• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 715 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...


It had been two days since Rarity and Applejack entered the Cavern, and despite the heartache and terror they felt from that day, life carried on as usual. Mrs. Meadows had celebrated the return of her cart and their success. The plantation could continue unmediated, but there was still the normal work and chores that needed to be done. There was tobacco to cut, cotton to harvest, clothes that needed seaming, and new clothes that needed to be tailored entirely.

While both mares were exceptional in their respective fields, they could only do so much in a workday. Time felt seamless and fluid; the only sense of stop and go was Celestia's sun's rising and setting. Applejack hadn't minded, and given she was a farmer, it was comforting to focus on work and come home tired but satisfied. No existential terror, no evil unicorns, and no politics. At least for a few days.

By the second day, however, Rarity felt like she'd been worked down to the bone despite working inside and out of the sun and elements. She must have patched one hundred pairs of pants alone by now. Had it not been for Mrs. Meadows' maids working beside her, she would've gone mad from the repetitive and dull fabric work.

The work day was coming to a close as the six o'clock bell rang from the plantation well. Loudly ringing and clanging for a moment and allowing every creature to retire from work for the day.

Rarity immediately stood from her table, her horn gently setting down the fabric she had been working on seconds before.
Usually, she would have taken the time to finish the piece before resting, but inspiration took its toll after days of continual work without any rest. Letting out a soft, delicate yawn, she waved goodbye to the maids, intending to find Applejack.

Stepping onto the porch, she caught sight of the orange mare approaching, fanning herself with a straw hat one of the other workers had lent her. Rarity had insisted on tying a red ribbon around it, which Applejack obliged with a simple eye roll.

"How are you, darling? You look simply famished; I do hope that something filling was made for dinner." She had skipped brunch, only sipping tea now and again during her workload.

"Not bad, just like home, if y'ignore the lack of apple trees…" A brief, wistful look passed the farmer's eyes before returning to normal, "I could eat a whole bushel right now.... Y'think they got any iced tea left?"

Applejack paused, turning back to face Rarity, who was looking out on the plantation. Following her gaze, she caught sight of what had distracted the unicorn. There, walking up the road toward the large Plantation house, was Glendon, Jugo, and several griffins and earth ponies eagerly awaiting dinner as they made their way to the house. However, what caught Rarity's eye was a younger-looking filly in the crowd that shuffled between the tired mass of bodies.

The front doors creaked open as Mrs. Meadows stepped outside beside Rarity. The mare fawned with delight at the sight of her guests, "Hello girls, did you two finish your chores alright? I just wanted to ask if you'd be joining us for dinner tonight or, if you like, you can eat in your chambers. We tend to pack the dining room with about twenty or thirty creatures…"

Glendon called from down the road, his voice booming across the property, "HEY, WHAT'S FER SUPPER!?" he said before quickly flapping over to the three ponies, perching on the house's front railing as he scratched his beak and face, his feathers stained with black powder and dirt.

"I'm starving after chucking hay around and my back hurts!" grouchily barked the griffin, cocking his brow as he complained.

Mrs. Meadows rolled her eyes, "It's always the same with you…"

The griffin looked over at Rarity, a surreal feeling passed over him. It felt like years since he last saw her, despite only being a day apart. Part of him wondered briefly if it was because of the incident two days prior.

The griffin hopped down from the railing and gave the unicorn a bow, "Well, it's good to see you again, Rarity. Will you and Applejack be joining us for supper? It's like a party between six o'clock and midnight!" laughed the griff.

Mrs. Meadows rolled her eyes, "Yes, it tends to get a bit rowdy after the drinking starts, which is why we don't give free beer anymore."

Glendon's eyes widened, "No beer!? Bah, well, at least there's always sweet rolls and music..."

Rarity seemed to snap out of her revere, giving the group a distracted smile. Her eyes couldn't be removed from the filly, a tight feeling in her gut that told her she had to do something.

"Er, yes, we shall be joining you this evening. We're both quite peckish." Turning to Applejack, the farmer nodded eagerly.

"Ah, hope y'all have enough for seconds. I could eat a whole spread after today's work!" The farmer chuckled. Rarity laughed along as well but noted that she still seemed distracted. "Rarity, what's on yer' mind?"

"Oh, my apologies…" The unicorn blushed gently before turning to Mrs. Meadows and Glendon. "This might seem strange, but… who is that filly? Do her parents work here?"

The two looked at the group walking toward them, now a few yards from the porch. Glendon laughed as he gave Rarity a confused smile.

Glendon cocked a brow finding Rarity's concern baffling and strange, "Why, you worried about that runt? She's the only one here that can take care of herself better than some adults I know; she'll be fine." the griffin waved dismissively, not giving the filly and the discussion a second thought, "Say, I'll be inside getting some dinner, and I might buy a keg if I'm feeling generous." said to Rarity with a playful wink before swinging the doors open and stepping inside the house.

Mrs. Meadows rolled her eyes at Glendon before she squinted at the crowd before pointing her out, a brown and white filly with blotches of color spread across her body and wearing a worn cloth flap cap that was snugly fit on her head. With a fuzzy satchel hanging off her side that appeared to be made out of rabbit pelt. Her eyes were a tired dull green similar to Applejack's, but with all the light and zest for life removed.

"Her? That's Spitzenburg; she's been here for a couple of months. She just showed up one day wanting to work and I thought maybe somepony would come for her if I let her stay but… I haven't had anyone come for her." Mrs. Meadows sighed, "The poor thing is probably a refugee or orphan."

Rarity bit her lip, a hoof rising to her lips. How could a filly like her be out here all on her own? The poor thing's family has to be out there looking for her. Trading glances with Applejack, the farmer frowned deeply.

"A little filly like that came here all on 'er own?" Applejack turned to Mrs. Meadows with a raised brow, "Now, how in the hay did she get out here? It took us hours by carriage… And you say nopony's come to claim her?"

"That's simply dreadful…" Rarity murmured. Applejack knew precisely how she felt. Both of them could see their younger sister in the filly, and trying to imagine either Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle in her position struck them in the worst way possible.

"Any possibility you know where she came from?" The farmer asked.

Mrs. Meadows shook her head, adjusting her glasses from falling off her muzzle and shaking her head, "No papers, no documentation, nothing. She can decently speak Ponish for a Griffin-Pony. I had to have some of the Republic Guard translate for her, and I've tried teaching her how to speak proper Ponish, read, and write, but I've been busy with the property…"

Soon, the workers and farmers stepped up on the porch, greeting Mrs. Meadows and the mares before entering the house. One of the maids opened the front doors and wedged them open. The smell from the kitchen seeped through the doorway and toward the creatures, causing most mouths to water.

Soon, over two dozen creatures clambered inside the plantation except for–

"Spitzenburg, Esopus Spitzenburg!" called Mrs. Meadows before turning to Rarity and Applejack, "I'll let you talk to her while I get everything ready."

The filly strained as she squeezed through the crowd and onto the porch where Mrs. Meadows and the girls were. She was thin and lanky, her expression was much more tired and worn up close. Her face had aged far beyond her years from stress and work. Judging by looks alone, it could be assumed she was fourteen or fifteen up close.

Her eyes shifted across the floor before meeting Mrs. Meadows, "...Yes?"

"Spitzenburg, I want you to meet Applejack and Rarity. They were interested in getting to know you," explained Mrs. Meadows.

The filly turned toward them with an unsure and suspicious expression, "I guess."

"Great, let's talk over dinner, shall we?" beckoned Mrs.Meadows.

Rarity gave the filly a gentle smile, aware of how her horn could upset her. She had given up on wearing the scarf while on the property, and while many had stared at her with distrust, she had managed to gain a decent impression with the maids of the plantation home.

Applejack stepped forward, offering the filly a hoof. “Nice ta’ meetcha, Spitzenburg. Never heard of a filly named somethin' like that before, but I bet my name's a bit silly to you, too. But Mrs. Meadows is right, enough jabberin' out here, let's go get some grub."

"Quite right, I'm sure we're all quite famished." Rarity tilted her head before giving the filly a small smile, "A pleasure to meet you."

Spitzenburg nodded, her eyes trailing between Rarity's horn and Applejack's eyes, taking Applejack's hoof slowly before shaking it, "The pleasure is all mine..." she said taking off her hat and fanning it to Rarity, before placing it back on her head, "But I would like to eat and talk."

The dining hall was packed; the main table was filled with several creatures, and smaller tables needed to be brought to the dining room to accommodate everyone. Dinner was bread, beans, vegetable stew, and roast carp for the griffins. At the same time, everyone crowded around and allowed themselves to be served by the staff. Applejack, Rarity, and Spitzenburg sat at a corner of the table with Mrs. Meadows.

As the plates and bowls of food were set, Spitzenburg looked at Applejack, "Du bist ein Alma, Apfel? You are the Apfelyak? Yes?" her eyes fixated on the mare's flank.

Applejack and Rarity took their seats, the farmer more than grateful to finally rest her hooves. Turning to face the filly, a small smile rose to her lips.

"Eyup, part' o the Apple family. You heard of me?" Applejack raised an eyebrow, a small, encouraging smile on her lips.

"Oh, I'm sure she has; we are famous after all." Rarity chuckled, levitating several bowls of stew across the table before gently setting them down. While it wasn't the most glamorous of meals, she wouldn't turn her nose to fine home cooking. "This smells delightful, my compliments to the chef~"

"I'll be sure to let the cooks know you like it," smirked Mrs. Meadows as she began blowing air on her spoonful of beans.

Spitzenburg flopped her bag on the table as she shifted in her seat, showing her cutie mark to Applejack, "Sie sind Teil der Almafamilie?" It was a large apple tree with its roots and limbs stretched far and wide, with bright red autumn apples of the same name growing in the branches.

Applejack's eyebrows shot up at the sight of the cutie mark. The apple tree reminded her of home, and the apple orchards, and a brief misty-eyed look crossed her face before disappearing. A bright smile rose in its place, and she had to resist the urge to wrap the filly up in a hug.

