• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,444 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Chapter 3: Take a Ride

Breakfast, when Twilight Sparkle was not being whisked away to a morning meeting, was one of those few times all four Canterlot alicorns had an opportunity to sit down together before moving onto whatever had been planned for the day.

Luna, if the night of dream walking was not particularly difficult, gladly joined for breakfast before turning in for a well earned rest. Sunset, it depended on how late she stayed up the night before and if the coffee was fresh. Since Celestia had made the arrangements for the two of them to take the first train east she had awoken before the dawn to assist the kitchen staff with food her sister and daughter were fond of and freshly ground coffee.

A unicorn guard opened the private dining room door he was stationed before, doing his dutiful best to keep his eyes forward when in stumbled the goldenrod alicorn, eyes nearly closed, wild mane doing its best impersonation of a tentacle leviathan monster with strands and fiery locks going every which direction.

The captain of the Solar guard, Tempest Fury, just shook her head and rolled her eyes at the pathetic sight from where she was standing next to Twilight, having just finished giving her report for the week on long range patrols and anomalies. Once Sunset found an empty chair, having felt around for one a bit with a foreleg, Tempest snorted in scoffing disapproval. “How can you even see where you’re going?”

Sunset blinked a few times to clear the blur and crust from her eyes. She met the captain’s vitriol stare and shrugged. “Eyes don’t work at this hour anyhow. The nose knows, that’s all there is to it.”

Tempest turned her attention back to Celestia who happily poured a hot, fresh cup of coffee and was currently plating eggs, buttery toast, and fresh cut pieces of watermelon for her daughter. Even though Celestia was retired as a crowned princess there was a small part of Tempest that wanted to point out the absurdity of the once most important and powerful pony in the world wearing a stained kitchen apron and setting out food for a full grown mare… correction, ALICORN mare, who was more than capable of doing it herself or having one of the paid servants do it. It was not her place to say it though. Perhaps if it was Tempest’s mother doing it for her she would feel different. That, however was never going to happen. Not anymore. Her doing it for a daughter of her own? Also, never likely to happen.

The captain brushed away the dark, bitter thoughts and cleared her throat. “For the record, I would like to say again that I am not pleased with the fact that you two will be traveling to a remote island and are not taking even a single guard or undercover EIS agent with you.” Sunset finished sipping her coffee and set it down before pointing at her horn, then extended her wings, careful to not let them catch fire, and pointed again. “Fine, I get it, ALICORN. Power of all three tribes, blah, blah, blah. But you are still high profile individuals and should have some sort of crowd control backup or bodyguard or two. Something! It’s just… reckless!”

“We will be fine, captain. You made your case for this last night and I still wish this to be a private getaway. We are both more than capable of handling ourselves should an unexpected situation arise.”

Sunset took a long swig of coffee and sighed happily. “I’m really good at setting things on fire.”

"Here, Here!" cried Luna who raised her large coffee mug before returning to her breakfast/dinner.

Tempest scowled… hard. “So I’ve heard. Private Tin Star still refuses to do castle hall patrol. He gladly volunteers for crap assignments if it keeps him away from the palace grounds. He even put in for a tour to join a LRRP team, which I may have to approve or else he might just quit.”

Twilight raised her hoof before Sunset could retort. She did not want her nice breakfast with loved ones and friends to turn sour like so many of her 'work' meetings. “We don’t need to rehash this again, Tempest.”

Tempest sneered for a moment longer before nodding. “As you wish, Your Highness.”

“Good.” Twilight let out a sigh that the matter was shelved for now. Her smile never faltered as she clapped her hooves together. “I take it you two are pack, ready, and excited?”

“I may not look it, but yeah, I am looking forward to getting out of the lion’s den for a bit. As much as I love my music room and working with you in the lab, I could use some time away from it and all the nobles ambushing me with their messengers and servants inviting me to this soirée or that cocktail party. ‘Oh, Miss Shimmer, we’re so glad you are here! Now, stand next to my son who is single and barely out of colthood while enduring his bad flirting and overused cologne. Oh, and let me try and sell you on this idea you can pass along to the princess’ or something to that extent.”

Twilight giggled at Sunset’s overaccentuated, posh accent. “I know exactly how you feel. Thankfully, I will be leaving tomorrow for the empire, which includes leaving behind their fishing games as well.”

“Please do pass on mine and Sunset’s regards to Cadence and that we look forward to seeing her next time she has a chance to visit Canterlot.”

Twilight happily nodded to Celestia, but then paused, turning a concerned eye back to Sunset Shimmer. “Is… is it okay for me to pass that on with your name attached to it?”

