• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,221 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 03 - IHT Day One

The next morning was a little busy. Well that's what Captain Gliding Sword thought when she bounced awake out the bed of three and walked out the door of their Elite Guard Cell outside the castle. The sun was just rising above the horizon, courtesy of Celestia. She could make her out when she turned her tired gaze towards said Crystal Castle. The tiny speck of gold on her horn from one of the upper floors confirmed her thoughts. She still couldn't believe someone could raise the sun and the moon but there it was, right there in front of her eyes.

Gliding Sword raised a hoof to her mouth and yawned before turning to get the others up. They had to get to Arcadia's location soon. The other female guards were still asleep. So she stomped her hoof and yelled, "Up and at 'em, let's go!"

They immediately snapped their eyes open, jumped up, and flared their wings before moving about muttering nothings. Grabbing coffee, some snacks, and getting ready while Gliding Sword shouted aloud.

"Today's the day, let's move. Queen Arcadia is expecting us at the castle at eight. They're having the breakfast first before anything else and she needs security. So let's move it! Sergeants, you have thirty minutes to get your teams in order!"

Arcadia woke up entirely differently. She peacefully cracked open her eyes and hummed when she remembered they would be having Day One today. Issues. This day was the most important and she needed security during this one. Twilight slid this day in first so that tensions could be confronted with before they do anything productive. Celestia called it a genius idea. Basically, it was a huge therapy session involving all the leaders of each country, who all have weapons, soldiers, and a big itch to scratch with each and every one of—

Arcadia was suddenly having second thoughts about her "genius" idea.

She slowly sat up and shook her head. It will all be fine, she thought. Nothing's going to happen today. I should be used to it by now. Using her magic, she peeled the sheets off her body and slipped out of bed to stretch in the middle of the room. After cracking the bits in her wings and other joints, she moved sluggishly towards the bathroom, taking note of the time on the analog clock along the way. Six fifty-six. She had to be downstairs by eight.

She was out of the shower by seven eighteen. After buzzing her wings to get the moisture off, and sending the water flying all over the place, she steamed herself, accidentally turning her body into a giant poof ball. After fixing that, she dried herself off and placed the spell upon her body to hide her wings. All of her clothes that she packed were made for interaction with ponies who didn't know about the Pserateps. Long dress and Equestrian colors. No gold, no veil, no horn rings or facial beads.

Someone knocked on the door at the same time she prepared to put one on. Without taking her eyes off the cyan and flowery design she asked, "Who is it?"

"Gardeen, Twilight."

"Oh come in, I could use your advice." Gardeen gladly opened the door and walked into the room, enraptured by Arcadia's beauty as she stood in front of the window, visible only by the silhouette the sun created when it's light coming in from the window behind hit her.

She was holding the dress, looking at the design or something when she walked in. "So I'm trying to decide on whether I should wear the Cyan one, or the violet one. Cyan sticks out more while the Violet everyone knows about."

Gardeen smiled and chuckled silently. It wouldn't be Twilight if it she didn't make a big fuss out of this. She stalked forward and suggested, "Violet. It brings out your coat more and just like you said, everyone knows about that color. Cyan would be a new look, but Violet is more comfortable to everyone else, especially at a conference. So go with that this time."

Arcadia hummed. Then after a few seconds of contemplation, she nodded. "Alright. Yeah, Violet's more my thing. Cyan is more like Rainbow Dash."

While putting on her dress, Gardeen asked, "Are you going to visit your friends while you're here?"

After Arcadia's head popped through the neckline, she sighed and shook her head. Gardeen rushed forward and helped straighten out the trail so it wouldn't catch when Twilight answered, "Maybe. Most of the time, they just show up. I'm surprised Pinkie didn't pop out of a wall or something. Yet. Thank you, Gardeen."

"You're welcome. You look beautiful."

Arcadia grabbed her crown with her magic and placed it on her head. Then looked to Gardeen in the mirror. "So... How is Light Pink?"

Gardeen sighed and answered, "Still pretty terrified of large gatherings."

