• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,450 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Chapter 10: One Night Only

Sunset Shimmer had performed before many crowds over the years. The setting had changed, the reasons had changed, but being before others was nothing new to the goldenrod alicorn. Sunset's early performances had not been those of a musician on stage, but instead had been magic. She had been required to perform for assessment before Princess Celestia as well as her other school instructors. Sometimes she even had an audience of her fellow students. In those early days Sunset, of course, had been more concerned with blowing the competition and some professors away spectacularly. The more powerful the spell, the more destructive the result, the more it brought her attention, that was all that mattered in those early days of desperate-for-attention youth.

Later performances on Earth had Sunset trading a powerful horn for being with her friends on stage, a guitar in hand as the much needed rhythm guitarist for the Rainbooms. Rainbow Dash did have some great, hard earned guitar skills, but where Rainbow was a high octane adrenaline rush of power rifts to the face, Sunset considered herself more a skillful, graceful artist who focused more on the soul of the music instead of just trying to break strings.

This focus on skill first was what eventually led Sunset to take her clandestine art skills as the loved and somewhat infamous street painter, Flanksy to go legit and put those skills on display for both work and the occasional art gallery showing. However, out of all the crowds she had stood before or students she had taught to paint or sculpt or rock out, none had been more critical and difficult to please than her two daughters, Aurora Shimmer and Sunna Sparkle.

Aurora, as a child was wild, did not want to listen, and often marched to the beat of her own drum. Sunset’s first daughter would listen with one ear while the other listened to whatever noise was going on inside her own head. When she tried to teach Aurora different drawing and painting techniques she was often met with a, “Yeah, yeah, I get it, mama,” and then she would just do her own thing. Results often varied greatly, which was fine. Not everyone was born to be an artist after all. Sunset could have done without the numerous snarky remarks her teenager would sling her way about the art she made professionally from time to time. However, if you can't take criticism, art is not an ideal career choice.

Sunna was no less a handful, just a different kind of handful. Aurora was like trying to handle a hot potato with no gloves on. Sunna was like trying to handle a quiet, sneaky ninja who would rather sit in her room and draw on the walls with permanent marker then smile at you, proud as can be when she was finally caught. There was often a pile of blank drawing paper nearby that even included a note that stated, ‘draw on this.'

Still, between her daughters, paying crowds of fans, fellow students, and nervous school instructors, Sunset felt a bigger lump settle into her stomach than she ever had with the others. This was no ordinary performance. These were ponies and zebras that had been through hell. They had been abducted, beaten, whipped, some had even been sexually assaulted, all of them trapped with no means of escape beyond choosing death and no hope to think otherwise. Sunset felt her anxiety flare in a way that only Twilight could understand and appreciate.

“How and I supposed to keep this upbeat? How am I supposed to make them feel better about any of this? Would they even like the music I can play?! Seriously, what the hell am I doing?!”


“What?!” Sunset turned to her mother with wide, frantic eyes and felt wings wrap around her. “Sorry.”

“Be at peace, little sun. Take a breath and tell me, what is the matter?”

Sunset let out a long breath and forced her racing heart to settle. It still took a few more minutes until the mild panic attack passed. It had been a while since she had felt one of those. She was usually the one having to calm Twi… and sometimes Twilight as well when they worked in the lab. Her thoughts returned to her wife, imagining her smiling behind black rimmed glasses, amethyst eyes filled with love just for her. Their hands intertwined. Calming warmth from skin on skin, lips caressing one another, the steady pulse of a heartbeat in time with her own. Sunset pressed the ring to her chest fur and finally felt the anxiety subside.

“Sorry, just started to spin my wheels, so to speak. I’m just out of practice being out in front of a crowd, I think. Especially alone. The last time I played a gig like this was for a charity ball that Pinkie Pie had set up. Really thinking about it, it was a lot like this. Small crowd of about a hundred donors, acoustic guitar in... hand.” Sunset clutched the instrument gently, confidence and determination once again shining in her teal eyes that brought a smile to Celestia’s face. There was the Sunset Shimmer she knew so well. “Yeah, I can do this.”

“I know you can. And I will be right out front cheering you on. Do you know what you are going to play?”

Sunset tapped her chin a moment, pondering. “Well, I do have my own stuff I wrote, but most of those were just jingles or instrumentals. Might lead with one of those for a warmup. The others I worked on were for the Rainbooms and don’t sound as good solo. I do know a few songs off the top of my head I could do and I have a few filks in my back pocket I made for practice and fun.”


“Yeah, you take an existing song and rework the lyrics. It’s great practice for working out your own material when you get stuck in a rut. Some musicians even make good money on it. I’m not sure who was the bigger master of the filk, Weird Al or Cheese Sandwich, but those two were geniuses when it came to reworking a song.”

