• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,223 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 65 - Tense

Tarsafani could feel how tense the air was when she met up with the rest of IHT in the Castle's foyer the next morning. Waiting for Twilight to arrive and open a new portal back to Equestria. She could feel the intensity her back was being burned with the eyes of watching guards. She would be the last pony to arrive before the Queen.

Celestia spotted her before the rest did. "Spend all night reading?" She asked.

If only they knew the real reason why there were bags under her eyes. Learning the pattern of the Elite Guards rounds in one night was no easy task. Especially with only temporary spells that can't be tracked. Orchestration was a mighty big task.

Tarsafani smiled and let her bags drop to the floor from her back. "It was an interesting chapter," she answered.

Rainbow Dash landed from the back on stern hooves and shouted, "I can't believe the egghead is already kicking us out before we even got a chance to say hi!" That was what she said before a violet portal appeared in front of them. "Or even goodbye!!"

Worry and concern spread through them all. But it was clear from yesterday that Twilight still had a lot of issues to work with.

"I'm sure mother will makeup for it soon."

They turned towards the elevator dinging open to let out Princess Fresh Dawn wearing some cute pink pajamas with Sky Blue on her back. Twilight Velvet squealed and ran over to meet her half way.

"Ohhh my little grand filly!" She cheered. Then wrapped Dawn in a hug and placed on so many kisses. "Oh you're growing up so fast! Stop it, stop growing!"

"Grandmaaa~!" Dawn fawned. She struggled to push her away. "Too many kisses!"

That didn't stop Twilight Velvet from leaving the kisses on Dawn's fur. Dawn was hugged by the rest of Twilight's friends and family. Uncle Armor, Grandpa, and the rest of them. Especially Flurry. She truly enjoyed this place. "Thanks for letting us stay," she said in her shoulder.

"The pleasure's mine! Thanks for coming to my game!" They separated and shared smiles. "Mom had slept right through it. They put her on Administrative Parole at Midnight last night, so... There's that."

"Parole?" Shining repeated.

"Yeah. She has like a schedule, Guards, orders, and she can't use magic except this instance. For a freaking month. It sucks and she's really upset about it. And I can't get any magic experience except through reading until then, so..." Dawn took a breath and mumbled, "I'm hitting the books."

Twilight Velvet stroked Dawn's mane and suggested, "Well you do have access to all of us. I'm sure your mother would not mind teaching you how to contact us, okay? If you want, we can teach you a few things."

About that. "Oh, uhhh... Mom says I have a... More special kind of magic and I don't think you guys can teach that to me."

Oh right. Dawn is much stronger in Dark Magic than normal magic. She can't learn their type of magic. She needs special lessons.

"Ah, correct," Cadance replied. "Well I'm sure Twilight will find some way. She loves you and wants the best for your future." After a brief nuzzle and kiss, they made strides for the portal. "Now we have to go and leave your mother to her recovery. We'll see each other again."

"I have no doubt. Bye!" Dawn waved at them before Tarsafani bowed her way.

"I have a feeling," Tarsafani said to the floor. "That this will not be the last time we see each other, child. I feel you will be the one to unite all of our nations together when we need one another the most. I thank your mother for allowing me to at least a stay here."

"And I'm sorry you couldn't be more comfortable. Mom can become really aggressive when it comes to Psera. We have a lot of weapons. Until we meet again, Tarsafani."

"Until then, Princess Dawn." Then they all turned around and walked through Twilight's portal back into the land on Equestria. Or even more specifically in front of Twilight's old castle in Ponyville.

Celestia smirked at the sight entering her eyes of one of Ponyville's busiest days. At all the ponies flying around and getting their deeds done as a form of traffic.

"The fact that she still has it in her," she said. "Lets me know she's going to bounce back quickly."

"Eh, I wouldn't say all of it in her." They turned around to face the voice of Shining Armor and the luggage lying on the ground he brought with him. "Looks like her portal clipped my stuff."

Tarsafani smirked and began drawing a rune on the ground in front of them. "As much as I would love to stay and chat," she said. "I must get back to Zebrica. There's so much that's needed to get done and I don't have nearly enough time to get it all done since this sudden trip." One more symbol drawn and she jabbed into the center of the circle filled with weird characters. It illuminated a rotating circle of colors creating a portal leading back home.

She faced Celestia and bowed to the rest of them. "I will see you all again."

Celestia bowed back and responded, "Farewell, Tarsafani. Stay in touch." Without further reply, Tarsafani jumped down into the portal leading back home. Back where her life was.

