• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 714 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

Delegated Dinner Plans

After many delegations and maneuvering, the expedition successfully entered the tree’s upper branches and the greater city, however, with much resistance. The Parliament was… not thrilled, to say the least, about the inclusion of the ‘wingless’ party members in the tree. Fortunately, through the Doge’s direct order and side-stepping another set of votes, the group found themselves inside the Doge’s Palace, the only place the Parliament would agree to house them– or so the Doge would say.

His Excellency returned to the Palace to the anxiously waiting group after many hours of patience and anxiety. From the whispers of the servants, there were rumors of finally removing his Excellency from power or throwing the group out of the city entirely for offending the ‘sacred’ rite of passage and the city’s culture.

Housed up in the private dining hall, the group patiently awaits the Doge to deliver the news and their dinner.

Thorax marveled at the beautiful interior of the private dining hall. It was a massive room with a large banquet table made of fine cherry oak wood, with silverware made of gold, and glassware made of the finest of crystals directly imported from the Crystal Empire. Just across the room, several yards away was a small bar and a private study filled to the brim with books and expensive booze. Everything was made of only the finest materials, from the richest wood to the most pristine crystal and marble.

The Changeling marveled at the sight of the marble floor; it was so clean and pristine that one could see their own reflection.

The Changeling slowly leaned in close toward Rainbow Dash, quietly whispering, “Do you think this place has the good cider? Or do you think they have something more fancy and crazy?”

Rainbow glanced over at the Changeling and snorted, rolling her eyes, “Pffft, knowing these guys, it’s probably fancy. Gilda really only drank Equestrian stuff when she was over there, but she did say the Yaeger– Yager?-- Jägermeister was popular in the Griffinlands. Always wanted to try it– darn it, I shoulda got some during the ceremony!” The pegasus slapped a hoof to her face.

“Don’t you even think about getting drunk again, mister!” Trixie practically shoved her head between the two, bumping Rainbow Dash aside. “Trixie isn’t going to mingle with some drunkard, and we JUST got here. Have some self-control!” She stared at him with her large, violet eyes, demanding he take her seriously.

Thorax nearly replied to Trixie with a 'yes, ma’am', before clamming up to save himself from a horrible, embarrassing tirade from Dash. Offering his best smile as penance to the domineering and authoritative mare, “Heh, well, I’ll try not to….”

“Hmph,” The showpony sniffed, “I suppose that will have to do.”

“What are you, his mom?” Rainbow spat out before grimacing, glancing at Thorax. “Err– sorry? Wait, is Chrysalis your mom?”

The Changeling looked over to Rainbow Dash and gave her a quiet nod, “Mhm, one Queen for one hive.”

“Oof,” Rainbow hissed, “That’s rough, buddy.”

“I think this place is beautiful,” Fluttershy sighed. The beauty of nature intertwining with architecture nearly felt like home. She missed her cottage quite dreadfully and all of her animal friends.

Rarity marveled alongside Fluttershy, “Oh, it is simply divine! Look at these genuine Crystal Empire wine glasses. Oh my goodness, REAL gold silverware? It feels like we’re inside a painting; I think this Palace could contend with Canterlot's!”

“I just hope we’re not too much of a bother while we’re here….” fretted Fluttershy.

“I’m sure it will be alright,” Twilight sighed, “Or… we’ll deal with the problem when it comes.”

“.... I’m really sorry, girls.” Pinkie looked down at her hooves. Her usual jovial nature had been toned down while they waited, a guilty look plastered on her face. “I hope I didn’t ruin anything….”

“Oh, Pinkie, it’s fine. You didn’t mean anything by it.” Twilight gave the party mare a comforting look, “Besides, we’re here now, and that’s what matters.”

An amused huff escaped Applejack’s lips, “I think that little stunt got us in faster than any formal meeting we could've arranged.”

Pinkie slowly sat up, her cheery smile coming back to her lips. “Thanks, girls. I was just worried I messed up big time!”

The large sets of doors would fly open as a well-dressed Harpy clad in a lavish-looking purple cloak and adoring a large-brimmed hat of the same color. His bright green and yellow feathers reminded Fluttershy of the macaws she’d occasionally tended to.

The creature seemed to look at The Doge with disdain and disgust as if a giant rat was following him. His face only seemed to harden at the sight of the 'wingless' at the table.

“I see you fully intend on doubling down on your embarrassing legacy, Donatello.” sneered the Harpy.

“Do not speak to me in that way, Chaircreature! I am entitled to my proper titles and due respect as any other elected official!” snarled the Diamond Dog, his club tail instinctively smacking against the marble floor.

“The day I refer to you as your Excellency is when the Unicorns drag me in chains.” spat the Chaircreature, turning to the group.

“Buongiorno,” bowed the Harpy, “I am Chaircreature Francesco Garcia Martínez González the third. But you may call me Sir Francesco or Chaircreature Francesco,” he’d eye Twilight, “Princess Twilight, we are honored to have you in our presence… but you have disrespected Swallowtail, The Republic, and our sacred ways and through much debate and the Doge’s… .disregard for our traditions… you are allowed to stay.”

The Harpy narrowed his eyes, “However, if you continue to disrespect and disregard the laws of the land, then we will banish you from the upper city. If you continue to disobey Parliamentary authority, you will then be banned from entering the country….”

Francesco looked up at the rest of the group, “As for the wingless among you, be on your best behavior and watch your step… lest you fall down…” with a flick of his cloak, the Chaircreature stamped toward the door.

“Oh no, I insist. PLEASE join us for dinner, Chaircreature!” sarcastically bit the Doge.

“I’m sorry, Donatello, if I wanted to eat garbage, I would fly down and eat with the earth ponies.” The Harpy spat before slamming the door behind him.

The Doge clenched his paws as he visibly trembled with rage, looking on the cusp of literally exploding. But his Excellency took a deep breath before greeting his guests with a giant smile.

“Prost!” ordered the Doge, and in an instant, dozens of Harpies and Griffins quickly stormed the dining room with plates of familiar Equestrian meals. For the first course, it was daisy salad, blackberry wine, and butter with bread. For Yona was a Yakistani mushroom stew, Gallus was given a salmon platter, and for Spike, a bowl of diamonds.

The Doge approached the table and placed his crown on the down before sitting down at the end of the table facing his guests, looking weary but happy as ever. “My friends, despite everything the Parliament has done to keep you away, I have done everything in my power to allow you to stay. And as long as you stay, you will always have my protection and blessing.”

Spike greedily rubbed his claws together before stuffing his maul with a large hunk of diamond, “I like this guy already!”

Rainbow glanced over at Applejack, cocking an eyebrow as the two seemed to communicate silently. This guy seemed a little… kooky, to put it nicely.

“Oooooh, this looks GREAT!” Pinkie grinned before beginning to mow down the meal in front of her.

Yona sniffed her stew before taking a lick from the bowl. “.... close to Yak, but not perfect!” She glanced towards the Doge and his exhausted appearance. “But… Yona okay with that.” smiled the Yak.

“Well, that Chaircreature Francesco was a piece of work….” Trixie grumbled, picking at her food as she glared at the door, “Reminds me of some of the upper crusts in Canterlot….”

Twilight couldn’t help but agree. That sort of attitude was widespread in Canterlot, especially among the elites. Despite being incredibly antisocial in her youth, she had to rub shoulders more than once with socialites and the like under Celestia’s tutelage. The distaste they had for others who weren’t exactly like them always left her confused and irritated at how someone could be so full of themselves.

“Thank you so much, really.” Twilight stood from her seat, giving the Doge a bow. “I understand how difficult that must have been for you. Politics have never been my forte, but I know how difficult it can be to be kind and respectful to creatures who are not giving you the same treatment.”

