• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,516 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...

Meeting with the Princess

Meeting with the Princess

"IwantdownIwantdownIwantdown." Chase had been repeating this phrase since the chariot had left. Frozen in place as he held on tightly to the railing, he continued his rambling with his eyes shut tight. "IwantdownIwantdownIwantdown."

Twilight sighed in annoyance. "It's fine Chase, these are pegasi of the royal guard, some of the strongest fliers in all of Equestria. There's no need to worry about falling." What Twilight had neglected to tell Chase was that the chariots were more often used for aerial transportation rather than ground.

Chase glared at her angrily. "Read my lips unicorn woman! I...do....not...FLY!"

Rolling her eyes, she brought a hoof to her face. "Alright, so you don't like flying. I get it, but we're up here now and there's not much you can do except enjoy the view."

"Enjoy the view?! We're miles from the ground a-" Chase stopped himself as he looked out in front of him. It was truly a sight to behold. The gentle flowing plains that expanded further than the eye could see, the calm, glistening river that seemed to flow off into eternity, and to top it all off a rainbow was stretched across the sky before him. His grip from the railing loosened. This is...beautiful. I guess Twilight was right about the view at least. His mind immediately returned to the lavender unicorn next to him. Almost on instinct, his fears suddenly welled up inside him once again. "Y-yep, view was nice. Now can I get down already?"

Twilight gave him a look of curiosity. "You seemed fine for a second, what happened?"

"N-nothing happened. I looked and that's it."

Twilight paused as she tried to piece something together in her mind. "I think there's more to this fear of flying than I'm realizing." she began. "There must be a reason to it beyond just the fear of falling?"

Chase remained silent.

"Oh sweet merciful heavens we're here!" Chase shouted as the chariot landed gently before the large castle gates.

"Thank Celestia that's over." she said stepping down from the chariot.

Another pair of the royal guards walked up to Twilight and Chase. "The Princess is expecting you two. This way please." Like the guard before, he spoke in a commanding tone and had a strong presence about him. They still all look exactly the same...

The steel gate opened wide, allowing them to follow the cobblestone path that led to the massive castle. The castle was built into the mountainside, made of white stone with golden spires. I'm beginning to see a trend here. The scene before him was almost too colorful to bear. Ponies of all types were going about their duties within the castle grounds, many of which were tending to the many plants and flowers that adorned the courtyard. As the two followed the guards, Chase noticed a few of the workers look at him curiously. He simply pretended not to see them and continued on his way.

The inside of the castle was almost as brightly decorated as the outside. Beautiful stain glass windows depicting different ponies lit up the long hallway before them. A flowing red carpet stretched to the opposite end. Two more guards stood at attention beside the large door on the far side of the hallway. As they walked, Chase inspected each window. They seemed to depict heroic deeds performed by ponies, likely throughout their history. It was one in particular that caught his attention. The window itself was barren except for one image. A pair of blue cat-like eyes. As he observed he stopped. There's something off about that one. Chase saw that the others had not noticed him stopping and decided to walk up to the window. As he approached them they seemed to glow brighter the closer he got. It's almost seems like they're...watching me?

"Indeed we are." Chase heard a voice from within his mind. The room around him suddenly seemed to fade out as darkness filled the room around him. The window was filled with a black smoke that began seeping out towards Chase. "We have been watching you for sometime now."

"W-who are you?" He attempted to step back, but found his body would not move.

"Hmph." the voice scoffed. "You're supposed to be our opponent?" The smoke whisked around him as a cold chill began to enter him. "What possible purpose could you have in all this? The other human has already far exceeded you."

Chase was utterly confused by the strange words, but one thing he did point out was the mention of another human. "You mean, there's another human? Here. In Equestria?" Chase wasn't sure, but it was as though he could "feel" the presence smile.

"You were not aware?" the voice did not sound surprised, but rather uninterested. "How quaint. It seems you are not a threat to us at all, let alone of any use. Such a shame, humans usually have so much potential."

It's starting to sound like my English teacher... "Potential? Potential for what?"

"It matters not, anymore. You will not succeed. Go back to your little ponies, we are done speaking with you."

"W-wait, what?" Chase felt himself become suddenly dizzy as he fell unconscious.

"Chase!" he could hear a voice call out. "Chase are you alright?"

He opened his eyes to see a panicked lavender unicorn standing over him. "T-twilight?"

"Oh thank Celestia!" Twilight immediate hugged Chase. "What happened? You just suddenly fell unconscious."

"I-I guess I'm just still tired from last night." he said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head. It's probably best to keep what just happened quiet for now.

"Oh? And what exactly kept you two up so long?" Chase heard someone say. Their voice was warm and soothing, but also had a certain power to it. He around to see he was in a much larger room. From the other side of the room his eyes were barraged with a mass of brightness. Sitting on a raised golden throne was a large white alicorn. Her mane was composed of several soothing colors, and seemed to be constantly flowing despite being inside. The look on her face, however, was very serious.

Twilight's face became flustered. "P-princess, we didn't-" Celestia's sudden giggling caused her to stop. She made a gesture to her guards who began to exit the room.

"I'm sorry Twilight, I simply couldn't resist making a little joke." Twilight gave a bemused look in response, but merely shrugged it off.

"Princess, I'd like you to meet Chase." she said gesturing to him. "As you can see, this is the one I was speaking about."

Err, better not seem like a jerk in front of her. Chase gave a polite bow to the princess. "G-greetings princess Celestia."

Celestia gave him a warm smile. "There's no need to be so formal here. Technically, you don't even have to call me princess, being from a different universe." Both Twilight and Chase were surprised by her reaction. Celestia never did enjoy formalities, but Twilight had never heard her give permission to anypony except herself to not use titles while within the castle. "Now Twilight," she began again. "Would you mind giving me a full explanation of what happened?"

Twilight smiled. "Of course princess!" She went on to explain as much as possible, in a excruciating amount of detail. I could've done it in a sentence or two. I have to say though, gotta appreciate her attention to detail. She even knew what key my song was in? Not bad.

As Twilight finished her explanation, Celestia nodded. "I see, in that case it should be well within my abilities to send you back home." she gave Chase a look over. "In your human form, of course."

Twilight’s expression went from thoughtful to just plain giddy as she heard this. "You mean you're going to twin cast princess?" Twin cast? I don't like that there's a special name for this...

"There's no need to worry Chase, I've performed twin casting many times over." How did she?...you're in my head aren't you? Celestia simply gave him a smile.

Chase could see that Twilight was nearly ready to burst with excitement. "The princess and her sister are the only two who can successfully perform a twin cast." She began to explain to Chase. "It basically means she's casting two spells as one to enhance it's effects."

Chase gave her a confused look. "Why can only the princesses do it?" he looked around the room. "Speaking of which, where is the other one?"

"My sister, Luna, is currently asleep. She is in charge of duties at night. As such, our sleep schedules reflect one another." Celestia told him. "As for the spell, it requires a large amount of magical energy as well as concentration to do so." she gave Twilight a warm grin. "My student here is also capable of it, but she has yet to do so successfully." Twilight pawed at the ground sheepishly as she received the complement.

"Now then," Celestia's voice became stern. "shall we proceed with the spell?" Chase nodded. "Very well, please come forward."

Chase walked towards Celestia until he received a gesture to stop. Speaking a few unintelligible words, much like Twilight when she performed the spell, her horn began to glow a golden hue. The area around Chase began to glow as he was gently lifted off the ground. Within moments, a largely decorated golden circle appeared around him and began to glow brighter and brighter. Chase noticed an foreboding feeling all around him. Something doesn't feel right... The air around him swirled like before, but became far more violent. A flash of light took over the entire room. His vision went black.

In the darkness, there was something he could see. A pair of eyes that spewed flames. Chase could almost make out it's appearance, but it used the darkness as a cover. Revealing only small features of it's head. It was wearing armor of a sort that seemed to glisten from the light made by the flames.

"You cannot leave." the voice spoke out in a booming tone. Nothing about this voice made Chase comfortable. It's very presence felt unnatural to him, which was unnerving.

Chase mustered up the courage to speak. "W-why can't I leave?"

"Because," the voice bellowed in it's dark tone. "it is about to begin."