• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,094 Views, 29 Comments

Never Let Me Go - Argenti Luna

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

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Chapter 12 : She Shoots. She Scores

The fashionista drifted through the school halls, eyeing up the other students that passed her by, each one being defined by their style and fashion, Rarity found it to be a refreshing sight especially since a few of them had sought her out personally so they could request the perfect outfit for themselves. Rarity loved seeing people who looked happy while looking good, with each outfit she admired her head sparked with potential ideas and how she could improve each and every one of them. Not that they needed improving it was just a habit Rarity had developed, everything needed to be perfect, not a feather or sequin out of place. Applejack had called it a problem, but the only problem Rarity saw was that she could never make herself look perfect, only those around her.

Rarity entered into the cafeteria heading over to where two of her friends had gathered, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. She approached the table pulling out a seat and dusting it off before she sat down, “Greetings girls, how are you all?” She got no response; Twilight had her head buried into a book which was a very common sight but what came as a shock was Pinkie’s absence of a response.

“Girls!” Rarity called much louder, seizing the attention of the two sitting around her, “How are things going?”

“Oh things are going great this book my brother’s fiancé got me is fantastic,” Twilight answered with a smile.

“My bad, I was just soooo bored when Twilight wasn’t talking to me, so I zoned out on this game,” Pinkie added, turning back to the game on her phone.

“Well I’m getting nothing from you,” Rarity said sarcastically, turning away from the already zoned out party girl, “So Twilight how’s the book?”

“It’s amazing, It’s all about stellar astrophysics and….” Twilight began to drone on her eyes wide with ambition, the words sounding foreign as they reached the fashionista’s ears.

“That sounds simply fascinating, I can see why you are reading it.”

“You’re more than welcome to borrow it when I’m finished so you can read it,” The aspiring scientist spoke as her eyes went back to absorbing all the information the book had to offer.

“That’s very kind of you, but science is more your thing, I’m so wrapped up in my work I doubt I’d have the time to read it. Thank you for the very generous offer though however.” Rarity kindly declined with a smile. She exhaled loudly relieved to have escaped having to read a book when her eyes were drawn to a girl on the opposite side of the cafeteria helping carry some boxes into the kitchen. “I’ll be just a minute girls,” She announced as she stood up and headed over towards the gap between the kitchen and the dining area leaning over the empty steel trays where the food was usually displayed. Her eyes watched as her cowgirl friend was walking around unaware she was being watched as she brought boxes inside for her Granny.

“Seems we got a peeping Tom,” Granny Smith called, tapping Applejack on her shoulder, “Aint that one of yer friends or somethin’.”

Applejack stood up turning around with an apple in her mouth to see Rarity leaning over the counter and staring at her, “Ra…Rarity?” Applejack asked, the apple dropping from her mouth and into her hand.

“In the flesh darling, I thought I spied you and came to check it out.” Rarity admitted leaning onto the counter and resting her head in her hands.

“I was jus’ helping Granny here bring in the morning supplies for lunch,” Applejack said blushing lightly as her older brother pushed a box into her hands.

“Well, that’s very sweet of you, always helping out when you can. It’s something a lady can admire, feel free to join us at the table when you’ve finished, but be warned neither of them are talking.”

Applejack chuckled, “Lemme guess one’s got a book and the other one is Fluttershy being, well shy.”

“You are correct with Twilight but the other is Pinkie Pie, she’s got her face glued to her phone on some game.”

“Damm Pinkie ain't talking, what a treat.” Applejack jested as she stuck out her tongue.

“Don’t be rude now, farm girl,” Rarity teased as she stepped away from the counter and headed back to the girls at the table.

It didn’t take long for Applejack to join them, finding it equally difficult to gauge the attention of those keeping Rarity company, “Damm they’re really hooked,” She laughed.

“I told you, and if you get Twilight’s attention expect to be taught astrophysics,” Rarity joked.

“Who wants to learn about astrophysics?” Twilight asked eagerly looking around the table causing Rarity and Applejack to burst into laughter.

“You know I don’t think we’ve got all that much time, I swear the bell is gonna ring any minute,” Applejack reasoned looking down at her watch.

“Well then let’s use the time we…” She was immediately cut off by the ringing of the school bell symbolising the start of the school day, Rarity’s face fell, she was unamused by the situation only getting more irritated as the sound of Applejack’s chuckling reached her ears.

“Time for class, see you all at lunch,” Pinkie said skipping out of the cafeteria.

“Come on brainiac we’ve got our first class together,” Applejack teased pulling the book from Twilight’s hand to snap her out of the reading trance.

“Fine, fine, just give me my book back,” Twilight moaned puffing her cheeks up in frustration.

“Hey has anyone seen Fluttershy? She’s usually in before now,” Rarity asked as she pulled the book from the farm girls grasp and handed it back to Twilight. Both girls shook their head in response, looking rather concerned.

“She’s probably just late or with Rainbow Dash,” Twilight deduced as the three walked to their respected classes.

Rarity’s class was in full swing as the teacher began discussing the native villages of the rainforests, Rarity groaned to herself, she hated Geography. Her mind wandered down to her blank page as she scribbled down a few notes before moving her pen towards her notebook, she began sketching ideas from her mind down onto the page planning the dress she was intending to create for Rainbow Dash, it had to be perfect and fit her perfectly. She thought for a minute before her mind landed on Fluttershy, Fluttershy would know exactly what Rainbow would want. She looked down at a phone and subtly attempted to text her missing friend when her phone began to ring out in her hand startling her into dropping it onto the floor. The whole classrooms eyes fell onto Rarity as she awkwardly picked up her phone.

“Excuse me this is really important can I nip outside and answer this?” Rarity asked the teacher earning her a nod and being told she can have five minutes.

Rarity quickly hurried out of the classroom and placed the phone to her ears, “Fluttershy where are you? I’ve been worried sick you’ve texted good morning by now if we don’t see each other before class.”

“Hi Rarity, it’s Fluttershy’s mother,”

“Mrs Shy, is everything okay?” Rarity asked panic growing in her voice.

“Well yes and no, Fluttershy got into a little accident earlier and now she’s in the hospital, she was adamant I couldn’t tell Rainbow Dash for some reason but when I mentioned that her friends will worry she said I should inform you.”

“Never mind us, is she going to be okay, what’s wrong?”

“She fell into frozen water this morning and thankfully was quickly rescued, her body went into shock and so they’re keeping her here to make sure everything is fine, so far so good.”

“Oh the poor dear, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“I don’t think you are allowed to leave school just like that.” Honey interjected concern in her voice.

“Nonsense this is an emergency.” Rarity returned putting the phone down and heading back into class explaining how there was an emergency and she needed to leave immediately.

Fluttershy’s hospital room opened gently as a nurse with fair peach hair led a refined purple-haired woman into the room.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy weakly called out, “What are you doing here? You should be in school.”

“Nonsense darling I came as soon as I heard, I couldn’t let my best friend sit and suffer alone.” Rarity answered firmly walking over and handing Fluttershy a bouquet of an assortment of flowers.

“I’m not alone my mom’s with me,” Fluttershy interjected.

Fluttershy’s mother made a loud coughing noise to gain the fashionista’s attention before giving a small wave.

“Oh you know what I mean,” Rarity giggled, “You’ve got some extra company.”

Fluttershy smiled weakly, her eyes widening with fear as Rarity got even closer.

“What were you thinking! Why would you go jogging in such a dangerous place when the weather was how it was? I know it’s warmed up a bit now, but it was freezing this morning.”

“I’ve already been through this, you’ll get the same response as me,” Honey called as she flicked through the pages of a magazine.

“It was a suggestion from Rainbow Dash for a way to help wake me up in the morning.”

“That Rainbow Dash! I’ll be giving her an earful don’t you worry, such a silly idea not even a weather warning.”

Fluttershy felt herself shrink into the bed as she quietly attempted to interrupt, “She um… um… she warned me, but it was too late.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Nonsense I can’t have anyone hurting my best model.”

Fluttershy lightly giggled before a more serious tone returned to her face, “Please don’t tell Rainbow Dash I don’t want her to worry over me it’s not fair.”

“Darling she needs to know, you’re her friend after all. The others already know they’re coming after school.”

“But they have things they need to do, I’m not that important.” Fluttershy protested in an attempt to avoid the attention.

“Nonsense, you are our friend and we want to check up on you.” Rarity argued, a smile forming on her face at the meek girls defeated squeak.

Honey laughed from the corner of the room her face masked behind her hand as she signalled she was stepping out the room for a moment her phone pressed to her ear.

“Why don’t you want Rainbow Dash to know?” Rarity blankly asked getting straight to business.

“Because she’ll blame herself and I don’t wanna put that on her, I don’t even want her worrying over me it could throw her off her game.”


“And it’s all my fault anyway she’ll probably realise I’m just a klutz who can’t even walk in a straight line.” Fluttershy rambled her worries spewing out in words.

“Fluttershy,” Rarity persisted looking rather irritated by the lack of response she was getting.

“And then she’ll never wanna be my friend again because she got me hurt and it’s my fault and she feels bad so she can’t focus and loses the important game tomorrow.”

“FLUTTERSHY!” Rarity snapped earning an embarrassed nod from the shy girl herself.

“Ahem,” Rarity said aloud as she cleared her throat and regained her composure, “I’m going to tell Rainbow Dash.”

Fluttershy sighed and weakly smiled, nodding slowly as she watched Rarity grab her phone and step outside her company being replaced by her mother returning with a tray of rather distasteful looking hospital food.

Rainbow Dash was still blissfully unaware that her friend had succumbed to any danger this morning, she sat in her final class of the day twiddling her thumbs as she watched the seconds tick by till the end of the day. She restlessly began to count down the remaining thirty seconds having already prepared to leave at the moment the bell rang. *RING* “Right on cue,” Rainbow thought to herself and she got to her feet and slung her bag over her shoulder following the bustling crowd out of the classroom and into the corridor. Her destination was identical to every other night this week, the moment the bell rang she’d be expected out on the soccer field and tonight was no different. The athlete took a small detour cutting across a different corridor to catch Sunset Shimmer as she headed out of class so they could walk together.

“Out on the bell I see,” Sunset remarked seeing the approaching athlete.

“I see you weren’t,” Rainbow Dash smugly responded.

“You can blame the quote, ‘the bell does not dismiss you, I do’,” Sunset added causing both girls to simultaneously burst into laughter.

They proceeded to head together towards the changing rooms barging through the door and over to their lockers to retrieve their kit, Rainbow in her typical fashion got changed quickly her locker door staying open for barely a minute, a minute Sunset found very enlightening. Inside the rainbow-haired girl’s locker, two pictures could be seen taped to the inside wall. The first was of the entire rainbooms all standing together proudly with their instruments, the second was a rather tattered picture where a much younger Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy could be seen playing together on a swing. Sunset deduced that one of them must have a swing set in one of their back-gardens and a parent must have sneakily taken the picture.

“So you all set for tomorrows match?” Rainbow asked drawing the flame-haired girls’ attention away from the now closing locker.

“I think we can win,” Sunset half-heartedly answered.

Rainbow gently punched her friends’ side, “Not a think, a definitely. Canterlot High is 100% gonna win tomorrow.”

An excited chatter began to build up in the changing rooms as the whole team finished getting into their uniforms.

“BECAUSE WHO ARE WE!” Rainbow shouted as she raised her fist into the air.

“WONDERCOLTS!” The rest of the room erupted as they began to chant.

Rainbow Dash stared at Sunset with a devilish smirk, if there was anything Rainbow could do it was a pep rally, I mean there’s a reason Celestia asked her to help work up teams that she wasn’t even on before a big tournament. The girl was a natural at building up the spirits of those around her and Sunset was no different reaching her arm up to join in with the cheer. The team flooded out onto the field leaving just Sunset to tie her shoelaces, her team captain stood by her side.

“You can go you know; I’ll catch up.” Sunset urged.

“No way, I ain't leaving without my whole team.” Dash eagerly replied sharing a look of respect between her teammate.

The pair would just about to head out when Dash’s locker began to violently vibrate taking the two girls by surprise, Rainbow Dash stepped over to her locker flinging the door open and rooting inside for the source her arms returning holding her phone and pressing it to her ear.

“Yo, this is Dash.”

“Hey Rainbow, its Rarity your most well-dressed friend.

“I know who you are without the extra explanation, only one Rarity in my life.”

“Aww how sweet, anyway I come bearing some rather bad news.” Rarity said her cheery tone dropping into a serious one.

Dash sat down on the bench beside her locker her expression becoming a mix of serious and concern, “What’s wrong Rare’s.”

“Well darling, its Fluttershy.”

Dash leaned forward, resting her free hand on her forehead, “What’s happened with Shy?”

“This morning she went for a little jog and took a tumble into the canal. The water was extremely cold, and her body went into shock, she was quickly rescued and brought to the hospital.”

“Why am I only hearing about this now!?” Rainbow asked in an equally confused tone as it was aggressive.

“Well Fluttershy was adamant you didn’t know; she didn’t want you to worry.”

Rainbow Dash let the phone drop from her ear, sighing heavily into her hand before returning the phone to where it was, “So she’s in the hospital now?”


“What room?”

“Ward B, ask at the desk.”

“I’m leaving now.” Dash finished, hastily pushing her things into her back and throwing her arms through the straps.

“Woah, Rainbow where are you going?” Sunset asked in confusion.

“She’s in hospital, fell into cold water, I’m going to see her.”

“But your dad,” Sunset said urging her friend to reconsider her sudden leave.

“Tell him something important came up, he knows I’m more than ready for tomorrow,” Dash answered turning her back to the field and heading back through the school to find her meek friend.

Dash rushed through the hospital doors and straight towards ward B her hands landing heavily on the desk startling a young nurse.

“Can I help you?” She asked raising an eyebrow at the manic looking athlete.

“Shy. My friend was brought here this morning, the names Fluttershy,” Rainbow wheezed, catching her breath as her gaze locked onto the nurse.

“Oh yes I recently sent her a bunch in, quite the popular one I see, you’re after room 13.”

Dash thanked her beginning to walk down the hall when the nurse’s voice could be heard again calling out to her.

“Just be aware that visiting hours end at 9.”

Rainbow simply gave a nod reaching the room hearing a voice on the other side as she entered.

“I just don’t know what went wrong, you saw her in here earlier there’s an awkward air between us. Oh Fluttershy, what have I done.”

It was Rarity currently resting her head on Fluttershy’s lap, upon seeing the athlete she shot up from her knees standing to greet her friend.

“Rainbow… darling… glad you made it,” She called out stepping over and giving her friend a small hug.

“Am I interrupting something?” Dash asked a strange feeling welling in her chest from what she’d witnessed.

“No, no of course not, I was simply telling Fluttershy my current drama,” Rarity sighed stepping to the side allowing Rainbow Dahs a full view of her weak friend.

“Shy,” She cried loudly heading over and sitting by her side, “Are you alright? What happened?”

Fluttershy sighed, “It’s nothing, really I'm fine, just still feeling a little cold.”

Rarity sat down beside Rainbow Dash placing a hand on the meek girl’s knee, “The doctor said that’s the pneumonia you contracted from being so cold for so long, they’ve been keeping you here to monitor you to ensure you aren't too weak to fight it.”

Dash had a look of determination on her face, “You can beat this Shy I believe in you.”

“Dash it’s just a cold,” Fluttershy softly giggled bringing a smile to the three friends faces.

The door opened up and honey stuck her head into the room, “Rarity could I borrow you for a moment,” her eyes fell onto the new arrival. “Oh hello Rainbow Dash glad to see you could make it, this is convenient actually since now Shy won’t be left alone.”

Rarity hurried out the room following Honey down the hallway leaving the two alone.

“Shy… I’ve gotta know, why couldn’t I know?” Dash asked with a sigh.

Fluttershy fell silent as her eyes wandered down the bed, resting on the door hoping someone would barge in and save her from the situation. But no one came.

“Shy please, I need to know why you didn’t want me here.” Dash’s voice fell into what sounded like desperation.

Fluttershy’s mind emptied itself focusing only on the friend beside her, *Rainbow Dash never lets anyone see her emotions, and here she is expressing them to my face, first her worries about her dad now this, * She thought to herself.

“I didn’t want you to get in trouble with your father, you know after what you told me,” Shy squeaked out.

Rainbow Dash sighed to herself, “I didn’t tell you that so you would keep things from me. You’re in the hospital Shy, I need to know this stuff.”

Fluttershy looked innocently at her loyal friend, “Then why did you tell me?”

The athlete’s eyes drifted to the ground, “Well you’re my best friend, everyone else expects me to be the amazing and awesome Rainbow Dash, but you don’t.” Rainbow looked up her eyes meeting Fluttershy’s, “Around you, I can let that little voice out that tells my weaknesses.”

Fluttershy wrapped her arms around the athlete fighting back the tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, you can always be yourself around me if it makes you feel any better. I feel like you bring out a braver side in me, and around you and I can just let loose and have fun and you won’t judge me.”

Rainbow Dash smirked and nodded, “What can I say, I’m pretty awesome.” She cheered causing both the girls to let out a small laugh.

“But Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy spluttered out, a panicked tone ringing through her voice, “What are you doing here, you’ve missed practice your Dad is gonna kill you.”

“Screw him.”

Fluttershy gasped, “Rainbow how could you say that?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, “Dude he gives me an earful when I go to practice anyway, the important thing here is checking you’re okay. Hell even if you just fell and grazed your knee I’d come and check on you, practice or no practice.”

“But why?”

“I can’t really explain it, I just know you’re important to me and I wanna make sure you’re always okay.”

Fluttershy softly blushed, “Thank you for coming to check up on me, I know I’d come if you were hurt.”

“Don’t mention it, of course, I’d check up on you, and that seals it we really are great friends.”

“Yeah… friends,” Fluttershy repeated sounding slightly disheartened.

Rainbow Dash saw this and intended to press on but found her tongue caught in her mouth as her eyes locked onto the opening door, in walked Honey and Rarity carrying a tray of food that looked far too good to be hospital food.

“Woah where did you find this,” Rainbow called standing up and stepping out the way so Fluttershy’s mother could place the food on her daughter’s lap.

“Well, I nipped to the store and asked Rarity to come and help since she eats similar meals to my dear Fluttershy here,” Honey said, smiling with glee as Fluttershy began immediately tucking into the meal.

The door swung open once more as Sunset stepped into the room, “I headed straight hereafter practice, Fluttershy are you okay?” The flame-haired girl asked between sharp breaths.

“I think I’ll be alright.” The shy girl meekly replied.

“I’m glad to hear,” Sunset smiled kindly her face turning more serious as she looked towards her team captain, “Oh, by the way, Dash your dad was livid that you skipped out on practice.”

Rainbow Dash returned the sentence by shushing her flame-haired friend and ushered her out the room, dragging her into the hallway.

“Watch the dad talk around Fluttershy, she specifically said she didn’t tell me she was in the hospital because she knew I’d come and my Dad would get annoyed,” Rainbow Dash hissed as she watched Rarity follow them out the door and stand with them.

“Well call Fluttershy psychic because he kept us behind an extra 30 minutes, saying how the worst punishment for you is knowing that we got punished,” Sunset replied her tone equally annoyed.

“Are you serious? Dammit, I'm sorry Sunset I didn’t mean to get you all in trouble,” Rainbow apologised her face full of guilt.

“Its fine Dash don't worry about it; you did the right thing coming here to Shy, Spitfire and Fleetfoot both agree.”

Dash smiled as Rarity cleared her throat to announce she was going to speak, “I quite agree Rainbow Dash your father using your team as a way of punishing you was very tactless, however I need to speak with you in private for a moment, Sunset would you mind going in and keeping Fluttershy company.”

Sunset nodded with a confused, but compliant look upon her face as she entered the hospital room she had just come from.

“Yo Rarity, what’s up?” The rainbow-haired girl asked, raising her eyebrow in wonder.

“Oh it’s nothing major, I just wanted to talk about your father for a quick moment and about Fluttershy,” Rarity began. “You remember what happened with Cloudy Kicks?”

“You mean how my Dad essentially broke us up the moment he found out I was dating her.”

“Yes, well I’m worried he’s going to try and do the same again.”

“But I’m not dating anyone, so it's fine, I don’t even have feelings for anyone…” There was a pause. “Well, I don’t think… maybe.”

Rarity hid a smirk behind her hand before clearing her throat once more, “I’m saying just be careful, if he’s getting this intense then maybe he’ll start keeping you away from your friends.”

Dash sighed, “Rarity he calls you distractions, threats to my future and all sorts. What do you think the whole lunchtime thing was about, he’s trying to keep me away from everyone but the team and the sport!” Her final words sounded much sharper than she had intended.

Rarity frowned, “Rainbow we just got you back and Fluttershy is happier than ever, just be careful.”

Rainbow smirked a glint forming in her eye, “Don’t sweat it princess, I’m Rainbow Dash I always make things go my way.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and headed back into the room announcing how she would need to leave before it got too dark with Sunset agreeing with the sentiment as they both gave their goodbyes and headed out leaving Fluttershy’s mother and Rainbow Dash to remain with the sick girl.

“Rainbow Dash you should head home too, it’s going to get real dark soon,” Fluttershy’s mother warned from her little section of the room.

“I can’t leave yet; I feel responsible for what happened, I gotta stay till I’m kicked out to make sure Shy is okay.” Dash politely argued.

Fluttershy gasped, “Rainbow Dash why would you think you were responsible for what happened?”

Dash turned her jaw-dropping, “Are you seriously asking that? I told you to go for the run and look what happened.”

“Dash it was my fault, I should have looked where I was going.” Fluttershy contested.

“You wouldn’t have been out there if I hadn’t suggested it.”

“I wouldn’t have known I enjoy it if you hadn’t either.”

The room fell silent for a moment as Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck, “You enjoyed going for a run.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy responded her voice confident enough to put Rainbow to shame.

“Then if you ever want to do it again you better tell me.” Dash rationalised sitting down beside the meek girl.


“So I can go with you, I don’t mind running to your house, then taking you out running and running back.”

“But Dash that’d add like 20 minutes to your morning.”

“I know and I’m fine with that if it means I can keep an eye on you.” The room fell silent again, “And I’ve been meaning to up my routine anyway,” She blurted out her cheeks slightly red with embarrassment.

Fluttershy’s mother could be heard chuckling from the other side of the room causing the athlete to groan in embarrassment. Fluttershy lightly blushed hiding her cheeks under the blanket. Rainbow Dash was preparing to defend herself further but kept quiet as the door opened and the familiar nurse from earlier stepped into the room.

“Good news Fluttershy, you can go home. Your body is more than capable of fighting off pneumonia with the help of the antibiotics.” She smiled kindly walking over towards Fluttershy’s mother and explaining the routine to which she would need to take medicine.

“Dude that’s awesome, you’re gonna be okay.” The huge smile on Rainbows face could only be described as half joy half relief.

Fluttershy smiled placing her feet on the ground and standing up, she rocked on her still uneasy knees feeling them buckle as she fell. Rainbow Dash reacted quickly grabbing a hold of the weak girl and holding her up, “I got you Shy.”

“Thanks, Dashie.”

The group walked down the stairs, the shy girl still using her athletic friend for support as she took slow steps. They made it out towards the car park and Rainbow helped Fluttershy into her seat.

“Thank you Rainbow Dash, I think I can manage from here.” Fluttershy’s mother kindly smiled looking up at the black sky above them with its stars scattered few and far between. “It’s dangerous for you to head home now, hop in and I can drop you off.”

“That’s kind but no thanks, you’ve gotta get Flutters home.”

Mrs Shy put Fluttershy’s belongings in the trunk of the car as she spoke, “Nonsense Rainbow Dash, your mother would do the same for Fluttershy should the roles be reversed.” She got no response. “Rainbow?” Nothing. “Rainbow Dash?” She said once more turning around to see the athletic girl bolting away in the opposite direction. Fluttershy’s mother rolled her eyes as she got into the car, “I’m telling you Fluttershy, that girls gonna get herself into trouble being so selfless one of these days.”

“Rainbow? Why?” Fluttershy said in a panicked tone attempting to look out the rear window for a sign of her friend.

“Oh nothing I’m just thinking aloud, wouldn’t have hurt for her to accept the lift, however.”

Rainbow Dash hadn’t stopped running since she left Fluttershy and her mother at the hospital, she was about 5 minutes away from home and slowed to a snail’s pace, slowly inching closer and closer to her front door. She sighed to herself, the moment she stepped through that door she knew she’d have her dad at her throat. She looked at the puddles on the ground seeing her dimly lit face reflect against them. Besides the streetlamp lit path Infront of her, the surrounding area was black despite the mass of stars in the sky. She reached the gate to her house, the athlete stood staring at the door with her hand on the fence, it felt like days had passed before she finally walked up to the front door and let herself in. She was instantly greeted by her mother, Windy Whistles who began immediately asking how Fluttershy was having seen Rainbow’s text earlier letting her know why she’d be home late. Rainbow smiled letting her know how it was all going to be okay her face dropping when her eyes caught onto the silhouette standing in the darkened kitchen doorframe.

“Where were you?” His voice boomed into the hallway; Rainbow Dash could hear her mother’s teeth clench at the sound.

“I was checking on Shy, I texted both of you.” Rainbow honestly answered.

“I’m on about practice, we’ve got a game tomorrow, so I’ll ask again. Where were you?”

“I just told you I was at the hospital checking on Fluttershy.”

Bow grinned, “You’re not getting it. Now where the fuck were you!”

Rainbow snarled, “I was ditching the team to go and do something irrelevant and distracting to my future.”

Bow sarcastically clapped, “So the selfless idiot gets it, you are right. So you’d better do something about it, don’t think I won’t do what I did before if I think this Fluttershy or anyone else is going to get in your way.”

“Dad it’s fine I’m not going to lose tomorrow, I’ve practised enough. Seeing her was important she’s my friend.”

“Oh so now she’s your friend, not a distraction, I must be confused,” Bow growled back

“Yeah she’s my friend, so is Sunset you gonna stop me from seeing my teammates now too,” Rainbow argued trying to show him teason.

“If she becomes an obstacle then yes I’ll have her removed.” He replied firmly set in his ways.

“This is outrageous you’re being so pathetic; she was in the hospital.”

“And while you were swanning off to check she was okay your team suffered, don’t let it happen again.” Bow finished his sentence with a grunt before heading up the stairs shooting his daughter a disappointed look.

Windy looked at Rainbow with watery eyes, “I’m sorry he’s like this, he means well he’s just.”

“An idiot,” Dash cut in storming off up the stairs and towards her bedroom.

She took off her dripping wet clothes and changed into her pyjamas collapsing onto her bed. She picked up her phone to set her alarm and saw she had 8 missed texts from Fluttershy. The most recent read.

*I’m sorry for bothering you Rainbow I just didn’t get to say goodbye, so I wanted to make sure you are alright, I also hope your dad isn’t being too rough on you. *

Dash sighed shooting her a quick reply before rolling over and going to sleep.

*I’m alright Shy thanks for checking up on me, he was as harsh as usual but it's whatever. Let me know if he bothers you or anyone of our other friends, you know what he can be like. *

The sound of cheering echoed through the young athletes’ ears as she led her team onto the pitch, her vice-captain Spitfire at her side. They all walked to the centre and met with the other team shaking hands and exchanging the usual complimentary when two teams meet. This was a new team, not seen in this league before, Rainbow remembered her dad saying how this was some rookie team from a new school from the far side of town and that they weren’t all that, however, Dash knew better than to underestimate an opponent. The teams got into position; it was ruled that Canterlot high would begin with the ball. Rainbow Dash and Sunset stood in the centre waiting at the start position, Rainbow giving her partner small indications as to which tactic they would begin with.

The whistle blew, the game was on.

Rainbow Dash was immediately passed the ball, who herself then passed it back to Spitfire allowing the three girls to travel up the pitch passing it between each other, while Dash couldn’t deny they were being met with some talented resistance, especially from one of their defenders she felt confident her team was better, the three girls easily dribbled and passed the ball up towards the opposing teams goal before crossing it towards a sprinting Fleetfoot who knocked it closer to the goal for Dash to intercept and strike at the enemies net. The game had only been going on a minute and Canterlot High was already up. Dash ran to her team celebrating the first goal, catching a glimpse of a smirk appeared on her father’s face before quickly returning to his typical stern look, her eyes wandered to the stand, none of her friends had made it but that was okay, she was still going to win.

The game went on in a similar fashion with Dash scoring another goal when a lucky cross from Sunset found itself directly in line with the athlete’s forehead allowing her to easily headed it into the goal, once again the team broke into a cheer as they got back into position for the enemies turn to attack. Dash having let the glory go to her head found herself missing an easy tackle worry hitting her but soon receding as her team backed her up, specifically Fleetfoot and Sunset taking the ball back themselves and pushing up for Sunset to earn herself a goal.

Dash did the usual cheering but made sure to thank the two girls for having her back making a point to the team that it doesn’t matter how strong a player they are; they can always rely on the team and herself should they make a mistake. “All about having faith in the team!” She shouted, very aware of how pumped she was getting her fellow soccer players.

The opposing team seemed to rally, working hard to score themselves, as that earlier strong defender who was obviously putting in her all to stop any more players for reaching her team's goal with the ball. The second half went much more back and forth with the ball constantly shifting possession and no goals being scored. It wasn’t until the final five minutes before the game ended that Sunset got in a brilliant slide tackle taking out one of the other players and sending the ball rolling in Dash’s direction.

“Now or never,” She thought to herself determined to get the lucky third goal and earn herself a hat trick in her first game. She pushed up twisting and turning between the opposing team, showing off the full extent of the tricks she held up her sleeve. As she flicked the ball over another players head her vision was pulled to her father shaking his head, he never did like her tricks nothing but silly games that will always keep you as a minor league player he would say. Dash’s mind focused on this pulling her from the game allowing the other team to easily take the ball back, Dash looked down at the ground in regret before gritting her teeth, she wasn’t going to let this slip away from her because of him.

She quickly spun around setting her sights on the ball that was being vastly taken further and further away from her as the opposing team headed towards her goal, she stuck her hand in the air giving a signal for Sunset and Spitfire to close in form the sides while Fleetfoot used her speed to move closer to Dash.

“Just like we practised guys!” Dash encouraged watching as Spitfire and Sunset perfectly executed the play taking the ball from the other players and passing it with finesse up to Rainbow Dash. This is what she needed, she took the ball and charged up the field passing it between Fleetfoot and herself as they winded between the opposing team's defence getting closer to the goal.

“Take the shot Fleet,” Dash called clenching her fist with determination.

“No way cap, this one's all yours,” Fleet replied flicking the ball towards the Rainbow-haired athlete.

They shared a nod between each other as Fleetfoot blocked a defender allowing Dash to strike the ball towards the goal. Dash watched as the ball flung forwards smashing into the back of the net. The team erupted in cheer, meeting together in the middle to hug it out before turning to the opposing team and respectfully shaking their hands, wishing them good luck in future games and that they want a rematch at some time when they’ve gotten better. The opposing team captain gave a respectful look to Dash complimenting her on the tricks she pulled off.

“It’s all about having fun and looking good while you do it, as my friend Rarity would say.” Dash laughed.

“You can say that again,” Sunset joined in the laughter pointing out the freshly sewn badges onto the outfits with the numbers outlined in a new layer of fabric.

“Give her my compliments, I look good.” The team’s defender Sassaflash chuckled as she walked off the pitch heading into the changing rooms.

Rainbow and Sunset laughed between themselves as they too went into the changing rooms, everyone was about half-dressed when a knock came at the door followed by a voice.

“Nice work out there ladies, really showed them we mean business this season, The referee is calling for votes on the man… I mean a woman of the match.”

The room fell into hushed murmurs as Rainbow Dash continued to get change taking little notice of the words being passed around.

“Yo coach you still there,” Spitfire shouted, earning a yes from Bow to confirm it. “We pick Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash pulled her head out from inside her locker looking around at all the faces smiling at her.

“We couldn’t have done it without you captain,” The team cheered all gathering around the rainbow-haired girl and patting her on the back.

“Then I’d better make sure we win the next one too,” Dash smiled hugging a few of her teammates.

The team slowly dispersed from the changing rooms to head home until just Rainbow, Spitfire and Sunset remained.

“Now we’ve got you, rookie, I think we’ve got a good chance of winning this year,” Spitfire said lowering her shades and nodding at the flame-headed girl.

“She’s right you know, we couldn’t have won this game without you,” Dash grinned playfully knocking Sunset on the arm.

“I doubt it, you guys were awesome, I was playing the support.”

“Exactly, without you, we wouldn’t have had the ball nearly as much or scored.” Dash cheered.

Spitfire simply nodded, smirking at Sunset’s embarrassed blush.

“Rainbow Dash, I want a word.” The coaches voice called out through the changing rooms.

Dash sighed getting up and heading out to confront her father.

“Hey Dad,” She groaned.

“Well done for winning, but don’t think you’re getting off easy over yesterday, the next games won’t come on a platter like this one. You’ve gotta work for that future remember, I’ve already looked into it and there will be scouts coming to Canterlot high’s games if they make it further into the tournament. We’ve built a reputation and the scouts want to check it out.”

“Well, the whole team deserves the chance to be scouted so I’m not surprised.”

“Rainbow,” Bow grunted, “This is about you, you need that scholarship if you wanna go big. You can spend the next two days relaxing but come Monday we hit the training hard you hear?”

“Yeah Dad, I promise.” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Don’t let me down.”

Rainbow exhaled heavily, that was probably the best conversation she had ever had with her father, she took another breath before walking back into the changing rooms to reunite with her two friends the three of them walking out of the school grounds together before going their separate ways.

Rainbow Dash steadily stepped up to the front door of Fluttershy’s house, clenching her hand into a fist and knocking against the door. The athlete had a huge smile on her face, she couldn’t wait to tell her friend all about how the game had gone, she stood there for a few seconds listening as a key could be heard turning in the lock, the door swung open as a rugged teenager looked down at the girl.

“Oh, it’s just you,” Zephyr, Fluttershy’s brother, said opening the door all the way. “She’s upstairs in her room, my mom has nipped out so don’t make a mess or I’ll get blamed.”

“Don’t worry man, I’m just here to check up on Shy,” Dash replied stepping inside and kicking her shoes off.

“Rarity was here recently, you only just missed her.”

“I don’t know if that’s good or bad luck,” The athlete jested earning a chuckle from the brother as he walked back to his room.

Rainbow Dash headed through the house, looking around at the walls decorated with pictures of the Shy family, there were photos of holidays and family outings. A frown formed on Dash’s face. “So this is a happy family,” The athlete quietly mumbled to herself, she stopped outside of Fluttershy’s room, placing her palm against the door and slowly pushing it open.

“You in here Shy?” The rainbow-haired girl called as she poked her head into the room.

“Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked as she saw the head of rainbow hair entering her room.

Rainbow Dash stepped into the room closing the door behind her, the meek girl could be seen curled up under her blanket surrounded by stuffed animals and pillows, her tv was on showing an animal-based program.

“Hey Shy, how you holding up?” The athlete asked sitting down on the side of the bed.

“I’m doing okay. I’m just a little sick,” The shy girl weakly coughed.

“You’ll be alright,” Dash added patting her on the head.

“How was the game? Rarity said you had one earlier.” She asked her eyes glowing with excitement.

“Oh yeah, the game… Well, it was erm.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy quietly spoke patting her friend on the back.

“We won!” Rainbow said with a smug look, “The team scored four goals with three coming from me.”

“Don’t tease me like that,” The pale girl giggled softly slapping her friends’ arm. “But I’m really glad you won, and he doesn’t get three have its own title?”

“A hat trick yeah,” Dash answered her smug look only growing smugger.

“I’m so proud of you,” Fluttershy cheered sitting up and hugging her friend before falling back down onto her pillow.

“Thanks, Shy, it means a lot,” Rainbow said with a kind smile. “But I mean we were gonna win anyway because I’m on an awesome team with an even more awesome captain. Got voted woman of the match after all.”

The two girls chuckled between each other when a knock came at the bedroom door accompanied by two familiar faces, Fluttershy’s parents.

“Hey Sweetie, we got you a pizza on the way home, OH! Rainbow Dash I didn’t realise you’d be coming over otherwise I would have got you something, Fluttershy you should have said.”

Fluttershy went red with embarrassment, “I didn’t know either, and its fine I can just share. I’m not really that hungry anyway.”

“Make sure she eats Rainbow; she’s hardly touched anything all day.” Fluttershy’s dad said smiling at his daughter before exiting the room.

“You look after her for me,” Honey said smiling to herself as she flashed Rainbow Dash a wink.

The room fell quiet as Rainbow forced Fluttershy to consume a few slices of pizza before feeling it was okay to take one herself, “You’re parents are awesome.”

“They can be pretty neat sometimes.”

“What, no way sometimes, all the time. I couldn’t imagine them doing anything to upset anyone.”

“Well, my dad doesn’t really like gay people,”

“And that would only really bother me, but he’s shown me no aggression.”

“Well no, it's more specific he doesn’t want any of his kids to be gay.” Fluttershy squeaked out her voice getting lower and lower.

“Again, that doesn’t affect you…” Dash said pausing for a moment, “Wait does it?”

Fluttershy let out a loud eep throwing her blanket over her head as she made a long and high pitched squeak, Rainbow Dash gasped loudly causing the Shy girl to only squeak louder.

“Wait are you actually?” The athlete admitted feeling rather dumb that she couldn’t spot one of her own.

Fluttershy didn’t come out from under the blanket, she remained hidden causing Dash to chuckle slightly.

“Hey man, it’s fine no matter what, you’re my friend. You showed me respect and comforted me when I came out, so I’m going to do the same for you. That’s if you are, you still haven’t given me a straight answer.”

The rainbow-haired girl gently tugged at the blanket watching as it fell from the meek girl’s face, her eyes welling with tears, “I only told Rarity, and very recently Twilight kinda figured it out.”

Rainbow ditched the usual tough girl look, she knew how hard this could be for someone, “Shy it's fine honestly, I’d much rather you let me know who you are than hide things from me.”

A tear ran down the shy girl’s cheek, she looked down watching the tears trickle off her chin and seep into the blanket below her. She felt Rainbow’s hand place itself upon her shoulder, it felt warm. She dove headfirst into the athlete’s chest pushing her face against Rainbow Dash’s body to mask her tears.

“There, there. It’s all gonna be okay,” Rainbow said compassionately as she ran her hand through the crying girl’s hair just as Rarity had instructed her those many nights ago. They sat there together for what Fluttershy felt was forever the only sound being heard was the sniffle of Fluttershy’s nose as she fought back the tears.

“Hey, let’s not talk about this right now, you’re sick so let's do something nice,” The athlete said as the shy girl pulled her face away from her chest looking up at her.

“What did you have in mind?” Fluttershy sniffled.

Rainbow’s eyes scanned the room latching onto the collection of movies, “How about a dog’s adventure 2, you used to love that movie.”

“I still do,” Fluttershy said meekly getting back under her blanket and curling into a ball as Rainbow put the movie on.

The athlete having no idea where to sit made herself comfy on the floor leaning her head against the shy girl’s dresser.

“I don’t mind if you wanna lay on the bed, there’s enough space so that we won't have to touch or anything.” Fluttershy quietly whispered not wanting her voice to overpower the movie.

“Nah don’t worry about it, I’m pretty awesome down here,” Dash said flicking through the praise the team was receiving on the Canterlot High social media page.

“Rainbow?” A shy voice called out from on the bed.

“Yeah Shy?”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to watch your game,”

“Honestly Shy I’d have been more worried if you were there, you need to be keeping warm and getting plenty of sleep, I much prefer you being right here, with me now.” The athletic girl chuckled.

Fluttershy gave a small giggle, “I promise I’ll be there for the more important ones.”

“As long as you’re not sick that’s perfectly fine.”

“Rainbow Dash, can I talk to you for a second,” A woman’s voice called from a different side of the house, our athlete was drifting in and out of consciousness as the voice reached the room, she snapped awake standing up seeing how the whole room was plunged into darkness. “I must have fallen asleep, sorry Shy.” The athlete said standing to her feet and turning towards the bed seeing Fluttershy fast asleep, “My bad,” She added in a whisper making her way towards the bedroom door and slipping out of it.” She headed through the home and into the living room where Fluttershy’s mother was sat waiting for her.

“Ahh Rainbow, it looks like we woke you sorry.” She said apologetically.

“It’s fine, Shy fell asleep, so I doubt she minded.” Rainbow let out a small burst of laughter.

“It’s just Fluttershy’s father is off to work and so we thought to save you walking home since you were kind enough to visit we’d drop you off, and you can’t say no this time.” The caring mother added letting out her own laughter.

“Yeah, I didn’t bring anything other than my bag so I’m good to bounce whenever,” Dash replied casually.

“Good because I’m ready to go now.”

The pair hopped into the Shy family car and began the drive, Fluttershy’s father spoke about soccer learning of the game Rainbow Dash had recently played, congratulating her on the team’s success and her hat trick. He mentioned how he and Zephyr were going to watch a motorsport race soon with Rainbow realising that her dad was going to the same one. They laughed at the coincidence as they pulled up outside the athlete’s home. The father thanked the athlete for watching over her daughter, the pair giving their goodbyes as Rainbow let herself in and walked upstairs to her bedroom. She met her mother halfway informing her of the recovery Fluttershy was making before crashing onto her bed and sticking on a video game to play.

Author's Note:

Hey, Guys, it's me, Argenti, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, but I've got a little favour to ask you.

I wanna know what you think of the fic so far and the direction it's taking, so leave me a comment saying what you think, even a like or dislike will help me gauge your opinion. I'd love to hear from my audience so I can strive to make it better.

Thank you all, ciao :derpytongue2: