• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,221 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 26 - Tense Nobility

Author's Note:

This is the same chapter as the last one, just without the clop scene. Sorry I didn't clarify that beforehand, I sort of forgot it was here. Oops?

Pinkie was sad. And there was only one reason for that: No one was happy. Applejack and Twilight had an argument... Sort of. The Princesses were on tense hooves with the country. A town of innocent ponies were killed last night...

She walked the rest of the way back to the Castle's entrance slowly in sadness with her mane down and eyes to the bright floors. "Everybody's angry," she whispered. "Scared, unhappy. Why can't everypony just be happy?"

"Pinkie." She stopped at the Golden Hoofshoes and straightened up to face Queen Arcadia... With a smile? Pinkie still held that frown, added to with a confused expression. "I am in need of your services."

Pinkie sighed and deadpanned, "What services?"

Arcadia looked past Pinkie Pie then behind her. All clear, she leaned in and whispered, "...party services."

Pinkie's mane immediately shot back up with that smile. "Party?" She repeated. "A party? What type of party?"

"Birthday. Location? Here in the Castle's Green Ballroom on the third floor. Pony?... Fresh Dawn. She's turning five on Thursday."

Pinkie reached out of Twilight's vision and grabbed a black top hat from somewhere unseen. Then whispered, "So... What does Fresh Dawn like? Music, magic, mini ponies? Balloons? Arts and Crafts? What type of Cake?"

Arcadia sat down in front of Pinkie and answered in one go, "Fresh Dawn likes action movies, magic, balloons, games, staying active, Dark Dusk her best friend, her other friends at School, and Aunt Merry."

Tense serious eyes were on Twilight when Pinkie reached up into her mane and pulled out a notepad. Then a pen popped out from between her lips and she wrote all of it down. She had no idea what a movie was though. Twilight stopped trying to figure Pinkie out a long time ago. After her note taking was done, Pinkie sucked the pen back in and whispered, "Now... It's time to get to business." Then zipped out of sight before she came back and said, "Oh and you might want to apologize to Applejack. I haven't seen her, but my Pinkie Sense is telling me she's in the cafeteria downstairs moping." Then was once again gone.

Arcadia's smile dropped at that. Then she dropped her head and sighed behind her veil of violet mane. Of course Applejack was taking this hard. Anypony would after what she learned. Where was she again? If Arcadia didn't want any bad blood between them she had to go speak to her. Cafeteria.

Arcadia lit her horn and teleported to the entrance of that exact area. It was a little busy at this hour with Pserateps congregating and more over food.

She walked in and looked around a bit before the standing and bowing. "As you were," she ordered. Then continued to look around. There she was. Applejack was sitting in a red cushioned booth in the far corner all alone. Watching the events around her unfold with careful eyes. Avoiding eye contact with her. Better change that.

Arcadia sucked her lips in and passed other Pserateps conversing to walk over to Applejack, still avoiding eye-contact. Close enough, Arcadia slid into the seat across and pulled in her wings underneath. That was always a struggle but a welcomed one. Once she was comfortable, she whispered, "Applejack."

Applejack turned her head to face her and Twilight could tell that she was struggling. She was still avoiding eye contact and there was that quiver in her eyes. Twilight sighed and whispered, "Pinkie said you weren't taking this too well. So we're going to talk about it."

Applejack shook her head and replied, "Well I don't wanna talk about it, you already said what you had to say."

Twilight rolled her eyes and teleported them out of the cafeteria back into her office. She had Applejack sitting on a mushroom and her behind her desk. But the ride as usual gets a pony's mind jumbled. Applejack shook her head and stated, "You know I don't like that."

"I know, but we need privacy. I just spoke to Celestia about the same thing you're obviously upset with me about. The deaths of ponies."

"Twilight, I really—"

"We're talking about this Applejack. And you're not leaving until you do. What about this bothers you so much?"

Applejack shook her head and honestly answered, "Because those were innocent ponies, Twilight."

"Underneath, yes. But as long as Maheera spreads her magic they're evil ponies who tried to take Psera at night. They're the enemy and we are defending our home."

"But they'll never be able to go home once this is all over," Applejack countered.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But the fact of the matter is this: My country was attacked and we responded to their lethal offense with our lethal defense. End of story."

Applejack shook her head and crossed her hooves. "I still don't think it's right, Twilight."

Arcadia rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat with that same bland expression. She had to be tough. She had to be daunting. She had to be forward and bold. "What do you want me to do?"

Applejack glanced up at her with confusion in her eyes. "I want you to find more peaceful options. Nopony wants you causing deaths."

"Well tough luck, Applejack. Because the whole world is losing ponies. Including those on your safe haven. My kingdom. My home. My husband's home. My daughter's home. I made that decision to protect my family, my citizens, and my country. And your life. The least you could do is be grateful that the real enemy did not make it to land to possibly kill you and the family you have."

Applejack sighed and looked back down to the floor. It didn't take a genius to learn you've made the Queen angry. She looked back up and said, "I know, I'm really sorry Twi. I get it, I do, I'm just... Moving to here, leaving everything behind, the three day journey, it's a little much and I can't deal with it."

Twilight sighed with pity. She remembered when she was in that stage when she first started out as Queen. "I'm very sorry you have to experience things like this, Applejack," she apologized. "I really am. Psera is... Really really different from other nations. Scary actually. Psera has never attracted trouble for centuries, but they have before like Equestria. Just more dangerous. A lot of Pserateps suffered. And our mission as the Government of Psera is to make sure that peace is maintained. No matter the costs. But I promise Applejack, it will get better."

Applejack sighed and nodded her head rapidly. So overwhelmed she was on the verge of tears. "Yeah... Thanks, Queen Twilight."

"Anytime, Applejack. I know what can make you feel better though." Applejack watched Twilight's smile grow bigger into a full grin. "My daughter's fifth birthday is after tomorrow."

Applejack's frown turned upside down. She waved a hoof her way and said, "Aw shucks, Twi. You know you ain't gotta ask. Of course I'll be there."

"Oh I know. But here's the thing." Arcadia leaned in and excitedly whispered, "Dawn. Really. Loves. Apples!"

Applejack's posture shot up straight at that. "Whoa, nelly! You pullin' my tail, Twi?"

Twilight shook her head and went rummaging around in her desk. "Nope. She loves all kinds of apples and the creations made with them. And since your Apple products are top of the line all over Equestria, I was hoping..."

Applejack stood up and assumed, "You want me to bake your filly some Apple Treats? Of course I will Twilight. Only problem is uhh..." Applejack looked around and said, "I... Need a stove."

Dawn was already in her bed while her parents talked in the Royal Suite's living room. The windows showed the darkness of Cop and the ponies still out looking around. The single light above shined down on Twilight cuddled up under Madun's chin. She was leaning into his right wing, telling him about the day. Serl, the Applejack incident, the Celestial explanation, the Applejack incident volume two, and preparations for Dawn's party.

Madun listened when his wife said, "I have court tomorrow. And I'm bringing the rulers of Equestria with me."

He hummed and playfully nuzzled her glowing mane. "Mmm, where will they be sitting?"

"There will be a booth on the side of my own creation. I'm expecting a lot of grime and gripe tomorrow concerning our refugees."

Madun sighed and rolled his eyes. Of course when he wasn't there Pserateps get testy. And they both knew many ponies in Psera weren't too happy about the choice to keep them here for the time being. He replied, "Everyone is. I'm taking Dawn to school tomorrow." Madun wrapped Twilight in his hooves and leaned back on the couch so she was on top of him looking deep into her eyes. "But I'm not worried about those innocent nobles."

"I'm sure you meant ignorant."

"Yeah. The House of Merna especially. Make sure you try to appease them and not tempt them to tempt you, okay?"

Arcadia nuzzled under his chin and whispered, "I never do. I have control of my emotions, dear."

"Still..." He moved Twilight's chin so she was facing his smile. "It's still best to remember we're setting an example. Okay?"

Twilight's nod was the response he needed before he and she shared a romantic moment between husband and wife. Then she pulled back and whispered, "Okay. I'll remember it. Now we need to get some sleep, we both have another busy day tomorrow."

Twilight moved off of the couch and watched Madun as he copied her movements. Then they started the move for the master bedroom in the back next to Madun's office. Along the way, Twilight peeked in Fresh Dawn's bedroom and giggled at the state she was in. Whatever game she was playing, it had her in a position that involved her with Sky Blue on her face, and every last single toy all over the place. Whatever happened in here had her snoring.

Madun peeked in over Twilight and whispered, "She was doing a lot of throwing in here with her toys, so... I'll clean it up in the morning."

