• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 715 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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New Friends Are Waiting In Swallowtail

In the heart of this metropolis lies the soul of every living creature that resides in Swallowtail. The Great Tree was the cornerstone of the Republic since its foundation. It was a safe haven for flying creatures to escape predators for centuries, evolving from escaping wild beasts to escaping the iron jaws of slavery.

For over one thousand years, this great Republic has stood firmly in the center of the continent, spanning several cities and roads. The tree, the city of and the name of the Republic itself, Swallowtail, was merely the capital and heart of the nation. Now, as Twilight Sparkle stood at the base of the tree, she could feel all the life pulsating and fueling the city to act.

The tree provided everything for its residents, shelter, fertile land, building material, water, and naturally, protected them from the elements. In return, the residents remained vigilant, continuously treating the tree of parasites and disease and ensuring The Great Tree may continue for another one thousand years.

No matter where you stood within the city, life could be felt in every nook and corner. Even at the bottom of the tree were dozens and dozens of earth ponies and creatures who were, unfortunately, unable to fly and resided in dozens of hastily built shacks, tent encampments, shelters, and institutional centers like schools or hospitals.

But despite the shakey living conditions, every pony the expedition saw passing through the slums at the tree’s roots was brimming with hope that inspired them to persist and live, not just live even… flourish. Paprika had mentioned that hundreds of earth ponies and other creatures had fled from Unicornica and the surrounding territories to Swallowtail to escape the Border War and slave raids. And while the Alpaca’s explanation wasn’t very in-depth or thorough compared to Twilight’s standards, she would take what information she could get.

All was revealed in the conversations of the passerby. Whispers of strained resources, neglect, and even accusations of limiting the supply of the commoners were all common topics echoed at the bottom of the tree, and yet, despite all of the difficulty, the creatures at the bottom of the tree. The earth ponies, in particular, all seemed to have determined and an even joyous resolve.

It seemed that these creatures were making more than due with what they had. Despite the rough-looking ghetto that greeted the party, it was clean, it was peaceful, and it was safe. There was even enough prosperity for sets of bazaars and shops to open at the base of the roots so that those among the ‘wingless’ as referred to by the ‘winged’ aka the Griffins, Harpies, Hippogriffs, Pegasi, Dragons, and so on.

Several armed Griffins, Harpies, Hippogriffs, and Pegasi were littered across the bottom of the roots in stations and posts to protect and assist the refugees and migrants the best they could.

Starlight seemed to take an interest in the scence as she mentally compartmentalized the state of the lower city’s slums, “They seem… happy despite living in the gutter of a city…” commented Starlight thoughtlessly as if it were a mundane fact.

Applejack furrowed her brow at the unicorn, “It’s called making due with whatcha got. Ain’t no point in being miserable in a miserable situation; it’s counterproductive!” scolded the mare.

“I don’t know….” Fluttershy murmured as a colt and filly trotted by, playing with their pet mutt, “I think it’s rather nice. Some ponies, and um, creatures, prefer a simpler life….”

“That’s a nice way of putting it, Fluttershy dear, but frankly, Applejack is right. They are simply making do with what they can, although I certainly wouldn’t be as happy about it….” Rarity winced at the civilians’ plain, saggy, and often torn clothes that seemed to hang off them in tatters.

Twilight sighed, “It’s not our place to judge them or their lives. If they need help and we can provide it, then we’ll do what we can. Agreed?”

“Yeah yeah yeah, let’s hurry up and get onto the branches! I wanna see everything!” Rainbow’s eyes were wide as she gazed up into the canopy, eager to see what awaited her. Apparently, the stories had given her enough of a reason to be excited.

“Me too!!” Pinkie raised a hoof before bouncing ahead, “I can’t wait to see all the parties and music and games and new friends and and and–”

“We GET it!” Twilight raised her voice before wincing, hoping she didn’t just make themselves the center of attention. Clearing her throat, she spoke quietly, “Let’s try not to make ourselves stick out too much, okay?”

“Okaaay…” Pinkie sighed dejectedly.

Paprika sighed, stopping to a dead halt, “Well, this is where we separate!” the Alpaca bounced ahead, stopping to turn as she faced the group, “I can’t get into the city because I’m of the ‘wingless’ aka, I can’t fly! So I’m going to go help The Alpake and end the Border Wars, so every creature here can flourish!”

The knights nod, “Yes, and because you have arrived in the city, we must depart back to Griffinstone.” György bowed.

Gael collected himself from the back of a wagon, “I’m sure the Doge will be interested in meeting you once the city hears of your arrival.”

“We bid thee farewell.” saluted György.

Pinkie would sniffle, her eyes growing large before she belted out a large wail, grabbing Paprika, György, and Gael in a massive hug, squeezing them tightly.

“I’m gonna miss you guys soooo much!!” Pinkie whimpered, big fat tears falling down her cheeks. “P-Promise me, you’ll write! And that we can visit! D-Don’t forget my name, okay?!”

Rainbow sighed, pressing a hoof to her face as she shook her head, looking away as if she were trying to pretend she wasn’t with them. “Oh, brother…”

“Pinkie, let them go; I just said we shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves!” Twilight tried to keep her voice down, her horn lighting up as she attempted to wrangle the party pony away from the three. She just managed to get the two knights loose. But Pinkie absolutely would not let go of the Alpaca. Twilight gasped for breath, sweat going down her brow. How was she that strong?

Gael and György strained as Paprika gave Pinkie and the knights a returning squeeze. The two armored Griffins gave the Alicorn a grateful smile.

Wiping her brow, Twilight returned their smile. “Thank you so much for your service; it has meant a lot to us. I bid you safe travel back home, and please, if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to contact one of my friends or me.”

György bowed, giving the Princess a gentle peck on the hoof, “I have a feeling we will cross paths again very soon.”

Gael scowled at his master before giving his senior Griff a firm whack against the back of his head. György shot up like a bottle rocket before snapping a look at Gael before laughing.

“Well… it seems you have the last laugh, my squire!” György chortled. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh too.

Gael bowed to Twilight and smiled, the pair walking away from the wagon soon after. The group waved their goodbyes, and good lucks, watching them go before turning back to their wagons.

Paprika cradled Pinkie, “It’ll be okay, Pinkie Pie! I’ll be around here with Elder Quill and Yellowtail, and if not, I’ll be a few miles away near the border! And if anything happens….” The Alpaca puckered up before pressing her lips against Pinkie’s, giving the pony a long sloppy kiss before snapping away from her and placing the earth pony down.

“You’ll always have a place on my friendship list!” the Alpaca pulled out a large scroll from her wool with the names of several different creatures, including Pinkie and the expedition.

Pinkie’s eyes went wide again, but she didn’t seem to dislike the act nor pull away. She smiled brightly afterward, “And you’ll always have a place in mine! I can’t believe we both have friendship lists, hehe!”

Rainbow and Twilight stared in shock while Applejack hid her face behind her ponytail in the lack of her hat, face burning. Rarity blinked several times before coughing, breaking the silence between the group.

“Well, that was… spontaneous.” Rarity cleared her throat once more.

“Do you think they’re…?” Rainbow whispered before being cut off.

“Dash! Get your head out of the gutter!” Twilight chastised quickly, not wanting to imagine anything the Pegasus might suggest.

“I was just gonna ask if they’re together! Geez…” Rainbow pouted, crossing her arms.

Paprika looked at the group and then at Pinkie Pie before erupting in laborious laughter. Pinkie chuckled before giggling along.

Applejack rolled her eyes at Rainbow Dash, “They’re friendly, I’ll give you that. But I think you could give Pinkie Pie a smooth stone, and she’d kiss it if it was nice enough...” she huffed.

“And I have! Quandisimo was such a charmer…” Pinkie sighed dreamily.

Thorax grumbled, “I wish I had that confidence….”

Starlight peered at her changeling companion with piqued interest before turning to Paprika and Pinkie, “Well, that was… something; I guess we’ll catch you later.”

Paprika nodded before bouncing away, “Likewise!”

Pinkie grabbed something from the wagon just as Paprika was gaining some distance. Pulling an object out, Twilight only realized what it was when the party pony began to yell,


Turns out, it was a megaphone. That left their ears ringing for the next few minutes.

As they departed, the group followed the roads along the tree’s massive roots toward the inner lower city. Eventually, they were slowed down by the hoof traffic and caravans that littered the bottom of the tree. As they went further under the roots, torches and lantern-lit lamp posts lined the paths revealing the dozens of different encampments, homes, and businesses filling the slums.

But a voice would cut through the rabble and rumbling of the city goers, “Rejoice! For we live in an era of friendship and tolerance! Please, if you can, donate alms to the poor youths of Swallowtail so that our future generations may be able to read and write!”

As Twilight and some of the more perceptive of the group turned to the voice, they saw a pony wearing a dark robe with a golden-lined insignia of Celestia’s cutie mark embroidered on his cloak. He was a young unicorn stallion with a greyish-blue iron coat with dark circular spectacles resting on his nose. With a straight and clean-cut mane, he stood on a large crate above the pedestrians as he rang a silver bell calling for donations for the poor. He seemed a little too clean-cut and educated for the slums.

“Find it in your heart to support our schools for the Earth Pony and Wingless among us!” He called out.

Twilight instantly knew that they had to speak to this pony, Celestia’s sun on his robe could only mean he was a friend to Equestria, or at least she hoped. Locking eyes with her friends, she tilted her head in his direction, and they nodded in silent agreement. Wrestling their way through the busy traffic of the other creatures around them, they finally managed to squeeze themselves as close as possible to the stallion’s crate without blocking anyone’s path.

“Excuse me, sir?” Twilight called out. She suddenly realized it might have been a good idea to wear something to obscure her wings… Reflexively, she tightened them to her barrel, “I don’t suppose you could help us?”

The stallion quickly hopped off the large wooden crate before studying the expedition, a little perplexed by the large wagons and well-fed group. Everycreature there looked clean and tended to.

“Of course, sister, I will do my best.” the stallion took note of them, “What seems to be the problem? Do you need a place for the wingless among you? I understand that shelter and housing is a common issue but don’t worry, we will get everyone here a place to sleep.”

Starlight looked over to Twilight, “I’m… going to take everyone up a head a bit….”

The stallion nodded at Starlight, “Be mindful of your belongings….”

Starlight signaled for everyone to move along, leaving the stallion and Twilight alone for a moment.

Twilight glanced back at Starlight and subtly nodded before turning back to the stallion, “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I was told there would be a stallion in Swallowtail named Quill… I’m going to assume that’s you?” she gave him a soft, friendly smile, “I’m a friend of Paprika’s if that name’s familiar.”

The stallion’s gentle expression quickly melted into that of a surprised and bewildered gaze, “Twi– …Twilight Sp– Sp-Sparkle….” The stallion seemed to falter as beads of sweat dripped off his forehead. The stallion quickly recollected himself as he wiped his brow with a rag.

The stallion slowly stripped his cloak off his body before covering the Alicorn's wings, “You mustn’t reveal your nature so openly around here. Lest you and your party be swarmed en masse…” whispered the unicorn before veering back, “I am Elder Quill Feather, Archmage of The Reformed Sol Invictus Temple.”

Quill bowed low before Twilight, “At your service… what brings you to Griffonia?”

Twilight couldn’t help the color that came to her cheeks, “Ah… yes, I only realized that after I had already entered the city… I just hope no one has noticed, but I haven’t been swarmed yet… Thank you.” She used her magic to adjust the cloak around her wings and flank.

“As for what brings me here… my friends and I have been summoned by a magical artifact to write wrongs, essentially.” She gave Quill a nervous smile, “I realize that sounds a bit silly, but we’ve been doing it for a while.”

Quill seemed to excitedly note everything Twilight said on a scroll, eyeing between the paper and the Alicorn before him, “If they hadn’t noticed you yet, they surely wouldn’t notice you now.”

The mage quickly put the cloak’s hood over the Alicorn’s head, “Silly? No, no, no, this has been a long time coming. It was foretold ever since our Elder Archivers and Mages were told of the ‘Cutie Map.’” The stallion seemed to hold back joyous energy as he excitedly trotted in place.

“I was right!” he’d whisper, “Those stuffy old Unicornican zealots thought they were so righteous that the Cutie Map wouldn’t call upon them!” the stallion laughed to himself as he collected himself, “I’m sorry, your Excellency, forgive me. How can I be of service to you? You must want entrance to the upper city, right?”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t be mocked or belittled, but the joy, energy, and general willingness to serve her made her mildly uncomfortable. Most of the time, especially when she was in Canterlot when somepony was treating her… well, like royalty, she would hesitantly follow along or gently put them down and explain how she didn’t need special treatment.

“You’re fine; actually, I’m quite interested to hear about Unicornica.” She gave him a soft smile, “And yes, my friends and I would like access to the upper city, but please, you can just call me Twilight. I’m… not overly fond of the titles I’ve been given. In exchange for entrance, perhaps we can help you? I was already considering a donation.”

Quill seemed to violently shake in place with a roaring excitement. His studies could have never have prepared him to speak with Twilight herself! The Immortal Heiress!? Heir of Princess Celestia herself, THE Goddess of the Sun and life? How could he refuse anything from her?

The Archmage nodded, “Yes, yes, of course, I have contacts in the Republic Guard who can get you and your comrades to the tree with your supplies intact. I will tell you everything I know of the Unicorns. All I ask of you is to please spare the effort to speak to his Excellency the Doge.”

“That’s fantastic; thank you so much.” She gave him a bright, grateful smile, “Of course. What is it you would like me to speak to him about?” Twilight paused, looking at their surroundings. Was the street the right place for this conversation?

“Perhaps we should find a quieter place if we’re going to have an extended conversation? I don’t want to have to shout for you to hear me.” She chuckled, gesturing they move forward. “I’m sure you know of a place where you and I, and my friends, can rest for a moment.” She just hoped they could catch up to them.

The Archmage adjusted the glasses on his nose, “Please let him know that the wingless need more supplies and support from up in the tree. We can’t keep going on like this forever. There needs to be a concentrated effort on actually helping the refugees and migrants here….”

The unicorn quickly nodded, “Yes, yes, I will arrange that. Please follow me; I have a place where you can rest while I arrange for the Guard to assist you….”

Quill galloped ahead, leading the caravan to a small temple made from the natural root formations that had occurred during the tree’s life. The most fascinating aspect was how the wood and brick fit together seamlessly.

Celestia’s cutie mark rested at the top of the temple, the symbol made of stained glass. The expedition broke off from the wagons during this break in between travel. As they arrived, dozens of ponies wearing cloaks and robes would pour out from the temple.

“Get me Captain Iron’s; tell him that it’s Elder Quill, I need him and his platoon here, please!” insisted the Archmage.

The mixed group of Elders and Mages consisting of Earth ponies, Unicorns, and even some Pegasi quickly splintered off, galloping, teleporting, and flying away in several directions. Quill quickly beckoned the group inside the temple, where the simple, clean interior presented itself. Sets of benches lined the temple where resting at a podium and altar were images of all of the alicorns, Twilight included, displayed in stained glass paintings much akin to the one back in Canterlot Castle.

The symbols of the Sun and Moon were plastered all over the temple as Elder Quill quickly began to clear out the basement and back rooms revealing several cots, blankets, and food for the guests.

“Please, take what you need and rest; we will be here for a moment….” Quill sighed as he quickly began lighting candles around the temple.

Starlight looked around the temple, finding pleasure in its simplicity and humility. It was essentially a shack on the side of a tree. Another religious temple? It was starting to become apparent that Griffionia was a very spiritual place, with the Griffins and Eyr coming to mind as the topic sprung up.

The Archmage quickly looked at the many party members that occupied his church, “So… Uhm… I am Elder Quill Feather, Archmage of this temple; if anyone needs anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you, Elder Quill, you’ve been very kind.” Twilight bowed her head softly before looking up at the images of Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and herself.

Back in Canterlot, she was a little hesitant over the depictions of her acts and feats of heroism with her friends, but they served as a reminder and something as a trophy of their accomplishments. Here, it felt like she was being worshiped and that just struck her as very... uncomfortable.

Looking back down at Quill, she gave him a soft smile. “And as for what you said earlier, I will make it a priority to see that the creatures on the ground are given aid. We won’t sit idly by while ponies and other creatures need help, right girls?”

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow pumped a hoof in the air, “We’ve done the impossible; this’ll be easy.”

“I-I don’t know about easy, but we’ll do our best,” Fluttershy murmured uncertainly.

“Mmmmgh mmhh mghh!” Pinkie shouted through a mouthful of apples before chewing and swallowing, “Oops, sorry! I said we won’t let anycreature down, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Oh boy, not a Pinkie Promise..” Dash sighed. “At least no one will be in any danger this time.”

The Archmage seemed to have a relieved expression wash over him like a hot shower after a long day, “Oh, you have no idea how much of a relief that is… truly we are indebted to you more than we already are….wait what happened last time?.....”

Starlight slowly perked up, “So… does anyone want to ask the big question, or am I going to have to break the ice as usual.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Likewise darling, just get it over with so we save ourselves the embarrassment.”

Starlight huffed, “Is this place like a temple we saw on Griffinstone?”

Quill shuffled a bit, “Oh ho… right, Equestrians don’t worship Celestia like the locals tend to… well, you see, the foundation of the faith is from ancient scholars who recorded her grace’s feats during the old Kingdom’s foundation.” The Elder quickly trotted down before entering the back room to fetch a tea kettle.

“I’m sorry if this will bore some of you. If you like, please quietly entertain yourselves, ehehe...” the unicorn fumbled, trying not to spill the tea, “But when Equestria was founded, many ponies took it upon themselves to worship Celestia because of her terrifying power– and the fact she gave the land now known as Equestria, or The Old Kingdom, to the three tribes. I’m sure you know of Unicornia. Well, to put it simply, after Princess Platinum surrendered the crown to Celestia and allowed her Excellency to unify The Old Kingdom, many nobles from Platinum’s court exiled themselves to distant lands.”

Quill cleared his throat, “The native ponies you see here today are either migrants from Equestria and The Crystal Empire or from Unicornica. A majority of which are from Unicornica, and to put it mildly… while you ponies over in Equestria eventually were taught to see Celestia, Twilight, Luna, and Cadance as merely humble servants of normal ponies like you and me. We continued the tradition of worshiping out of terror and fear. However, during a pilgrimage to Equestria, my friend Yellowtail and I discovered, among several of our former Elders and Mages, that Equestria, in fact, does NOT fear the Goddess and that Luna had returned!”

The unicorn took a deeeeeep breath before panting, “I know that was a lot, but hopefully that clears up a majority of your questions. Your Excellency… heh…” he’d looked at Starlight awkwardly, “Y...you.”

“It's Starlight Glimmer… and yeah… that was… a lot, but I think we get the message….” Starlight shrugged, she wasn't really as bookish as Twilight and hadn't expected that much of explanation.

Twilight had been paying very close attention, having pulled out her old journal, making sure to write down each and every single detail amongst those she had already taken note of. Once Quill was finished speaking, she put down her quill, letting out a small and satisfied sigh.

“Thank you, Elder Quill. We’ve heard of Unicornica, but not from anyone who has been there directly, or knows of its history. What you say does corroborate with what I know of Equestrian History. Many of the nobles at that time who had not accepted Celestia and Luna’s rule seemed to disappear. Many ponies used that as evidence of the Princess’s corruption, but I never believed it. And this just makes it official.”

