• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 1,444 Views, 75 Comments

Anything, but Time - Revel Montaro

Sunset Shimmer and Celestia head out to the Eastern Islands for a Mother/Daughter getaway vacation. However, things are not all smiles and sunshine in paradise.

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Chapter 7: Insurrection

On Celestia’s suggestion, Sunset scooped up Grassy Rio and… Sunset decided to call him ’Dave’ because she did not know his name and honestly did not care to ask so, he was now Dave, and took them both to the lobby to unceremoniously drop them before the front desk. Unsurprisingly, the lobby was completely deserted at such an early hour. Dave tried to make a break for the front door the moment Sunset removed the shield/telekinetic bubble from them. He made it three steps before he was lifted in the air and once again dropped next to Grassy Rio again. Harder this time.

“You two really are idiots.”

Celestia joined Sunset a moment later, casually taking a seat in one of the lounge chairs as if they were about to talk about the weather in the middle of the night. She gave the two ponies a measured, almost tiredly bored expression before turning back to Sunset and said, “I calmed the children, but still needed to apply a small sleep enchantment in order to get them to settle down enough to close their eyes. Despite the disturbance they should be fine.”

Sunset nodded, leaning closer to Grassy Rio. “You should be grateful to those kids. If they had not been in the room the cleaning staff would probably need to scrub the walls of what was left of you. I don’t like seeing children put in harm’s way. Or my mother, for that matter.”

“I was hardly in ‘harm’s way’, but the sentiment is appreciated, daughter.”

“I, I didn’t want to do anything, I had to, I had no, no choice. I should have told you, no, no that wouldn’t have been better, he, any of them really.”

“Shut. Up,” Sunset said to Grassy Rio with dangerous calm.

“You shouldn’t have come here. No one leaves here alive.”

Sunset turned her attention to Dave, eyes hardening. Before she could interrogate further, Celestia rose from her seat and lifted a bag she had confiscated in her golden magic. She approached their captives and dropped the bag before them. With a flick of her power, the bag opened and two horn rings were levitated out of the compartment. Sunset narrowed her slightly glowing eyes and growled at the objects knowing exactly what they were.

“Inhibitor rings,” Sunset hissed. “You son of a donkey whore.”

Where Sunset was seething and growling, Celestia was quietly examining the rings, her expression still calm and peaceful border lining on emotionless. Her horn lit from a magic scan, magenta eyes taking on a slight white glow before returning to normal.

“Sunset.” The goldenrod alicorn glanced back to her mother. “Please place one of the rings on my horn and activate it.”

“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” Celestia simply smiled. Sunset knew that smile well. That was the smile that said, ‘trust me’ and at the same time, ‘I’m about to show off.’ She remembered that exact smile being flashed at her more than once right before Celestia masterfully tore into a noble or dignitary that was attempting to pull a fast one on her. Sunset rolled her eyes and took one of the rings in her magic sliding it onto her mother’s horn. Sunet felt like she needed a shower after even touching the cursed thing. With a simple application of will power, the runes on the ring began to glow soft orange.

“Now, you are probably wondering why anypony with a horn would willingly place an inhibitor ring upon themself. Sacrilege! Preposterous! Celestia has gone looney! It’s okay, I have heard it all and more and then some. I am conducting this little demonstration for your benefit, to explicitly show why whatever you or your masters were planning was doomed to fail and that you will fully cooperate with us because the truth is you have no choice in the matter.”

Inhibitor rings were the bane of all unicorns. Without question. Sometimes the unicorn guards would place them on each other’s horns to try and see if they could break free. A stupid bet of pride and sometimes bar tabs always ending the same way.

When Sunset Shimmer had been Celestia’s student she was without question the most powerful unicorn at CSGU. Some would have said the most powerful in Canterlot save Celestia herself. She knew it, the other students knew it, the staff knew it, even the guards knew it. However, even the mighty Sunset Shimmer had been unable to break through the crushing defense of an expertly crafted inhibitor ring. As a test and perhaps more, Celestia had placed one on Sunset’s horn in a manner similar to the guards’ antics so that she would know what it felt like and teach her how not to panic at the loss of magical power. Little did Sunset realize how useful that test had been at keeping her calm when she found herself trapped and alone in a world with no horn and no magic.

