• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,451 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Chapter 4: Avoid the S.S. Minnow

Dinner had been a quiet affair and surprisingly, no other creatures bothered them for photos or requests. Greens and Things had been a high quality buffet of every fruit and vegetable imaginable. Sunset had to double check the name tags on some of the dishes because she had never heard of them, but if they smelled good she was willing to take a risk. Some had been sauced, others caramelized while others still had kissed the grill and bore distinctive blacked markings. What was more unexpected was the other half of that restaurant title. Things.

Since Baltimare was a port town the buffet also catered to other creatures besides ponies that were visiting for business or pleasure. Closer to the back of the buffet section there was a large selection of fish and other cooked seafood as well. Much to Sunset’s surprise, Celestia had added a selection of fish that bore a striking similarity to sushi presentation and cooked crab bites to her plate.

Sunset had been no stranger to carnivorous diets having now lived among humans for most of her life. When she had first exiled herself on Earth it had come as quite the shock the abundance of animal based meals. In those early days before she even had her own roof over her head, Sunset had to eat what was given to her and had choked down meatloaf and spam as well as whatever else would keep her insides from twisting in starvation quickly followed by whatever would wash the taste from her mouth. Water had been useless. Soda or milk had been far more effective. It was not something she cared to think about and quickly dismissed the memories that the smells, thankfully, only partially brought to mind.

Twi mostly stuck to a similar vegetarian diet that Sunset followed because, in truth, it was healthier and better for the environment. Not to mention the thought of actively choosing to eat another animal and not for survival still made Sunset slightly nauseous. Twi loved and respected her wife and her dietary lifestyle so, they had worked out a system. When the mood struck her, Twi would simply say or leave a note that she was going out for some protein and eat a hamburger or steak on her own so Sunset would not have to see or smell it. Seafood and fish did not bother Sunset as much, but red meat, chicken, and pork were definitely off the table.

Celestia had offered some of the crab bites to Sunset, but the goldenrod alicorn simply pointed to her greens with chopped hard boiled egg as the closest she would come to meat, even fish. Her mother simply shrugged and enjoyed her plate.

After a quiet evening walk along the harbor the two had returned to the hotel and turned in for the night. Naturally, Celestia awoke with the dawn while Sunset was sprawled about, wings, mane, and tail every which direction. She sat by her daughter’s bed, quietly brushing her mane, mentally noting that only the slightest of her pastel colors remained. Celestia grimaced at that glaring fact, but let it pass as her attention returned to enjoying the sight of her beloved daughter snoring lightly, mouth slightly agape with a bit of drool staining the pillow. She simply stared, wanting to preserve this sight and memory forever. Just the two of them. No retainers, no guards, no worries or responsibilities. Simply an old mother and her adult daughter sharing a vacation together. Her eyes returned to the gray mane. Possibly for the last time.

One teal eye cracked open slightly. “Takahpichsure, itill laslogger.”

Celestia covered her face with a hoof while she laughed, fairly certain what was said, but still asked, “What was that, dear?”

Sunset rolled out of bed and landed on the floor in a lump with her pillow and blanket. “Ow.” Was the most she could muster from her pitiful position. After a few tries, Sunset finally stood and stared through a jungle of red and gold highlighted mane, wings askew, with feathers going every which direction.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”

“Alas, I did not think to pack a camera.”

Sunset grunted in understanding. “My phone had a camera, but I left it back home.”

Celestia winced ever so slightly at the comment, ‘back home.’ Sunset was busy yawning and did not notice and the older alicorn quickly recovered. She silently scolded herself. Though out of practice for certain, Celestia was disappointed with herself thus far this trip at controlling her expressions.

This was the second time Sunset had mentioned something from the human world that caused her to slip and falter. Much like Princess Twilight, Celestia had grown fond of having Sunset in Equestria every day and the thought of her leaving again for 30 more moons… a discussion for another day for certain, but not too far off. There were many things in the wide, wide world Celestia could ask for and instantly have them granted. Time was not one of them. Her eyes once again lingered on her silky, freshly brushed gray mane.

“Perhaps we can find one at a shop. However, I believe our first order of business, after I attack your mane with a brush, is to find you coffee.”

Sunset smiled warmly, swaying as if she might fall over. “I love you, Mom.”


The Baltimare docks were as busy first thing in the morning as they had been when the pair had arrived the evening before. Once breakfast and coffee were seen to the next order of business was finding a boat to charter to the island. According to Twilight’s research she had provided there were several small ventures that catered to customers looking for island adventures and vacations. Considering such tours and getaways were big money makers it was no surprise there were several large billboards advertising exactly what the pair were looking for.

Celestia nudged Sunset with a wing and pointed towards a small wooden building that was little more than a two room wooden shack by the dock piers and moored ships, ready and waiting for use. Sunset levitated the last of her coffee over and guzzled it before disposing of the cup and moving to the door of the “Sea Dog Tours.”

A few polite knocks and Sunset opened the door when she heard a raspy, masculine voice reply that it was open. Unsurprising, the space was tight and cluttered with brochures, magazines, and photos of locations up and down the Equestrian coastline as well as a few places Sunset did not immediately recognize.

“Be right with y-” The pause was not entirely unexpected. “Well now, wasn’t expecting a royal entourage visitation, that’s for sure,” said the aqua blue colored stallion with salt and pepper colored mane. He stroked his beard, which still had a few hints of red in it.

“Actually, we’re not here as part of any entourage or official capacity. Just two regular ponies looking to hit the islands for a small vacation, Mister…”

“Steady Course. Fifth generation sailor and was born to it, as the name implies. I know the Eastern Island chain like I know my very own hooves. Got a particular place in mind or would a pretty, young, 'regular' mare like yourself prefer ol’ Steady pick it out for you? You know, in case you and the princess are looking for something more... discreet.”

Sunset face hoofed and groaned.

Celestia laughed politely. Sunset recognized it as her fake, humoring a dumb noble who made a ridiculous faux pas, laugh.

“Okay, first of all…” Celestia placed a hoof on Sunset cutting her off before the rant ball began to roll.

“You are in fact correct, Steady Course. We are planning to go somewhere discreet, but not for the reason you imply. This, is my daughter.” Sunset lifted part of her cloak to reveal the folded wing underneath. Both of the old sailor’s eyes widened significantly. “Now, we had our hearts set on a small, out of the way destination called Pelican Island. I assume you know it?”

Steady snorted and grimaced. “Yeah, I heard of it. Ain’t been there myself in many moons, dare say ten years or more. Lots of sailors I know of ripped it out of the brochures. I heard all kinds of rumors and such. Some say it’s haunted, others say ships go, but never come back. I’m a superstitious sort like many salt ponies, don’t like to press my luck. How about Coconut Beach? It ain’t too big and popular this time of year.”

Sunset glanced to Celestia who had also arched an eyebrow and glanced at her as well. Sunset took the bait first. “What do you mean, haunted and never come back?”

“Surely if there is a problem of the sort involving lost lives due to environment or piracy that local law enforcement would have investigated.”

Steady nodded twice. “They did. And they never came back either.”

Well now this has Scooby Doo mystery written all over it. “Annnnnd nopony contacted Canterlot or the royal guard? The EIS? Anything?”

“Not sure if it ever went up the chain to your office, Your Highness. Figure it if had, you or Princess Sparkle would have sent some ponies out here years ago and certainly would not be looking into it yourselves for a vacation spot. Ain’t no telling what happened to the deputies that went out or the other sailors. Maybe they just loved it so much they stayed? Ain’t unheard of. Dodging old debts, maybe an angry wife who caught her stallion with his wick in the wrong wax jar. Stuff happens, that’s life. But when too much happens and no reason floats to the surface? That there's trouble that’s just better left alone.”

Sunset nudged Celestia and the two stepped back by the door to speak quietly. “So, do we go someplace else or…”

“Like you, I am intrigued that these incidents never reached Canterlot. I am sure if a guard were to dig deep enough they would find an incident report, perhaps a missing pony filing that was never followed up upon. However, this is our vacation. We could go elsewhere and send guards and agents to investigate in two weeks. Whatever has transpired has gone on long enough that our time away will not affect the outcome.”

Sunset nodded. She understood what Celestia was saying and also heard the unspoked, “but” that was sitting on the tip of her tongue. Ignorance truly was bliss and knowing about mysterious disappearances now meant that she would not stop thinking about them, especially for two weeks when they were so close to the source. They had both decided without having to say a thing.

“So, how much would it cost for you to take us to Pelican Island?”

Steady grunted and shook his head. “Even after what I just told you, you still want to go? Damn thrill seekers… uhh, no offense, Your Highnesses.”

“I’m actually not a princess any longer and my daughter has never been officially coronated. We are just two, though distinguished, concerned citizens of Equestria. We do want to have a good time, however, if there are lives in danger we also have an obligation to not just the royal office, but to the citizens as a whole to see if the rumors are unfounded or not.”

“Besides,” Sunset carefully unfurled both her wings so as not to set her precious cloak on fire and displayed them proudly. Celestia following suit. “we’re not your average tourist.”

Steady’s eyes glassed over as his jaw hung open a bit at the majestic sight of two alicorns on full display before him. Sunset smirked and reached out, gently closing it. He shook his head and subconsciously rubbed where Sunset had touched him as if he had just received a blessing from a goddess. After clearing his throat, he began to gather a few things about the room.

“Hard to argue with the facts. Alrighty, let me get the ship prepared. That should give you time to gather any things you want or need as well. Be back here in one hour. If I remember correctly it will take about six hours to reach the outer chain where Pelican is. Should put you in there just after mid-day or so I reckon.”

“We will go collect our necessities and return shortly,” stated Celestia matter-of-factly. The two alicorns showed themselves out. They exchanged a few glances, neither wearing a happy or excited smile any longer. Once off the docks and clear of most others Celestia turned her eyes to the sky and few clouds above.

“Are we really going to torpedo our own vacation? I’m not saying we shouldn’t it’s just…”

Celestia sighed before leaning over to nuzzle her daughter, wrapping a wing around her to pull her close. Sunset took the public affection for what it was, love. “I may not be in charge any longer, but in my heart they are all still and will forever be my little ponies. If some are in danger or in need… I have to help. It calls to me like the sun itself.”

Sunset smiled and nodded. “And if need be we’ll save them, together. And if not needed, we’ll still have white sandy beach, drinks, and great views to savor.”

Reluctantly, Celestia asked, “Views to savor?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “You’re really going to make me spell it out? Fine, hot serving stallions and mares. Good, harmless eye candy. Out here we can enjoy looking at all the splendor without worrying about some staff member spreading a rumor or somepony running off to the press or nobility to comment. Imagine it. A pretty or ripped young stud Just hoofs you over your drink, you smile and maybe wink, then, you sit back and watch as they walk away. YUM.”

Celestia giggled. “You and Luna are insatiable, I swear it.”

Sunset replied maturely by blowing a raspberry. “I love my wife with all my heart and she knows that without question.
Despite my numerous failings she somehow still puts up with me because she also knows I am nerdy, dirty, and flirty and I want to see some hot flanks on a beach.”

Celestia smiled and shook her head. Two could play this game. “I imagine I was no better when I was your age at less than two hundred years old. Did I ever tell you about how in the early days after Luna and I were coronated that stallions would travel from all corners of the land to try and attempt to court us by challenging one another to compete in various competitions?”

“I know I’m going to regret asking, but what sort of competitions?”

Celestia paused to tap her chin, pretending to have to dig deep and contemplate the events from the early founding days that Sunset was fairly sure did not show up in the approved history textbooks. Sunset arched a suspicious eyebrow at her mother’s mischievous side eye smirk and immediately regretted taking the bait. “Oh, the usual from that era. Test of strength and arms, test of speed and agility, and of course the test of who could ejaculate the farthest.”

“Seriously?! I’ve never read about that, that, that was a thing?! That’s just… in public?! Just… EW!”

Celestia continued to smile as she sauntered away victorious.


Preparations had been relatively simple. They checked their bags from the hotel and paid the bill. Before returning to the docks however, Celestia had composed a letter to send back to Canterlot detailing what they had learned and that they were still going to enjoy their vacation, but also to investigate the rumors. She included a small reminder that, if necessary, Twilight could have Spike send her a dragon fire message since they would likely not receive any other correspondence in a timely manner on the island. Celestia signed the letter and paid the extra bits to have a pegasus courier express deliver it to Tempest Fury who would in turn ensure that Twilight was kept in the loop quicker than the usual channels.

With that in order Sunset was about to move to the exit of the post office when Celestia cleared her throat and stepped over to the next line for picking up incoming packages. Two ponies tried to bow and wave Celestia ahead, but she insisted on waiting her turn.

