• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,451 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Chapter 9: Leader

The smell of food stirred Sunset Shimmer from her rest. She tried to open her eyes and sit up and was hit with a wave of nausea, plopping her head back down. Except it was not onto sand, but instead the bed that she and her mother had slept on in the hotel. I don't smell like beach sand. Someone must have rinsed me off.

“Take it slow,” Celestia said softly with warmth and compassion. The older alicorn was sitting just to the right of the bed near the window. “It's been a long time since you have used so much magic in such a manner. I imagine you are quite fatigue.”

“And hungry.” Sunset smacked her dried lips. “And parched as well.”

Celestia levitated over some water that Sunset took in small sips without having to be reminded. It had been a long time, but it was not the first time Sunset had overtaxed her power reserves. Probably would not be the last either. Magic was energy after all. Much like a cyclist or marathon runner going a great distance or a weightlifter trying to pull an airplane, anything that required energy required practice building stamina and training the body on how to best burn that energy. Unicorns that never really pushed themselves, never built their reserves up significantly were always at a disadvantage to others when it came time to use their full power. They burned out quickly, sometimes at great harm to themselves.

Years, decades of living among humans had cost Sunset dearly as far as strengthening her mana pool. Sure, she had alicorn level power, but her fine control and efficiency of that power was a flabby mess. Her younger self as a mere unicorn in her prime probably could have whipped her butt in a duel while eating an egg and cheese sandwich and reading the morning paper. Note to self: Once we get back to Canterlot restart a magical workout routine. At least an hour of stress work a day.

“If you feel healthy enough to sit up I will bring you a bowl of vegetable stew. Considering the number of mouths that needed feeding and the items that were available stew made the most sense.”

“I’m good with stew. Thank you.” Sunset carefully shifted to a sitting position and was able to see that the sun had set, but not long ago given the few traces of red and orange upon the horizon and the quickly approaching twilight. She must have been dead asleep for at least a few hours. Definitely out of shape magic-wise.

Celestia returned a few minutes later with two bowls. She set one on the table and held the other in her hooves, prepared to feed Sunset if necessary. Sunset tested her power carefully and found that levitation did not feel taxing, so she gently took the bowl and brought it to her lips to sip the barley water.

Once Celestia was certain her daughter would not drop the bowl she retrieved her own. “You had me worried for a little bit.
I thought perhaps the construct had wounded you and you were injured.”

“I’m out of shape apparently. I knew I was pumping a lot of power into that blast, but I didn’t think I was that close to my limits.”

“Coming in contact with the barrier may also have been a factor,” Celestia said, pointing to Sunset’s back hooves that were still slightly scuffed even after healing and cleaning had been applied. “If you had not been, well, you, that contact would have likely killed you.”

“Nice to see that I’m at least as resilient as I remember even if I’ve lost my edge with mana control.”

Celestia nodded. “We both were lucky out there today. Those constructs shattered my shield after only a few strikes. Not the first time I have been overpowered, but it used to take more than a few heavy hits. Concerns we can address later once we are back in Canterlot. At least the message made it out.”

“Yeah. A win is a win even if it was an ugly one. So, Spike has no doubt told Twilight what’s going on by now and… actually I have no idea what was supposed to happen next.”

“Ideally, Spike also sent a message to Tempest and or Isabella to begin rescue preparations, but that will take time to organize.”

Sunset waited for Celestia to continue, arching a brow when the silence lingered. “Is there a problem? That was the plan, wasn’t it? We get the message out, hold down the fort until help arrives, and then wait for the pirates to return so we can ambush them and get everyone off this rock.”

“That was the plan, yes.”


“While you were resting, I took the time to go over some of the notes you had taken from the slaver’s logbook. I spoke with Webo and a few of the others as well as Grassy Rio to cross check my findings. Captain Danger will likely return in two days. Before any reinforcements arrive.”

Sunset banged her head gently against the headboard. “Wellllll, fuck.”

Celesta grimaced before nodding. “I did not say such with the children nearby, but yes. My thoughts exactly.”

The silence lingered while the two alicorns finished their bowls, each toiling away in their own heads. Before Sunset could inquire further, there was a gentle knock on the door.

“Enter,” said Celestia, quickly masking her doubts and concerns, straightening her posture as if she were sitting upon her old throne.

Levar the zebra stuck his head in, staying at the door in case he was intruding. “I hope I am not interrupting.”

“Not at all," Celestia replied with a warm smile, "the company and distraction are welcomed.”

Levar bowed to both alicorns even though he had been told repeatedly he did not have to. “I just wanted to see how Lady Shimmer was fairing. A number of us were concerned for her health when you had to carry her back to the hotel unconscious.”

Sunset smiled genuinely. “Thank you for your concern. That was a tough fight and I wasn’t fully prepared for it. I’m just glad we all made it back to shore in one piece. Though I guess we owe Steady Course a new boat when we get back.”

Celestia smirked and let slip a small giggle. “To say the least.”

Levar nodded. “Yes.” The zebra shifted a bit before finally coming sit next to the bed so that he could speak to Sunset and Celestia with a hushed voice. “I came to speak of more than just pleasantries, I’m afraid. Rumors are already beginning to spread among my people that we have doomed ourselves by rebelling and lashing out. I have done my best to quell them, but… They are scared. The others, no, myself included. There is much to be scared of, so many unknowns. We need leadership and guidance for what to do next. All eyes turn to both of you.”

Even though it hurt a bit and she grunted with each movement, Sunset threw the covers back and carefully slid out of the bed. She spread her wings slowly and wrapped one around Levar hoping to provide even just a smidge of comfort to him. Being wrapped in one of Celestia’s wings when she was younger always brought a soothing calm to her soul. A calm the zebra desperately needed. After a moment she felt his worry begin to ebb, his breathing even, and racing heart returning to a normal pace.

“No pony, no one, is going to get left behind and Celestia and I will not allow any harm to come to you or your fellows. You have suffered enough that’s for damn sure. I think given the approaching night it's probably best to tell the others to get some rest. Then, tomorrow we wake before the dawn and begin preparations for defenses. Sound good?”

Levar raised his head and looked deep into Sunset’s eyes with his own emerald green orbs for longer than a few heartbeats. Despite her best efforts, Sunset felt herself gulp and her heart speed up to a noticeable thump. What could she say? He was ruggedly fit, handsome, and was staring directly at her like she was some sort of goddess to be worshiped. I am way too fucking horny to have a pony this cute staring at me. Damn, I miss my wife. Annnnd Mom probably noticed all of this by now. Crap.

“Thank you, Lady Sunset,” Levar said, finally breaking the silence before he bowed once again to Celestia and let himself out.

Once the door closed Celestia flashed a cheeky grin, a twinkle in her mischievous eyes. “For a moment there I thought he was going to kiss you.”

Sunset face hoofed and groaned then blew a raspberry at her mother.


Although her body protested, Sunset Shimmer managed to pull herself from bed with the help of a basic alarm spell that was set to go off and hour before dawn breached the horizon. The unholy hour in her personal, completely unbiased opinion. Alarm spells were a relatively simple magic that caused a unicorn's horn to vibrate when it sensed the energy of the sun relative to the horizon, which it used as a means of determining the time of day or night. Personally, Sunset always hated alarm spells because it honestly felt like Pinkie Pie had just drunk a double expresso and was tap dancing on your forehead to a polka.

A bit alarming, but not entirely unsurprising, Sunset found their bed empty and that Celestia had already gotten up. She stretched a bit, as quietly as possible when her eyes fell upon the three young ponies across from her they had invited to their room the other night. Once again, they were all snuggled up into one another, legs intertwined every which way, sleeping soundly. Sunset quickly brushed her teeth, ran a comb through her mane exactly twice, and then left the room to find where Celestia had gone.

The hotel had a bit of activity in the lobby, more than Sunset had expected given the hour. However, remembering last night's conversation, they had assured Levar and the others they would get to work in the morning. Promises to keep and all that jazz. Zebras and a few other ponies were moving kitchen materials about, probably preparing breakfast for all the others all while Grassy Rio sat at his desk looking miserable. The distinct sense that Celestia’s hoof marks were all over the endeavor.

While it had been a risk, Celestia had elected to grant limited freedom to Grassy Rio and his hotel staff, including Dave, who was helping the former slaves move material. While he would no doubt face some sort of punishment for not protecting the once island guests that had been under his care it was hardly his fault for not being able to fight off a pirate invasion unarmed let alone deal with magic he did not understand. With that in mind, Celestia had convinced the hotel owner and staff that it was in their best interest to make up for past mistakes. Nothing else needed to be said on the matter.

