• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,516 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...



Chase was exhausted. His body practically couldn't move, even if he wanted it to. As his motionless body lay rested on the bed, his mind was restless. Why am I so tired? We didn't do that much today. Am I feeling some kind of aftereffect from that whole transforming and killing everyone thing? Despite his fatigue, he was almost happy for the moment of respite. Chase hadn't thought too much on the whole incident, there had been far too many distractions since then. I wonder if that Wrath guy can hear me? There was no response. Oh well, maybe that's a good thing. While he let his mind wander, he noticed something felt unusual. Like a new, yet familiar presence had entered his mind.

"Why hello again, Chase. Enjoying a little nap are we?" Though he had only heard it a handful of times, the voice was practically engraved into his mind. Discord... "How kind of you to remember me. So how fares your new life here, are you enjoying the scenery?" Leave me alone already. I'm trying to relax. "Such a poor attitude, and to think I even came to give you a little bit of information that could help you. Without that night princess interrupting us this time." Chase sighed. Alright, what did you want to say. "Pay close attention, I don't plan on trying to say it again after this." Discord began. "From countless worlds the battle unfolds, revealing chaos in its purest forms. Find your place among them and know whom isn't right. For one does not belong here, and their destiny is great. Darkness shall befall the land, if you are too late." Huh? What does that even mean!? That's got to be the most obscure riddle ever made...hello?...oh dammit he left!

Uhg, why does my head hurt so bad? Why do I feel all squished and wet?...W-why can't I move?

"Good morning, Chase." A sultry voice practically rang out in sing-song. He felt as though his very being was being pulled towards the source. "I had a wonderful idea for today. I though we could just...'hang out'." The voice said giggling slightly at her own words. The sounds of a strange buzzing could be heard, as well as the occasional clicking noise.

Chase slowly started to open his weary eyes. What is she talking abo-Why am I upside down!? Standing in front of him was Rarity, however she and the rest of the strange dark room were flipped from his perspective. "H-hey, what gives." The chestnut alicorn breathed heavily as he tried to speak. His entire body felt weak and was almost entirely numb.

The unicorn place a hoof over his lips. "Hush now darling, we wouldn't want you to pass out from exhaustion." Pulling her hoof away, she leaned herself close to him. "Just let me take care of everything."

His mind was mostly in a daze, feeling as though it were still being drained. So...tired...No! I have to figure this out. What's going on here? Chase shook his head and looked to see what suspended him above the ground. The entirety of his body was encased in a strange green gelatin, leaving only part of his neck and head exposed. "W-what...is..."

"You're wondering what all this is?" she interrupted. Chase nodded. "Why, it's for you dearest."


"Oh poor little Chasey wasey, how hard it must be to have had to deal with all these burdens. I saw how much it was bothering you, so I decided to take it upon myself to relieve you of your woes. I'll take care of those mean old elements of chaos for you." Rarity grinned as she brushed his mane with her hoof. "Just be at ease and leave everything to your little Rarity."

In the corner of the room, Chase noticed several pairs of glowing green eyes. What the heck are those? Try as he might, words would no longer leave his mouth. He was just too weak. Dammit, what is even going on? Why is Rarity acting like this? I'm so lost right now!

Rarity, seeing his state of weakness, turned towards whatever lurked in the shadows."Well then, it seems he's practically empty. I suppose you can have the leftovers." Three odd insect-like creatures began to approach Chase, razor sharp teeth bared at their future meal. Each were pitch black with jagged horns and a set of clear wings, resembling that of a pony, but only in basic shape. Everything about them seemed to be a twisted mockery of the ponies he had seen thus far. "Do try not to make a mess, we wouldn't want to stain the carpet now would we?" Rarity turned to walk away, ensured her of her triumph. "This day, has been just perfect..."

Oh hell, I'm going to die here? Wrath, if there was ever a time to want to get all stabby-stabby this is definitely it! There was no response. Come on! We're both going to die here if you don't do something. At least speak you stupid spirit thing! "I'm stupid? Look who's gone and gotten themselves caught in a jelly cocoon!" I figured I'd get you eventually. Alright, so start killing. "Nope." W-what? But we're going to die! "Oh no, you seem to have the wrong idea. I won't let you die, but no one said anything about not letting you suffer greatly. I'm going to let these stupid insects eat away at you until I feel you've suffered enough for your insolence earlier." Insolence? "This whole thing could have been avoided had you just killed her when I said, but you had to go and be mister self-righteous and say no." ...You didn't even tell me why. "And why should I have to? I'm the Element of Wrath, you should just be doing what I say from the start worm! So I'm just going to let them nibble away at you until I'm able to take full control." Why would I listen to something that just wants to run around and kill thing? I- "You should stop talking to me." Why? "Because they're eating you know." I don't feel anyt- Oh god the pain!

One of the insects had taken a bite out of his left ear, leaving a small piece missing altogether. The pain coursed through him, causing him writhe and whimper as much as his body would let him. His sight had been reduced to a mere blur, barely able to see the creatures that stood in front of him. Fear gripped him tightly as the reality of the situation hit him. Even if he didn't die, it would be worse than anything he'd ever experienced. Being eaten alive, being taken over by Wrath for good, betrayed by the one he thought he had feelings for. His eyes began to water up as he recalled the time they spent over the past few days. She were unlike anyone he ever met back home. So kind and stunning. Despite being a stranger from another world, she still chose to care for him. "R-...Rarity..."

She laughed at his attempt to call out to her. "Still able to talk? Not bad for a human. Too bad it won't do you much good. I-"

A loud crash interrupted her, splinters of wood were flung across the room. The source of the destruction stood in the doorway. Horn glowing a bright blue, a white unicorn with a very rustled mane was breathing heavily as she stared into the room with a fierce look of anger. "Stay away from my stallion you disgusting insects!" But that looks like...Rarity?!

"What?! But how could you have escaped?" The Rarity that had captured Chase shook her head. "It doesn't matter anyhow. You three, take care of her."

Licking their lips, the trio of bug-ponies quickly began to close the gap between them and their next meal. Using her magic, the newcomer lifted several rolls of fabric and sent them flying at her attackers. In moments they found themselves tangled in an assortment of brightly colored cloth, unable to move beyond squirming.

"You dare stand against me? Foalish unicorn, what chance do you have against someone such as I?" A green flame surrounded her, as her form began to change. Now standing as tall as one of the princesses, the pony that once resembled Rarity was now much like the smaller insect-like ponies that had been tied up.

"Please, I'm not in the mood for any more of your little antics. Release Chase, and I might consider not destroying you like you did to that monstrosity of a mane."

Chrysalis laughed at her threat. "Come now, there is no need to be so unladylike like. Besides what do you, a half-wit fashion designer, hope to achieve against Chrysalis, queen of the changelings and element of deceit?"

"You come into my home, foal-nap me, try to kill Chase," Rarity huffed angrily. "and worst of all, insult my dresses." Her eyes narrowed, focusing her rage directly into the eyes her opponent. "It. Is. On."