• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,516 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...



A lone man was standing in the middle of a garden, the full moon illuminating the landscape. A statue stood erect in front of him. "Where am I?" the man thought to himself. The sound of laughter could be heard all around him. "Hello? Who's there?!"

"Hello Chase, I've been expecting you." The statue before him began to move. Its body was serpent like, but features such as its horse-like head and misfitting limbs made it appear as a mash-up of different creatures. Chase stood frozen in place at the spectacle. He could not believe what he was seeing before him. "You're the quiet type I see. That's too bad. I was hoping to have a little more fun with you." It stepped down from the pedestal that once held it. "You see Chase, I know you. Oh yes, do I know you," a wicked grin appeared on the creatures face as he looked into its glowing yellow eyes. "It's almost time you see. This world needs a healthy dose of chaos, and you're going to help me do it."

Chase stepped back out of fear of this strange being. "I...what? This doesn't make any sense. What are you?"

"Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? I am the spirit of chaos and disharmony, Discord." it snapped its fingers and with a flash of light appeared standing beside Chase. "And you, Chase, need to wake up."

"Wake up? What do you mean by that?" Chase asked.

"You're going to be late for school sleepy head, wake up!" Chase felt the impact of a pillow meet with his face. He opened his eyes to see his assailant, a young brunette standing over him with a pillow in her hand. "Wake up Chase! You're going to be late for school again."

Chase merely sighed and rolled on his side. "Five more minutes."

The young girl put on a discontent face, then began to smile. "Alright, you asked for it." She raised the pillow high above her head and brought it down, striking him across the head once more. She continued her assault on Chase until he finally groaned and retaliated with his own pillow.

"Fine I'm up you little..." he mumbled to himself. He looked over to the clock that sat on a dresser beside his bed. 8:15 am the clock showed. Chase stared at the clock as his brain tried to process what he was seeing. All in one instant, he suddenly realized what was happening. "Oh god I'm gonna be late!" he said as he jumped out of bed. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner Rose?"

Rose threw her pillow at the young man as she walked out of the room. "Just get ready. You haven't got all day."

The young, shaggy haired boy quickly rushed over to his drawer to grab a change of clothes. "Now where did I put that shirt..." he searched around for his favorite shirt. "Ah, here we go." Chase pulled out a black t-shirt with an album cover of his favorite band, Blind Guardian. Grabbing a pair of blue jeans, he rushed to the bathroom to ready himself for school.

Chase stepped out of the front door of his home into the cool morning air. He gave his watch a quick glance. "8:22, I have to be there in 3 minutes...I can make it." he thought to himself. He started to run as he heard his someone yelling behind him.

"Chase, come get your damn instrument!"

Chase turned to Rose standing in the doorway holding a black violin shaped case. He quickly rushed back and took the instrument from her hands "Thanks sis, see ya later." he said as he turned to run again.

Rose let out a sigh. "What would he do without me?"

As the school day ended, the cool morning air had gone. It had become slightly warmer from the sun shining in the clear skies above. Chase was walking home when he heard a whimpering sound. He looked around to see the source of the sound, only to find he was alone. Chase's home was in a quiet part of town. The street being a dead end and only one way, it was rare for any traffic to come at all. Chase shrugged and decided to keep going until he heard the sound yet again. "Hello? Is someone out there?" Chase called out.

The whimpering stopped, creating an eerie silence. "H-hello? I'm stuck in here! Help!" A voice yelled out.

Chase noted that it sounded like the voice of a child. "Where are you? I can't see you anywhere."

"I'm in this well and my leg hurts." The child answered.

He looked around and saw the only well in the area. "Hold on, I'm coming for ya." Chase rushed over to the well. He looked down it, but could see only darkness. Chase looked around hoping to find something to extend his reach, but to no avail. "Is there a rope down there?"

"N-no, but I can reach you if you put your hand out."

"What? I can't see you though. How could I reach you?" he asked the child.

"You'll reach, I'm sure of it!"

"Well it's worth a shot." Chase reached down as far as he could without falling in himself. "OK, grab on."

A familiar laughter rang from the bottom of the well. Instead of the child's voice, Chase heard that of another. "With pleasure." He felt something grab his arm and pull him into the well. A bright light filled his vision as he screamed in shock. He suddenly felt sleepy as the voice told him "Have fun." Chase slowly fell asleep as the laughter continued.

Chase suddenly sat up panicked. He looked to see he was in a bed. Feeling relief wash over him, he lied back down. "Man, Rose is not gonna believe me about this one. That was, like, a dream within a dream...that was Inception crazy." He chuckled to himself as he drifted off in thought.

After a few minutes, he heard a door open and the sounds of steps in the room. Chase sat up to greet his sister. "Hey sis, you won't believe the dream I just ha-" Chase froze as he looked in front of him. Standing in the doorway was a lavender unicorn giving him a very confused stare.