Sunset did not bother waving to the proprietor and instead followed the zebras and others out to the back deck where Celestia had several griddles going under pit fires, giving patient and kind instruction on how to make the perfect pancakes. Off to the left Sunset could see they had already made quite a few, but then they did still have many mouths to feed. The smell from the kettles to the right immediately drew her attention. A small shift to the beach wind and the scent of fresh brewed coffee assaulted Sunset’s olfactory senses in the best possible way. A smile spread across her lips.

“Good morning, little sun,” Celestia said without having to take her eyes off her new culinary students. “I hope you are well rested.”

“Feeling pretty good now. Once I get some coffee and food in me, I'll be ready to tackle whatever we have to do today.”

“That is good to hear because there is a great deal to accomplish.” Celestia gestured to the canopy tent on the beach with a table and a few others already gathered, quietly speaking. “Please join Levar and the others and go over what they have in mind. Make whatever changes you feel would be necessary.”

“We could switch spots. You are probably the better war tactician than me. I only know what I’ve read from history and done in video games. I’ve never prepared defensive positions or fought a major battle before. Just a few scrap fights.”

“I understand what you are saying, except we are not preparing soldiers for war, dearest. We are preparing defenses for frightened and abused former slaves. Ponies and the like who are counting on us to keep them safe.” Celestia looked up so that ancient magenta eyes that had seen dozens of lifetimes come and go locked with younger teal ones. There was compassion in those old eyes, but it was laced heavily with sheer determination. A mare on a mission. “We must not allow any of them to come to harm.”

Sunset poured herself a cup, adding just a bit of sugar and a touch of cream before partaking in her morning brew. When she looked at Celestia again, her eyes were fully awake, a spark of her own determination having roared to life. Sunset Shimmer nodded and declared, “I understand.”

The warm, kind smile returned to Celestia, her attention once again on the griddles and those under her watchful eye. “Good.”

Nothing else on the matter needed to be said.

Sunset took her coffee with her as she stood at one of the tent canopy’s openings. Levar stopped talking to the other two zebras, one male the other female, and turned to Sunset Shimmer and bowed. The other zebras did so in turn as well as the Equestrian sailor, Swish Kicker. The sight of ponies and zebras bowing made Sunset a bit uneasy.

“No, please, rise. Don't do that. I’m not… look, we need to work together and bowing is not going to speed things up so, please no more. Anyhow, I guess we should start with what we know about Captain Danger in general and what resources we have available. Any and all details welcomed.”

Levar looked to the others, but they gestured for him to step forward. Once again Sunset had to look into those gorgeous green eyes of his that were full of too many emotions to decern. He coughed into his hoof to clear his throat and smoothed out his traditional zebra mohawk that had just a hint of sienna brown in it as well. A detail she just now took note of. Focus, girl.

“Danger always approaches the island on the far side where the plantation and storage barns are to make transfer of cargo easier. The water there is deeper, be it a natural channel or cut out I do not know, but it allows his ship to dock even when sitting low in the draft with cargo. The last several times I witnessed the process, Danger always sends a skiff crew to secure the docks and the landing before bringing in the Phantasm itself.”

“Smart and paranoid. So probably no reason to bother with a sneak attack given what we've already done to the plantation, but we also don’t want him to cut his losses and run or else we won’t get that artifact or whatever he has that lets his ship pass through the defense shield. If that’s the case, we need to shore up defenses for those that want to stand and fight and also lay bait to make sure he doen't just turn and run.” Sunset tapped her chin a moment. “What do we have here that is so important that he comes back to this island at all?”

“Slaves and food,” said the stocky zebra behind Levar with a growl to his voice. “Without us his crew would have to raid other ships or ports for food.”

“Okay, so we need bait and to antagonize him to come to shore. Well, we could risk some of the food stores out front if you think that might work. As far as drawing him in…”

“He is prideful, boastful, and tries to be charming. Especially to our mares. It probably would have more effect if not for the fact that he still treats them like property instead of living beings after he's..."

