• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,221 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

  • ...

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Chapter 49 - The Return of the Queen

Darkness. The shifting of an endless purple hue. Everything around Twilight was thick. So thick, she could barely move. Only use her magic to shift the hard gel to allow her movement. It was all inside her mind, her heart, her chest, everything. It was scary.

It was terrifying. All Twilight wanted to do was scream. To let all the air out of her lungs and be free of this nightmare. She couldn't control anything. Until now.

The last thing she remembered were explosions, magic flying through the air, being thrown into the back of something bright in a dark cave, then blackout. She woke up a few times with faces all gazing down to her. Asking her questions, pressing on her wings. But all she could think was... "Is this death? Is this the underworld?"

Then she blacked out again. She refused to open her eyes. To acknowledge the bright lights shining on her. Instead she chose to place her hooves over her head, squeeze her eyes shut and ignore the voices. The strange sounds. The overwhelming fear. The world beyond the Portal.

Madun knew something was up when a nurse with a short brown mane and a yellow coat on the bottom floor bowed when they walked in, then urngetly gestured for them to follow her down the hall. The hospital was beautified with many pictures, paintings, and art lying around on surfaces providing color. The Princesses had actually never been in a majority of these buildings in Psera. The only one they've ever actually been in was the Castle of the Gods, their Defense building, the huge stadium, and the Embassy here. That was it. Maybe they could be given a real actual tour sometime.

But that could wait. They followed the nurse into a stairwell and clopped up a few stairs while she explained the situation. "Her highness is exhibiting strange behavior."

Madun followed that with, "What type of strange behavior?"

"Well she won't take her hooves off her head, open her eyes or move. But she is awake and conscious."

Celestia and Luna shared a look then back to the present when they finally arrived on the floor. Number three hidden behind a single steel door with the painting of a colorful butterfly on the bottom. She pulled it open with a hoof and walked into a large area which definitely served as the nurse's station. It was just a big white circle with a round desk occupied by four Pserateps wearing different colored scrubs monitoring different LiVAMs.

They glanced up from their activity and one pointed to the far right at an open door. The entrance to a room packed with many Nurses standing by either in the room itself or in the doorway. Including Triage, the doctor for Royalty. She had a clipboard in her hoof and was speaking with two other doctors. The one Madun met yesterday and another wearing casual office clothes with a hospital tag.

Madun slowed his speed and called, "Triage."

Triage and the rest of the group looked their way then bowed deeply. Her mane cascaded down her face and covered it when she greeted, "Your highness." Then rose back up and flipped it to the side to look into his purple eyes with focus. "We have a small issue believed to be either Psychological or Magical in nature."

"Explain further please," he urged.

"This morning at around six a nurse went into her room to do a vital check. But her highness was already awake with her hooves over her head, eyes squeezed tightly shut and frozen. She's been in that exact same position ever since. Any attempt to touch her results in a shock of magic and—"

"She's terrified." All eyes moved to Celestia after her quiet interruption. She had walked past their conversation and was eyeing Queen Twilight in her room through the crack in the door. Just like any room in here, there was a high tech bed with small lights on the side, wheels, and railings. Along with a steel sink and cabinets on the left side. On the right was a window currently closed and directly above the door was a LiVAM. The floor was tiled and colored white with a thirty feet by sixty feet perimeter.

Twilight was on top of the bed under the covers as the center of attention. Her wings were still long as ever, trailing over the edge and over the floor until they bumped into the other side and had to curl. Her Cutie Mark stuck out the most. The same sparkling star with smaller ones around it.

And at the top of the bed was Twilight with her hooves over her head facing the wall away from them. It was truly a sad sight to see.

Celestia sighed and recalled quietly, "When she was a filly under my tutelage, some things would freak Twilight so bad she would run into her room, shut the door, and hide somewhere with her hooves over her head just like this."

Cadance gasped and pointed to Celestia. "Oh yeah!" She fawned in a whisper. "When I was her foalsitter, a situation involving bees and her running around the garden ended with her hiding in her room in this exact same position."

Aww, thats cute. Also, That's good, they recognized this! Triage quickly asked, "So how do you get her out of it?"

Celestia and Cadance thought long and hard. It was such a long time ago it was difficult to remember. Twilight was in her thirties and that was when she was around five or seven. But Cadance did remember after a few minutes.

"Reading," she answered. "Twilight always had a favorite book. And reading it aloud to her for a few minutes always did the trick. It may work on her now."

So a favorite book. That did sound like something that would wake Twilight up. Madun nodded with Fresh Dawn under his wing and whispered, "Okay, so she has a lot of favorite books. Picking the right one would take all day. But... She does have a single favorite poem. Think that'll work?"

Shining nodded eagerly and answered, "Oh yes, absolutely. She should become responsive. Now where can we find this poem?"

Madun simply reached up to the top of his head and tapped his skull. Then whispered to the doctor, "I'm going to walk in to reassure her it's okay. Just to give it a go."

Triage nodded and waved a few of the nurses out while he did just that. His hooves treaded silently across smooth flooring over to the love of his life hiding from the world in fear. He sat down next to her head and looked down at her face. At the small tear trailing down her muzzle from her bruised eye. Still beautiful as ever. As if time never passed.

He leaned forward into Twilight's space and whispered sweetly, "Hey, Twilight. It's Shimmering Madun, your husband. Fresh Dawn's here too. Can you open your eyes?" Well that was a futile effort. There was absolutely no response. Her breathing was quiet too. They did say she was unresponsive and uncooperative. Well it was still worth a shot. Now time to try the main attempt.

"I brought your favorite poem with me," Madun whispered. "Ten Rays of Summer. Remember Ten Rays of Summer? It reminds you of our honeymoon and the funny things we did. Like... Like the pancake incident? You tried to make pancakes and your mood swings took over. The poor skillet went flying out the window from the very top of the suite. I... Still don't know where it landed."

Celestia giggled silently from the doorway then witnessed evidence of progression: Twilight's tail twitched. Then her wing buzzed. She gasped and whispered, "She twitched. Keep going."

Madun didn't want to stop. "I'm going to read your poem now, okay?" He cleared his throat and started relaying the poem in Old Pseratopian. Just like any poem, it seemed to have a rhythm that was heard by the nearly invisible pauses Madun would make in between lines.

Twilight was becoming more responsive. Her tail was twitching more and she even shuffled. Celestia wondered what was going on in her mind right now.

Who is that? ... He sounds familiar. Very familiar. Twilight's mind was clearing. The purple substance was deteriorating. It was breaking down in her mind like someone was dropping a curtain. Revealing a warm glow behind it.

"Morsheema ertah thou..." Madun. Her husband! Twilight knew that deep voice anywhere! And was he reading... He was! Ten Rays of Summer, oh how Twilight absolutely adored that poem. Wait... What was going on? Another hallucination?

Twilight slowly opened her eyes unnoticed and came muzzle-first to a snow white pillow. She was on something soft. A bed. She was on a bed, but not their bed. She spotted Madun's physique on her left sitting down next to her reading her favorite poem. It was strange that he was looking at the floor while reading to her, but that was just his way, Twilight guessed.

Madun was almost finished with the poem. The spectators were beyond impressed that he managed to remember a poem that lasted a little over five minutes to read, but here it was. Then Twilight shuffled. As in her whole body moved. All eyes looked to her when she lowered down her hooves and trained her curious open violet eyes up to Madun's smiling face. As if the bruises weren't even there.

"Hey, Good Morning, Twi. How are you feeling?" He greeted.

She looked him up and down for a second as if this was the first time she's ever seen him. Then ordered in a whispering voice, "Keep reading." She booped his muzzle and repeated, "K-Keep reading. If you're real, you'd keep reading."

He laughed gently and replied, "Okay, sweetheart. 'Mersheema haitu, kalla shemare yortee...'"