Sunset stared down into her coffee. It was strange to think about Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, aka Cadence. On one hand, or hoof rather, Sunset had gotten along quite well with human Cadence. She had gladly on more than one occasion babysat for Flurry Heart with Twi even after Aurora was born. The two children had gotten along well considering the age difference.

Pony Cadence however… Sunset did not hate her, that much she was certain of. Not since letting those feelings go long ago in favor of trying to survive in an unexpected mirror world full of talking, hairless apes that were bent of trying to take advantage of a young, naïve unicorn in the body of a human teenager. Other plans and necessities pushed down bitter thoughts of Cadence for years to where she had completely forgotten about the pink alicorn that Celestia had adopted and taken under her wing.

By the time Sunset had come face to face with one Dean Cadence during the Friendship Games no anger or resentment remained nor would it have been fair to direct any animosity towards the woman who had never met Sunset Shimmer before that day. Now however, when she thought about the ‘Crystal Empress’ on the other side of Equestria all Sunset felt was great shame for her past ill behavior.

“It’s fine, ba- er, Twilight. You can send her my well wishes and regards as well. I mean that.” It was apparently the perfectly right thing to say because when Sunset looked up Twilight was beaming, eyes slightly glassy with carefully controlled emotions. Twilight loved her sister-in-law. For that reason among many Sunset could swallow her own self loathing long enough to put on a small smile and muscle through inner turmoil. It was the least she could do.

The conversation died and the silence grew heavy as the last of the meal was seen to. Thankfully, Celestia moved things along by addressing her sister. “Luna, what did you have planned to keep Princess Flurry Heart occupied while the rest of us are away?”

Luna set her drink down and gestured with her forehooves. “Ah, so I asked the dear filly if there was any part of Equestria she had wished to see. As it turns out she has wanted to for some time to visit the Badlands border providences around Somnambula. Apparently, she is a fan of the regional history and of the legendary mare herself. Who knows, perhaps we will uncover a ancient tomb and have a small discovery adventure of our own.”

Twilight sat blinking with wide eyes while Sunset arched and eyebrow, waiting for the other horseshoe to drop. “That sounds… incredibly low key for her. I expected something with more explosions.”

“History and digging through sand sounds more like something I would enjoy,” added Twilight.

Luna nodded before letting loose a head splitting yawn. “Apparently, she heard a rumor about a cursed tomb filled with undead. She was practically giddy at the idea.”

All the ponies gathered including Tempest all nodded and acknowledged the revelation.

“That makes more sense.” Sunset set her mug down and stretched again, her wings briefly turning to fire, but not long enough to ignite or burn anything. She really needed to practice better control of that particular reaction.

“That still bothers the living crap out of me that they do that. How do you not set yourself on fire? Magical fire is still FIRE,” commented Tempest, stepping back to slide her helmet on. She bowed to all the princesses and even mostly respectably to Sunset as well before letting herself out. Simultaneously, Isabella entered the room and stood by the door staring at Twilight. The ruler of Equestria knew all too well what that meant.

“Well, I guess breakfast is over.” As Twilight stood so did Celestia, Sunset, and Luna. The purple alicorn came around the table and gave Luna a friendly hug. “Have fun, don’t start any wars.”

Luna snorted. “Thou art no fun.”

Twilight next hugged Celestia with one foreleg and Sunset with the other, pulling them both close so that they could all three nuzzles each other. “Have fun you two, but also please be careful.”

Sunset smiled at the warmth and closeness. “We’ll be fine. See you when we get back.”


Although both Twilight and Isabella suggested it, Celestia had elected to not take advantage of her status and request the VIP private car for the train ride to the east coast and last stop of Baltimare. Both she and Luna had been retired (semi-retired) for slightly over a century and had found that spending more time among the common folk of all types of creatures seemed to work well at lessening the frenzy awe of seeing an alicorn outside of the capital.

Sunset Shimmer on the other hand(hoof) chose to maintain her more low profile since her existence in addition to her alicorn status were not as common knowledge outside of Canterlot. Celestia tried to convince her daughter that such excursions were the perfect opportunity to introduce herself to others who were just interested in meeting her and not looking for a chance to pull one over on them. Considering they still had to stop three times on the way to the train station so tourist could have their photo taken with Celestia, Sunset was not buying into the argument.

