• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,106 Views, 29 Comments

Never Let Me Go - Argenti Luna

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

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Chapter 7 - While Others Slumber

Pinkie had her target; she was slowly creeping up to the unaware victims a pillow in her hand. Meanwhile, across the other side of the room, a purple-haired girl’s eyes sparked gluing themselves onto the suspicious pink figure. She watched in horror as the pink haired party girl gripped the corner of the pillow tightly between her fists slowly lifting it up above her head. Panic struck the more refined girl flew her hand out pointing at the party girl her finger pointing directly at the character.

Twilight, who at this time was quietly whispering with Sunset about their pasts sharing what memories they had between each other, found her attention pulled to the sudden movement making the connection between the pointing hand and Pinkie Pie. Twilights eyes shot wide open jumping forward and grabbing hold of the girl.

“Just one whack, I always prank Dash she’ll love it,” Pinkie whispered an eager smile on her face.

“No, you’ll be disturbing Fluttershy too,” Rarity quietly hissed urging Sunset to help.

Sunset nodded clawing at the pillow immediately meeting Pinkie’s resistance, “How are you so strong.”

Rarity rolled her eyes at the scene, “Honestly if you want something doing correctly you should do it yourself,” She looked down at the floor seeing the farmgirl who was beginning to drift off to sleep, she nudged her with her foot knocking her awake.

“Huh what who where, Rares?” Applejack shakily spoke not being fully with herself.

“Applejack go and help them, make yourself useful.” The fashionista urged giving her another prod with her foot.

Applejack sat up looking over at the commotion seeing Pinkie attempting to hit Rainbow and Fluttershy with a pillow while the both of them were fast asleep, “Now hold up,” She whispered getting to her feet and dragging Pinkie back to the couch placing her between Twilight and Sunset.

Pinkie looked slightly disappointed obviously trying to decide whether it would be worth attempting her prank on Rainbow again. But felt drawn into the conversation when Twilight mentioned her birthday was in a few weeks and she thought about having a party.

Applejack yawned, rolling her eyes at the scene and walked back over to where she was laying sitting down with her back leaning against the arm of the chair Rarity was occupying.

“Thanks for that Cowgirl,” Rarity sighed resting her hand on AJ’s head.

“It’s no trouble, but are you alright?”

“Hmm me, yes I'm quite alright,” The fashionista responded subconsciously beginning to massage the scalp of her friend.

Applejack sat silently confused by the massage all the while beginning to silently count down in her head. “Three, two, one.”

“It’s just strange how,” Rarity began in an almost silent tone moving closer to her friends’ ear to ensure no one would hear what she was about to say. “It’s just strange how when I try and give Fluttershy a little bit of a push in the right direction to winning the heart of her friend, she doesn’t seem very happy about it.”

“Well, Fluttershy as we know, has her own little safety bubble that she uses to try and keep out of situations that would be a little too much for her, maybe you’re putting too much pressure on that bubble and she’s worried you’re gonna go too far and burst it.”

“Oh Applejack you seem to always have the right answer,” Rarity sighed laying her head next to AJ’s beginning to feel guilty over what she had done.

“Nah I just say what I see and besides it was you who told me about Fluttershy and her bubble,”

Rarity gasped feeling guiltier than before, “How could I forget,” She groaned dramatically facepalming in typical Rarity fashion.

“You don’t mean to tell me you forgot?” Applejack asked her eyes closed and sleepy but her tone full of surprise.

“I… I’m a bad friend,” Rarity sulked, “Fluttershy told me how she felt, and I’ve only been worsening it. I just wanted to help.”

“Well from what I can see you’ve helped, but you did go a little too far, then again remind me about this bubble of hers as you call it.”

“I probably need reminding of it myself, well from the chat I had with her that one night about why she was so shy she told me that it was because she felt uncomfortable in a lot of situations. She doesn’t like being the focus of attention or crowds or just any kind of social pressure,” Rarity summarised.

“So that just reinforces you’ve been putting a lot of pressure on that bubble tonight,” Applejack concluded.

“Yeah, I’ll speak to her about it tomorrow I need to stop myself from meddling, it’s just she won't make any progress if she isn’t pushed out of her bubble, like I don’t wanna say I’m responsible for what they are doing now but,” Rarity sighed once more looking over at Fluttershy fast asleep with a smile on her face.

“I mean they are just sleeping it ain't like you’ve married them off,” Applejack gave a soft chuckle ensuring to keep her volume low. “But if what you say is true and Shy’s got a crush on Dash then she’s gonna need to come out of that bubble, they’ve been friends since they were kids, so she’ll need to do things she’s never done before to get Dash to see her in a new light.”

“That would actually be good advice AJ I didn’t realise you were such a love guru,” Rarity said her face showing both a stunned and impressed expression.