It had felt strange that first time, disturbing even, to have her magic, her life’s blood energy cut off. It did not hurt, per se, but was closer in comparison to having a limb rendered numb by a pressure point except that the limb was their most precious protrusion (yes, even more precious than THAT protrusion on stallions) sticking out of your head. Still, Sunset Shimmer was the most powerful unicorn at the school and beyond. She had a reputation to uphold and no simple ring was going to keep her down. Or so she boasted. Despite Celestia’s warning, Sunset still tried to break through the ring’s hold. She had for her efforts earned a terrible splitting headache, a bloody nose, and a trip to the infirmary to ensure she had not further injured herself. Oh, and of course, Celestia concerned, but disapproving glare.

Ever since that first time, Sunset, like all unicorns, avoided inhibitor rings like the plague. And so Sunset, along with the two earth ponies to her left, watched in awe as the inhibitor ring on Celestia’s horn began to glow white hot. The runes exploded with orange sparks after a minute soon followed by the ring falling to the ground into two smoking halves. Celestia turned to Sunset and winked then back to Grassy Rio.

“Do I have your full and undivided attention?”


Grassy Rio talked. Dave sat and grumbled occasionally.

Sunset Shimmer listened with ever growing anger and disgust for the proprietor as he explained what he knew as far back as he could remember. Celestia, departed after more than an hour of interrogation to once again check on the guests in their room before returning. Much to Sunset’s surprise, her mother brought bottles of water for the two of them and their two prisoners.


“He has been speaking for quite some time, I imagine he is thirsty,” Celestia replied with an even smile. Sunset simply shrugged her acknowledgment. “Has he added anything new to his story?”

“Only that he’s sorry and apologizes again for the… what was it, fourth time now? Oh, and of course it was not his fault, that he was only following orders, blah, blah, blah. Some B.S. like that.”


Grassy Rio was a coward. That was all Sunset Shimmer could conclude and the only reason she had not stomped his spineless head in was because she would have to use their room to wash the blood and gore off and the kids might see it.

The portly earth pony had inherited the hotel resort from his father who passed many years prior. Pelican Island had been a decent resort getaway, with usuals and the occasional new visitor. Regular traffic and shipments, decent profit. Griffons apparently loved it because of the good fishing off the barrier reef to the north. Things had been good, he said.

However, given the island’s more off the beaten path location and distance from the trading/shipping routes it was also ideal for a pirate hideout berth. That had caused Sunset Shimmer to snort and laugh. She quickly suppressed her knee-jerk response because of the sharp glance Celestia shot her. As absurd as it sounded to Sunset, she did have to remind herself that even Earth still had modern day pirates. They just were less the swashbuckling, sword swinging, big hat wearing type. That did not make them any less dangerous though.

Apparently, according to Grassy Rio, a triple mast ship of the line had appeared one morning and the crew quickly stormed the beach and island, taking all the visitors and staff hostage. It had been the off season just a little over ten years ago and there were not many guests or staff, only regulars and locals who lived on the island year round. They had no weapons or defenses and never stood a chance.

Once they were all on their knees did the captain finally come ashore. While Sunset had never heard of one Captain Danger, (most likely not his real name) Celestia narrowed her eyes and tapped her hoof against her chin in contemplation. The captain had then wasted no time claiming the island for himself. He took one of the visiting guests and dragged her away. Her husband protested and was cut down by the crew. No others dared stop what was happening after that.

Captain Danger returned the next day and informed the remaining prisoners that they were to cooperate with all demands or find themselves as fish food. More importantly, he informed them that it was now impossible to escape the island. The captain held up an amulet that was glowing red to make his point then returned to his ship.

“They left and left us, but he and his crew eventually returned. He always returns and often brings slave prisoners to work the fields or takes some away for trading. Or so I've heard. I don't know for sure.”

“And none of you tried to fight back or escape?” Sunset growled.

“Of course we tried! Well, they tried. I…” Grassy Rio hung his head in shame. “I ratted many of them out. I knew what would happen if they failed or even if they succeeded.”

“And what was that?”

