• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,106 Views, 29 Comments

Never Let Me Go - Argenti Luna

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

  • ...

Chapter 9 : We Have To Stop Meeting Like This

“Good morning girls,” Fluttershy’s mother kindly greeted, signalling with her hand for the pair to come closer.

Fluttershy walked closer her eyebrow raised in confusion as to why Rainbow’s mother was here but remained polite enough to not stare. She stepped closer feeling herself become wrapped in her mother’s embrace.

“MOM!, What are you doing here,” Rainbow shouted stepping closer while rather dramatically flailing her arms about.

Fluttershy and her mother giggled as they witnessed the interaction between Rainbow and Windy.

“What, what are you doing here?” Rainbow blurted out to her much calmer mother.

“Well Sweetie I got your text last night saying how hanging out with your friends was amazing and you were much happier, sooo I decided to pay a visit to one of mine.” Windy Whistles replied taking a sip of her coffee.

“Text? I didn’t send a text,” The rainbow haired girl questioned her head tilting in confusion.

Fluttershy gasped loudly drawing the attention of everyone in the room causing her cheeks to turn red in embarrassment, “Um truth or dare rainbow,” she quietly squeaked out.

“Oooh the regal princess sent you that text,” Rainbow grumbled reaching into her phone to see the text for herself, it read.

*Hey Mom, it’s awesome hanging out with my friends I feel it’s been ages since I got to hang out with them, I miss it. Maybe you should try hanging with one of your friends tomorrow you’ll see what I mean. *

“Now you that you mention it, it doesn’t quite seem like how you would write a text, you shorten everything but either way send Rarity my thanks I’m rather enjoying my time here with my old friend.” Windy smiled kindly towards Fluttershy and her mother.

“You’re welcome anytime, it’s actually nice seeing you again,” Fluttershy’s mother said returning the smile and sitting down at the table across from her, “So you played truth or dare did you, anything fun happen.”

“Rarity and Applejack swapped pyjamas, you should have seen Rarity’s face it was hilarious,” The athlete burst into laughter as she recalled the event causing Fluttershy to softly laugh along.

“How about you pair,” Windy began, “Either of you end up doing something crazy.”

“Oh, Rainbow had to take her socks off with her teeth,” Fluttershy pointing out taking a seat at the table.

“Don’t forget you had to sit on my lap,” Rainbow laughed.

Fluttershy’s face turned red as both their mothers looked directly at them with a cheesy grin on their faces causing Fluttershy’s already tinted red cheeks to turn a crimson red, sinking lower in her chair out of embarrassment.

“I wondered why you smelt of lavender and strawberries.” Windy Whistles mentioned taking a sip of her coffee.

“Ahh, a bit of Fluttershy’s perfume must have rubbed off onto your clothes,” The shy girl’s mother said taking a sip from her own coffee.”

“Well I mean it’s from that or when we slept together,” Dash reasoned.

In unison, both mothers’ eyes widened at the sentence spitting out there coffee in shock and looking directly at their own daughters.

“You what?” Fluttershy’s mother asked

Rainbow looked at the two adults slightly confused at the response before looking to her side witnessing Fluttershy now burning red cheeks with her hands covering her eyes in a sort of embarrassed facepalm. “What we fell asleep under her blanket on the same chair?”

“Oh… Oh,” The two mothers awkwardly looked at each embarrassed that they jumped to such conclusions.

“Hey um Fluttershy maybe you should show Rainbow you’re room it’s been a while since she’s been here.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea it has to have been a few months or maybe even more,” Windy added.

“O... Okay,” Fluttershy nodded getting up.

“Yeah it’s been far too long I almost lost you as a friend, no thanks to dad,” The athletic teen growled getting up and following her shy friend out the room.

“Ugh and just when the conversation had turned away from Bow,” Windy sighed leaning into her hand.

“It’ obviously a concern for both you and your daughter,” Fluttershy’s mother kindly responded placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Rainbow lay down on the freshly made bed watching as Fluttershy continued to put the rest of the belongings she had taken with her to the sleepover away, gently removing a few items of clothing and neatly putting them away in her drawers.

“I’ve got some space in my closet if you have any clothes you wanna hang up?” Fluttershy sheepishly asked.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to hang up a few of my things if you really don’t mind,”

“It’s okay I don’t mind, really.”

Rainbow Dash sat up and walked over towards her sports bag pulling out a handful of T-shirts and a jacket, messily cramming them into the closet showing far less compassion or care than her animal loving friend had.

Fluttershy watched awkwardly, not really sure what she should do to keep her friend entertained.

“That’ll do,” The athlete announced satisfied with the condition of her clothes, throwing herself back onto Fluttershy’s bed kicking her feet up in the air and staring at the ceiling.

The pink-haired girl rolled her eyes at the fact Rainbow had left her closet door open and walked over to close it, her eyes catching on the mess her friend had left behind, she quickly went to work correcting the mistake and folding the clothes into a neat pile before completing her original aim and shutting the closet door, finding a seat at the end of her bed.

Rainbow was lost in thought for a moment, her mind racing over the upcoming sports season before a noise came from the girl sat at the end of the bed. The shy and quiet girl she knew was quite possibly yawning in the most adorable way she’d ever heard feeling her heart melt at the sweetness.

“Dude that was like a puppy’s yawn,”

“Huh, what,” Fluttershy called her head snapping to look in the direction of her lounging friend.

“You just yawned, you sounded like a puppy,”

“O… oh is that ba,” Fluttershy began.

“It was adorable.” Rainbow cut in knowing that Fluttershy was going to self-defeat herself before she cut her off.

Fluttershy looked away her cheek’s red with blush.

“So dude, you’ve got me till tomorrow what do you wanna do,” The rainbow-haired girl asked.

“I don’t mind we can do whatever you want,” Fluttershy replied innocently while her blush intensified as her mind raced at all the things she’d like to do.

“What about that animal game we used to play when we’d have sleepovers, you still got that?”

“You mean Animal forest explorers, the game that’s like mousetrap?” The shy girl asked getting up and disappearing under her bed before returning with a box in her hand.

“Yeah that’s the one, you used to make me play it for hours when we were little,” Rainbow said with a smile sitting up and making space for the game.

Fluttershy sat across from her friend attempting to place the board down realising there wasn’t enough space on the bed to sit facing each other with the board between them.

“Scoot around here and it can fit where you’re sitting.” The athletic friend suggested.

Fluttershy nodded sliding over and sitting beside Rainbow setting the game down in front of them on the board.

“Should I go over the rules,” The shy girl asked.

“Nah I remember I used to always beat you at this so I shouldn’t have a problem,” Dash cockily cooed, “So youngest first?”

“I mean you’re only younger by like a month or two but that’s fine by me.”

“Awesome,” Dash cheered grabbing the dice and rolling it out across the board to begin the game

“Best three out of five,” Dash contested staring straight at her giggling friend.

“Dash, I’ve won twice in a row do you really think you could beat me,” Fluttershy teased.

“I’m Rainbow Dash I always get the win in the end,” She proudly announced placing her hands on her hips and posing like a hero.

“Maybe next time,” Fluttershy teased prodding at the athlete’s stomach.

“Hey, stop that it tickles,” The rainbow-haired girl said trying to hide the smile forming on her face.

“Stop what,” Fluttershy giggled repeatedly prodding at her stomach and waist.

“I said stop,” Is all Rainbow managed to squeak out between the fits of giggles her friend was putting her under.

“O…okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you,” Fluttershy said her tone returning to her typical meek one.

Rainbow watched as the smile disappeared from Fluttershy’s face as she hid it under her hair avoiding eye contact with her friend.

“No shy I didn’t mean like stop everything, we were only having fun I’m not mad,” Rainbow kindly spoke almost forgetting her tough girl attitude.

“I’m sorry.”

“Shy I said it’s alright this is why I liked it so much when we used to hang out together all the time way back then, you used to be so much more relaxed with me and only tense up when we were around others and strangers.” Rainbow’s eyes widened a frown appearing in place of her smile. “Has it been that long, are we now basically strangers.”

“No, we’re still friends I just… I don’t know,” The shy girl said exhaling a sigh. “It’s just been a while.”

“It’s been too long, and I’m gonna make damm sure what happened doesn’t happen again. Besides I forgot how awesome it could be hanging out with you all.” Rainbow said eagerly fist-pumping the air.

“You mean it?” Fluttershy questioned brushing her hair to the side her eyes glowing with pure joy.

“For sure, from here on out Dash is no longer all about sports her friends are just as important, no matter what my dad says.”

Fluttershy had a big smile on her face and was looking straight up at the now standing Rainbow Dash. They looked at each other in silence feeling nothing but the air around and between them, A small blush came across Fluttershy’s face causing her to quickly look down breaking the hold.

There was an awkward silence Fluttershy was silently scolding herself, “How could I have let myself blush now she’s gonna think I’m weird.”

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was looking rather smug, “Typical Shy, getting embarrassed over the simplest things.”

There was another awkward pause that probably could have lasted forever had Fluttershy’s stomach not growled.

“Sounds like you’ve got something to say,” Rainbow giggled.

“I guess I haven’t eaten anything today,” The Shy girl replied

“You didn’t have anything this morning either?”

“I didn’t wanna impose on Sunset,” Fluttershy guiltily answered.

“Nah neither did I, wanna go get something?”

“Sure I’d love too,”

“RAINBOW DASH, COME DOWN I’M GOING NOW!” Windy Whistles voice yelled out from downstairs.

The two girls headed out of Fluttershy’s room and towards the source of her voice.

“Oh Fluttershy you didn’t have to come as well,” Windy said a sweet smile on her face.

“I was told its polite to see guests off,” Fluttershy meekly responded.

“You’ve raised her well,” Windy complimented towards Honey, (Fluttershy’s mother) causing the shy teen to blush out of embarrassment. “Anyway Rainbow I called you down to say I’m heading home and wondered if you wanted to come back with me.”

Fluttershy’s heart sank, the last thing she wanted was for Rainbow to leave she’d finally gotten her to herself and she could potentially be lost in a few moments.

“I was kinda hoping I’d be able to stay a little longer,” Dash turned to look at Fluttershy’s mother, “If that’s okay with you Mrs. Shy.”

“Yes dear I don’t mind so you can stay as long as you like, unless Fluttershy here disapproves.” Fluttershy’s mother answered with her familiar kind smile.

Fluttershy’s cheeks blushed red, “Oh no I don’t mind at all.”

“Well I suppose it’s settled then I’m abandoning you here.” Windy teased laughing to herself.

“I can handle myself Mom, don’t worry.” Dash proudly assured.

“I know you can sweetie, but don’t be too rough with Fluttershy she’s not as tough as you she’s gentle like a lady should be.” She continued to tease.

“What’s that supposed to mean,” Rainbow said in a fluster her cheeks turning red.

“I’m saying behave yourself, you can get a little carried away and competitive, I don’t need an angry phone call about how you scared her over a game of scrabble,” Windy’s face dropped a tone of seriousness in her voice.

“It’ll be fine Mom I’ve hung around with Fluttershy countless times when we were little.”

“I know Sweetie I just worry; you know I’ve always been fond of Fluttershy I remember when you used to be such best friends. So it makes me happy to know you still get along.”

“We’re still best friends’ mom and of course we get along,” Rainbow said still assuring her mother she wouldn’t embarrass herself.

“Anyway I’d best be off, call me if you need anything dropping off, I’ll take any excuse to visit a friend of my own and it’ll get me out of your fathers’ way. Oh, speaking of your father I’ll try and keep him off your back so you can enjoy the peace and quiet.”

A smile grew on Rainbows face as she leaned forward embracing her mother, they shared their goodbyes and waved as she got into her car and drove away leaving the three left stood in the doorway.

“So you girls got any plans?” Fluttershy’s mother asked.

“We were actually gonna head to the mall and grab a bite to eat,” Rainbow replied.

“Ahh well in that case,” Fluttershy’s mother said heading into the kitchen and returning with her purse, holding a note out for Fluttershy, “You’ll need this.”

“Oh I don’t mind paying Mrs Shy,” Rainbow honestly said attempting to refuse the money.

“Nonsense take it, it’s been so long since you hung out together you deserve to have a good time get yourselves some ice cream or something.” The older lady said with that same kind smile.

