• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,451 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Chapter 11: Aggressive Negotiations

The smell of coffee stirred Sunset Shimmer from dreamless sleep. She looked to her right, but found the bed empty. However, Sunset could hear the shower running. A glance to the window confirmed that it was morning. The dull blue colors with only a hit of the fading orange told Sunset that it was not long after sunrise. She ran a hoof down her face and groaned.

“Ughhhh. Mornings.”

A knock on the door drew Sunset’s attention. She lit her horn and opened the door. It would probably have been more appropriate to at least stand, but she did not feel like it and no one was going to make her. Electing instead to just roll over to face the door. The smell of fresh brewed coffee and eggs perked Sunset up immediately, bringing a smile to her face.

“Good morning, Lady Sunset,” Gentle Knoll said while pushing one of the dining room trolleys. “We have a few fresh items here for you and Princess Celestia. There are eggs and buttered bread, oh, and of course the coffee you brought from your ship. I have been informed you absolutely need this.”

“Heh, yeah, I really do.” Sunset sat up and gestured for the filly to bring the food forth. “I guess Mom will get something when she gets out of the shower.”

“Oh, no. The princess is not in the shower. She helped make breakfast and then joined a few to scout the horizon for early signs of the pirate ship. She said she would return soon to join you, however.”

Sunset was about to ask who was in the shower when the door opened and Tatu and Whistler exited, both with still drying fur with towels around their shoulders. The flush in their cheeks and grins on their faces made it easy to draw conclusions. Nothing she had not done herself more than once. The only thing Sunset could think to say that would not completely embarrass the colts however was to say, “Well, I hope you two left me some hot water.”

They glanced at one another, slightly embarrassed. A fact that went into overdrive when Gentle Knoll commented, “Honestly, you could have waited for me!”

“Sorry, Gent. It’s a big shower, but I don’t think all three of us would have fit.”

“Pfft. You know I’m flexible. I could have made it work.”

“Okay!” said Sunset louder than she intended to. “I’m happy you three are… communicating your intentions wholeheartedly, but could you perhaps do that, you know, in private.”

The three blushed and giggled a bit. Tatu bowed slightly and led his friends from the room. Sunset smiled, waved, and said thank you as they exited. She was definitely going to need that shower in a bit to clean not just her body, but her mind as well. “Kids these days. Wow.”

Sunset finished eating, consuming her coffee, and exited her stress relieving shower to find Celestia, Steady Course, and Levar in their room. At a guess, about an hour had passed. Normally, Sunset preferred her mane and fur dry naturally with the assistance of the towel. However, the steady seriousness of Celestia’s eyes told her that something was going on. With a slight application of a warming spell over her whole body, the remaining moisture was sapped away.

“Good morning, my dear.”

“‘Sup. Considering it looks like there is a small war council happening in our room I have to assume there is news.”

“Perhaps,” Celestia stated neutrally. “I flew as high as I would dare without striking the shield over the island to try and see farther. I caught a glimpse of what might be topsails. I asked Captain Steady Course to best calculate the distance based on the angle of my view.”

“Roughly five kilometers for every two meters of elevation not factoring atmospheric distortion, perspective, and curvature of the planet. Assuming you got as high as say a lighthouse that would have given you, what, about one hundred kilometers of view?” stated Sunset, quickly doing the math in her head before the captain could speak.

“Give or take.”

“So, how fast does a ship like the Phantasm move?”

The others all traded glances before Celestia finally stated, “We do not know for certain, only estimates. We have a few hours at most if what I saw is heading our direction.”

Sunset nodded. “Alright. Sounds like I need to get to the beach and wait for our glorious host.”

“Not alone,” said Levar. “That was why we worked and toiled to make such defenses.”

“Those were meant as a last resort, maybe a place for Celestia and I to retreat to if for some reason we get overwhelmed.”

“Yes, originally. However, Princess Celestia brought something to our attention.”

Sunset turned her eyes to her mother, one brow arched higher than the other questioningly. Celestia grimaced and coughed into her hoof. “It was a thought, more accurately, a concern. If the pirates see the dismantle buildings and defenses with no workers present, even if you have their supplies, it is a possibility they may just turn the ship about and leave without giving us a chance to recover the artifact. If that were to be the case, rescue forces would end up trapped here alongside us. It would then be a chase with bad communication to track Captain Danger down to save us all. I considered, from a tactical point of view, that if the captain saw his once slaves taunting and crowing in defiance that it would goad him into engaging no matter what.”

“That’s a ballsy move, Mom. We risk putting the peo- er ponies in danger that we swore we would protect.”

Celestia nodded, but let none of her personal feelings or emotions crack the mask of leadership she had firmly set in place. Sunset was envious, impressed, and slightly appalled at how well Celestia could slip said mask on. Even after all these years.

“It is a risk, but one that has to be considered. Yes, it places an extra burden of danger to those that choose to stand with us, that we must keep in mind, but there is no conflict without such danger. We only get one shot at this.”

Sunset turned to Levar, meeting those seductive green eyes. She had hoped to see fear, see pleading for his safety and the safety of his son. However, she saw determination. He wanted off this cursed island and was willing to risk his life to do so. She knew the answer, but asked anyway. “How do you and the others feel about this?”

Levar pounded a hoof against his chest and bowed his head in a salute. “Kuheshimiwa binti mfalme, we will gladly stand with you.”

“Asante,” said Celestia with a small smile.

