thinkin about anyway.”

Author's Note:

Heya everyone sorry this chapter took so long at first I wasn't happy with it then I had finals and such but I'm gonna have more free time now so I'll do my best to update it more often than this

Thanks again for reading my story and feel free to leave a comment telling me what you think :yay: