• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 708 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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News From The West

Twilight slowly cantered inside the hospital halls. Guided by oil lamps as one of the nurses had directed her to one of the doctors treating the injured sailors, but Twilight’s hooves felt like lead weights. She couldn’t help but feel a creeping dread, preparing herself for the worst.

The clinical setting of the hospital didn’t help, she could appreciate the cleanliness and order, but this was… too clean. The smell of disinfectant stung her nostrils, reminding her of her younger years when she became ill. She hated going to the doctor, although logically, she knew it was the only way to get better. She supposed some habits were hard to break.

Taking a turn down the left most hallway, the princess halted at the door with the number one of the nurses had given her. She hesitated to knock, soothing her frazzled nerves before slowly opening the door. She didn’t want to wake any of the injured, possibly drifting to sleep.

Salty rose from his bed as he greeted the princess, “Greetings yer’ highness,” Whistled the Captain, “How is GriffinHafen treating yah?”

Twilight’s eyes widened slightly, expecting a doctor or nurse to be inside. Glancing around, she slowly approached his bed.

“It’s been nice, although, to be frank, I haven’t seen much of it.” She admitted, sighing deeply. “I spent most of my time just trying to find the hospital. Can you tell me how the sailors are doing?” Twilight glanced over at him, “You’re looking better.”

The old sea Captain chuckled, “They’re a lot of rowdy, ignorant, and self-indulgent fools who got spooked. They’ll be fine after a day or two, and then it’s back at sea.”

Salty smirked, waving off the alicorn with a hoof, “You’re too kind, princess, really. Oh, I have a letter for you from your brother and sister-in-law. They wanted me to withhold it till we arrived at port.”

He’d fish for the letter in his saddle bags resting beside him, “Here we are.”

Dearest Sister,

We have the most wonderful news, a few weeks before your departure from The Crystal Empire, Cadance experienced a terrible illness. We all thought she had come down with the flu or worse, but fortunately, we have been given the most wonderful news.

Cadance is pregnant, and while you may find it strange that I write to you alone. My lovely wife… is rather irritable and felt that it would be best if I wrote this letter to you while she is going through these exciting times.

We’re sorry we did not inform you during your time in the Empire, but Cadance and I agreed that this news would be better with very few ponies knowing. Especially considering your journey and expedition did not need any additional hiccups.

We hope you can forgive us for our secrecy and hope you understand when we ask you to only relay the news to a few trusted associates. We wish you safety and success on your journey to Griffinstone and send all of our love.

Your brother, Shining Armor.

Twilight’s mouth hung open after absorbing the letter. She was torn between excitement and slight betrayal; he had kept something secret from her yet again, but the excitement won out. She hopped up in the air, pressing the letter to her chest as she spun around.

“I’m going to be an aunt!” She squealed in delight before realizing where she was and who she was with. Her cheeks burned red as she set the letter down, readjusting her tousled mane, “Hehehe… sorry about that.”

Clearing her throat, she nodded, her smile slowly becoming less awkward, “I’m glad to hear the crew is okay; I was incredibly worried. If there is anything I can do to help, anything at all, please let me know.”

Salty smirked as he slowly pulled out a bottle of rum and two glasses from his saddle bag. Pouring both drinks to the brim before handing Twilight one.

“Congratulations, lass, let’s have a toast, shall we?”

The alicorn’s jaw dropped once again, “W-What? How did you sneak alcohol in here? Can you even be drinking with the medication you’re on?” Twilight briefly glimpsed at the end of the bed, hoping to find a clipboard containing his medical information, but sadly found nothing.

Salty smiled, saying nothing as he raised a glass for the princess and took a large gulp, “Long live the King and his family!”

The room would shake as muffled shouting erupted throughout the hospital, “Long live the king!”

“Heh, well, your highness, our tenure is concluded, you are no longer my passenger, and I am no longer your captain.” the captain rolled over in bed as he yawned, “You ought to go on back to those mare's before some sweet talking Harpy sweeps them on their hooves.”

“Watch out for the blue air-headed one, yeah?”

Twilight gave the old sea captain an unsure look, one of concern, amusement, and annoyance. Finally, she stood up and snatched the glass he had poured her, downing it in one quick gulp. She rarely drank, but the surge of heat going down her throat and into her belly felt like exactly what she needed. Setting the glass down, she gave the captain one last look before leaving.

“I wish you the best, Captain.” She spoke one last time before stepping through the door, softly closing it behind her.

Twilight paused before heaving a great sigh, pressing her weight against the door itself. It was a relief, but she wished she could do more… and after that argument with Starlight, she wasn’t exactly looking forward to going back to… whichever inn they were staying at.

She slowly trotted back down the hall toward the hospital lobby, doing her best to ignore the feeling she had to do something. Right now, all she wanted was some rest and maybe something to drink. Her old antisocial ways rarely returned, but when they did, she usually spent time reorganizing the old library’s shelves. It was a soothing gesture whenever her anxiety became too overwhelming to handle. Right now, she wasn’t sure what to do.

As she stepped outside the hospital Twilight could see Luna’s moon hung high in the night sky. Twilight had tended to the wounded and fretted for so long that she spent the entire day at the hospital. But the moon wasn’t the only thing to acompany her. A pair of armor-clad griffins saluted the princess, their gloves of iron clinking against their visors and chainmail.

“Jó abend, Princess we are The Knights of Kerekasztala. I’m sure you had seen us escorting the wounded this morning when you first arrived at port, I am György Griff, and this is my squire, Gael.”

The second knight bowed, “Your highness,” taking her hoof before giving it a gentle peck with his beak.

György rolled his eyes as he swatted the younger griffin, “We have been assigned to assist you on your journey to Griffinstone.”

Twilight gave Gael a small chuckle before turning to György, bowing her head in respect.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m sorry if we met earlier; I was a little… frazzled after everything that happened.” the alicorn used her magic to smooth her mane again, unable to remember the last time she had used a brush.

“Was there anything I can help you with? I feel awful this happened while I was aboard, and the injured… I just want them to be okay.”

“Your highness, I assure you that you have gone above and beyond for not only your ponies but for our griffins and done everything in your power to ensure minimal pain and suffering. But now you must entrust the safety and health into the claws of our doctors and nurses.”

The knights quickly kneeled at the princesses hooves, “We are at your service until you arrive at Griffinstone. For the road ahead is a dangerous one with bandits and pirates known to attack travelers along the road to Griffinstone.”

Gael looked up at Twilight, lifting his visor to reveal his puffy white feathers and green eyes, “We’re your guards, basically.”

György quickly swatted Gael, “Quiet! … But yes, we are your protectors.”

Gael grumbled as he rubbed the back of his head, “And punching bags, apparently.”

György swatted Gael once more as the younger griffin quietly grumbled.

Twilight’s worried expression quickly melted into one of amusement, pressing a hoof to her lips to try and muffle the giggles threatening to pour out. Clearing her throat and regaining her composure, she nodded.

“Thank you, that is very kind. Normally I would politely decline, but now I think it might be for the best.” Usually, she could handle herself, given her raw magical power, but she still hadn’t studied the necessary offensive spells she needed. She was told once that the best defense was offense, not that she wanted to start any fights.

“Would you perhaps know the way to the nearest inn or bar? I haven’t eaten in… well, I’m not sure. Preferably they have… vegetarian meals.” Twilight gave them a soft chuckle, slowly passing them as she trotted towards the door.

György quickly rushed forward as he and Gael began escorting Twilight from the hospital, “Oh, let us escort you to your room and inn that Griffinstone has arranged for you.”

Gael nodded, “With vegetarian options.”

“Yes, hear hear with vegetarian options!” cheered György.

The knights would loudly escort the princess, their armor noisily clanged and clinked, echoing through the empty streets, eventually leading her to the lavish and expensive-looking inn.

“Your friends and comrades have already checked in,” informed György.

“Yes, so please relax and take a load off so we may leave tomorrow at daybreak.” chimed Gael.

György scowled at Gael, “Excuse my squire’s impotence; he is merely ignorant of royal custom and due diligence. But it would be highly advised that you do get some rest to prepare for our departure tomorrow.”

Gael rolled his eyes underneath his visor, “Sir, I don’t think we need to speak in Old Ponish every time.”

György quickly swatted Gael once more, “Fool! It is merely proper Ponish, thoust haven’t even heard thine old Ponish tongue.” declared György, giving his squire a cocksure expression.

Twilight shook her head and smiled, giving the pair a warm smile. “It’s alright. I don’t mind if you’re frank with me. I am the ‘Princess of Friendship’ after all.”

“And thank you, I think that was all that was necessary. If you wish to return to your post or relax, please be my guest. I’m going to have a warm meal and a drink.” She chuckled, trotting towards the main desk.

The two knights bowed at Twilight before taking post at the inn's front doors, “May Boreas’ light shine on you.”

Twilight bowed in kind, thankful that they had helped her on her way. They seemed like fine knights. Shining Armor would get along with Gael best.

“Ah, Prinzessin,” bowed the innkeeper, “Your party has already made themselves at home, your private quarters are room thirty-one, and the other suites are rooms thirty-two and thirty-three. Please enjoy your stay.”

The griffin quickly surrendered a pair of keys to Twilight’s quarters before presenting his best smile, “If there is anything you need please let us know.”

Twilight gratefully took the keys in her magic, tucking them into one of her saddlebag pockets. “Thank you. Also, could you send up a meal to my room? Something vegetarian and a large mug of warm cider would be nice.”

“Yes, Prinzessin, I will make a note of that immediately,” the innkeeper would look back toward the kitchen and shout, “Köche, los los!”

As Twilight left the lobby and walked down the left hallway, she’d eventually enter her room. A massive private suite filled to the brim with books, with each wall in the den and living room having a bookshelf.

A large master bedroom and a large bathroom that was practically a spa all to herself. A large kitchen with a pantry full of teas and biscuits ready for her. It was like the room was tailor-made for her needs after a long voyage.

She couldn’t help but stare in awe, wondering how they managed to make this room perfect for her. After she ate, she could de-stress by reorganizing the books in the room and then settle down with a bath and a warm cup of tea. She wasn’t sure what to do first, trotting over towards one of the shelves to pick out a book.

As much as she wanted to organize, her legs were killing her, and she needed to lie down. Locating a comfortable couch, the mare fell into the comfortable cushions. Besides, her meal was coming soon. Flipping open the book, Twilight rested her weary eyes on the page, trying to decipher the words.

Fortunately, the book she selected was written in Ponish, titled ‘Heiress of a Kingdom’ by Gibbon Gragg.

‘In the year 1005 ‘A.B’ or ‘after banishment’ referring to her highness Princess Luna returning from her exile, the Kingdom of Griffinstone under the regent Gaylen Gruff, or ‘Grandpa Gruff’ by his contemporaries had the pleasure of announcing a new heiress for the kingdom.’

Twilight could feel her eyes go heavy as she read along. Slowly, ever so slowly, the young alicorn’s eyes fell closed, and she slumped against the couch, the familiar feeling of slipping into sleep swallowing her whole. Any attempt to fight was weak, and Twilight couldn’t seem to care.