Arcadia sighed and walked towards the door. "Poor filly. Have you popped the question yet?"

Gardeen blushed then zipped towards the door to pull it open, revealing the hallway while Queen Arcadia Nova changed to Princess Twilight. "N-Not yet," she answered. Then followed Twilight with the two guards down the hall who reported her position.

"Well what's stopping you? Let me guess. Doubts again."

"N-No," Gardeen stuttered. Then nervously glanced around for listening ears before whispering, "Fear."

Twilight glanced her way awkwardly before they moved down a stairwell. "Fear? Of what?"

Gardeen couldn't respond. At least not right now. A Guard from The Forgotten Land walked over and bowed at the foot of the stairs. "Princess Twilight."

Twilight stopped and asked, "Yes, what is it?"

"King Chancellor would like for you to join him for breakfast."

Twilight shivered and waved with her hoof. "Tell him thank you, but I will have to respectfully decline."

The Guard bowed once again. Then shuffled off. Twilight turned to Gardeen and made a face of disgust before they giggled and continued along. She's admittedly missed this part of the castle. The smooth carpeting reminded her of home, where she could lay down and read her books with her filly next to her. She would cuddle into her wings and hum at their warmth. Stars, she's missing it.

Speaking of Dawn...

"I must speak with my family," she said suddenly. "I should have done it in my room. My filly's about to go to school and I always say something to her before she does. Hopefully Celestia, Luna or Cadance are in there so I can."

Gardeen said, "I see Luna." Then motioned towards the open doors for the Trade Room.

Luna was sitting in her assigned seat with her back to them looking at something in front of her. A few more ponies, nobles and others were up as well. Including King Chancellor who was looking rather bummed. Stirring a cup all sad from across in between his group.

"Good morning, Luna." Luna looked up from her book and smiled warmly at Twilight when she took her seat.

"Good morning, Twilight. How'd you sleep?" Luna greeted back. She shut the book she was reading and slid it a few inches away from her.

Twilight answered, "Very well, thank you. Listen, I need to speak to Fresh Dawn before she heads to school, can you watch my back please so I'm not disturbed?"

Luna nodded. "Of course, take your time."

"Thanks, Luna." Twilight closed her eyes and bowed her head, relaxing and lighting her magic. She thought of her daughter's magical signature. Over the ocean and past Merōl into Cop. And created a copy of herself right behind her in her bedroom. She was digging through her toy bin, looking for her daily toy she brings to school.

Smiling, Arcadia sang near silently, "Oh, Dawn~"

Fresh Dawn whipped around with another plushy in her mouth. Which she dropped. "Mommy!" She yelled. Then scampered over and attempted to pull her into a hug. Sadly her hooves wafted straight through. "Uhh... Mommy?"

"I'm using a spell to talk to you, sweetie. How'd you sleep?"

Fresh Dawn nervously scuffled her hoof. "Well... I had a weird dream."

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Dawn hesitated for a few seconds. "Umm... There was a pony. She was... This color." She held up her green doll. "And had... And had very long wings."

"Oh? What was her name?"

"She kept saying Equethria over and over. Equethria, Equethria. Or something like that."

"You mean, Equestria?" Arcadia asked.

"Yeah, Equethria!" Arcadia smiled harder. She hasn't managed to put together most sounds yet. "She kept saying Equethria. And 'The truth is in Equethria.'"

"What was the pony's name?"

"Uhh... Nar-something."

Oh no. "Was it... Narmeelah?" Arcadia asked tentatively.

"Yes! Yes, Narmeepah!" Her innocence was too adorable. But this was troubling. "She said the truth is in Equethria. That's it. Then I woke up."

Arcadia sighed and settled down in front of her daughter. "Quite the dream. Blue Sky knows how to keep my dreams away. She's also a good listener."

"Yeah! She's my best friend. Is she okay, I don't want anything to happen to her."

Arcadia nodded and answered, "Blue Sky is fine. She's resting right now. But I have to get back to work okay? I'll come back tonight, alright? Have a wonderful day at school, my little Princess. Tell your father and give him a kiss for me whenever he decides to stop listening in the hall."

Arcadia turned around and stared at her husband's face that was peeking out from the side. With a shake of his head, Madun whispered, "How do you do that?"

"It runs in the family." Arcadia turned back to her daughter and asked, "Be a good little filly, okay? I'll be home soon. I love you, Dawn."

Dawn smiled sweetly and responded, "I love you too, mommy!"

Arcadia turned around and smiled at Madun. "I love you, Madun." Madun smiled and blew her a kiss before she dissipated away.

Her horn stopped shimmering and she opened her eyes back up, training them on the steel covered plate in front of her. She sat back and hummed while her eyes gazed around the room. Everyone attending the conference were inside and seated, making conversation. This was just the breakfast, so unfortunately all the drama happens immediately afterwards.

Celestia leaned in and nuzzled Twilight behind her left ear which buzzed in reflex. Then asked, "How are they?"

Arcadia smiled and whispered, "Madun was playing creepy dad and peeking at me from behind a wall, and little Dawn was searching for another school toy. She always brings one. They are doing fine. I miss them already."

"Sounds beautiful."

Arcadia nodded and locked in on the cover. "And this?"

From further down, Cadance answered, "Breakfast."

Twilight lifted the cover with her magic and looked at a stack of Pancakes. "Not bad," she whispered. Then proceeded to eat before turning to her immediate right to Gardeen. "Have you eaten?"

"Uh... N-No ma'am," Gardeen stammered. She was in fact a little hungry, Twilight could tell that by just looking at her. But her presentation and representation of the Queen was apparently more important.

Horseapples. Princess Twilight grabbed a knife and cut the stack of four in half. "Can somepony get another plate please?" While a Guard called over a "Servant" Arcadia proceeded to eat her own half. "Just because you are my assistant does not mean you get anything less. You are a friend."

"B-But isn't it against customs?" Gardeen whispered fearfully. "I'd rather you not get in trouble."

"Oh Gardeen sweetie, this is Equestria. This is the custom." One of the Elite Guards, or servants returned with a white ceramic plate that was placed in front of Gardeen. Then the cut stack of pancakes was placed right on by magic. "Eat up, Gardeen."

Gardeen looked around nervously first. Then leaned in and took a bite. It seemed nopony was watching her so she took another. Satisfied, Arcadia turned to Celestia and said, "My filly had a strange dream though revolving around Narmeelah. And the mystery of her disappearance."

Cadance whispered from behind Luna, who was behind Celestia, "She already knows about that? I barely know any specifics."

"It was one of the first curriculums ever taught. She said she saw Narmeelah who told her... 'The truth lies in Equestria.' Not sure what it means."

Celestia smiled and appeased, "You'll figure it out. You always do. And we'll help you. Have you seen your brother this morning?"

Arcadia shook her head and asked, "Where is he?"

"Cooking with Flurry. She wants to be a chef now." Arcadia and Cadance giggled before returning to their breakfast which lasted ten more minutes. Once the time passed, Queen Novo stood up and tapped her glass with a talon, getting everyone's attention.

Once the room quieted down, she smiled and greeted, "Good morning, every creature. I hope you slept well. Today starts the Second Annual IHT Conference, Day One. Today is a pretty simple one, albeit private and can cause emotions to flare. Discussing what we expect from each nation and the issues we hope to solve." While she spoke, the kitchen staff and Guards trotted around to collect the finished plates.

One of the Guards observing from the kitchen seethed through their teeth and interpreted, "So basically the first thing today is... Arguing. Oh boy." The others inside managing command huddled around the screen to watch.

South Neighton's Madam Singe raised her hoof up when Novo sat down and decreed, "Well I for one expect maturity from all in here. From both the..." She glanced to Twilight and growled, "Too young... And experienced."

Well that's just great. The first one up is... The Queen. Gardeen glanced to Arcadia who slowly shook her head.

"I expect that as well," Saddle Arabia's Queen Amira stated. "But I am sure many or all have great experience and reputation, and can, or has already provided benefit for others." She glanced over to Twilight and winked, something she smiled at.