Triage started waving a few of the nurses out to leave only two or three in there with the Queen while Madun wrapped up the story. "Kayyyy... Kalamoo." He leaned in and gently nuzzled Queen Arcadia's cheek. "Finished."

She giggled sweetly and nuzzled back with love and care. Once they were done nuzzling, she slowly sat up, looked around the hospital room and trained her eyes on the ponies smiling at her in the doorway.

She whispered, "Oh, hello. I didn't see you all hiding over there." She yawned and covered her mouth with a free hoof. "Why are you in a corner watching?"

Triage walked in and greeted, "Good morning, Queen Arcadia. How are you feeling?"

Twilight tracked Triage's every step and answered, "Tired. The fight with Maheera wore me out. Everything sort of hurts. She packs quite a punch, I'll give her that much."

"Ah, yes indeed. You've been asleep for a very long time. You feeling stiff is a natural response."

Twilight nodded but then froze once more. Her eyes furrowed. "Wait, a very long time? How long?" Twilight looked around for a calendar. But this room only had a clock. It was nearing ten in the morning. But... "What day is it? Did we win the war? Is it over?"

Madun wasn't going to like this. "Uhhh yes, sweetheart," he stammered nervously.

"So what day is it?" Madun bit his lip and glanced over to Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance and some small purple Alicorn in the doorway. Wait... Twilight pointed to Fresh Dawn and asked, "Madun ... Who—"

"Twilight..." He sighed and tenderly patted her raised hoof sadly. "I don't know how to tell you this gently. And I don't even think there's another way so I'm just going to come out and say it. Maheera VS. Psera... That ended ten years ago. It's twenty twenty-eight. You've been presumed dead for ten years."

All eyes shifted to Queen Arcadia. Her eyes were frozen on Madun's. But with every single word, things weren't working out. Her heart rate sped up, her mind was clearing, she was hearing a deafening white noise almost to the point where she couldn't make out Madun's repetition of her name. Her mind couldn't take the pressure.

He waved his hoof in front of her face before her eyes slowly rolled up into the back of her head. Madun quickly reached out and grabbed her around the back when she went limp. And before she could fall off the bed and hit the floor. Unconscious from the overwhelming shock of being too late.

The nurses strode forward and started running the procedure of gently placing Queen Arcadia back under the covers. Madun backed away and allowed them to do their jobs. But not once did his eyes leave his wife's peaceful face. Her dirty mane and overall physique showed fatigue. Exhaustion. She was set comfortably under the sheets for a much needed rest.

He sighed and said, "Maybe that was a little much."

Celestia walked into the room with Fresh Dawn and replied, "Not at all. I'd be surprised if she didn't blink out momentarily. This is rather big news. I too would've fallen out of shock were I in her place."

Fresh Dawn's hooves slowed down at her mother's side. She peeked over the edge and her eyes gazed down to her mother's mane. It was different shades of purple. Glowing neon and moving with an unknown breeze. Sparkling with magic. Nothing like her own. But her mane had a single knick at the front and bottom like hers. And their faces held a deep resemblance too. Unlike most ponies, she actually knew what she looked like. And Arcadia could be her twin if not her mother. Just with purple hair instead of a red like Dawn's.

Buck. No wonder everyone looked to Dawn so often. Madun looked down to her with Celestia and asked, "You wanna stay with her?"

"Uhhhh ... Y-Yeah," Dawn meekly answered. Her eyes locked in on her mother's closed ones. "Sure. I'll stay with her here."

And she wasn't going to be alone. Flurry Heart walked over to the other side with emotion streaming down her cheeks volunteering, "I'll stay too. I missed Aunt Twilight."

"Okay. Let us know if anything changes." Madun leaned down and pecked Fresh Dawn on the top of the head. Then did the same to her mother. He would always be there for his two girls.

When the door closed behind them and the room only occupied three now, Dawn glanced up and whispered, "Hey... Thanks. This is... All a little confusing for me too."

After wiping away her tears, Flurry sighed and replied in a timid tone, "But it's not just about you. It's about your mom too, you know."