"That's so cute." Arcadia stalked in towards the side of Fresh Dawn's bed. Watching her snore and mumble incoherent things. She leaned down and softly pecked her forehead under her horn.

"I love you, sweetie," she whispered. Dawn reached up and absentmindedly stroked her mother's cheek.

Arcadia slowly backed towards the door with her eyes on Dawn. Then walked with Madun towards the bedroom. They needed sleep themselves. If only they could sleep like a foal again.


The coast of Psera held millions of gallons of water. Fish, sea creatures, all types of creatures. Beyond it was the PDS Obelisk Line. Glowing bright through the night. Completely undisturbed from the events the night before. The defensive line of Aquatas on the sea in the same vertical line as them.

Beyond it were dark waters. Further than the eye could see. The skies were filled with Luna's stars and moon. Bright and pretty. Until they were blocked by the ever growing haze of dust, dirt and smoke. Las Pegasus shores' were annihilated save for the giant steel block delivered by Psera. It held giant scratches on it thanks to Maheera Dark attempting to take it down. All she managed to do was snap off a claw and irk herself. Her magic didn't work on it, leaving it to rust with the rest of the homes.

Equestria was once again a wasteland. The howling wind was the only sound save for the hackling and cackling of conscious plant life. Every now and then through the smog a single infected creature would fly, slink, slide, or zip out of sight. The mountain of Canterlot was lost. A huge section of the castle itself had bee shaved off on the side, leaving one half intact and the other desolate. Underneath the city lava flowed out of cracks and breaks in the streets. The tracks for the Friendship express to Ponyville and beyond were broken.

The infected stood around stoic; Royal Guards of Equestria and her citizens, Hippogriffs, Neighton, Alicorns, millions occupy Equestria. And beyond the city of Canterlot and past Manehattan sat Mount Aris followed by the surrounding countries

But Maheera wasn't worried about the other lands. What used to be Queen Novo's magnificent and beautiful throne room now served as Maheera's. All would remain the same and no redecorating would occur. The need to ruin a perfect throne room was nonexistent. Although she preferred Psera's way more. Who wouldn't? Gold on one's cotton, homes the size of mansions for only one pony, more land than they knew what to do with. Instead they called it sacred land. Selfish. Just like Narmeelah.

From the high sitting throne, Maheera as a Unicorn eyed the doors across with distaste and disgust. Her hooves were pushed together in front of her mouth., her eyes narrowed with focus. After the attempted storm to Psera failed, she focused her sights entirely on the pony who more than likely defended it. That purple Pseratep with a horn. Her opposite was busy. She could smell the blood of Narmeelah in her veins. The magic Narmeelah once held before her demise.

She was the blockade for Psera. The strongest and the only one able to get a hit in on her. Without her, the world was hers for the taking. But it's a definite struggle. She was not one to take as a joke. The first attempt literally meant the disappearance of all her pawns. Maheera underestimated her power. As a pony, she was expecting her to try and save them. But no. She got rid of them. Maheera had to give it to this Pseratep. She was smart. Very smart. But Maheera was smarter.

Maheera hummed and held out her hoof. Offering a massive current of sand poured and gathered on the floor. A pond of tan before her black magic surrounded it. The sand split off into small equal-sized circles on the floor. They grew vertically into the shape of boulders and molded together. Maheera joined her hooves together once more while a smirked plastered on her face. Watching her creations take form. Around Eighty black Sea Ponies were created. Mangled with the wings of small dragons and teeth sharper than any razor. Eyes red as the blood of their enemy and coats as black as shadows in the night. Growling and dripping with drool, eager for a taste of flesh.

Maheera stood and slowly walked down the steps of the throne. Red eyes followed and ears swiveled as each step mirrored the dropping of stones and rocks.

She pointed to the East and commanded, "Head to Psera and invade their land quietly. Do not hurt any creature, only listen. Go."

The one directly in the front leaned its head back and yelled. Cheered. Actually, scream was a better term for it. Like a mare screaming when Maheera first attacked, it was music to her ears. The disfigured creatures all ran for the glass windows and sailed right through them to take to the open air. Maheera only took a deep breath and sighed. Those were really nice windows.

The creatures soared through the night air over Manehattan quickly. Then Canterlot, Ponyville, and finally Las Pegasus before they pulled in their wings and angled down into the black waves. Blacker than oil. Once all eighty were in, The hidden gills on their necks showed themselves and began the process of providing oxygen. Then they were off, zipping towards the coast of Psera at a near-Pseratep speed and screaming through the waves with glowing red eyes trained on the horizon. Danger is approaching.

Celestia wasn't sure if there was a certain attire required to attend Psera's court. Was it formal or just come as you are? With this country it could be anything! And she certainly didn't want to risk making a mockery of their customs. She couldn't ask a guard as of yet, so she decided to go as is, albeit clean and groomed topped off with her regalia. A little bit of both. Although they were refugees with barely anything in their name, a brush was one of the things needed to look pretty and presentable. At least to a mare, let alone a Princess.

The bed behind Celestia's form had been made before the sun was even scheduled to rise. Leaving her plenty of time to clean up, groom and gander from her window over the home of her student. Then to raise the sun. Poor Psera would blow their perfect heads if it didn't rise. Their military definitely. Equestria alone was worried sick and stayed indoors that time.

At the same time the moon began to lower for a nap, Celestia began the raising of the sun. The orange glow soon bathed the town of Cop in a warm heat, a welcomed one that many awaited for the perfect time to untangle their feathers. Would it rain today? The elements ran by nature here, no Pegasi scheduling rains or storms. Or even snow that they knew of. She'll have to ask Twilight when they see her this morning. Or any other Pseratep for that matter.

Once the sun was perfectly raised and positioned, Celestia made her way to her room's entrance to face the day head-on. Based off of past conversations with the Royalty of Psera, as well as Federal Offices, court always started at nine on the dot. That was when the throne room doors opened to let in the first pony. And based off of past events, Twilight has a busy week. Hopefully not too busy to miss her daughter's fifth birthday party. Before the double digits start coming in, there was always the big five. It's the foal version of when a pony first turns thirteen.

Celestia couldn't remember when she turned thirteen. She was almost two thousand years old now, thirteen was so long ago. She sighed and used her magic to open the door to her room. Sure enough when she walked out, she knew today was going to be busy.

Pserateps wearing Queen Arcadia's crest, or rather her cutie mark on their suits and ties walked past with clipboards, notebooks, and paper documents heading for the throne room. She's never actually witnessed Court before here. How did it work? It couldn't be the same as it were with Equestria. Everything here was different than everywhere else. It can't possibly work the same way.

"Busy enough for you, sister?" Celestia eyed Luna walking her way with two Terquimas in her magic, chewing with satisfaction. What was she doing up? After she lowers the moon, Luna would typically go to sleep after a busy night. Instead she was wearing her crown, her coat was groomed, and her eyes twinkled with life.

When offered the second, Celestia took a bite while Luna explained. "Our dreams are pleasant and peaceful. There was no need for too much interference. Only a few and we were having pleasant dreams ourselves. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a bite to eat. Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle has a very busy day ahead of her, for there is a line traveling from the foyer, up the main stairs, down the third floor hall, then up the velvet stairs to the throne room."

Celestia couldn't imagine the kind of energy Twilight could have dealing with ponies of that magnitude. She took a bite of the Terquima and grimaced from the spinach inside. She was more of a cake-early-in-the-morning pony. Of course, she'd never admit to that out loud.

Swallowing her food, Celestia asked, "Is Cadance awake yet?"

The door on the left side of the room opened and the mare forementioned poked her head out. "I am," Cadance answered. "I was just getting Flurry ready. Shining's up too. What time are we supposed to be in the room?"

Celestia didn't know, but Luna did. She answered, "Nine thirty. They shifted the time thirty minutes later."

The door for Madam Singe opened up next and she walked out with her mane and tail done, and her visitor's pass on. As well as the Queen's symbolic gesture of unity. Something they all nearly forgot. Not to mention that presentable smile. While they used their magic to grab the forgotten items, she walked over and asked, "Are you all attending Queen Arcadia's court this morning as well?"

As well? Cadance tilted her head to the side and asked, "You're going to attend too?"

"Yes. Before we were given these gifts, I told Queen Arcadia how I wanted to be a better leader. She said the first step to knowing what to do always lied in the throne room. At least here."

She wasn't wrong. You learn from experience, or the experienced. Twilight's judgement has a mostly solid record with a few boo boos here and there. But overall, above average. As was her life's accomplishment. If anyone could teach Madam Singe about being a good leader, it was her.

Celestia nodded and replied, "She is correct. If everyone is ready, we'll move to the throne room."

After their doors were shut, Luna and Celestia led the other two down the hall before Cadance asked, "So... If I know Twilight, then she probably already has something setup for us somehow."

"That she does." Gardeen stepped out of a nearby locked stairwell and gestured with her head for them to enter. She was wearing her badge and had on a basic white and purple suit and tie. Once they were inside, she closed it back and started the trek up one of the most isolated parts of this huge castle. A pair of steel stairs in this place was quite normal compared to what they've seen so far.

While they ascended to floor three Gardeen explained, "You'll be taking the back entrance away from prying eyes. The Queen told me about everything going on right now between your opinions on the Railer One issue. She wants to show you the difference between Psera's civilians and Equestria's civilians personally."

Gardeen stopped in front of a steel door and pulled it open. They stepped out onto the red velvet carpet and turned right for Queen Arcadia's office space. Madun's office space was actually on the other side of the Castle whilst hers was right next to the throne room. Very convenient to her considering those large wings. Those things must not be easy to drag around.

Before they reached her room doors, Gardeen took a sudden left and ventured down a hallway none of them had ever seen before. It was dark and bare, accentuated only by neon green overhead lights. Then they turned a sudden left and continued onto a much more narrow hallway into a wide space.

Still red floors, there was a large table in between two bathrooms with a large sixteen by nine picture of the Royal family. All of them. A little ways away was a resting area. Snacks, water bottles, a table with a few LiVAMs on the side. All on a marble floor.

Earlier than usual, Queen Arcadia was waiting for them with a horde of assistants and all around her and her daughter. In the back were two Elite Royal Guards standing by, with one of them having a seat on her back.

Fresh Dawn was looking up to her mother with cute little saddlebags and eyes as wide as plate saucers, twinkling with hope and dreams. One of them had a stuffed bear poking out. If Dawn got any cuter they'd melt.

Twilight pulled Dawn close and said, "Thanks for escorting me to work, sweetie. I feel safer already."

"You're welcome, mommy." Dawn levitated out the stuffed teddy bear and set it down in between her and her mom. "Mr. Hugs thought it was a great idea to show how much of a big filly I am. Isn't that right, Mr. Hugs?" Mr. Hugs must've said a very bad word because Dawn gasped and whispered, "Mr. Hugs, you can't say that about our friends. Daddy said that's a curse word—"

"And on that note, it's time for school." Arcadia lifted Dawn and Mr. Hugs in her magic and slapped her down on the Guard behind her. Mr. Hugs in hoof, she strapped Dawn in and kissed her cheeks. "Have a good day at school. Mommy has to work."

Dawn waved to the ponies in the room. "Teqormo, Fiet!" She said. "Teqormo, teqormo!"

The Guards made their way through the waving ponies replying teqormo. When they passed her extended family, Dawn waved and said, "Teqormo! Teqormo!"

Celestia waved but didn't say anything else. She knew absolutely no Old Pseratopian. It didn't take a genius to know Dawn said goodbye but she knew it wouldn't sound right coming out of her mouth. Better to keep it closed.

Cadance abandoned the door and skipped up to Queen Arcadia. "Ohhh, Dawn is just the cutest!"

Arcadia floated a document to look at from an assistant and replied, "Dawn wants to protect mommy from the monsters of her dreams and nightmares. I feel so much safer."

"I'm pretty sure she knows mommy can protect herself."

Arcadia laughed and sadly shook her head. "Well, Mr. Hugs thinks otherwise. She listens to him a lot more than she listens to me. Thank you all for being prompt. We don't really appreciate tardiness around here."

Celestia didn't realize Arcadia needed this many assistants. And in reality she didn't, according to conversations from the past. But these ponies actually came in handy at times. Celestia didn't know what it was like for an immense amount of ponies to reach her ears complaining. But Twilight had five years of experience.

Queen Arcadia was currently dressed in a light pink dress that allowed her wings to flow out the sides and onto the floor behind her. She had her horn decorated with those rings and chains. Underneath it was a bright reflective silver gem in between the top of her eyelashes. And around her eyes were smaller versions completely symmetrical to each other to accentuate her purple. Then there was her crown, shiny and polished. Topped off with light mascara and eye shadow.

Her eyes were scanning a long document at the moment with focus. With a stallion standing nearby speaking with her. So the Princesses stood back and allowed her to do her thing. After a few seconds she nodded and said, "Make sure that they sign the other half too just in case. Different departments require the same signature in both parts sometimes. Just a precaution." She gave the document back to the stallion who bowed and shuffled off. Leaving Queen Arcadia to the Princesses. She smiled at them and greeted, "Good morning. I'm surprised to see Cadance up this early."

Cadance pretended mock offense by shooting her head to the side and the ceiling. "Well I never!"

Twilight giggled and motioned towards the golden doors in front of her. "Based off of my front staff, we have a full house today of around five hundred..."

Celestia craned her neck and replied, "That's a full house?"

"You didn't let me finish. We have a full house of around five hundred nobility, and about six hundred citizens. A single pony in one noble house takes around fifty minutes to appease roughly. So this morning, I will have to be a little more assertive to get everyone in. There's a bench on the side I setup personally for you."

Celestia and the others nodded while Twilight shifted her attention up to the clock. Nine twenty-three. "Okay, let's move everyone."

The Pserateps around stopped talking and jogged ahead of the queen as she moved for the door. Celestia and the others were the very last behind them for the clear respectful reason. Gardeen was by her side reading a document while two Guards at the end grabbed the handles of the golden plated doors and pulled them open. Exposing the back of the throne.

It was always a truly magnificent sight to see Psera's royal throne room. Full of color, life, and attention. The ceiling was still the prettiest picture while the decorative and supportive columns reflected the sun coming from the windows.

Madam Singe just looked around in silence. Her mind was already blown away by the outside magnificence. Now her mind was just gone.

Up ahead were the four thrones. But only one would be occupied today. While her staff moved forward, Queen Arcadia took her time. She turned to Gardeen and said, "Odega still has yet to point me towards this Neemorah. I need to speak with her soon."

Gardeen replied, "We'll talk to her during the lunch. If we have one, that is." Twilight smirked when Gardeen raised her eyes knowingly. "Arcadia, you're taking a lunch today."

Twilight sighed and gave in. There was no moving on her surrogate daughter when she had her mind set. "Ohhh alright. But only because I'm definitely going to be under the weather after today."

They walked around the thrones before Arcadia lifted her large right wing towards an area on the right facing the red carpet. There was a region on the side that held four large red cushions behind a small red wooden divider.

"You four are over there," Arcadia instructed. Then turned a left to begin the short walk up the stairs to her throne.

While they moved, Madam Singe whispered, "This room is really pretty."

Celestia skipped over Dawn's throne and took a comfortable seat at her own. "Yes," she replied. "When we first saw it we were just like you. A bit more speechless than scared." Celestia scanned the rest of the room and eyed the different tables set up around them.

So this was Queen Arcadia and King Madun's court. There were three tables on each side that held different labels. Royal Cashier, Appointment, Local Resources, Homeland Security, Pseratep Executive Resources, and Local Resources. A few of them had one or two of Queen Arcadia's assistants behind them. Their tables were flanked by two guards each.

Their eyes shifted up to Queen Arcadia herself. She was making herself comfortable on the throne by spreading out her large wings among the rest of them and sitting straight up with a smile on her face.

"Time?" She asked.

Gardeen was seated in a swiveling chair next to the throne behind a much larger desk with a single notebook and clock on the top left corner. She looked to it and answered, "Nine twenty-nine, your highness."

Arcadia nodded then turned to the guests. "Remember to keep your comments to yourself. For some reason even I don't understand, some ponies are actually allowed to comment on the King and Queen's ability to rule. I'm not sure why, but it's allowed." She turned back to the front of the room and stomped her hoof once. The sound reverberated loudly around the room before she yelled, "ENTER!"

The Guards at the entrance grabbed the handles to the door and pulled them open the second the clock hit nine-thirty, letting in a young couple definitely coming from nobility. A fancy blue mare with a strange hairstyle and a stallion with a short one in a really fancy coat. Unlike most of the Pserateps Luna saw out there, these two were a lot more extra, and had a stuck up look on their faces. They didn't even seem to notice the Guests on the side.

When they reached Queen Arcadia's throne, they bowed and greeted at the same time, "Good morning, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle."

Arcadia replied, "How may I serve you?"

"We've come to file an executive complaint with RayRay's Section Nine."

"What is the basis for this complaint?"

The mare stepped forward and answered, "We feel our house of Nobility, House Merritahn, was disrespected by their Senior Director of Operations."

Queen Arcadia nodded and motioned towards the table reading Pseratep Resources on the right. "Please consult with the Representative from Highside Resources, he will supply you with what you need to do to get your complaint properly filed by me."

They bowed once more and replied, "Thank you, your highness." Then shuffled off for the mentioned table.

Once they were over there, Queen Arcadia stomped her hoof loud once more and ordered, "ENTER!"

Once the sun rose out from the horizon, it was time for the night crew of Psera's defensive line of Aquata's to switch out. The Aqua Guard were trained to stand Guard and observe all night. But the keyword was just that. All night. Now it was time for the day guard to take over and allow them to sleep.

The bell on all of the Aquatas rang out before the move started. A few of the mares at the helm of one of the many Aquatas groaned and immediately shuffled back.

"Finally," she muttered. "Eleven hours and not a thing. Don't be too tense honey, that water is about as still as ice."

The stallion she called honey just walked past shaking his head for her place. Then stood still and watched the waves for movement. But it weren't with the waves. They were under.

Underneath the steel-grey of the ships, under the splashing waves of ocean were a swarm of swimming Infected Sea Ponies. It took them all night, but they made it. To Psera. The Paradise of the world. They flew past the PDS Obelisk Line triggering an alert back on land that looked like a small fish.

A single Sea Pony flew forward ahead of the pack and screamed in the water, creating bubbles and such that popped to the surface. Sending out a command signal. Once they were out of any possible sight, forty slowly rose to the surface. The fins on their backs rose out of the blue waves first before their black and bright red eyes. Then they shot out and flew into the airspace of Psera.

The ones in the ocean swam deeper until their bodies were skimming over the mud. Then sunk down and started digging tunnels into Psera. Forty on land, forty underneath.

While Queen Arcadia was on the throne in Cop, Madun was dealing with family and the war. First, Fresh Dawn had to be dropped off at school. Before her mother left she was bouncing off the walls yelling, "Tomorrow's my birthday, tomorrow's my birthday! Remember mommy, remember daddy?! Tomorrow's my birthday!"

Next, she's all, "School is boring!" Oh the mind of a foal was quite interesting. An interesting thought humoring her father during his escort through The Office of Defense to its situation room. They finally had a plan to get the spy in. As well as the pony for the job. Now they could start planning offensive steps and take back what was once theirs.

It were a mere minutes before he stepped into the same dark room as Secretary Manny, General Bold Shoulder, General Neon Lightning, General Mack Land, and Admiral Shooting Star. All standing around a glowing glass table embedded with a display facing the dim ceiling. Despite all the thirty-something seats in here, these six were the only ones inside.

Madun walked in and raised a hoof when they stood at attention. "At ease," he ordered. "What do you have?"

Secretary Manny approached the table and commanded the controls to pull visuals on the far wall of the room. One was of a very familiar Elite Guard with an impressive score. Another, a map edited with route paths surging over Equestria.

Manny introduced, "Meet Private Smalls. Trained in the Elite Guard and part of the team that rescued the foreigners. During her training, she impressed even me with a score of ninety-seven in both the evasive flying portion, and visual portion."

Madun sat down with the rest of the executives and assumed, "Quick spying."

"From fifty-thousand feet."

"Holy buck, what type of glasses does she have, and where can I get a pair?"

General Bold shoulder laughed deeply and answered, "Her mother gave her those eyes. She was in the Elite Guard many years ago and served in the Gold Wars. She was our top aerial Command Colonel. Could spot an enemy from miles up. Her daughter is just as good. We've selected her to go deep over enemy territory and get a good reading."

Aqua General Neon Lightning said, "Based off of air analysis from Queen Arcadia's Obelisk Line, miles before hitting Equestria will in fact be dusty. Everything after that will be the same. She's flown through fire, she can handle dust."

King Madun did not doubt that. Based off her score, she could fly in and out of a national emergency Hurricane. He hummed and asked, "How will we be getting the data?"

"We're placing a high speed shutter camera on her to take a series of pics until the mission is complete. We're expecting it to take two to three hours. Now, because everything is destroyed, we'll have representatives of both Equestria's and Mount Aris' main cities in the command center to help as the mission progresses."

"Excellent. Now what about her safety?"

"We'll be providing a radar on her back as she flies. We'll be warning her of anything that pops up. For the mission we'll also be supplying sonar to help us get a read on how densely populated regions are with Infected. She's going to be a little packed."

"Perfect. And if she's spotted by Maheera Dark?"

"Then it's literally going to be like a cat chasing a bee. We'll be watching her."

"Great. Where do I sign?"

While Madun and the Generals were discussing plans, they all failed to notice the eyes in Smalls' photograph glowing an abnormal bright neon red. Then they narrowed and disappeared back to her normal red.

On the gravel roof of that same building Maheera's Infected sea pony reopened its eyes from the ledge and flapped its wings to zip back into the blue sky. It shrieked to the air, ringing the ears of whomever heard it.

Back on Mount Aris, Maheera grinned her own sharp teeth and opened her evil yellow reptilian eyes to train on the carpet.

"A spy, huh?" She muttered. "Good. come to me, Narmeelah's descendant."

Two hundred so far. But the foreign rulers were used to that and passed the time by taking gulps of the drinks supplied to them in wine glasses from an assistant. Pseratep after Pseratep walked through those same doors onto this magnificent floor, bowed, stated their problems, the Queen would direct them to one of the tables in the room to fill out a form, then that form was passed over to Gardeen who would pass over specific ones to Queen Arcadia later. It's happened over two hundred times. Luckily, there were no bad-mouthing ponies.

Until now. Celestia's eyes were beginning to droop slightly when Arcadia woke her up with another single hoof stomp. "Enter!"

Then the doors pushed open and Cadance whispered in Celestia's ear, "Uh oh."

Celestia looked up and was about to say the same thing. Three nobles walked in. But unlike the others, these were definitely trouble. All three had narrowed eyes trained on Queen Arcadia, showing off their riches.

One of them was a mare with a seafoam blue coat with a white and dark blue mane and tail setup in a fancy hairstyle. She had nine foot wings and dark yellow eyes that were nowhere near innocent. Gold and diamonds littered her attire in an ever glowing show of wealth.

Another, a stallion with an off-white coat and a gray mane and tail with a single red streak. He had nine foot wings and dark blue eyes with a white stubble beard. He wore a white dress suit like many others. A suspected Psera trend. How did they slip into those?

And the final pony to walk in came as she was. With a dark red coat that reminded Madam Singe of punch, eight foot wings, a straight "wet styled" mane and tail, and ruby red eyes. None of them looked happy.

When they reached the throne, they bowed and the Seafoam blue mare greeted, "Queen Arcadia."

Arcadia lowered her document and ordered, "Good morning. How may I serve you?"

They rose back up and replied, "We'd like to file a complaint concerning recent decisions the Government has made involving you directly."

The rulers on the side could feel something interesting was about to happen. Even a few of the assistants and officials glanced up from their works to witness this exchange.

Oh boy, here we go again. With a sigh, Arcadia nodded and gestured with her hoof. May as well get this over with. "Proceed."

"We find that the decision to allow foreign ponies on our land despicable, and your ruling as Queen unconstitutional, unlawful and awful."

It was like a pony dropped a bomb in the room. All eyes shifted straight to them and conversations ended. The blue mare pointed at herself and said, "I, Pudge Mount, Head of House Lightgold has seen many things that Narmeelah would not allow in your rule, and actually careless. She would not have allowed magic on her land. And it is written in the laws of Narmeelah that when the king marries a blooded Pseratep they will be given the choice to rule. But you are thankfully not a blooded Pseratep."

At that Arcadia had to bite her lip. Apparently they don't pay attention to their news network. The mare on the left with the juice coat added, "Furthermore, the mobilization of the Psera military should belong to the king solely, not to the Queen who has absolutely no experience in any type of battle. Or violence of any kind."

"Oh no she didn't," Cadance whispered.

The stallion on the right of the middle mare went next. "Based off of recent events, we are suggesting you return to being a shotty Staff of Royal House rather than Royal Control to direct the future of Psera's legacy that for some reason involves the authorization of foreigners onto our sacred land."

Juice mare added, "They should be fighting, not resting. We feel that your ruling of Psera has been absolutely terrible, horrid, and disgusting."

The room didn't even have crickets chirping around. Their reverberating voices died around the room before observing eyes shifted from them to Queen Arcadia. She was just sitting there shooting them with an unsettling unamused expression. Violet glowing purple mane flowing with the wind.

Then, Celestia's cup shattered.

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