"Well, I'll be! We're family!" Applejack sat up, comparing their cutie marks. "I had no idea we had cousins all the way up here, but I'm not surprised! Too bad Pinkie ain't here; she'd be ecstatic."

"This is fantastic! Long lost family reunited? This could be in a book!" Rarity fawned. "But how did you get out here, darling? You're far too young to be on your own."

Applejack nodded, "She's right; you're too little of a pony to be all by your lonesome. What happened?"

Spitzenburg tilted her head curiously at Applejack as she realized they were related but felt confused. She had never met this mare before in her life, and yet she bore her family's mark. Indeed, it wasn't just luck or chance; they both were Alma's. It had to have been fate. But she was suprised to find out Applejack's Cutie Mark had apples, she was told that wasn't true by her old 'managers.'.

Spitzenburg tensed up at Applejack's question as she winced; a pained expression crossed her face for a brief moment, "Ah, it's a long story… Mein Ponisch ist nicht gut. I heard you are here because of quest, yes?"

Applejack nodded gently, "That's alright, you don't have to tell us right now if you ain't comfortable… or able, heh. But yeah, we're out here lendin' a hoof. How'd you hear about that?"

Rarity chuckled, "She must have overheard Glendon or Jugo… more likely Glendon. He can never keep quiet now, can he?"

Spitzenburg stuck her head in her bag, rustling inside the rabbit skin for a moment before fetching a cigarette between her lips. She leaned close toward a lit candle in the middle of the table before taking a long drag off her freshly lit cigarette and exhaling a cloud of smoke. She smacked her lips contentedly before turning to the two girls.

"Glendon cannot shut up, but that is okay. He has his purpose, like all of us around here. I'm surprised two ponies like you are here with us. I thought Glendon was just spreading blödsinn."

Applejack struggled momentarily with what to say, her eyes flickering between the lit cigarette and the filly smoking it. Glancing around the table, her eyes finally landed on Mrs. Meadows, "Excuse me, but y'all just let a young filly smoke? Ya know it's not healthy, right?"

Rarity wrinkled her nose at the smoke, using a napkin to fan away the foul odor. "And I do believe it would be best, for all of us, if you waited until after supper. Or at least until you're outside… I heard nicotine stains!"

Mrs. Meadows glanced between Rarity and Applejack, patting her muzzle with a napkin as she cleaned her face of any crumbs or stains. She chuckled and smiled, "Tobacco? Unhealthy? How positively unheard of!" laughed Mrs. Meadows, "Tobacco is a natural remedy and plant, Spitzenburg would be the first pony to tell you of its health benefits."

"Though, you are right… no smoking in the house…" Sternly warned the mare, "Smoke stains the carpets and curtains…"

Spitzenburg sighed, putting the cigarette out on her napkin before placing the now burnt and unlit cigarette back into her mouth, "I am my own keeper, and nopony has treated me like a child since I arrived."

"That's right because I don't hire foals or colts. I hire mares and stallions." nodded Mrs. Meadows, "The dear wanted to work and proved she was capable and responsible enough, and with no one to claim her, she's…" she struggled to find the polite word, "Independent at an exceptionally young age."

Spitzenburg chewed a slice of bread and leaned back in her chair, peering down the table as she called for Glendon. "Hey Glendon, Wo ist das, Bier!?"

"There ain't any beer, Mrs.Meadows ain't providing tonight!"

The filly sighed, "Damnit…"

Applejack seemed less than reassured. "I know what I'm talkin' 'bout, all those fancy doctors up in Canterlot took a look at one'a my cousins, 'said he had lumps on his lungs from smokin' too much. I don't know the science behind it, but my granny said to never touch the stuff."

Her unicorn companion nodded, "It's a terrible, nasty habit, or so I've heard. I would recommend avoiding inhaling the smoke. Especially if there are any creatures here with health conditions."

"This just ain't right." Applejack shifted uncomfortably, "Not a single pony has come by to claim her… at all? Have ya tried… lookin' for em?"

Mrs. Meadows seemed less than impressed with the accusation that her crop and product were unhealthy, her sweet, warm expression shifting into a slightly offended and sharp glare. The Mistress was clearly not pleased.

"With due respect, ladies, I would know a thing or two about the crop I've cultivated for say… fifty or so moons now. But not every pony can handle or appreciate the finer complexities of a good quality cigar or cigarette. But on the topic of my employee… I haven't attempted to find anyone. I'm afraid she doesn't have anything close to paperwork or documentation like I said earlier."

Rarity tutted, "I appreciate that this is your business, Mrs. Meadows, but I believe it would be invaluable to understand exactly how it affects creatures over time…"

"My family knows I'm here," answered Spitzenburg, not looking up from her meal.

Mrs. Meadows looked surprised, "... They do? … Sweetie, why didn't you tell me this?"

"I don't like talking about it." Spitzenburg replied lamely, her eyes fixated on her plate and not looking at anyone, "I just don't want anyone to be in trouble because of me…"

Applejack rolled her eyes but otherwise didn't bring up tobacco again. "So… you have kin around here, yet you haven't seen 'em? Why's that?"

