• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 715 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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The Fox, The Falcon, And The Bull

The kingdom of Griffinstone was brimming with life as Yona trotted through the streets. She had never seen Griffins before, although she had been taught about foreign kingdoms and creatures they knew from their texts Yakyakistan collected before the kingdom was isolated from the world all those years ago. But it was one thing to read it. It was another to see it for yourself. How differently it all compared from the texts her people had collected over a thousand years ago.

She looked around at all the sights and smells. It was fascinating, exciting, and nerve-wracking all at the same time. Wandering through winding paths, Yona did her best not to trample over anygriff’s tail or bump into carts holding their wares. It seemed like other cultures didn’t provide the ample room Yaks needed to really move around comfortably.

Walking past a few stalls, Yona’s attention faltered, and her rear end bumped into something wooden and hollow. She heard a crash and cringed, slowly turning around.

“What do you think you’re doing?! You’re gonna pay fer’ that!” A griffin with peach-colored feathers snapped, pointing down to the vase Yona had just accidentally knocked over, shattered to pieces.

“Yona sorry… er, Yona no have bits, but Yona can get them!” The young heifer tried to soothe the situation. She usually would have squared her jaw and threatened any competition with her horns, but she didn’t know the culture here. And a scuffle would probably just make the damage worse.

“Oh yeah, sure, you’ve got money at home, huh?” The Griffin sneered sarcastically, “Yeah, right! Someone call the guard!”

Yona’s ears flattened down to her braids, slowly backing up. She didn’t do it on purpose!

“Fear not, the knights are here! Order! We demand order!” thundered a familiar voice. The Griffin escorted them to Griffinstone, György, was it?

The knight gave Yona a wink before stiffening his posturing and making a stern expression with his beak, “What is the problem here?”

Yona looked relieved for a brief moment, letting out a small sigh. The Griffin behind the stall sniffed and pointed at the younger heifer, “This… creature destroyed one of my products and refuses to pay for it! I would like to have her charged with theft!”

“Theft?!” Yona’s eyes widened before suddenly becoming irate. “Yona, no steal from Griffin. Yona did it by accident!”

“Whatever the case is, you owe me!” The Griffin reared up, slamming a claw against the stall.

“Is that so?” György glanced at Yona for a moment before sighing.

“Ignorant as you are, you are but a peasant. This fine creature is part of the Equestrian expedition led by Princess Twilight, a friend of our current heiress. Which I’m sure you know makes these creatures very, very important, yes?” sneered the knight giving the trader a firm scowl.

The armored noble reached into his satchel before tossing a meager amount of bits at the merchant, “Here, take your bounty and rid yourself of our presence!” barked György.

The Griffin’s eyes widened as his gaze went from Yona to the knight. Taking the small number of coins, he stuffed them into his pockets and grumbled, turning around a corner where his supplies were held, silently counting his earnings.

Yona let out a long sigh and turned to György, bowing her head. “Thank you! Yona didn’t mean it, really. Yona is just too big for Griffin’s place!” She sniffed, kicking a stone in a somewhat dejected manner.

She was excited to explore, no doubt, and she didn’t really want to leave, but the feeling of homesickness was growing like a fever. She missed her family, the first layer of snow, and butting heads with her friends. But she couldn’t turn back now. She needed to see this through.

“Can knight take Yona back to castle? Yona is… lost.” She gave the Griffin a weak smile, looking around nervously. She didn’t want to chance another vase incident.

György shook his head, “I’m afraid not. I could only spare this moment with you because one of your companions spotted you. I can take you to them.” he offered his best smile, gently placing his claw on her shoulder. Sensing the yak's dejected mood.

The Griffin gently stroked Yona’s back before leading the yak up the street and around a corner where Spike was patiently waiting.

“Oh, great work. Thanks for helping me out. I doubt that merchant would had listened to me.” chuckled Spike as he stroked the scales atop his head.

“No trouble at all. Now I must be off.” György bowed before signaling goodbye to them as he departed.

Spike turned over to Yona, “Sightseeing?” mused Spike, his claws placed firmly on his hips with his brow cocked.

Yona shuffled in place, becoming a little self-conscious, “Yona just wanted to explore… see new things. Yona is just too big for Griffin things….”

Now that she was out and about with non-Yaks, she realized just how much she stood out. She had caught many eyes staring at her during her stroll, something she hadn’t learned would be a problem. Being stared at like some sort of spectacle only made her pick up her pace.

“Does… dragon ever feel out of place?” She asked suddenly, looking down at Spike. It almost appeared as if she had just remembered he was a dragon.

Spike paused for a moment as the question was uttered. He slowly nodded before speaking, “You’re never quite fully accepted by everycreature. Someponies think I’m a greedy monster and dragons think I’m a ponified wimp.”