Sunset did a small double take. “Wait, you can speak their language?”

“Of course. Have you so easily forgotten what I did for more than a thousand years?”

Sunset smirked, unable to resist the bait. “Smile and wave?”

Celestia’s smirk turned more genuine. “You are such a brat.”

“And yet, you still love me.”

“I really do.”


Two hours passed when the naked eye was able to spot sails upon the horizon and the distinct shape of a tall ship. Sunset glanced to her mother. It was time to put things into motion. Smoke signal fires were lit to alert the far side of the island that the ship was approaching. It also served as a means to tell those that chose to stand and possibly fight that they needed to get to their positions. Sunset had no doubt that the captain and/or crew had spyglasses or binoculars of some sort that could see their movements even if not quite sure what was amidst.

Celestia volunteered to stand front and center, however was overruled by Sunset. The two bickered for more than a few minutes while the others stared on in both awe and worry that their defenders would come to blows or give up on them entirely. Ultimately, it came down to the incontrovertible fact that Celestia was recognizable and Sunset was not. If the pirates saw an alicorn waiting for them they were far more likely to cut and run. For that same fact, Sunset was standing by the docks on the beach with her wings hidden with a simple illusion spell once more.

Captain Danger exited from his cabin at the hail from the deck crew. The tall, lean pegasus placed his large tricorn hat upon his head, giving it a small tug so that it fit comfortable with his ears through the slits. He checked his feathers to make sure they were not too salted, then smoothed out his burgundy fur that was visible through his cream, pillowy shirt. A captain had to look the part, after all.

The crew were scrambling about, some stowing gear, while others just stopped what they had previously been doing to stand at the ready as the captain passed on his way to the bow. They were his crew, but were beneath him. His only acknowledgment of them was to glance to make sure they were giving him their proper deference. Anything less would be met with harsh words and harsher punishment.

Danger stopped at the rail next to a grayish blue griffon who had too many salt covered feathers and desperately needed a bath and preening. Danger wrinkled his nose. “Cripes and blessed seas, Halley. When was the last time you took a dunk in the tanks? I’m surprised the Equestrians or Arabians have not caught your scent and tracked us back to our berth.”

The griffon huffed, but did not disagree. “Had plans to bathe at the hotel, captain. Or at least I was going to.”

The griffon handed the captain the binoculars. After a small adjustment, Danger spotted the problems straight away. He could easily see that the buildings they had the slaves build for equipment, storage, and crew were gone. There were several new log formations farther up the beach near the tree and ridgeline as well as a few fires, possibly to signal the ship’s arrival. Most striking, of course, was the golden pony with the mane and tail the color of angry sunfire standing there next to a crate that possibly contained their supplies looking out towards them.

She was not doing anything, just standing there as if waiting for a messenger or rowboat to come and meet her. He certainly did not recognize her as a previous guest. If those curves he could see from afar were just as good as up close he certainly would have become more acquainted with her otherwise. Perhaps he still would, later.

“Orders, sir?”

“The plantation’s a wreck and no one mare, even a fine unicorn such as that could do it all on her lonesome. Those palm logs in the distance say defenses to me. No doubt this mare caused some trouble for our gents and got the slaves riled up. I suppose it was inevitable since we weren’t feeding them right enough. The desperate be desperate, after all. Still, I don’t take kindly to anypony taking what’s mine.” Danger glanced down the ship at his waiting crew. “Turn starboard, ready the guns!”

Sunset watched with her sharp, pegasus augmented eyes as the ship began to turn. She was about to launch herself towards the wooden hulk to prevent it from escaping, hoping it was inside the shield when she noticed the sides on the lower deck slide open.

“Ahhhh Shiiiiiit!”

Sunset turned and ran. Two seconds later, a cannonball slammed into the beach not far from where she had been standing and detonated. The heat did not bother her, she had spells for that, but energy was energy and the concussion was still slightly painful and rang her ears. Once at the base of the defenses Sunset turned and raised a shield that was immediately reinforced by Celestia’s magic. Several more cannonballs struck the ground until one finally bounced off the shield.

“Well, this is going great!” shouted Sunset over the cacophony of explosions.

“We cannot let him escape, but we also cannot just sit here and let him hammer our shields. Black powder weapons are not especially effective against magic, but with so many we would eventually tire.” Celestia winced as four more shots ricocheted off their semi-circular defense, emphasizing her point.

“Okay! Plan B!”

Celestia blinked, one brow arching higher than the other. “We had a plan B?”

Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes before summoning her flaming sword. “We do now!”

“Sunset, what are you d-”

“I’ll be right back!” Sunset charged forward with her sword floating next to her.

While Celestia had heard or read about a number of her daughter’s adventures and/or confrontations, it was another to have to stand there and watch as her only foal, the last link she had to a time long ago as well as her long dead lover, charge like a drunken minotaur towards oncoming balls of deadly iron. It was reckless, irrational, and one of the bravest things she had ever seen a pony do. Celestia could feel her heart pounding in her chest with distraught anxiety.

“This is crazy, this is crazy, this is CRAZY! Twi would so kill me if she saw me doing thiiiiiis!”

The cannons had adjusted to her charge as two shots landed closer. It would not be long before… Sunset spotted the ball coming straight for her. Even with eyes sharp enough to split hairs the projectile was almost too fast to intercept. However, Sunset had been ready. The goldenrod alicorn brought her sword around in an upward stroke just as the ball was about to strike her dead on. She cut clean through it, the two smoldering halves burying themselves into the sand. Sunset, paused for a second before her muzzle spilt with a feral grin and she charged down the dock. She had only one chance at this and needed every bit of ground she could claim.

Captain Danger watched as the mare retreated as he figured she would. He was even unsurprised when their shots fell away to no affect. After all, if the unicorn had the power to level his plantation she had the power to defend herself, he surmised. It was however necessary to soften her up before the crew stormed the beach. They were expendable, but not needlessly so. Once she was tired out, he was sure he could convince the pretty mare to surrender. Maybe even trade the lives of those upstart slaves she had empowered for some personal pleasure time. It had been a while and the thought of such pleasures brought a smile to the salty pegasus' face.

However, before he could give the order to change tactics, the mare pulled a sword from somewhere and it was enchanted with burning red flame. That was disturbing to see in of itself, but then, against all odds and logic one of the boys fired a shot directly at the charging unicorn that said sword cut it in half without slowing her down for more than a second. The entire crew that stood witness to the act, stopped moving and turned to look at their captain.

“That’s… not… possible… right?”

Danger simply scowled as a means of hiding his astonishment. He was more eager than ever to meet this mysterious mare. He adjusted his hat before saying, “With magic, nearly anything is possible, lads. However, with all that defending she did, I'd wager she’s gotten quite tired, eh? Perhaps I should invite her to dinner in me cabin, introduce her to me plush bed.”

The nearby pirates laughed and crowed at the implications. One, however, gasped.

“Hey! Where’d she go?!”

His answer was given in the form of air rushing from the occupied space of a successful teleport to the deck of the Amber Phantasm. The pirates all jumped back, some pulling swords or various other types of close quarters weapons. Captain Danger, nodded his approval at the change in the game. She was more powerful than he presumed. Taller too. Things just became decidedly more interesting.

Sunset kept her sword nearby, meeting the gaze of every creature that dared to make eye contact. Her hard teal eyes finally settled on the pegasus with the biggest hat who casually turned and began to stroll her direction. Logic would dictate and was reinforced by the way the crew moved about that this pony was her target.

“Captain Danger, I presume?”

“I am,” he replied with a clean smile and tip of his hat.

“You and I need to talk, so be so kind as to tell your assholes below to stop firing on my friends.” The captain gestured and a scraggly griffon shouted down a port hole to cease fire.

“Out of curiosities sake, what would you have done if I had not ordered them to halt?”

Sunset slammed the tip of her blade into the deck, the magical flames scorching the point of contact. “I would have had to kill you all, of course.” I can’t believe I managed to say that without stuttering. Go me.

Danger shrugged nonchalantly. “Fair enough. Didn’t happen to catch the name, lass. What may we call ye, just to keep things civil and proper like?”

“Sunset Shimmer.”

“A beautiful name from the lips of one of the most beautiful mares these eyes have ever had the privilege to fall upon. You sound Equestrian, but your accent is difficult to place. Well traveled perhaps? A mare of the world and after me own heart.”

“I’m not really in the mood to flirt right now since your opening act was to shoot at ponies I care about and swore I would protect. So, how about we skip the fake pleasantries, you murderous, micro cocked son of a two bit whorse, and get to meat of this. You are going to surrender, park your ship so that every slave and prisoner you have on this island can board, they we are going to head straight for Baltimare so that you and your crew can face a fair trial by jury. Sound good?”

Danger pretended to rub his chin and gestured to the crew with both forelegs out wide in mock piety. “That sound good to you, lads?” The pirates all began to laugh or growl, or… was that a belch? Ugh. Disgusting.

“Afraid I don’t accept your terms, deary. I also don’t appreciate your insults and can think of much better things to do with that fiery tongue of yours if you’re so inclined to waggle it in me direction. So, what’s your next move?”

Sunset sneered. Compliments just had no flavor or delight when coming from the mouth of a horrible individual. She understood that fact long ago even before she knew about magic portal mirrors and the like. Mostly from dealing with stuck up nobles and their offspring.

“I know about the curse. I know that you have some sort of artifact or powered spell scroll that allows this ship to pass through the barrier unharmed.” Sunset risked closing her eyes for a second and reached out with her passive senses. There was something nearby, likely on the captain himself that was emitting a high level of magical radiation. She did not recognize what school of magic it was from a skim, but it was there none the less.

Sunset’s eyes opened and she pulled the sword from where she had lodged it into the deck wood. “And there it is.” Like a bad poker player, Danger reached for something that was inside his poofy shirt without removing it. Sunset smirked. Jackpot.

Danger quickly schooled his emotions and held up a hoof as his crew readied to attack again. “We’re not done yet with our little chat, so unless ye want to taste the salt of the ocean or me hoof in yer teeth I suggest ye keep the powder dry and stand fast.” The crew, eased back ever so slightly, but did not lower their weapons. Sunset quickly scanned each crew member’s reaction and committed the expressions to memory. She had a hunch and would play that card soon if things dissolved, which at this point was bound to happen.

“Let me counteroffer. You tell the slaves to release me crew that was left on the island if they still yet live. If so, that’s a sign of good faith. Then, you join me this evening for dinner in the captain’s cabin. After which, you give yourself freely to me without fuss or fight all night long. If things go well and to me liking not only will ye be satisfied like you could not dream, but I will swear on me mother’s grave that I will lift the curse, take me crew, and never return. I’m sure a smart lass like yourself can eventually find a means of leaving the island after that. Unless things go really well and ye instead decide to stay. What say ye?”

Sunset Shimmer had to admit, compared to the rest of the pirates aboard the Phantasm Danger was easily the best looking. However, that did not mean he was attractive by most definitions or her type. In addition to the heap of red flags that came along with his ‘counteroffer’ not least of which he was a pirate and completely untrustworthy. There really was only one answer.

“I’d rather shave my snatch with a dull blade and fuck a beehive than enjoy your company sooo…” Sunset instantly teleported out of the circle of pirates and reappeared on the portside rail, sending a kinetic blast to where she had been standing to scatter the crew.

“Kill her lads! Five hundred bits to the scallywag that brings me that sword!”

Sunset teleported again, closing the distance between her and Danger. She swung her sword down, but the pegasus was faster than expected and leapt away, the flaming blade gouging a gash in the deck wood.

“Jokes on you, only I can use this blade.”

Danger smacked a few of his lackies upside the head as he backed away. As he flailed his forelegs and shouted orders, Sunset caught the glint of some sort of medallion on a chain in the loose opening of his shirt collar. If she could just get closer…

“You can’t teleport like that forever, lass! I may not know unicorn magic, but I know it tires ye out something fierce. Give up before me lads skewer that beautiful body of yours. T’would be a shame before the gods themselves.”

Sunset scoffed. “Like you know anything about gods or goddesses. You’re nothing but a bully using bully tactics to keep every creature here scared and in line. No real power. Let the peons do all the hard work while you watch from the back keeping your hooves clean. You’re not even a good pirate at that. No charm, no swagger, and I’d probably get more satisfaction fucking a pencil than what you’re packing downstairs.”

“I’ll make ye choke on it, ye filthy bitch! Ya want t' see power? I’ll show ye power!”

Sunset watched as Danger revealed the medallion. It was flat like a large coin or drink coaster, with a red gem in the center that had a liquid movement about it behind the faceted structure. There were intricately carved glowing runes lining the circumference that were too small to read while dodging throwing knives and other various projectiles. Sunset was unsure what the pegasus was doing, but it sounded like a chant ritual spell.

Contrary to popular belief, almost any creature could perform magic. Equestria, the world of Equuis as a whole, was filled to the brim with magic. One only required a conduit in which to tap that life-blood flow. Unicorns could do it naturally, so could kirin, and reindeer. All using their horns/antlers as a frequency tuner conduit to the powers around them. Most other creatures had passive magic to one extent or another, but could also achieve magical control through runework or artifacts. That was what Captain Danger was likely attempting.

Sunset teleported again, coming within grab range of the medallion, but Danger was having none of that. He leapt over the rail and hovered over the water. He looked up after finishing whatever spell he had just unleashed.

“I hope ye got at least one teleport left in ye if ya plan to get back to the beach to save those friends ye mentioned. Otherwise… enjoy the show.”

Sunset dared to glance back as several of those red tentacles that had attacked them before and destroyed the Easy Money sprang from the sand not far from the barrier defenses. Sunset felt her blood run cold and stomach drop. The kid gloves were off.

“Last chance, love.”

Sunset glared, the irises of her eyes glowing bright teal. “Yeah, it was YOUR last chance.” Sunset dropped her illusion and two wings sprang forth in all their fiery glory. The pirates on deck who had begun to close around her all leapt back from fear and the blistering heat her body was producing. She turned to her left, grinned like a demon, then flapped into the air briefly.

Danger had not expected the wings, certainly not wings of fire, and most certainly did not expect the now revealed alicorn to jump at the ship’s wheel and bring her sword down on the side of the connection rod. Sunset’s blade easily severed the holding pins for the rutter turn chain. She grasped the wheel with both forelegs and blew the captain a sassy kiss before teleporting away with the ship’s only means of steering.

Sunset landed on the beach next to the barrier, stumbling a bit in the soft sand. Her eyes glanced upwards as one of the red, crystal laden tentacles came crashing down towards her. She swore, raising the sword above her head in the hope that it might cut or deflect, but the strike instead crashed upon a shield with a golden sheen.

Celestia, former High Princess of the Equestrian throne and Goddess of the Sun stepped out from behind the wooden barrier with deliberately slow, methodical steps. Her horn was burning with golden fury, wings unfurled to their fullest, and a dark, angry scowl that used to (and apparently still did) send a chill down Sunset’s spine. Having been on the receiving end of it more than once, Sunset could vouch that an angry Celestia was not something one wanted to be on the receiving end of.

“Dearest, are you alright?”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for covering my backside.” The tentacles smashed down on the shield again and Celestia flinched at the multi strike impacts, but held strong. “Well, the good news is he is not going anywhere without this.”

Celestia recognized the ship wheel for what it was and that the damage to steal it was likely repairable. “And the bad news?”

“I ROYALLY pissed him off. Hence the tentacle attack. Danger has a medallion around his neck with some wicked looking rune work done to it. I only saw it for a second, but it was high end quality etchings. Whatever it is, it gives him control beyond just the shield.” Four more hard strikes to Celestia’s shield caused spiderweb fractures to her magical construct.

“I see we still need to work on your negotiation skills.”

Sunset grimaced, glancing back to the former slaves who were huddled together, clenching their fellows as much as their weapons. A sudden pain of guilt causing her chest to tighten. “I could have ended it. The bastard said he would let them go free if I let him use me as a fuck toy for the night. I’m… I could have…”

“No,” was Celestia’s simple, yet adamant reply. “No good results come from such demeaning and personally violating terms. There would have been no iron clad honor binding a pirate to such a deal. The guilt you feel for not giving in would have been a hundred times worse if you had and he had inevitably betrayed your principles and your trust. You chose correctly even if it means we need to do this the hard way.”

“Spoken from experience?”

Celestia grimaced, narrowed her eyes on the horizon, and nodded. “A story for another time. Right now, we need to stop these things and bring the illustrious captain to us.”

Sunset lifted the stolen steering wheel and set it behind the barrier next to Levar and some of the others. “Keep that safe. We will need it again soon.” Her eyes turned next to the strange, aggressive appendages that continued to assault their defenses. “I cut the ones we dealt with last time pretty easily, let me deal with the hentai monster. You bring the captain to shore.”


Sunset looked up, then out at the ship, running quick power to weight calculations in her head. It would have been tough for a unicorn, even a powerful mage, but for an alicorn, it was doable.

“After I take out the tentacles drop your shield and focus on pulling the Phantasm to the dock. Heck, run the thing slightly aground if you have to so that Captain Pencildick knows he is just as stuck here as we are. Then, I dunno. Go punch him in the face or something?”

Celestia arched a brow and smirked at her daughter, letting a small giggle escape. “The first part I can do. The second, well, let’s just see what happens. Be ready to watch my back in case more surprises await us from this magical artifact. I am not winded as of yet, but pulling an entire ship to shore will tire me. I’m not quite as spry as you these days.”

Sunset placed a reassuring hoof on her mother’s shoulder and the two smiled before the striking tentacles made their presence known again. “We got this.”

Celestia nodded.

With nothing else to add Sunset launched herself at the closest writhing appendage. As before, her flaming sword bit deep and a strike followed by a quick follow up strike cut the tentacle away. The severed appendage crashed to the beach and stopped moving, the color draining from it. She had not taken the time to notice before when they were flying for their lives on the water, but the construct was not any sort of animal, lacking any blood or muscle tissue. In fact, as Sunset moved to the next one, she noticed that the first fallen target continued to degrade back to rock and sand. So, not alive, not really. So where are they coming from? What is the catalyst to create them? No damn, smug, rapey pegasus came up with magic like this.

Celestia strolled a bit farther from their prepared defenses to the edge of her shield, eyes locked upon the vessel floating in the natural harbor bay. In her youth she had lifted and control object significantly heavier than a sailing ship. She had and at times still could raise and lower the sun by sheer will and blessed right of her calling.

However, despite her outward calm and well cultivated image, Celestia was worried that she lacked the raw power to draw the vessel in. She had not told Sunset the truth, well, the entire truth that is. She had insinuated to her daughter that she was old and getting older at an accelerated rate. Her private physician was constantly monitoring Celestia’s food intake, her sleep patterns, attempting to compile the data into an accurate rate of decay. Yes, decay was an awful way to think about it, but it was the most accurate way to describe her condition. The last estimate Doctor Guiding Light had given her had been no more than a hundred and fifty years and even that was likely a generous estimate. She was dying, just like all living creatures eventually do.

No, Celestia thought, she would not dwell on her impending mortality. It was not much, in comparison to near immortality, but if she had one life left to live she would live to her fullest even if that meant constantly pushing herself to her limits. Ponies and other creatures needed her. Sunset Shimmer, her beloved daughter who she had already lost too much time with needed her. She was Celestia and she would move heaven and earth, crush mountains to dust, pull a fully loaded ship of the line into shore if it meant helping those around her. That was the true calling of her cutie mark, the calling of her soul. To help others.

Celestia leveled her horn at the ship and concentrated. A moment later the massive wooden hulk was surrounded by her power’s glow and began to turn and glide across the water. Not a moment too soon. The pirates began to panic and tried to fire their cannons again, but with the turning ship the shots splashed harmlessly into the water.

Next, they tried to drop the anchors to slow the ship’s advance, but they never found ground. Still, Celestia winced as the heavy iron mass struck her magical aura below the water, but she refused to let it break her concentration. Flapping wings and heavy breathing caught Celestia’s ears and they turned atop her head to the sound, but her eyes remained on her target.

Gently, so as to not disrupt or insult her, Sunset asked, “You got this?”

“It is quite heavy, but yes, little sun, I have it.” Celestia let out a long exhale before pulling with her magic harder. “Be ready, they will not be happy.”

“Fuck their feelings. I’m not happy. And you know what happens when I’m not happy?”

Celestia smirked and let out a strained giggle even as a bit of sweat began to coat the fine fur of her brow. “Oh, let me guess? You set things on fire?”

“I set things on fire,” Sunset confirmed.

The frantic and angry commotion aboard the deck could be clearly heard now that the ship was pulling up alongside the dock. As Sunset suspected, the ‘charming and debonaire’ Captain Danger was shouting angrily and frantically with every threat in his most likely limited lexicon. It was marginally sad in Sunset’s opinion. Since more tentacles had not emerged after she cut the others down there must have been a limit to the power the amulet had over the island or at least a cooldown period. Either would work to their advantage.

The ship came to a crashing halt as the keel ran up on the sand. Celestia released her hold before she could do irreparable damage. The pirates looked down while Sunset and Celestia staired up. Neither making the next move. Finally, after a good thirty seconds of stare down the white alicorn cleared her throat.