“Ich bin ein sklave, I am a slave.” answered Spitzenburg.

"You what?!" Applejack stood up, turning to glare at Mrs. Meadows. The muscles along her legs seemed to ripple. Celestia knew what would happen if Applejack started a fight…

Rarity sat her down, placing a hoof on the earth pony's shoulders. "Now, now, Applejack. Let us hear them out."

Mrs. Meadows froze, the color washing away from her already pale coat as her eyes widened in disbelief. But she quickly recomposed herself, sighing, "I had a feeling that might've been the case."

Spitzenburg nodded as she idly moved her silverware with her hoof, "I am a slave in Unicornica, and my papa and mama thought if we all prepared and planned, we all could escape and be free…." she dully looked up at the mare's, "Ich hatte Glück ... mein familie… didn't have it."

Spitzenburg stared blankly at the three, her expression devoid of emotion or energy. Before her eyes dully fell on the table, "So it goes."

Applejack slowly sat down, feeling the wrathful energy that had filled her moments ago, draining out of her. Turning to the young filly, her brow wrinkled with concern and… sadness. She couldn't imagine her little Apple Bloom having to go through this all by herself.

Glancing at Rarity, she was confident the unicorn thought the same thing.

"Oh, you poor dear… I'm so sorry." Rarity offered, "We didn't mean to upset you."

"That damn Unicornica… why, if I was there, I'd buck a hole through their castle walls, and tear those ponies a new one..." The farmer grumbled.

"At the very least, we're going to do something to stop them." Rarity nodded with certainty. Looking down at the filly, she offered a small smile, "Have you heard Princess Twilight will be arriving there?"

Spitzenburg shrugged, "I have heard through prophecy, I suppose. Is it time for the sun to burn us alive for our crimes against her?"

The lower end of the table suddenly erupted into thunderous cheers as the doors to the dining hall bursted open. A gaggle of owl griffins, armed to the teeth with guns and kegs of beer, fluttered inside.

"Mrs. Meadows, have you gone and served dinner without drinks!?" called a griffin, "Not to worry, the Barn owls always come prepared, right Glendon!?"

Glendon burst from his seat, "RIGHT, LADS!" grinned Glendon, "Let's all wet our whistles on me!"

Mrs. Meadows hissed, her face bloomed with red, twisting into an embittered scowl, "You damn rats with wings! I didn't want drinks tonight!" She quickly got out of her seat and trotted over to the group, haggling and attempting to push them and their alcohol out of the dining room.

"Out, out, out!" cried the Mistress.

"Ah c'mon, Mrs. Meadows, just one drink for our parched throats!" pleaded Glendon.

Spitzenburg looked at the beer with envy, her mouth watering at the sight of the kegs, "...If Princess Twilight comes with beer, I think I could see her as god, too."

Rarity chuckled, "Well, no, not exactly… she doesn't particularly see herself as a god. She was a pony like us not too long ago, you know. And Twilight's not very good at holding her alcohol."

"Y'all can keep yer' beer, just ain't the same as hard apple cider." Applejack shook her head, "And ain't that the truth? It's a good thing she got that 'alicorn metabolism' or whatever. Otherwise, she'd be worse than Dash durin' a hangover." Rarity giggled in response.

Spitzenburg looked unimpressed with Rarity's answer, scoffing, "Good thing she isn't a god. I wouldn't be able to think somepony who can't even finish her beir as one."

Applejack grinned, "Ah well, she might not be the best at drinkin', but she sure is good at everything else. Heck, one time, she harvested an entire orchard with her magic all by herself! No idea why I didn't take her help sooner…"

"Darling, we both know how stubborn you are." Rarity tutted, taking a sip of water.

The farmer rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah."

Mrs. Meadows, after failing to wrestle the kegs of booze from the clutches of the Barn owls, defeatedly marched back to the table and took her seat. Fuming quietly at the rowdy and improper display from the Barn Owls, passing pints of mead and beer down the table and getting every creature their fill of liquid calories.

Glendon had rubbed his claws together as he greedily glugged his portion of the bitter ale, clicking his beak contentedly, "Well, good work, lads! Spitzy, have one on me!" called Glendon, snapping a claw as one of his grunts slid the filly a giant pint of spirits.

Spitzenburg beamed as she snatched the drink, gulping down the beverage greedily, clearing the entire pint in just a few seconds. She sighed as she placed the mug down, smacking her lips, "Mmmm, perfect…another, please!"

The conversation had lulled as every creature began to dig into their meals. Rarity had no idea how famished she was until finally tucking in, sighing in delight at the vegetable stew. It was savory but not too salty and filled her stomach. Glancing over at the young filly, Rarity chewed her lip, a spark of inspiration causing the cogs in her head to turn rapidly.

"Hmmm, you know what you need, young filly?" Rarity stood up, flicking her mane away from her eyes, "Something that would keep you warm during these cool nights! Mrs. Meadows, may I borrow some material?"

