• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 19 - On Psera Soil

Celestia could tell they were nearing land by the fact that a strange seagull with multicolored feathers landed on the Hangar Bays, and squawked loudly at one of the ponies looking out at the ocean. Bon Bon she believed. She had jumped back in fear before Lyra came to her rescue by shooing it away, a sign they were nearing the end of their voyage across the ocean.

After the strange white Aquata disappeared and ducked away, their escort were once again on the move. Eventually passing through, in a straight line, a defensive formation of more Aquatas. The ones ready for war and completely decked out with weapons aimed for the distance.

According to one of the Guards who were tasked to update them, they were just on standby, waiting for orders. Until then they were just supplying a lookout at sea for anything strange.

While Celestia was admiring things on one side of the same Bay, Sunset and the rest of Twilight's friends were on the other, eyeing the only untouched land left in the entire world.

Even from here, they could make out the hustle and bustle of Merōl. It was a big city with a lot of skyscrapers and warehouses. Not like Cop or Eventa, but it was running a close third.

While the line of boats tilted to the left for Lavender, Sunset asked to the air beyond the hangar bays, "So how was your nap? You missed all the excitement by the way." Then shifted her sight to Starlight Glimmer. She literally woke up from having what she called "The Grandmother of all headaches" a little under two hours ago.

With unreadable eyes on Psera, she answered, "It was painful. What happened?"

Rainbow leaned in and quickly answered, "A giant fish nearly ate us, a flaming bird nearly burned us, two monster seaponies fought Twilight and lost, and we got to see her PDS Obelisk Line up close. You. Missed. Everything."

"Gee. Thanks for waking me up."

"You're welcome. I think we're coming up on Fenix."

Shifting her eyes from the green landscape out in the ocean, Rarity turned to Rainbow with a curious eye and asked, "What makes you say that?"

Rainbow pointed a hoof ahead and answered, "You can see the farmland."

All eyes focused on the grassy terrain hundreds of feet away, patched in squares in different patches of the land in different colors. Varying in crops. Applejack nodded and proudly confirmed, "Yep! That's Fenix! I know Farmland when I see it! Well maintained too!"

From the distance a group of foals ran to the ledge and waved at the Aquatas. They could see them even from here. Hovering in the air, doing loops and waving their hooves. Rainbow Dash waved back with a smile on her face. Even though they were children, it was nice to see a friendly citizen.

On the opposite end, Cadance provided the same for the others. Pointing at the land, she introduced, "Fenix. Psera's farmland."

Novo settled down with her daughter and asked, "Is it big?"

"Goes maybe seventy miles inland I think. Psera has way more than enough room to spare. Lavender is up next. We've never been to Lavender, so this is a first for us too."

President Manamar who has been silent most of this time fiddled with her short yellow mane and asked, "H-How long?"

"Umm..." Celestia thought for a moment and answered, "At our current speed maybe fifteen, twenty minutes. Maybe longer. Get comfy."

While they were preparing to Dock, the one in charge was transforming herself from Twilight Sparkle to Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle back in their castle along with her daughter into Princess Fresh Dawn.

She had on soft comfortable hoofshoes, her sparkling tiara, and a dress matching her mother's. Purple and Red with small frills. Madun was a little late getting up, but did rise to the family occasion of matching colors with a red suit and purple tie mixed with red and purple flaming steel hoofshoes, courtesy of his wife for their fourth wedding anniversary.

Before they opened the door, Fresh Dawn was giggling and jumping up and down. What for, her parents had no idea. But went ahead and opened the door and stepped out into their escort saluting on either side. King Madun greeted, "Good morning, gentlecolts."

They bowed and replied their own greeting before the door was shut and they moved on. Full of energy, Dawn bounced away from her calmly walking parents to up ahead, leaving them behind.

Smirking, Madun commented, "Trying to outrun her father already huh?"

Twilight smiled and proudly stated, "She takes after her mother."

"I know I'm faster than you."

Arcadia shook her head and corrected, "I'm faster than you, sweetheart."

"I have a feeling we'll be settling this later."

"Yes we shall. Now while you're meeting up with the others, I have to start the construction of the camps. Guard Captain? Please have an extra Comm Block waiting for me at the front of the castle." A guard saluted and made moves to get that settled while Queen Arcadia continued with her conversation. "I'm bringing Fresh Dawn with me. This morning she seemed upset that she and I are the only ponies here that can do magic. So I'm going to show her how it's not that big a deal by demonstrating what she'll be able to do on her own in the future."

Madun hummed and suggested, "Maybe she's afraid of being alone. Forever. She's got about a maximum of five hundred years growing on her already. Based off her wing size. Now add that to the fact that you two are the only Alicorn-Pserateps in existence and Fresh Dawn's already lonely. Even with Dusty."

"So... Another foal?"

Madun quickly shook his head. One was already enough. "No, no! At least not yet. Fresh Dawn just needs some company. So for now just stick by her and assure her that everything's going to be alright."

"Of course I will." Twilight and Madun walked over to the elevator where Fresh Dawn was bouncing in front of waiting for them. The button was already pressed. While they waited, Twilight leaned down and nuzzled behind her right ear. "Are you ready to show off with your mommy?" Madun rolled his eyes while a few of the guards chuckled.

Fresh Dawn whipped around and grabbed her mother around the muzzle again. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Twilight used her magic to pick her up and place her on her back before the door to the elevator opened up. "Are we going flying?"

Twilight chuckled and nodded her head before strolling in with two guards and Madun. "Yes we are. But later, because we're in a hurry. Okay?"

It took a total of twenty-eight minutes before Lavender was in sight. Cadance could tell they had arrived from their lot of steel, and they were nearing an area that held a lot more Aquatas. Their naval base consisted of Aquatas locked behind different large steel barriers with numbers on the front.

There were a full line of them, spanning their sight for yards. This must've been the Naval Station. Apart from that, there were a plethora of personnel tending to business below on the ground. Along with the pods zooming through the streets that made the visitors jaws gawk in awe. Aquata Zero was the first to break off from the group and approach an open hangar.

Now what made this interesting was the fact that these Aquatas were inside their locks sideways. Facing the same direction. They weren't backed in. Celestia lifted a hoof to her chin and thought aloud, "How did they dock these Aquatas?"

Cadance shook her head and whispered, "I'm... Not sure." It was a peculiar thing to think about.

Aquata Zero slowed to a stop in front of the gates while the other Aquatas moved towards the others. Leaving them to this one. Apparently, they were about to find out what happens at the Naval Station and how they work.

Alarms blared at the same time the ship shut down, cutting all power. The alarms weren't coming from their ship though. They were coming from the lock they were parked in front of. The ship suddenly groaned from underneath before it began moving. Upwards. The ship was rising into the air.

Celestia gasped and peeked over the edge. Yep. They were rising out of the water, hoisted by something underneath unseen. After a minute or two of rising they stopped moving. Rarity let go of Applejack's poor hoof and allowed her to
relax before it was grabbed and squeezed again when they were pulled towards the station.

Sunset sighed and motioned towards the approaching locks. "Well... That explains the horizontal parking." She looked ahead at the rest of the ships that joined them and took note of them doing the same thing. The Pseratep nation was really advanced. So advanced that they managed to make horizontal parking for naval vehicles. Now that's a very strong feat.

Trixie walked forward to join Starlight and huffed with a straight face. "Leave it to Twilight to show off her nation."

From her right Starlight rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, Twilight doesn't 'show off.'"

Trixie hummed and shrugged after a moment of thinking before their craft hit the final point. The dock for Lavender. They had made it. They were right next to a stable level for concrete leading to a steel gate, currently active with Force Guard taking up positions and forming a barrier with weapons out. Before they could ask what was going on, the doors for the ship were beginning to close, cutting their sight off from the base. Then a voice on the intercom.

"This is Admiral Shooting Star. We have arrived in Psera. All ponies are to evacuate the Hangar Bays in a calm and orderly fashion towards the guards waving a neon beam in the Hangar. Calm. And. Orderly. Then follow the instructions of the Guards to find your way out. Thank you."

Just as requested, the ponies all moved in a calm motion for the three guards on that level, who then directed them inside into the cool steel interior of the Aquata's innards. Another Guard inside directed them down a few levels of stairs. Then towards the large open area where the door was, leading them out onto dry concrete. One of the first ponies to actually step onto clean dry land was Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch, and Lyra Heartstrings.

They didn't have time to dawdle yet though. A guard in the distance yelled, "All ponies in a straight line! Let's move, let's move! Quathra, Quathra!" They immediately darted over as ordered. And thus begins the cycle.

While they were being straightened into a line at Lavender, Queen Arcadia and the other ponies of Royalty and leadership were outside of the castle speaking business amid all the Guards and Press ponies recording and taking photos from afar. As well as asking for a statement by the gates.

All were wearing their most presentable outfits. Merry's was just straight nothing but Green coat and Orange-red mane. Before they started talking she pointed to Twilight and said, "Matching. Cute."

Queen Arcadia grinned and replied, "Thank you. Now from what I was just informed, the Aquatas have docked in Lavender and the Guard are now rounding them up in the field. The same field I was going to use to create homes. Which means I'll have to create them after. They would have to wait for a few minutes to hear what we have to say first."

Molten raised her hoof and offered, "I'll be happy to assist in the rules."

Twilight replied, "I think you would be best in speaking with the rulers directly. You already know Equestria, but not the other nations. I believe that would be the best place, Your Majesty. You know Psera a lot more than I do. Now as advised, we're keeping the dangerous Changelings inside of Lavender in a more secure location. Are the rules ready?"

Gardeen immediately hoofed over the document Queen Arcadia needed for King Madun and her to look over. He suggested, "We should review it on the way."

Arcadia nodded in agreement. They were burning time and Arcadia had a nation to rule. And a daughter to watch over who was anxiously making mews on her back. She could never stay still in one spot unless she was sleeping.

The executives broke apart and made their way for their designated pods; The King and Queen for their Golden roofless one in the middle while the others moved for the remaining durable Pods. All flanked by security. It wouldn't be Psera if they weren't.

Once they were in the back seat and Fresh Dawn was buckled in, their Captain gave the order to move out of the gates. Driving at full speed for the mountain ring. Destination for Lavender.


The walk to the plains between Fenix and Lavender was strenuous and loud. After grabbing their bags a Squad of Guards directed them through the streets of the military city to their destination. Applejack was so glad Rarity didn't have a lot to bring. It would've been a disaster. There was a lot of walking going on. These were big cities. Very big cities.

By the time they reached the thin-out, Celestia had finally marked Psera as the one place where wings were absolutely required. This place was way too big. And they were in the exact same city. A few creatures huffing and puffing around her thought the same. But that was no longer important. The off-road dirt path they were taking was. It lead up to a gated steel fenced-in area.

The fence wasn't towering, picket height. But it was long, and had an extremely wide radius, leaving their sight towards the distance where Celestia knew the ocean was. But in sight was a very large stage made out of metal and plastic. There were four LiVAMs on the sides, spanning high heights for possible viewing of the stage. There were probably more.

"Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor?" They stopped their movement and focused on a Guard nearby. He pointed to the stage and said, "The King and Queen want you and the rest of 'IHT' up here for the time being."

"Oh!.... Okay." While the rest else headed for the fields, Luna lead her family up the stage and looked around. A lot of land. But stable homes were needed. Luna slid her belongings off her back and watched the gathering fill the containment area. Just a sea of multicolored creatures.

Celestia took a seat next to her and sighed while a few more IHT walked up the stage and got comfortable, relaxing underneath the morning sun and resting their hooves claws and talons.

Madam Singe sat beside Celestia and gazed with her. It was obvious they were waiting for something. More than likely the King and Queen. Until then they were being rounded up.

A squadron of Pserateps roared past overhead, cutting her thoughts. Singe turned to Celestia and asked, "Is it always loud?"

Celestia honestly answered, "I do not know. We have never been this far from their capital for nearly this amount of time. But Lavender is a military base, so things might get loud."

Cadance settled down and looked at the ponies in front of the stage. The ones directly at the front were the Element Bearers, their little sisters, Twilight's old friends who decided to stick with them, and some military leaders deciding not to waste time by trying to figure out what happened in Equestria.

After a few minutes of waiting—more like an hour, and obvious flirting between Spike and Sweetie Belle, Cadance motioned towards the distance outside the fence where the mountain range was. "Here they come."

Luna and Celestia followed her eyes towards all the flashing lights coming down the road leading to the mountain range. Madam Singe rose to her hooves with them and eyed the light show with slight apprehension splayed across her muzzle. "Is-Is this normal?" She nervously asked.

Celestia nodded while the ponies off the stage seemed to notice the same thing. They migrated towards the left of the area where the road was. All eyes on the flashing lights. A team of eight pods were escorting three more occupied pods with the security. But it was obvious Twilight and her family were in the golden one. Celestia could make out Madun with his face hidden behind a few documents he was looking at before the pods disappeared behind the stage.

The escort pods directed them off the road towards the entrance they had all walked through. Then they were parked. The guards hopped out first, a lot more discreet in weaponry to appease the foreigners per the Queen's earlier request and stood by the pods of their rulers.

Twilight nudged Fresh Dawn in between her and Madun to rouse her awake. "Wake up, Veola, we're here."

Without lowering the document, Madun unbuckled Fresh Dawn with a press of a hoof, then rose out of the Pod himself while Twilight handled her. The dirt underneath his hooves crunched as he made his way past the saluting soldiers towards his wife and daughter. Secretary Manny was already on the scene. She was standing at the gate, keeping an eye out and barking out orders, patiently waiting for the executives to arrive.

Once she had her filly at her hooves, Arcadia stopped at the entrance next to Manny. "Talk to me."

"Well behaved," she answered. "I'm sure they need food your majesties."

"Have Terquimas and Maphitos brought here as soon as possible. After this, have everyone relax. The other administrators can leave whenever they want. But I have to move some clouds and build some land. We've brought the rules, which my husband is reading over."

Secretary Manny saluted and responded, "Yes, ma'am." King Madun and Queen Arcadia trotted with their daughter and the others out into the fray for the stage.

First to spot them, Celestia eeped and whispered to the others, "Bow and address them as King and Queen." Before doing so herself, followed by her sister and niece. Novo was the most shocked but went ahead and followed. They didn't want to paint any bad vibes among the citizens.

The approaching hoofsteps stopped at the front of the line of bowing ponies. "Good morning, your majesties."

A deep voice chuckled before a reply. "Good morning, Princess Celestia. Please rise with the entourage." Celestia and the others rose and came face to face with the most handsome stallion they had ever seen. King Madun was bearing a fiery-red goatee that outlined his face perfectly. And his suit was perfectly groomed. Arcadia's dress and Madun's suit was matching!

Celestia fawned and motioned between them. "Aww, are you two matching?"

"Us three," Arcadia corrected. She smiled down at the curious face of Fresh Dawn poking out between her legs. She probably didn't know that her family was around. Too busy trying to figure out what was going on.

Cadance leaned down and sang, "Oh Dawn~! Little Veola~!"

Fresh Dawn looked forward and gasped. Then zipped out and wrapped her hooves around Cadance's muzzle. "Aunt Caddy!!" She squealed. "Mommy, why didn't you tell me—" A breath intake. "Tell me Aunt Caddy was going to be here?! Mersheela el comeela!"

Shining Armor poked in and asked, "And what about me?"

"Hi, Uncle Armor! Is Mr. Dragon here?"

Shining Armor waved and figured that's all he was going to get. At least for now. Arcadia answered, "Must've slipped my mind, sweetie. I take it the docking went without trouble?"

Celestia nodded and answered, "The docking was... Interesting."

Madun passed the documents over to Arcadia and said, "Yes, the horizontal docking is something that Psera created nearly three hundred years ago, if my history is correct."

"Yes, it is." Arcadia looked over her shoulder at the approaching Great Queen with Merry Fire and Blazing Fire. Wearing a fire red dress with a golden diamond emblazoned crown. Sitting on top of a hood, similar to what Arcadia wore on her coronation. It matched her coat exactly, down to the hem. Molten added, "Horizontal Docking allows better access to loading much bigger equipment onto our crafts. Greetings... Visitors."

Celestia noticed that Molten added a strain to her words. She'd ask Queen Twilight about it later. For now, she smiled and greeted, "Hello, your majesty. It's wonderful to see you again."

Molten sighed and said, "Yes, well I could say the same. But only for Equestria, not the rest. We did a mighty big favor getting you out of there. Now we have to get you back peacefully. Hopefully in one piece, if you catch my drift." Haakim and Amira glanced at each other thinking the same thing: This pony meant business.

Merry trotted into view from behind Molten with a smirk and added, "The Queen was mighty graceful in getting you guys out. Do not take advantage, alright?"

Cadance set Fresh Dawn down so she could be swept up by Shining and replied, "We'll do what we can with what we have. And of course respect your land and rules. We will work with you."

Madun replied, "That is all we ask for. Now let's get this started." Twilight and Madun walked towards the front of the stage and stopped in the middle, eyes on the sea of Talkative ponies. Madun turned his head towards the entrance and motioned towards Secretary Manny with an unheard command, asking for assistance.

She kindly cleared her throat. Then surprised everyone by yelling, "EVERYONE, QUIET!!!!" Her voice echoed off the suddenly quiet landscape, ringing the ears of the ponies who never heard it. Cadance rubbed her own and checked on Flurry's by asking.

Dawn covered her ears and shouted back, "You're really loud!"

Now with eyes on them, Twilight used a voice enhancement spell and allowed Madun to go first. With a smile, he started off with, "Greetings, foreigners. I am King Shimmering Madun of Psera. I am sure you have all met my wife, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera. We are the rulers of this great land and are proud at how far we have progressed. Based upon recent events it has come to our attention that an old enemy of our great ancestor has been running amok through your lands. Thanks to meetings and slight amendments, Psera has opened her borders to provide protection and relief. We will do what we can to help secure what is left of your homes."

Twilight stepped forward and immediately added, "We must all work together in order to surpass and usurp this evil. Working together means Unity, Respect, and Honor. While you are here on Psera, you must respect and honor our policies and laws. Psera is not a violent land, but affirmative action will be taken shall something happen that disturbs our citizens. As the King and Queen, the comfort and safety of our citizens is first and foremost. For now we will read you the policies then assign positions based on judgements of your king, Queen, and myself."

All eyes were on Queen Twilight and her documents floating around her. The rules were pretty simple, but did have an overall sharp edge. Psera wasn't joking about safety. If a pony hurts another Pseratep they will be taken to Princess Merry for a Day Trial for the story, then put into a cell for however long she says if the story is fair and just.

Ponies were free to speak with the King and Queen with complaints, suggestions, and other amenities through reservation with a Secretary who will be on site inside the Camps. No excavating of the land except by an authorized official of Psera who has proof of authorization. The only towns available to reach will be Fenix, Lavender, and the coast of either city bearing large stones for the dragons. No further. A pony who does will be taken to the Queen. All creatures here will be treated with respect, Equality, and Equity. Now that's a word you don't hear.

A few more rules were said before a pony greeted quietly, "Celestia." Celestia turned around to Secretary Gardeen in a stylish outfit. Pretty much a black and white business suit complete with a tie, sunglasses, and hat. As well as white saddlebags with some documents in them.

Fresh Dawn poked her older cousin Flurry Heart for attention. Then pointed to Gardeen for her first royal decree, "Aunt Gardeen looks funny in clothes!"

Gardeen took off her sunglasses and smiled up to Celestia. At least Fresh Dawn was right about one thing. It was odd to see this bright Pseratep wearing dark clothes. Celestia smiled back and greeted, "Secretary Gardeen. It's great to see you."

"Likewise, although I prefer under better circumstances."

"As do I."

Gardeen walked over and reached into her bag to pull out a packet with her teeth. "We need all of you to sign so I can send it to record."

Celestia took it with her magic while the King and Queen wrapped up the rules. Madun said to the crowd, "I hope you all understand the simpleness of what we are asking of you during your stay. It falls on all of you. With that said, we'll have the land prepared for residence which will be from what I understand very simple, and will hold all of you."

Twilight nodded and added, "The process will take around three to four hours until completion. In which you will all be split into different areas in order to preserve land space for our natives. Until then, breakfast and more will be orchestrated by our military. Please relax and thank you."

With that, Twilight turned and walked over to Fresh Dawn smiling with Madun. "Are you ready, sweetheart?" She asked.

Dawn jumped up and down answering, "Yeah! Yeah! Uh huh!" About time! This was taking forever!

Nearby, Gardeen reached into her bags and pulled out a long thick harness with multiple straps while Twilight lied down in front of the other ponies. She looked up to a Guard on the stage who immediately saluted. "I want ten to follow."

"Yes, ma'am."

While he sent out the orders through the Comm Block, Fresh Dawn anxiously climbed up on her mother's back. Twilight looked up to Cadance's confused face and clarified, "She was worried this morning about us being the only Alicorn-Pserateps here in Psera. So I'm going to show her it's not as bad as it seems." Once Fresh Dawn was comfortable, Twilight stood back up and allowed Gardeen and another Guard to wrap the harness around her middle, then attach small cuffs around Dawn's torso and hooves. She could still move but it was definitely tight.

Once they were set Twilight moved to Madun and kissed his cheek. Then looked back up to her daughter and asked, "Ready?"

"Yes!! Whooo!!!"

"Okay here we go! Keep everything stable, Gardeen."

Gardeen saluted and answered, "Yes, your highness." Twilight nodded then turned and made her way back towards the steps to the stage. Then jumped off and made way for the exit, out of sight before she took off. They could tell because her daughter started cheering.

"Whooo!! Higher, higher!!! Yay!"

Celestia chuckled at the exclamation. At the heart of this filly was the light of happiness. She was going to be a hooffull in the future.

While Celestia thought, Cadance stood up and walked over to King Madun looking over documents. Smirking she asked, "So... Family stallion, huh?"

Madun looked her way and shot her with a smile. Twilight got her a good one. Her heart practically melted. Madun answered, "Yes I am. My daughter and wife are my Sun and Moon. Without them, I'd be lost, wandering through the darkness of life. Merry isn't much in company and mom is... Strict, I guess."

Cadance sat down next to him and looked out at the wide expanse of ponies, dragons, Hippogriffs, and Zebras. Thorax's Changelings and—wait... Cadance turned to him perplexed and asked, "Where is Chrysalis and her swarm?"

"They are in another region so the Guard can keep a very close eye on them. I understand Equestria embraces friendships and change, however it is they who destroyed our land to begin with. I'd rather my citizens be comfortable with them here by keeping them away. Pserateps are already really hesitant of all of you. Having Changelings here would make it worse.

"Not to mention..." Madun looked past Cadance towards a specific pony conversing with the others. "It's personal for some ponies close to Twilight and I."

Cadance whipped around and followed his sight. Locking them on Gardeen. She was looking at a few documents and talking to Guards. Something about placement. Cadance turned back to Madun and whispered, "Gardeen?"

He solemnly nodded and looked back towards the field. "She lost her parents when she was a little filly. Then lost her adoptive parent when the Changelings invaded. She was only sixteen. I don't know what happened afterwards. She looks up to Arcadia like a mother and our daughter as a little sister. She can't help but feel a little anger towards them. And she is only the first of millions. There were a lot of fatalities in that attack, and there is even a memorial in Cop dedicated to it."

"Oh." Cadance never knew that. She knew they were attacked by Changelings, but never knew the details or results. "I'm very sorry to hear that."

"It's a touchy subject. Try not to look at Gardeen differently, she doesn't like that." A burst of flames hit Madun's hearing, forcing him to pause, lower his ears and whisper, "Oh no. Oh please, no." He knew that sound anywhere.

"Ooooh, King Butt!!" Odega shimmied up to his left side with a proud grin. Madun responded by pulling in his lips and slowly shaking his head, trying to push her out. "C'mon, Madun. Say hi. Say hello. Say something."

"Absolutely not—buck me."

"There he is!!!" Odega wrapped her flaming hooves around his body and embraced him with heat. "Oooh, I missed you, ya' big lug! I washed up on shore that day and you made it worse by tossing water on my face!"

Madun pushed her hooves off and sighed in nostalgia. "Oh how I loved that. Let's do it again."

"Absolutely not. Hey, have you met my friend, Cadance? His name is Madun. Real loser. Hey, where's my girl Merry?"

Madun was about to point her out before Merry materialized in front of his face and screamed, "GIRRRRRL!!!"

Odega cheered and wrapped her hooves around her. "Meecha, Meecha, orula Meecha!" They both squealed like animals and hugged before backing up and engaging in conversation, leaving Madun to shake his head. These two together were trouble. Double trouble.

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