“Thanks Mom,” Fluttershy said meekly accepting the money and putting into her own purse.

“Now go on you girls have a nice time and be back before its dark and remember Fluttershy we’ve got a show on later so if Rainbow is staying over she’ll have to watch it with us or entertain herself as I’m not missing it.”

“You mean it’s okay if I stay over?” Dash said a mix of excitement and wonder in her voice.

“Of course, of course, it’s perfectly fine I’ll have Zephyr get the air bed out for you with some blankets.”

“Thank you,” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile. “Well come on Shy we better get going.”

Fluttershy and her mother exchanged their goodbyes, giving each other a hug, ensuring to lecture the pair about the importance of road safety and not talking to strangers, before ushering them out the door and on their way.

The two girls walked together to the Canterlot City mall; their sights being set on the food court.

“You know purple looks really good on you, but I can’t quite find the right shade, what do you think Mrs Sparkle,” Rarity said scanning her eyes up and down her bookworm friend as she handed her accessory after accessory.

“Purple is definitely her colour and I’ve told you Rarity it’s okay to call me Velvet.” The bookworms mother said politely, “You know Twilight I’m glad your friend has come along I’d be hopeless without her, she’s got such a keen eye for fashion.”

“Don’t sell yourself so short,” Rarity argued, “That outfit you’re wearing looks perfect on you.”

“Guys!, I thought we were here to get a scarf why am I now trying on shirts?” Twilight asked looking at the pile of clothes and accessories in their shopping basket.

“Well,” Rarity paused realising just the extent they were going too, “I thought you could maybe do with a new outfit too.”

“Rarity I’m fine really I’ve got clothes, and besides this will cost a lot more money than the scarf alone,” Twilight theorised trying to sway her into stopping the shopping spree.

“Its fine Twilight, I want you to have a few fashionable outfits, you might wanna look particularly nice for someone at some point and with the help of Rarity these few outfits will ensure that.” Velvet said while tapping Rarity on the shoulder to notify this would be the last one.

“She’s right, someone might catch your eye and with these, you can make yourself look simply divine for them.” Rarity cheered her eyes glowing with excitement.

“But there’s no one like that?” Twilight said crushing Rarity’s hopes.

“Anyway I think we’ve done enough shopping for today, why don’t you girls go decide what you want for lunch from the food court downstairs and I’ll pay for these and head down and meet you.” Velvet directed heading off in the direction of the checkout.

The fashionista and bookworm headed out of the shop and into the main area of the mall, standing on the upper floor being able to look over the balcony at the lower level, below them was a variety of stores from fabrics to bookstores, sportswear shops and pet shops, the Canterlot mall had pretty much everything you could ever need. Including an entire area dedicated to food. The girl’s eyes followed their noses having their sights drawn to an area below where food stalls stood selling all kinds of foods from sweet to savoury and a rather commendable variation of cultures.

“Just look at that display of delicious foods and confectionery couldn’t you just soak it all in,” Rarity commented her eyes catching on a suspicious head of hair before it disappeared out of sight. Twilight did you see that?” Rarity’s eyes kept scanning the area before realising she hadn’t gotten a response, “Um Twilight?” The purple-haired girl called out again waving her hands in front of her face to draw her attention.


“No it didn’t look like Sunsets it was pinker,” Rarity said confused as to how she could have gotten the hair colours of her friends mixed up.

“No look Sunset,” Twilight extended her arm pointing towards a figure riding down the escalator to the lower level her flame-red hair tied up in a bun with earphones in her ears.

“Oh, so it is,” Rarity concluded turning back to Twilight to find her gone, “Twilight?” The fashionista called out throwing her head either side before spotting her missing friend quickly heading towards the escalator in hot pursuit of their friend. Her eyes locked onto the space between them. She let out a sigh and slowly began to make her way after her nerdy friend, all the while scoping around the area adamant she’d seen a familiar face before.

Twilight was rushing her way down the escalator reaching the bottom and taking a few steps reaching her arm forward and placing it on her shoulder.

Sunset turned her head her eyebrows raised in surprise as she lay her eyes on the aspiring scientist before her, “Twilight, what are you doing here?”