“I will leave those decisions up to you. Considering they should still get a decent night of sleep I would not recommend more than five or six songs. However, you are more a pony of the night than I. I will leave you in charge of those little details.”

Sunset nodded to Celestia who moved to join the gathering crowd in the light of the bonfires on the beach. Levar and Steady Course had been tasked with telling the others that a performance would be held after dinner as both a celebration to their hard work and to their soon to be had freedom from the island. From a glance, Sunset could tell that all but the youngest colts and fillies were in attendance. That was fine. Now that she once again had her focus, Sunset had no plans to put on a poor performance. After all, she had a reputation as an artist and as Celestia’s daughter to uphold.

There had been no need to build a stage since the hotel already had a large wooden deck patio out back. The only alteration that needed to be made was that the performance stage had been intended to play towards the outside dining guests and not the beach behind it. So, the guard rail had to be removed. Grassy Rio had wisely chosen not to comment on the minor destruction of his property.

“Good evening.” Sunset waited for the various side conversations to settle before she continued. Taking her place on top of a set of stacked crates that were not as wide as she would have liked, but it allowed all those gathered to easily see and hear her and had minimal risk of her accidentally falling off of. Besides, she had wings, magic, and if nothing else it was a short drop to the relatively soft sand below. Sunset noted the acoustics were terrible since she had no backdrop or surround stage. She was going to have to give her all so those in the back received just as quality an experience. That was fine by her.

“On behalf of Equestria and more immediately, the princesses Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, and Luna, I want to formally apologize for not coming to your aid sooner. No pony, zebra or other creature should have to endure what you have suffered through. However, the past is the past and cannot be changed. I know this well. The best course of action is to move forward. With that said, let me state with full confidence that I will be here for you tomorrow and however long it takes to get all of you home to your families and loved ones. In case any of you are not aware I am Lady Sunset Shimmer, daughter of Celestia and I am happy, no, honored to lead you to freedom.

“Tonight however, I want all of you to find a comfortable spot to sit or stand, relax, enjoy, and listen to a few songs that will put a smile on your face and with luck, maybe get those plots shaking to the beat.” Sunset lit her horn and red telekinetic fingers manifested at the ends of her forehooves. Several of the zebra gasped, ‘ooh and ahhh,’ having never seen magic performed in such a way.

Playing it safe, Sunset started with an instrumental only song she had written years ago that she played at Rainbow Dash and Soarrin’s wedding. It started with a slow tempo that gradually got faster to the end. A good warmup song and several of the ponies before her were tapping their hooves to the sand by the end just like she had hoped. After a brief rest and applause Sunset launched into Clapton's 'Change the World.' All the crowd suddenly became mesmerized and attentive even in the back as she began to sing the soft yet beautiful piece of work. The applause that followed the end of the song was significantly louder that before. Sunset smiled, especially down at Celestia who was loudly clapping her hooves together.

Sunset smiled brightly as she felt her soul warm like it always did when she hit her music groove. If it was possible for her to further 'Pony Up' she probably would have. Sunset adjusted herself quickly then began to strum again, playing Blind Melon's 'No Rain.' By the time she finished, no creature was sitting down anymore and every face bore a pleased smile.
Time to really get some rumps moving.

Sunset began to beat her hoof on the side of the guitar as well as stomp a hindleg hoof on the crates, tapping loudly as she launched into ‘Shake it off.’ By the end of the song every pony and zebra were smiling and had begun to dance alone or with the ones next to them. Sunset Shimmer sported the biggest grin of them all. She had forgotten how invigorating it was to play before a crowd and how their energy and enjoyment only heightened her own.

After taking a few gulps of water Sunset immediately launched into her song, ‘Let it Rain’ followed by, ‘Learning to Fly,’ one of her favorite songs ever written. By that point the entire crowd had needed to drink their own water from dancing. It was a good time to break out one of the filks.

“I’m glad to see smiles on everyone's faces. You’ve all earned a good evening of fun and entertainment. Am I right to say we're having a good time?" The crowd shouted and whistled. Even Celestia blew a few whistles herself. "For this next song I am going to break out one of the songs I reworked for fun. I took an existing song that I enjoyed and changed a few of the words then played it for my wife. In case anypony is wondering, she absolutely loved it.” Sunset readied the guitar again. “This one is called, Touch the Hoof.”

Sunset was afraid the strings were going to break by the time she was done with the faster, harder rock song that she sang along to with all her might. She was not concerned however, she was having too good a time. After a small break Sunset launched into another instrumental guitar solo to give her voice a chance to rest. The wide grin never leaving her face.

If not for the small, annoying fact that they were all still trapped on an island by some powerful magic and she was not sure why, Celestia would be having the time of her life. She was happily dancing along with the other ponies and zebras, occasionally entertaining their request to dance with her one on one. One young stallion even found himself emboldened enough to plant a small kiss in her cheek. That earned him cheers from some of his friends and a warm giggle from Celestia herself.