He'd turn to Yona, attempting to change the subject, “Look, Twilight and Starlight are both out, and the girls are spending time with Gilda, and I don’t even want to know what Thorax and Trixie are up to.” he’d fake gag gesturing his claw to his mouth.

“Let’s just explore the tavern together, get a few things for ourselves with the meager allowance I have, and have some fun that isn’t life-threatening or an existential nightmare.”

Yona gave the dragon a sympathetic nod. She had heard a few of the remarks the griffins had muttered under their breaths, pretending she couldn’t hear. But she was glad for the distraction.

“Yona want Griffin honey mead! Yona hears it sweeter than Yak– impossible. Yak mead best.” She snorted and stomped a hoof.

Spike paused and realized he’d never been inside a tavern before, or a bar, or any place that sold alcohol. He was amused at the prospect of drinking.

“Let me check my map of the city…” he’d quickly fish a map from a pack at his waist before examining it, “Hmm… we’re not too far from a place actually, let’s try it. C’mon, follow me. It’s a few blocks this way.”

After racing past dozens of Griffs, the pair excitedly found their way to the tavern they so desperately yearned for. It was called ‘Boldog,’ a sizeable older-looking pub, rugged and improvised compared to the rest of the city.

They assumed it to have been around before the rebuilding had commenced. Stepping inside, it was warm, with the fresh scent of porridge and gruel coating the air. The potent aroma of mead clung to their noses like glue.

The bar was filled with old scraggly griffs, drifters, and bar flies but a few oddities were there, such as a young-looking, brightly colored Griffin.

Spike seemed unimpressed and a little uneasy at the sight of the tavern, “Er… is this the right place?”

Yona lifted her snout in the air and took a deep breath. “Oh yes, this good place!” She snagged Spike and trotted up to the bar, slamming a hoof down to get the attention from the Griffin tending it.

“Yona want porridge and mead!” Was her simple demand, staring up at the bartender. It perhaps came off as too demanding due to her booming voice. She couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably as eyes fell upon her.

The bartender paused, “Trinken Sie? No, no.” he’d cleared his throat as he attempted to speak his best Ponish, “I can give you the porridge, but I don’t want to waste a drop of liquor on a child.”

A voice chimed in, “Don’t worry, Garrigus, these two are alright. They’re with the Princess from Equestria.”

“Könnyű darabok.” winked Gallus to the bartender. The bartender smirked quietly, whispering to himself, “Easy moneys….”

Gallus walked over from the far end of the tavern by the den, resting by the fireplace with a mug of mead for himself.

“I heard about a baby dragon and cow moving with the princess. I’m Gallus, and I’m training to be the Queen’s top advisor.” bowed Gallus offering his best smirk.

Yona’s draw dropped before her face turned red. She stamped a hoof, causing all of the nearby tables and chairs to jump into the air. “YONA NOT COW!”

She sniffed, adjusting her braids as the other patrons gathered their senses, climbing back into their seats. “Yona is YAK. Yona is heifer.”

“And you can’t be Griffin; you too colorful. Like pony!” She pointed out.

Gallus waved his wing above his beak, “Say it, don’t spray it!” whined Gallus as he quickly adjusted himself, “So… what brings you two to Griffinstone?” questioned Gallus.

“We’re here on a mission with the princess. As for Yona, she’s doing her culture’s right of passage.”

“Uh huh… so you wanted a drink, right?” offered Gallus.

Yona eyed the Griffin with suspicion, but the expression melted away at the mention of drinks. “Yes! Yona wants to drink Griffin’s drink. No drink better than Yak drink! Yona want to learn everything to bring back to Yak.”

“I just wanted to try it out since everypony has at all these festivals, dinner parties, and holidays we keep finding ourselves attending, and I’m the only one who hasn’t had a drink.” shrugged Spike.

Gallus snapped his claw as the bartender quickly fetched them a large mug of mead, placing the booze in front of the two young creatures.

Yona gave a hearty grin at the mugs, “Yona, like, remind Yona of home!” Taking the sizable cup into her hooves, she tilted her head back and opened her gullet. The Griffin and dragon watched as the mead disappeared in 10 seconds flat.

Setting the mug down, the heifer hiccuped before pressing a hoof to her mouth, looking a little sheepish. And then the motherload of all burps came up, practically reverberating through the room.

Yona wiped her mouth, “Excuse, Yona.”

Spike carefully picked up the mug with his claws before pressing his lips against the rim. Slowly tilting his head back as the liquid dribbled into his mouth. The taste was foul and burned. Spike couldn’t hold it. He had to spit it back into the glass before he vomited.

Gallus laughed, “Wow, I thought both of you were just posers. Now I just know it’s the dragon. I guess yaks can handle their drink?”

Yona gave Spike an empathetic look before turning to Gallus, “Yaks drink very much! During celebrations, for dinner, before battle, for breakfast….” She could have gone on, “Mother Yak milk mixed with mead for calf, make us strong against Yakyakistan cold!” She beat a hoof against her chest, raising her chin in pride.

“Can Yona get more?” She raised her empty glass, licking her lips.

“The more I listen, the more everything seems to make sense with you now,” Gallus said with a sarcastic bite. Yona simply stared back at him with a cheery smile.

“My mistake giving you some mead to see if you’re a lightweight. All I did was warm you up!” The Griffin snorted, rolling his eyes.

Spike looked over to Yona, “Wait, did they do it every time, and are the yak calves like a baby baby or like how I’m a baby, but I’m still able to do things.”

Gallus blankly stared at Spike, “What?”

“Y’know how some babies are helpless while others are more developed,” answered Spike.

Yona didn’t seem to be following either, having trouble with the emphasis he was putting on words. She blinked and shook her head.

“Not every time, but young calves need warmth and milk to survive harsh winter! Too many calf fall asleep in cold and never wake.” She stated this without so much as flinching as if it were a ubiquitously shared custom. “But Yona was fed lots of milk and mead, so Yona strong!”

Looking down at Spike, the heifer raised a brow as if she had just realized something, “Dragon is baby?”

Spike scratched his head, trying to remember the proper terminology Twilight used when describing what he was, “Uhm... I’m in the younger state of my development, but I’m around twelve.”

Gallus scoffed, “I’m sixteen, and I’m practically treated like a baby, and I’ve developed way more than you did, baby thing. What about you, Yona? How old are you?”

Yona still wasn’t exactly sure what Spike was saying, but she could understand Gallus just fine. She gave him a bright smile, “Yona turn sixteen two moon ago! Yona got traditional braid for coming of age!” She gingerly touched her braids, adjusting them as gently as possible.

Gallus shifted his brow at Yona, “So do yaks just get to leave their hometown at sixteen? Wish that were me. I hate it here or at least working for my master.” sighed Gallus.

Yona shook her head, “No, Yona is a little early to go on pilgrimage, and usually it is yak males… but Yona is exception!” She stamped a hoof.

“Master? Are you an apprentice to someone?” asked Spike, loomering over the table toward Gallus.

“Yeah, I’m Grandpa Gruff’s apprentice and learning how to be regent to her majesty’s privy council. One problem though, I never wanted to be like Grandpa Gruff, but I’m forced to.”

The heifer raised a brow, “If Gallus were Yak, Gallus would trample those forcing him to do things he doesn’t want!”

Gallus sighed, “He’s also my legal guardian; I’m forced to be with him til I’m eighteen, but I doubt anycreature would let me considering how important the position is. I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”

“Have you tried talking to him about this?” prodded Spike.

“Griffins don’t do that. That’s the thing the Queen’s gotta learn apparently, we don’t do ‘talking things out.’” scoffed Gallus.

“Then why Gallus stay? Why not leave?” Yona cocked her head curiously. “Gallus could go to pony land or come to Yakyakistan!”

“I don’t have the bits to get to those places. Moving is expensive. You have to pay off the sailors in Griffinhaffen extortionist rates!”

“You know our journey brought us to Griffinstone for a reason. Maybe you’re supposed to come with us. I mean, your problems aren’t too far from what we’re used to.” offered Spike.

“Really? Well, Twilight and her unicorn friend seemed to take a liking toward me… and Gilda is all over that one pegasus like peanut butter on jelly… why not. What do you think, yak?” prompted Gallus.

Yona looked at the Griffin before smacking him on the shoulder and wrapping a hoof around him, “Yona happy to have more friends on journey! We should tell pony princess soon as we go back to castle!” She released him from her bone-crushing embrace before sitting back down.

Gallus then collapsed on the floor like a pile of wet noodles before slowly climbing up to his feet. Yona giggled behind a hoof, watching as the Griffin righted himself.

The Griffin groaned, “Great…I guess we’ll just go back to the castle and wait for Twilight then….”

Spike interjected, “Actually, we were looking around town before we found you, and Yona wanted to come here, and I don’t really… jive with this place. I think we should go somewhere else for a bit, yeah?”

Gallus sighed, “Sure, why not? Not like I wanted to work on my duties anyway.”

The heifer nodded, “Yona want to see best places in Griffinstone! Gallus will give us tour?” She gave him large puppy dog eyes, resting her head on top of her hooves.

Gallus relented as he sighed, “Well I was hoping to get your patronage one way or another, but not this way strangely.”

Spike cocked a brow suspiciously at Gallus, “What do you mean by that?”

Gallus shrugged to himself, “Nothing, let’s get going. I’ll show you the theater.”

Yona didn’t seem to understand either, but she was excited to see more of Griffinstone. She hopped off her seat before giddily trotting to the door, glasses, and mugs jumping from their tables.

“Yona so excited, let’s go!” She gave the pair a grin.

There would be a consistent problem with many of their ventures to fun locales. Language. A substantial language barrier was presented to the small group. Reading books, signs, or going to a play would be more complicated than initially imagined.

Gallus tapped a claw to his chin as he pondered where to take them, ‘Who would’ve thought Griffinstone, the capital of the Kingdom of Griffinstone, land of the Griffins, have creatures that mostly speak Griffish.” mocked Gallus.

“This journey wasn’t exactly planned thoroughly. None of us had time to learn a new language!” argued Spike, crossing his arms firmly at Gallus.

Gallus sighed, “You’re right… I shouldn’t have expected a baby to know what to do.”

Spike grumbled to himself, festering as his anger bubbled within. Steam was barreling out of his nostrils as smoke escaped his maul, this little dragon was like a firecracker waiting to pop. And Gallus was a bit too close.

Yona stomped a hoof, getting the pair’s attention. “Yona not want fighting with friends, Gallus; say sorry to Spike! Just because Gallus is grumpy doesn’t mean he can put it out on others!”

She stepped between the two, being quite the large barrier. “Yona, don’t think princess pony would like griffin being mean to number one assistant.”

Gallus threw his arms up defensively, “I’m just saying what I’m seeing.”

Spike scoffed, rolling his eyes as he muttered under his breath, “Jerk….”

Gallus snorted, scratching his chest fluff idly, “Alright, alright, I stepped on some paws. Big deal, let’s find something to do before Twilight gets back and I have to go back to work.”

“How how about a game of cards?” offered Gallus.

“What is with you and getting your mitts on our bits!?” snapped Spike.

“I’m a Griffin; it’s in my nature.” shrugged Gallus, quickly playing off his sleazy behavior as merely his nature.

“That not an apology! Spike deserves real apology.” Yona snorted, giving the Griffin an unamused stare.

Although, at the mention of his ‘nature,’ Yona turned to Spike, nearly forgetting her initial anger toward Gallus, “Don’t dragon horde? Is it not similar to griffins?”

“Yes, but I chose not to be greedy despite my nature and because I learned my lesson about being too greedy…” Spike cringed at the thought of him foalnapping Rarity.

Gallus sighed and rolled his eyes, “Look, we can’t apologize for our natures, so let’s just drop it, okay? Say, I heard there were some dragons over at Swallowtail. Maybe you’d fit in with those guys.”

Spike nervously chuckled, “Ehhh, probably not.”

Yona sighed but accepted the situation. At least they weren’t mad at each other. She could only imagine what would have happened had they been Yaks. Half of the street would have been wiped out by now.

“Why not?” Yona cocked a brow, “Spike is great dragon!”

Spike blushed before waving off Yona, “I was raised by ponies. I’m considered a pony in the eyes of most dragons. That doesn’t mean I can’t kick it with the best of them. I just prefer life in Equestria.”

Gallus slowly nodded, “So you just suck at being a dragon.”

Spike grumbled, crossing his arms as he loudly scoffed, “I was going to be the Dragon Lord, but I chose not to!”

Gallus slowly leaned over Yona as he rested his head in his claw, “Wow… you’re just plain dumb then! What kind of guy gives up an island full of gold and people respecting your every step!”

Spike threw his claws up in frustration, “Shut up!”

Gallus erupted in laborious laughter before hopping off Yona and sighing contentedly, “Well, that settles it. I’m with you guys if only to just watch the number of disasters unfold.”

Yona had just about enough of Gallus’ nasty behavior. Turning towards him, she bowed her head, showing off her considerably large horns. She lifted her head back again, giving him a warning look.

“Yona is happy with more friends, but if Gallus is trouble, Yona will fix trouble. If Spike not want to be Dragon Lord, he has choice!” She huffed, glaring at him judgmentally before pointing towards a small diner. “Food!” Suddenly, her serious expression dropped, and she began trotting forward, nearly knocking passersby to the ground.

Gallus quickly held his claws up, “Hey, no trouble from me, y’hear?” he’d cringe at the heifers trampling, “We ought to put our pride aside and make sure she doesn’t get us in trouble, yeah?”

Spike quickly ran after Yona, “For once, I think I agree with you!”

Author's Note:

minor edits on 12/31/22