Grassy Rio glanced between the two larger mares, hanging his head again. “Death. That’s all that awaits anypony here who does not cooperate with the captain. Everypony or creature that has tried to escape has died either by the curse or by the sword. That’s all there is to it. I have watched it for more than ten years now. There is no way off this island except at the will of Captain Danger.”

“Right.” Sunset turned back to Celestia. “Any thoughts on this? Sounds like an artifact powered, one-way forcefield. Could be fueled and boosted by blood magic, which was what he used some of the guests for.”

“Possibly. However, we should still consider whatever trap has been laid formidable and the captain quite dangerous considering how long he has managed to keep his base secret while he pillaged and plundered the sea. We need more information.”

Sunset nodded and smiled. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

Celestia smiled mischievously. “Highly unlikely, but I want to hear your thoughts.”

Sunset was nearly certain that was a playful dig, but let it slide. She was, after all, supposed to be pretending to be Tempest Fury. That mare did not have a playful bone in her entire body. “Anyhow, I’m thinking we hit that farm plantation at first light. We take out all the guards, liberate the slaves, and Tatu’s father. Not only will it feel good, but it should get us access to information on when Captain Whistledick will be coming back.”

“Agreed. However, I still need to compose and send a message to Spike who will be able to pass on what has transpired to Twilight. In the presence of so many visiting nations and the Empire they should have little to no difficulty organizing efforts to rescue all these victims.”

“You go ahead, I’ll watch these two. Maybe they will give me some tactical information about the plantation.” Celestia narrowed her eyes at her daughter and frowned. “What?”

“Do not hurt them, Sunset.” Sunset groaned, slapping her face with a hoof.

“Sunset? I thought you said you were Captain Fury of the royal guard?”

“Great going, Mom. You ruined my cover.”

Both earth ponies gaped with jaws hanging open. Grassy Rio finally exclaimed, “Mom?! Princess Celestia has a daughter?!”

Sunset rolled her eyes and dropped her illusion, her wings extending until they burst into flames causing the restrained island ponies to cry out and fall backwards.

“Two alicorns? Here?! Maybe, maybe you have a chance of ending this nightmare after all. I’ll tell you anything you want to know, I swear it!”

Sunset retracted her wings and rolled her eyes back at Celestia’s smug little grin. She playfully slapped her daughter with her tail before stepping away. You played them… And me for that matter! Dammit, even on vacation she is a master manipulator! This is why I could never beat her at chess.

Celestia wasted no time locating a piece of parchment, ink, and a new quill from the reception desk. She would have liked to have composed a longer letter explaining more, but all things considered it was probably best to keep things to just a single rolled sheet.

After twenty minutes of considering what was most important to convey to Twilight and what was the best solution, Celestia rolled the scroll and concentrated on the unique spell she had obtained long ago that allowed her to send messages via dragon fire magic. Her eyes flashed with golden fire for a second and the flames licked out from her horn, consuming the letter into a mist that traveled out the nearest exit and into the pre-dawn sky.

From past experience with such correspondence the letters traveled quickly even over great distances. Celestia took into account she could have just as easily sent the letter directly to Twilight, but Spike was the better choice. He would see who it was from and pass it along with great urgency while at the same time not surprising or embarrassing Twilight who could be in the middle of a tense negotiation with numerous national representatives. Celestia imagined Twilight gasping and crying out at the sudden appearance of the letter before her face, falling back into a twitching pile of limbs and flowing hair.
That simply would not do.

Celestia let out a small yawn. It had been a while since she had needed to wake up so early before the dawn after such a late night. Especially when she was not responsible for raising the sun. Perhaps I should put on a spot of coffee for us. It is not my preference, but I would never say no to a-

The cloud of smoke reappeared and formed back into the letter she had just sent, bouncing the scroll off her head and landing at her hooves. With a smidge of hope, she turned the scroll over to the seal, but as expected, it was hers and not Twilight’s seal. Somehow, the letter had bounced and returned to her. That was… unexpected and left a worrying and bad taste in the alabaster alicorn's mouth. Celestia scooped the letter up and returned to Sunset’s side.

Hey,” Sunset said with a wave, “good news. According to our 'friend' here there should not be more than a half dozen slave master pirates who oversee the operation. Guess there was no need for heavy guard if there was nowhere for them to run.”