“It’s better this way,” Sunset started again as they began to settle into their seats for the long afternoon ride. “Everypony knows you, your face is still on a lot of the bits in circulation. Plus, public works sculptures, murals, and what was the last count of how many towns have a Princess Celestia Street? But if I keep my wings covered by my cloak I just look like a big, badass mare bodyguard. No pony or nosey whatever will look too closely at me. Kind of a shame none of my jackets ever make it through the mirror. A leather choker with spikes, maybe some dark eyeliner… oh, and studded gauntlets, yeah! That really would have completed the look.”

“But it’s the middle of summer, dear. Even using magic to regulate your body temperature can get tiresome. Not to mention you will have to take it off once we get to the beach.”

Sunset shrugged her acknowledgment. “Well yeah, but it won’t be a crowded beach. That’s why we picked it.”

“I think you are just being silly. You are a beautiful, wonderful mare and should proudly display yourself and welcome all who wish to say hello to you.”

“And if I did that, then I really would have had to agree with Captain Fury and bring along a platoon just so we could get TO the beach.”

Celestia was about to argue back when a cool grey mare with pink and blue mane nervously waved to get her attention. “Excuse me, Princess Celestia?”


“Would it be too much for my daughter to shake your hoof and maybe a picture or two?”

Celestia glanced at Sunset who smirked in that smug 'I told you so' way she remembered from long ago and shrugged, scooting back a bit to make sure she was not in the photo frame. Celestia sighed and rolled her eyes internally while outside she smiled warmly and gestured for the filly to approach.

“That would be fine. I love making time for all the little ones.” Celestia pulled the filly up next to her, holding the young earth pony in her foreleg like she had done countless times before. She turned her head back to Sunset for moment.

Sunset’s smug grin fell instantly when she caught a twinkling glint of something mischievous in her mother’s magenta eye. No, she wouldn’t… oh, who am I kidding, of course she would, but…

“What’s your name, little one?”

“Blue Bonnet, but my friends call me B.B.!”

Celestia chuckled politely, her smile genuine. “Well B.B., it is so nice to meet you. Would you like to say hello to my daughter as well?”

Dammit, Mom!

The filly’s honey colored eyes grew twice their previous size. “You have a daughter?”

Celestia nodded to the pony in the black cloak who sighed then put on her best fake smile that ‘usually’ did not scare children. I’m so going to get you back for this, Mom.

“You, you have a daughter?!” the mother parroted, drawing the attention of several other passengers.

The filly waved wildly at Sunset. “Hi! I’m Blue Bonnet!”

Sunset’s smile became more genuine. The filly’s innocent enthusiasm breaking through her heavily fortified defenses and reminded her a great deal of her youngest daughter, Sunna. “Hi, B.B. I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

"I really like your mane!"

Sunset let out a small laugh and thanked the filly, meeting her mother's eyes right as she winked.

Despite a few more picture requests most of the passengers did behave and left mother and daughter be once the train was underway. The ride was smooth and at some point Sunset had dozed off, reawakened for a moment when she felt Celestia using her backside for a pillow, but readjusted and went back to napping. B.B. giggled at the sight of the two of them and poked her mother to point at the wing that was sticking out from under Sunset’s cloak. Quietly, the mother took another picture.

The conductor announced loudly that they would be arriving at Baltimare station in twenty minutes. The information caused many passengers who had nodded off to stir and begin checking themselves and their belongings for arrival. Sunset nudged Celestia, the older mare having to blink the blurriness and crusties from her eyes before a yawn escaped her lips.

“Well, that was delightfully uneventful I would like to admit. You make an excellent pillow, my dear.”

Sunset snorted. “Yeah, Twi says the same thing about my boobs.”

“What are… oh, never mind I believe I know.” Sunset laughed again at her mother’s sour face. “Since it will obviously be too late to charter a ship to the island tonight, what are our plans?”

Sunset tapped her chin. How long had it been since she had seen Baltimare? Since before she ran through the mirror the first time, she estimated. She recalled a day trip, much like the one they had just experienced, except that they had been flown by pegasi pulling the royal chariot. Celestia had to tend to political business with the mayor and representatives so Sunset had been left to explore, under guard escort of course. Ten year old Sunset Shimmer had found the harbor fascinating with all the different ships docked and array of species, some of which she had only read about such as large eagles and abyssinians, working to load and unload cargo. The mechanics of it, both organic and machine had sparked her interest in math and engineering.

“Well, I haven’t been here in forever so how about we just walk about like the tourist we are and then get advice on a good restaurant, maybe find a decent hotel for the night. Sound good?”

Celestia nodded. I would suggest the hotel first to store our luggage then sightseeing.”

