• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,516 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...

Falling In

Chas-, I mean, Eventide & Rarity

In Sugarcube Corner ponies were sitting at tables, eating and chatting amongst each other. Chase was met with a barrage of colors from the various pastries and decor. Kinda looks like a bakery that got hit by a truck full of rainbows. Along with Rarity the two approached the counter. Standing behind it was a light blue earth pony, her mane was two tones of pink and she seemed a bit huskier than some of the other mares. Regardless, she seemed to have a certain sense of maturity about her.

"Why hello there miss Rarity, it's been a while since I've last seen you here." she smiled kindly at the stranger alicorn that stood next to Rarity. "And who might be your dashing young friend here?"

"Chas-" Rarity nudged his side. Oh, right. "er, Eventide. I came to Ponyville to study magic under Twilight yesterday, but I'm taking a tour of the town with Rarity for the day." Looking over to her, Chase could see Rarity had a bright smile on her face. Yet something seems off. Almost like the expression is...empty? Nah that can't right.

"I see," the earth pony began. "in that case, welcome to Ponyville mister Eventide. I'm missus Cake, and my husband mister Cake is in the back. Now what can I get you two today?"

"Hmm..." As she began reading the menu on the counter, Rarity put a hoof up to her chin in contemplation. "What would you say best suits a first date?" Chase blushed slightly. She does not beat around the bush with that does she?

"Here one day and already you've won over miss Rarity. You must have been quite the mare-killer back home." Mrs. Cake's giggled slightly. "It may be out of season, but our Hearts and Hooves special should do the trick. It comes with a banana split sundae and a pair of our butter cream chocolate cupcakes." Chase was practically watering at the mouth just at the sound of it.

Rarity's eyes were wide with excitement as she nodded. "Why that sounds absolutely delightful! How much?"

The pony behind the counter waved her hoof to the side. "Nonsense dear, you've been a huge help to this business and a dear friend for far too long for me to charge you on your first date." As Rarity thanked her for the kind offer, Ms. Cake trotted off into the kitchen. It didn't take long before she returned with the sugary treats.

The two took a seat across from each other at a cozy little wooden table. Chase eyed the banana split before him. It was a particularly large bowl filled significantly higher than the bowl with three different kinds of nut filled ice cream. A perfectly cut banana surrounded the sides if the ice cream, all topped with some whipped cream and a single cherry. Without hesitation, he reached out a hoof to pick up a spoon that had been nicely laid out on the tray. As he made contact, he felt his happiness shatter as the sad reality that was...well, reality. Why can't I hold this damn spoon?! His clumsy hoof knocked back the spoon as he desperately tried again and again to pick it up. Looking up, he saw Rarity was in a fit of giggles at the event. Curse you hooves...

Rarity picked a another spoon and scooped out a small portion of ice cream, her eyes locked with his with a sultry stare. "How about we try it this way." Bringing the spoon up to Chase's mouth, he hesitantly accepted and ate it. I'm being fed now? Not sure if I like this. Scooping another helping of ice cream, Rarity took a bite of it this time. However, she did not break eye contact with Chase. Slowly, she pulled the spoon from her mouth as her lips curved around its silver edges. The captivating unicorn gently licked her lips as she plunged the spoon into the frozen treat once more. I need more ice cream and a cold shower...

The two took their time with the dessert as they savored each and every bite. Next were the cupcakes. I think I can get this one. Chase placed his hooves on either side of the cupcake in question and applied just enough pressure to lift it up without crushing it. "Aha! No cupcake is safe from Cha- Eventide." he laughed slightly as he corrected himself. Chase took a bite of the cupcake and was immediately amazed by the taste. The sweet butter cream icing blended perfectly with the soft, chocolate pastry. Across the table, Rarity had picked hers up with a single hood. Figur- hey what's that touching my leg? He looked down to see Rarity's tail had gently wrapped around it. Oh good god they can do tail things...

Chase noticed that as he ate his cupcake, Rarity had slightly different plans for hers. She kept that suggestive look in her eyes as the mare slowly licked the icing off the cupcake. Chase didn't really have much choice but to stop eating and stare. This is...new. Starting at the edges, she circled her tongue around as the coat of icing slowly disappeared in a spiral pattern.

What happened next Chase was less than prepared for. She took the remaining cupcake, and placed the entire things in her mouth slowly before biting down and swallowing. I...words...missing... Chase noticed something was off as he looked around. Am I...taller? Everything seemed to be slightly lower than he remembered. Rarity was giggling slightly. What the... "OH GOD I'M FLYING!" Without his knowing, Chase's new wings had lifted him from the chair. Gravity soon took over as his wings suddenly tucked against his sides, causing him to land flat on the chair beneath him. Well at least I wasn't too high. He heard a slight cracking sound. Oh no...

I need to do this everyday for the rest of my pony existence. The new couple were now walking around Ponyville as Rarity showed him the sights. Or at least what he noticed when he wasn't gawking her like an idiot. As she spoke, explaining various things about the small town, Chase was practically deaf to the world as he simply nodded at everything she said. It wasn't until an orange earth pony wearing a cowboy hat greeted them that he shook out of his stupor.

"A fine howdy to ya Rarity. Who's yer new friend 'ere." Her accent had a thick southern tone to it. Did we just hit pony Texas?

"A fine, er, howdy to you too Applejack." Rarity seemed to strain while saying the sentence. "This is Eventide, Luna's nephew. He's staying in Ponyville to study magic with Twilight."

Applejack was a bit surprised at the news. "Well I'll be, the princess's nephew ya say?" The orange earth pony tipped her hat politely. "Pleasure to make yer acquaintance yer highness. Name's Applejack."

Yer highness? That just don' sit right wit' me...oh god even my thoughts are sounding countryish from listening to her. "Just Eventide is fine." he smiled awkwardly, trying to keep up his facade.

Applejack nodded. "Alrighty then. If you ever need any apples, Sweet Apple Acres has the best in all Equestria."

"Sweet Apple Acres?" Chase gave a mildly confused look not having heard about the farm before.

The pony shot a confused glance right back at him. "You've never heard of Sweet Apple Acres, the most famous orchard this side o' Las Pegasus?" Las...Pegasus? I swear that had to be a joke. Chase shrugged. "Well now that just ain't right. Have Rarity bring you on over one day and I'll give ya a tour. Everypony needs ta see it at least once. Especially since apple buckin' season starts tomorrow."

"You do what to apples?"

Rarity and Applejack both facehoofed. "Ah guess even royalty is gonna make them kinda jokes once in a while." The country pony just rolled her eyes. "Tell ya what, come on by tomorrow. We'll show ya how we harvest the apples 'round here." Applejack put a hoof to her chin as a thought came to her. "Ya know, we could always use an extra set o' hooves ta help out with the work. Since yer new ta town and all I imagine ya haven't got yerself a job yet." Right, money is a thing I like having. Chase shook his head. "Well how 'bout I come pick ya up tomorrow and w-"

"Most certainly not!" Rarity interrupted the mare. Both Applejack and Chase looked at her rather surprised. "Chase does not need to be working in such a dirty work environment. Come darling, let's head home."

Rarity began to walk away, leaving a dumbfounded Applejack frozen in place. Chase hesitated to follow her, but nodded apologetically to the country pony and proceeded behind her. The hell just happened?

Applejack was furious, but more so confused than anything. "What in tarnations has gotten into that girl?...and who the buck is Chase?"

The walk back to Rarity's home was a silent one. Most of the day had been spent already, and Chase was getting a little worn out from so much walking. Especially with four legs. I've never had to consciously think about how I take each step before. He could tell she was still fuming over the seemingly random outburst towards Applejack.

When they arrived at her home, Rarity let out a sigh of frustration. "I apologize if I seemed a little harsh back there," she began. "but I'm sure you noticed what she was trying to do as well."

Chase was a bit unsure of what she meant. "What, you mean offer me a job at her farm?"

The white mare shook her head. "I'm surprised you couldn't tell, but I suppose you haven't had much interaction with ponies since you got here so I understand." Chase just looked at her blankly. "Applejack was clearly trying to win you over out of jealously."

He raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Really? I mean, it was just a job offer."

"That's just her way of getting you to trust her. Think about it, of all the ponies she could have asked she chose a random stranger that she just met? Don't you find that just a touch unusual dear?"

"Never thought of it that way. I guess that is kind of...odd." As Chase was finishing his sentence, he noticed himself feeling somewhat sleepy. He let out a yawn. "Wow, I'm beat from today. I think I'm just gonna go and plop down on the bed upstairs."

Rarity walked up and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. "Sweet dreams darling." Yeah because I'll be able to sleep after that just happened.

Chase headed up the stairs, but stopped halfway. He turned around and almost on impulse said three words he'd never expect himself to say. "I love you."

Rarity smiled. "I love you too, Chase." He proceeded up the remaining steps with a wide smile on his face. Best...day...ever! After he was upstairs, a wicked grin spread across her face. "Oh how I know you love me so..."