The situation was, in a roundabout sort of way, exactly what Celestia had been looking forward to ever since Sunset Shimmer had set hoof in Equestria again for longer than a day or two. Here she was on a beach lit by bonfires under the beautiful stars filled night laughing and singing and enjoying the company of others all while her beautiful and tremendously talented daughter wowed the crowd that desperately needed to be entertained. Celestia could not be more content.

It was honestly like a dream and if not for the sweat from dancing she might have thought it was. When Celestia really stopped to think about it she had never had a chance to see one of Sunset’s music performances. As a filly, Sunset had been driven to be the best at everything she set out to do. She was, of course, highly intelligent, beautiful, and powerful in magic. Those were all the things that mattered to her then. However, she had not shown much in the way of interest in things such as art and music after age ten when her sole focus had been knowledge and power. That was also about the time, Celestia recalled, that she had first began to see the megalomania set in. She had been so focused on other things that she lost her little filly right out from under her hooves even though she was just a few hallways away.

So many missed opportunities. So much missed time.

Later, from what Sunset had told Celestia of her time on Earth, learning to use her hands had been an absolute necessity to survive and the more she practiced with different tasks the more versatile she became. And while she did dabble, it was not until, ‘Twilight bitch-slapped me with a rainbow laser,’ did Sunset finally see the monster she was becoming and blossom and embrace all her artistic talents.

To be here now, before her alicorn daughter, watching, listening to her pour her heart and soul into her art. It was like Celestia’s heart was finally healed and at peace with all the failures she had committed as a teacher and a mother. Her little ray of sunshine that had been so tiny the day she had been born was everything she truly wanted her to be. And to think that her father and I had woven spells into her as an unborn foal so as to craft her into a weapon. How horrible and short sighted I was. Just look at my little sun now. My greatest creation and gift to this world in all her splendor. No thanks to me. It took a monumental level of sheer will, but Celestia fought down the tears that were on the brink of flowing.

Sunset let out a whoop and laughed when the crowd mimicked her gleeful cheer. It was getting late now and her horn was beginning to throb from long term use of her telekinetic finger spell. She was nearly at the limit she had held it before during testing. However, as Sunset looked down at her mother, tears of joy about to spill forth, she knew she had one more song she had to play.

“All right everyone… everypony. I think I have one last song in me before we break and settle in for the night.” Sunset paused, to scan the crowd and then returned her eyes to Celestia and smiled warmly. “This last song is also a reworked filk that I wrote many, many years ago. In fact, it was the first filk I wrote even when I was still learning to play guitar and it is dedicated to my mother, Princess Celestia. It’s a little slower, so take a seat, think about your loved ones, and all they wanted and did for you and you for them. This, is Simple Mare.”

Sunset took a deep breath and then began to strum a slower tempo rhythm. She closed her eyes for a moment, the words flowing to the forefront of her mind, and then they poured forth from where they had remained hidden for decades.

“Celestia told me, when I was young. Come sit beside me my, little sun.

And listen closely to what my lessons say. And if you do this it will help you find friendship someday.

Ask for anything, but time, don't live too fast. Learn from our mistakes, and don't forget the past.

You'll find friendship and you'll find love. And never forget, little sun, I'll be smiling from above.

And be a simpleeee kiiiind of maaaaare! Be sooooomethiiiiing you love and unnnnnderstand!”

Celestia felt the dam break inside her heart. HER daughter, HER little sun… had written a song about the two of them dedicated to HER and all she had tried to instill. The tears flowed freely. Celestia did not even bother to try and stop them and did not give two hoots who saw them. Sunset Shimmer, HER Sunset Shimmer was playing her heart out to give hope and entertainment to these lost and forgotten souls and it was beyond comparison how much love Celestia felt in her soul. She was the proudest mother on the face of the planet at that moment and no power in the universe was going to take that from her.

“Forget your lust for the crown of gold, all that's need is in your heart and soul.

You can do this, little filly, if you try,

All that I want for you, little sun is TO BE SAAAATISFIIIIED!

And be a simpleeee kiiind of maaaare!”

Verse after verse Sunset played, finally, she dropped to her knees, and set the guitar down and belted out the end of the song. The red fingers dissipated and after two or three heartbeats the gathered crowd of former slaves and refugees erupted in cheers, hoof claps, and whistles. Sunset rose back to her full height and extended her wings until they erupted into flame, only causing the crowd to cheer louder.

After a few waves Sunset glanced down again at her mother who had mostly recomposed herself and mouthed the words, ‘I love you so much.’ Sunset had to wipe the tears from her own eyes before finally declaring, “Thank you all and goodnight!”