Applejack looked up from her plate, "Oh boy, here we go…"

Spitzenburg turned to Rarity, "Clothes? Well, I suppose… I probably couldn't pay you back in one sitting."

Mrs. Meadows, who had been stewing in her silent discontent, turned to Rarity once her name was called, "Hm? Oh, well, certainly, as long as it doesn't interfere with the Doge's work…"

Applejack snickered, "Oh, Rarity ain't gonna charge you silly. She's not known as the Element of Generosity fer' nothin'."

"And you're not the Element of Honesty for no reason either, darling." The unicorn chuckled bashfully, a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. "Why thank you, Mrs. Meadows, this should just take a moment…"

"If any of ya want a magic show, I'd watch her work." Applejack grabbed a large mug of beer for herself, giving it a light sniff before taking a large gulp. "Now I just miss cider even more…"

Rarity excused herself from the table before trotting out the dining room and entering the hallway. Turned left to the seamstress's room and quickly galloped toward the room like a gitty foal on Harth's Warming.

Stepping into the workroom, Rarity's horn lit up, gathering several materials. The fashionista quickly got to work, taking out a pair of fabric shears and pilfering a bit of cotton in a spark of inspiration. Selecting a suitable colored thread was only a minute before she was satisfied with her creation.

Hiding the garment behind her back, she trotted back into the dining area, a very pleased smile on her lips.

"Are you ready, dear? I know you will positively love this!!" Rarity practically sang.

A gray and black owl griff under Glendon's command leaned toward his superior grinning, "Why don't you try your luck wit' the unicorn?" he smirked.

Glendon turned away from his roasted carp and sneered, "Please, don't be ridiculous." He shifted closer to his peer and whispered, "I'll try after dinner."

Spitzenburg looked between Rarity and Applejack with intrigue and confusion, "I see. You're just acting within your nature, I suppose. But I don't understand, why wouldn't you want anything? Why give away something for free when we only just met? … Don't think I am not grateful, it is just…what?" she tilted her head. "Was ist das?"

Spitzenburg watched as Rarity left the room, shifting and lifting her ears as she moved her head around to pick up on the subtle sounds coming from Rarity's fabric work in the other room. The filly turned to Applejack before looking down at her lap, feeling overwhelmed and conflicted.

Before she could think on it deeper, the unicorn would soon return. Spitzenburg turned her attention to Rarity, her expression was confused and empty, but she reached out for Rarity's gift.

Rarity was practically glowing with excitement, eager to show off her gift. "Now, now, there's no need to be nervous! I love giving gifts, and while I appreciate you want to return the favor, that isn't necessary, darling. In fact, you can pay it forward! Be generous to another creature the next opportunity you get." She gave the filly a wink before doing a little giddy dance. "Oh, sorry! You must be dying of curiosity! Here we are…"

Pulling the gift from behind her back, Rarity presented a lovely red cloak with cotton lining. The material was dense and warm but adjustable for warmer weather. It had several pockets, outside and inside the garment, shiny yellow buttons on the front, and a drawstring around the hood for the nippier weather.

"It's also reversible~!" Rarity practically sang, turning the coat inside out. The soft, pearly white cotton would make any filly look closer to a sheep, but in an adorable way. Rarity would not stand for her fashion to look like a costume.

"What do you think?! Please be honest, dear; I want you to be comfortable in it!"

Applejack chuckled, "I think it's a lovely gift, Rares."

"You did all that so fast!" replied a bewildered Mrs. Meadows, crossing her front legs as she leaned back in her chair, "...Would you be open to being part of the Plantation? I'll make it worth your while!" smiled the Mistress.

Spitzenburg stared at the gift with awe and disbelief before slowly taking it from Rarity. Her expression turned empty as she cradled the fabric in her front legs and hooves. The filly's eyes slowly burned and trickled with tears as she slowly put the garment on. Feeling its comfort and warmth reminded her of something.

Spitzenburg sighed as she held herself shortly, ".... It's nice, thank you. I don't deserve it."

Rarity chuckled, a soft blush rising to her cheeks. "Ohoho, well, I really appreciate the offer! But I do have my own fashion line in Equestria. However… this cotton is so fresh and expertly spun. Perhaps we could set up a trade? I'd love to use them as materials!"

Applejack stood from her seat and walked around Spitzenburg, giving the filly a soft smile. "I think it looks real nice on ya… and don't say that. An Apple can tell when somepony works hard, and yer' a hard worker. Like Rares said, just try to pay that same kinda kindness forward to other creatures."

The unicorn snapped out of her revere and faced the filly, "Oh darling, of course you deserve it! Every creature deserves to feel beautiful, and every creature deserves help now and again. I wouldn't be a very good pony if I gave someone a gift and asked for something in return, now would I? That's certainly not what a 'gift' is!"

Shaking her head, Applejack snickered. "Exactly. Just… try to enjoy yer new cloak. I think that's all Rarity needs in exchange."

Rarity smiled and gave a tiny nod, "Quite right."
Glendon stood up from his seat at the table, tipsy and his face stained with carp and beans. Cleaning his face up before clearing his throat and raising his pint up, "Aye, let's have a toast to Rarity! She gave us all clothes and hats for the winter in one workday!"

The table erupted in cheers and small applause as beer mugs clinked and Rarity.

"And Applejack, she helped too with the chores and thar wagon!" added Mrs. Meadows.

Glendon stood from the table, "Aye, are you calling for a celebration? Ah damnit it all we might as well be grateful for another days end and managing to see tomorrow!"" grinned Glendon.

"Wait, no, I–"

"Hey Jugo, play us a song!" called the griffin.

Jugo pulled his guitar from under the table as he strummed and played a song in an instant with his Harpy tune and song. The dining room turned into a party room as food, beer, and songs passed along the room.

Spitzenburg got up from the table and trotted over to Rarity, hugging her tightly and burying her face into her chest. The unicorn could feel a faint wetness press against her coat as Spitzenburg quietly wept. Her cries were just barely audible over the celebration as Spitzenburg suppressed her whimpers.

“Danke… danke, dass du so ein wunderbares Geschenk gemacht hast.” choked the filly.

Rarity ignored all of the noise and music as the filly pressed herself into a hug. The unicorn couldn't help but freeze, if for a second, before wrapping a foreleg around Spitzenburg, rubbing her back gently. A lump had formed in her throat, and she was struggling to come up with what to say.

"... Think nothing of it, dear." Rarity murmured soothingly.

Applejack, rubbing her ears from the explosion of music and cheers, trotted over to the pair. A bittersweet smile rose to her lips, a soft ache in her heart. What that poor filly had to have gone through… she couldn't imagine it.

Gently as could be, she set a hoof on Spitzenburg's shoulder. "You look properly pooped. How 'bout we get you away from all this noise, huh? … I could tell you some stories from back home."

Spitzenburg turned to Applejack, looking between her and Rarity as a worn, sad smile crossed her face. "That's the thing. I'm worried if I go to sleep, I'll wake up and find out all of this had been nothing but a dream. Today doesn't feel real…"

She rubbed her red and glassy eyes as she felt herself become overwhelmed with emotions, the filly covering her face with the hood on her cloak, "I thought I would never see any of my family again after I left Unicornica… and I never thought a Unicorn would give me… a present."

A sour taste grew in Rarity's mouth, but she ignored it. "Well, I am from Equestria… and Applejack is one of my best friends. It simply wouldn't make sense to treat you as… lesser. You're perfect as you are, Spitzy. Don't let any creature take that away from you, okay darling?" Leaning down, she nuzzled her cheek against the filly, hoping that she would take her words to heart.

Applejack sighed but gave her an encouraging grin. "Hey, we'll stay right beside ya til' the morning; how's that sound?"

Spitzenburg smiled, "Thank you… you've made my life better by being here…" she rubbed the back of her head, "Well, the thing I sleep in the work stables. It's not as nice as the house... I'll be okay…promise you won't leave."

Applejack shot a raised eyebrow toward Rarity. The farmer had no problem sleeping on hay; she'd taken naps in the barn plenty of times. The unicorn let out a small huff, tossing her mane left and right.

"I may be a lady, and while I usually wouldn't sleep in… straw… a lady never breaks her agreements." Rarity gave Applejack a firm look before swapping it with a far more gracious smile towards Spitzenburg.

"That's the spirit." Applejack grinned. "Don't you worry, Lil cousin, we'll take care of ya."

"And that is a promise, darling."

The carriage bumped and rattled over the rocky trail with Starlight, Beeswax, and Bixby. Beeswax tended to her long wings, for she was the Queen, beautiful and powerful. Alongside her was her loyal assistant, Bixby.

The three traveled together, making their way to the birthday party at The Comb. Starlight managed her royal highness' trip as she examined the carriage. Brimming with potions and trinkets from their long travels in Candy Land, odds and ends tinkling against the carriage walls.

The Queen was a proud monarch, a pony-like creature with a large thorax and stringer with a pair of magnificent wings to match. Wearing a crown of antlers and a dashing purple cloak. She was an exotic black and yellow, soft to the touch, her fur and body smelling rich in honey.

Bixby the Jester hung close to the Queen, wearing a purple suit with light blue bells attached to her headpiece and hooves. Her fabulous natural blue coat matched her calm and smug exterior. The Jester was well aware of her abilities being the most talented mare in the land.

"Your Highness?" called Starlight, turning to the Queen. Her bright yellow and brown coat and large black eyes commanded the attention of any onlookers. Being the biggest among the three travelers helped as well.

Bixby huffed, the blue mare flopping on her back as she pressed a hoof to her head, "The great Bixby tires of such a journey. She needs something to break the monotony." whined the Jester.

Starlight blinked, adjusting her horn before placing the appendage in her mouth and sucking on it idly, "Right….Queen Beeswax, are you okay?"

The Queen touted her impressive thorax and stringer as she watched Bixby with interest, "Bixby, my dear, don't be so sour; let your Queen take care of you."