Quill seemed to have let an exasperated laugh escape him, “Ironic! It was the nobles who left who were corrupt! They misuse our scripts and knowledge to entrap and enslave the populace into serving them!”

Twilight paused, taking a breath. “There is one thing I would like to know, in detail, however. Unicornica is taking slaves?”

The unicorn cleared his throat, “Excuse me… I apologize…” He’d collect himself, “It’s… true the Kingdom is known for slave raids. In fact, the Border Guard has been repelling slave raids since the Republic’s foundation centuries ago. Actually, the anniversary of the first Unicorn-Swallow war is only a fortnight away, where Unicornica tried to enslave the entire Republic because of a large number of Pegasi fleeing their rule and joining the Great Tree.”

Twilight’s nose wrinkled in disgust. How they could be taking slaves and, even worse, attacking the one place those refugees could possibly regain their lives. She knew she absolutely had to do something to stop it, but she needed to be careful.

“Thank you again, I realize it must be uncomfortable talking about such things,” the Alicorn gave him a soft, gentle smile, “If there is anything else you could tell me about Unicornica, it would be beneficial. I have a feeling we’re going to be dealing with them one way or the other..."

Quill pondered for a moment, “The Elders are very very devout theists, they believe that you Twilight are the Immortal Heiress, next in line for Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun. You are the heir to Equestria and are a Goddess. They don’t believe you’re like me or your friends. They truly believe you are divine! Infallible!”

A new voice quickly cut through the Elder’s tirade, “Because she is, Brother Quill!” called a teal earth pony clad in robes, with a long curled blond mane.

Quill shook his head and groaned, “Brother Yellowtail, this isn’t the time for a theological debate; we are in the presence of her Excellency!”

Yellowtail scoffed, “Please, if anyone believes in her Grace’s message, it would be Twilight herself. Nopony is simply chosen for ascension! Twilight’s essence and spirit are that of the divine. She has an enriched soul like that of Celestia and her fellow alicorns!”

Quill sighed, “...Your Excellency, this is Elder Yellowtail. He is more… theologically outspoken in comparison to me.”

Yellowtail rolled his eyes, “Outspoken? I believe in the power of her Grace, for she is Sol Invictus, protector of life, guardian of the sun itself, and creator of everything… but rest assured, brother, I am only here to inform you and our guests of Captain Iron Sides arrival….”

Quill’s eyes widened, “So he arrives… Twilight, our time grows near, less you lose your opportunity to reach the tops of the tree.”

Twilight was a little boggled, wanting to say something to object to Yellowtail’s assertion of her godhood, but thankful for the distraction. She was only disappointed that their conversation had to end so soon.

“Thank you so much, Elder Quill; if there is anything that you need, please don’t hesitate to send me a letter or contact one of my friends.” She then turned to his companion, “And it was nice to meet you, Elder Yellowtail.”

The Elders took a bow at Twilight, “Blessed are we in the presence of the sun.” replied Yellowtail.

“We will be here at the temple or around the lower parts of the city doing what we can to help the poor,” answered Quill, “But please, The Doge and Parliament are the way to getting these creatures’ help. You and your friends have enough sway as celebrities, let alone objects of worship.”

Yellowtail seemed to have an offended expression at his brother in faith before assisting the expedition back into their wagons. A group of soldiers led by a plucky-looking orange pegasus waited outside the temple.

“Elders,” bowed the Pegasus, he’d quickly salute to Twilight, “Your Highness, it’s an honor to serve you. You saved my hide back when you and Spike the Brave and Glorious stopped that demon Sombra from casting The Crystal Empire back into the frozen wastelands.”

Spike turned to Twilight and smirked, wiggling an eyebrow. Twilight softly snorted in amusement, trying to fight back a smile.

“Well, I’m glad you feel so indebted to us; how are we getting to the tree?” Starlight questioned.

“We tied your wagons in chains, and we’re using a pulley to hoist your carts up to the inner city, near the training center.” Iron Sides answered confidently, pointing to the massive, sturdy chains.

A Harpy quickly flapped down from one of the larger branches before landing next to the Captain, saluting, pressing his wing to his iron helmet, “Sir, we’re ready to pull.”

“Good work, now everypony with wings, follow me; the rest of you pick a wagon and stay in it. If the Border Guard finds you up among the branches, they’ll toss you back down the tree.” Iron Sides warned.

Twilight nodded and turned to the others. “Be careful, okay? I’ll be watching and make sure that nothing goes wrong.”

“Aw, don’t worry silly-filly, we’ll be fiiiine!” Pinkie waved a hoof nonchalantly.

“I-I hope so…” Fluttershy squeaked nervously, looking up at just how high they had to go.

“Fluttershy, you can FLY remember?” Rainbow Dash groaned, pulling the meek Pegasus off the ground. “Geez… you guys be careful, alright? I’m gonna make sure this one gets up there.”

Yona quaked in fear as she lay on the ground, “Yona not ready to fly, Yona want to stay on ground!”