“That is indeed good news. However, I have bad news to report myself.”


Celestia presented the scroll. “It appears the shield around the island is more sophisticated than I anticipated. It can block even dragon fire messages and they are one of the most rare magics in the world.”

“So… even alicorns are powerless and there’s no help coming?” asked Grassy Rio with his ears folded to his head.

“It means we need to understand what this shield is and how it is being generated. An unfortunate setback, nothing more.”

Sunset huffed and growled a bit. “How can a shield block you?”

“Dragon fire used in this manner simply converts the physical material to a magical transient mist through spellcraft exclusive to dragons and magically adept kirin. Though it appears gaseous during transit, it is still matter and would still need to pass through the shield on this plane of existence. The shield must be capable of blocking all physical objects from exiting, no matter how small or spread out.”

“Yeah, that’s not good.” Sunset paused, tapping her chin contemplatively as she chewed on the problem. Then, a thought occurred and Sunset glanced back at Celestia. “Wait? You said it was exclusive to dragons and some kirin. I’ve been through pretty much every book in Canterlot on dragonology because I was bored and, you know, because there are almost none to begin with. Where did you learn how to harness dragon fire messaging to begin with? Actually, never mind that. If you teach me maybe I can replicate it and together we can get a message through.”

“Um…” Celestia shifted a bit, rubbing one foreleg onto the other, eyes finding something interesting in the dusty corner. That was not the reaction Sunset was expecting and now had a bit more burning curiosity. “You will not be able to replicate it at this time… or at all unless you… um… I would prefer to discuss this some other time. Would you like a coffee? I think I would like a coffee right now. I’m going to go make us coffee.”

“Uhhhh, sure.” Sunset scratched the side of her head then turned to look back at the prisoners. In all honesty they looked just as tired as she felt, slumped in their bindings. After a moment of consideration, she quickly removed their magical bindings out of sympathy and hoped the comfort would be taken as a gesture of good faith. They had already told her enough and she doubted they would be stupid enough to try and run knowing what Sunset truly was now. “Is it just me, or was that weird?” Grassy Rio and Dave just shrugged.


The sun had just broken the eastern horizon. Sunset Shimmer was scowling intensely down at the fields of crops and numerous shanty shacks around the farm that had been unseen from where they had docked at the hotel. From their elevated perch, Sunset could easily see three sentries or overseers mulling about. Most likely just getting things prepared before they brought the slaves out to work the fields.

Though Sunset had objected, Celestia had insisted that Tatu, Whistler, and Gentle Knoll lead them to the plantation. The fact was while both alicorns could just launch a surprise attack with almost no effort the issue with the barrier caused Celestia’s mind to err to the side of caution on what else might not be as it seems. In addition, the children could bridge any needed assurance that the alicorns were there to help. They did both agree the three younger ponies should stay back in the forest once they had been led to the forest edge.

With that situation settled, Celestia had gone about rousting Steady Course to keep an eye on Grassy Rio and the hotel staff in general. She explained the situation about the slaves, farm, and pirates all to the growling displeasure of the sailor. He had begrudgingly agreed to watch them with a nod since he now had nothing better he could do.

“Got any advice?”

“About the situation as a whole or about a plan of attack?”

Sunset shrugged, swishing her hoof back and forth. “Both really. I mean, I’ve been in a few brawler scraps and even a few magical fights, but compared to you and Aunt Luna...”

Celestia rolled her eyes but still smiled. “I understand, daughter. You need not spare my feelings. I’m old and have fought numerous enemies over the centuries. My honest assessment is that we do this two ways. I will fly down and present myself. This will draw the sentries and alert any remaining guards. You sneak to the left near that larger building. If Tatu’s numbers are correct it will likely be packed with slave victims. You will then be able to protect the entire building, preventing our enemy from using them as hostages as well as watch my back in case they have a particularly skilled mage that could cause trouble.”

“Hard to believe they have anypony that could take you down.”

Celestia grimaced and shuddered, numerous memories flashing to the forefront before she refocused her attention. “I have thought similar in the past and paid the price for that hubris. There is a powerful magic to this place that I cannot directly place. I will not risk you or the children with so many unknowns. We do this smart and we do this safe.”