South Neighton's Madam Singe raised her hoof and stated rather bluntly, "Well I do not expect much from Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. I have not even heard of her, and I study a lot about Equestria."

Wait, what? Cadance slipped Twilight a note she wrote way beforehoof before Twilight could respond reading, "In order to keep Psera a secret, we hid your existence from Equestria as far as possible by removing you from all textbooks and anything else. It may seem harsh, but if somepony constantly showed up to speak with you, and you are always absent, red flags."

Ah, okay. Twilight incinerated the note with a purple flame and responded, "I prefer to be left out of the History books as much as possible. It is not the Princesses who make Equestria strong, but by their ponies. If it were not for them, I would not be here. So I put them first and all their hard work before myself."

"Be that as it may, I still do not expect much."

"No creature is asking you to. That is your business what you think of me."

"I actually do not expect much from Equestria, considering they just went through a metal shortage."

"That is your opinion. Equestria is in by no means alive to provide you with pleasure and comfort, let alone anything else."

President Manamar harrumphed and retorted, "I still stand by my mindset that you are a little young to be in place of power. I was elected into office at the age of forty three, how old are you Princess Twilight?"

Twilight growled in her mind and answered, "I am twenty-six." Many of the leaders in the room muttered something about her being in fact a little young. "But I assure you my place in power was in by no means an accident, or an excuse to put somepony in this place with knowledge of magic. I have led many victories in Equestria's name, and many others."

"Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship," Consort Snow of Prance commented from the side. "Your duty in Equestria is to grow the bonds of Friendship, not lead an entire nation."

"Oh no he didn't," Captain Gliding Sword commented under her breath.

Twilight took a deep breath and responded, "For your information, Consort Snow, I have in fact done many things in Equestria that are added to my accomplishments for forging bonds whether friendship or more. And I still do. The Princess of Friendship is merely a title, and does not define the overall role of the pony who hosts it. Your approval is irrelevant to anything that happens in Equestria and are utterly powerless against me, Princess Cadance, Princess Luna, or Princess Celestia. Let me remind you, Consort Snow and President Manamar, since you seem to have forgotten. We are here to bond and forge partnerships with each other, not neglect each one another for what we do, what we have done and or what we are. We are all under one roof for that reason."

"We understand that," Consort Snow responded. "But we are not entirely sure that you should be here for it."

"Well, unfortunately, I am already here. And I am not leaving. I have done many things, such as co-created the International House of Trade and I wish to be respected as such during these events or so help me I will ensure you do not enjoy your stay here in the Crystal Empire, as well as Madam Singe."

Gardeen bit her lip and groaned. This just escalated really quickly. A few guards seethed while those in the kitchen office nodded their heads. Madam Singe widened her eyes, which quickly turned into a scowl. "Watch your tone, young lady when you talk to an elder."

Twilight retorted, "Then you watch how you talk to someone in your position in a place that isn't yours, as if you are above any other creature in this room. Something may happen that you will not enjoy. Nor anyone else in here."

Singe turned to Novo with a hoof to Twilight and demanded, "I would like this pony removed from the House. She is very disrespectful."

Novo shook her head and responded, "Under rules, it would have to come to a vote. And we are not on that day. In Princess Twilight's defense, she has in fact done many things to assure the prosperity of Equestria in terms of defense and does not deserve to be spoken to in such a tone." Novo gestured towards one of her own Hippogriffs and told them something. They nodded and moved on to go and grab something.

"Then she should in fact be in the position for defense, not Princess of Friendship."

Celestia stepped in and stated, "With respect, I believe what position Twilight is given is given to her under Equestrian law. Not Neighton law."

Singe scoffed and countered, "Well from what I understand, the Equestrian Law doesn't actually apply since she was given the position as Princess by the famed Tree of Harmony."

Celestia sighed deeply through her nose. "Be that as it may, it is still not your decision."

"Speaking of decisions," Novo interrupted. Her eyes were currently scanning an old scroll that her pony went to grab, face hidden behind it. "According to the rules, the only ones who can actually remove any creature would be the Creators and hosts. Which would be myself, or..." She peeked over the scroll and added. "Princess Twilight. And she knows that."

The room got so quiet that even a cricket wasn't heard. Gardeen glanced around, then put a hoof up to her mouth to cut off that impending laughter on the tip of her tongue. Some of the guards were no better when everyone slowly turned back to Twilight and Madam Singe. Back and forth. Twilight's expression was unreadable, a little unnerving to the Pserateps. They've heard and seen their Queen's side of fury. They'd rather not again.

"Let me make myself clear," Twilight finally said in the most slowest tone and voice she could manage to drag out the feeling of mystery involving her emotion. "I am not here to be your enemy. I wish to befriend you, not neglect you, like you have so done to me when we first started. Why, I am not sure and I really don't care. So this is my one and only warning. If you ever speak to and of me like that ever again, I will toss you around myself. I have been through TOO MUCH FOR YOUR MOUTH!!!"

The room jumped at her sudden outburst, including her guards throughout the whole castle. Captain Blinding Silver stopped moving on the third floor and reported, "All units, be advised... Queen Arcadia's angry again."

We know, Gliding deadpanned in her head.

"The first issue I hope to solve is with South Neighton's Madam Singe," Twilight informed. "I would like an apology for the way I was treated and talked to just now when I have done nothing to earn her ire, let alone stepped on her land."

Everyone turned to Madam Singe who had her eyes on Twilight, holding the exact same expression she had a few seconds ago. An expression that had Arcadia's guards on edge. Somepony had to intervene. Celestia stood up and stated, "I believe we have seen an issue regarding Princess Twilight and Madam Singe. I motion for a recess until emotions are cooled down between both parties."

While the two rulers held a staring contest, King Haakim raised a hoof and responded, "I second that motion. All in favor, say aye."

"Aye!" The room agreed.

Everyone stood up and began to make their way out into the halls. The Equestrian side turned to Twilight who was quickly flanked By Gardeen after standing up. "Are you okay, Arcadia?" She whispered.

Arcadia huffed through her nose and turned around to head out the doorway. "I need to vent," she growled. "I need to speak to someone... Back home."

"Merry?" Gardeen guessed.


It was going to be awhile before Daisy and Lightning got out of school, giving Merry plenty of time to finish this last sports jacket inside of her comforting home. Blazing was at work and all was calm and silent. Allowing Merry to do her best. That executive was going to be so proud of this one. The matte gold color was striking. It would match his body perfectly.

After tightening the middle, Merry cut the thread from the machine and lifted it in front of her face, staring at the—

"Merry." Merry yelped and nearly jumped from the affect caused by Arcadia's sudden voice in her ear. She turned to her right, staring straight into the Queen's eyes that had that familiar spark of anger. "I need to vent."

Uh oh. Merry set down the jacket she was working on and gestured for her to follow along up the small stairs out of the living room for the library. Arcadia's favorite area in any building. It was quiet, peaceful, had a fainting couch and an office chair with a desk on the side. The lights were dimmed, the room highlighted only by a single lamp in the corner casting an orange glow onto a couch Arcadia settled down on.

Merry walked behind a mahogany desk and pulled out a rolling chair, making way for the front of it. Then jumped on it and faced the Queen.

With a sweet voice unlike Merry, she asked, "Care to tell me what happened, Queen Arcadia?"

Arcadia took a deep breath then huffed out, "Okay, so today was Day One. Solving issues between nations. The leaders there were supposed to talk out their issues with each other and work out a compromise during that day. Well there was this one nation, South Neighton ruled over by Madam Singe. I don't know what her itch is, but she was the first to go and she targeted me. She was saying I didn't deserve to rule, I was too young, I had bad hair—"

"She didn't say that last part did she?" Merry interrupted. "Because if she did, send the signal."

"No, but it sure sounded like she was going to," Arcadia answered. "She and another pony were hounding me down! And I don't know why! The other one, Consort Snow of Prance said that I was to be the leader of Friendships, not an entire nation. They were doubting me rudely and I asked for an apology, but that mare didn't even bother speaking afterwards. And if I find out something happened while I'm in this room because of one of her guards, her nobles, assistant, whatever, I will bring forth magic she wish she had never witnessed before. And she will have no one but herself to blame. I am a good ruler..." Twilight turned to Merry with sad eyes and asked, "Right?"

"You are the best ruler Psera has ever had," she answered truthfully.

"But what if she's right, what if I'm too young to be in this position? I admit, I have done a lot, but rule an entire nation? I... I've never done it before."

"Well that's a lie because you've been doing it for five years now while raising a family and a little filly, who is sure as buck proud of you. Not to mention my mom believes you are doing far above ruling. Arcadia do you remember your sword Madun gave you on your coronation day?"

Arcadia sighed and laid back down on the couch. She smiled through fond memories. "Kind of hard to forget it," she whispered. "The Sword of Arcadia. A violet handle with a starburst pommel, and a reinforced steel golden-colored blade with a sharpened diamond cross guard, double edged. A long sword. It was beautiful. It's hanging inside of my office right now under a locking enchantment."

"Your husband gave you that sword to show your power and to strike swift and fast with the Honor of Psera, a text emblazoned on the blade. You protect Psera, you manage Psera, you rebuilt Psera from the literal dirt. You technically just turned into Narmeelah. You are doing so well, why are you doubting yourself? The ponies across the sea may not believe in you, but the great land of Psera, the Homeland of your daughter, your husband, your friends and family, we do. What they say do not apply to you because you know we love and appreciate you, and can't wait to see what you will bring to us next."

Arcadia huffed and nodded in agreement. "You're right," she whispered. "Thanks, Merry."

"As long as it's not like a Minotaur, Sea Serpent, bomb or something like that. Seriously, leave that to the real bad guys. Are we done here?"

Arcadia stood up and faced Merry with a smile. "Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome. Feel free to stop by anytime, your highness. I'll give your daughter a kiss for you."

Arcadia rolled her eyes then closed them, opening them once more a second later. She was back in Cadance's garden in the back of the castle where they took her to get some fresh air. Captain Gliding Sword was definitely upset with how that pony treated Arcadia, based off her ranting in the garden a few feet away.

"How dare that pony talk about Queen Arcadia that way," she snarled. The Princesses were just standing by watching her pace with the rest of the guards. "Why she got an attitude, I don't know. I'll be happy to wipe that smirk off her face when I see it again though."

"There will be no smirk-knocking... Offs." Everyone directed their attention back towards the flower bed that Arcadia was looking at. She leaned down and sniffed a Rose. "You must relax, Captain. We can't give away our power and skill. Now these are really beautiful Cadance. Flurry?"

Quickly approaching, Cadance nodded and answered, "Me and her. Are you alright, Twilight? That pony was not supposed to take her issue out on you like that, she has never even met you."

Twilight smiled and calmly made her way past to the others. "I am now, thank you. But I am still waiting for that apology that I rightfully deserve because I definitely did not deserve any of that mouth. Why she felt the need to talk to me that way, I have no clue. We were supposed to be discussing issues with nations as a whole and providing ideas and solutions, not discussing a pony and providing ignorance. Although, I admit I feel ashamed that I talked to her out of turn as well. But let it be known that she literally pulled the anger out of me. I will apologize even if she doesn't, because that is what I do as Queen. I have an example to set."

A few minutes later, all the diplomats and rulers were called back into the Trade Room. Twilight and Singe were watched as they took their seats. The room was once again tense as steel, ready to break at any moment. Twilight took a seat and got comfortable with Gardeen before saying, "Madam Singe. On behalf of Equestria, I would like to apologize for the way I treated you, as you did me. It was unkindly of me to treat our guest in such a manner and I am sorry."

Madam Singe hummed and nodded. "Thank you very much, Princess Twilight. I forgive your transgressions. Now may we move on to the rest of the meeting?"

Author's Note:

Oh you b**** of a *****!

What are your first impressions of Singe below.

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