Gallus rolled his eyes as he scoffed, examing his large wings as he took a moment to admire his 'perfect' physique, "C'mon Yona it's not so bad!" the yak scoffed and grumbled in reply.

“What she said!” Trixie trembled as she climbed into her wagon, taping and tying everything down in hopes it wouldn’t fall over in the process.

Thorax trotted anxiously in place, looking between Starlight and Trixie, “Uhh… uhhhhmmm….”

Starlight smirked, trotting over before giving the Changeling a firm bump with her rump, pushing the Changeling inside the wagon with Trixie.

The Changeling stumbled inside, smashing his face on the wagon floor as he landed in front of Trixie, His face resting between the mare’s legs.

Trixie’s face lit up, a light blush crossing her cheeks as she helped the Changeling up and inside the wagon. “I know I’m amazing, but no need to fall for me.” She chuckled and gave him a wink.

Turning to Iron Sides, Twilight gestured to Spike, pulling him onto her back. “Is it alright if he rides with me? I want to make sure he’s safe.”

Iron Sides peered over at Thorax as he mumbled to himself, “Lucky guy…” he’d look over to Twilight, “Baby dragon ay? He’s welcomed among the Dragon tribes mostly, but… it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Spike perked up, “Dragon tribes?”

Iron Sides gestured to the drake to slow down, “Ay amigo, we’ll get there when we get there.”

“I’m interested to hear about the dragon tribes, but let’s get settled first.” Twilight nodded.

Applejack sighed as she and Rarity climbed into their wagons, “C’mon, Yona, we’ll be fine.” Applejack gestured for the Dri to come along.

“Yes, I’m sure it won’t take much time at all.” insisted Rarity.

Yona laid on the ground shaking for another moment or two before struggling to her hooves, climbing inside with Rarity and Applejack. “White pony has strong magic, right? Can catch Yona?” She looked at Rarity as if she were the only lifeline she had.

Rarity offered Yona her best smile, “Why yes, I know some telekinesis magic from my time as a seamstress…I…could…yes I can catch you.” answered Rarity if only to put this poor Yak’s worries at ease.

Iron Sides tweeted a whistle at Yona, “AY AY, C’MON LITTLE CALF LET’S GET A MOVE ON, WE’RE ON SHORT TIME HERE!” snapped the Pegasus before he quickly shoot a look at Starlight, “Why aren’t you in a wagon!?”

“I can fly.” sneered Starlight, quickly casting a levitation spell on herself.

Iron Sides mused, “Huh, alright then, blue mare, Griffin, banana cream, magic unicorn, your highness, follow me.” the Pegasus quickly spread his wings as he took flight toward the large tree limbs. As the wagons were slowly hoisted above.

It didn’t take long for Twilight, Gallus, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy to arrive at the tops of the tree. Seeing the sprawling festivals and celebrations overtaking the glowing city that shined like a star in the night, dozens of colorful lanterns lined the canals overflowing throughout the branches.

According to Twilight’s research on Swallowtail, the creature made canals that had been carved throughout the tree, which were used to travel across the massive tree’s huge limbs and circulate water through the tree and to its residents.

The sound of music and song echoed throughout the cities as dozens of colorful Harpies and Pegasi could be seen dancing and celebrating in the streets and canals. Food vendors, liquor, and shops lined the streets as the scent of rich fatty food filled the air, demanding the attention of any passerby. Even the Republic Guard could be seen slacking a bit compared to the Guards at the tree’s roots. Casually drinking and playing card games as the group landed near a large wooden structure.

Twilight couldn’t help but be mesmerized. It was truly beautiful and unique to anything she had seen before. She tried to commit everything to memory; she had so much to write down.

“Okay, everypony, Griffin, and Dragon. Welcome to Swallowtail proper. Now here’s what’s going to happen, Twilight is going to walk up to the Guards and tell them that she’s the Princess of Equestria and needs to speak to the Doge. BUT she isn’t going to tell ANYBODY that Captain Iron Sides and his platoon assisted you in getting up here.” The Pegasus eyed every pony, Gallus, and Spike, “Got it?”

“We understand; thank you, Iron Sides.” Twilight bowed her head respectfully. “We owe you a great debt. Don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything we can do.” Gosh, she was doing a lot of that today…

Rainbow Dash looked around, taking count, making sure everyone was present. When she counted one short, she couldn’t help but yell, “Hey, where’s Pinkie?!”

Twilight looked around, a little concerned when she heard the party pony’s familiar voice echoing throughout the tree's branches.

“Here I am!!!”

Coming up over the branches, Twilight witnessed Pinkie Pie flying up in her own flying contraption, pumping the pedals on the machine to keep the propeller above her going. It was a fascinating invention; if only it would stick around long enough for her to study.

“Sorry, it took me a bit to find this, and I just had to show off, hehe!” Pinkie grinned as she finally sat down. “Oops, I’m supposed to be in the wagons… sorry!”

“AWE WAIT, THERE’S A REASON–” several sets of spotlights would shine on Pinkie Pie, “.... there’s a reason why we don’t get many Earth Ponies up here….”

