• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,516 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...


Is it too much to ask of this world for some consistency? I mean seriously, for the last few days I haven't stayed in one form for what seems like more than a few minutes. I blame all these damn ponies...

For over an hour Luna had attempted to change him into a normal earth pony. Despite her best efforts, however, his pony form would always be that of an alicorn. His coat was Though quite discontent with the results, the princess of the night had decided it was at least better than being seen as a human. The three now stand outside the castle gates, a pegasus chariot prepared to return Chase and Twilight to Ponyville.

"Alright then, lets review what I've told you before you leave. First, who are you?"

"I'm your nephew, err...every something?" Chase answered back to Luna a bit lost.

She sighed. "It's Eventide. You may not want to forget it since that's what you're going to be referred to as from now on. Next question, why are you staying in Ponyville?"

"I'm staying in Ponyville to, umm...study. Yeah that's it!"

"Study magic, specifically." she stated clearly. "Last question, where are you from?"

Oh, what was that north county's name... "Canada?" Both Twilight and Luna looked at him confused. "No wait, that's the one from my world...ok I forget."

The blue alicorn rolled her eyes. "The country is Frostmane, it's quite far north of Equestria so you're not likely to run into anypony from there." Luna turned to one of the pegasus guards and nodded. Giving her a salute, he went over and said a few words to the guards pulling the chariot. "I suppose it's time you two head back. Do be careful you two." Twilight and Chase nodded as they stepped on the chariot. "Oh, and before I forget," Luna gestured to a guard who brought over a black case as well as a finely sewn red scarf. "I believe these are yours mister Eventide."

The dark brown alicorn brought a hoof to his forehead. "Oh man, that makes three times I've forgotten my stuff. I swear I'm going to lose my own shoes on-" Chase paused for a moment as recalled a fact. "Right, I don't even wear shoes anymore...I'd still lose them." Luna chuckled as she levitated the scarf to him, wrapping it snugly around his neck. "And, Luna...thanks. For not killing me and all." he said awkwardly.

She smiled in return. "Do not worry about it, I may yet." The sad part is, I have no idea if she's kidding...

The chariot started moving after the initial tug nearly knocked Chase off balance. They slowly began to pick up speed. Wait a minute, are we- "Nonononononono!" It was too late now as the chariot lifted off the ground.

Luna remained and watched as they flew off into the horizon. Her smiling face turned to one of concern. "I hope you're right Tia, for everypony's sake..."

As the chariot slowed to a stop in front of the library, Twilight and Chase hopped out. Not forgetting you this time ol' buddy. Making sure to grab his violin case, he nodded appreciatively to the guards pulling the chariot. They scoffed and turned their heads as they went on their way. ...I suddenly don't feel so bad for killing them anymore. He turned to head inside and was instead met with a pair of familiar big blue eyes. Oh god she's back.

"Hi Chase!" she said as the pink earth pony bounced. "I knew you'd come back. I had that gut feeling. Ooo, I haven't told you about my Pinkie sense yet! Wellsometimeswhencertainthings...."

Her voice slowly started to fade out, along with all other sound. He shook his head in confusion, but to no avail. All sound seemed to disappear. "Chase, kill this one." A voice rang out in his head. What the- wait...you're the one from when I was in the prison. "I am, but that's not important. This one needs to go." Why would I want to do that? I know she's weird and all, but kill her? "Don't question me, just do it." I'm not doing it. "Damn humans..."

"And then I said oatmeal, are you crazy?" Just as quickly as it had left, the sounds of the world around him returned.

Twilight noticed his odd expression as Pinkie had been talking. "Alright Pinkie that's enough for now. I think Chase is a bit tired from the trip."

The normally energetic Pinkie Pie seemed to deflate almost instantly. "Oh, I see..." Her mane had suddenly become flat as her expression darkened.

Chase was completely taken back by the sudden change in demeanor, but felt guilty more than anything. "Err, maybe we can hang out another time if you're not busy."

Her mane re-inflated almost instantaneously as the usual bright smile appeared across her face. "We can throw a party! It'll be Chase's welcome back even though you really didn't leave party!'

He smiled awkwardly. "Y-yeah that sounds cool. Oh, wait-" Chase recalled his new name. "It'll have to be a party for uhh...Eventide! That's my new name while I'm here."

