• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 5,048 Views, 301 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

  • ...

The Chaos Carnaval Pt.2

Spike stood without a word, looking at the scenery around him; what could only be called flat fields of endless snow filled his vision in every direction; the sky was a pitch black void, he could barely see around himself for a few meters, and pass that it was pitch black.

"So this is the ether?" Spike looked around for a few moments before making a sniffing sound. "Lot more snow than I imagined, then again, I just imagined an endless pitch-black void; I'd say I mostly nailed it," Spike looked around, hoping to see some kind of anything. He found nothingg but snow. He tried snapping his fingers and found his powers still worked when he made a rubber chicken appear, though a second test proved he was too weak to snap back to the mortal realm; he figured it might have something to do with the fact he technically didn't have a body anymore.

"Celestia Dammit Twi," Spike sighed. "Sweetie and the others are gonna kick your teeth in, and I'm not there to stop 'em, so it'll probably be the entire Empire or all of Equestria getting their collective teeth kicked in,"

Spike took a long, deep breath before calling out, "Hello, King Sombra? I don't like or want to see you, but I don't know of any other creature who might exist here. I might be here forever, so I wanna rub my victory in your face," Spike chose a direction at random, figuring he had no chance in existence to ever see another creature again, only for a voice to call out behind him.

"I don't know who you are, but I doubt I like or want to see you either," Spike turned on the spot and walked over towards the sound; after only a few steps, he was assaulted by light. A dip in the snow housed a jar full of Orange Fire; next to it, King Sombra sat on his cape, drinking from a mug. The Two locked eyes for a moment before Sombra groaned.

"Oh great, the Dragon who thwarted me, what were you overthrown already? It hasn't been that long,"

"How dare you," Spike said as he flopped onto the ground, setting up his rubber chicken next to the jar of light. "I'll have you know I was a hero; I just got killed by my self-important sister,"

"Dying is still dying," Sombra noted. "Don't rightly matter who or why; it happens to all eventually," Sombra sipped from his mug before eyeing Spike, "And before you ask, no, you can't have any,"

"How do you have any?" Spike shot back; Sombra's response was to scoop up some of the snow and plop it into his mug before drinking from it again.

"I had several magic items on my person when I was banished into the ice; when I was banished again, I still had them on my person; I have a Jar of endless fire and this heating mug, among a few other useless oddities, at least I have more than a rubber chicken,"

"This Rubber Chicken dispenses infinite sweet tea," Spike shot back instantly. Sombra faltered at that. "Share your heat, mug; I share my tea chicken," Spike squeezed the Chicken, and with a honk, Tea began pouring from its mouth.

"Ingenious," Sombra muttered, bemusing Spike to no end at the statement. "Did...did you have anything else on you?"

"Just my powers of Chaos God," Spike replied casually. "Altought they're way weaker without my body," Sombra stared at him blankly as Spike shook the Chicken. "Share the Mug, and I'll elaborate," Spike offered simply.

Sweetie Belle stared blankly at the spot where Spike had once been. Rarity was sobbing, and Applejack took her hat off to pay what respects she could to her dearly departed friend. Fluttershy seemed to be desperately trying to collect bits and pieces of his broken shards that she could find around her. Pinkie's attention was forcefully torn away from Spike as Gingerbread called out to her.

Pinkie rushed to her aid and Found Gingerbread shivering as smoke began billowing off her body.

"Pinkie, my sides hurt," She complained as she attempted to walk to her maternal figure, only for her legs to snap straight; Gingerbread let out a cry for help as she lost her dimension and returned to being a Cookie.

The Gingerbread Mare hobbled around slowly, now only having one eye; she looked around in a panic, and Pinkie picked her up at once.

"Gingerbread," Pinkie cried out, "What happened?" Pinkie demanded, looking around at the agents of Chaos. Babs was the one who responded after a moment, and the look in her eye indicated she was still trying to come to terms with what she had just witnessed. "Gi...Gingerbread was made real by Spike," Babs managed to say before fading out and looking at where their friend had once been. "If she's turned back into a Cookie, that must mean he's really...gone." Babs took note that Gingerbread was still alive, more than likely because she and the other still had their powers; she turned back into Rot to test the theory.

"Form up," Sweetie said, her voice trembling with rage as she turned into Shade; Team Chaos took shape and turned to Shade for instruction.

"Stand down," Twilight's voice cut through Shade like a knife, and she turned to the Alicorn with a glint of rage. Twilight landed right where Spike had once been before speaking, "Havok is gone; you no longer need to follow his will; you are free! Give up your chaos forms so we can help return you to normal," Shade's maw began smoking as her mane writhed around like snakes in agony; Shade began pulling in power And began growing in size, grabbing the other agents with her large Strands of mane to keep them away from their enemy.

"Give her hell," Shade's voice echoed across the frozen wasteland. "Havok's last words were to give you hell, and I plan to follow that order until the day you die!" Shade used the power of her voice to scream directly into the sky, and the clouds above her dispersed. "Storm," Shade called out, her voice still trembling with rage. "We aren't allowed to kill, but that's a very fine line. Turn the frozen north into an unending field of Chaos, Warp the sky to your heart's content, no game, no holding back, this is a full frontal assault, and do not stop until you’re directly ordered to do so,"

Strom looked to Twilight, then back to Storm, and said one thing. "Gladly," Storm shot into the sky, going from zero to a hundred; a warped Rainboom shook the sky. Sickly purples, dirty oranges, nasty greens, and pitch black filled the sky, and with them, new clouds in every shape and color coated the sky; the Rains of Chaos began falling, and anything that could be considered edible began falling; all of it was super-sized, Pinkie had to jump back into the Barrier with Gingerbread to keep the both of them from being hit by a scoop of ice cream several times their combines size.

"There has to be a way to fix him," Pinkie called out. Twilight attempted to say something and was immediately slapped across the face by Fluttershy.

"I am beyond disappointed in you," Fluttershy said in a very unFluttershy-like tone. "This...this is too far. You've been a good friend to me in the past, and I really don't want to do this, but I don't think I can be your friend right now, Twilight," Fluttershy took flight and flew away from Twilight.

High in the Sky, Storm watched Fluttershy disown Twilight with a sigh before looking to her right; Rainbow Dash was currently in a protective Bubble, having suffered from a dislocation instead of broken bones as she had originally thought, and after popping it back into place, she was a little to spent to move. "You doing ok?"

"Hit Twilight with a wet noddle," Rainbow called out. "Seeing how she is one, I'm sure she'll enjoy the company,"

"She put a strain on your friendship, I see," Rainbow's earshot up at that remark.

"She just killed Spike," Rainbow snapped back angrily, "If one of us can't pull something out of our ass and bring him back, then she also just murdered our Friendship too!" Rainbow let out an agitated huff. "Questioning my Loyalty, as if I would just side with Havok for shits and giggles," Rainbow lay back down before adding, "Everything hurts, and it’s all her fault," Storm nodded in response to that and went back to making sure every last bit of the Frozen wasteland outside the Empire was a Chaos storm of unrivaled potential, noticing that Havoks Chaos Carnaval was fizzling out across Equestria in unfocused chaos.

"Rot," Shade called out once Storm's handiwork spread far and wide, "Terraform the land. Vile, I want you to convince the Crystal Ewes and any other animals you can find to eat everything edible within the Empire; Rust, you get the honor of terrorizing the Residents of the Empire for their hand in Killing Spike. Intentionally or not!"

"And what are you gonna do...uh...Boss?" Vile seemed uncertain about the label, and Shade agreed with his hesitation.

"Just Shade," she replied with a hurt tone. "We only have one boss," The Gathered members of Team Chaos and Storm, high above them all, materialized a copy of Applejack hat and held it to their hearts for a long moment before Shade spoke up. "as for me, I'm gonna take that stupid heart, overload it with Chaos Energy, and see how Twilight likes it when I atomized her!" Twilight stood her ground, but she stood it alone; Pinkie was too busy trying to calm down Gingerbread. Applejack had chosen not to involve herself, simply standing over the spot that Marked Spike's Grave and setting her hat on top of the spot until she could properly mark it. Rarity stood next to Twilight, but it wasn't out of a need to help; she was glaring at her with red eyes as a result of her crying.

"I did what I had to do," Twilight said firmly. "He wasn't-"

"Oh shut up," Rarity snapped, "What now? You gonna kill my sister next?"

"We just have to wait; once enough time has passed, Havok's control will fade, and they'll return to normal; you'll thank me when this is over,"

"Somehow, I doubt that," Rarity spat back as she walked over to Applejack.

"Keep this spot secure for me, Sugar," Applejack requested. "I'm gonna find something proper to plant in his honor," Before Applejack could move, Rot jumped through the Barrier and trotted over to the spot, tapping it once as she passed and sprouting up a small Apple Tree Sprouting a strange apple that was a swirled color of Green and Purple. Rot looked at the tree before looking at Applejack with a side-eye.

"Sorry," She said after a moment.

"For being my sister or for the Pumpkin patch thing?" Applejack asked, "Because I found you out a while ago,"

"What...when!?" Rot demanded indignantly.

"Cous," Applejack replied casually, bringing to mind Rust's slip-up during the Gameshow of Randomness.

"Oh hey," Rot chuckled. "That reminds me," Rot turned her tail into a spring and rocked back like a playground toy. Twilight looked back at the motion and wasn't able to move in time as Rot sockd her square in the jaw; Twilight tumbled across the ground, and Rot roared in rage."I warned you I'd punch ya if you went after Havok," Rot Slunk back into place and materialized a hat, tipping it to her sister. "If this calms down, I'm sure we have lots to talk about, but right now, I need to vent the rage of vengeance that flows within me!" Rot sunk into the ground, and vines began bursting to life around the Empire, indoing that Rot managed to gain the attention of the Empire's resident Princess.

"It's looking like Twilight didn't manage to beat her baddie," Cadance noted; when Twight had come for her aid, the only intel Cadance had received was that There was a bad guy Twilight needed to use the Crystal Heart on and that he could manipulate peoples emotions. Cadance had let Twilight do her hero thing and was now watching vines burst to life across the Empire. The barrier was flickering slightly, and in between flickers, she could see the shape of a massive creature standing just outside the Empire. "Looks like I'll have to interview," Cadance turned, about to call her husband up and ask him to keep an eye on Flurry, only to find him looking out across the empire in bewilderment.

"Hu," Shining chucked at the sight. "Weird, usually when Havok shows up for a party, he makes a show of it; he's not usually the quiet showman type,"

"Havok?" Cadance asked. The name sounded familiar, and after a moment, she remembered the name of the New God of Chaos she had only met in passing once, "Did he go off the deep end?" She asked, now confused. "Twilight said she needed the aid of the Crystal Heart to destroy a formidable foe who could manipulate people's emotions; maybe this Havok fell under his control?"

"Well, Spike is kind of a goof, so I wouldn’t say it's impossible," Cadance stared at Shiing for a moment, who, after a moment of reflection, smacked his forehead. "I forgot to tell you; Discord gave his powers to Spike; Havok is Spike," Shining shook his head, "My bad, totally blanked on passing that info along; I was having a time processing it,"

"Well, if that's the case, we'd best help clear his mind," Cadance took flight, and Shining ordered the guards to keep an eye on Flurry before teleporting away.

In a flash of Light, Shining appeared next to Twilight and was taken aback by Shade's massive side, "So," He said, getting every creature's attention. "What’s happening?" He looked around expectantly and frowned when he failed to find the should-be mastermind of the game, "Were's Havok?" He questioned, "Spike isn't the kind of guy who passes the work on to everyone else and slacks off in the back. Is this one of those, somepony else's, time to shine things?" Shining looked around, expecting an answer fairly quickly, and was met with grim faces as several agents of Chaos began spreading out into the Empire, all taking care not to look at him.

"So he got you to hu?" Twilight sighed. "Shining, Havok isn't Spike; it was just a trick he was using to try and gain sympathy,"

"No," Shining replied bluntly, a sudden chill running down his back. "No! Twilight, Spike is Havok; that's why he's so playful with you guys. Come on, a personal Dragon friend of Discord who has a bone to pick with you specifically?" Shining laughed uneasily as he looked around, trying to find Havok. "It's very clearly Spike," Shining called out. "Hey Spike, get out here and help me clear your name, bud?" Shining's bad feeling turned rotten as Rot walked up to him and shook her head.

"Havok isn't coming, not anymore," Rot glared at Twilight, who Shining realized had a painful-looking bruise on her cheek.

"I did what had to be done," Twilight said sternly. "You'll all thank me when we find the real Spike," Shining stared at Twilight for a moment before replying in an oddly calm tone.

"Then Teleport him to you," Shining said in a commanding tone. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but Shining spoke over her. "I know you can," He stared hard at her. "If you're so confident, then Teleport him to your side right now,"

"Havok has clearly hidden him in a side dimension, or-"

"Oh, don't give me that," Shining snapped back. "Why, why would Havok do that? Did Spike do anything weird? Did Havok do anything other than play silly games? Give me a good reason as to why Havok would do that?"

"To Spread Chaos," Twilight said confidently. "He's probably replaced other ponies; these kids might just be extensions of his will, only pretending to be different ponies,"

Upon hearing Twilight beginning to rationalize her way to the conclusion of "I'll have to use the Heart of the other," Applejack stomped forward and looked Twilight in the eye.