The zebra stallion growled again and the zebra mare next to him grimaced and shuddered, rubbing a foreleg hoof against the other. No elaboration was needed. Sunset took another swig of coffee to wash the bile taste from her mouth. "I get it, you don't have to say it."

"If we wound his pride severely, he will wish to exact revenge. Ruthlessly.”

“Insult him. Got it. I’m good at that. Ask about half the nobles in Canterlot once you come to visit.” Sunset finished her coffee and smiled confidently at the others before her. Levar smiled brightly while the others at least all brightened up a bit. “Okay, let’s get started. I know this may seem a bit cruel, but I need to ask your people to help dig and build some defenses even though they have been forced to work so much already.”

“It is for their freedom. They will gladly work for you, Lady Sunset.”

Sunset’s mechanical and creative mind sprang to life as she summoned a piece of charcoal and parchment over and began to draw out a rough layout of the beach facing the plantation. “Okay, good. So, I’m thinking a pile of food crates out front with an obvious firetrap nearby so he can see the threat to his stocks. We dig three trenches here, here, and here, behind the fields, but still in view so that we can shout taunts at and attacking crew, maybe wave some homemade flags that insult the captain to get his blood boiling. We fortify the trenches with log walls that I can help cut from the dilapidated barns and some from the forest.

“We don’t have much in the way of close combat weapons if it comes to that so everyone should probably keep farm equipment or a few sharpened branches nearby if things get close and ugly. I'm hoping it won't get that far, but just saying.
Also, I only want volunteers in the trenches. No one is getting drafted to be in harm's way. All the others should stay in the hotel on this side of the island with the young colts and fillies until the all clear is given.”

“We should get to work right after everypony has eaten. Organize teams for the various duties and such,” added Swish Kicker.

Sunset nodded. “Agreed. And from the smell of it, Mom has plenty of food for all so eat hearty. You’re going to need it.”


Those that could work broke into one of three teams. Celestia led the team that began digging the trenches for the defense positions around the fields that had a good line of sight of the docks. Sunset Shimmer led the teams that harvested the trees or repurposed wood from the barns and shacks. While the goldenrod alicorn did most of the heavy lifting with her magic, the strong backs of the former zebra slaves, even after who knew how long being abused, were still more than ready for the task if it meant freedom from the cursed island. Levar supervised the final construction as the materials were stacked up with the detail drawing Sunset had provided in hoof.

They all stopped for a mid-day break, many of the former prisoners sprawled about the beach with drinks and sandwiches of vegetable spread that were easy to make and stretched the provisions carefully. Sunset took a moment to check on their pirate prisoners that were confined to a room in the hotel. She was not really worried about them escaping since if they attempted to do so not only was there nowhere for them to go, but the former slaves they had abused were given full permission to do what they liked to their oppressors. The hotel room was more for their protection, plus it had working plumbing. A finer luxury than many of their prisoners were given on any day.

Upon returning to the lobby Sunset found a number of zebras and other ponies congregating around Celestia. They were all speaking softly and she was nodding and smiling, clearly pleased by their words of whatever it may have been. It could simply be progress reports or perhaps new suggestions on what to do next. Sunset was not worried. Her mother would share such information when it was time and instead made herself a couple of sandwiches now that the others were seen to. Several ponies and zebras had tried to insist Sunset and Celestia eat first, but they had both waited and made it known that they would wait for all others to be served.

With a grumble to her stomach, Sunset devoured her food without really bothering to enjoy it. She then plopped onto one of the lobby seats and sighed, throwing her head back, eyes closed, forelegs spread across the top and, rather undignifiedly, displaying herself with hindlegs spread, but did not care one bit.

When she had first returned to Equestria for longer than a day or two it had taken some time for her brain to get used to not waking up and immediately putting on clothes to not, “scare the normals” as Twi liked to call it. The sentiment was often followed by one of her adorable little giggles. When it was just the two of them, like it usually was, Sunset often walked around their hotel or private bungalow naked or in just panties. Partly because of her pony nature and partly because it just felt damn good. Like with anything, there were pluses and minuses to both worlds. As there always had been.

“May I sit?”

Sunset opened her eyes and brought her attention to the zebra that was standing before her, trying not to admire her… everything, but clearly failing with his shifting eyes and blushing face. With her own face turning a bit red, Sunset repositioned herself to something a bit more conservative and gestured with a hoof for Levar to sit next to her. He nodded his head and whispered what sounded like a prayer before digging into his own sandwich.