“I’m shopping with my mom and Rarity, what are you doing here?”

“Me? I was just picking up this new game that came out, oh did you say your mom and Rarity are here, that’s cool.” Sunset replied raising the shopping bag in her hand to express what she was saying.

“Yeah they’ve been dragging me through all sorts of shops, we only came here for a scarf now I’ve got half a wardrobe.”

“I was about to head home, but I can hang with you guys if you are sticking around,” Sunset said pushing a few buttons on her phone as she took out her earphones.

“I mean we were about to get some lunch I doubt they’d have any issue with you joining,” Twilight said her smile showing pure innocence.

“You sure they wouldn’t mind?”

“We wouldn’t mind at all,” two voices said in unison as Twilight and Sunset turned to see Rarity and Twilight’s mother stepping closer to them.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Sunset said a smirk peaking her lips.

“Why don’t you three go grab us a table and I’ll go check out the Thai place Rarity was telling me about on our way over to you, oh and don’t worry Sunset I’ll get something for you too.” Velvet announced passing the bag she was holding to Twilight for safekeeping.

“Oh Ms Sparkle you really don’t have too I don’t mind sorting myself out I’m kinda used to it,” Sunset contested her face turning red with embarrassment.

“Nonsense my dear I couldn’t leave you out it wouldn’t be fair and besides you are a friend of my daughters so you’re a friend of mine.” Velvet argued standing her ground on the matter.

“Well only if you insist and even after you buy I don’t mind giving you the money.”

“You’re very sweet dear but it’s fine don’t worry.” And with that Twilight Velvet was walking away leaving the three girls to find a seat.

“Follow me darlings I spied the perfect spot from above,” Rarity called as she began to walk to her destination.

Sunset and Twilight both looked at the fashionista so focused on leading the way that she wasn’t aware she was leaving them behind, the two girls turned to each other laughing before running to catch up.

“There you go Shy,” Dash said grinning to herself as she handed a vanilla ice cream cone to Fluttershy.

“Oh how did you know I’d ask for this,” Shy said raising an eyebrow.

“Because it’s what you always used to ask for when your mom was buying us ice creams when we were small, and for how much you’ve changed since we were kids some things always stay the same,” Dash responded with a bold smile proud of her accomplishment.

“So let me guess you got strawberry?”

“Like I’d get anything else,” She answered revealing her iced treat as she sat down.

“Maybe you’ve not changed as much as I thought,” Shy said with a weak smile.

“Well let’s hope the only changes make us more awesome,” Dash said eagerly.

“I’d like that.”

The two laughed together as friends, only stopping to take another mouthful of ice cream.

“Hey, I didn’t know Rarity was gonna be here today,” Dash wondered aloud shocking the meeker girl into choking on her spoonful of ice cream.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy coughed while tapping her chest.

“Yeah she’s actually coming this way, hey Sunset and Twilight are with her.”

“Fluttershy’s face turned red, hanging out alone with Rainbow Dash. Rarity would never stop asking her and teasing her about this.

“Well hello you two,” Rarity said in a typical dramatic sense, “Fancy meeting you pair here.”

“I could same the same about you three,” Dash returned.

“Well me and Twilight here were shopping with her mother and then we found Sunset only recently, frankly I’m just waiting for Pinkie Pie to jump out of a bush somewhere,” Rarity joked earning a chuckle from Sunset.

“Don’t say that the last thing I want is confetti in my ice cream,” Dash groaned.

“What’s wrong with confetti in your ice cream,” Came a sudden energetic voice.

“No way, Pinkie is actually here.” Dash spluttered her dropped as she looked for the suspected Pinkie Pie.

“Um… Dash that was me, Pinkie is working today it’s why Applejack left early with her.” Twilight laughed

“You almost had me fooled then,” Sunset jested nudging Twilight in the shoulder.

“Alas we’re interrupting, Fluttershy we must speak later I’ve got a few things I wanna speak to you about,” Rarity began to announce, “Besides, I’m rather looking forward to a bite to eat.”

Fluttershy simply nodded shooting the other two girls a smile before gently taking another spoon of ice cream into her mouth.

“Have fun you two, and hey shoot us a text if you go to like the arcade or something,” Sunset added once again having to walk after the fashionista.

The athlete and animal lover were left to themselves looking at each other rather bewildered over what had happened, “You know I'm surprised Rarity didn’t stick around,” Rainbow said curiously rubbing at her chin.

“Nothing can stop Rarity from getting food when she’s hungry, well maybe besides a crowd of fancy people,” Fluttershy replied.

“But hey maybe Sunset was onto something wanna hit up the arcade for a bit when we finish this,” Rainbow asked secretly hoping the meek girl would agree.

“I don’t mind, I’m just happy to hang out with you.”

“Suppose it’s settled then.”

Meanwhile across the other side of the food court Rarity was rhythmically tapping her nails against the table her eyes shifting from Twilight’s mother to Rainbow and Fluttershy, The area they were sitting had been handpicked by Rarity meaning it was as glamorous as it could be, they were sat right at the edge of the court near a large window that opened up into a garden centre with rows and rows of beautiful flowers and plants producing colours that rivalled even Rainbow’s hair.

“You alright Rarity you look a little shifty,” Sunset asked offering a worried glance to Twilight.

Rarity’s eyes flickered to the call of her name her attention snapping to the table, “Oh yes sorry darling, my mind was wandering it all.”

“It’s nice that they are hanging out together, kinda like us,” Twilight added sparking the conversation.

“Yeah it’s pretty convenient I met both you guys and them, and hey I got to hang out with you pair,” Sunset smiled enjoying the company of her friends.

“I know right,” Twilight added, “I love being able to hang out with you guys, as Rainbow Dash would say, It’s awesome.”

“I too enjoy your company, and I must say shopping with you has given me a huge boon for aiding in the design of your dress.” Rarity said deciding to join in on the conversation.

“My dress?” Twilight asked her eyebrow-raising.

“Yes your dress, I have told you all I’m making your dresses for the Christmas ball right?” Rarity asked a tinge of worry in her voice.

The two girls shrugged and shook their heads.

“Is that what you meant when you were talking to Applejack about measurements and dresses?” Twilight asked.

Rarity’s face fell into her hands as she let out a loud groan, which came as quite a surprise to the now returning Twilight Velvet.

“Is everything all right Rarity,” She asked kindly, placing four cups of Thai noodles on the table.

Rarity shot up, the aroma of food breaking her mourning, “Yes I simply forgot to tell everyone something important.”

“And what might that be?” Velvet asked sliding into a seat beside Rarity, facing her daughter who was sat beside Sunset.

“I forgot to tell everyone I was making their dresses for the Christmas ball.” She groaned again feeling the urge slap her own write to punish her forgetfulness.

“Well, you’ve just told us,” Twilight cut in.

“Yeah and Applejack already knows so all you gotta do is tell Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie and you’re all good,” Sunset added.

“Fluttershy already knows,” Rarity replied as she took a forkful of noodles into her mouth.

“Then that’s like half of us already, what you so worried for anyway?” Sunset asked.

“I… I don’t know I’ve got time, measurements everything I’d need.” She sighed, “But no ideas.”

“You’ll figure it out Rarity, maybe treat it like one of my books and just go for it,” Twilight suggested looking to Sunset for help.

“Maybe go from the drawing board, see what you’ve done in the past, like ideas and creation wise and just start throwing stuff together see what works,” Sunset added looking back at Twilight hoping she’d done enough.

Rarity’s fist slammed down on the table, “You’re absolutely right,” there was a fiery passion burning in her eyes that made the appearance of Sunsets hair look cold.

“I like that passion,” Came a tomboyish voice as an extroverted Rainbow Dash approached the table, behind her an introverted Fluttershy.

“Why thank you Rainbow Dash, it seems I’ve found my spark for the winter ball dresses,”

“Yeah Fluttershy mentioned something about that earlier, I know you’ll work wonders.”

“Are there more of your friends, Twilight?” Velvet asked curiously.

“Yeah this is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy,” Twilight said proudly.

Rainbow threw up a peace sign a smug expression on her face, while the much shyer girl squeaked out a quiet hello.