“Good afternoon. Would it be imposing to ask you to come down calmly and quietly so that we might discuss what options are available to you?”

“A thousand gold pieces t' the one that brings me a horn! A blade t' the back t' any that turn and run!”

“Oh, fuck this!”

Sunset had had enough of the bully tactics of one Captain Danger. She was in no mood to waste her time and energy on tossing pawns about. With a deep inhalation Sunset drew in her power so much that the air around both her and Celestia dropped a good ten degrees. She then aimed her horn towards the sky and released a massive inferno upwards that splashed against the shield and rolled back over the ship. The pirates who had been prepared to jump the rail and storm the beach all fell to the deck and covered their heads cowering and screaming from the heat that washed over them. The closer ones received singed fur and feathers as well as some light charring on some of the wood of the ship and sails. The crow’s nest however, completely burst into flames. Whoops! I’m sure we won’t need than anyhow.

Once the flames died down, the heat washed away, and Sunset quickly extinguished the small fires she had started, all eyes on the ship turned back to the captain as if to ask, ‘what now?’ Celestia rolled her eyes and sighed, but gently patted her daughter as a thank you for her controlled aggression. The ship was not a pile of cinders and as far as she could tell no creatures had been seriously injured. That was restraint… by Sunset Shimmer level standards.

Celestia spread her wings and flew up to the ship, landing gracefully on deck near the forward mast. She surveyed the disoriented crew, many of whom were still down, nursing small burns, but none life threatening. The door to the captain’s cabin slammed open again and the burgundy pegasus with a large tricorn hat once again placed it upon his head.

“Get up, ye lazy lay abouts! Ain’t none of ye dead or dying enough to be caught with yer rumps in the air!”

Celestia stepped forward and gently placed a hoof on a pirate. He immediately stopped moving, too shocked to think let alone act with his eyes locked on the hoof of a goddess.

“Please,” Celestia said with a calm serenity, “stay down.”

Captain Danger glowered at his crew, kicking a few in their sides to get them back to their hooves. He raised his forehoof to stomp down on a frightened pony who covered from the imminent blow.

“Don’t.” Captain Danger paused, meeting Celestia’s disapproving/threatening glare. “You know who I am, I assume?”

“Aye, I know ye. I’ve kissed your cheek on many of me stolen and plundered coins over the years.” Most who did not know or deal with Celestia regularly compared meeting her level gaze to about the same as staring into the sun itself. On most days she was perfectly find with that comparison and it had worked to her advantage countless times over her long life. Celestia, however was not sure if it was arrogance or ignorance, but the pirate seemed only minimally phazed by her presence on the island let alone now standing before him.

Danger’s expression changed dramatically, however when Sunset Shimmer landed above and behind him on the rail of the quarterdeck, horn and sword both burning with angry red fire. Four members of the crew jumped overboard, risking injury or captain’s wrath rather than face another torrent of alicorn fire. More probably would have joined if they were not scared stiff.

“You have already met my daughter.”

Captain Danger huffed, switching between the two alicorns as if trying to decide who was more important to keep an eye on. “She gave her name, but failed to mention the relation between the two of ye. Suppose tis not all that important considering where we all be standing now.”

“Just give it up, dumbass. You can’t take both of us and a chunk of your crew already wised up and abandoned you.”

Danger shrugged. “I’ll deal with the deserters later. They know the sword or worse awaits them. However, I must say, tis a unique pleasure to be in the presence of such divine beauty. This will be a day I will boast upon fer years to come.” Danger curtsied to Celestia, removing his hat and bowing deeply. “I prospected yer daughter, offering the freedom and lives of these refuse in exchange for her private company. I see no reason not to offer ye the same, great princess of the sun.”

“My daughter refused your advances because she is happily married, had little to no guarantee that you would be true to your word on this matter, and likely found your smell unbecoming and stallionhood physically repulsive. Truly, I know pegasi are not often as ‘gifted’ as many other ponies, but you seem more than exceptionally on the small side. Were my daughter not already married to a wonderful mare I imagine your poor performance would make her an avid fillyfooler.”

“Daaaaamn, Mom. Buuuuuurn.”

Celestia continued without missing a beat. “I see no reason to offer myself for similar reasons. Shriveled grapes that one parades as testicles do nothing for me. In addition to the fact that I have knots in my muscles that are older than your grandparents.” Celestia pointed to the back of her neck at the wing joints. “I call this one, Delilah.”

Sunset grinned at her mother's eloquent bluntness and considered jesting that she was the bigger pain in Celestia’s neck, but chose instead to keep a sharp, menacing eye on the captain and his crew. A few had managed to regain enough of their senses to return to their hooves, but there was still an overwhelming sense of defeat and dread about that hung as thick as the burnt wood smell. The captain, even after a godly tongue lashing, was still far too cocksure for her liking.

“Mom, he’s stalling for time. We need to put him down before anyone else gets hurt.”

Celestia smiled warmly at her daughter before returning her gaze to the pegasus. “She is not wrong. So, I offer you a choice, captain of the Amber Phantasm. Give up and hoof over the magical amulet you are using to hold all these creatures hostage and I will personally see to it that leniency is granted to you during your trial. Show that you value the lives of the many who have suffered over what little power and wealth you have acquired. This need not end in bloodshed.”