After a few minutes of eating quietly while Sunset sipped her drink, Levar cleared his throat. “Progress is going well. We should have everything done before sundown. Tomorrow morning at worst.”

“That’s good. From the notes I got out of Webo’s journal Captain Dick Cheese should be back in the next day or two, so we need to be ready.”

“Do you… I mean… I understand that a battle will likely take place and that, despite your best efforts, injuries and possibly death may fall upon us. Do you feel… that we should make the most of the time we have left?”

Sunset gulped down the last of her lemon water suddenly wishing it had been something a bit stronger. She glanced to the zebra beside her who was fidgeting a bit while continuing to sneak glances at her. Hoo boy. I should have said something sooner. Damn those sexy eyes of his. Now I feel like I’ve been leading him on, but I think he’s looking for more than just, well, looking.

Levar sensed her hesitation and began to backpedal a bit. “My apologizes. It has just been so long and you are so beautiful. I, I should not have assumed.”

Sunset took a deep breath and touched the ring around her neck. She smiled warmly at her friend and placed a hoof on his leg, which finally got him to stop rambling. “First of all, thank you for the compliment and consideration. Most ponies I deal with are too scared of me to dare throw out something like ‘beautiful’ you know, other than my mom. However, I have to tell you I am married, even if I do sometimes come off as a bit too flirty.”

“I understand. I too have a wife. Or did. My son and I have been here so long now I wonder if she just assumes we are dead and has moved on. I have no idea. At least you know for certain your husband is waiting for you.”

“Wife, actually, and yes, she is. And I love her dearly. This ring, we each have one like it as a symbol of our bond. Do zebras also exchange tokens to show they are wed?”

Levar nodded and pointed to the earring in his left ear with a connected chain to a stud that was higher in the lobe. “I should have said something earlier as well, but, as I said it had been so long since a mare took interest in me and…”

“You are lonely, horny, and really want to rut me like there is no tomorrow. I get it, I feel it too. I mean that. Seriously, you are a stunning stallion with some gorgeous eyes that I could stare into all day long and trust me, if I were not married, I would have gladly taken you up on that. But I can offer you my friendship and my promise that I will help find your wife if she is still out there. I, no, not just me, mom and I will do our best to keep you and your son safe so we can make that happen.”

“Thank you, Lady Sunset, for your honesty and your friendship. It does my heart good and you fill me with hope. That is something I have needed even more than the company of a mare, I think. Pardon me now, I think I would like to walk to clear my head.” Levar stood, bowed slightly, and exited the hotel. Sunset hated to reject him, her body hated it even more, but her heart did feel lighter getting the tension off her chest. No one or pony liked being led on with false intentions.

“Everything all right, little sun?”

“Yeah,” Sunset said with a sigh and a sad little smile, “just had to turn down sex because, you know… naughty, naughty. Plus, I would have felt terribly guilty about it and eventually blurted it out to Twi and that would have made things awkward in ways I’d rather not deal with. Plus, you know, faithful and all that.”

“I understand.”

Sunset arched a brow. It sounded at first like just a simple platitude, but there was something under the breath of that simple statement. A peppering of guilt, regret. Sunset studied her mother’s face carefully, her teal eyes going wide. “Oh shit. You cheated on Dad, didn’t you?”

“We were never married except in our hearts. And my heart never waivered from how I felt about your father. Never. However… especially long ago, I still had… physical needs and the desires of a young mare, as you know.” Sunset gestured for Celestia to continue. She hesitated, but finally relented under her daughter’s adamant stare of complete, captive attention. “Keep in mind it was long before you were born or had planned to conceive you for that matter. Anyhow, I was going to tell you later since you inquired about the dragon fire.”

“Wait, how are those two… things… related…” Sunset face burned red and her brain began to smoke from her twitching ears. “Noooo… seriously… you, you did…?”

“Dragons are stubborn creatures on the best of days. Spike forever being the exception to most of the worst stereotypes, but his unique upbringing has much to do with that. However, dragons who follow the Dragon Lord are bound to his or her will as much by tradition as by magic. One such rule was to closely guard their secrets. Still, even among dragons who were not raised by ponies there were outliners. Those that did not feel the compulsion of their lord as strongly. These dragons were curious about the world around them and would exchange information in return for information. One such dragon was a researcher named Ridgeline.

