• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,451 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Sunset Shimmer was still on the fence on how she felt about being on ships and on the ocean. Thus far her record with island adventures involving ships was now about fifty-fifty. Still, there was a certain quaint charm to wooden tall ships that yachts and cruise ships lacked. Perhaps it was the wind in sails or the smells of rope, battered, tar wood, and linen. Maybe it was the fact that she was occasionally helping the ‘crew’ keep their course true instead of just along for the ride. Much to their appreciation.

It had been easy enough to push the Amber Phantasm back into deeper water, inspect and repair all the damage, and then make it ready to sail once more in less than a day. The experienced pony and zebra sailors jumped enthusiastically at the chance to both be free of the island and reapply their skill of trade. Those that were not getting the ship ready had helped gather food and supplies or secured the former crew and hotel staff in the cargo hold.

Grassy Rio had begged both Celestia and Sunset Shimmer to just be left on the island. They both refused, but Celestia did give him her word that he would receive safe passage and a fair trial. Unsurprising, that gave little in the way of comfort to the former hotel owner. With no chance to escape or take the easy way out, he resigned himself to whimpering softly.

In truth, Sunset was unsure what would happen to the island. She and Celestia had discussed briefly about sending a team of researchers to ensure that the magic used on the island was fully cleansed and that those that died did not linger in some abhorrent manner. They deserved better, but they certainly deserved their final rest. After that, it was likely the island would just be left to the winds and ocean currents.

“We’re making good speed,” said Steady Course from where he stood at the restored ship’s wheel. A zebra asked him if his work on the rigging was acceptable and the old salty sailor nodded his approval. “Figured we should make Baltimare before the sun is down. Might even get in before that rescue fleet gets underway.”

“That is quite acceptable, captain. And do not worry I already informed my sister and Princess Twilight that we were successful and will be returning to Equestria shortly,” said Celestia, standing next to Sunset on the quarterdeck, just enjoying the breeze and the fact that they were heading home. “I would suggest securing the ship to one of the official government or navel docks when we arrive. Captain Tempest Fury and a company of royal guards will be waiting for us and our prisoners. Obviously, I will clear any official paperwork that should arise from this... adventure.”

Sunset grinned and ran her hoof along the rail. “Yeah, wouldn’t want some tax officer or guard attaché to impound my ship before I got to enjoy it.”

Celestia arched a brow. “Your ship?”

“Well yeah. I mean if we are being technical, I defeated Captain Danger and we were outside of official Equestrian territorial waters, so the ship is a salvage prize. I’ve read a little bit on maritime law.”

“And what exactly would you do with your ship, my dear?”

Sunset shrugged. “Go out for a bit, you know. Maybe try sport fishing just to see what the fuss is about?”

“And what of a crew?”

“Okay, you know you are really raining on my parade here.”

“I am just helping you maintain a certain level of perspective. For instance, have you forgotten we paid Captain Course to take us to the island and then back to the mainland? And, of course, his ship was destroyed in the process, so…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sunset relented with a sigh. “I guess we do kinda owe him a ship for his trouble.”

Celestia nodded sagely.

Sunset rolled her eyes.

The silence that followed felt good, comfortable, as mother and daughter stared out over the water, the last signs of Pelican Island finally gone from their rear view. A wave from the main deck below caught Sunset’s attention. She smiled at Levar and Tatu who were talking, no doubt making up for lost time. Sunset waved back politely. Her eyes returned to her mother who did not seem to notice the exchange or at least pretended not to. On second thought, Celestia appeared more lost in contemplation than deliberately pretending to ignore the others.

“Hey, you going to be okay?”

Celestia turned to her daughter and smiled, nuzzling into the side of her head. “Yes, little sun, and thank you for asking. While I would not have called the overall experience relaxing there were some things that I enjoyed and of course, most of all, I am glad to have you by my side.”

“Yeah, overall that sucked big fat donkey balls, but what I mean is, are you going to be okay with what you saw? It… it looked like it hit you as hard as it hit me since we both went ‘dark side’ for a moment there.”

Celestia nodded and sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before returning them to the sea. Sunset could only guess what thoughts and horrors were replaying behind those magenta orbs. She could always ask to share if her soul needed a little lightening of the weight it carried.

“Sadly, the truth is, I wish that was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. I have had a hoof in making sure some nightmares and horrors stay out of our history books. Some consider that short sighted or foolish on my part, and sometimes, perhaps, it is. There are some monsters that are best forgotten. Except by me, of course. Another one of those little drawbacks to immortality.”

“Eh, I think you try to carry too much of that weight on your own, but that might just be my personal opinion. Still, it’s amazing how so many of these things from ancient Equestria or before are still floating around or are waiting to be rediscovered. Makes me wonder about the legacy of those I’ve known from my time on Earth.

"Twi had definitely left a lasting effect with her company and research breakthroughs. Dash was a professional athlete, so history will remember her. Rarity left her mark in the fashion world. Oh, and Wallflower hydroponics! The innovations that she and her husband, Microchips, came up with revolutionized farming techniques worldwide.” Sunset chuckled a bit, lost in her own revere. “Now that was an unexpected couple that no one saw coming. At least they were good to each other… unlike Clover and… well you know.”

Celestia nodded, hiding the grimace that tried to surface and the sour taste in her mouth as Sunset shifted the subject back to the mirror world. She knew that Sunset would return to her wife and that they would perhaps stay on Earth, but from what her daughter had confessed, it was likely not for much longer. The world they had known was leaving them behind and an immortal amongst a vast sea of mortals eventually became impossible to ignore. Something she was all too familiar with. Still, Celestia was not ready to see her daughter leave. A concern for another day.

“Attraction is a strange phenomenon I suppose. Only those involved could say what brought them together. I can only assume Datura had some qualities that Clover found irresistible at one time. Enough that he would take her as a wife. I cannot recall what those qualities were, however, and whatever they were they eventually led to a frankly unhealthy obsession as he chased her around our known world. Ultimately, that led to their demise.”

Sunset nodded. All while a thought tickled at the back of her mind. If Clover chased Datura through a portal how did the memory stone end up on Earth? And how did a scroll describe that and its hidden location end up in the Canterlot Archives? The thought soon passed. The stone was destroyed and it was long ago. The order of events were not always properly recorded thousands of years ago.

The silence settled in again, the chatter amongst those on deck and the occasional orders from the captain faded into the background while both alicorns just enjoyed their time together. It was all they could really ask for in such a moment. Just a little more time together…

Destiny would continue to pull the threads of the world blindly towards her brother, Fate who would work the loom and form the tapestry of known existence. Sunset blinked a few times. Where did that thought come from?

Celestia pulled Sunset closer to her with a wing. Nothing else needed to be said on such matters.

Sunset nuzzled her mother's neck, a white wing draped over her as it had been done so many times before since the day she was born.

I can't wait to tell Twi about all this crap. She's going to be sorry she stayed home and missed out on this.

It would be sunset soon enough.

The End

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap on this one. Final thoughts, ramblings on process and what is next will be over in the wrap up blog for those that want to check that out.

All comments and questions welcomed.

Comments ( 6 )

Funny, I was just binging through "Cross the Rubicon" when I thought to check if any stories in my Tracking list had updated. Lo and behold, I see this.
A wonderful end to a story, though my thoughts echo Sunset's in regards to the Memory Stone.
Looking forward to the next installment which is "I, Raven" if I'm not mistaken.

Thank you for reading. Yes, I Raven will start in a week or so. Heck, if we get snowed in I might try to post it this Sunday. We'll see.

Sunset has a bad history with boats, so why in the name of Equestria would she want one?

Melancholic ending, since we know what's waiting for her when she goes back to Terra.

This ending is kinda bittersweet. Knowing that Sunset would see her mother killed a short time after this story puts a bit of a damper on it.

I don't particularly care for boats. My dad once offered me his old boat and I said, "why would I want that?". They ended up donating it. As always thanks for reading.

Yeeeah. That's the only problem with stepping back is you already know what the future holds. Still, thank you for reading and glad you enjoyed.

Oh yes, never mess with such an alicorn duo.
I'm more for the snuggles though, as I adore Momlestia, and can only imagine what her snuggles and hugs are like.

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