• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 5,515 Views, 117 Comments

Destined for Chaos - ChaosknightRB

Chase has a strange dream about Discord and is brought into Equestria.

  • ...

A Melody of Memories - Part 1

A/N: I'm adding the tags "Romance" and "Sad" for future reference. I didn't incorporate them into this chapter however...or did I? Guess you'll have to read and find out.

A Melody of Memories - Part 1

Hours passed by as the three talked in Twilights library. Despite being thrown into a world where ponies are the dominant species and his kind doesn't even exist, he thought he was taking it pretty well. During his talk, he discovered many things about this new world. Like how the sun and moon were actually controlled by these two princesses, and how pegasi "Is pegasi the plural? I think it's pegasi" control the weather all over the land of Equestria. Whenever the cyan pegasus spoke it always seemed to be about flying or the Wonderbolts, which was a stunt flying team that reminded Chase of the air shows that happened back home.

Twilight looked over to the door. "I wonder what's taking Spike so long?" She had a look of concern on her face as she spoke.

"Friend of yours?" Chase asked. Great, more ponies...that's what'll make this day better.

Twilight nodded. "He's my assistant here at the library. I sent him out a few hours ago to go pick up some things with Fluttershy, but they should be here by now."

With precision timing the wooden door opened. In the doorway was a cream colored pegasus with a smooth pink mane, standing beside her was a small pile of paper bags being carried by something Chase couldn't quite make out from behind everything it was carrying. Whatever was carrying the pile of goods was stumbling around, clearly unable to hold everything.

The new pegasus stood completely still. Her gaze fixed solely on Chase who could see she was immensely frightened. She let out a quiet yelp and jumped, causing her to bump into the creature beside her. The bags came crashing down with a heavy thud. From the fallen pile something shuffled around until it finally emerged. It was a small creature that looked a lot like a large lizard. With purple scales and a bumpy green crest on its head.

"Geez Fluttershy, what gives?" it shook its head as it emerged from the pile. It turned towards Chase to see him sitting alongside Twilight and Rainbow Dash. With a confused look on his face the creature turned to Twilight. "What's that thing?"

"Spike!" Twilight gave him a cold look. "That's no way to treat a guest. This is Chase, he's a...what did you call it again?"

"Human." he responded

"Right," she began. "Anyway, he's a friend so no need to be so worried."

As Twilight spoke the last words, the nervous pegasus that was hiding behind Spike looked up from behind him cautiously as she looked at Chase.

"Umm...hi." Chase greeted the awkwardly as he stood up. He walked over to her and knelt down beside her extending a hand. "I'm Chase."

The nervous pegasus recoiled at the sudden extension of his hand, then seemed to calm down slightly. She mumbled a few words in response.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

She mumbled the words again, but it was little more than a whisper.

"Um, could you speak up a bit? I didn't catch it that time either."

This time Chase was certain that she didn't actually say anything, but instead let out a small squeak as she turned her head away.

"It's ok." Twilight reassured him. "She's usually like that around strangers."

Chase turned his own attention to the lizard-like creature beside him. Considering my luck, he's probably a dragon... "Are you a dragon?"

Spike looked at him suspiciously and nodded. "Yeah." Called it!

It wasn't long before everyone was engaged in conversation once more. Rainbow Dash left not too long in saying she needed to get some practice in today. Fluttershy, who had once been scared of him was now immensely curious, now began asking more questions than Twilight. The small dragon, Spike, was stuck working and organizing the books in the library.

"So what kind of things do humans like to do?" Fluttershy asked intently.

"Well, we like all sorts of things I guess." Chase thought to himself for a moment. "A lot of people like music I guess..." Music. I feel like that should remind me of something... His eyes widened as he suddenly realized something. "Where's my violin!?" He stood up and began frantically looking around him.

"Violin? Was that what was in that black case you had?" As Twilight spoke the words Chase immediately looked over at her. "I was going to give it back when you woke up, but it totally slipped my mind." She stood up and walked upstairs. She returned shortly after with a familiar case levitating in front of her. Wait, levitating?...why am even surprised anymore. The case was placed carefully on the ground in front of Chase as he hastily opened it. He sighed in relief seeing that it was perfectly safe.

"Thank god. I don't think I could go on without this." he said beginning to close the case.

"Hey Chase, do you think you could play a song?" Fluttershy asked. "I mean, if you want to." she turned away timidly.

Chase looked at her in surprise. He wasn't really expecting a sudden request. But what the heck, why not? He smiled at Fluttershy and nodded as he reopened the case and removed the violin that lied within. He pulled it out revealing the masterly crafted instrument. The violin seemed absolutely flawless. There was not a single scratch, not a single chip or dent. Chase raised it up to his shoulder and placed the the bow along the strings.

He closed his eyes as he played the first note, the beautiful melody began to ring throughout the room. While he played, visions of his past memories began to wash through his mind.