Starlight huffed, "I guess I'll check if we'll make it to the birthday then on time then." Starlight said as she climbed to the front of the wagon. Staring at the carriage, driving itself without any creature pulling it. She scratched her head, "I thought we didn't have those." huffed Starlight.

She looked up to see what was down the road ahead of them, her eyes widening with fear and terror at the sight of the small village on the horizon. She quickly turned back to the Queen and Bixby.

"We shouldn't go there," warned Starlight.

The pair turned to her with a puzzled expression, "But that's home." answered The Queen.

"No, no. You live in The Comb with the other bee ponies." correct Starlight.

Bixby scoffed, giving her a smug expression as she tossed her mane, "You don't belong there, you belong here."

"...I don't–"

"Heads high, ponies! Marching proud! All together now, every one of you! No pony left behind!"

The unicorn quickly scrambled to get me out of the wagon, "No, no, I'm not going back there!"

" Life is so grand in Our Town… we're always filled with cheer…."

The Queen and Bixby were suddenly on top of her, pinning Starlight to the floor despite the two being across the unusually wide wagon floor from her.

"We never have to look around to know that we're all here…"

Starlight thrashed, smacking her head against the floor as she failed against the two, "Let me go! I don't want to go back there, I'm not like that! I can't be like that again!" she strained as she began bucking and kicking. Frantically flailing her body around like an enraged toddler.

"Looks like someone is having issues fitting in…." replied another voice.

Starlight froze, feeling her heart crawl into her stomach as her eyes trailed up from the ground to the source of the voice. Her eyes trembled in their sockets at the sight of herself standing over her with a cruel and vindictive smile.

Starlight gritted her teeth as she bowed her head down, pressing her nose to the floor and feeling her horn surge before blasting her doppelgänger with a crackling surge of magic. Striking the mare perfectly and causing her to fumble.

Her doppelgänger strained as she fought against the sensation of magic pulsating across her body, laughing madly as her body slowly began turning to stone.

"You'll never get rid of me; I'm you! The REAL you, the one you betrayed to go be Twilight's little PET! You'll never come out of her shadow, and she'll NEVER see you as an equal!" laughed the copy.

Starlight quickly sparked her horn to hasten the spell's entrapment effects, watching as her copy turned entirely into stone. Laughing and laughed the entire time until she was forced silent and the weight pressing Starlight down was lifted off of her shoulders.

She quickly stood up and looked around, baffled by the change in setting. She was now standing in the middle of her childhood bedroom. Not having time to process the shift before the bedroom door opened, Firelight stepped inside.

The stallion fumbled, looking at Starlight as if he had seen a ghost.

Starlight quickly galloped forward, squeezing her dad in a loving bind, "Dad! Dad, I'm… I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left all those years ago without saying goodbye… I was angry, I was angry, and I wanted to see the world outside our little town… and I didn't even think of you…"

Firelight gently patted Starlight's back, "Uhm… are you alright, Princess Twilight? … You appear to have broken into my little Starlight's room, heh…"

Starlight quickly pulled away, staring at her father as if he insulted her, "What– what did you say?" She slowly turned to the mirror resting on the wall on the opposite side of the room. Her jaw dropped as she saw Twilight in the reflection.

She quickly ran toward the mirror and stared at herself, "No, no, no, no! I didn't want this! This isn't what I meant; I don't want to be like this!" cried Starlight.

The mirror warped and shimmered in the light, turning odd colors, the material of the mirror itself almost glinting like gemstones in the moonlight. The mirror gurgled before distorting as if someone was blowing a balloon with the mirror itself. The glass expanded and stretched like rubber before suddenly-

POP! The glass shattered, fragments flying in every direction, tearing at the surroundings like a blade through the fabric. Starlight Glimmer's foalhood room slowly disappeared, the shards tumbling farther and farther away until they were nothing but specks in the distance.

A bright, white light pooled over Starlight, the only illumination in the room, if you could call it a room. It was more akin to the void.

"Starlight Glimmer…" A voice murmured. A hoof entered her field of vision before a body joined it. Starlight could finally see the pony as they approached her bastion of light, a blue mane fluttering in an invisible breeze.

"What troubles you, young Glimmer?" Princess Luna's voice was cool and calm, her eyes betraying nothing.

Starlight fumbled at the mirror's shift and changed, tumbling backward on her newfound wings. Finding her new form and body to be completely unmanageable, it wasn't hers after all. She watched as the shards of glass raced off into the newfound darkness surrounding her.

The alicorn looked up toward the whiteness that shined on her, her eyes widening at the sight of Princess Luna. Straining, Starlight forced herself on her hooves, limping away like a wounded animal, her wings covering and hiding her body as she attempted to escape Luna.

The mare fell on the ground her body twisting and contorting, breaking itself into shape, as if her insides and bones knew this wasn't this body wasn't hers. Starlight kicked and failed her legs as she strained.

"Nothing is wrong! I'm fine; get away from me!" she strained, breathing heavily as her wings and legs flapped and kicked.

