• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,451 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Chapter 2: Nostalgia

Though it was not common knowledge, Sunset Shimmer had in fact been an expert in the ‘Grand Game’ that was Canterlot/Equestrian politics. She had been required to learn how to play the game while still in her single digits of age, taught by the Grand Game Master, Princess Celestia herself. Granted, it had been more of a teacher/student learning experience than a mother/daughter one, but a learning experience nonetheless. The animosity that went along with that experience was water under the bridge now, thankfully.

That being said, what was common knowledge was that Sunset, in fact, hated the game. But there was a difference between hating the game and being unable to play it. Those kind of skills came in handy from time to time. Especially when knowing exactly how to deploy them.

“You did this on purpose,” hissed the brown and black griffon to Sunset’s left just loud enough for only Sunset to hear. “You know she can’t resist collating or making a lists.” Sunset was currently leaning back in her chair, forelegs behind her head, wings splayed out, and a toothy grin on her face that she knew was gnawing on Isabella’s patience even before the griffon sunk her talons a bit into the wooden back of Sunset’s chair. “I had to completely shuffle all the afternoon meetings around for this!”

Sunset glanced to her left, the burning amber eyes would have made any sensible creature cower, but Sunset had seen worse, fought worse, and had the scars physically and mentally to prove it. She just grinned more. “Yeah,” Sunset replied and pointed towards Twilight and Celestia, both pouring over parchments, brochures, and a large atlas on the Eastern Sea. “Adorable, isn’t it?”

Isabella was about to explode in fury, but instead, she cocked her head to the side, and blinked twice before scrutinizing Sunset more closely. Sunset in response, turned her own eyes back to the griffon. “What?”

“Do…” Isabella lowered her voice, “Do you have romantic feeling for Her Highness?”

Admittedly, Sunset should have laughed, or immediately dismissed the question that was a borderline scandalous accusation. She also knew that her hesitation was not helping her case no matter the answer. In truth, Sunset knew in her heart she loved Princess Twilight as she had loved all her close friends and family.

However, all the others were gone now. Only the alicorns of Equestria, her, and Twi remained… even their daughters, Aurora and Sunna had succumbed to the sands of time. Sunset had to blink back her tears as her thoughts lingered on her daughters. She could still see their faces at any age just by closing her eyes and thinking back. How did one explain to someone that yes, you did love the person before you, but NOT the person before you? Just their dimensional counterpart that was as near identical as born twins physically and even closer in personality quirks.

Sunset could always tell the difference, would always be able to tell the difference even blindfolded, but… it had been a year since she had heard her beloved Twi’s voice. And Twilight, especially when geeking out… the differences came razor close and that tore at Sunset’s lonely heart something fierce. Yet another reason to take a small break away from Canterlot and the project they had been working together on. A needed break before she did something they would both regret.

After far too long a pause and poorly hidden glassy eyes, Sunset smirked at Isabella. “She’s my friend, Isabella, that's how I feel about her. Besides, I am married to her sister.”

Isabella narrowed her eyes, skeptically and arched a feathered brow. Isabella had to think back to the last time she had seen Sunset's wife more than two years ago when Sunset had stayed for one of her short visits. She vaguely remembered seeing a small, purple unicorn by Sunset's side under her golden wing, mane done up in a bun with thick black rimmed glasses on the end of her muzzle. What was her name? Did Sunset ever introduce her by name?

“The princess does not have a sister,” Isabella finally declared.

Sunset leaned the chair forward and dropped back down to her hooves, face far more melancholy than usual for a moment before she once again hid it behind a respectable Canterlot mask. “It’s complicated.” Isabella was about to press further, but Sunset had already moved off and approached the other two alicorns.

Twilight looked up and beamed, proudly holding up her lists, which had several strike throughs as evidence of her hard work. “So, given the criteria that you both laid out along with time, distance, and common weather patters at about this time of year, Celestia and I have narrowed it down to about ten destinations!”

Sunset smirked, taking a closer look at the names without seizing the lists floating in Twilight’s magical aura. “That’s a lot less than I was expecting you to say.”

“Oh, I could have added more, like, A LOT more considering the number of islands, but this is just what I could toss together on short notice with the resources I had on hoof.” Twilight met Isabella’s disapproving stare and actually winced, trying to twist it back into a sheepish smile.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “You do realize that YOU are HER boss, right?”

“Oh, I know. But I did have things I was supposed to be doing, remember?”

“For the good of the country and so that we have a clear schedule when we leave for the Crystal Empire.” Isabella glared at Sunset. “Not ALL of us can just go to a beach when we feel like it.”

Sunset once again flashed her mischievous smile. “You know… we could ALL go to the beach and just blow off the next two weeks. You don't have to be in Canterlot to raise the sun you know.”

Panic began to permeate in Isabella’s eyes, but Twilight did not rise to the bait. She smiled sweetly at her friend and began cleaning up her used parchment and books. “As nice as that would be I really do have to attend the summit. Not to mention I never want to miss a chance to spend time with Cadence. It’s too important not to see her when an opportunity arises. Especially if she and Flurry have been fighting again.”

The sound logic and practical tone with hints of sad longing in Twilight’s voice took the wind right out of Sunset going rogue sails. She understood all too well how important it was to relish each and every moment one had with loved ones. Now more than ever. Her hoof reached up and touched the ring around her neck and pressed the titanium band into her fur, feeling her heartbeat underneath. It provided a smidge of comfort to her soul.

“You don’t need to explain, Twilight.” Sunset paused, pushing down the lump of sad longing in her chest. She glanced to Celestia who was not bothering to hide her honest concern with wide, worried eyes. Sunset smiled and nodded so that her mother knew everything was fine. “I get it. I really do.”

Celestia took hold of the lists and brought them closer. “Thank you for this, Twilight. I think Sunset and I can review what you have listed and together will make our final decision. For now, we will leave you and Miss Windsong to your work that we apologize for interrupting.”

“It was no problem, I enjoyed it. Helping others and making lists are my favorite kind of distractions,” Twilight said with a large, genuine smile. “Thank you for including me.”

Celestia brushed her wing over Sunset’s withers and gestured to the door. Sunset Shimmer glanced back at Twilight who met her eyes. Unable to resist, Sunset smiled and winked, which caused her fellow alicorn to brighten as well, sending a rush of warmth to her purple cheeks. Sunset loved her wife with all her heart, but there was just something childishly satisfying knowing that she could still turn heads or get the blood pumping with just a wink and a smile. Especially with a Twilight Sparkle. Yep, still got it.


Without questioning, Sunset Shimmer followed slightly behind Celestia as she casually strolled out of the castle to the garden. Guards saluted, staff and one tour group bowed their heads in reverence, and even some of the animals in the trees seemed to pay their respects to Celestia as she passed by. Sunset knew it was her mother they were honoring and not her, which was fine… for the most part. All part of the price of choosing to stay out of the spotlight, she reminded her ego and tiny voice in the back of her head.

Sunset knew exactly where her mother was going the moment they had exited the west gate, near the maze and statue garden. On the small hill just to the right of the entrance to the maze garden was an old oak tree. At a glance, the tree itself was not that significant, just a simple white oak that was old, but nowhere near the oldest tree in Equestria or even on the palace grounds. What made it unique was like all the trees within the palace complex they had been approved by long gone grounds keepers and planted at Celestia's blessing during the different phases of construction of the complex centuries ago. Many citizens and visitors often forget such trees did not grow naturally so high up on the mountain plateau. This particular tree was also unique because it was one of Celestia’s favorite spots to relax on a nice clear day.

Sunset had many fond and a few not so fond memories of the exact spot. Reaching back, Sunset recalled being about five and a half years old when Celestia had taken time off from court and other duties to first bring her to the oak tree. They had brought a few books that Sunset could practice reading aloud with and a few carefully swiped pieces of cake from the kitchen. She stood and watched as her mother settled in near the large roots next to a picnic basket that… wait, how long has that been sitting there? Who brought it?

The answer came in the form of a fiery bird landing on Sunset’s back and taking a hard peck and nip at the top of her head. “Ow!” Sunset turned to find Philomena blinking at her and though it should not have been possible, she swore there was a smile on that pointy yellow beak. “Well, hello to you too, bird brain.”

Philomena the phoenix chirped happily at being acknowledged before flying up to land on a branch of the tree just above where Celestia was sitting and setting out plates of food. The entire scene unfolding was painfully nostalgic for Sunset Shimmer now that she took it all in. She could recall with near perfect detail more than one time when the exact setup before her had occurred when she was just a filly. Before she became obsessed with being the best. Before she became a brat of teenager and young mare and ran away.

Sunset shook her head, but the pause had not gone unnoticed by Celestia. Centuries of honing her peripheral vision to the body language cues of conniving nobles was not a skill that faded easily. Celestia finished setting out the food before turning her soft magenta eyes to her daughter who was still standing several paces away, seeing something beyond what was in front of her.

Gently, so as to not startle her and ruin the mood, Celestia inquired, “Something on your mind, my dearest, or are you just taking a trip down memory lane?”