"Expecting something?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Before we departed I asked the kitchen staff to assemble a provisions crate just in case the island's supply chain was in dire straights and we needed to get coffee in you. There should also be various other preserved favorites and an array of spices. More than enough for our entire two week stay."

"Nice. Did you let Twilight make a list of what we may need?" Celestia simply smiled. "You did, didn't you?" Celestia rolled her eyes, but continued to smile.

With ten minutes to spare from the appointed time, Celestia and Sunset found themselves standing before a small vessel that calling it a ship would have been too complimentary. From bow to stern the Easy Money was maybe fifteen meters. While the white ship with blue paint stripes from bow to stern did have an impressive mast and sails Sunset could also see that it was designed with an inboard/outboard motor and prop propulsion as well. Considering the earth pony operator that probably meant enchanted motor or some kind of fuel oil boiler operation. Something she could inquire about later given the six hour estimated time of arrival.

Once their luggage and crate were stored in the small cargo space below and Celestia and Sunset had settled in, Steady Course had made himself busy getting the ship out of the harbor. Considering his age, Sunset found it interesting to watch the older stallion work the rigging and sails all by himself. She contemplated asking if there was anything she could do, but A: she was supposed to be on vacation and B: this was what they paid him for. With nothing else to do and little to see once they were beyond the taxi lanes with open water ahead both she and Celestia settled in with books occasionally exchanging small talk.

True to his word, the first sight of an island on the horizon occurred at nearly six hours after getting underway. Celestia finished peeling oranges for everyone when Steady lowered the sails and brought the ship to a halt, letting the currents take control while he grumbled, raising a pair of binoculars. Something was clearly bothering the sailor, but he was not vocalizing it in a way that either alicorn could understand. After the third time he had lowered his binoculars and switched positions Sunset had had enough.

“No offense, but if you need a better view we both have wings and can get you higher than that little mast can go.”

Steady flashed the goldenrod alicorn an incredulous glare. “Did you just call my mast little?”

“Okay, euphemisms aside, stop being so prideful and let me hover you.” Steady grumbled one more time before nodding.

“Would you rather I -”

“I got this, Mom.”

Sunset Shimmer could have just as easily levitated the earth pony, but she wanted to try and see whatever it was that was bothering the old sailor. Hooking her forelegs behind the stallion’s Sunset easily hauled the other pony into the air with her, careful to focus her wing flaps so that they would not catch fire and scare her passenger as well as alert any potential hostiles to their location. After a few minutes of scanning with her pegasus sharp eyes Sunset could not make out anything that struck her as unusual. She was even fairly certain she had seen figures moving around on the beach, but only just barely. With a grunt Sunset returned them to the deck.

Celestia passed each of them oranges that they both quickly consumed, her eyes scanning the distant coast line and surrounding horizon for anything unusual. There was… something tickling her magical senses, but it was faint. It was difficult to discern what was giving her the unusual sensation. She turned to look at Sunset who nodded in understanding.

“I feel it too. I don’t know what I’m feeling, but there is some sort of passive energy either coming from the island or surrounding it. Could be any number of things, not all of them horrible.”

“Well, that’s comforting,” grumbled Steady, helping himself to another orange. “If memory serves me correctly there was a dock and welcome center on the north side of the island. We can move a little closer before the draft and reef become an issue. I just didn’t want to get too close in case it was a pirate haven and berth now. Most pirates out this way only want your valuables, but they’ll gladly take your ship if you don’t have a worthwhile cargo.”

Sunset snorted, fluffing her occasionally combustible wings. “I’m sure me and big wooden pirate ships would get along juuuuust fine.”

“Nevertheless, we should still approach with caution. Please guide us to the shore, captain. Sunset and I will remain here and stand ready for whatever may happen.”

Steady Course sighed, run a hoof through is mane and then down through his beard. He may not have had a horn, but there was something setting his instincts off and he had half a mind to turn the ship around and sail home. “If I knew this place would give me this much of the creeps I would have asked for more coin. Alright, in we go.” The two alicorns stood side by side as the engine sprang to life and the ship moved forward.

Author's Note:

Creeepy vibes, no visible vacationers, what could possibly go wrong?

Questions and Comments always welcomed.