Once she was gone, Celestia addressed Luna's growing concerns. "Do not worry. In order for a rune like that to work, there must be a host drawn on the other side. Twilight definitely would've found any on Psera if there were by this point. Now let's help little Shining pick up his clothes."

"I'm not little."

Zebrica. Home of the Zebras. Nothing but grass land and forestry as far as the eye could see. It was much further away from Equestria, but not nearly as far as Psera. Hidden behind Mount Aris, Zebrica's Red Sea was a constant reminder to their sacrifices.

Where in the past Zebrica was a flowing oasis of life, it now only served as a green beacon of stripes. With barely any water that forced the citizens to mine for it. For Zebras to dig. As small as Zebrica was, getting to water underground was still exceedingly difficult. Keeping building materials reserved was next to impossible. And as for food? The grass was all they had left. No fruits, vegetables, nothing.

Zebrica was nearing its last days. Even Tarsafani could see. Zebrica's real Royalty knew it too. And they all knew the solution. Before the beginning of the times, Zebrica worked for another. They worked for Narmeelah.

As Narmeelah's task force, the soldiers underneath Psera's eyes. She pointed, they served in that direction. They didn't, they starved. Narmeelah may be gone but even Tarsafani could see it in this one village's eyes. The ferocity stolen from them. The pain and suffering as a consequence of a failed mission. She locked eyes with one of Zerbica's young resting silently with her orange coated mother. Washing her clean and do what she can outside of her hut. It won't be like this for long.

It wasn't long until she walked out this village towards Zebrica's beach. Towards the mass of Zebrica's watching the waves. Over a hundred different colored striped ponies. She recognized one of her own friends that convinced her that this was what Narmeelah needed from her. That this was the right thing to do.

Mahreeo. Her sister. She had a light blue and white coat with a thin figure from near starvation. A thin single light blue braid from her mane held together by bands draped on the right side of her face.

Before Tarsafani reached the line, Mahreeo trotted over and shared a loving hug. "Are you ready?" She asked quietly.

Tarsafani nodded into her neck and answered, "I have done what must be done. What is your assignment?"

"...to remove."

"You're the one taking the foal," Tarsafani clarified. She raised a hoof and brushed Mahreeo's mane. "It will not be easy to get to the cliffs on hoof. Make sure she has her Dark Magic books that their Queen has given her."

"There are more than enough reactive runes on Psera. And enough soldiers already there taking on their forms. I will be secure. They already informed us of Dawn's routes. We have enough weapons for a full scale invasion. Do not worry about me. I will see you soon in the Everlasting Sky." Mahreeo leaned up and pressed her lips to Tarsafani's. Expressing both sisterly and romantic love before they separated. Tarsafani kissed her one last time on the forehead. A slow loving one. Then separated and made her way over to the other Zebras waiting in the wet sand at the foot of the Red Sea.

Tarsafani's hooves walked through the Sandy aisle they created before they closed it off from sight. Mahreeo may have turned her head and flopped her ears down. But even she could hear the sounds of a proud death. The sounds of the hundred blades piercing Tarsafani's body. Sending her to the Everlasting Sky. And out of the deathly silence, heard the final words Tarsafani spoke: "Thank you, Narmeelah."

Thirty one days. Thirty one days of the same ol' thing. Wake up, make breakfast, take Dawn to the doors to watch her go to school. Send Madun to work, do what she wants until one, time to be watched eating lunch, read, exercise in the actual exercise room in The Hive, then go back home, and lights out by eight.

Then do it all again the next day.

Repetition, repetition, repetition. Walk, walk, walk without a purpose. It was seriously demeaning and was frustration settled. add no magic and you got a very upset Queen.

But she refused to fight back. Her escorts were only doing their jobs and she didn't want to make their jobs more difficult. So she rolled with the punches. On a good note, the chemicals in her body seemed to have stabilized way past the point. But on a bad note...

The feeling of danger was still there. It didn't leave when Tarsafani left. Maybe it wasn't her after all. But she couldn't place what it was in the first place. Not right now. Another day, another morning. She yawned from the foot of her bed and leaned over Madun to place a kiss on his forehead. "Good morning," she greeted.

"Mmmm good morning, gorgeous," he greeted. Then reached out and pulled her down on top of him giggling. "Guess what today is?"