“Nah I’m just rambling I don’t even know what day it is,” The farm girl chuckled again her eyes glued shut from her need for sleep.

“Yeah it’s obviously late, we should get some sleep, goodnight AJ.” Rarity whispered closing her eyes awaiting a response but only receiving the sounds of Applejacks light snoring.

“So you’re saying you’ve never had a birthday party with your friends ever,” Pinkie gasped staring straight at Twilight.

“Well I suppose not, Cadence comes over, but I suppose she doesn’t count anymore,” Twilight went red with embarrassment.

“Do you even have parties on your birthday?” Sunset asked trying to flesh out the information they had.

“Not really, I just sort of go out for a meal with my family and my brother’s girlfriend,” Twilight began to worry as the two girls she was talking to were frowning.

“Pinkie I think we have a job to do,” Sunset smiled eagerly.

“We gotta make this the best birthday party ever, how else are we gonna make up for the lost ones,” Pinkie cheered throwing her hand out for a high five.

“I mean if you guys want, I’ll have to speak to my mom about you guys taking the reins she usually does the planning for me,” Twilight murmured, shushing the pair to not wake the sleeping inhabitants of the room.

“Well once she meets me the amazing party planner she’ll be begging for my help,” Pinkie beamed her confidence radiating onto the others.

Sunset smirked while raising her eyebrow in disbelief, “I’m sure it’ll go just like that Pinks.”

The three girls quietly laughed between each other with Twilight taking the opportunity to scope what the other members of their friend group were doing, with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash asleep on a chair along with Rarity sleeping on the other chair near Applejack.

“Gotta nip to the bathroom,” Pinkie announced waltzing herself away.

“Hey Twilight, is there something going on between those guys?” Sunset asked her voice almost silent as she signalled over to the other pairing of girls

“I um, don’t know, probably not,” Twilight blurted out taken aback by the question.

Sunset didn’t reply just simply smiled and nodded, “Do you maybe think it’s weird or wrong for people to you know,” She paused for a moment, “Have like feelings for someone your friends with.”

Twilight sat quietly for a moment thinking about the question, “I don’t think there would be an issue with it, but I can promise you I’m no expert on love and feelings, I’ve not really ever had a crush on anyone.”

“Hmm, maybe you’ve just not realised had a crush on them.” Sunset pondered staring right at Twilight.

“Weeeeeell I couldn’t help overhearing,” Pinkie piped up appearing from behind the couch, “Forming a relationship with your friend can be very risky business, while true it can lead to a blossoming and amazing relationship if it all goes sour you could potentially lose that friend forever.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound like a good thing at all, more like a gamble than anything,” Sunset deduced looking slightly disheartened.

“It’s a high risk, high reward kinda thing,” Pinkie nonchalantly responded sitting back down and instantly falling asleep snoring loudly.

“H.. How did she do that?” Twilight asked struggling to find any logic in what she had seen.

“It’s Pinkie sometimes it's better to not know the answer,” Sunset reasoned letting out a small laugh.

The two went quiet sitting alone together in the darkness the sounds of slumber being heard from multiple directions around them. A few minutes went by before Twilight slowly turned to see Sunset sitting beside her looking troubled,

“Are you alright?” She asked.

Sunsets stare broke her attention snapping onto Twilight, “Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking.”

“Was it about what Pinkie said,” Twilight deduced.

“Yeah but it’s nothing, I just hope none of our friend’s date and then fall out with each other, we could end up having to choose between one or the other, but anyway I’m gonna try and get some sleep, goodnight Twilly.”

Twilight hadn’t felt anxious about the secret she was harbouring before until now if Fluttershy achieves her goal and gets with Dash and then they fall out. She didn’t want to have to decide between which one to have as a friend she cared about all of them and could never pick one over the other.

“Twilight,” A familiar voice called, “Should anything like that ever happen just promise we can stay together as friends, I really like you and you might not realise it, but you’re a great friend.”

The bookworm looked to the source of the noise the flame-haired girl that was beginning to doze off, “I really like you too Sunset and I’m glad to have you all as my friends,” Twilight said with a smile giving the girl a hug before pulling away and finding a comfy place for herself to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hey, surprise there's another chapter posted almost straight after.
I wrote this because it felt nice to have as a separate chapter I mean just because Fluttershy has fallen asleep doesn't mean the rest of the girls did and I felt it was a good idea to sorta go over what they got up too.

I hope you like this smaller chapter I know I usually write much longer ones but I dunno it felt nice keeping it small, I'll probably do a few of these smaller style chapter in the future after events and thing where keeping it small feels better.
Sorry if you don't like the sudden change in length but it felt right :fluttershysad:

Thanks again for reading and feel free to leave me a comment I love interacting with you all, who knows I might even make a discord if it's in popular demand :derpytongue2: