• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 715 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

Welcome To GriffinHafen

Starlight trotted onto a patch of rocky beach. As she began kicking up stones before quickly levitating a few rocks into the air and rocketing them into the sea. Watching as they crashed into the water and creating a massive splash.

This, however, would not stifle the raging ball of anger inside her as she began crushing a stone in her grasp, turning it into a fine powder as she bucked another rock into the sea.

“Ooof, throwing stones, huh? That’s a universal sign that you’re either depressed or peeved.” Trixie’s voice cut through the silence, the sound of two hooved creatures making their way closer to the unicorn.

“Don’t suppose you wanna talk about it?” the magician threw back her mane, looking out upon the beach. “It’s quite nice here, I’ll give it that. But is it worth all of that violence? I don’t think so.”

“With due respect Trixie, I’m really not in the mood for your antics…” grumbled Starlight as she sat down on a large stone.

Thorax quickly trotted forward, “Oh come on, we’re all friends here. So you had a bit of a scuffle with Twilight’s friends. Big deal, Rainbow Dash is always spying on me, and I don’t fuss over it.”

“Thorax, you’re used to being watched for one, and two, I am tired of these ponies and their… their self-righteousness! Ugh! We have done enough for those foolish sailors, and now Twilight wants to waste precious time playing up her public perception to a bunch of grouchy griffs!”

“You clearly don’t understand how perception works.” Trixie rolled her eyes, “And there’s always a time and place for the Great and Powerful Trixie.” Sitting down beside the angry unicorn, Trixie sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Twilight needs to keep up appearances; what would the griffins think if she gallivanted into their country with a bunch of injured sailors and didn’t give two flying feathers about them? It would be seen as an insult! And y’know, she’s the princess of friendship and all.”

Starlight looked up at the unicorn, “How many bits did Twilight throw your way to spew this dribble at me, Trixie?” she hissed.

“Nothing because this is technically volunteer work.” chimed Thorax.

“Seriously?” Trixie rolled her eyes, “If I could have gotten paid for this, I definitely would have. No, this is simple. If you want an audience, you have to have a good image. When I was run out of Ponyville, I couldn’t get a single show because others judged me for my actions. So do you honestly think they won’t accuse Twilight of doing something wrong, walking in as she did with all of us?”

Starlight let out a long sigh, “... You’re right… I’m just sore about all of this… it’s been a long voyage, that’s for sure… and I’m tired, dirty, and hungry… I’m sorry, Trixie, Thorax.” she yawned, rubbing her eyes, “But Rainbow Dash and Applejack can stuff it.”

“Well… I guess we can take that and say you apologized to everypony.” smiled Thorax.

Trixie shrugged, “Good enough for me. Speaking of being tired, dirty, and hungry, we are in a village now. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.” she yawned, stretching out wide, “Unless you want to keep sitting here and mope.”

Starlight trotted over beside Trixie, sighing, “...You think there’s someplace around Griffinhafen with a bath?”

GriffenHafen, Or GriffinPort in Ponish. A sleepy little fishing village with dozens of shops, restaurants, and Inns to help give any weary sailor a pleasant time. Whether it be resupplying themselves with personal fixings, having a drink, or sleeping in a nice warm bed. GriffinHafen had all the essentials and then some.

However, there was business and work for those who wanted to stay inland. A local market that sold produce and fish was on the next dock over, and one could always join the local guard if they really needed the bits.

Dozens of griffins walked and flew above the village, minding their own business. Few took an interest in the expedition or the trio’s business. However, despite a few scammers or hagglers trying to fetch easy coins off them.

“Hey there, friends, care for a watch?” cooed a grey griffin clad in a thick trench coat.

“Oh yes, I’ve always wanted a watch!” beamed Thorax.

The griffin chuckled before he quickly swung open the flaps of his jacket, causing Starlight to scream in terror.

“What? You don’t like? These are authentic Roulette watches!” scowled the griffin.

Trixie huffed a sigh and rolled her eyes, trying not to take pity on this scalper, “Puh-lease, I can tell just by the color and make that they’re counterfeit. Go and peddle your trash somewhere else.” she waved a hoof, dismissing the griffin without another thought as they trotted along.

“Come on now, let’s find an inn and get some rest and something to eat.” The showpony sighed, “I’m starving, and I don’t want any more distractions!” she grabbed Thorax by the hoof, leading him away.

“Sheesh, you’re really marehandling him, huh?” muttered Starlight as she quickly followed the pair closely behind.

“It’s funny; I haven’t been hungry in a while with all the consistent love and feeding.” smiled Thorax.

“I can believe it.” smirked Starlight as she eyed Trixie, “... Let’s go here. I see the expedition’s wagons.” she’d gestured to a large Inn with a more profound elegance in comparison to the rest of the village.

Wood-carved pillars, new-looking white paint, and an ire of cleanliness permeated throughout the inn. It looked gorgeous inside, with black and white tile floors, marble pillars, and luxurious-looking furniture made of the finest materials resting by a nearby fireplace.

Across the den was a large bar with aged and refined liquor lining across the bar with a delicious aroma of savory dishes and treats filling the nostrils of the trio. Thorax couldn’t help but envy his equine companion’s ability to truly enjoy the high-quality meals all but guaranteed to them.

A well-dressed griffin in a tux would approach, “Names?”

“Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, and Thorax?” replied Starlight confusingly.

“Mmmhm… yes, follow me.” The griffin would beckon the group to follow, “The Kingdom Of Griffinstone has prepared lodging for you and has given you a large tab, so if you’re hungry or thirsty, don’t worry about it.”

The servant led the trio down a long hallway before opening a door on the left side, revealing a massive suite, “It has the finest decor, two bedrooms, and a bath. Living room, kitchen, port view, everything you could possibly need.”

Trixie’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, looking around as she marveled at the rooms. Everything here could be sold and she could live a comfortable life off of the savings. She couldn’t help but feel the envy that encompassed her at the thought Twilight Sparkle received this treatment daily while she had to work for her bits the hard way.

“Could you perhaps bring us a bottle of your finest drink and something to eat? We’ve had a long journey, and we’re quite famished.” she gave the griffin a charming smile, “I’m sure you can pick out something to suit our palette.”

“Yes, ma’am, I will get that for you right away,” the griffin quickly flapped away.

Starlight slowly stepped inside the room, marveling at the interior, “If these walls could talk….”

Thorax shed his disguise as he buzzed over on the oversized chair, resting his head on the feather pillow as he sighed, “Wow… to think I have it better than Queen Chrysalis herself….”

Trixie raised a brow, joining Thorax as she laid down on a cushy couch, unable to stop herself groan in pleasure as her aching bones were finally able to rest.

“How bad were your… uh, quarters when you lived at the hive?” Trixie couldn’t help but ask, “I know this is far better than my wagon… oh Celestia if I could only live like this every day…”

Starlight closed the door behind her as she turned over to Trixie and Thorax, “I’m taking a bath; you two get the food and drinks whenever that griffin comes back.”

Thorax nodded, “Have fun!” he’d glance over at Trixie, “Well, given the fact the hive is constantly changing to prevent intruders from getting in, you were always moving around and never slept in the same place at night.”

He’d continued, “But I mean, you got a nice little slot on the side of a wall or in the ground where you could sleep in, so it wasn’t terrible. My brother had a blanket and pillow he took from a trader he fed off of, so we weren’t so cold.”

Trixie couldn’t help but stare as she ground her teeth in frustration, “Seriously, they didn’t even provide you blankets or anything? That queen is… is terrible.” She couldn’t help but spit the words out.

“Well… I’m just glad you’re away from that now.” She tried to look on the brighter side, “Now you can be treated like an actual person instead of a… gosh, I’m not sure. Seems like she treated you worse than a dog!”