“I’m sure I can figure out which one is which,” Velvet chuckled lightly.

“Sorry for disturbing you,” Fluttershy said her head peering out from behind Rainbow.

“Yeah sorry, just came to let you know we’re gonna hang in the arcade before we leave so feel free to meet us there in a bit if you fancy it.

Everyone was stood around Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer, they were playing street crisis 4 and had managed to get onto a level no one had seen before, even Velvet who had no attachment to the game realised by the reactions of the five friends this was an impressive feat.

“You know it’s a shame the others aren’t here,” Fluttershy said her eyes glued onto the game.

“Hmm that’s a good point,” Rarity replied flicking through her phone, “Okay Pinkie will be here before you know it and Applejack is about 20 minutes away,”

“What?” Twilight said her attention being stolen from the game.

“I simply invited our other friends; I mean why leave them out.” Rarity reasoned flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“Hey, looks like someone noticed you,” Twilight pointed out nudging Rarity to look to the other side of the arcade.

Rarity looked across to where the bookworm was pointing where a boy could be seen looking over at Rarity quickly looking away once he’d been seen. “It’s not the first time I’ve had an admirer darling. When one is as well dressed as I, it's guaranteed to happen.”

“Does being modest come with the outfit,” Rainbow sarcastically joked causing Fluttershy and Sunset to snicker.

Rarity simply rolled her eyes waving down the new completely Pink arrival, “Good afternoon, I see you’re wearing Pink.”

“I always wear Pink silly,” Pinkie Pie giggled pushing dashing over, “I see the news it true you really are on level six.”

“You bet ya we are, me and Rainbow are on fire,” Sunset smugly said earning a smirk from Rainbow Dash.

“Well let’s put you out before you burn,” Pinkie chortled emulating the action of throwing a bucket full of water onto them.

“Can’t stop this run,” Rainbow announced.

“You’re gonna jinx us man,” Sunset groaned lightly punching Rainbow in the arm.

“I believe in you Rainbow woo.” Fluttershy quietly cheered.

“See even Flutters has our back,” Rainbow laughed throwing a thumbs up to the shy friend behind her.

The two girls carried on with their game their spectators standing in awe as they moved through level after level having gotten further than anyone else they knew to this point.

“I swear we’ve been trying to beat this game for four years,” Pinkie said giddily.

“Rainbow didn’t you and AJ almost fail a test one year because you were too busy trying to beat this thing,” Rarity added teasing Rainbow Dash

“Why don’t you ask her yourself,” Twilight interjected pointing to the door, where an approaching cowgirl could be seen.

“Applejack you made it,” Rarity cheered running rather eagerly over to her friend.

“Well o’ course I made it; I couldn’t miss the chance of us finally beating this thing.” She replied giving an approving look towards the two girls now advancing on the 8th level.

Velvet disappeared returning with a coffee and taking a seat at one of the nearby tables not really interested in the game all that much but decided it best to not crush the teenager’s enthusiasm. After all, she was just happy to see her daughter interacting with her friends.

As the girls progressed level after level getting deeper into the game than ever before a crowd began to appear around them all with eager eyes to see what could be fine in the depths of the game. Fluttershy had been pushed from the front to the back with a group of much taller boys blocking her vision, she tried to squeeze through a gap hoping to get a glimpse at her friend but to no avail. She sighed mentally giving up and wandered over to where Velvet was sitting. She was surprised to see Rarity and Twilight already sat down alongside her.

“I see it was getting a little too much for you too,” Rarity greeted, giving a small wave.

“I'm surprised you lasted longer than us,” Twilight added.

“I guess I was too distracted to notice,” Fluttershy replied taking a seat beside the fashionista.

“Or maybe by someone else,” Rarity teased sticking out her tongue.

“I thought I sensed something,” Velvet pondered aloud, “Did I say that out loud,” She added her face turning red with embarrassment.

“Mom! You’re meant to embarrass me not my friends,” Twilight growled.

“It was an accident, I apologise Fluttershy truly.”

“It’s okay, no harm done. Really.” The Shy girl replied a compassionate smile on her face.

The four continued chatting when a collective groan was heard.

“Damm we almost got to the final boss, ahh well suppose we’ll have to try again another time ay Sunset,” Dash said smiling at her teammate.

The two fist-bumped smirking as they stepped away from the machine, a ruckus beginning to form in the gathered crowd.

“I can’t believe you lost to that when you got so far.”

“What a waste of time.”

“You both suck.”

“Y’all wanna put your money where you’re mouth is,” A familiar voice with a farmer accent called out.

“Oh yeah got something to say barnyard.”

Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity jumped to their feet knowing exactly who it was.

“Run that one by me again I dare ya,” Applejack said pushing a boy who was getting into her personal space away.

“I think that’s enough, I suggest we all go our own ways,” Rarity growled getting between the pair and holding them apart.

“Get your prissy girlfriend out the way,” The roguish teen hissed as he cracked his knuckles.

“I suggest you all leave now,” A commanding voice demanded as the crowd turned to see Twilight Velvet stood with her arms crossed.

“Stay out of this grandma,” The boy said the venom still on his tongue.

Rainbow Dash and Sunset had moved to stand beside Applejack pulling Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity behind them. The situation was looking dire, Pinkie had slipped into the group behind the much tougher girls, no doubt waiting for her chance to jump out.

“I believe the lady asked you to leave,” A much more commanding voice came now striking fear into the hearts of everyone, “Don’t make me ask again.”

Everyone’s eyes shifted to the tall male stood to the side of them all, looking like he’d be able to easily topple all of them combined. The gang of riled teens dispersed fleeing the arcade leaving only our seven friends and Velvet stood in the doorway. Applejack stepped forward and giving him a short hug, “Big Mac? What are you doing here? I thought you had something you needed to do today.”

Big Mac simply nodded, giving the girls a wave before walking away.

“A man of few words,” Velvet said watching as he walked away.

“That’s Applejacks brother, and yeah I’ve never him say anything more than yes or no,” Twilight said almost shocked at the revelation.

“Well, that situation turned sour rather quickly,” Rarity spoke up trying to break the ice.

“Yes I must thank you for taking my daughter into your protection, she’s picked some good friends,” Velvet added a kind tone in her voice although her eyes looked worried.

“Well shucks it ain't no big deal, I ain't about to let any of my friends get hurt,” The cowgirl proudly announced as Rainbow Dash cheered in agreement.

“How about we try something we can all get involved with this time,” Pinkie said rubbing her hands together evilly,

“I think it’s time we went home.” Velvet contested looking at everyone with a motherly gaze.

“Perhaps so, I’ve had enough excitement for one day,” Rarity added checking her hair in her pocket mirror.

“Oh and don’t worry girls, I know you’re not in the wrong those were just a bunch of ruffians.” Velvet smiled an honest smile putting the friend’s minds at ease. “But you better try harder to diffuse it next time.”

The group all nodded making small talk between themselves as they walked to the front entrance of the mall and out into the car park.

“Applejack darling, could you do me a favour and swing round by my house later. I’m rather hopeless at fixing my car and remember you saying you’ve done all sorts with your truck.”

The farm girl thought for a moment pulling a face when she knew she’d have to say no, “Shucks Rarity, I’m gonna be busy later dealing with the harvest, but I could pop round tomorrow to take a look at it if you can wait that long?”

“Yes, yes that’ll be fine, thank you.”

The girls all split off with Pinkie joining Applejack in her truck since her home was on the way, with Rarity heading with Twilight and her mother to their own vehicle.

“So I’d better get a move on, got a bus to catch,” Sunset said giving the remaining pair a wave as she dashed over to an approaching bus.

“Well that leaves just us, wanna start heading back, we’ve been gone a few hours,” Rainbow said turning to the Shy girl beside her.

Fluttershy simply nodded taking a step closer to Rainbow Dash as they began to walk together.

Author's Note:

Hey Sorry, it's been like a month plus, you probably noticed a few changes like the title and such.

When I was going through the story fixing all the grammar and making characters flow and act like each other more I kinda found the story's direction so it's all good. Not much has changed in the prior chapter other than a few tiny things so if you don't go back and read the older chapters you won't have missed anything much.

As always leave me your thoughts I'm more than happy to hear your criticisms and ideas :derpytongue2: