• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 715 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

Seize Your Moment

Author's Note:

This chapter directly follows after Delegated Dinner Plans

The most talented unicorn needed a nice, relaxing bath to unwind and relax after such a stressful day. Trixie still couldn’t believe that dog had thought she was Twilight Sparkle’s jester of all things… she had a brief fantasy of rolling up a newspaper and smacking him on the head. How incredibly insulting! Trixie would never allow herself to stoop to such a level, even if it were Celestia herself!

She heaved a sigh, peeling one of the cucumber slices from her eyelid before tossing the morsel in her mouth. At the very least, their amenities were to her standards, that being luxury. If she could find a servant, she’d order a massage by now.

“What Trixie wouldn’t give for a nice martini….” She murmured to no one in particular.

A gentle knock rapped against the bathroom door as Thorax’s voice echoed from the other side of the door, “Trixie? Are you ready to talk now, or must I keep dodging thrown objects again….”

“Tell her the next time she throws something at me, I’m turning her into a skunk!” barked Starlight loudly.

Thorax sighed as he shouted back, leaning against the door, “Starlight, you’re not helping! Look, Trixie, the Doge didn’t mean to offend you and is offering us an opportunity to perform in front of a live audience, and he’ll pay us!”

Trixie grumbled, sinking halfway down into the tub until her mouth was below the water, blowing bubbles in annoyance. A part of her wanted to yell at him to go away, but she still needed her alone time. Another factor, however, told her he was trying his best, and she shouldn’t chase him away.

She rolled her eyes at her own tender heart; Trixie really needed to stop being so kind. Pulling herself into a sitting position, her horn lit up, and she unlocked the bathroom door with a soft click.

Stepping inside, Thorax noted that the mare’s mane was pulled into a towel to avoid getting wet. The scent of lavender filled the air, bubbles filled the tub, and several candles lined the porcelain and the window nearby. Trixie glanced up at him with a soft frown, pulling the remaining cucumber slice from her face and tossing it at the changeling.

“... He better apologize for calling me a jester! But…” She rolled her soft purple eyes, “I suppose payment would be nice… and an audience to adore me? It’s only natural.”

Thorax had been entranced by the sight of Trixie as she appeared from behind the door, the subtle smells of lavender and the scented wax candles paired with those gentle purple eyes lulled him into a trance. A warmth and blush was forming on his cheeks. Before a dull wet slap emanated off Thorax’s face as the piece of vegetable smacked against the changeling’s face, with the creature wincing slightly as he quickly tossed the cucumber slice aside in a nearby trash bin and returned to reality.

“Hey!" whined Thorax, "Come on Trixie, I’m sure it’s all a big misunderstanding, but…maybe you should ah….” Thorax stammered, turning away from the mare and toward Starlight, who was sitting in the den on an oversized velvet couch.

The unicorn looked up and quickly answered, “Apologize to the Doge and not make us look bad?” replied Starlight.

Thorax nodded, “Y-yeah, you did…ah…overreact just a bit.”

Trixie sat up straight, her face coloring a shade of purple that clearly meant another argument was going to erupt. “ME? Apologize?! For what, being rightfully angry at being demeaned?! I am not a jester and I will not be treated as such, especially for somepony like Twilight Sparkle….” She slammed a hoof into the door as if it were a table, a loud bang echoing throughout the entire guest suite.

The venom in her voice was unmistakable. While she could tolerate the Princess, the thought of being under her employment or, even worse, a source of entertainment made her skin crawl. Trixie would not be made a fool.

Thorax tensed up, instinctively cowering beneath her. A changeling drone like him lived underneath a matriarchal dictatorship ruled by Queen Chrysalis. And while Trixie wasn’t nearly as tyrannical as his old queen, she could be as equally as bossy, more so. Thorax swallowed as he fought the urge to tremble before he smiled.

“C’mon Trixie, it’s not like he would have had prior knowledge of your greatness. We are in foreign lands; you just have to show the Doge how great and powerful you really are!” offered Thorax, his eyes glowing brightly as a large grin crossed his lips.

“Then he’ll understand, and this big misunderstanding can be all cleared up!”

Starlight peered from the couch as she snapped her journal shut, stuffing the book into her satchel, “Regardless, I think this would be a good way to get some bits. We still have debts and fines to pay off back in Equestria.”

Thorax quickly turned to Starlight and gasped,” Ou ou! We could get some souvenirs or maybe try some of that Harpy tequila!”

Trixie paused, considering the changeling’s words and tone of voice. Of course, she could impress the Doge. It wouldn’t be difficult; after all, how clever could a Diamond Dog be? She had tricked far more intelligent creatures. Sighing dramatically, the showpony pulled herself from the door and trotted into the standing shower, her horn lighting up before pulling the shower head down. She rinsed herself off, making sure not a single sud was left on her coat.

“Fiiiine. Trixie supposes she can dazzle the poor pup later… can’t be that hard. Maybe I’ll just throw a tennis ball around.” Pulling the towel from her mane, she dried her coat carefully. “And for Celestia’s sake, will you stop with the alcohol? You might not work like a pony, but I doubt whatever functions as your liver isn't meant to take this much booze.”

“Whenever you’re done gloating and brown-nosing, will you two come into the living room and help me plan out the Doge’s show!?” Starlight said as she shouted from the living room.

Thorax rolled his eyes as he turned away from Trixie, “Likewise, I’ll see you in a few minutes.” he winked.

Raising a brow at the changeling’s wink, Trixie toweled herself off, “It’s not gloating if it’s true, Starlight. Besides, when did we plan on doing this? We just got here. I’m not performing for at least a few days. Don’t tell me you’re already stir-crazy.”

“We’re pressed for time; besides, this isn’t a vacation. I have to help the Republic Guard understand unicorn magic. So I can’t be at the performance like last time. That means we need to plan ahead; now, get your fat flank in here so we can finish this before we’re in a rush!” Starlight yelled.

Trixie let out a whinny in exasperation, her head poking out of the open doorway to give Starlight a stinging glare, “Trixie will have you know that most stallions prefer their mares with a lil junk in their rump! No wonder you haven’t been getting any attention~.”

“What do you mean, we ALL share the exact same body type!” groaned Starlight in exasperation. She swore that mare would marry her own reflection if she could. What was Thorax all jazzed up about? Starlight sighed, shaking her head. Love truly was blinding.

Starlight rolled her eyes as Thorax looked between the two with a dazed and confused expression. Giving Starlight a slight smirk, the showmare sprayed herself with a few different perfumes before stepping out, looking completely refreshed.

“Why can’t we just do this after you help the guard? Besides, aren’t we paying off what we owe by going on this little voyage?” Trixie let out a soft yawn, slumping into the couch.

Thorax tapped his hooves together nervously, “Actually, this trip is just for the mandatory volunteer hours. We still owe The Crystal Empire bits for the damages we caused….”

Starlight sighed, “Yeah, yeah, we know I’m a screw-up already. That’s why I’m here, for Pete’s sake. Now let’s get to business, alright? Since I haven’t had the time to train you, Trixie, I did you the favor of making a few explosive elixirs since civilians aren’t allowed to own fireworks up here.”

The unicorn quickly revealed several colorful potions and corked bottles of dozens of magical fizzy brews, “You can use them for your entrances and exits. I also have some froggy foggy bog brew for a thick fog and mist, I have some shadowy smog, and crimson cloud potions too.” recounted Starlight.

Thorax’s eyes peered excitedly at the magic, “Gee, Starlight, where did you have the time to do all of this?”

Starlight chuckled, grinning, “Let’s just say Yona and I haven’t skipped any of our lessons during this long journey.”

“Regardless, I have all your pyrotechnics laid out. Now you just need to make a plan and let me review it.” beamed Starlight, a familiar proud and cocky smirk creeping across her face.

Trixie immediately perked up at the potions, her eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. “Well, at the very least, Trixie’s Great and Powerful Assistants were capable of doing something useful! Trixie was sorely missing her fireworks too….”

Taking one of the bottles in her hooves, she held it delicately as if it were a newborn foal. “Trixie is going to take the best care of you~!” The blue unicorn stroked the glass bottle as if it were going to coo back at her.

Glancing up at Starlight and Thorax, Trixie sighed, “You think Trixie just… makes up these performances on the fly?! Trixie isn’t a pegasus, you know! That performance for the Yaks was an act I… borrowed. It takes weeks of planning to make a decent stage show. Trixie is powerful, but she is no miracle worker!”

“Uh… maybe we could improvise?” Thorax offered helplessly, attempting to prevent a full-on argument between the two.

Starlight sighed, rubbing her temple and massaging the sides of her head with her hooves, “The point of all of this is to circumvent the need to improvise. Can’t you two just rehearse one of your sideshows, Trixie? Surely you can just cobble together a performance off of a bunch of tricks, you know?”