A roaring alarm shrieked loudly as dozens of Harpies, Griffins, Pegasi, and Hippogriffs poured out from the training center and branches from the dozens of tree limbs. Quickly swarming Pinkie, Iron’s platoon, and the small group.

Gallus turned white at the sight of the Guard looming over them, "I'm too young to go to jail!"

“PUT YOUR WINGS AND HOOVES IN THE AIR NOW!” ordered the Griffin Captain among the swarm of armored-clad creatures, armed with muskets, spears, and even some taking position at the edge of branches above with what appeared to be cauldrons scalding oil.

“... Damnit,” grumbled Iron Sides, slowly raising his hooves up in the air.

The Griffin captain was clad in Griffish armor akin to The Grand Master from Griffinstone, with the exception that his helmet exposed his face and his robes had the mark of a Swallow on them instead of Griffinstone’s emblem.

Twilight would slowly turn her head to face the pink party mare; the look on her face was indescribable.

“Eheheh….” Pinkie chuckled weakly, “Um… sorry?”

The Princess would sigh deeply before her horn burned to life, pulling the cloak off of her back. There was really only one way to de-escalate the situation.

Approaching the Griffin captain, Twilight spread her wings and bowed. “I… apologize. I realize that creatures who cannot fly aren’t… welcome in the upper branches, but I must speak to the Doge. I promise, we mean no harm.”


Starlight quickly covered Spike’s ears as the Griffin Captain went on a colorful tirade about having Iron Sides by his testicles and… phallus. Particularly in a set of iron vices with scolding oil poured over top of them.

Iron Sides was lost in a trance caused by these horrible, awful threats before he quickly regained himself, “HEY SITZPINKLER, THIS IS A PRINCESS FROM EQUESTRIA!” he snapped, “GET THE DOGE, FOOL!”

The Griffin slowly looked down at Twilight before letting out a long sigh, “YOU GET OFF THIS TIME, IRON SIDES, BUT NEXT TIME THE GENERAL WON’T BE SO EASY ON YOU….” The dozens of soldiers quickly dove down, grabbing the wagons by the chains to hoist them up.

In the Doge’s Palace, residing in the center of the tree along the longest canal around the tree sat a massive structure made of marble and stone. Unlike the building that it surrounded, it could not compare to the Doge’s Palace. Its fine marble and stone stood out in a sea of carved wooden homes that looked like doll houses compared to the immaculate palace.

Dozens of statues lined the beautiful garden surrounding this marvelous work of ingenuity. Each was dedicated to a Doge or one of the dozens of brave Generals who defended the Republic throughout history. But Twilight couldn’t focus on that; she could only focus on the beautiful marble fixtures, statures, or luxurious places where everything was either an ancient artifact or antique from Swallowtail’s past. Or even the fine art and furnishing of the site itself.

No, she couldn’t quite focus on that with the leader of Swallowtail sitting just inches away from her. Wearing a lovely crown studded with beautiful gems, garbed in beautiful crimson-colored robes. But it wasn’t his Excellency’s dress that got her attention, it was his… features.

The Doge was a soft, plush-looking Diamond Dog with a yellow cream-colored coat, bright big brown eyes, and a near-permanent smile on his face that acted as his neutral, mind you, neutral resting face.

Perhaps she should actually thank Pinkie for her spontaneous act of chaos. Twilight imagined it would have been a process to get an audience with the Doge if she hadn’t. Although, then again, looking at him, maybe it wouldn’t be so complicated? Hopefully, he would be understanding of their mission and the plight of the creatures below.

Although, then again, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

The Doge took a long sip from his coffee mug, “... Espresso?” offered the Doge.

“Um… sure. I don’t usually drink the stuff, but I have a feeling I’m going to need the energy.” She chuckled softly, “Ah… I… just want to apologize for our entrance. I didn’t intend to frighten anyone. My friends are just… well, Pinkie’s unpredictable. I hope you can forgive us.”

The Doge chuckled, pouring the Princess a cup of the rich, creamy brown beverage into the mare’s mug, “Unexpected, huh? I know a lot about that; I mean, look at me.” he’d gesture to his whole body.

“A Diamond Dog stuck in a tree with a bunch of birds, now if I was an Abyssinian or house cat I would be in paradise.” The Doge took a sip of his espresso, “Your… trespasses are excused, and no, I won’t make your wingless friends climb up the tree like I had to when I wanted to live in the tree.”

The Doge drummed his paws on the fine oak table before them, “Well… if you don’t mind me being so… forward. Why are you here, Princess Twilight of Equestria?”

Twilight kept a friendly appearance, but the way the Doge spoke made her a little… nervous. But she just tried to tell herself that they were both unsure of each other. Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out, soothing her anxiety.

“Well, for many reasons. One of them is a magical artifact that is pointing my friends and me in the direction of the Griffinlands and beyond. It… points us in the direction of those who need help. So… we’re here to help.” She gave him a soft, if awkward, chuckle. “I realize it sounds a bit… silly, but it’s true. I always want to learn more about this Unicornica and if there’s anything I can do to help protect your people.”