"Okie dokey lokie, Eventide." With that, she turned around and began merrily skipping and humming a cheery tune to herself.

What in the name of all things magical and pony-like was that?! D-did I just have a stroke or something?

Inside the library was a mess. A few books had been scattered about and a small pile of ice cream tubs had been gathered in the middle of the room. "Ooohhh" The sound of pain came from the young dragon huddled in a ball beside the large pile.

"Spike, what were you thinking?!" the lavender unicorn began scolding him. "Just look at this place! And did you eat all of the ice cream we had?!"

Spike merely rolled over in pain. "Make it stop," he said with some difficulty. "It hurts...it hurts soooo bad."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she trotted over the huddled dragon. "I'd ask you if you've learned you lesson, but we both know you're going to do this again the first chance you get." She sighed. "Come on, lets get you upstairs..." Twilight levitated a blanket over to him and wrapped the dragon in it, then lifted him onto her back. "I'll be right back." With the Spike still groaning, she headed up the flight up stairs and disappeared out of sight.

I'll admit. Of all things I thought she would be, motherly was not at the top of the list. Hell it wasn't even on the list. His thoughts were interrupted by the front door suddenly opening. Standing in the doorway was a smiling white unicorn, one that Chase knew quite well.

When she saw Chase, her eyes widened with surprise. "Chase? What are you doing here? I thought you were heading back to your world."

He let out a slight chuckle. "Well it's kind of a long story, but long story short I'm going to be here a lot longer than I thought."

Rarity moved into the room, making to close the door behind her. "You'll have to tell me all about it yet. I'm dying to know what sorts of things happened while you were with the princess."

Chase wasn't really fond of the idea of recalling everything. He could barely remember all the details as it was. Thankfully, as if to answer his concerns, Twilight could be heard making her way back down the stairs. "I think I can take care of that for him."

With the precise detail, minus the more gruesome ones, Twilight went on to explain the events that took place the previous day. Rarity was surprising unphased by what she had heard. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she almost looks annoyed with Twilight for some reason.

When she had finished her explanation, Rarity had only one question to ask. "I see, well then what do you plan to do with him for the rest of the day dear?"

Twilight thought to herself as she decided on an answer. "Since he's supposed to be here to study magic, I figured I should teach him a few spells. It will probably help him with his situation and help keep up appearances at the same time."

Chase smiled at the thought of learning magic. Now that can only be cool. "I'm down for that. I mean who doesn't want to learn magic?"

Rarity raised a hoof in objection. "As much as I agree with you, I think Chase should take the day off. After such a traumatizing ordeal he must have at least some time to relax."

Twilight nodded, though it was hesitantly. "I suppose you do have a point. After that whole thing maybe I could use a rest too." she sighed. "I will have to look after Spike today anyways since he's not feeling well."

Aww, I actually wanted to learn something for once. Oh well, I can't argue with also wanting to chill out for a while. "So then what's the plan?"

"Perhaps you and I could spend the day together? Since you're staying here you will likely wish to see all of Ponyville now." Chase nodded agreeably. "Then it's settled. Chase, I mean, Eventide and I shall be going on a date today."

"That sounds n-..." Chase stopped his own words. Did she just say..."Date?"

"Why of course dear, that is unless you don't want to..." Rarity suddenly put on the saddest puppy dog eyes he had ever seen. Oh god, my poor heart.

He shook his head furiously. "N-no I'd love to. I just...wasn't expecting it all of a sudden."

Twilight stood in place with a slight blush on her face. She cleared her throat. "I-I guess I should go check on Spike then." she said awkwardly. "Have a good time you two"

A date with Rarity? This is an unexpected yet pleasant turn of events. "Yeah, real cute kid. Now before you make an idiot of both of us why don't you do your job and let me kill this one." Oh no, you again? What possible issue could you have with Rarity? "It's not about issues, it's about killing her like you should." Man, you are just all about about killing today aren't you? "Don't be such a moron. Just kill her and be done with it." No. "I sai-" No. "Fine! Don't come crying to me for help then..."

"Chase, are you alright dear?"

He snapped back into reality and shook his head. "Y-yeah. I'm just uh...still in shock over how lucky I am!" Worst lie ever...well only partially a lie I guess.

Rarity smiled as she nuzzled the brown alicorn. "Aww, how sweet of you. Shall we be on our way then dear?"