Since they were not in town for any official purpose Celestia had selected a far less expensive hotel that still offered two full sized beds on the grounds of ‘she had never stayed there before.’ It was as sound logic as any other. Sunset did not feel she had a single leg to stand on because she and Twi had done the same thing more than once when they stayed in a town they had been to before. Every hotel is a little different. Sunset thought. Spice of life and all that jazz.

The clerk at the Watershed Hotel nearly had a heart attack when Celestia approached the desk and asked for a room with their needed accommodations. The clerk boasted that the executive suite would serve them best given their requests. Sunset was about to scoff, but considering that the ‘executive suite’ was still cheaper than most of the average VIP rooms in most Canterlot hotels it was hardly worth arguing about.

The décor was standard, the paint scheme was bland and mostly muted earth tones, and the view was decent considering the location. It had two beds that should suffice even if not the most plush or comfortable either had slept on. Though to be fair, it was hard for any bed, even a royal suite, to beat a bank of fluffy white clouds. The large washroom was probably big enough for two to bathe in making it acceptable for either of them for the night. After a quick run through mother and daughter concluded it was all they needed.

When the pair returned to the desk, the clerk jumped again, bowing his head multiple times. Both Sunset and Celestia found the entire display a bit pathetic, but kept it to themselves with a wordless exchange of eye rolls and careful facial gestures. It was kinder to not wound his pride since he had obviously never stood before an alicorn before. Heh. If he knew he was standing before TWO alicorns he probably would keel over.

“Thank you, the room will do for the night. There is one other thing you can do for us, however,” commented Celestia when he stopped groveling long enough for her to catch his attention. “Are there any restaurants you would recommend?”

“Baltimare, being a bustling melting pot of all sorts of cross culture overlap, naturally has unique accommodations to support all who visit us, Your Highness. There is a lovely restaurant row down by the harbor along with great views of all the ships and cityscape. I would personally recommend Greens and Things.”

“Thank you,” Celestia replied graciously before starting towards the door. Sunset took a moment glance back over her shoulder and it looked like the poor little stallion was still about to faint.


Celestia smirked at Sunset once the door closed behind them. “You get used to it eventually. I actually find those behavioral mannerism quite endearing simply for their honesty. Even though I could do without the excess sweat odor that some produce.”

“I can see that. At least you know they’re being genuine unlike half the ponies in court with their game faces on. I remember that from all those times I sat in with you. Got that in the other world too from time to time, in the workplace and such. Not the groveling, the fake smiles while they are plotting to stab you in the back.”

Celestia paused to glance down at her daughter, face strained with concern. “I do hope you are speaking figuratively.”

“Meh. I’m sure some thought about it. Especially some of the other parents from the PTA and extracurricular clubs. I could feeeeeel their seething jealousy of Twi and I sometimes even without a magical mind reading geode.” Sunset touched her wedding ring and sighed. “I miss my geode sometimes.”

Celestia nodded as they continued down the street. Every now and then a pony would bow politely or wave, some took pictures, but thankfully none tried to stop them from walking. Though Celestia, and to a lesser extent Sunset, stuck out in a crowd it was well known common knowledge that Twilight Sparkle was the high princess and The Goddess of the Sun was retired. Despite her earlier misgivings and much to Sunset’s surprise, most ponies in Baltimare seemed to respect that fact. Perhaps Celestia had been right and she could have left the cloak at the hotel.

“You seem troubled, little sun.”

“Not troubled,” Sunset replied, scanning about, gesturing a bit with a hoof. “Just surprised.”

Celestia smiled and let slip one of her famous closed mouth giggles. “I tried to tell you, if you let them see you more the awe inspiring new eventually wears off. Trust me, Luna and I went through this for years. Let them see you, get used to who and what you are and then maybe, perhaps eventually, you will find that some will approach you as just another pony and not ‘royalty’ as it were. That is what you prefer, yes?”

“Kind of like that desk clerk?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “I did say 'some.' I think we can both agree that poor stallion just needed to get out more.”

“I’m also pretty sure he was checking out your backside as we walked away. We could ask Aunt Luna if he has dreams about you.”

Celestia giggled again, adding a little extra sashay to her hips. It had been ages since she had actually felt 'attractive' even if it was all for fun. And Celestia had to admit, profoundly, as she walked alongside her daughter that she was absolutely having fun. “As well he should. I do still have the rump of a goddess, after all.”

Author's Note:

More playful banter between all the characters that I am quite enjoying. So I thought it important to point out here that even though Sunset would have been mildly surprised to meet a human Cadence (Not blown away since she met human Celestia) That by the time of the Friendship Games she would have been able to keep her knee jerk reaction in check and remind herself that they are two separate individuals.

Things continue next week.

Questions? Comments?