Trixie huffed, cradling the potion to her chest, “Of course, you wouldn’t understand the complexities of a performance, Starlight Glimmer. Trixie takes her time to craft a story behind her performances to enchant her audience into shock and awe at her wondrous abilities. Do you really think that happens overnight?! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Rolling her eyes, the showpony turned to Thorax with a softer look, “At least Thorax can somewhat understand. Or at least, he tries.”

Starlight rolled her eyes as she scoffed, “Puh-lease, skip the plot and give the people what they really want, a set of amazing tricks, back-to-back.”

Thorax bit his lower lip before he spoke up, “Well, I mean, that’s good and all, but without a story, there’s nothing to hold the show together.” corrected Thorax.

“Then just tell an old story again!” groaned Starlight.

Trixie huffed, rolling her eyes dramatically. “Honestly, Starlight, between Thorax and you, it’s clear that you didn’t have a childhood at all! But I suppose that stealing cutie-mark business took precedence, huh?”

Before that nasty remark could take over the conversation, Trixie kept bulldozing along, “Besides, Trixie doesn’t tell a story more than once– and she doesn’t mean re-telling a story. Trixie always makes things more entertaining!”

“Trixie prefers to research an area before performing too– best to know what your audience is familiar with, so they can contextualize your performance to their own lives.” Somehow, the showmare had managed to slip in a genuine point.

Starlight shot daggers from her eyes at Trixie for that low blow. She had done her damnest to avoid that topic of discussion from anypony, and for Trixie to throw a metaphorical wad of dirt in her eye made her previous point moot, to say the least.

“Hogwash!” snapped Starlight, “You’re a carnie charlatan that panhandles from town to town with the same set of tricks and toys! Just make a story based on Equestria. Wouldn’t it make sense to advertise how unique and different you are to the locals instead of just drawing upon what they already know!?” retorted the unicorn.

Thorax quickly piped in, “Ladies, ladies, please! Let’s not fight; now, both of you bring up pretty good points! Trixie’s right. We should learn about the locals first, but Starlight, you make a good point! Maybe we should showcase just how different we are and give Swallowtail an Equestrian performance, bottom line.”

Something suddenly… clicked as the bug paused for a moment, his expression vanishing instantly for a moment as the gears in his head turned. This could be an opportunity to finally talk to Trixie and hang out with her alone. The changeling quickly turned to the mare as he desperately stammered.

“I think you and I should explore Swallowtail and see how we can incorporate what we know into the show while Starlight helps the Republic Guard,” offered Thorax, “...O-of course it’s whatever anypony wants!”

Trixie was ready to throw yet another biting remark at her fellow unicorn when Thorax interrupted. It gave her a moment to cool down and think… yes, that would be acceptable. Frankly, anything would be better than arguing with Starlight, even if watching her lilac fur turn a bright red in anger was incredibly amusing.

Levitating a glass of wine from the nearby table, the showpony lounged against the couch and swirled the beverage around, taking a dainty sip, “That sounds like a lovely idea. It would also give us time to relax before engaging with that dog again… did you have anything in mind?”

Starlight narrowed her eyes between Thorax and Trixie, quickly picking up on the changeling’s subtle shift in demeanor as Starlight’s expression turned into a cool and calculating stare. Thorax froze as his eyes locked with the mare’s for a moment in those brief seconds.

Thorax was like an open book to Starlight, with pages full of anxiety and existential dread. Making his move, was he? She smirked, a gleam of pride in her eye as she snapped away from Thorax so as to not blow his cover. The changeling let out a sigh of relief as he quickly turned to Trixie.

“Er, well, the canals are the lifeline of the tree and city. Maybe we could travel down the waterways and explore the city and culture.” offered Throax, recounting some information from Twilight’s many hyperactive explanations of the city’s history.

Starlight rose from the couch as she stretched, collecting her journal as she scrawled a collection of thoughts into its pages. Starlight sighed, “Well then, it seems you have this under control. Stay out of trouble. I’ll see you in a day or two.” nodded Starlight as she trotted toward the door.

Trixie’s gaze snapped between Starlight and Thorax, understanding something had happened in a short few seconds, but she couldn’t identify what. Whatever it had been, it was enough to disarm Starlight’s rampant anger issues, which was strange enough. Regardless, the showpony would take what she could get– the less yelling, the better.

“That settles it then; try not to do anything I’d regret," Trixie called to Starlight’s retreating form, “And don’t let the door hit your flank on the way out!”

Thorax’s eyes trailed after Starlight as the mare flinched at Trixie’s jab, the mare shooting the performer with one last glare before the door quickly swept shut. The changeling let out a soft sigh of relief as he promptly retained his attention on Trixie. He had now executed the first step of a heavily improvised plan.

Turning to Thorax, Trixie gave the changeling a soft, lazy grin, “So, the canals… I suppose that’s acceptable– if we were to travel the branches, you’d need to carry me.”

The changeling reeled back at the realization that he would have to carry her. The changeling chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, blushing “R-Right, haha….” The changeling quickly transformed into his pony disguise as a green haze filled the air around the changeling.

Thorax quickly turned himself into his pony form, now with a pair of Pegasus wings. The faux pony flew up as he flapped his wings, hovering over to Trixie. Reaching out, he offered to pick her up, “I'm sure a few navigators can escort us through the city by gondola. We can explore the different parts of the city and see the variety of shops and local events.” Thorax said, almost mimicing Twilight's tone of voice as he regailed all of his forcibly collected information.

Trixie cocked a brow but lifted herself from the couch and into Thorax’s grip without complaint, a smirk growing on her lips. Now this was the kind of treatment she deserved, being waited on sole and hoof.

Yet, it was different than having a servant. She knew that much. She actually trusted Thorax not to purposely drop her. The smirk softened into something sweeter, milder, the showpony wrapping a hoof around his shoulders to steady herself.

“That sounds like fun. Think we can put it on the Doge’s tab?” She couldn’t help her mischievous grin, “It’ll be a… performance expense.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we don’t put too much on his tab….” Thorax answered cautiously as he flew through the den and out the nearby window, soaring above the palace garden and canals as Thorax flapped his wings toward the nearby city. Music already filled the air as dozens of cheering voices echoed from the city. As hundreds of lights limuminated the merchant metropolis in all it's glory.

A few minutes later, Thorax carefully placed Trixie on one of the many docks that were carved into the sides of the canals. Landing in front of her at and turning toward one of the large local markets that peppered the city palazas and streets. Dozens of musicians and singers lined the streets as merchants and salescreatures offered wares and goods to passersby. It was hard to tell who was a partygoer and a trader.

Thorax quickly fished a tour brochure from a small rack in the plaza’s center as he read from the pamphlet, “According to this, Swallowtail hosts dozens of parties every day, from birthdays, promotions, weddings, to graduations, there’s always a reason to celebrate.”

“Besides that, we could visit other parts of the city and try some Griffish scones or maybe some Pegasus Pastries!”

“Mmmm, scones…” Trixie couldn’t help but mutter, swallowing back a mouthful of drool. No matter where she went, the street food always seemed to be her downfall and where she lost most of her bits. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she turned to Thorax.

“Hmmm, we shouldn’t go to any ragers– do you know what those are? Oh, what am I saying… let’s just not go to any parties that are too… loud. It’ll defeat the entire point of us relaxing.” She paused, “I mean, research. Researching. You know what, let’s go try some of those scones. I didn’t really get to eat that much during dinner, now that I think about it….”

“Researching she says!” cackled a Harpy, soaring down from the rafters as the brightly colored and dressed musician descended below, “I see a pair of tourists without a song, a serenade to guide them!” grinned the blue and yellow Macaw, clad in black and white with studded sombero, jacket, and slacks with a large guitar hanging off his back.

“Oh, we don’t need–” the Harpy quickly cut off Thorax.

“Please, allow me, AHEM.” The Macaw quickly began strumming his guitar.

“Oohhhhh, Oh pequeños ponis, pequeños ponis, pequeños caballos y yeguas de colores!~” sang the Harpy as the two were quite literally swept off their hooves by several musicians clad in matching outfits, wielding several different instruments.

A trumpet, a guitar, and a trombone player had scooped up the two and brought them along through the city as they sang in their native tongue.

“This is all very exciting, but don’t you think this is a bit much!?” called Thorax.

“Try to live a little Thorax!” Trixie called over the chaos.

“Nonsense! We saw you come from the Doge’s Palace. We know you’re esteemed guests, so we’ll show you the best the city has to offer!” exclaimed the Harpy as he blew a piercing whistle, “Amigos! Let’s have a toast to The Doge, Princess Twilight, and our friends here!”

The mariachi band roared in howling cheers and whistles as the city street erupted into celebration. Harpy, griffin, hippogriff, and pony alike gathered instruments, food, and drink to celebrate. As if they were looking for any excuse to cut loose. Before long, the party had entirely forgotten about Trixie and Thorax, leaving the two to their own devices in the middle of a packed plaza party.

Trixie had enjoyed the excitement while it was fresh, but now that they were in the middle of a packed party and the attention wasn’t on her, it was growing less and less enjoyable by the second. Turning to find the changeling within the crowd, she grabbed ahold of his hoof to avoid losing him in the sea of partygoers.

Pulling him out of the packed street and onto a more straightforward and linear path, the unicorn sighed, “You know what that meant, right? I hope the Doge doesn’t think too much about the sizable tab we’ve unknowingly given him… please don’t tell me you drank too much.”

Thorax’s head spun as the noise and buzz from the party. It dazed him so much, the noise and bustling ponies. It was like Manehattan with double the eyestrain and migraines. The changeling offered his best smile as his eyes trailed off. Boy, this did not turn in his favor, did it? The changeling did his best to hide his distaste for the current situation as he awkwardly chuckled, “Uh…no.”

Thorax looked around at the dozen of happy creatures dancing and partying. Pondering over the growing feeling of disdain as he attempted to salvage his original plan, he turned to the mare, “Er, Trixie…?” He quickly froze as he tried to wrangle his thoughts and wants into Ponish, “Ah, let’s… uh… get a drink and snack before taking a gondola down the canal?”

Trixie turned and raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to translate his tone but curious to see what was on his mind, “Sure, I could use something to eat. And the gondola sounds beautiful.” Trotting to his side, the showmare leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. “Besides, I could rest my hooves too….”

“Frankly, the only thing I’ve learned about this place is that they love to party… maybe Pinkie Pie would be a better fit than myself….” Now that was a new one, admitting she wouldn’t be the best at something. But perhaps it was better to kneel rather than try and challenge the party pony’s abilities.

Thorax tensed up at the contact but sighed in relief, eager to leave the noise from the party that managed to materialize from thin air. The harpies were at the forefront of all of this partying. Thorax wouldn’t mind it. He wasn’t a recluse or anything, but this plan of his required him to move quickly, or less, he might lose his chance to finally talk to Trixie alone.

“I think I saw a few bazaars offering some food. I’ll get the gondola; you go get yourself something to eat; not like I need it or anything.” chuckled Thorax.

Trixie nodded, “Fine, I’ll try not to be too long… ooh, that looks good!” The mare was already trotting along. Her nose and eyes had locked onto something in the distance. It gave the changeling some time to think about how he would approach this.

The showmare herself wasn’t entirely unaware of what was happening either, she could feel something was about to happen, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. One thing she did know, however, was that Thorax didn’t avoid a good drink unless there was a good reason. She just hoped it was good news.

It took a good twenty minutes, but eventually, the unicorn returned, a small bag of snacks in tow. She must have stocked up with a large pastry stuffed into her mouth. Trixie offered one to the changeling, giving him a muffled, “C’mon, they’re good!”

Thorax had managed to secure a gondola in that time, grateful that the navigator was too deep in a drunken stupor to resist Thorax technically apprehending the griffin’s vessel. The changeling sat, waiting for the showpony. The gondola shifted as Trixie climbed inside, rocking the boat quite literally for a moment.

Thorax quickly wrangled the vessel under control as he politely refused the pastry, “Ah, sorry, I’m trying to cut back on the physical food as of late.” The changeling chuckled as he quickly thrust the oar into the water and drifted the gondola forward.

Dozens of large marble and wood streets and bridges hung over the pair, as light and lantern lined the walls and street posts surrounding the canals. The gentle sound of a single accordion player echoed through the empty waters as dozens of other parties’ faintly echoed in the distance.

Thorax relaxed and put the oar back into the gondola once the vessel began leading itself down the winding canals. The changeling let out a deep sigh of relief once the pair were finally alone, “Finally… so Trixie, uh… how are you holding up? We have sorta been thrust into this big journey and… really hadn’t had time to talk about it up until now, so… are you… okay? Is… that the right thing to even ask?...”

For a moment, the unicorn simply stared at Thorax, trying to pick apart what felt like a word salad of the exact words tossed together. She could tell he was nervous and anxious about something. She knew it would take him some time to get around to it.

Her expression softened, and she let out a low, sweet chuckle, relaxing into a lounging position. Trixie was careful not to rock the boat as she moved, critically aware that anything sudden could send them flipping over.

“Honestly, Thorax, you act like I’ve never traveled before. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, even if I expect it to be….” She gestured with a hoof, rolling her eyes before returning her warm gaze to him, “But I always expect the best. Now I’m wondering what you’re expecting….”

Thorax slowly peered off to the side, staring at his reflection in the glistening water. He could see his changeling form, his true form. The dark, murky shadow permeated the clear and deep blue water. The changeling’s voice grew tense as his tone and voice stiffened into something oddly serious,

“I…know you can travel alone…but…I think… I’m asking what you think about traveling with me so far…uh…maybe what I’m trying to say is…I want to keep traveling like this…forever?... Maybe under better circumstances or…uh….” the changeling slowly shifted back as he retained his focus on the unicorn.

“So I wanted to know what you thought about me…traveling with you, of course.” offered Thorax.

Trixie had begun to smile as the changeling struggled to find his words, and when he finally turned his head to meet her gaze, she was already leaning forward. Closing her eyes, she planted a kiss on his cheek, a warm chuckle leaving her.

“I thought we already agreed, but sure, we can go over the plan one more time. After we’re done with this business with Twilight Sparkle and what we owe the Crystal Empire, the Great and Powerful Trixie wouldn’t see why she wouldn’t have her Great and Powerful Assistant beside her….”

“So, does that answer your question?”

Thorax turned a deep shade of crimson as he clammed up, both surprised and bewildered. Had they always agreed to this? Was something like this always on the table? Or was he too blind and naive to realize? The changeling shook his head as he quickly looked over to the mare.

“I… yeah… that makes sense; I guess I was overthinking all of this.” laughed Thorax as he slumped over the side of the boat, “... I’m just a little surprised. It was only up until a few months ago that my life was a constant bid for survival; now I’m traveling across the world and discovering a part of myself that I never knew existed.”

“Part of me has to thank you for that. So…no matter what happens… I guess you and I will always have some part of one another supporting each other… maybe that’s just the changeling in me talking….”

“I think you’re just overthinking things.” Trixie chuckled, trying and failing to hide her smile behind a hoof, “But I know this is all a new experience for you, and I appreciate the thought.”

“Thorax, I know this is kind of new to you, and I won’t lie, this is novel to me too… having someone around that doesn’t hate my guts and actually wants to travel with me is a first, so…” She glanced to the side, shifting awkwardly, “It’s nice to have you around. So I’d rather you didn’t leave when this was all over.”

Thorax scratched the back of his head as he flatly chuckled, “I um…I don’t know how we’re supposed to do this…was this supposed to happen? Aren’t we supposed to change?.... What’s Starlight’s place in all of this?....” he pondered aloud.

“I don’t really think there’s a rule book to this, so don’t worry too much.” The unicorn chuckled, giving him a lazy shrug as she gazed into the horizon. “Maybe things have changed, and you just haven’t noticed. Or maybe it doesn’t matter.”

“As for Starlight… well, I doubt she will want to travel along with us, especially if she keeps getting chummy with the Princess and her friends. Besides, probably for the best, considering how much we fight.” She couldn’t help but grin at that.

“Besides, I wouldn’t mind some quality time with my favorite assistant~.”

Thorax pressed a hoof to his chin as he quietly considered Trixie’s words, his eyes lighting up at the offer to spend more time with her. Not thoroughly picking up on the duel meaning of the phrase, “I’d like that a lot, I enjoy the many friends we’ve made along the way but… you and Starlight really are my favorites….”

His expression shifted for a moment at the mention of favorite ponies…he wondered what his brother was doing as a sad sigh escaped him for a moment as his eyes and expression softened, “....I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the future has in store for us….” Thorax quickly perked his head up, “Oh, right! We were supposed to get research for the show; I totally forgot for a second!”

Trixie cocked a brow, wondering if the changeling entirely understood her tone and what she was implying. At the very least, he didn’t seem to have any aversion to it. Hopefully, with some time, he’d figure out what she meant.

Letting out a soft chuckle, the unicorn fell back, shaking her head. “Oh, who cares? You said a couple of days, meaning we have plenty of time. Besides, sometimes research is just watching from a distance.”

Gazing up at the sky, she pointed upwards. Floating lanterns littered the sky like tiny stars, illuminating Luna’s already beautiful night sky. Thorax turned to Trixie, his eyes resting on her as he quietly whispered.

"Just watching from a distance..." he slowly smiled as his eyes trailed up to the night sky above.