Sunset was not sure how long the others stayed up or if the party went all the way into the dawn. All she sort of remembered was landing face first into her bed and feeling the warm body and all encompassing and comforting wings and legs of the Goddess of the Sun wrapping around her. For the first time in roughly a year, Sunset Shimmer slept completely content.


Celestia felt the presence at the edge of her waking and dreaming mind. It was a familiar presence, but significantly clouded. The blurry form was calling out to her, saying her name over and over again. She focused on the bluish blur and forced it to take better shape.

“Tia! Can you hear me?!”

Celestia felt her hooves touch what her mind interpreted as ground. The cosmic dust path felt soft, muddied as everything else around her. It was highly unusual, but she knew the reason why. With practiced and honed meditation, the image of her sister, Luna, finally began to focus enough that she no longer looked like a stain on the sidewalk.

Celestia opened her astral plane eyes in her mind and Luna was standing there looking at her with curiosity and concern. “That’s much better. I can actually see you now.”

Luna nodded. “Yes. You, however, are still quite fuzzy to me. Have you been partaking so heavily in the fire water elixir that your mind is a drunken, befuddled fog? If so, I tip my horn at thee for finally relaxing and letting your mane down… so to speak. Do tell me there is a strapping young stallion sharing your bed and that you have shown him what it means to be touched by a goddess. Oh! Perhaps more than one.”

“Uhh, no, dear sister. Just my daughter.”

“Sweet. And yet such a pity,” Luna pouted, but then quickly smiled. “I apologize if you have been trying to converse with me in this place before, but Flurry Heart has kept me so busy either watching her careless back for booby traps or placating the locals for her lack of subtlety that I have not dream walked in two days. I do not suppose my niece and apprentice in this has had a chance to do so for our subjects.”

“I do not think Sunset is comfortable doing such without you.” Celestia raised a hoof to cutoff Luna’s next comment. “Sister, I am struggling to keep this connection. I feel, it’s strange presence and it is fighting me.”

“Tia, are you in danger?”

“Yes and no. In short, we arrived to find that the island allows ships to land, but nothing can leave. It fights back with powerful magic and a nearly impenetrable, one-way barrier. I managed to send a message to Spike and Twilight Sparkle, but it could be days if not longer before we see sails. Even still, we are not entirely sure how to break the curse yet. I am however glad that I was able to reach out to you even if only in this manner. It feels good to speak with you.”

Luna arched a brow and narrowed her eyes. “You make it sound so dire. Between you and Sunset you should be able to break a simple curse. Has thou become so soft and flabby like a soggy slice of cake?”

“It is not simple, Luna, and there is also something… familiar about this magic. I can’t quite place it, it has been so long. I have my suspicions, but cannot confirm until I have seen this supposed artifact that a pirate uses to pass through the barrier. He is expected soon. Before our rescuers will arrive.” Celestia paused, eyes moving to meet her sister’s. “Luna, beloved sister, should anything happen to me. Please, swear upon the soul of our mother that you will take care of my little sun. I… I will feel better knowing she has you by her side.”

“You are not going to die, sister of mine. Sit tight, be smart, trust in Twilight to move swiftly and trust in your daughter to be the warrior she was born to be.”

Celestia’s eyes turned to glass and ethereal tears fell and blew away to stardust. “She’s so talented, Lulu. Sun and stars, it was so wonderful watching her and listening to her perform tonight. I can barely describe the way it made me feel inside. She is… she is so much more than just a weapon to be wielded. I regret so many damn mistakes I made with her and even still. Seeing how she is now, the love she shows and the pure fire that burns in her soul. She is destined for so much more than I ever could have imagined. And I couldn’t be happier for it.”

“Tia, you’re fading.”

“Swear to me you will watch after my daughter.”

Luna was beginning to blur as Celestia struggled to stay in the astral dreamscape. The nebulous colors were turning to black and the stars fading. Still, with one last great will of effort, Luna shouted out, the sound muted and distant, but still could be heard.

“I swear I will take care of Sunset Shimmer, upon pain of death. You have my oath!”

Celestia smiled as the darkness consumed her, the white alicorn’s mind returned to her body and dreamless sleep soon followed.

Author's Note:

Good evening. Well, it's Lull week. That gap between two holidays where you would rather just sleep for a week. I sure as heck would if I could. Regardless, was a good Christmas, food was good nothing caught fire, people are healthy. Also, my Deviled Eggs were perfect again. I make eggggcellent Deviled Eggs. (Yes, I went there.)

Now about the above. I actually DID ask the site moderators about filk song lyrics and they said it was ok. So, for the added effect I went full steam ahead and posted what I had. Lyrics sung to the tune of Lynyrd Skynyrd's: Simple Man.

However, if you want to hear the BEST cover of said song...


Questions? Comments?