The Doge’s expression scrunched up into a bitter scowl, “Unicornica….why would you want to learn about a cesspit like them? Slavers don’t you know….”

“I… simply want to learn more about them so I may know how to defend others against them. Know thy enemy, or so I’ve been told.” Twilight replied softly, raising a brow, “I’ve heard of what they’ve done, and it disgusts me.”

Twilight remembered that she also had to fulfill a promise to Elder Quill, “I was also hoping, in return for helping your people. You could help the creatures below? They are in a state of extreme poverty. They need supplies.”

The Doge seemed to let out an exasperated sigh at Twilight’s requests, “What did the wingless down there sign a petition too? This isn’t how this works! I am NOT the leader of the whole operation! It’s the bloody Parliament! It’s those stuffy elitist Griffins and Harpies who haven’t changed since the time of Falco!” lamented the Diamond Dog.

The Doge laughed, “You ask me for help? The Pegasi and ponies here see you as a God! Just tell them and the Unicorns to fix whatever issues you have!” The Dog laughed and laughed, wiping his tears away with a handkerchief. His laughter seemed more of a reaction to overwhelming stress rather than amusement.

Twilight’s expression softened as she recognized the stressed expression on the Doge’s face. Now she wished Fluttershy was with her; she would know how to handle this…

“Sir, I don’t wish to overstep my grounds, but… are you alright?” The concern was blatant on her face. She could understand the stress they must be mounting on his shoulders.

The Doge collected himself as he slowly let out a deep sigh, “..... I’m not sure what it’s like in Equestria where you can have some sort of Divine infallible Goddess or whatever fix your problems on a whim with little to no resistance.”

The Diamond Dog cleared his throat, “But here? Oh my God, I was elected as a JOKE, everycreature here thought it would be funny to elect the one Diamond Dog among them, the ONE wingless who has formally integrated in the tops of the tree.”

“Unfortunately, the Parliament didn’t find that joke very funny; every step I take to legitimize my rule and authority has been usurped! I try to send more supplies to the poor? Put it to a vote! What’s that? The Parliament thinks I’m siphoning money and supplies to fund my personal endeavors? Fund an investigation, vote for an investigation, vote for that vote! Tit for tat!” shrieked the Doge.

The creature cowered as he covered his face with his paws, “Oh, your highness, if only you COULD help me… please just use your Goddess magic to fix all of this!” pleaded the exasperated creature.

Twilight bit her lip, looking around awkwardly as if there was someone else that could handle this situation. The mixed-match staff of ponies and Griffins seemed to gesture to Twilight to ‘cut it off’; this was just an everyday occurrence for The Doge. The poor creature was well known for his stress...Taking a breath through her nose, she hesitantly reached out with a hoof and patted him on the back.

“Well, I don’t really… consider myself a Goddess, but I’ll try my absolute best to help you. You were elected as a leader. You should be taken seriously as one.” her voice was gentle and encouraging, “Just tell me what I can do to help.”

The Doge stared at the Alicorn with a blank expression, looking genuinely shocked, “You… wow… I hate to do this to a guest on a state visit but, well…” he’d lean back in his chair, “... I need people to take me seriously before the winged creatures even consider looking into the wingless below.”

The Diamond Doge slowly leaned forward as he looked Twilight in the eye, “I have a plan, but it will take time. Weeks, but it’ll be worth it. In two weeks, the anniversary of the first Unicorn-Swallow war will be celebrated. I need you to help me accomplish some of my political ambitions in my name, and in exchange, I will give you and your friends diplomatic immunity. You are all exempt from the rule of law, we’ll work together to maneuver the politics, and then we help normal creatures like you and me… well… just me, and the wingless I guess.”

Twilight pursed her lips. She wasn’t exactly sure what to think of this Doge. On one hoof, he could be playing her as a fool to gain more power. On the other, some creatures desperately needed help.

“I think we can manage something of the sort. I just hope that these ambitions are solely for the people,” she nodded, slowly sipping her expresso. Her tone wasn’t judgmental, simply a warning, “Regardless, whatever I can do to help the… wingless, as you call them, I’ll do my best to make it a reality.”

The Doge quickly pulled a champagne bottle from his robe sleeves before popping the cork. Sprawling the liquor around the room, screaming mad as if Twilight had told him he won the lottery, “HAHAHA! TAKE THAT GRAND CHAIRCREATURE, FRANCESCO. I’M NO JOKE; I AM DONATELLO DOGAMY DOGE! I AM THE VOICE OF THE WINGLESS; I AM THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE!”

The servants quickly protected Twilight from a spray of fine booze soiling her, one Harpy even ruining his lavish tux for the Princess, the Doge quickly pouring a glass of sparkling champagne for his newfound ally.

“Twilight Sparkle, we will help Swallowtail, and we will help this continent flourish in a new age!”

Twilight gulped. What exactly had she just gotten herself into…?

Dammit, Pinkie...