• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,516 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...

A Way Back Home?

A Way Back Home?

A crowd had now gathered around Chase and Pinkie as he remained motionless. Many of them began to whisper to each other. Come on Chase, there's got to be something you can do.

"I've never seen you in Ponyville before, which means..." she gasped at her realization as she suddenly bounced off towards the massive present box. From behind it, she pulled out a small colorful cart. That was so not there a second ago. Pressing a red button on the side, the cart suddenly sprang to life as a multitude of colorful flags and instruments appeared.

As music began to play, Pinkie began to sing. "Welcome, welcome, welcome a fine welcome to you." Is she...singing? ""Welcome, welcome, welcome I say how do you do?" Chase looked around and noticed that everyone's attention was solely on her. This may be my chance. I'll have time to feel bad about ditching Rarity later. ""Welcome, welcome, welcome I say hip hip hurray!" Chase slowly crawled behind the crowd. ""Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ponyville today!" Chase ran at full speed towards the tree as the song came to it's close.

"Where did that thing go?" he could hear someone say as he hurled himself inside.

Chase sighed as he leaned back against the closed door. "Made it." he said to himself. Looking around, he didn't see any sign of Twilight or Spike. Now here could they have gone? Chase walked around and began looking for them. It wasn't long before he heard a crashing sound towards the back of the library. He headed towards the door on the other side of the room and looked inside. There was Twilight, standing in a large and elaborate circle that had been drawn on the ground. There was a small pile of ashes on the ground in front of her. "Err...did I come at a bad time?"

Twilight looked up in surprise. "Oh hello Chase. You actually came at a good time as it so happens. I've been working on a spell that should take you back to your world." she said proudly.

"That's great!" Chase said surprised. Caution, however, got the better of him. "Have you actually tested it at all? I mean I don't know how magic works, but I'm guessing you need to make sure it works before you actually do it on a live subject."

Twilight's gave a nervous laugh as she brushed the pile of ashes out of sight. "Well, um." she began, clearing her throat. "I'm certain this spell will work fine. The object being transferred simply needs to be from that world is all."

Chase thought for a moment and came to an idea. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "This is from my world. You could try it with this first."

Twilight sighed with relief. "Good idea, this will help verify my theory." ...I was so about to be dead. Chase walked up and placed the wallet in the circle in front of Twilight, then they both stepped back what he guessed was a safe distance from it. "Alright, let's get this started." This should be interesting. The most magic I've seen so far is that whole levitating thing they do.

The horn on Twilight's head began to glow a soft purple hue. Her face was showing very deep concentration and effort being put into it as her horn began to glow brighter and brighter. Eventually, the light had grown so much that Chase was having a difficult time looking at it, but his curiosity was too great for him to look away. Twilight bent her head down as she placed the tip of her horn on the edge of the circle. The light from her horn disappeared as the lines began to glow the same color. As the circle became fully engulfed in the purple light, the wallet lifted off the ground and disappeared in a flash of light.

"It worked!" Twilight said enthusiastically as she began hopping around the room gleefully. Well I'll be damned, it actually did. She stopped hopping around and went back to her position at the edge of the circle. "Now we can get you home." she said smiling.

Chase nodded as he stepped into the middle of the circle. Finally! All these ponies would have driven me crazy if I had stayed any longer. he paused his thoughts for a moment. That Rarity one was nice though. Oh well, I'm better of in my own world anyways. "Whenever you're ready Twilight."

Twilight's horn glowed just like it did before. As the circle began to glow, Chase felt an unusual breeze suddenly begin to flow around him. It was warm, like what one would expect on a nice summer day. He suddenly felt himself lifted off the ground as there was a sudden flash of light. His vision went black.

I'm home. Thank god. Chase lifted his hand to rub his eyes from the strain caused by the light. "Ow" he said as he felt something hard hit him. His eyes slowly opened as he tried to make out what had hit him. This is...a hoof. Why did a hoof- Chase's eyes suddenly widened as he saw Twilight's, who was still in front of him, expression. Looking at the hoof in front of him, he realized something.

Chase cleared his throat. "Twilight." he asked.

"Y-yes?" she said shocked.

"Two things. One, why do I have hooves?" he said as straight faced as possible.

"I-I don't know."

"I see. Well in that case, the second thing is," Chase took a deep breath. "Pillow, now!"

A/N: If you find a random wallet, please message me. I'm sure Chase would like to have it back. Also, GET THIS MAN A PILLOW STAT!!!