Sunset blinked a few times. “A little bit of both. I remember coming out here under this tree and snuggling into your side while we enjoyed the occasional lunch, or to read. It never lasted anywhere near long enough before Raven or Kibitz came to call you back to whatever duty called in next. It’s… amazing how little has changed.”

“The tree has been well cared for and has certainly added more diameter to what it once was when you truly were my little sun.”

Sunset playfully posed and poked at her flank with a hoof. “Well, the tree is not the only thing that has added some diameter since then. Look at these hips! That’s what two kids will do to you!”

Celestia arched a brow with playful suspicion. “Two? I thought you only birthed Aurora? Was there another yet named granddaughter I should have been made aware of?”

Sunset rolled her eyes as she sat down next to Celestia and began munching on some fresh cut carrots. “Okay, so I didn’t pop Sunna out, but the changes to your body, diet, and lifestyle after raising two kids. Well, I don’t think I need to explain it to you. You popped me out after all.”

Celestia nodded, her face twisting to a painful grimace for a second. “It was not the same with you. I had servants who took care of most of the hard parts while I put the rest of Equestria ahead of raising you as a mother should. I would even ask sometimes if I could change the diapers just to be more involved, but they would always tell me they had it under control. They did not know or understand you were mine, none of them. I should have insisted.”

“Yeah, you did put Equestria first pretty much every time. And yes, I use to resent that, but we’re not under this tree together right now as the sun moves down to my favorite time of day to think about all the bad times and our failures. You chose a surprise picnic for a reason.”

“No special reason actually,” Celestia admitted with a shrug. “They were not ALL bad times… or at least I hope you do not think of them that way. I just… I just wanted to remember. I wanted to think back on those few precious times I got to pretend to be who I really was and recreate that feeling. I’m not the young, picturesque mare I once was. My memory is still plenty sharp, but as you can see, time is starting to catch up to me.”

“What? The grey hair? So what? Rarity started going grey before she even hit thirty, much to her vocal dismay, I might add. Rainbow Dash never lost all her colors, just had some grey mixed in. Doesn’t mean a thing.”

Celestia smiled, taking a few bites of her sandwich before speaking again. “The flattery is appreciated, but I am old, little sun. I have been old for a long time. What that means now is that I must enjoy these moments all the more. I know you understand.”

Sunset wanted to retort, argue back, but there were no lies in her mother’s words. She WAS old, more than two thousand years, heck, maybe more than three thousand years old! No one really knew for sure except her and Luna and neither of them liked to give an exact number. For obvious reasons. Who wants to try to put THAT MANY candles on a cake?! Sunset washed the food down with some pleasant juice, wishing it was something more alcoholic just to calm her constantly racing mind.

“Enough on that. Let us enjoy the sunset then we can talk about where you and I are going to spend a few weeks together. Agreed?”

Sunset Shimmer nodded. "Hey, is it arrogant or conceded that this is my favorite time of day?”

“Not at all. It is mine as well. The colors always reminded me of you everyday even when you were gone.”

They sat beneath the old oak tree side by side, Celestia’s slightly larger wing draped over her daughter’s back, pulling her close. Even though the wing did not completely envelop her anymore, there was just something about the feeling of Celestia’s wing over you, Sunset thought. It just made you feel safe, warm, included. They missed out on so many of such moments. A literal lifetime apart. Such a wasted opportunity for such pitiful reasons. If not for Twi and the good times she had shared on Earth... Time marches on, as they say.

Once the glowing orb slipped below the horizon and the beautiful yellows and oranges began to turn red Sunset let out a pleasant sigh. “Hey, Mom?”

“Yes, dear?”

“What’s your favorite color?”

Celestia smiled and nuzzled her daughter’s mane, kissing the top of her head. “What it has been since the day you were born. The color of your eyes.”

Sunset smiled. She knew the answer, she had asked before when she was a foal and young filly. It was just one of those silly little things Sunset liked to hear. “Just making sure.”


The pair had cleaned up their picnic and retreated to Celestia’s private chambers to continue discussing their vacation plans. Mother and daughter politely nodded to the Solar and Lunar guards as they returned to the castle. Sunset took an extra moment to ensure that the thestral lieutenant who had been there to greet her from the mirror saw her wave. His name was Gauge, if she was not mistaken. They had only spoken a few times over the last year due to different busy schedules. Once done giving orders to a sergeant, Gauge smiled in return and bowed respectfully to them both.

Celestia leaned close to Sunset’s ear. “My little sun, are you aware that for a married mare, you flirt a considerable amount. Tisk, tisk. What would your beloved say?”