“Hmm, a kind offer for sure. But the way of the pirate is not to die in a cell so I cannot accept yer generosity.”

Celestia sighed, her expression one of true sadness. “Very well, you can duel me for the prize at the risk of losing much more.”

“What the ACTUAL FUCK, MOM?!”

“A fair duel of blades, I assume. No magic or foolery?”

Celestia glanced up at Sunset again. “Do you still have the other inhibitor ring that we confiscated, dear?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. She was not entirely sure where this was going, but nodded just the same. “Yeah. I was going to use it on a unicorn crew member, but apparently none felt pathetic enough to join this shit show of buccaneers. I know I said I hate these damn things, but if you want me to slap it on to duel this ass muncher, I’ll do it.”

“The ring is for me, little sun. I, will duel him.”

“You CAN’T be serious. This is my… you are…” Celestia’s face remained unchanged despite Sunset’s outburst. “Of course you’re being serious. Fuuuuuck a duck.”

“I would rather not, my dear. The ring, please?”

Sunset hated everything about this. Captain Danger was clearly stalling for time with words, Celestia was playing right into that by offering him a sword clashing duel that he would no doubt draw out. Sure, she had broken one of the rings earlier. They were not well crafted, but she had just finished hauling in an entire ship. Even for an alicorn that would have been exhausting. What the hell are you playing at, Mom? We could totally just stomp this guy and be done with it. Is this some sort of asinine lesson about forgiveness and peace over violence or some shit? He already refused to give up!

With a hundred questions still on the tip of her tongue Sunset growled, but complied and levitated the ring over as she had done before, activating the inhibitor ring after it was snug. Celestia tapped the ring a couple of times before nodding.

“Would anypony care to loan me their sword?” Several swords were thrown down by her hooves. “Ah, thank you.”

The two would-be combatants moved to the foredeck, which was less cluttered. Sunset remained at her position for now, able to see them and the rest of the crew easily from her vantage. Nothing about the entire situation made any sense, but Celestia was a born strategist with centuries of experience in dealing with wannabe trash tyrants and was always trying to plan twenty moves ahead. It did not mean she was infalible or always won, but the gears of plotting were always turning.

“You are probably wondering why I would offer you this chance instead of just incinerating you. I know my beloved daughter is wondering that.”

Danger took a few test swings. “The thought had crossed me mind.”

“It is quite simple really. Your crew and all who look upon us right now know I am more powerful than you. After all, I was the most powerful alicorn in the world for countless generations. But what does that power mean exactly? Does might equal right? Do the strong crush those below them simply because they can? Such is a slippery slope. A slope unfit and unbecoming for any leader, especially a princess.”

Though the words were directed at Captain Danger, Sunset Shimmer felt their intent aimed at her. It was an old conversation. One they had fought back and forth on since before she had wings. Before she had been shown the mirror and their lives diverged. Her own Lesson Zero.

“That might work all well and good for ye in those ivory walls and castle spires of gold, but out here in the real world, it be an unfair and unkind world. The strong rule because they are strong. The weak serve or die. Ain’t nothing else to it, Yer Highness.”

Celestia tested a few of the swords that had been donated, eventually settling on a curved cutlass that was simple and lacking any personal charm. She wrapped her right hoof behind the guard and waited for the captain to become equally ready. “I am sorry you see the world that way, my little pony. I am not sure where and at what point I failed you, but I did and for that I am sorry.”

Danger shrugged. “Just the way of the world, lass.”

The captain’s sword was lighter and thinner, tapering more to a thin point than Celestia’s chosen weapon. Sunset was not an expert of sword types, but it fell somewhere between a rapier and naval officer's standard. With a nod, Danger went on the offensive. No doubt hoping an overwhelming level of direct attacks would throw Celestia off and unbalance her to where he could land a critical hit. Each strike with his blade was fast and powerful, but none came close to penetrating. With the grace of a master and the patience of the goddess that she was, Celestia blocked again and again, easily pushing the pegasus back to maintain her defensive circle.

Realizing that his tactic failed, Danger attempted to use his wings to assist him. He lunged and Celestia parried, but then Danger quickly flapped and spun, trying to bring the blade down on the back of Celestia’s neck. The white alicorn dodge again. However, the sudden movement did swing her mane about and the blade removed some of it from the rest.

“Hmm. I suppose I was due for a trim anyhow.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she focused on the amulet that had slipped free from the captain’s shirt after his spin attack. Her lips moved as she read some of the inscription, whispering words of a now dead language.

Sunset winced as some of her mother’s mane flew loose. That had been far closer than she liked and she felt her wings unfurl as her anxiety over the entire exchange gnawed at her sense of self. But then, something caught Celestia’s eye and Sunset had to draw a mental line at what her eyes were locked upon. The amulet. The prize they needed to break the curse and free everyone had slipped out. If I timed it right, I could probably fire a tight beam and shoot that thing right off his neck, which is far nicer than blowing his whole damn, child kidnapping head off like he deserves.

While deliberating on what to do, she noticed that her mother’s posture stiffened and her wings flapped a few times in agitation. Something had caught her attention and not in a good way.

“You have no idea what that thing around your neck really is, do you?”

“A lost treasure. Had to pay an old scholar two hundred bits to translate the scroll that accompanied it. T’was nearly unreadable.”

“I do not call upon this term often because of the overused and misunderstood nature of it, but that THING is evil in every fathomable sense of the word. If you have used it… then there is no redemption for the sins you have committed.”