“It truly is awful!” Fluttershy piped up, looking incredibly disheartened. “How could they treat you so cruelly? Just because you can’t fly doesn’t mean you don’t deserve common decency!” She attempted to stamp her hoof on the table to make her point, but nothing so much as vibrated, never mind move.

“Yeah, I’d just kick their butts. So what if some creatures can’t fly?” Rainbow leaned back in her seat as she swirled her glass of wine.

The Doge seemed to take a vested interest in Fluttershy, his expression seeming to falter into shock. Before, he’d tend to his salad, eating out of respect for his guests and to suppress his gaze rather than actually wanting to eat a pile of daisies and raw veggies, wincing as he took a bite. He was a carnivore, after all.

Chewing through gritted teeth and swallowing a chunk of daisy, the Diamond Dog smiled, “It’s alright… I’m used to it.” chuckled the Doge, “If only it were that simple, Celestia, God, sweet creator Boreas, I would give up the palace to fight the Chaircreature to gain full control of the Parliament.”

The Doge took a greedy glip of wine before he sighed, “Now, as much as I would like your stay to be for pleasure, I’m afraid I’m going to need your help. But… why don’t we introduce ourselves? My name Is Donatello Dogamy Doge, but you all may call me Donatello or Donny if you like.”

Spike gulped a large diamond before piping up, “Spike the Dragon, at your service.”

Applejack gestured to the Doge from the far end of the table, “I’m Applejack nice to meetcha!”

Rarity raised her wine glass to the creature, “I’m Rarity, and I must say that this Palace is simply stunning!”

The Doge snorted, “Really? I thought it was trying too hard.” he’d look over at Gallus, “Are you from Swallowtail, young Griff?”

Gallus snorted, “No way, I’m from Griffinstone. It’s Gallus, by the way.”

The Doge briefly gave Gallus a judgemental stare, “Ah… well, I hope you enjoy Swallowtail then. I hear it’s not that popular among you, Griffinstone Griffs.”

Gallus shrugged, "I wouldn't know, I was stuck in a library for most of my life..."

Thorax raised his hoof, “Uh, yes, sir, I’m Thorax.”

The Doge seemed to examine Thorax’s worried expression and seemed to gauge his name, seeming to make a mental note of that before smiling to his guest, “A pleasure to meet you.”

“I am the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrrrrixie!” The showmare nearly launched from her seat as she stood on her chair, snapping into her signature pose. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She quickly bowed before sitting back down, attending to her meal.

“I’m Rainbow Dash; just call me Dash.” Rainbow lifted up a hoof, her mouth half-full of a improvised sandwich she made.

“Yona is Yona!” The heifer called, pulling her snout out of her stew, covered in the brown liquid. Rarity couldn’t help but cringe.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! Oooh, I like your name! Sounds familiar, like from somewhere deep underground… hmm, maybe I read it somewhere….” Pinkie tapped her hoof against her chin. “Aw phooey! I wish Paprika was here; she’d know!” Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes and snicker.

“And, um, I’m Fluttershy. It’s very nice to meet you, and thank you so much for letting us stay in your lovely home. Um, and if you need any help with any animals or critters in the tree, just let me know….” The mellow pegasus gave him a sweet, gentle smile. “I, um, took care of animals at home. I’m not a veterinarian, but….”

“Fluttershy’s great at taking care of animals! Ooh, you should tell him about the tea parties!” Pinkie grinned, “Twilight, didn’t you say she wrestled a BEAR?”

“Well, uh…” Twilight hesitated, rubbing the back of her head.

“Oh, I was just helping Harry with his neck. He has back issues, the poor thing… I hope he’s doing well.” Fluttershy brought a hoof to her lips, looking fretful.

His Excellency paused at the bear story, his expression melting into a pleasurable smile as he seemed to think of something. The Diamond Dog quickly tugged at his collar as he masked his flustered expression. Only Twilight could pick up on the Doge’s ever-growing interest in Fluttershy.

The Doge clapped his paws together, “Ha! What a rich cast of characters I have here. A showmare, a Princess, Earth Ponies, Unicorns, a Dragon! What a treat!”

The servants quickly returned with the second course of the meal. A massive lasagna was placed on the center of the table alongside bottles of red wine. It was apparent to Twilight that Donatello’s meal was symbolic and a gesture of good faith and equality amongst the table. Serving them food from their respective cultures and having a peasant dish cemented the fact.

The Doge would even go as far as to SERVE each and every single creature at the table himself, giving everyone a large cheesy, saucy, and gooey piece of the pasta dish. Ironically despite being the host, the Diamond Dog acted as if HE was the guest.

“My friends, I need all of your special talents and skills to help me win public favor and sway the Parliament into helping my fellow wingless below the tree. But it won’t be easy… There is much to do. The Dragon Clans are talking about leaving the tree. I heard there are rumors of them considering… pillaging the tree for our coffers and THEN leaving….”

The Doge sat down at the end of the table once he had given everyone their food, “This cannot stand; the Dragons tribes are essential to our protection. Long ago, one of the first Doges, Senor Benito Olivarez– a Harpy, had made an agreement with the Dragon Clan leader Kaar Strongfang. In exchange for yearly tribute from our coffers, we received protection from the Dragons.”

“Well… let’s just say over the years, the meaning and intent of this agreement have been blurred. Some interpret Benito’s offer as a sign of submission and Dragon authority. Others say Benito’s cunning and diplomacy turned these potential enemies into friends. But despite the Dragons having as much right to live among us in the tops of the tree as any other winged creature… they tend to live amongst themselves in The Great Tree’s Hollow.”

“Now, I need the Dragons to… reconsider leaving the tree. Spike, I believe you are the right creature for the job. I’ve heard your name is echoed throughout the Pegasus community for your heroics in the Crystal City.” smiled Donny.

Spike beamed brightly, stroking his ego as he crunched on another diamond, “Not to mention I’m friends with the Dragon Lord; this will be cake.”

The Doge clapped his paws together, “Wonderful! Applejack, Pinkie Pie, I need your agricultural expertise. There are a few villages a few miles down the roots that need your green hooves.”

Applejack smirked, “Well, I don’t see no problem with that, but Pinkie isn’t much of a gardener or farmer.”

“She’s… not?” the Diamond Dog looked over to Pinkie.

Pinkie gave the Doge a bright smile, “No, silly, I was raised on a Rock Farm! Hehe, I might not be able to grow stuff that well, but I sure can bake! Try this!” she whipped out what seemed to be a peanut butter creme pie, tossing it on the table. Somehow it was still steaming as if it had just come out of the oven.

“Don’t question it. I’ve tried. It just hurts your brain.” Twilight spoke straight out, poking her portion of lasagna. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate the effort of the Doge or the staff, but… it was just so… cheesy.

“Maybe we should wait until after dinner before we have dessert… and it might be rude to the staff not to at least try what they’ve made first,” Fluttershy spoke gently.

Twilight nodded before turning back to the Doge. “As for the Dragons, I’m sure Spike will be perfect for the job. Rarity and I also met the Dragon Lord. We might be able to aid him as well. Unless you have something else, we can help you with. I’m not really sure I’d be any good at growing plants….”

“Twilight, you’re an alicorn, remember? ALI-corn. It means you got earth pony magic stuff too!” Pinkie leaned over the table and booped her on the nose.

The Doge greedily took the pie completely distracted by the delcious treat, “Oh my, how did you know this was my favorite! Forget the formalities; I’m going to have a slice of this!” he’d clear his throat and adjust himself, slowly serving himself a large slice, “Oh my… ho ho…” he’d slowly slip a bite of pie into his mouth.

It brought the pup to tears. The Diamond Dog quickly fished his handkerchief out of his robes before dabbing away the tears, “Oh… AHEM… well, worry not, I have tasks for all of you.”

After eating another bite of his pie, he’d collect himself, “Pinkie Pie, you seem to bring happiness and joy in everything you do. Why don’t you go to the border and help raise the morale of the Republic Guard? We had this… Alpaca? Llama? She used to come around, but… I think the Unicorns attacked her because of her efforts in aiding our soldiers. She disappeared a few weeks ago...”

Pinkie Pie frowned briefly, knowing exactly who he was talking about. But the look on her face quickly rebounded, cheerfully nodding. “You got it, Donny! I’ll make sure every Pony, Pegasus, Griffin, and Harpy has a big ole’ smile on their face! Pinkie Promise!”

The Doge nodded and looked over to Twilight, “Twilight, you are the most important creature here for our effort in aiding the wingless. I need you to return to the lower city and seek contacts that can help us formalize an effort in aiding the wingless. Find local community members and leaders.”

“Of course, and I already have a place where I can start. Have you heard of Elder Quill? He’s the one who helped us get in contact so we could get up the tree in the first place.” Twilight questioned, “In fact, he’s the one who wanted me to speak to you on behalf of the creatures below.”

The Diamond Dog looked over to Twilight, tapping his chin, “Elder Quill, Elder Quill… I’m afraid not. Is he some sort of zealot or missionary?”

“I believe he’s a sort of missionary, some sort of reformed religion that the unicorns in Unicornica practice. I’m curious myself, but he was a great help. I believe he can aid me in contacting more community members and perhaps more information on Unicornica.” Twilight nodded, considering the Stallion. He was a little odd but very kind.

The Doge nodded, “A creature of the people… well then, I trust you will gather all you need to know and do what you think is best regarding our Stallion Of Faith. I trust your judgment.”

He’d look over to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow Dash, you are legendary in the Pegasus community; perhaps you could… inspire and motivate the locals into helping their fellow ponies and creatures at the roots of the tree. Fluttershy, do you think you could assist Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash grinned confidently, “That’ll be a breeze! Don’t worry; I’ll get them pumped up in no time.”

Fluttershy looked a little timid, glancing down at the table. “Uhm, I... I can try. I-I don’t know if I’m very good at, um, inspiring others.”

“Aw c’mon, Fluttershy, that’s not true, and you know it.” Dash nudged her gently.

The Doge seemed to give an understanding nod to Fluttershy, “Hm… no. I have something better suited for you. We can discuss the matter privately. You do not have to go with Rainbow Dash if you aren’t comfortable.”

Fluttershy looked up, pleasantly surprised. “Oh, t-thank you, that’s very kind. I’ll do everything in my power to help you and the creatures below. I don’t want to be a burden.”

The Doge passed a small wink at Fluttershy. The mellow pegasus blushed, unsure how to respond to the gesture. Before The Doge clearing his throat, “Trixie, Rarity, I need you to harness your natural magical abilities and help our Guard better understand the Unicorns.”

“They don’t know much magic, I’m afraid, “chimed Starlight, slowly revealing herself beside the Doge as she lowered her invisibility spell.

The Diamond Dog collapsed on the floor, “Where did YOU come from!?” shrieked the Doge, clasping his heart as he fought to catch his breath.

“Was that REALLY necessary?” scolded Rarity.

Starlight rolled her eyes, “It’s Starlight Glimmer by the way. Look, I’m sorry for the sudden appearance, but… I’m just a bit skeptical, is all. I mean, I heard somecreature's say that we were going to be tossed to the ground soooo…I kinda took initiative...” she’d give the Doge an apologetic smile before helping him to his paws.

The Doge dusted himself off, “You made your point… you may assist in helping The Republic Guard understand Unicorn magic so we can defend ourselves from it…” he’d clear his throat, “Rarity, Trixie, if you aren’t very good at magic, then what can you do?”

“Well, I’m a seamstress by trade; perhaps I could help provide clothes for the poor?” offered Rarity.

“That is a fantastic idea!” beamed the Diamond Dog, “Perhaps you could also win the favor of the upper crust by providing some of your finer works?”

Rarity pressed a hoof to her chin, “Well… I suppose I could try if I have enough time. Even making simpler shirts and trousers will be taxing over time.”

“Rarity, I will give you an army of seamstresses and the world supply of cloth if it means you deliver.” grinned the Doge.

Rarity let out a giddy laugh, “Oh my! Think of all the beautiful AND practical clothes we could make for everycreature!”

The Doge gave a firm nod before looking over to Trixie, “What about you? What can you do?”

Trixie harrumphed, crossing her hooves. “Trixie is a magician by trade, her tricks may not be ‘real’ magic, but Trixie is more than amazing just as she is and Thorax is my Great and Powerful Assistant. If you want us to be useful, we can entertain the masses! That is the only thing Trixie should be, adored and applauded for her tireless work!”

The Doge seemed… unimpressed, “I see… are you Twilight’s Jester?”

Twilight couldn’t help but snort, pressing both hooves to her mouth in order to stifle the laughter threatening to slip out. Oh boy…

Trixie’s fur seemed to stand on end, rising from her seat as if he had just spat in her food and called her the worst slur imaginable, “How DARE you accuse me of being something so lowly and WRETCHED as a JESTER. I attended Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns! I’VE TRAVELED ACROSS EQUESTRIA AND BACK!!”

Getting up from the table, the showpony trotted to the door. “I’ll be in my quarters. It smells like DOG in here….” she swiftly opened the door and slammed it shut behind her, leaving the group to themselves.

The Doge seemed rather puzzled at the outburst, looking confused and bewildered if anything, “What’s wrong with being a jester…? I was a circus clown for a while….” he’d shake his head.

“Trixie, wait!” called Thorax and Starlight. Starlight quickly galloped after her.

Thorax nervously piped up, “Please! Uhm… she’s really, really nice! Once you get to know her....she might’ve thought you were insulting her!” exclaimed Thorax, an overwhelming sense of anxiety plaguing the poor Changeling. Speaking up like this to an authoritative figure never ended well for someone of his kind, and then there was the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him when he spoke of Trixie.

Thorax’s face burned bright red as he stammered, his words trailing all over the place as he tried to collect himself, “I’m sorry if she offended you, your Excellency; she’s actually really, really supportive and kind! But, uh, there’s a lot more to stage magic than most ponies would think! It takes a lot of practice and dedication, It’s an art form if anything!’

The Doge paused, giving an understanding smile and a gentle nod, “I apologize… I didn’t mean to offend her. Perhaps I judged her too harshly. Why don’t I sponsor one of your magic shows, and you can present it to the locals up in the tree? I will present you to the upper crust if you do well enough. I’ll even pay you for your efforts.”

Thorax was dripping with sweat at this rate as he smacked his lips. He felt like he was going to throw up from the stress and anxiety plaguing him, “Thank you, I need to be excused for a moment…” he’d quickly gallop out of the room.

“WOW, that was awkward,” laughed Gallus, “He looked like he was about to cry or spill his guts out!”

The Doge let out a pleasurable sigh, “Heh… I remember a girl like that back in the mines…” the Diamond Dog reminisced for a moment before turning his attention to the rest of the table, “Now then, how about you two?” he’d look over at Yona and Gallus.

The Griffin was taken off guard as he gave a rather unsure look at Twilight and then the Doge, “I’m uh… I was a scribe and archiver for a while in Griffinstone. I’m pretty sure Yona and I are supposed to learn about the places we go to or something. Make friends? I guess?”

Yona perked up, “Yona is learned under great potion teacher Starlight pony! Yona need to learn things to bring back to the village and make Yak better! Yak STRONGER!” She slammed a hoof against the table. Twilight cringed, thanking Celestia the heifer didn’t damage anything.

“These two are under my responsibility, so please come to me if they get into any trouble,” Twilight spoke up before getting a pointed look from Yona. “Hey, I’m just being preventative, I’m not saying you are going to get into trouble, and that means if you get hurt or need help.”

“I see; these two are under your and Starlight’s tutelage….” The Doge seemed to walk over to the Yak and Griffin, “Hmmm… we can’t have you two causing trouble while everyone else is doing something important….”

The Doge clapped his paws together, “Worry not, I will enroll both of you into a school!”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” groaned Gallus, “I already HAD a formal education; I was a literal scribe!”

The Doge crossed his arms and gave the younger creature a firm glare, “Then you can either go with Spike or go to school while you remain here, or you can just fly your rump back to Griffinstone because I don’t have anywhere else to put you. I’m the Doge, not a babysitter.”

Gallus grumbled, “Fine, I’ll go with Spike….”

Spike winced, cringing to himself, "Great..."

“Yona go to school?” The heifer cocked her head in confusion. “Yona go to school in village. What is Swallowtail school? … Will Yona have to fly again?” She shrunk down in her seat the best she could, looking nervous.

Twilight bit her lip and gently laid a hoof on her back. “I’ll… see what I can do for you about flying. Perhaps Starlight and I can come up with something. I don’t want you to be left on your own and afraid. I promise we’ll keep you safe.”

Yona sniffled and looked up at the alicorn, giving her a grateful, if hesitant, smile.

The Doge smirked, “Don’t worry, Yona, it will all be arranged for you, and what better way to teach you about this great city and its creatures than to put you with all of the normal happy creatures your age? You’ll learn something AND make friends!”

“Yona make friends?’ She slowly lifted her chin out from under the table. “... Okay, Yona, go to school.”

The Doge slowly returned to his seat, sinking into the chair as he let out a relaxed sigh, practically deflating into his seat, “Alright… yeah… this is nice, a fully functioning set of plans and dinner guests that don’t hate my guts. Could this day get any better?”

“Actually, I was wondering….” Fluttershy murmured, “Could I just…?”

The gentle pegasus leaned over the table and scratched the Doge behind his ear, giggling softly. “I’m sorry, I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you! You looked so sad when you came in….”

The Doge’s face turned bright pink as his tail instinctively smacked and clattered against the chair he was sitting him. He was praying to every deity in the book, hoping that he wouldn't let a bark or yip slip out.

The Diamond Dog leaned into the scratches, letting a few muffled barks slip out of his muzzle, “It’s quite alright,” he’d again mask his expression as he gave the mare a gentle smile, although his tail and eyes spoke for him. He was in heaven.

Fluttershy looked positively delighted, and Twilight was certain the pegasus was holding back from cooing at the Doge. She had no idea how exactly that was going to end, but she’d only step in if she needed to.

He’d quickly snap out of his daze, just long enough to get the last course of the meal. A massive chocolate Black Forest gâteau, with chocolate shaving and cherries daintily placed on swirls of whipped cream.

The Doge couldn’t care less about the cake, though, partially because it was deathly poisonous to him. But mostly because he desperately craved the head scratches. If he had a ring on him, he would’ve proposed to Fluttershy then and there.

The Doge slowly ate a bite of his peanut butter pie as he indulged in Fluttershy’s physical affection, surprisingly maintaining composure despite his tail noisily banging against his chair, “Please enjoy the rest of your meal; tomorrow we will all attend our duties. Any creature away from the city will return here in two weeks on the anniversary of the Unicorn-Swallow war. Then if everything goes as planned, I will have enough traction from the people to enact some reforms to help everyone!”

Graciously taking a slice of cake before Pinkie inevitably demolished it, Twilight sighed happily. “It feels good to have a concrete plan in place. I’m impressed. I doubt many others could devise a plan in such a short time.”

“I just hope things do go according to plan….” Fluttershy murmured, having neglected her cake as she indulged the Doge in more pats and scratches, “But I’ll try to be positive!”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie pumped a hoof in the air before grabbing the remaining chunk of cake and swallowing it whole as if she had unhinged her jaw like a snake.

The Doge barked…. literally, a bark escaped him as he turned a deep shade of red, “... Excuse me.”

Fluttershy giggled, “It’s alright! Now, um… do you mind if I have a slice of that pie? Pinkie, um… finished the cake...”