• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 63 - Unstable

It was easy to spy on any ponies out there. As easy as counting one, two, and three. Step One? Get a sample of Fresh Dawn, such as fur, underneath your hoof while treading the extremely observant, yet still racist halls of this castle. Step Two, draw a Craft around the sample and activate.

Step Three? Watch and take notes in the cool darkness of her room. One thing about the Pserateps: They listened to and obeyed their Queen's orders. Keep a close eye, but keep a far distance. She was giving Tarsafani respect. If the end of times were not close she would have returned the gesture in kind.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Dawn had to die. Or at the very least disappear.

The School Dawn attended was... Interesting. An even ratio of male to female with two floors, guarded and thoroughly protected thanks to the presence of Psera's Heirs: The Twins, and Fresh Dawn. But there was an interesting character.

The one she calls Kia.

Tarsafani's closed eyes slowly parted open when her mind scrambled together a plan. Kia Farue was a close friend to Dawn and trustworthy. Along with this "Dusty," a stallion she grew up with. A beautiful relationship between three ponies. Perfect.

This private training room under the castle was one of Twilight's greatest feats. In an effort to strengthen their military, the Arcadian Elite Royal Guard was created to protect the Queen herself. The elite of the actual Elite. They needed a different form of training to take on much bigger projects. A different branch of Soldiers to add to their already fortified military.

The Arcadian Training Program was created. Engineered through a combination of magic, science, and knowledge, a large steel field going over three hundred feet was created. The administers of the Program including Twilight herself would watch everything from a room above behind protective glass windows as their soldiers would rage through a simulation of wars. Both from the past and possible futures.

Fights against Pegasi, Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Sea Ponies, Dragons, and of course Zebras. Thanks to magic, you could even be cut in real life. Which made this the perfect place for Twilight to train. Being trapped inside her own spell that she willingly threw herself in made her realize there was darkness that even she couldn't see. A darkness building inside of herself.

This was a great place to dump her darkness.

She changed the simulation settings to one of warfare and told the Guards relaxing behind the doors not to disturb her. Then shut them and locked herself into what could only be described as an accurate rendition of the fight with Maheera over Equestria.

A desolate Las Pegasus with catastrophic buildings, dusty atmosphere, and fires. The howling of rogue wolves under a blood red sky. She was home.

Twilight's mindset changed to that of a soldier. To one trying to survive. When Maheera first attacked Psera, she aimed to kill. Now she could finally return the favor. She had to do this.

Twilight flicked her wings and unsheathed her blades with a sound of metal sliding against metal. Her hooves held automatic blades, one long sword on her back she retrieved from the actual armory, and an Arrow Hoof. An older weapon that hasn't been used since they developed the Wing Cannons. But still good nonetheless. Under one of her hooves she carried her violet helmet from her weapons stash.

This time, there would be no aiming to push to the side. Maheera wanted a war? She'd be happy to give her one.

"Back for more?" Twilight stopped treading the landscape and stared straight ahead. Towards that chair Maheera was lounging in. Kicking her feet up on the back of what looked like an infected Apple Bloom growling at her. Now that could not stand.

Twilight glowered at her and responded, "Well you still have innocent ponies under your control."

"Let's be honest here, Arcadia." Maheera jumped out of her seat over Apple Bloom and moved towards her. The ground under their hooves vibrated when even more infected ponies dug their way to the surface. Fangs bared, coats bloody, and eyes black as the night. The sky seemed to turn even more red when they appeared. Twilight planted her hooves down when they rose to the surface and growled at her, and placed her helmet on her head. "As much as you want to free these ponies, even killing me will never set them free. As long as Narmeelah's laws exist."

"And I aim to change those laws." Twilight nodded her head hard to flick down her helmet. Leaving only her eyes out. "A big mistake that have already cost ponies their lives. You have not read the reports and myths of ponies walking into Narmeelah's castle and never returning. But I have. And I know they are true."

Maheera and the horde of infected ponies from all over had stopped their positions and surrounded Twilight to ensure no escape. Good, she had them right where she wanted them. Twilight lit her horn a neon violet and created a shield around the entire field to trap them all inside with her. Then bore her eyes into Maheera's.

"This is it, Maheera. Stand down, or suffer the consequences."

Maheera has never stood down in her life. Why do so now? She shook her head of black hair and pointed her hoof at Twilight.

"The answer is no. Attack."

And the battle was on. A Hippogriff was the first one soaring up to her followed by the rest of Maheera's horde. Screaming, cheering, yelling, pushing wind. Maheera asked for this.

Twilight responded in kind. She raised her hoof to the right fitted with the small Arrow Hoof device and flicked her wrist downwards. The arrow shot out and soared through the air. Soon finding home into the foreheads of one of the Infected Royal Guards of Equestria.

He stopped running, stopped screaming, and stopped flying forward. Instead, he fell to his knees and tumbled across the dirty landscape to a stop. Face up with a fatal arrow to the forehead. Dead. Twilight could see the blood pooling on the ground beneath him. Staining red with the blood of Twilight's enemy. More would join him shortly.

Twilight Velvet remembered eating in this same room on Twilight's coronation as queen to this country. In the Grand Cafeteria lounge. One long table holding Twilight's friends and her family. A table full of food and happiness. Today would be no different.

Their theory was correct. Twilight was in fact alive inside of Mecrah Portal OUT. The gems she gave to the rulers of IHT were the keys to get her out. All around knew she survived and was transported to the hospital immediately after. There was no clue as to what went on in there during certain moments when they weren't allowed to be in there, but her friends and family knew it wasn't good at all if the details were classified. Even the Princesses weren't allowed to say anything. It was all a cover up. No one was saying anything about what was under the castle, no pictures were released. And the video footage was lost to the wreckage that occurred after.

But that didn't stop her Equestrian friends and family from setting up this surprise party. The room had been decorated per Pinkie Pie's taste with Twilight's violet style. All pink and giggling, she'd throw up balloons, banners, and table liners to color it from Gold and shiny to colorful and happy. Cake had been put out and even more goodies had been set in their places.

Psera's VIP makeup of Noble houses, Military Leaders, Eggheads, and Government leaders such as the Council were invited. Talking up a storm and creating a cloud in the room. While they waited for Queen Arcadia's arrival from wherever she was, Celestia fetched everyone in IHT a glass of Mist Juice—one of Psera's finest drinks—from the table holding all the food and beverages. Unfortunately, Madun could not make it. He had work to do today, and Fresh Dawn was at school. That just left Merry and Blazing Fire standing with Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

For the fifth time in an hour, Night Light asked Blazing among all the noise, "So where is she?"

Molten was actually wondering that too. As of this moment she was ten minutes late. She was rarely two minutes late, let alone ten. Molten walked away from her place next to her daughter over to a nearby Guard Captain.

"Where is Arcadia's last reported location?" She asked.

He saluted and reported, "Queen Arcadia's location was last reported at the Arcadian Training Program Field, ma'am. She asked not to be disturbed."

The Training Field for advanced soldiers? Why would Twilight be...

"Oh no," Molten whispered. There was only one reason to be on the training field. And for a current state of mind like Twilight's it wasn't a good thing. This plan was about to go upside down really quickly.

She handed off her drink for the captain to hold and made a mad dash for the doors.

She ordered over her back, "Send two soldiers of Arcadian Guard to meet me there! Unarmed!" Molten surprisingly jumped straight over Rarity and Rainbow Dash with the grace of a teenager and landed at the doors. Then raced quickly out into the halls like a raging fireball.

Celestia and Luna shared a surprised look and stared at the door after her. Whatever it was must've been pretty serious.

Twilight's panting was deep. And not from fatigue. But because her armor was getting a little stuffy. She could only fight for so long in something so constricting.

Her armor couldn't have been more red with the simulated blood of her enemies. The ground was littered with the dead and lifeless bodies of ponies she once knew. A gory sight she stepped past while cautiously making moves for Maheera Dark staring unaffected. Unimpressed.

She pulled off her helmet and carelessly threw it to the side. Her narrowed eyes burned anger into Maheera's soul. Sweat poured down Twilight's face. Practically painted red.