Sunset nudged her mother so Celestia would turn to look her in the eye. “Nothing is going to happen to you. I won’t let it. I am your sword after all.”

Sunset had hoped the statement would bring Celestia a moment of ease or even a smile. However, she instead turned further in on herself and had to suppress another shudder as quickly as it had rocked her core.

“Hey, sorry, I was trying to… I don’t know…”

“No, you are correct, it's just… I never want to think of you that way ever again. I may have conceived you as a weapon, but you are my little sun, my daughter. I ask nothing more, nothing less.”

Sunset pulled Celestia in for a hug and nuzzled her lightly. “I love you too. C’mon, let’s go kick some pirate booty.”

Celestia groaned, “Ugh, did you really have to say that?” Sunset flashed her trademark grin and one last wink before slipping away into the woods. The Goddess of the Sun turned to the three ponies who had remained quiet during the exchange. They were all casting gazes that bounced between curiosity, envy, enjoyment, and awe.

“I do not know for certain what will happen next, so please remain here.”

“I still can’t believe you have a daughter. I did a book report on the ‘Princesses of Equestria’ when I was nine,” said Gentle Knoll. “I never found anything on Miss Shimmer and… well, I don’t know how to say this without sounding insulting, b, but you’re so old! How could you have a daughter who seems so young?”

Celestia laughed politely covering her mouth with a hoof. “Yes, filly, I am old. Truthfully, I was old even when my Sunset was born. However, you must consider she, in comparison to you, is old as well. My little sun is nearly a century and a half old herself. Just do not bring it up, she takes it personal.”

“That must be amazing to be able to spend so much time with somepony.”

It was difficult beyond measure, but Celestia held her expression for the sake of the children. Oh, if you only knew, sweet innocent foal. “Even for an old pony such as I, it is never enough time.” With nothing else to add Celestia moved from the forest edge and took flight.

Cobalt was still tired. He could have slept longer, but Webo was a slave driver, literally. And he had no qualms or hesitation about making the crew work the fields right alongside the slaves if he felt like it. He refused to do that... again. Before Cobalt could do anything to hold it in, he let out a head splitting yawn. When he opened his eyes again he had to blink his dark brown eyes, then he rubbed them with his hooves and blinked again.

“What in the name of…”

The large white alicorn landed just before Cobalt and looked down upon him, her grey and faded pastel mane billowing with power, wings extended to their fullest as she scowled her displeasure. Entire hordes had cowered before that dark downward turned glare.

“The name of… Me, perhaps?” Celestia snatched Cobalt up in her magic and he yelped as he was brought to her eye level. “Be a good little colt and go get your master if you would, please.” She released him and let gravity do the rest.

Cobalt fell to the ground and scrambled away. It took him a moment to get his hooves under him while he cried out to his fellow pirates. As Celestia and Sunset had hoped, once the dark blue pony started calling out names the entire plantation woke up like a kicked hornet's nest. Sunset watched from the shadow of the largest building as three more pirates emerged from a shack near the beach. She could hear the stir of voices through the thin wood slats that comprised the large shanty building in a language she was not completely familiar with. At a guess it was the primary zebra tongue.

Webo heard Cobalt call his name along with a few others, the panic evident in his voice. The bulky, scarred zebra growled the dark pony’s name as he slammed down his quill and grabbed a bandolier of potions that he kept near the door. The first thing he noticed as he exited his shack was Cobalt with fear in his eyes. The next thing he noticed was a creature he had only read about standing at the edge of their fields, as tall and imposing as he could only have imagined.

“Mungu Mpendwa,” whispered Webo. The zebra pirate turned to his fellows who were also hesitating at the unexpected sight of the Princess of the Sun. “Barley! Cobalt! Keep back and make sure those slaves stay put! They try to come out to watch or fight you whip them good now! The rest of you dogs with me!”

Five others fell into step behind Webo, four ponies and a lone griffon who took to the sky with a war scythe in claw. The other ponies grabbed various other pieces of farm equipment such as pitchforks and pickaxes. Webo pulled one of his potions and held it close while he slowly approached Celestia who had not moved since releasing Cobalt. In fact, she appeared quite bored and began to inspect her hoof as if something had gotten caught in her frog.