“Ridge was of average size for a dragon, about the same size Spike is now… maybe slightly taller, with a longer tail and less bulky frame. He was curious about ponies and our culture as a whole. I found him spying on a kirin village from a distance, taking notes after reports of dragons in our lands had reached my ears. I found that curious since dragons and paper are so unusual, especially five hundred years ago. I learned a great deal from him and he from I. For instance, some dragons can control the size of their bodies, others can make themselves practically invisible and blend to the background, and of course, the reason he was using parchment instead of vellum or hide to write upon. Ridge had the ability to send paper messages via a magical cloud to whom he wished simply by picturing them in his mind. The specific magical mechanics of it are still beyond me other than it does work.”

“Was this power his alone?”

“No, but it was rare, still is. And more importantly, forbidden to share with outsiders. However, I wished to know more about our occasionally antagonistic and hostile neighbors. The dragon lord of the time, Lord Torch, much to my surprise and suspicion allowed Ridgeline to return to Canterlot under the banner of an ambassador. Which, as you can imagine, was absolutely unheard of for the era.”

“It must not have lasted long considering I never read about it or him.”

Celestia shook her head, settling further into her seat. “No. And as I suspected the lord only allowed it so long as Ridgeline secretly sent reports back on our defenses and weaknesses. I caught Ridge sending one such report and questioned him at spearpoint. He explained that he had to play along at least a little or else the lord would recall him or worse, attack the ponies he had come to endear. Me especially. He showed me a copy of what he had sent, misinformation and greatly exaggerating the reach of my power so that Torch would not dare invade our lands in force. Ridgeline was protecting us.”

“Okay, I get it. You talked to him, spent a lot of time with him, probably found him charming and attractive, but what about Dad?”

“As you know, I was still quite depressed about locking Luna away even centuries later. Sombra had been my only comfort beyond distracting myself with the mountain of duties I had to undertake. However, I had also been increasing my visits to his world and that was causing magical overlap at an alarming rate. I did not care at the time and only wanted to see my love. Your father, the practical and patient one of the two of us, told me I had to slow down or risk losing everything. I became frustrated, angry. We argued and I left in tears. I did not visit him again for decades.”

Sunset nodded in understanding. “And in that time you found a companion in Ridgeline.”

“He was a surprisingly tender and a gentle lover considering his size and nature. He… loved me, even if I did not completely feel the same way. We shared much, secrets, knowledge, and of course each other from time to time. I had inquired one night about the dragon fire messages and he explained that if I wished to be able to cast such a spell I needed to be either a dragon possessing said talent, a powerful kirin, or to take the essence of a dragon within me.”

“Within you?”

“Within me.”

“As in…”


“Which way in?”

“Use your imagination, my dear.”

“I’d rather not.”

Celestia laughed, wiping a tear from her face. “Of course. No pony wants to think about their mother in such a way and you are quite creative. Regardless, that is why I could not simply tell you or show you how the spell works. It requires a rather intimate catalyst to already have been present.”

“Okay, yeah and wow. A dragon. So many questions… most of which I really don’t want to ask… except two. Do I have a kirin half sibling and what happened to him?” The smile full of joyful nostalgia disappeared in an instant and Sunset instantly regretted prying. “Ah, shit. Look, you don’t have to say it.”

“No, you have no siblings and I honestly do not know what happened. Dragon Lord Torch had him recalled after another spy revealed what Ridge had been teaching me about dragon culture. Whether they knew of our affair I do not know. We exchanged a few letters when he first returned home… then, nothing. He never replied and when I inquired from the lord himself, he simply huffed fire breath at me. I had no… politically acceptable ways to find the truth. I could ask Dragon Lord Ember, but considering this was long before she hatched I have little reason to press. My friend is gone. The how would only tear open a wound in my heart I would rather leave sealed.”

Sunset pulled Celestia into a hug and held her close, rubbing a hoof along her back. They remained as so until Celestia pulled back and nodded.

“Enough on that. We should return to work, there is still much to do. Oh, and please do me a favor and not mention this to Luna. I am, even to this day, still not ready to see that pleased grin on her face were she to know that I have been intimate with a dragon.”