"I warned you," she growled. "You should have stayed away from my country."

Maheera snarled at her and morphed into her Draconequus state. Tall enough to strike fear into the hearts of Torch, were he still alive. Twilight unfortunately killed him. Both here and in real life. This big Draconequus would not scare Twilight.

She pulled her sword from the head of a dead dragon nearby and yelled a war cry. Then charged straight for Maheera. She responded in kind. Blowing flames through the air while her body slithered over the thousands dead around them.

Twilight flapped her wings and jumped high into the air to be in Maheera's eyes. To make sure she would be the last thing she saw. Twilight grabbed her sword with her hooves and righted her body. Maheera pulled back her claw and roared with the wind. The two would collide an end this once and for all. With one of them dead. With their head rolling over the ground. One would not rise again.

Would have.

A long buzzer in the air and everything ended. The environment of Las Pegasus and dead bodies blew away to be replaced once more by the steel underground field. Twilight faltered and lost her balance, and instead of falling for Maheera Dark's face fell for the steel floor. What happened to everything?!

She hit the steel and rolled over into a standing position, sweating and swearing under her breath. It's still wartime, right?

"Twilight!" Molten shouted. She left the double doors leading to the outside of the simulation with two Arcadian Elite Royal Guards for Twilight. "What are you doing?"

Twilight bounced back to her hooves and grunted sourly on her approach.

"I was exercising," she sternly answered. She sheathed her sword and watched the Elite Guard flank her sides before Molten stopped in front of her. Worry was on her face. A worry Twilight had seen before.

Molten reached out and took off Twilight's utility belt. "My dear I think you may have something with severe trauma," she assumed.

"Nonsense," Twilight denied. She walked past Molten with a destination for the doors. But she and the Guards easily caught up with her. "I'm perfectly fine. I was only exercising."

"In a war you just escaped from? Twilight you are not well. You need to relax and rest. If you need to exercise I suggest a small jog. Because a full blown battle in the likes I've just witnessed is more than exercise. Psera doesn't need you turning into me, Twilight."

Twilight rolled her eyes and teleported them back up to the lockers. In front of her open one. She unbuckled her Sword's scabbard and let it drop to the floor. Then was about to take off her Arrow Hoof and arrows... But decided against it and moved on.

"Twilight," Molten warned. She seriously didn't think she missed that, did she?

Twilight unbuckled out of her armor and stated, "I know you think I'm just tense Molten because I just came back from the past, but I assure you..." She slipped off her Arrow Hoof in favor of one of her more discreet weapons: A sword knife. A flick of the wrist and this small knife changed to a really thin but strong sword. Made out of Equus' strongest metal. She put that and small throwing knives in their places on a utility belt around her hooves. Something Molten rolled her eyes at.

Twilight flapped off her wing blades and turned to face Molten and her Guards. "I feel a manipulation in my castle."

"Is this about Tarsafani? Again?" Molten deadpanned.

"Well it's definitely not about Gardeen." She walked past Molten and out the door into the Hive's empty locker room air. Void of any other guards. She couldn't tell how long she's been in there, but definitely for a while.

"I thought we buried the hatchet on this issue, Twilight." Molten pushed open the Hive's doors and walked out into the Castle halls with her while the Guards closed them back.

Twilight shook her head and sternly answered, "As long as she is on Psera the hatchet is still raised in the air. Directly above her neck."

"Why do you—"

"I hold nothing against the Zebras." Twilight stopped and faced Molten for a moment before she continued guiding Twilight down the hall and up a staircase. "I just don't enjoy a Zebra on the country I have sworn to protect."

Yep, this Zebra business seemed to really be getting to her. Molten sighed and stated factually, "Twilight those times are over. The Zebras are on the other side of the planet and are less than a threat to us. And I doubt they'd test us considering all of our military upgrades. It'd be foolish and suicidal. Lay down your arms Twilight, there's no need to be wary."

Twilight was resilient and allowed herself to be led. "I'll lay down my arms when I feel we are safe. Until then I shall have my weapons secured on me at all times."

Molten smirked and commented, "Try not to cut yourself when you wipe, it has happened more than once to ponies in your shoes who were more than paranoid."

"I'll remember that, and paranoid?" Oh boy, here we go. Molten rolled her eyes once again and slowed their speed upon nearing the doors hiding Twilight's surprise party behind them.

When they stopped, Twilight faced Molten and clarified, "I tell you, Molten, paranoia is a mental superstition involving pain with an unknown ETA. I however know for a fact that something is wrong and something is coming. I am not paranoid."

Molten asked unamused, "You're not?" Then calmly pushed open the doors.


Twilight screamed, flared her wings open, and flapped them. Four blades zipped out from deep within her feathers heading straight for the ponies. One popped three balloons, another soared through Pinkie Pie's cake, another cut off a good amount of Twilight Velvet's mane, and the final one literally ricocheted around the room and forced everyone to take cover. Bouncing off the golden columns, the ceiling, the table, and almost hitting Rainbow Dash.

She pushed Applejack to the left and soared to the right before the blade soared through where they both were. It bounced around four more times before Molten rushed forward, jumped on the table holding refreshments, flipped upside down in the air and caught it in her teeth.

She landed on graceful hooves on the other side and trotted in an arch to a slow stop facing Twilight with her shiny blade in her mouth. As impressive as that was, everyone was still a little... Frozen in fear.

Molten made a face at Twilight driving her point home reading, "Not paranoid you say?"

Twilight stomped her hooves and shouted, "I am not paranoid, I know what danger is when I feel it!" Then walked deeper into the room. "This just simply caught me off guard!"

Molten let the blade fall from her teeth and shouted to the other side of the table, "You honestly don't believe I missed the blades in your wings, did you? You cannot full the master of stealth, Arcadia!"

"Oh yes I can!" She lifted her left wing to show she somehow managed to sneak the sword Molten and the Guards saw her drop.

Molten rolled her eyes and shouted, "Arcadia, you honestly need to sleep! I can order one of the Princesses to put you in a more relaxed state of mind!"

As much as anyone wanted to say something, it seemed like this was just between the two of them. Twilight stopped walking and glowered at the Princesses. "Do that and I will cut you."

Molten sighed and decided she's had enough. "Twilight, the Zebra has been declared harmless by the courts and has literally done nothing to prove us otherwise. There is no proof of any sinister planning, no runes like you say there are, and no traps. There is merely one Zebra sleeping as we speak. We are not in danger, there is no threat. You just woke up from a wartime effort, but the war has been over for ten years and Psera has lived through a decade of peace with you gone. Don't bring back paranoia and fear because you 'feel a manipulation' upon your return! As Majesty of Psera, I order you to lay down your arms and weaponry!"


Molten stomped her hoof and shouted, "That is an order, Twilight! Lay down your weapons now!"

The thickness between them ceased all beating hearts. Twilight glared at Molten with a growl in the back of her throat. And without further delay—and without taking her eyes off—shifted her wings and had all thirty one blades fall and clatter on the floor. She unbuckled the weapons from her hooves and slapped them down. And as for the sword?

She unsheathed it and stabbed it deep into the floor underneath her hooves and threw her Scabbard down next to it.

"Fine!" She spat out. "You'll be damning Psera to pain and suffering! Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Molten ignored that and ordered, "All of your weapons!"

Twilight turned her body towards the entrance, flicked her tail and sent another knife through the cake into the floor directly at Molten's hooves. She didn't even budge.

"You'll be needing that," Twilight warned. Then started walking back towards the entrance with all worried eyes on her. "You all think I'm paranoid. And that I have no reason to be fearful or 'scared' as you so put it. 'To keep my daughter away from the Stripe at all costs and to be armed day and night is utterly crazy.' But you seem to forget..." She glared over her back to all of them. "I was also the only pony to notice an incoming Changeling invasion in Canterlot during my brother and sister-in-law's wedding. The Princesses, the Guards, my friends, no one believed me. Until it was too late and they took hold of Canterlot by the throat. Bet they didn't tell you that, did they? If something happens to my family Molten, I am holding you responsible."

Without further adieu, Twilight trotted out the doors and slammed them closed behind her. They can have their little party without her.

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