“I’ll probably get a bath soon, too. I’m filthy.” She looked down at the couch, cringing at the stains she was leaving on the fabric.

“Yeah,” Thorax said through clenched teeth, cringing at the now soiled fabric, “Why don’t you get a bath too? There’s another bathroom in this suite, and I can get your food and drinks. So you can enjoy your dinner when you and Starlight get all clean.”

Trixie yawned and nodded, standing up on wobbly hooves. After all of that travel and the walk through town, she was exhausted. “That sounds perfect... hopefully I don’t fall asleep in the tub. Be a dear and let me know when the food arrives, wouldn’t you?” she gave him a sweet smile and a flutter of her lashes before trotting towards the second bedroom and into the bathroom. A lavish bubble bath sounded marvelous.

“Oh, yeah, sure!” the changeling beamed, presenting his best smile. Doing his best to hide how flustered he was.

“Enjoy your bath!” he’d say, watching Trixie disappear as she trotted down the hall and into her bedroom.

The changeling paused as he recollected the moment he had with Trixie. Something new and exciting had just happened, but he wasn’t sure what exactly it was. It wasn’t fear, hunger, or anxiety. That he could understand.

But this warm and fuzzy feeling was foreign to him. For a moment, he wondered if he was coming down with illness or disease. But the horrible realization hit the changeling like a ton of bricks.

“Merciful Chrysalis…” he’d thought, “Is this what it’s like to be in love?”

His train of thought was soon derailed by a gentle rapping against the front door.

“Oh, thank goodness.” sighed Thorax, content that he could ignore that revelation for a moment longer as he trotted to the front door, quickly disguising himself before answering.

A chipper-looking Griffin greeted the disguised changeling, a cheerful smile on her beak. She was a blueish gray, clad with a stained apron, around her waist, with her tux's collar undone. The feathers atop her head were pulled up into a ponytail.

“Hiya! You ordered room service, right? My name’s Gabby! Ooh, sorry, I was told to be more, um… professional,” she rubbed the back of her head before gesturing to the cart beside her, “Can I come in?”

Thorax nodded, opening the door for the griffin, “Oh yes, thank you, we’ve been expecting you.” the changeling beckoned her inside.

“And don’t worry about being professional. Princess Twilight is down the hall from us. We don’t expect the royal treatment, well, any better than we’re getting now, heh. We’re the uh… little creatures of the group.” explained Thorax.

“You don’t look little to me,” Gabby cocked her head, not understanding.

“It’s an expression,” smirked Thorax.

She awkwardly chuckled, “Well, the princess sounds nice! But I’m not sure I’ll be serving her. They’ll probably send someone else….” She stuck out her lower beak for a moment before snapping out of her thoughts.

“Right! We brought the best, fresh fruits and vegetables, baked bread straight out of the oven covered in butter– churned this morning, I might add!” she unveiled each dish as she went along, steam rising off the banquet, the scent flooding through the room, “Some fried vegetables, steamed carrots, a large salad….”

She opened one tray, revealing a seafood platter. “Uh oh, this might have gotten mixed up… do ponies eat fish?” Gabby looked up at Thorax nervously.

Thorax paused, tapping his hoof to his chin as he eyeballed the seafood platter, “... Yes.” he said finally, deciding to placate Gabby’s feelings.

“But why don’t you join us for dinner?” offered Thorax, “You look like you could use something to eat yourself.”

“Pheeew, good! Didn’t want to have to tell the chef…” The griffin sighed in relief, her shoulders sagging. Her eyes snapped open at the offer, looking at Thorax with an appreciative smile, “Oh, I don’t know, they’ll probably need me back down there soon…”

However, her will was easily swayed by the scent of the food before her. “Although… I could just say I was serving you by… cleaning! And I do love cleaning my plate.” she snorted, giving Thorax a large grin, “Oh, and the wine! One of the most expensive we have, I might mention! You guys are getting the royal treatment!”

“That’s great, and feel free to treat yourself to the seafood platter; my friends are…vegetarian by choice, and I really only wanted the wine,” explained Thorax.

Thorax quickly used his magic to pop the wine’s cork as he helped himself to a generous glass of wine, swirling the beverage before taking a large gulp of the drink.

“My friends are taking a bath, actually, so you can eat your plate without worrying about them being offended or jealous that you get to eat all that seafood.”

Gabby grinned and nodded, helping herself to the plate of various fresh fish served raw. Picking up one by the tailfin, she slowly dropped the fish into her mouth and swallowed it whole without issue, licking her beak afterward. “Mmm! Fresh caught too! Well, more for me then!”

Indulging in another few bites, Gabby sat down on her haunches and turned her gaze to Thorax, “So, what are you doing with the princess all the way out here? It must have been quite a journey! I went to Equestria once, I’m actually native to Griffinstone, but I travel a lot for work….” she paused, realizing she had been rambling, “Heh, sorry.”

Thorax fumbled, peering to the side as he scrambled for an answer, “Oh well, we’re here on community service. Let’s just say we got ourselves in a bit of trouble in Equestria. But trust me, this is way way way better than the alternative.”

“That’s funny. We’re actually on our way to Griffinstone. I’m sure you heard we’re on an expedition to spread the message of friendship and equality between creatures. Or at least that’s my understanding.”

“Community service with a princess? You either did something really bad or really good!” Gabby chuckled before nodding, “I heard a group going to Griffinstone, but I haven’t had much time to catch up on the news… I work a lot of jobs. It’s expensive to keep a home in this city! But your cause sounds worthwhile. It would be great to strengthen ties with Equestria. It’d certainly make it easier to get there if I didn’t have to fly there myself.”

Thorax nervously chortled, “I don’t have much experience with money and expenses. It’s a bit of a culture shock for me.”

“Have you considered moving to Equestria? I’m sure you could find something worthwhile across the pond, not to mention that ponies are really generous.”

Gabby shuffled a little bit, “I’ve… thought about it, but Griffinstone is my home, you know? I’d love to visit more often, but I’m not sure I want to leave my home behind, you know?”

“But hey, if your plans work, I might not have to worry about that, huh?” She gave him a small shoulder bump and a soft smile.

Thorax slowly nodded, “I know how hard it is to leave home. I left everything I’ve ever known to experience friendship.”

There was a pause as the changeling allowed their words to sit and fester for a moment.

“Yeah… the map is directing us to Griffinstone and Swallowtail.”

“Swallowtail!? Oooh, I’ve been dying to get there! I want to rent a bungalow, but they are just so darn expensive! If I could get a job, it wouldn’t be so difficult, but they’re packed with griffins and ponies looking for work! This was the closest I’ve got!” Gabby sighed, throwing up her claws.

Looking back at Thorax, she cocked an eyebrow, “But why are you going there in the first place? I get that the princess wants to make friends with other kingdoms, but… why now?”

“From what I heard, this map was something magical. It highlights towns and kingdoms from across the land. The Lord of Chaos Discord prophesied that if the princess and her friends did not leave Ponyville and partake of this pilgrimage, the Griffin lands would be consumed in a great war that would consume the entire world in famine, death, and disease.”

Gabby’s eyes widened dramatically, a look of fear crossing her face, “W-Well, I sure am glad she decided to come then! If you guys need any help, just give me a ring, and I’ll be there before you can say ‘Gabriella the Griffin!’” she gave him a cheerful smile, bouncing back from her earlier dismay.

From across the room, a bedroom door cracked open, as Trixie stepped out, steam following her wake. Her mane was damp, wrapped up in a towel, and she was clothed in a snug red bathrobe. Her horn was lit as she adjusted the robe around her waist, turning to address the two.

“I thought I heard someone in here,” She cocked a brow, turning to Thorax. “Letting the help eat our food?”

Thorax subtly gestured for Gabby to leave with the empty silver tray that once held the seafood platter, “Oh no no, I was just finishing up this plate of hors d’oeuvres and requesting a uhm… another bottle of wine?”

He’d look over at Trixie as he presented his best smile, “Gabby brought you and Starlight some fresh bread and vegetables. How about you help yourself while I get you a… glass of wine?”

Trixie raised her brow again and sniffed, giving him the barest hint of a nod. “I would expect the food to be fresh, considering whom we are in the company of! And make that a large glass, would you?”

Gabby snatched up the old plate of seafood and gave Thorax a questioning, almost teasing look before waving goodbye and quietly walking out the door.

Thorax rolled his eyes at Trixie before waving goodbye to Gabby, “We’re a low priority. Just come by whenever you’re not busy!”

He’d shut the door before shedding his disguise, letting out a sigh of relief, “It’s like taking off a tight belt around your waist after a long day.”

“Where’s my glass of wine?” Trixie replied without much thought as she levitated herself a plate with an assortment of food, steam rising up and tempting her nose.

“Oh, and while I’m thinking about it… don’t changelings need to bathe too? You don’t want to be a ‘stinkbug,’ do you?” She jested with a slight smirk.

“Oop! Sorry,” Thorax said, quickly trotting back over to the living room and pouring a glass of wine for Trixie.

The changeling passed Trixie a confused stare, “Bathe? Like molting?”

Trixie gave him a rather strange stare, halfway between disgust and amusement, “Do you… know what bathing is, or…? Do you really molt?”

“We molt; I mean, if we got dirty or grimy, we can wash, but we’re just going to get a new shell anyways, so.”

The unicorn wasn’t sure if she should be revolted or curious and became considerably both, “So… what do you look like after you molt?” she took the glass of wine out of his grip, levitating it to her lips to take a long sip.

“Sparkly,” he said plainly, “Like someone threw glitter on us.”

A loud creak echoed from the opposite end of the suite as Starlight trotted from the other bathroom, wearing a white bathrobe and a relaxed expression. The usual scowl that accompanied her was absent.

For once, she was in something of a good mood; her eyes widened to the size of planets at the sight of the delicious-looking food. Without a second thought, she quickly galloped over before helping herself to a plate of roasted vegetables and freshly baked bread.

“What’s this I hear about molting?” asked Starlight with a mouthful of food.

“Apparently, changelings don’t bathe,” Trixie smirked, taking a bite of steamed broccoli with butter and cheese. She delicately dabbed the crumbs from her lips before adding under her breath, “Stinkbug….”

“Interesting,” Starlight said lamely.

Thorax rolled his eyes as he sipped his wine, “I’m going to find something to read. Clearly, my ‘stink’ has offended the great and power-washed Trixie.”

Starlight mused, “Well,” she’d quickly scarf down a slice of bread before devouring a pile of buttered carrots, “You two do that. I must get my lesson plan ready for Yona. I have to teach her healing potions.”

The mare promptly cleaned her face with a napkin before snagging the robe off her with a spark of her horn and tossing it into a nearby laundry basket, “I’m sure you two will find something to do by yourselves.”

Starlight looked over to Trixie, giving her a knowing look and a playful smile before trotting out the door.

Trixie gave her fellow unicorn a mortified look, her face turning a strange shade of purple as she drew her hoof across her throat, shooting daggers at Starlight.

“Sure, whatever…” rolling her eyes and lounging on the couch before undoing the towel on her head, letting her wet mane loose. Pulling a comb from one of her bags, she began to groom her mane into something manageable.

Glancing over at Thorax from the corner of her eye, she decided to speak, if just to fill the silence that had now fallen over them.

“So… is that hair or some kind of… fin?” She asked curiously. She was well aware that her questions could become annoying, but she was never very good at small talk.