"I'm starting to think you're the one being manipulated," Applejack said in an irritable tone. "I have never seen you act this dense, and I've seen you act up in a number of ways, believe me," Applejack forced Twilight to look her in the eye. "Tell me you're not under control, that some shadowy figure hasn't been feeding you lies. Tell me you're doing this of your own accord,"

Twilight refused to look Applejack in the eye, but the response was clear: Twilight was indeed doing this of her own accord, "Power corrupts, I suppose," Applejack said angrily. "What? Have you been having so much fun being told how great you are as a princess that you've stopped taking into account the fact that you can be just as wrong as anypony else?"

"If you're not gonna help me stop, then stand aside," Twilight said firmly, the depths of her delusions too deep for even Applejack to pull her out. Applejack left Twilight's side; with Rarity and Pinkie busy with their dilemmas, she chose to chase after Fluttershy, who had long since run off into the empire, seemingly looking for shards of what remained of Spike, while following her she stepped on one such shard, a green piece of his underbelly, Applejack placed it in her hat before she continued after Fluttershy to aid in receiving as much of the body as they could.

Spike was watching as the Crystal Empire was slowly overthrown by Rots vines and inky goons created by Rust; he chuckled when he spied Vile and gave his postmortem praise as the sixth member of the team gave the Ewes supper munchy powers so they could eat any processed inorganic goods.

"I'm feeling super avenged right now, not gonna lie," Spike chuckled; having turned Sombra's fire jar into a tool for seeing into the mortal plain, Sombra seemed to be lost in personal joy at having something akin to flavor enter his mouth for the first time in over a century. However, it was equally possible that he was just anti-social or plain and didn't like Spike. Spike marveled as his team unified in a joint Chaotic push to avenge his death and, after a moment, came to a serious decision.

"So Somby,"

"So, Sombra, "Spike began, only to be interrupted by Sombra's sharp retort, "Never call me that again," he spat back instantly as Spike slid in close.

"You and I are stuck here probably forever, and I don't like not having friends, so it looks like you are my new bestest friend in the world," Spike declared, pulling Sombra into a hug. He chuckled as the evil king tried and failed to get out of Spike's grip; being a powerful unicorn without any magic versus a God who had weakened magic, Sombra was helpless as Spike held him tightly.

"Let's talk about our first sleepover. Are you feeling bunk beds or sleeping bags? Bunk beds feel right, but Sleeping bags will help us get close,"

"Never," Sombra cried out as he tried desperately to escape from Spike's grasp.

"Oh, Somby, you wanna share a bed? you dirty boy," Spike howled with laughter as Sombra screamed in despair. "At least I have someone to mess with," He cheered as he went back to watching the events happening in the empire. Sombra managed to get free enough to grab his cup and drink the last of the tea before filling it with snow and trying to splash Spike with hot water to free himself.

Just as Spike was getting comfy in the snow, he heard an odd sound, like someone was ringing a bell far off in the distance. "Hm?" Spike looked for the source but, after a moment, figured he was imagining it and went back to watching the chaos.

Now holding power as Leader and overflowing with grief and regret, Shade's mane acted like whips, trashing at the barrier protecting the Crystal Empire in an attempt to overload the Crystal Heart long enough for her to turn it into a Conduit of Chaos. It was one of Team Chaos's oldest ideas, made before Rust had even been considered for conscription, But in the end, Spike had vetoed it due to the worry that they might not be able to return it to its primary function.

Shade no longer cared about long-term effects, no longer cared about how it might affect others; right now, she only cared about her friends and was going to make sure Twilight couldn't destroy them the same way she had done to Spike.

"I'm gonna break the Spike statue and rebuild it as a proper monument to both Spike and Havok. It will be seen across all of Equestria. Once I warp it, I will use it to amplify the power of my Chaos Heart and Plunge all of Equestria into an endless storm of Chaos," Shade ignored Twilight's attacks, no longer under any obligations to act like the Princesses Magic had any effect on her.

"And then, maybe one day, We'll cause so much Chaos that Spike will be able to come back to us. Until that Day, Equestria will never again know a moment of Harmony or Calm!" As she spoke, the Sun and Moon began moving faster and faster until the day and night cycles barely lasted a full minute. The Thick layers of Snow began melting away, and the land melted as the Crystal Empire was slowly surrounded by an Ocean crafted by Shade, A prank they had been planning to use against Twilight for her upcoming birthday.

Twilight was starting to feel winded as nothing she did phased Shade. She landed inside the barrier and watched Shade for a moment before a hand gripped her ear.

"What, in the name of Tartarus, is happening?" Discord demanded as he snapped into existence next to Twilight, no longer the God of Chaos. It had taken him a while to travel to the Empire, but he felt the exact moment Havok had stopped existing in this world. "What happened to Spike,"

"That wasn't Spike," Twilight snapped before her face fell. As though she had just realized who she was talking to, Discord just stared at her, dumbfounded, before shaking his head and picking her up.

"I think I would know better than you," He noted in mild offense, "So, I'm gonna ask again, and you're gonna answer me, What did you do to Spike?" Twilight was breathing heavily, heavy breathing turned harder, hardness fell away to tears, and Tears fell into sobbing as she hit a figurative wall, and the weight of her actions hit her.

"You didn't?" Discord realized as he dropped the Sobbing Alicorn; Twilight tried and failed to string a sentence together to deny what Discord had said, but he was having none of it. "You didn't think to ask me? I wasn't going to sell him out for nothing, but I would have if I'd known the alternative was blasting him to bits," Discord groaned, headbutted the ground, and walked away from Twilight. “So much disappointment in you right now,” he added before leaving her to cry into the ground.

"Fluttershy," He called out, finding her with ease and teleporting to her, seeing her and Applejack weaving through large vines with the aid of Princess Cadance, whose eyes told Discord she had already been told the news. "Ah, there you are," Discord picked up his dear friend and looked her over. "Have you been doing what I asked you to do in the event Havok, or Spike, or whatever we're calling him, where to die?"

"Oh, yes," Fluttershy held up a little bag, and Discord took it, dumping its contents onto the ground; purple and green shards spilled out. Cadance and Applejack both made offended noises, but Discord ignored them as he squashed the shard together, turning them into a single gelatinous blob. Discord held it up and motioned it around as though expecting it to move; after a moment, Applejack’s hat flew off her head and into the glob. Discord reached into it and pulled out the large Shard she had picked up before following Fluttershy.

Without a word, Discord used his tale to return Applejack's hat and tossed the shard up; it spun in the air for a moment before turning into a liquid and being sucked into the Glob, making it ever so slightly bigger.

"Good," Discord was suddenly wearing the clothes one might find on a pony using a metal detector on the beach, including a sunhat, fanny pack, and the metal detector itself; the only difference was that at the end of the metal detector was the Glob of Spike, Discord began running it around, and in doing so small piece of Spike began liquifying and combining with the larger mass, slowly making it larger.

"This might take several months," Discord noted. "So if you'd all like to help me find the bigger pieces, that'd be swell. Can't rightly put him back into his body if he doesn't have one to be put back into,"

"We need to find all of him?" Applejack questioned.

"Eh," Discord shrugged, "about seventy or eighty percent should do; any less than that, and he’ll probably just pop again. Once we have enough, we can shove him in. He can call the rest of his pieces back to him," At being told that, Applejack turned away from Discord and ran at high speed toward Rot, who was currently taking great care to avoid Flurry Heart, who had teleported herself outside and was playing with the massive vines, with her attention now focused on not hurting Spike's Neice the spread of Rot's Vines had all but halted.

"Rot," Applejack called out, getting her Chaotic Counterpart's attention. "We might be able to revive Spike, but we need your help; I know Shade told you to…"

"Sold," Rot practically screamed out. "Explain what I need to do and do it now!"

"Discord," Applejack called out, " Discord snapped into existence next to Rot and handed her a metal detector before splitting the gelatinous blob of swirling greens and purple in half and slathering one half onto Rot's detector.

"Swign that around, find Spike's body parts, get enough, and we should be able to pull him back with enough power," Rot set to work while Applejack joined Fluttershy in the search; Shining Armor had just arrived and was being filled in on the plan by his wife.

Rot sent out a message to Sweetie that she and Discord were working on a way to revive Spiike. But told her not to hold back or slow down since it was possible it might not work.

"Vile, leave your animals to do their part and Help Rot and Discord in their revival plans; Storm, you keep doing your part, and Rust, keep an eye on Gingerbread; I don't want Pinkie to tan my hide for accidentally killing her cookie baby," Shade continued her assault, now adding magical blasts to her attacks as she tried to overload the barrier and stall out the Crystal Heart.

Rust was inside the Castle, making creatures like large ducks and anvils with faces out of ink and sending them out into the Empire to be a general nuisance to the residents for their part in killing Spike. Next to Rust, Pinkie was hard at work making sure Gingerbread was in good health. She was lying down flat with her one eye looking up. Pinkie had told her that she was sick and needed to lie down for a while, and Gingerbread had complied without complaint or question, having a near-religious level of faith in Pinkie.

"Alright, so good news, bad news, good news," Rust informed Pinkie. "Havok might be revivable, but we don't have a guarantee it will work, but I have been cleared to protect Gingerbread at all costs,"

"Any progress on turning her back?" Pinkie asked hopefully. Rust called forth the inky goon shaped like a female Manticore and attempted to make it a real Manticore, but nothing happened as Rust groaned.

"Nothing," She relayed as her new friend licked her face, "oh no, honey, you did your part wonderfully. You just keep doing what you're doing. Hopefully, I'll be able to introduce you to that hunk Lars I told you about," Since she had needed a target to practice bringing to life and wasn't about to risk injuring Gingerbread, Rust had once again brought another one of her creations to full proper sentence, and since Lars seemed to be getting lonely she figured she might try her hand at getting him a girlfriend at the same time, Saddie the Manticore was a very detailed creation brought to life and delicately crafted to be a fine specimen.

"If this works out, I might be able to fix Gingerbread's other eyes," Rust informed Pinkie. "But I'm no God of Chaos; we might need to think about long-term storage until I can properly turn Saddie into a real Manticore," Rust let out a sigh; she and Spike had become good friends ever since their first meeting, without meaning to Rust began humming softly as she pulled out some scissors and paper to cut out shapes to fill in with ink and create more mindless goons, "Snip, snip, cut,"

Sombra watched as Twilight lay on the ground sobbing. He didn't care much about why she was crying but was enjoying the show; he was lying on his cape, holding onto his fire jar as Spike dragged the cape and Sombra along the flat, snowy terrain. Spike was irritably looking around for the source of a sound that only he seemed able to hear. A bell was being rung, at first sparingly, but now it was ringing non-stop, and he couldn't figure out where it was originating from for his life.

"Show yourself, Bell fiend," Spike demanded irritably. The bell continued ringing without any verbal response; Spike had been chasing the sound for a while and was fully prepared to spend the rest of his eternity hunting it down when Sombra pointed something out.

"You should be fully capable of teleporting," Sombra noted in a bored tone.

"Thank you, Somby," Spike said in a sweet tone that only made Sombra wish he had kept his mouth shut. Spike put his fingers together and summoned as much magic as he could. It was slower than it used to be, but soon he felt the source of the ringing and snapped; both he and Sombre were violently thrown to the side, with Sombra hitting something that looked to be a fence and Spike hitting a stone floor. Spike was confused for a moment until a very familiar and sweet voice spoke up.

"See," Cozy Glow boasted, "I told you he'd come if you just kept ringing it," Spike looked up in shock when he realized the source of the noise and the reason for him being free was Tirek ringing the sell-out bell he had left for him to ring when he was ready to give up his powers for freedom.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a bonza ass sense of timing?" Spike laughed merrily as Sombra got to his hooves, rubbing his face and looking around in confusion.

"Oh, wonderful," Sombra noted when he saw the massive three-headed dog staring him down. "I died while dead, and now I'm in Tartarou; I hate you, dragon,"

"Cozy," Spike cheered. "How nice of you to recognize me in my natural colors,"

"Yeah, It took a while, but I eventually realized you were Twilight's dragon friend; how's she doing by the…” Sombra held up the Firejar as she spoke, and both Cozy and Tirek watched Twilight sobbing on the ground. "-Nice," Cozy noted darkly before covering it up. "Oh no, what has her so down?"

"I dunno," Spike answered with a shrug. "Probably feels bad for killing me if I had to guess,"

"So I rang it too late," Tiriek noted with a click.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Spike shot back. "I'm a God! Just give it some time, and I'll be right as rain till then. What say we all group up and watch my dear friends enact revenge by turning Equestria into a pit of Chaos and sorrow?" Cerberus barked with two of its heads, and Spike waved at him, "Of course you can watch, come take a seat and enjoy the show,"

Shade could feel the Crystal Heart growing weaker as she pushed against the barrier with both Might and Magic. It finally began turning fully translucent instead of just flickering, Allowing all inside the Empire to bath in the shade of her looming shadow regardless of how close they were to the barrier.

As the panic that swept across the empire grew worse, Shade could sense something strong was heading her way; she knew who it was long before they arrived and greeted her politely upon arriving within earshot.

"Princess Luna, Wonderful to see you as always,"

"Spike's Chaos Carnival is dissolving into a state of Chaos more befitting of Discord; I thought it was just Spike doubling down, but Photo Finish took one look and said something along the lines of 'Havok would never make something so drab' and refused to elaborate beyond critiquing the flow of Chaos, think she called it 'boringly uniform'"

"I'm sorry, Princess," Shade said with a heavy heart, "Spike and Havok have both been dearly departed from us. Discord is working on a way to revive him, but I doubt that'll help mend the hate that fills my heart at the fact that Twilight did it!" Shade slammed her head against the barrier, and hairline fractures began forming where her horn struck against it.

Luna fluttered slowly to the ground before taking a few deep breaths, each breath filling her lungs with more and more anger before she finally shot into the Barrier like a bullet, slamming into Twilight and Pinning her to the ground. Twilight lay on the ground, looking up at Luna with an unreadable expression.

"Tell us!" Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot voice, allowing it to echo across the entire empire, "Lie to us; tell us you didn't know," Twilight said nothing. Luna pulled her head in closer, "At least my sister had the excuse of me trying to kill her, and even then, she simply banished me; even under threat of my return, she never once pondered ending my existence. And had there been any other way to detain him, we would never have allowed it to be done to Sombra, but you have the audacity to use your powers as a Princess to orchestrate the death of a God!?"

Luna sneered at Twilight's lack of response, "Consider yourself lucky, very lucky indeed, to have under your name many, many accomplishments done for the sake of good because they are the only reason I don't turn you over and rip the wings from your back," Luna stepped off Twilight and walked away, Twilight never once speaking a word to her.

Across the Empire, Discord and Rot were hard at work collecting pieces of Spike when Luna arrived to aid them.

"Luna, perfect timing," Discord cheered. "Celestia gave you the 'emergency keys' to tartarous, yes?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes,"

"Wonderful. Could you try to enlist Cerbrerus' aid? He should 'theoretically' be capable of hunting down pieces of Spike faster than any other thing in creation; we could be done before Shade turns the Crystal Heart into the Chaos Heart, although Cadance and Shining are trying to stall her, what with the eighty or so percent chance of the change being permanent with the Crystal Empire being destroyed in the process, it's not really amounting to much,"

Under any other circumstance, Luna would have never let any creature talk her into opening up the gateway to Tartarous; however, under this one circumstance, she found she had no hesitation in her heart.

Without a word to Discord, Luna opened the door to Tartarous and whistled; after a moment, she whistled again and, after the third time, frowned, "Cebreus is not responding," She noted as she walked through the door between the two plains of existence. Discord continued the search, but Rot followed Luna, who was interested in looking at Tartarous and seeing if Spike was maybe hiding within its depths.

"Spike," Rot practically screamed out, earning a head shake from Luna.

"Spike would be in the void, a theoretical plain of existence between life and death; the only thing we know about it is that it exists; it's where the Empire was banished to for those long thousand years,"

"Is there any way to get there?" Rot asked curiously.

"I don't recommend it," Havok noted from Behind Rot, "There's just a lot of snow; used to be a Sombra, but I decided to keep him,"

Luna and Rot whipped their heads back so fast they might have gotten whiplash as they looked at Havok, who was far more translucent and misty than he used to be but still mostly the right shape and size; in his arms was the aforementioned Sombra; who was using his front hooves to kick the shit out of Spike and try and escape his grasp.

"You can't have him," Havok said to Luna firmly, "I called dibs, I also call dibs on Cozy and Tirek; I have a very nice snowglobe picked out from them until I'm confident they'll be good, and also as insurance, so I don't get murdered again, speaking of murder, hey Rot how's my vengeance goin?"

Rot had a fair reaction to Havok's cheery talk about his demise and began slowly bawling her eyes out as she pulled him into a hug. Havok dropped Sombra to hug her back, and he made it three steps before Cerberus leaned towards him slightly. He dropped to the ground hard, playing possum.

"I hate Twilight," Rot said in response to Havok before putting her hooves on Havok's shoulder and shaking him violently, “The moment we revive you, your moving into the castle; you can still do the school thing, but no more Twilight time, she's lost her visitation rights, we'll just replace her in the games with Starlight...who is gonna be pissed when she finds out about this," Luna made a noise, and Rot stuck her tongue out "I am a creature of Chaos and I will say 'Pissed' all I want, Pissed, pissed, pissed,"

"Kind of killed the mood, but I like it," Havok noted as he snapped his finger, and a single piece of popcorn was formed. "Mother...Rot, can I bum a drink off of you? My magic battery is about as dead as me, Ninty percent depleted, I'd say, maybe ninety-five,"

"This is great," Luna spoke in the royal conerlot voice and made both entities of Chaos jump, along with Cozy, who called out irritably.

"Hush up, I'm watching the princess of friendship cry at how bad she is at her job," Tirke seemed too busy trying to murder a bell to pay attention to Luna, who chose to go back to ignoring the both of them.

"If your soul is in Tartarous, it will take far less of your pieces to pull you back to the physical world; we might have enough to..."

"No," Havok declared sternly as he sat down and took the soda Rot passed to him, "Twilight apologizes, or Shade turns the Empire into the Chaos capital of the world, and she had to apologize to everyone afterward, my friends, her friends, the Crystal ponies she tricked into murdering me and probably now had PTSD or something, Cadance also helped unknowingly and that's just a world of wrong tricking the princess of love into murder sounds like just as much of a crime as murdering a god if you ask me,"

"Spike, please," Luna sighed; Havok held up one finger and shook his head.

"Until Twilight apologies to me, out loud, and means it, Shade gets to destroy the world, and I refuse to be un-killed," Havok muttered under his breath, "Revived, why did I say un-killed like a grade-schooler?"

"So, should I keep looking for pieces of you or keep destroying the empire?"

"You can multitask," Havok replied, "You're a strong, independent mare; I believe in you," Havok leaned in, "How's Gingerbread?"

"She's a cookie," Rot replied.

"Twilight has to apologize to Gingerbread as well," Havok declared, "And Pinkie gets two apologies and maybe an edible hat; I'll think about that last one. It might be a good soft prank to help ease us out of the Chaos Carnaval,"

Rot gave a salute and bounded out of the Tartarous hole; Havok walked up to it and poked the door, unable to push past it into the physical world.

"I came to get Cerbrus," Luna looked over as the dog glared at Sombra, still playing dead, "But I see he is busy,"

"Don't tell Celestia I'm dead," Havok whispered to Luna as she walked up to the doorway, "She'll explode,"

"I'm telling," Luna whispered back with a hard look before adding with menace, "Payback for the magic beans,"

"Ah, dammit," Havok ground and deflated slightly, "Fine, but you can't be mad about it anymore, not to my face at least,"

"Seems fair," Luna walked out of the gate and called back, "Have fun being babied; I'll wait a few days to relay the entire story to my sister unless she asks for details, then you're screwed," The door to Tartarous closed, and Havok went back to enjoy the show with Cozy.

Author's Note:

I was orginaly only gonna have two parts of the Chaos Carnival, but as you can see it's running rather long and my pre-readers recomended cutting it into three parts. So here's hoping part three dosen't take me a year to finish.

Comments ( 17 )

See, this is why we don't go around in denial. It just leads to pain. And munchies.

Twilight is going have to grow up and face that spike has found his thing and is no longer her servant/slave.

Good to see Twilight's De-Nile river finally burst out & hit her in the face with the consequences of her actions from last chapter, course even if she apologize for her actions she created a big rift between her & Spike that no amout of magic will ever trully fix! All because of her stupid pride!:ajbemused:

I agree about making this into a 3-parter cause of lenght, hoping to see the resolution/fallout of Twilight's stupidity next chapter Silver, keep up the great work! :moustache:

About time Twilight sees the truth, it only took nearly everyone yelling at her for her to accept it!

the sky was a pitch black void, he could barely see around himself for a few meters, and pass that it was pitch black.

"and past that"

Strom looked to Twilight, then back to Storm, and said one thing. "Gladly,"

Pretty sure that's meant to be "then back to Shade,"

"Looks like I'll have to interview,"


In a flash of Light, Shining appeared next to Twilight and was taken aback by Shade's massive side,

"size" unless it's just one side that grew, which presents a funny mental image.

"I'll have to use the Heart of the other,"

"on the others,"

"If you're not gonna help me stop, then stand aside,"

I think it's meant to be "stop them,"

Applejack placed it in her hat before she continued after Fluttershy to aid in receiving as much of the body as they could.


However, it was equally possible that he was just anti-social or plain and didn't like Spike.

Is that meant to be "anti-social and plain didn't"?

"So Somby,"

"So, Sombra, "Spike began, only to be interrupted by Sombra's sharp retort, "Never call me that again," he spat back instantly as Spike slid in close.

I'd guess this is meant to be just "So Somby,"

"Oh, wonderful," Sombra noted when he saw the massive three-headed dog staring him down. "I died while dead, and now I'm in Tartarou; I hate you, dragon,"


Finally an update after so long! If Celestia doesnt damn near go Daybreaker from sheer rage I will be surprised. And nice that Twilights finally given in to the irrefutable evidence that she killed Spike. Honestly quite curious on if theres any cosmic consequences for killing a benevolent god? And I agree with the chapter split. This chapter by itself was long enough.

Well, and for the surprise of none, Twigs faced the consequences of her actions, thanks for the cap, a good one haha, let's see what happens next! :3

Love this. Felt a bit rushed at some parts, but that just made it feel more chaotic. Good job.:moustache:

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