• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,516 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...

First Blood

A/N: A key note is this (and future) chapters will be color coded sentences. You'll notice that some italic words have been written in different colors. This is to represent different characters thoughts when from a perspective other than Chase's.

In Short:

Chase's Thoughts = Regular Italics
Other Characters Thoughts = Colored Italics

Which character is which should be relatively obvious from the setting and color choice.

This chapter also gets pretty bloody later, just a heads up.

First Blood

(Battle Music)

"Return to stone Discord!" Luna shouted her battle cry as a bolt of black lightning shot out from her horn towards Discord. She saw him disappear as she felt something smash into her from above. Luna went hurdling into the jagged rocks below. Many of the rocks simply shattered on impact, sending up a cloud of dirt and shards of stone. Looking up she saw Discord casually floating in the air above her with a smug look on his face. He was easily thrice his normal size, the air around him twisting and turning as his chaotic energies flowed freely around him.

"My, my quite the temper princess. Did Celestia teach you nothing about manners since your little lunar vacation?"

Luna's rage increased as she heard his comment. "Fine then, forget being turned to stone." she said while channeling energy into her wings. Discord looked down curiously. "Just die!" Luna released the energy and ascended at a blinding speed, impaling Discords body with her horn.

Discord screamed in pain as the horn pierced his scales. He immediately grabbed her and sunk his teeth into her exposed side. Luna yelled out as a shock wave of magic forced Discord to release her and be sent flying back into a mountainside. Seeing an opportunity, she let out another bolt of lightning towards him. All that she saw was a huge explosion as the mountain itself began to crumble. Unable to see Discord behind the clouds of smoke and dust, she took a moment to heal her wounds. I mustn't take long. There's no telling when he- Her thoughts were interrupted when the sight of dozens of small bolts of fire began headed towards her. Damned draconequus! Luna's horn glowed as she cast another spell, encasing her in a barrier of ice. She could see the impact of the flames meet with the barrier and simply fade off as steam. She released the barrier sending shards of ice in all directions.

"You'll have to do better than that princess." Luna heard from beneath her. Oh for the love of... As if sensing her annoyance Discord sent a blaze of fire straight up, singeing her fur and many of her feathers as she tried to pull away. The flames, however, did not feel hot. In fact, they felt cold despite still appearing to react like normal fire. She shrugged off the pain and sent energy into both her hooves and wings. Charging straight down in hopes her hooves would make contact, Discords body twisted as she flew past him into the ground. The impact shook the as the ground beneath crumbled, creating a massive crater that went a dozen feet into the ground.

I can't keep this up forever. I have to end this now. "Discord!" she shouted. "We end this now!" Magic slowly began to build at her horn, becoming brighter with each passing moment.

"We're done already? A little disappointing if you ask me." Discord sighed. "Oh well, might as well finish this with some flare then." His eyes began to glow with a black tint as the distorted energies began to gather in front of him. "Now Luna, let's see what our little princess of the night can really do."

Twilight was confused beyond belief. She could only watch as Chase's form became enveloped in smoke. W-what's going on? What happened to Celestia? Where did Luna go? What is he? These questions swirled in her mind as she heard one of the guards shout out. Without warning he thrust forward, aiming his spear directly at Chase's neck. "Wait, don't hurt him!" she shouted out. Chase didn't even move. Twilight saw the spear clearly make contact with him, only to see the guards face turn to one of pure terror. He dropped the spear as he fell to the ground, trembling madly as he tried to crawl away. What is he... Twilight looked at the spear that had fallen, the end had been shattered to pieces. A distorted laugh could be heard from Chase as he lifted his sword above him. Twilight could see something odd about the sword. It almost appeared to be pulsing, much like a heartbeat.

"Die pest!" Chase shouted as he brought the sword down, impaling the poor guard on the ground. His head jerked back in pain, spewing out a jet of blood before becoming motionless.

"C-Chase, why would you..." It was too much for Twilight to bear as she became nauseous at the sight.

He ignored her words as he began laughing yet again. "Come now, it this all the royal guard has to offer?"

The looks of fear turned to anger on their faces as they saw their comrade killed before them. With a mighty roar they all readied their spears and prepared to attack.

Chase crossed his swords in front of him. "Now then, who's next?"

Luna stood up again. Bloodied and bruised, her body was at its limit. Discord snapped his fingers and appeared behind her. "Now princess, is there really any need for all this excessive violence?" he asked her with a smug grin on his face. "Why, I don't even remember why we're fighting."

Luna bucked behind her at empty air as Discord flashed away again, causing her to fall flat. Panting heavily, she struggled to stand up. "Give *pant* us back our sister."

Discord began to laugh hysterically. How dare he insult us like this. "Y-you didn't actually think I had her did you?" Wiping a tear from his eye, he managed to stop his laughing for a moment. "Oh now this is just priceless. I have to say princess, you really had me going for a minute."

Luna retook her battle stance, albeit a painful one. "What are you talking about Discord? Where is our sister!?"

Discord merely shrugged. "How would I know, I didn't take her anywhere. I just took advantage of her disappearing to have a word with the boy."

She recalled the odd creature standing in the throne room. "What does the human have to do with all this?"

"Everything, my dear. He's got quite the role to play before the end of our little game." Discord seemed to take pleasure in talking about this. "In fact, he may even be the star player at this rate." What game could he be talking about...wait, it can't be! Luna's surprised look seemed to tip off Discord to her revelation. "It looks like we have a winner!" he sent random streams of confetti everywhere as he teleported beside Luna. "It is indeed that time again princess. You didn't think it was all over last time did you? The cycle must always go on." Luna merely sat down with a defeated look on her face. "Oh don't look so down. Look at it this way, at least you get to run Equestria for a while."

Luna's face immediately contorted back into rage as she headbutt Discord in the face. "Heed our words Discord," she said with a newly found energy. "we will break the cycle once more, and we will have our sister back!"

"Well if you're going to be that way, then I think I'll just take my leave." Discord rubbed his snout with a bemused look on his face. "Arrivederci!" With a snap of his fingers he disappeared from sight, leaving Luna alone in the barren wasteland.

(Next Battle Theme)

"For Equestria!" the guards shouted in unison. Three of the guards lunge forward with their spears, aiming with trained precision for the area they assumed his heart would be. Chase lifted one of the swords and used the flat of the blade to block all three, causing them to shatter on impact. The guards didn't even flinch as the same three drew their swords and rolled forward in an attempt to surround him. At the same time, three more guards lunged with spears, hoping to cover their comrades approach. They were expertly trained, better than anyone else in Equestria.

Unfortunately for them, Chase isn't from Equestria. Rather than block this set of spears, he jumped in the air making them narrowly miss their target. "Pathetic." he scoffed. As Chase landed he plunged his sword into the ground. A set of massive black spikes rose up from the ground and impaled the three guards who had rolled forward, causing spurts of blood to fly in all directions as they retracted back into the ground without a trace. Chase withdrew his sword and rushed into the group of guards, throwing a kick into the chest of a guard in front of him. The guard was sent flying back into the wall with a heavy thud as he fell to the floor unconscious.

Seeing that Chase now stood in the center of the seven standing guards, they threw down their spears and began to draw their blades to better suit close range combat. Chase merely took advantage of their weaponless state as he gave a full force upwards kick into one standing in front of him. He then took the sword in his left hand and threw it directly upwards into him, impaling the guard to the ceiling above them as blood began to drip down. The guards now had their swords drawn, but the one to Chase's left was clearly trembling in fear. With the sword in his right hand, Chase spun around and cut at the pony's neck. The guard did his best to block the attack, only to have his sword shatter to pieces. There was sound much like a wet sponge being torn in half as the guards head sailed through the air. Blood began to spew out in all directions as the now headless body collapsed. As another guard attempted to slash at him the sword that was on the ceiling came down, body and all. The sword pierced through him as his dead friend landed with a splash in the pool of blood.

Twilight was on the verge on vomiting. Tears filled her eyes as she watched the horror unfold before her. Her mind was a complete blank, filled only with terror and disgust as she watched blood fly in all directions. I-I have to do something... Rising to her hooves, she shook her head. Twilight found her resolve and charged forward. As she approached Chase withdrew the sword from the two impaled bodies. He raised his foot as he stomped the ground with devastating force. The impact cause a shock wave of air that pushed everything back from him, sending the relatively light unicorn flying back uncontrollably. I can't even get close to help. More tears began to stream down her face. A-am I going to die here too?

Chase began to laugh maniacally. "What's the matter everypony, you seem upset that your friends are all dead." he began as a wicked grin appeared across his face. "Let's remedy that, shall we?" The black smoke that surrounded him began to flow out towards the bodies of the fallen guards, washing over them and slowly seeping into their wounds. In unison, the once dead bodies all opened their eyes and began to stand once again. The wounds on their body closing as blood rushed into them. The guard that had been decapitated had his head roll to him as it seamlessly reattached to his neck. Their eyes all glowed red as a devious smile went across their faces. Without a word they lunged at their comrades, one being slain as he merely looked on in horror. The black smoke overtook his body as well, making him like the others.

Twilight saw one of the changed guards look in her direction. She backed away slowly, hoping he would ignore her. P-please don't... The guard suddenly took off towards her. Twilight ran away as fast as she could, headed towards the doorway. Her hope shrank when she saw what was filling it. A cloud of black smoke and spikes that protruded from the ground. Wait, I have an idea! Quickly turning right, she darted directly towards the stone wall. The guard was close behind her, swinging his sword madly. Just a little closer...now! Just as she was about to hit the wall, she used her magic to teleport behind the guard and run in the opposite direction. The guard ran into the wall with a thud as he fell to the ground. Her victory against the guard was short lived as she looked at the battle scene. There were only two guards remaining. One was unconscious against the wall while the other, beaten and exhausted, was doing everything he could to fend off the mass of mad ponies that swarmed around him.

The ponies that surrounded the lone guard. slowly began to back away as Chase walked towards him. The guard had a fierce look in his eyes as he stared angrily at Chase. "Come and get me you bastard!" Chase responded by throwing his sword forward. The guard ducked slightly and the sword became stuck horizontally in the wall only inches above him. The guard gave him a smug smile. "Ha, you missed." He was still tired, but seeing something go his way gave him a second wind of energy. As the guard prepared to rush him, Chase moved forward at a blinding speed. The guard, taken by surprise, was now completely taken aback as he looked into Chase's glowing eye. Chase suddenly kicked the guard upwards, sending him straight into the sword above. With a sickening sound the sword cut through the body with ease, rending the body in two halves and spilling his organs and blood over the unconscious guard. He slowly began to wake.

I have to help him! Twilight charged towards Chase once again as he raised his sword to finish off the last guard. This time, however, she used her magic to give her a huge acceleration boost, closing the distance between them in no time at all. Just as Twilight had reached him, he unleashed a vicious spinning kick that sent her fly back across the room. As she landed on her side, Twilight heard the last guard let out a terrified scream. Then silence.

Looking up, she saw that all of the guards were standing again. All of them with glowing red eyes and a murderers smile. They all stood at attention as Chase made his way towards Twilight. She blinked, only once, and immediately he was standing before her. She looked up into his eyes, seeing that one glowed fiercely as the other remained its usual green appearance. "Chase, p-please." she managed to say. "Why do you have to be like this? What happened to you?"

He began to laugh at the question. "Chase? That fool was weak. Without me, he would never survive." he gave Twilight a smile that sent shivers down her spine. "I am known as Wrath. I would have expected you to know this element of magic."

"H-how did you..." she was stunned that this thing knew something like that about her.

"It matters not how I know it," Wrath lifted a sword above his head. "Just that you will be dieing today element."

Twilight cowered in fear as she sensed her end coming near. She closed her eyes and merely waited for the deed to be done...but it never came. She dared peek up to see Wrath knelt down before her, his sword plunged in the ground merely inches beside her. He was immobilized, struggling with some unknown force. "C-chase?"

"Twilight, I-I can't hold it back for long." she could hear his normal voice again. "You have to do something."

She quickly felt herself go into a panic. "But, w-what do I-"

Chase quickly interrupted her. "Buck me!"

"You want me to what!?" Twilight gave him a perplexed and frightened look. "I would never do something like that!"

Chase quickly caught on to what she was thinking. "No you stupid purple unicorn, kick me in the face and knock me o-" Twilight quickly reared back and bucked him full force in the face. Sorry Chase... He blacked out.