"I know, I know. But I know you'll be here for me too. So ... Thank you."

Flurry couldn't deny that. She sighed and smiled softly to Fresh Dawn. "Of course," she scoffed playfully. "I'm not going to leave my only cousin hanging like this." She raised her hoof out over Twilight's sleeping body in hopes of a return. But Fresh Dawn just stared at it awkwardly. "You're uhh... You're supposed to like... Like slap it..."

Dawn reached out and did what she said. It wasn't the same. The feeling was gone. Well that was... Interesting. Dawn looked down to her hoof for a moment then glanced up to Flurry Heart across. "Is that like an Equestrian thing?"

"It's a friendship thing."

"It's weird."

"You'll get used to it." Flurry looked around the room and trained her sights on the closed window. "So uhh ... What's it like here in Psera? You said it's always hot or something yesterday?"

Fresh Dawn nodded and sat back to relax away from leaning over her mother's body. "Yeah, in the summer like this. In the winter it's really cold. What's the Crystal Empire like?"



"Uh huh." Flurry pointed to the LiVAM above the door and asked, "So how does that work? It looks really cool."

Fresh Dawn's face actually beamed with pride. "Well it used to use cords, but now it sends a signal through the air thanks to the magic flowing all over the planet to display different signals in the form of sounds and visuals, which can be manipulated in different points of view."

Flurry's frozen expression at her sudden interest broke when she blinked once, then two more times. "Oh, that's interesting. But... I recall Psera not knowing anything about Magic until Aunt Twilight arrived. How exactly did they—ah, okay."

Dawn's hoof pointing down to her mother delivered her answer. "You can watch some if you want," she offered. Then gestured with her head to her mother. "I have a feeling she won't be up anytime soon."

Flurry shook her head and answered, "No thank you. When she does wake, you'll be all up in her hooves getting wet with salty tears. And I want to see it."

Dawn smirked and rolled her eyes playfully. "Wow, I just can't wait."

Twilight's head was dizzy. Everything was a little too much for her mind. Ten years? TEN YEARS?!! Twilight cracked her dreary eyes open one more time and trained them on the sink across from her. There were other voices bouncing off the walls in the room. Past experiences told her they were teenagers. She knew them when she heard them. Anyone would.

Dawn's story of Kia acting weird was making Flurry Heart smile. "And then she's all nice again. What happened to our rivalry? Our friendship is based off of rivalry, I don't get it."

Flurry Heart giggled and clarified, "Oh, that's easy Dawn, she's just in love."

"Lo ... What? With who?"

Twilight ceased any response by moaning and slowly sitting into a straight position. She reached up to her head to rub her forehead and eyes. Her brain felt like sand. Bits and pieces of gravel. A world was in her mind she couldn't make out that was slowly piecing itself back together. Her eyes scanned the suddenly silent room. The pony on her bottom left sitting on her haunches was familiar. Pink with a gradient pink and blue mane of the Crystal Ponies, pinkish coat...

"Flurry Heart?" She breathlessly guessed.

Flurry waved before she was enveloped in a glow and pulled into Twilight's iron grip. Her energy returned in a flourish. "Holy Narmeelah, you've grown up!!" She cried. "And I missed all of it-t-t!!"

Despite her dreams, Flurry was the first to take a shower in Twilight's tears. Her ice cream mane was getting all wet with her emotions. Salty with shame.

With her back to Twilight's front, she sympathetically patted Twilight's hoof and replied, "Aww, it's okay. You were just locked away by your... You were just locked away for a few years." Better not make her pass out again.

Twilight's sniffling and lip wobbling made Dawn so happy she was not in her grip. But the inevitable was coming. Especially since Flurry pointed over and said, "Hey, check her out." Ugh, you traitor.

Twilight gasped and squeezed her eyes shut to block the tears rushing down her cheeks. Then Flurry was released, Dawn was wrapped up in a glow and pulled up into Twilight's chest for the biggest hug she's ever had in her life from her sobbing mother. Despite the surprise at how at ease Twilight managed to grab her without any kind of strain whatsoever despite her weight—and her hold after being asleep forever, Dawn's mind recognized this hug. She couldn't explain it. Couldn't make sense of it, couldn't even make heads or tails. But it was really familiar. As familiar as the room she lives in. It was soft, warm, and a little comfortable. No. Very comfortable. An embrace she didn't know she needed.

Fresh Dawn snuggled into her mother's hooves and closed her eyes. Relishing the softness of her fur. Twilight lovingly nuzzled her mane and whispered through her tears, "I'm so sorry, Veola. I'm so sorry I haven't been here for you, I'm so sorry."

Fresh Veola Dawn shuffled within her mother's fur to get to a comfortable position and did the one thing that would hush her crying. She pushed her face into her messy chest and nuzzled her with love and affection. Twilight clearly relaxed and pecked her daughter's head as much as was acceptable. Oh how she missed her, she missed her filly so much. And Dawn's small sniffles let her know she missed her too. No matter how far she was, Twilight would always be there for her. Her protective wings would always keep her in their safe cocoon.

Flurry got the feeling she should probably just leave and let them have this. Dawn was about to dose off. She slowly backed away from the bed towards the door whispering, "Yeah, so I'm uhh ... I'm just gonna go." Using her magic, she opened the door and slinked out into watching eyes. Then slowly and quietly closed it back.

"Hey." She jumped and whirled around to face Gardeen staring down at her with curious light green eyes. Were all Pserateps just naturally tall? She must've came down this hallway where at the end the rest of their group were sitting in a hidden waiting room and sipping out of tea cups. Gardeen glanced up to the door and asked, "Sooo what's going on?"

"She's up."

Gardeen sighed in relief and replied, "Good, good. I was coming this way to get an update. How's she doing?"

Flurry smiled and answered, "She's fine. She and Dawn are having a mother-daughter moment."

Gardeen sucked her teeth and fawned, "Aww, that's so sweet. Let's tell the others. Come on." She turned around and eagerly left Flurry in her dust in favor of the news she wants to deliver. The second she was in view she reported, "She's up."

They looked her way and stood up with their cups in hoof. Shining Armor and Madun both asked, "How's she doing?"

Flurry trotted into sight with a happy smile and repeated, "She and Dawn are having a Mother-Daughter moment. Probably still hugging."


Even though Twilight was a small Pseratep compared to everyone else, she was still slightly taller than the filly in her hooves leaning into her chest with closed eyes. Dawn was nearly shrouded from view in Twilight's closed wings. While she had her eyes closed, Twilight had hers open and was staring into the bathroom directly across from the bed they were sharing.

Her mind was running with so many questions. What happened when she disappeared? How old was Dawn now? How is everything overseas? Where even was she? She was in the hospital, but which one? How were her parents, her friends, her family? The CPC? So many questions unanswered.

Twilight shook her head and focused on the filly leaning into her. It put a smile on her face. She may have missed her grow up, but she definitely wasn't missing anything else.

A knock on the door changed nothing. She closed her eyes and nuzzled Dawn behind her right ear. It flickered against her muzzle before the door opened and Madun eagerly strolled in.

The moment his eyes locked in on the family reunion, he smiled with the pride of a loving father. A joy wrapped over his heart he hadn't felt for years. Those violet eyes shifted up to his from the filly currently being smothered and beamed with brightness. He would be remiss to not go over and acknowledge that look.

Twilight lifted her head when he approached and met his lips with her own. Dawn wouldn't care. If anything she would envy them.

After they parted, Madun said, "That was a kiss I've been wanting to give you for ten years. Don't you dare go running off to anymore hidden laboratories you made. Do you have anymore of those?"

Twilight shook her head and pulled her sights back down to Dawn, sleeping in her hooves. "No. That is the only one on Psera."

"Are there any in other locations?" Twilight rolled her eyes. "I'd rather not have you swimming to the bottom of the ocean trying to find cures."

Twilight giggled and answered, "No. That is my only one, Madun. So ... since I'm here, I take it you found my spell library. It slipped my mind to mention it to you."

Cadance crept over to Twilight's left side and answered, "Yes, Dawn did. We have a lot to talk about when you get better. Specifically the type of magic that you said you would never use?"

Twilight blinked twice then asked casually, "You mean my usage of Dark Magic?"

"Yes, Twilight."

Before Twilight could respond, Dawn mumbled something and rose out of her mother's wings to face her directly. She rubbed her eyes and asked, "How long was I out?"

Twilight chortled and answered, "Not long enough. You used to always take nappies at random points when you were younger." Dawn blushed and shuffled off the bed embarrassed. She doesn't take nappies, she goes to sleep like a grown mare.

When she sat next to Flurry by the door, she was assaulted with a teasing smile she could feel burning into her face. "Not a word."

"I wasn't going to say anything."

The air condensed once more when Triage strolled in with her lab coat and greeted, "Ah you're awake again, your highness. Now we can start doing our procedures. Tell me how you're feeling." After Twilight and Madun separated, Triage grabbed her stethoscope and placed it on her chest to listen in.

Twilight reported, "Just a little ... Stiff everywhere. Nothing a little exercise and stretching can't take care of. Maybe even a jog or a flight. My ribs hurt, it hurts to breath, and my eye is swollen, I can feel it. I also believe my wing is sprained."

Triage removed the stethoscope and wrote down a few notes on her clipboard. "Alright," she replied through her pen. "You did break your rib, sprain a hoof and overpower your wings. You won't be flying for awhile, okay? Let's take a look at your wings to see what exactly needs to be wrapped up. Actually, since they're extensive we need a bit more room, we'll do that last. Raise your right hoof for me."

Twilight did as ordered and let Triage feel for whatever she was looking for. The poking made her grunt every now and again but it wasn't too bad. "Alright. Stand up for me."

Triage backed away so Twilight could stride out of the bed and into the middle of the room. Triage pushed aside her long wings and started checking her rear hooves by bending them while her stethoscope was attached to the joints. Listening for certain measures. "Can you tell me what you experienced in the... Mecrah Portal?"

Twilight answered without missing a beat, "Darkness. Loneliness. A loud silence. Hallucinations. A lot of hallucinations, I'm sure. Because Cadance still has her horn, thank goodness."

Celestia glanced over to Cadance who slowly reached up and felt her horn with horrified eyes. Triage nodded with a stoic expression and replied, "Alright, so some trauma. Your legs sound fine. Any pain in your muscles back here?" Twilight shook her head. "Okay. So I'm going to leave the magical stuff to the more experienced ponies in the room."

Triage stepped to the side and referred to the Princesses approaching, "What scanning are you doing first?"

Celestia stopped in front of Twilight's stature and answered, "I'll be scanning her magic for any possible impurities," she answered. "Based off the spells she's used, she may have a few mana infections. Possibly." She lit her horn and enraptured Twilight into a light yellow glow. "While we're at it ... Luna could you scan Fresh Dawn too?"

Fresh Dawn widened her violet eyes and pointed at herself repeating, "Fresh Dawn?"

Luna approached her and answered, "Yes, as in yourself. Don't worry, it's just going to tickle under your fur." Fresh Dawn was encased in Luna's magic and scanned of any possible Dark Magic. She knew she'd find some in her.

But she didn't know it was going to be this much.

According to her sensing, Dawn's very existence seemed fabricated by Dark Magic. Everything in her was just... Magic. Her organs, bones, mind. All just magic. As if she was made out of Dark Magic! With Dark Magic!

It took Luna by so much surprise, she gasped and dropped the spell abruptly. "Oh my stars!" She yelled.

At the shout, Cadance urgently walked over and asked, "What's wrong? Is everything okay with Dawn?"

Dawn added her own input. "Yeah! Am I okay? What's wrong with Dawn? I mean me?"

Luna nervously chuckled down to Dawn's worried face and answered, "I'm ... Not sure. I'm gonna ask your mother a few questions." She whipped around and walked over to Queen Arcadia. Then whispered urgently, "I just scanned Fresh Dawn, and she's practically a vessel of Dark Magic. As in every last part of her is Dark Magic. She's long past infected."

Celestia finished scanning Twilight and replied, "Well Twilight is clean. Care to explain why Fresh Dawn seems to be a walking shadow?"

Twilight looked to Fresh Dawn for a second with no expression. Thinking. Recalling. Her mind came up with so many theories. But only one explanation jumped out at her.

She trained back to the Princesses and replied, "Later. I'm not really in the mood to talk magic at this time. I'd rather spend time with my family and learn all that I've missed these past few years."

Triage nodded and wrote down a few notes concerning Twilight's magic. Then stated behind the pen, "I'd recommend you stay in the room up to at least twelve for observation of the mental kind. Just to see how you would react. We'll be wrapping your wing and hoof up in a stint to allow healing to play its role."

"And during that time..." Madun walked back into the room carrying a small tub of water between his teeth with a destination for Twilight's bedside. they didn't even know he had left. He set the tub down softly and said, "I'm giving you a bath."

Twilight made a face of bewilderment—as well as embarrassment—and made known, "Sweetheart, I can wash myself." It wasn't uncommon for them to take baths together or wash one another. Madun particularly enjoyed it a lot.

Madun stubbornly shook his head and retorted. "Not today. Everyone out. Out, out, out."

Oh boy. Celestia smiled and replied, "Okay, okay, we're going. Come on, Fresh Dawn. Let's give your parents some privacy time... Fresh Dawn?" Celestia walked out into the hall after Fresh Dawn had jetted out with the rest of the ponies. She did not want to see her parents bathing together. It was good to have mom back and all, but she did not need to see that.

Once they were out, Madun closed the door and turned to face Twilight with a deadpan glare. "I have a bone to pick with you."

Of course. That made a lot more sense than giving her a bath in the hospital. Twilight sighed and started walking towards the bed. "Are you going to scold me about my decision?"

He walked over to the side in front of the sink and nuzzled the top of her head while she got comfortable on top of the comforter. "I was scared," he whispered. He pulled back and looked down into her eyes with wet ones. "The last time I saw you next to me was when I told you that you needed to fix the damage... I never knew that you were going to go to Equestria and fight Maheera. You disappeared. And when Odega said that you were in Equestria fighting her, the military was scrambled.

"I watched it all, Twilight. I held Fresh Dawn in my hooves and watched everything unfold. I saw you hurt in that castle, I saw you fighting that huge dragon. I saw you bruised, bloody, and in pain. Then I saw you disappear. I saw you die, Twilight. I witnessed the mother of our daughter die. I saw the love of my life die and I could do nothing about it."

Twilight wrapped a hoof around Madun's neck and pulled him into an emotional hug. She let her silent tears wet his fur, and his into hers. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I am, I'm sorry you had to go through that, Madun."

"I know." Madun slowly pulled away and bargained, "But from now on, from this point forward, let the Guard and myself do the fighting. You're stronger, but highly looked up to here in Psera. Not to mention, I love you. Your life is worth more than my own. So we're going to preserve it. Understood?"

Twilight sighed but agreed with a nod. She could deny being more important than anyone else all she wanted to, yet even she knew the Pserateps see the complete opposite; and their opinions mattered the most.

"I promise," she whispered.

"Good. I'm going to inform the Guard and everyone else about this decision. No fighting. Now, let's get you cleaned up. You're a mess. I don't know why the nurses haven't done it yet." He leaned down and picked up the cloth from the water with his teeth.

Twilight sat up while he prepared and answered, "I wasn't moving, sweetheart."

"Well you are now, so let's get you cleaned up." Twilight rolled her eyes but smiled. Not a lot of mares actually got their spouse to wash them unless something else was involved. Twilight and Madun would do this just to feel close. No sex at all.

She wouldn't trade him for anything.

Author's Note:

Comment your opinions on this chapter.

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