Danger chuckled and relaunched his attack. Celestia was slow to recover, still lost in her own thoughts. She deflected the enemy blade from landing a killing strike, but it still drew blood as the smaller, faster sword gashed her foreleg and shoulder. The blood however did not simply fall to the ground. Instead, it floated in place as if suspended in levitation without gravity. A moment later, the floating globs were drawn to the amulet and caused the central crystal to glow brightly once more.

Sunset gasped at the sight of her mother being wounded, her jaw dropping further when she watched the blood seem to reenergize the magical talisman. Captain Danger jumped back a few steps, grinning as he called upon the magic once more. Sunset’s horn burned bright red and her eyes narrowed. Fucking blood magic?! Dammit! If I kill him it might overpower the thing and make it do… shit, I don’t have a clue what it might do!”

“Thanks for the donation, Yer Highness. Time to end this.”

Celestia’s horn lit and melted the inhibitor ring much like she had done before. Danger suspected that she might try to stop him and flew back away from the ship. Two heartbeats later, a dozen more red tentacles emerged from beneath the sand, larger, taller and ready to strike the creatures that had emerged from behind the defenses to watch what was unfolding on the ship. Now they had been caught out in the open and were about to be pummeled to death.

“Danger, you have no idea what you are doing!” Celestia pleaded.

“I’m winning the day, lassie, that’s all I nee-”

The air popped from behind him, the distinct sound of a magical teleport.

“Forget about someone?”

Danger did not have time to turn or run. Sunset’s sword slid effortless over his shoulder, burning away fur, feathers, and singeing flesh, but carefully not drawing blood. The blade cut the necklace chain and she snatched the amulet in her magic as it fell. With one wing damaged beyond use the pegasus fell to the wet sand below, howling in pain.

Sunset Shimmer could FEEL the magic fighting against her telekinetic hold. Like ethereal tentacles slithering from all directions to assault her mind and dominant or destroy. It did not like Sunset and wanted out. She wanted to smash it like she had done a number of other magical artifacts, but was unsure if it would detonate catastrophically considering the hold it had over the entire island. Sunset did the only logical thing she could do. She cried for help.


Celestia landed across from her daughter and wrapped her own magic over her daughter’s. “It’s okay, little sun, I’m here. Now, very slowly and carefully, lower your hold and let me take it.”

The panic was evident in Sunset’s eyes. “Is… If... If I do that, is it going to try and eat your soul?”



“I will explain everything, I promise, but you have to trust me. Yes, it is dangerous, but I have seen this magic before.”

“I don’t want it to hurt you!" Sunset groaned and growled as the dark magic fought back harder. "Will it explode if I just destroy it?”


“Well, that’s just worse! Seriously?! What in the ever loving FUCK is this… this THING?!”

“Sunset Shimmer, breathe.”

“Okay, OKAY! I’m just…”

Celestia smiled warmly. Were they closer she would send a current of loving magical power through her horn to her daughter’s much like they had done in the past. “I know you are scared, but trust in me. I will never again make the mistakes I did in the past and will always put you first as a mother always should. I love you so much and will never let anything destroy what we have now like I did then.”

“I… I…”

“Little sun,” Celestia said with the same calm and grace she had whenever she needed Sunset to relax and control her power. Sunset could remember her first major magic surge when she was only five years old, energy pouring from her horn, tears from her eyes, and all the guards and staff running for their lives from the tiny, frightened terror of a foal. Only Celestia, behind a shield and a caring smile approached. It was the first time she could truly recall Celestia calling her that nickname even though she had probably used it before. Those big, calm, reassuring eyes of cosmic magenta with flecks of purple and gold like the most beautiful gaseous nebula where stars themselves were born were fill with nothing but love and determination.

Sunset nodded and took a deep breath. Slowly, she receded her magic and raised her sword, ready to take her chances if for some reason Celestia lost control of the artifact. However, it was an unnecessary precaution.

Celestia’s eyes began to glow white as her golden magic intensified, words from an old, guttural language whispering from her lips. The red tentacles that had been poised to attack lost their power, collapsing back to sand and rock. Finally, the amulet lost its magical glow and appeared to become inert. After an extremely tense few minutes, the glow left Celestia’s eyes and the amulet fell to the sand. She sighed and glanced up at Sunset.

“Now, if you would be so kind. Please, destroy that abomination.”

Sunset nodded and slammed her blade down upon it. The metal sparked, the crystal atomized, and the surrounding sand turned to glass, encasing what was left of the artifact. The strike was far more powerful that Sunset had been expecting, gaping in awe at her own handiwork.

Celestia tapped it a few times with her hoof and nodded.

“I guess that means it’s over?”

Celestia glanced to the ship, then to the writhing captain, and then back to the island itself. “Not quite. A few more things to tidy up I believe before we check out.”

Author's Note:

This is probably a silly thing to worry about, but hopefully Sunset's abundance of cursing has not soured any to the story. I intentionally write her as 'more human' because she has by this point lived longer as a human than she has as a pony. So, naturally, her dialogue would reflect that. Of course, not all humans curse and swear, I know that, but many do.

I also wanted to portray Celestia here in a brighter light and her contrasting style and method of dealing with a foe as opposed to Sunset's. It was also good to show how at this point while weakened she was still not weak. Of course, I guess I already kind of did that with her breaking an inhibitor ring.

One chapter left and then the Epilogue.

Questions? Comments?