“I’m, I’m not flirting! At least not this time! I’m waving, see? If I was flirting with him I would be rubbing my tail under his nose while shaking my rump in a come hither way or something similar.” Celestia giggled and waggled her brow, knowing she had soundly won that little exchange. Sunset tried to play it off with an eyeroll, but knew her cheeks were burning a bit by the way they felt. Yet another reminder of how half her bed had remained empty for a year now. She really did need to take care of that ‘itch’ if Celestia could get a rise out of her so easily. Usually, it took Luna and her lewd insinuations to cause a blush. Damn, I miss Twi. Maybe I can coax her into some mutual dirty talk writing through the journal later. Hehehe! That would be fun.

While they could have just as easily remained under the tree, it was decidedly easier to study the lists that Twilight had so diligently worked on under bright mage lights, with warm tea on the table, and Philomena’s trilling snores in the background as she slept on her perch.

With cooling tea and lists floating in red and gold magical auras the two alicorns sat down to consider all their choices. Celestia had already been over the lists more than once that she and Twilight had compiled. Now she simply waited for Sunset to examine them so they could debate which would be best. Celestia was about to refill her cup when Sunset finally made a ‘huh’ sound, pausing the alicorn from tipping the teapot.

“Something catch your interest?”

“Did you notice that most of these reviews and tourist information packets for Pelican Island are more than ten years… correction, almost twenty years old?”

“I did not. Twilight included that detail?” Sunset flashed her mother a deadpan stare. “Of course she did.”

“It could just be that no travel agencies felt a need to update the information because maybe they just haven’t updated anything in all that time. I mean, here, Sandy Crab Shoals hasn’t been updated in about two years. Maybe this is normal.”

Celestia nodded. “Yet it still caught your eye and piqued your interest.”

Sunset set the parchment down, took a sip, and gathered her thoughts. “Well, we both agreed we want to avoid the most common tourist traps and all the cameras and on lookers that come with that. So, my line of thinking is a place that hasn’t changed or upgraded in over a decade will not be the first choice of most tourist. A kind of ‘been there, done that’ mentality. I mean, as long as the water is clear, the beach is white sand, and I’m not sleeping in a hammock between two trees in a tropical storm I’m good. Unless you have some luxury requirements I should be made aware of?”

Celestia smirked, fully catching the last bit of sass that her daughter slipped into the end of her statement. “As long as the bed is comfortable for these old bones to rest in I have no qualms with sleeping under my sister’s star filled night if I have to.”

Sunset grinned, rolling up the lists and setting them on the table. “Alright. Let’s plan to catch the train to Horseshoe Bay Sunday and on to Pelican Island from there. Don’t need a whole lot to pack. Some scrolls for writing in case inspiration hits, maybe some snorkel goggles… nah, they’ll probably have some for rent and that will help the local economy, right? Oh, and my journal in case I need to talk to Twi.”

Celestia nodded, her smile dipping ever so slightly, but not so subtle it went unnoticed.



“I mentioned Twi and you frowned.”

The Princess of the Sun frowned, but quickly recovered. “Forgive me for being selfish, little sun. I was just thinking, would it be so wrong if you told your wife we will be gone for two weeks and you will message her when we get back? Sometimes... I see you staring longingly at the journal and it makes you so remarkably sad. It aches my heart wishing she was here with you or that there was a way the two of you could see and hear one another.”

Sunset sighed, setting her teacup aside. After a moment she gathered herself and sat up, shoulders back, a smile on her face. “You’re right. This vacation is for you and I. Twi will understand. I can leave the journal and all my worries behind for a little while. If you want I can even play the part of Aunt Luna and try and hook you up with some island stud of a stallion strutting along the beach.”

“Ugh. Please don’t. It’s embarrassing enough when my sister does it.”

“C’mon, a little hair dye, ooohh even better, how about a full magical disguise! We can make you look like a white pegasus with a blonde mane! A few blue highlights for flair.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes and glared. “Twilight told you about my old incognito adventures around Equestria, didn’t she?”

Sunset tried to hold it in, she really did. Regardless, she failed miserably. The harder she tried to fight down the laughter the more it fought back until her sides hurt and Sunset rolled over and burst out laughing. Celestia just sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Seriously, you thought Sunblind was a good name?”

“Oh, hush, Flanksy.”

Author's Note:

I tried to do a bit of imagery building with the tree. It occurred to me that since Canterlot is up pretty high on the side of a mountain that most if not all the landscaping would have had to be brought in. I also wanted to paint a mental picture that not everything had been terrible between the two when Sunset had been young.

Also threw in a few cameo appearances with Gauge and Philomena because, why not?

More to come next week.