“Shit eating. That’s what that grin is called, Mom.”


With the end goal in sight everyone pushed through to meet the final design of the trenches, log walls, and improvised or modified farm tool weapons. The sun was low in the sky, just about to kiss the horizon when both alicorns agreed there was nothing else that could be done with what they had.

A number of zebras had scattered to enjoy the sunset while others moved to assist in making dinner. The night was approaching with a cool, pleasant breeze and a few bonfires had been lit for warmth, ambiance, and because there was just something about a fire on a beach as the stars shined forth.

Sunset found herself a small patch of land to sit on the sand and laid down, the sound of the small crashing waves was relaxing. She closed her eyes and remembered sitting on a similar beach along the Mediterranean with Twilight by her side. Digging her toes in the sand and letting the waves wash over them with their fingers interlocked, shoulder to shoulder. Close enough that when the wind shifted the ocean smell was overtaken by the scent of lavender with a hint of burnt copper from a small side project Twilight had been working on. The memory nearly brought a tear to Sunset's eye.

The sound of hooves shifting through sand and a few voices broke Sunset from her revere. She looked up and was unsurprised to find Celestia towering above her. That perspective brought back its own share of memories.


Sunset shrugged. “Nothing a good meal won’t cure.”

“That is good to hear because I feel you and I are not quite done for the evening.”

“How so? I mean, I guess we could reinforce the walls, but honestly, if things go well they won’t have to stick their heads out from them.”

Celestia shook her head and made a wide sweeping gesture with a foreleg. “Look over the beach and tell me what you see, little sun.”

Oh goodie, lesson time. Sunset stretched and stood so as to better partake in what her mother was indicating. She saw the work they had accomplished along with quite a number of zebras mulling about, some talking, others just looking… lost perhaps?

“I see some very tired zebras and ponies in need of food and rest.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, but look closer. See their movements, their faces. Get a feel for the general atmosphere around the encampment. Now, tell me what you see?”

Sunset closed her eyes a moment and reached out with her senses beyond what just her eyes could see. They were tired, sure, but they were as she said before, lost. There was a dread in the air, a hint of hopelessness that all they had done was sweat and toil for no good reason, but to hasten death. She did not see it at first, but there was clearly a tension in the air that could easily snap to infighting hostility.

“Everyone, er pony, seems on edge. We’ve pushed them hard and they don’t know if it was worth it. They have no idea if they will see their home again.”

“Something you can relate to, empathize with, I assume.”

Sunset grimaced. “Yeah.”

“Perhaps they need a little something to take that tension off and at the same time, galvanize their trust and loyalty to follow you tomorrow. Give them hope that they have a tomorrow worth living for.”

“What do you suggest?”

Sunset had not noticed it at first, but Celestia unslung an object she had around her back, passing the acoustic guitar over to Sunset Shimmer. “What makes you feel better when you are scared or sad? Lend your strength to them. Even if only for a little while.”

Sunset tested the strings. They needed to be tuned to her liking, but overall it was in decent shape considering it had likely either floated ashore or had been looted salvage. As long as she did not try to play anything too crazy the strings should hold up. Of course, that left the lingering question.

“You want me to play for them?”

“Yes. But more than that. Play from your soul, play so that they know they are truly not alone and that we, more so you, will lead them and see them freed. Be the leader they need, my little sun.”

Sunset nodded, testing the strings one more time. A smirk spread across her lips a questioning brow arched higher than the other. “Still trying to get a crown on my head?”

“That choice was and will always be yours to make. Right now, just nudging you to fully utilize the tremendous talents in which you have honed. I have an amazing daughter. She should have an opportunity to be amazing.”

Sunset nodded and smirked. “Heh, okay.”

Author's Note:

Good evening and Happy, well Everything. Everyone be safe this week if you are out traveling, be it home from school or to see family. I want to know all my readers made it where they were going safely.

So many questions from the canon series on why Spike can send messages, why can only Celestia send them back and what are the limitations of the power? So naturally, when I find an unknown that I find fascinating I make own answer.

Now, the good news. This story is DONE. Now, in the past I have just posted the rest of the chapters, but I'm going to sit on them and still post a week at a time because it buys me time to build a buffer for the next story. (Chapter 1 is done.) Also still need to finish the cover art.

Questions? Comments?