Twilight knew exactly what day it was. "Day thirty-two, so get this ring off," she expertly answered. She pointed a stern hoof up to the top of her head. Where that disgusting silver ring was holding her prisoner. Now this was what anxiety feels like.

"Yes it is, and..." He pecked her lips. "It's your proper welcoming day back to the throne. Remember?"

Oh yeah! She was supposed to dress up all nice, get pampered, and sit back on the throne next to her husband and daughter. Twilight's grin was enough to get Madun back up and running. She smashed her lips on his and laughed in happiness in the kiss.

"Yeah I remember!" She cheered. Then jumped off his chest and onto the bedroom floor. She was excited. She was pumped. She was happy. "I have to get dressed, put on some makeup, and... Where's Dawn?"

She slid to a stop in front of Dawn's room only to find it void of any Dawn. Or First Light. She didn't have school today, it was another Saturday. Madun groaned from their bedroom and answered, "She's probably taking Sky Blue out for some air."

Well Dawn was going to take her out. And was on her way there. But things turned from peaceful to confusion. And fear. She remember having Sky Blue circling over her head on the first floor. In the same hallway leading to her skatepark. It was quiet and peaceful. The rays of the sun were beaming into the hall from the secured glass doors up ahead.

She remembered having Juniper ducking in and out between her legs on approaching the doors when she all of a sudden lost feeling in her entire body. She slumped forward with her flank in the air. Thankfully, she was wearing a dress or else everything would be out there.

Juniper stopped walking and turned around to stare at her. Then barked one time and again. The guards approaching were supposed to help her. But instead, they picked her up and threw her to the wall. What was supposed to be the wall. Just because she was immobile didn't mean she couldn't move her eyes. A huge circle with tiny shapes formed into existence. Constantly changing different colors.

She was thrown through the wall and into a dark atmosphere. There was nothing but darkness around her and more ponies. She could hear them moving and talking.

"Well . . . That horn ring was more effective than I thought," one of them said. A strange voice she's never heard. Now she was scared. "How much of the castle guards are gone?" They asked before Dawn was lifted up and dumped on the back of another pony. Straps were slapped on next and as for her pets? They were stuffed in two saddle bags and zipped inside.

"Eighty percent," another answered. "We have control of their command." This one a female. She couldn't see them but knew for a fact exactly what they were. A Zebra. She could see a white stripe. A Zebra had managed to get into the castle. Zebras plural.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Dawn shouted. That must've taken them by surprise because they jumped. "You let me go this instant! This is a terror attack and this will not stand! I will not—mmmm?!!"

A thick green rope was securely tied around her muzzle preventing anymore verbal movement. The Zebra in charge, a big stallion with the standard black and white stripes looked to Mahreeo and the four Zebras and bid them farewell. "Good luck. We'll see each other once more in the Everlasting Sky."

Everlasting Sky?! What the buck did they know about Narmeelah's haven?! Okay, besides being tied up, Dawn was absolutely sure something was seriously wrong. She was beginning to panic!

Mahreeo nodded to him and replied, "Farewell, Samir. All will bow to Narmeelah in the end." Before Dawn could shout out they were crazy behind her makeshift gag, a Rune glowed in front of them and brightened their dark space even more. She and this Zebra she was tied to the back of jumped through with eight more behind them with the swiftness of silent predators before it closed back.

That left only Samir. Or more importantly, Princess Fresh Veola Dawn when she jumped out of that same Rune as she was before, save for the stuffed pets. The spell exceeded expectations. Samir had Dawn's fur, mane, dress, tail, size, voice, and personality. She walked opposite the way the real Dawn was headed with a smirk on her face. The Guards on the hall did nothing. Merely watched and waited as she passed. Except the skinny gold coated one at the end.

He reached into his suit and pulled out a small black block with a constant red light on the top. "The signal, Samir," he explained.

Samir smiled and took it in his hoof. It felt heavy enough to pack way more than it's actual punch. Perfect. "Thank you," he said in the voice of Fresh Dawn. "I will see you in the Everlasting Sky, my brother." Then Fresh Dawn was on the move once again with a suspicious smile sketched on her face. The mission was on. And there was no resistance. Not this time.

Queen Arcadia was back. Before she could leave the suite, she had to be cleaned and pampered. And of course given breakfast. Molten Ice's own "Cleaners" were assigned to apply Twilight's makeup and ceremonial wear. A large violet and red dress with a lot of frills and space. Shimmering lipstick and golden hoofshoes she chose herself. The dress was mostly red to show the power of the Royal Family, but did have shades of Twilight's Violet here and there in certain spots like on the shoulders. It was a matte red with less than enough detail. Flat enough to allow room to actually move and bend. This must've been Merry's design. Had to.

Twilight's mane was done up in a bun with two strands loose to accentuate her face, and her horn was donned with a ring to add detail and protection after Twilight spelled it. There was no way she was going to have her horn taken advantage of again.

Once she was dressed up and pretty in her home, the door was finally opened and Twilight walked out a free mare. The Guards and ponies outside waiting graciously bowed in her presence.

"Your majesties," Gardeen greeted. Then rose back up to her hooves. "We've been waiting for this day for quite some time."

Twilight nodded and joked, "You mean thirty-one days? Oh yeah, me too." A few laughed before she dragged her long wings out with Madun. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, ma'am," a soldier replied from her left. A soldier she recognized almost immediately with his three team members. Dark Silver, Worn Weather, and Shining Sword.

Dark smirked and joked, "As long as you stay with us this time and don't go flying away."

Twilight laughed and made her way deeper into her security detail. "Whatever you say, Captain. Where is my daughter?"

Lieutenant Worn Weather flanked her right while Shining Sword flanked her left. Dark Silver led the escort for them into the Castle's offices, thoroughly protected by Guards.

Dark answered from the front, "She's with the others. Her Majesty, Princess Merry, and Prince Consort Blazing. They're in the Throne Room talking to Press and VIPs right now."

Well at least she was nearby. She didn't bother checking for her magic. Dawn was a fifteen year old filly that knew how to take care of herself. Hopefully. She hasn't seen or heard of any trouble.

Gardeen moved in with Queen Arcadia and King Madun holding a clipboard. She was wearing a green dress that went great with those stylish glasses. No purpose but to impress.

She relayed, "You have Meet-and-Greet first at ten, press at ten-thirty for a few minutes, then your place back on the throne with a party."

Excellent. Everything was going smoothly. Although she wasn't looking forward to seeing Molten. She hasn't seen her this whole month, and was sort of glad. It was clear that it was because of her that she was on Administrative Parole. Who else? The Courts only process complaints and solutions. Someone had to have made a complaint first before a solution was raised and voted on.

Something else she wasn't looking forward to was the danger ahead. She could still feel it. She knew it wasn't because she was paranoid and still from the past. She knew something was wrong, and they were now in the thick of it. The sense was coming back much stronger than before. There was danger up ahead near the throne room. Near all the ponies talking and laughing as far as she could see.

Past all the stoic guards they were walking through. There was danger near here. Let it rear its ugly head.

When the noise in the Throne Room grew in intensity upon her arrival, Twilight and Madun put on their best smiles and waved to the crowd, the flashing cameras, and their family. But Twilight could feel deep down that the problem lied in here.

"Your Highness, this way please!"

"Queen Arcadia, this way!"

"Smile, your majesty! Give Psera that smile!" Oh how they loved her smile. Twilight proudly gave it to them.

"Mom!" There she was. Fresh Dawn. Trotting up to her in a violet red dress like her own with a concerned look on her face. Her red mane was put in her favorite pony tail. "Are you alright?" She asked.

Twilight stopped waving and stroked Dawn's mane into place. "Of course," she replied. But was she really? After all, her sense of danger grew to a megaton upon Dawn's approach. But that didn't make any sense. It wasn't like this all month and Dawn lived with her.

Twilight would've thought more on it, but the Guards ushered them into the packed Throne Room. Into all the gold, onto all the marble, and hooves on the red carpet. Before Fresh Dawn walked in, she looked back for a second and nodded with a soft smile to a single Guard. A single Guard who smiled and nodded back.

Twilight lost her smile when they entered the mass of ponies. The sun shone through the stained glass windows coloring Psera's outside world. The world she's barely stepped a hoof in all month. Not that she'd want to, the temperature outside was beginning to drop. Was it just her, or was it much colder than she remembered it being here in Psera? It felt like it was going to snow each morning when Arcadia would see Dawn out the Castle doors. At least they allowed that.

"Queen Twinkle!" Well that's a new one. Arcadia's attention shifted from the windows to Merry walking her way with a smug grin. She was wearing a dress similar to her own albeit much small and just red. Her green neck was adorned with a fire red jewel stuck to her fur with adhesive. And that wasn't a rhinestone.

The Guards had moved to the side to allow she and Madun their space. All except Dark Silver and another who stuck with them. They still needed at least two.

Arcadia smiled and greeted Merry with a hug, "Hello, Merry, how are you?"

"Much better," she answered. They separated but her hoof didn't leave the back of Arcadia's neck. "Especially since you seem to be more calm. I take it the Parole fulfilled its purpose?"

Twilight made a face and answered, "Well I am in public. I have to behave."


Twilight laughed and lied, "I'm joking, Merry. I'm fine."

"No more you know... Danger sensor?"

Twilight stopped laughing and sighed behind her smile. As much as she didn't want to say it, something was wrong. And it was stronger than ever. She patted Merry's hoof on her neck and quickly nodded. "Yeah, it's . . . Still going off. But I'm not going to bring it up today."

"Please don't," Merry begged. "Not today, tomorrow, actually for two—no—three whole months. Please."

Twilight laughed and playfully hit her arm before Madun offered her a glass from her right. He smirked and whispered huskily, "A Lovely Cherry for a lovely lady."

As hot as it was, Twilight saw a flaw. "You know I'm not a fan of Lovely Cherries." A Lovely Cherry was one of Psera finest non-alcoholic wines. It was red and brewed with actual cherries and their juices. But Twilight thought there was too much Cherry and not enough wine for her tastes.

Madun nodded and agreed, "I know. But that was a great line."

"I know, love." Twilight took a sip and immediately made a face. Too sour like always. "But I don't think it was worth it." She handed him back the cup and grabbed another from a passing server holding a tray. "Now this is much better. Crystal Water."

Well he couldn't argue with that. But he preferred Lovely Cherries.

Dawn watched as "her father" took a sip from the side. None of Dawn's friends were here. No Kia or Dark Dust in sight. Good. They didn't need to be here anyway. It wasn't too long until it was time for meet and greets. Actually, it wasn't long at all. It was literally right now.

While Twilight, Madun, and Dawn were led towards the side, the sense of Danger increased. It took up most of her mind. So since there was no way to ignore it, she turned half of her attention to it. She lit her horn and started scanning the air for anything strange. Nothing too odd but a large magical cell in the room somewhere.

But apart from that... Wait... Something was missing. Something big. But she couldn't place her hoof on it. Something that was supposed to be here. "Queen Arcadia, smile!"

She shined her perfect smile back to the citizens waiting to meet her. Nobles, rich executives. All in one room. When Madun stood between her and Dawn, pictures were taken at the speed of light. At least there was no flash this time. Looks like Dark got to them about that.

After Press and photos, Twilight finally got to see her on the way to the four thrones. Molten. She was wearing a dark red dress drinking that Lovely Cherry. Now Twilight could see where Madun got that fascination from.

"Queen Arcadia," she called out. Twilight's ear flickered before she turned from the nobles she was speaking with to face her. Then trotted over to hear what she had to say. Molten started by sighing and reaching out to fix Twilight's mane. "I wanted to check up on you. To see how you were feeling."

"I'm fine," she answered. Although with a bite to it that Molten flinched at, and she herself sighed to. "I'm sorry, your majesty."

"Don't be," Molten told her. She placed a wing on her back and led her towards the thrones with her family. "I know you feel disrespected and hurt from your parole. I had the vote placed to assure your recovery, but I never thought how much it would affect you after being locked away for ten years. And I am sorry, Arcadia. I never meant to hurt you. I just didn't want you to turn into me and live your life with less stress."

Molten says that a lot. Turn into me. What did she mean? Twilight shrugged it to the side and nodded to her. "Well I accept your apology, Molten. Although a little late your feelings were still behind it. Thank you. Now I have... To... Wait, what did you say earlier?"

Molten raised her right eyebrow and repeated, "Earlier?"

"Yes, about the stress?" Something about those words made her mind pulse. Something she was forgetting. The answer was in those words.

"Oh, I wanted you to live your life with less stress."

Boom. There it was. Twilight gasped under her breath and immediately started scanning. The answer was right there in front of her face the whole time. Life. There was too much in this room. No one else in this world could feel it, but Twilight did because her Magical Aura was just that big and sensitive.

The magic Dawn was constructed out of was literally like a pocket. Sucking in all the life Twilight would pick up in her senses and make it seem almost empty. And that was everywhere she went. Twilight's known her long enough to recognize when Dawn's near when she felt her.

And Dawn was not near her.

Twilight moved her eyes to the pony sitting in her daughter's throne waving to the crowd below. Acting. Whoever they were, they knew where her real daughter was. And they were the source of the danger. A changeling perhaps? Or something else entirely? She's never felt this much danger around a Changeling before.

Twilight waved her hoof to and requested, "Molten." Molten walked over and bent her head low to listen. "Remember I told you that I sensed danger? And how it was strong?"

"How could I forget. You threw a knife at me."

"Yes, well . . . I think I know the source." Molten followed Twilight's glare to the only pony grinning and waving up there.

"Your daughter," Molten assumed. Now why could she find that hard to be believe?

But Twilight shook her head and said with such vindication, "That isn't my daughter. I don't know who that is, but the danger is coming from her. And I'll prove it. Grab Merry and get near the thrones, an enemy is trying to sabotage my return." Then Twilight eagerly moved for her throne. Her citizens were in danger

Her family was in danger.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on sweetheart, let me get ready!" Madun stood up from his spot and adjusted his suit, cape, and crown. Then waved to the closed off area behind the thrones. "We got you a present."

Saving the day could wait for just one second. Twilight smiled and walked towards the space being cleared for both her and Madun. "Dawn" chose to stand in front of her throne while Madun approached with a long steel box being carried by Psera's two Anonymous Honors. Two ponies wearing all white with covered mouths, manes, and tails.

They set the box down between the both of them, unlocked it, and flipped it open. Then bowed and backed out of the way so the Queen could gasp at what was inside. Her old Crown and Sword. The one from the very beginning. No blue gold or any changes.

Madun reached in to grab the crown and explained, "We had all the instructions archived when we first created your sword and crown for historical purposes. These aren't the originals, but..."

"...they're perfect, love," Twilight whispered. If she could cry right now, she would. Madun softly placed the crown back on her head, and adjusted it behind her mane to sparkle in the sunlight coming through the stained glass. Then he pulled out her sword and presented it in both hooves.

When she grabbed it, she knew it was all for her. The same shape, size, engravings, and colors. The scabbard she attached to her dress the same. The sword sheathed into its space perfectly. "Thank you, Shimmering, it's beautiful."

"That's why it belongs with you. I love you, Twilight."

"I love you too, Shimmering." They shared their kiss of love and promise before Madun guided his Queen up to the throne in silence. However the danger was screaming at her not to sit in the same exact seat next to the throne where her daughter used to sit in. In the space where she would draw and do her homework while mommy and daddy were working. She would be bored, but she also didn't want to leave.

This mare was not that same pony.

Twilight stopped directly in front of her throne and said loudly, "But I do have a question, sweetheart."

Madun was all ears with a nodding head of red and attentive eyes. But the question wasn't for him. She turned her eyes to "Dawn" and asked sternly, "Where is my daughter?"

Madun looked to Dawn then to Twilight like she was crazy. "Really?" He drawled. "Twilight, are you okay? You're—"

"This isn't Dawn. Because for one..." Hopefully she was right. Because Twilight lifted her hoof and slashed it across this imposter's left rear hoof. A deep gash was made from the concealed blade had with her since the first day of her parole. A very deep one that made this pony jump up and move to the side. "Dawn doesn't bleed."

Her words rang true when a river of blood poured out of this pony's left rear hoof. A steady stream that made Madun's heart stop pumping. Dawn doesn't bleed. She had no blood. It was proven time and time again. The ponies gasping and staring in shock behind them didn't know. But they did.

Madun growled and grabbed this pony by the dress. Then hoisted them into the air above the throne. "Where is my daughter?!!!" He yelled.

Eight Elite Guards approached the throne the second he shouted while the other Royals were escorted behind it for safety. Twilight was right. Danger was in the castle. And they had her daughter.

Danger. Samir reached into his dress and pulled out the block. One of Arcadia's own design with a insanely flashing red status light. Samir flashed before their eyes and changed from filly to fully grown Zebra stallion. A Zebra.

All screamed and backed away while Guards aimed and shouted. "Drop the weapon!!! Drop it now!!" Captain Dark ordered. He grabbed this Zebra from hooves of King Madun and slammed him on the carpet with the help of the rest of the Guards.

They had him. They did. But then Samir smiled and answered their earlier question. "She's dancing with Narmeelah in the Everlasting Sky. She's waiting for you."

Oh no. Twilight turned around and grabbed Madun. "EVERYONE RUNNN!!!" She shouted. Right before everything turned white and her ears rang from the sound of the explosion that followed after.

Author's Note:

Ooooohhhhh, here we go.

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