Princess Luna stared down at Starlight with distant interest, gazing across the void for several seconds before returning her gaze back to the younger mare. Letting out a sigh, the Princess trotted slowly forward, placing a hoof on Starlight's shoulder.

"No one expects you to be perfect, Starlight." Her eyes betrayed a soft sadness but understanding. "It's honorable that you think Twilight is a good pony, but you don't have to be like her."

"I used to think that I should be more like my sister. Perhaps then our subjects would show me as much love as they do her… but it wouldn't have worked. Because I am not my sister." She let out a small sigh, "And you are not Twilight Sparkle."

Starlight flinched at Luna's touch, visibly uncomfortable with being so helpless as she attempted to get up, fighting every muscle in her body as the unicorn breathed heavily through her nostrils, her eyes following Luna cautiously as she slowly forced herself up on her belly, sitting up and facing the Princess.

Starlight ducked her head low as she pressed her hooves to her face, instinctively cowering beneath her wings, "... I-I don't know what else to be… this whole journey, I've been trying to be like Twilight, or act within her interests at least…" she sighed, "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or… If I'm just falling back on old habits…"

Luna paused momentarily, seemingly thinking of something, before she slowly trotted around and sat beside Starlight. One of her midnight-colored wings stretched out and wrapped around the shivering unicorn, giving the pony a moment to catch her breath.

"Considering you haven't attempted to take control of Swallowtail or lead a coup, I doubt you will fall back onto your old habits, Starlight."

"I, too, was afraid that I would repeat my mistakes when I first returned to Equestria… as myself. I was terrified that the Nightmare wasn't truly gone, just hibernating, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike once more…"

"Acting within Twilight's interests in itself is not a bad thing, Glimmer. But making choices solely on what Twilight would want you to do is not the way." Looking up into the void, the shimmering glass in the distance flickered before glowing brighter. A larger fragment became bigger and bigger before finally transforming into something familiar– a crescent moon.

"Twilight Sparkle trusts you to make your own decisions, Glimmer. She may be worried, but she has always been incredibly anxious. My sister has told me of her anxiety during simple tests… to imagine her dealing with a burgeoning war? I'm surprised she hasn't collapsed from exhaustion."

"Starlight Glimmer… you have to trust yourself and trust that your decisions are your own. You are your own pony; neither Twilight Sparkle nor my sister can change that. I understand what it is like to try and… forgive yourself. It will not be easy."

A small smile rose to the Princess's lips. "But it's worth it for that peace of mind."

Starlight listened closely to the Princess's words, sighing as she slowly got up on her hooves, now feeling… more like herself. She examined her body, relieved to see her natural colors and body shape again. She turned to glance at her back, missing the sensation of not having wings for a brief moment before turning back to the Princess.

"... It's… not that I don't appreciate the advice and the help, I'm just curious as to why you're helping me. The first time I actually met you, I was throwing a tantrum, and you helped me then, and why are you helping me now?..."

Princess Luna chuckled, nearly turning into a giggle, a melodic sound that seemed to go on forever in this small pocket of space. Rubbing a small tear from her eyes, the Princess stood up and approached Starlight, laying a wing across her back once more.

"Because I see much of myself in you, Starlight Glimmer." Luna's smile did not fade, gazing down at the unicorn. "I understand deeply what you are going through. Sometimes you need someone who relates to you in order to process what you've been through…"

"If you ever need me, Starlight, simply call my name in your dreams. I will help you in any way I can."

Starlight looked up at Luna, feeling tense and unsure about the prospect of accepting Luna's help. A part of her felt distrustful of somepony of such authority, fearful of Luna using her status as a Princess to turn her into some pawn or lackey. Her expression was conflicted as she glanced between the ground and Luna.

"If I accept your help, what would that make me? Your student?"

Princess Luna's eyes brightened as if she had never considered such a thing to be an option before. The smile on her lips grew into a soft grin, gazing down at Starlight with a glint in her eyes.

"I've never had a student before… I suppose if you agreed… I could take you on as a protege." Luna offered, "I've… never been a teacher, but I always thought I might enjoy it if I had the right student."

"I will… leave that decision up to you, Starlight. But if you wish, I would love to do so." The Princess bowed her head slightly.

Starlight rubbed her front leg, surprised by the Princess' reaction, "It's not that I'm not opposed to the idea, I'm just… a hard mare to work with… and I'm not exactly a foal or colt you can easily mold either…"

"But I'll be honest, I could use the help. Any help would be appreciated right now, and I could use somepony with the kind of…' insight' we both have… so I'll be your protege."

Princess Luna chuckled, "I do not expect you to be like Twilight Sparkle, young Glimmer. And I should hope that you do not expect me to be like my sister, either. I understand that this may not be simple… most things never are. But I am willing to try and guide you the best that I can."

"Hopefully, with any luck… you might blossom just as brightly as Twilight has." Luna smiled, "But let us not get caught up in the future, for we live in the present. Is there anything you wish to ask of me?"

"Can you teach me how to fight like a Guardsmare?"

"Oh, Starlight Glimmer, I'll teach you everything I know…"