“Are you really here or is this some trick of the eye? Maybe a magic spell those fools at the hotel think is funny. If so, I’ll beat that fat, useless pony for waking me like this!”

“I assure you I am quite real.” Celestia set her hoof down, retracting her wings and began to approach with practiced, methodical steps. “I assume you are the one in charge of this travesty?”

Sunset was trying to keep an eye on her mother while waiting for the perfect moment to subdue the two ponies that had been left behind by the door. She had no idea what was in the glass globe the zebra had in hoof or if there was a unicorn nearby in the shadows. She did not sense any charged magic spells, but that could mean they were just out of range. Sunset had concluded that if she were the one out front the fighting would have already been underway. However, in typical Celestia fashion, she wanted to talk first. Ever the diplomat. You are something else, Mom.

Sunset’s view suddenly became blocked when the door to the building swung open and a young zebra colt stepped out and pointed to Celestia.

“Mama, Mungu wa kike amekuja kutuokoa!”

The light brown pony growled at the colt who was little more than a foal and uncoiled his whip. Sunset gasped at the horror that any pony or creature would raise a weapon to a child. The goldenrod alicorn’s features instantly turned to disgust as she felt her anger ignite. The door that was still partially blocking Sunset’s view was seized in a red telekinetic aura and savagely torn from its rusty hinges. Before either pirate could comment or react, the door was thrust forward, colliding with the dark blue stallion, pinning him to the dirt.

The light brown pirate stallion screamed as two wings of flame sprang to life from the shadows along with two glowing teal eyes. Barley did the only thing he could think of. He dropped his whip and tried to run for his companions. The moment the whip touched the sand it too became surrounded by red and sprang from the earth like a snake, coiling tightly around the fleeing stallion. He never made it halfway to the other pirates.

The pirates who had been standing behind Webo turned to see what the commotion was about. Webo however kept his eyes on Celestia. Without turning, he shouted, “What is going on?!”

Riker the griffon shouted back, “There’s another unicorn by the slave barn!” Upon a second look at the horn AND flaming wings Riker gasped and added, “At, at least I think she’s a unicorn.”

That finally caused Webo to flinch and turn. Just the little distraction Celestia had been waiting patiently for. She quickly relieved him of his bandolier and the potion he had in hoof, depositing them in the field far away from others. Webo felt his weapons leave him in a flash of power.


Celestia’s horn burned brightly right before a concussion energy blast knocked all five of the pirates off their hooves. They each tumbled painfully across the dirt and sand, coming to a rest next to the broken door and hogtied stallion. Magical golden chains sprang forth and latched the five of them to the ground, the glowing ethereal metal fusing with the sand.

Riker cursed and weighed his options. He was caught between Celestia, the alicorn of the sun and some unknown pony who appeared to be partially on fire like a dragon on the war path. He had no idea if that was just an illusion or not, but was pretty sure what Celestia was capable of. Without another moment of hesitation, the griffon dove and swung his weapon down towards Sunset. His perceived easier target. The war scythe never came close to making contact.

Sunset summoned her flaming ethereal sword with well practiced ease. The blade followed her command and cut upward as the scythe came down, slicing through both the metal blade and the wooden handle effortlessly. The severed blade landed in the dirt, the end still glowing red hot from where it had made contact with the magic sword. With a flick of her magic the blade moved to be mere inches from Riker’s neck.

“Land, or I will make you,” Sunset said with deadly calm. The griffon complied without hesitation.

Celestia stepped up to the restrained pirates placing her large hoof on Webo’s chest, applying just enough pressure to ensure he knew she was serious. “As I was saying, I assume you are the one in charge?” Webo nodded. “Good. Let us have a little talk then, shall we?”

Author's Note:

Whooo. We are into the holiday season now. Thankfully, I have a decent buffer set so I can continue the release one week at a time because for those that have followed along from last year may or may not be aware this is a busy time at work for me. Nevertheless I will get this done on schedule. Hopefully, considering what I have done on the next story the gap between the two will be short and sweet.

Thanks for joining the journey.

Questions? Comments?